xt7ttd9n449m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ttd9n449m/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1950-02-10  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 10, 1950 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 10, 1950 1950 1950-02-10 2013 true xt7ttd9n449m section xt7ttd9n449m uopy Mvanaoie



This Week
7000 Copies






Fine Arts Uuilding
Will Be Dedicated

Enrollment Drops
Below Expectation

M- -

Begins Sunday

An appropriation of $60,000 for
University research proved to be a
greater stimulus to the UK faculty
than any appropriation made by the
General Assembly in recent years
according to President H. L. Donovan.
The Engineering Experiment Sta- -,
tion was allotted half of the appropriation for theoretical and applied
industrial research and the remain-- I
ing half to other University departments and divisions for general
research projects.
The, annual report of Dr. L. A.
Pardi-.edean of the Graduate
School and chairman of the University research fund committee, show-- ;
ea the results of the stimulus. The
renort shows that approximately 40
UK faculty members currently are
engaged in research projects fin-- I
in whole or in part by the
E30.000 general fund. Many others
have already been completed,
Projects Related To State
A few of the research projects di-- !
rectly related to Kentucky as a state
and making important contributions
to the existing knowledge of the
Commonwealth's history and literature are a "History of the Hemp
Industry in Kentucky" by Dr. James
F. Hopkins, assistant professor of
hitory. and a "Guide to the Pronunciation of Kentucky Cities and
Towns" by Dr. Neil Plummer, head
of the Department of Journalism,
In the field of letters, material
has been collected for two books on
the Kentucky novelist, Elizabeth
These Include a
Madox Roberts.
biography of Miss Roberts by Wood-- !
ridge Spears, English instructor, and
"Seeing Them Through the Press:
Elizabeth Madox Roberts at Work,"
by Dr. Herman E. Spivey, head of
the Department of English.
Another project aided by the re





Course Is Offered
In Family Sociology

An advanced course in family
sociology is being offered during this
semester for social workers, public
health nurses, clergymen, lawyers,
and other professional people of
'Central Kentucky, Dr. Irwin T.
Sanders, head of the Department of
Sociology, has announced.
Persons enrolling in the course
will conduct investigations concern-- I
ing their particular interests in
problems of modern family life,
Anyone taking less than eight
semester hours of classes may reg- -'
ister for the course as late as
Feb. 14.
Class instructor will be Dr. James
W. Gladden of the sociology depart-- 1
ment. The class will meet eacli
Wednesday afternoon from
o;dock in room 212, Social Sciences
building. Fees for the two credit
course are $13 for Kentuckians, and
$26 for




search appropriation is a collection
of early Kentucky maps. Photostats
or originals of approximately 300
maps not previously in the
King Library's collection have been
obtained, making the UK library
the best map source in the state for
Kentucky history to 1S30.
Equipment Is Valuable
Grants to the Department of
Chemistry from the research fund
also have permitted the purchase
of new equipment necessary to several fundamental studies now being
carried on by UK chemists and
graduate students. The new laboratory equipment has a continuing
value because it can be used for
many years.
UK scientists also have been aided In important research in the
physical and biological sciences. A
study by Dr. R. H. Weaver, professor of bacteriology, on the purity of
Central Kentucky water supplies is
still in progress.
Examination of
water samples from 30 Fayette
County wells showed only two to be
free from pollution, Dr. Weaver reports.
In the field of education. Dr. John
H. Melzer, assistant professor of
philosophy. Is conducting a nationwide study on methods of teaching
philosophy. The wide Interest already shown in the study by the
American Philosophical Association
indicates that it may have
effects on the teaching of
philosophy at the college level.
These are only a few of the projects made possible by the research
appropriation and ther will be many
more because the University
been granted an equal amount for
during each of the next
two years.


Entries Open Npw

In Bridge


wishing to compete in
the duplicate bridge tournament
must sign up at the information
desk in the SUB before noon, Feb.
15. The tournament will be played
in the Card Room of the SUB at
6:30 p.m Feb. 16. The eight highest scorers will compete in the
Intercollegiate tournament to be
held Feb. 23.

Lessons Will Begin
In Square Dancing

A series of instruction periods in
folk dancing and square dancing
will be given by the Lexington Center of the Country Dance Society of
America and the physical education
department from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.
each Tuesday in the Women's Gymnasium.
Students 'and faculty are invited
to attend this series which will start
February 14..

Knight, Mrs. Little
Play Lead Roles

Jim Darst.

FOR WHOM THE BELLS 'TOLL TODAY These students and some 6.000 others registered and classified Monday and Tuesday for the spring semester. (Inset) A bewildered transfer student stops at the
Dean's booth for further instructions.


UK Students May Find Help

In Foreign Study And Travel
may find help from several
organizations formed to
provide low cost travel for students
and teachers.
The International Study Tour Alliance has announced an essay contest for students, with the chief
awards being free study tours to
Europe, fellowships, and grants. The
competition is open to all students
of American colleges and universities. Essay subjects may be chosen
from any branch of learning, but
must lend themselves to further research abroad. Compositions should
be between 2000 and 10,000 words.
First prizes in the contest, which
will end March 31, are two fellowships in Europe worth $750 each.
Five awards, which include transportation only, will be--, given - as
second prizes and 10 grants of $100
each are offered as third prizes.
Information may be obtained by
writing Prof. Godfrey S. Delatour,
International Study Tour Alliance,
Inc., 12 E. Forty-sixt- h
Street, New
York 17, N. Y.
Dr. Edouard Bourbousson of Oregon State College is organizing a
summer tour of France, Belgium,
Luxemburg, Switzerland, and Italy.
The cost of the trip is $1400. including a registration fee of $200. For
further information students may
write Dr. Bourbosson, Oregon State
College, Corvallis, Oregon.
A special economy tour of Europe
and the Holy Land is being offered
by the National Cauiolic Welfare
Conference to students and teachers
attending the University of
Summer School, July 17 to
August 19, at Fribourg, Switzerland.
Application for admission to the
Fribourg Summer School may be
obtained from their American office
at 1312
Washington, D. C.
Youth Argosy, a
bureau, specializes in booking low
cost passages for students, and may
be contacted by writing Youth Argosy, Northfield, Mass.



Fri-bou- rg



Thp A.A.A.A. Examination
Advertising will be given in Dayton,
Ohio, at Sinclair College in the
YMCA and in Cincinnati at St.
Xavier High School on Feb. 18, the
Southern Ohio Chapter of the
American Association of Advertising
Agencies has announced.
The examination, which is given
to provide guidance for young people considering careers in advertising, is made up of two separate
series of tests. In the session scheduled for Feb. 18 approximately 15
tests will be
given to determine as closely as possible whether the individual appears
to have the abilities required for
various kinds of advertising work.
At this session there will also be a
test on the economics of advertising.
For persons with some experience
or special training in advertising
there will also be a series of optional
STUDENT CAST members and assistant director Gloria Eastburn
tests on practical knowledge of
pose on the Medea set during rehearsal. They are (left to right) Joe
various kinds of advertising work.
Knight, Gloria, Ann Perrine, Priscilla Hancher, George Stone, and
These tests will be held on Feb. 25.
Papers of candidates taking the
tests in Dayton and Cincinnati will
be judged by teams of advertising
men from this area.
A fee of $15 will be charged to
Swing Scheduled
cover part of the cost of preparing
The first Sweater Swing of the
and processing the tests. Inlorma
semester will be held in the SUB
tion ana application blanks may De
A representative of Camp NeconoBallroom from 8 to 9:45 p.m. Tuesfrom Charles E. Gay,
wa, located near Knoxville, Tenn., obtained
day, according to an announceChairman, Hulman
will be in Lexington Monday to in- Examination
Building, Dayton 2, Ohio.
ment made by Miss Brucie Cruise, terview prospective counselors for
social director.
the camp.
Kernel Meeting
Tinker Baggarly and his OrTwo graduating seniors are needed
chestra will play at the Sweater for counselor positions and underA meeting of the Kernel
Suing on Feb. 21. No admission graduates for assistant positions.
staff will be held Monis charged to any of the Sweater
Any girls interested should apply at day at 4 p.m. in room 100 McVey
of Women's Office for Hall.
the Dean

further information.

William P. MacLean, veteran Artie explorer, and superintendent of
schools at Cicero, 111., will be on
campus Wednesday and Thursday
for class and public lectures of his
He win lecture and show colored
movies on Eskimo life to the Eski- ino sections oi me oocieiies Around
the World class. The public program
will be held at 3 p.m. m the Train- tag school Auditorium for aii stu -

Students interested in study or
travel abroad during the summer of

Dates Are Set
For Ad Exams

Counselor Jobs Open
At Camp Neconowa

Explorer To Give
Lectures Next Week


To Study On
World Tour
Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, head of
the Department of Political Science,
left last week for an eight month's
trip around the world to study international politics. The major part
of his tour is to be spent in the Far
said he was
Dr. Vandenbosch
spending much of his time in Southeast Asia because China, now overrun by the Reds, has become one of
the crucial regions in world politics.
May Witness English Election
Leving New York on the Queen
Mary, Dr. Vandenbosch plans to be
in England for the national elec- tions there in late February. From
there he will go to France and the
Netherlands before proceeding to
Asia. He will spend two weeks in
India with government officials including
Prime Minister
After leaving India Dr. Vandenbosch will visit in Ceylon, Malaya,
and Siam. Following this will be
the longest stay on his trip, a three
month's stop in the Indonesian Republic for an intensive study of the
political situation there.
Plans To Return By Fall
Next summer he will move to the
Philippines to study the new Far
Eastern republic. His next stop is
in Japan from where he will begin
his voyage home. Dr. Vandenbosch
plans to be back in Lexington for
the beginning of the fall semester.
The trip is being sponsored by
travel grants from the Social Science Research Council. New York,
and the Rockefeller Foundation. A
secondary mission of his trip is the
gathering of historical documents
and materials for the Hoover Institute and Library of Palo Alto. Calif.
During his 20 years as a specialist
in Eastern affairs, Dr. Vandenbosch
has been called upon numerous
times to perform services for the
U. S. Department of State.

Dr. Parrott
Is Appointed
Visiting Prof

Dr. Thomas Marc Parrott, professor emeritus at Princeton University where he taught from 1893 to
1935, has been appointed visiting
professor of English at the University for the second semester.
Dr. Parrott will teach an undergraduate course in Shakespearean
literature and conduct a graduate
seminar for advanced students and
staff members, according to Dr.
Herman E. Spivey, head of the
Department of English.
A native of Dayton, Ohio, Dr.
Parrott holds degrees from Princeton and the University of Leipzig.
He received his degree from the lat- ter institution in 1892 and the next
year began his 42 year teaching
career at Princeton.
During his tenure at Princeton.
Dr. Parrott's writings were so numerous that upon his retirement
iwpm were re- nenrlv ton
qujled mcreiy to list them. Since
tnen he has wrHten jven more
ht)(.k m
nH has served
as visitintr nrofessor at Stanford,
Vanderbilt, the University of Chicago, and the University of Michigan.
While at. the University Dr. Parrott will give several public lectures
on Shakespeare
and Elizabethan
literature in General, Dr. Spivey



The program is being sponsored
by the Departments of Geography,
Sociology, and Anthropology.


John Cook Wvllie. curator of rare
books at the University of Virginia,
spoke at 8 p.m. last night in the
Laboratory Theater of the Fine Arts
of Americana.





A total of 6575 students were en- rolled during the regular registra-- j
tion period, falling short of the pre- -l
dieted 7250 expected to enroll.
Registration will continue until
Tuesday and late registrants, plus
those entering the late afternoon
and night classes, are expected to
push the final enrollment to around


third annual
The University's
summer session in Mexico for stu- dents and teachers of Spanish will
open June 19 at Puebla, Mexico.
according to Dr. Alberta W. Server,
of romance
languages at the University and
director of the special session.
Objectives of the Mexican session.
Dr. Server said, are to assist students
in acquiring proficiency in oral
Spanish and to give first hand
knowledge of Spanish American life.
Headquarters for the eight week
session will be at Puebla, 73 miles
southeast of Mexico City. Class-- i
work will be organized so that stu-- i
dents may take weekend trips to
nearby cities and points of interest.
Only prerequisite for those wish
ing to enroll is one year of college
Spanish. Students attending the
session may take from six to nine
semester hours of work.
Expenses for Kentucky students,
including registration fees and room
and board at a modern Puebla hotel.
have been set at $278.50. This does
not include cost of transportation or
other personal expenses.
Deadline for registration is May
15, but since only a limited number
of students can be accepted, earlier
registration is advisable,
complete information may be ob
tained by contacting Dr. Server at
the Department of Romance Lan- guages.


Making up the 6575 students are
the Lexington campus. 204
at the College of Pharmacy in Louisville, and 231 at the Northern Extension in Covington. Approximately
200 new students are included in
the count. The all time hih for a
corresponding period is 7300.
Classwork began Wednesday and
Feb. 14 is the last date a person
may enter an organized class,
The total for last semester's enrollment was 7687. The number was
composed of 7130 at the Lexington
Campus. 337 at the Northern Ex- -!
tension in Covington, and 220 at the
College of Pharmacy in Louisville.
Approximately 350 UK students
completed requirements for gradua- -,
tion during the last semester and
will receive their diplomas during
graduation exercises in June.
The present semester will end
June 3 and will be interrupted only
a four-da- y
Easter vacation,




Profs. E. A. Bureau. Ci T. Smith
and H. A. Romanowitz of the De- partment of Electrical Engineering
attended the winter meeting of the
Institute of Electrical En- in New York City. Jan. 31 to
Feb. 3.
Prof. Romanowitz and Prof. W. G.
Dow of the University of Michigan
presented a Joint paper to the
division entitled -- Statistical
Nature and Physical Concepts of
Thyraton Deionization Time." The
paper will be published in Electrical
Engineering, the official journal of
the AIEE.

oiii,i the


The annual College Fiction Con- test for women undergraduates in
accredited colleges has been opened


e!ec-tron- es

ciety and is also custodian of that
school's McGregor Library.



i'lUlIlIUU V11V
Opens Contest
For Women -

Engineer Professors
Visit New York City

Book Curator Speaks
On Americana Topic

6575 By Tuesday

IK To Hold

Session In


Tickets Go On Sale Tomorrow For Guignol
Production 'Medea'; Monday Is Opening Night

New Costumes Needed
New costumes, made under the
supervision of Mrs. Anna Freeman,
were needed because "Medea" is
Guignol's first Greek play since
"Oedipus Rex" in 1933. The stage
will be set in the traditional Greek
manner of simple design. The
building of the set was directed by
Mr. Brockett.
Mrs. Paul Little will play Medea
and Joe Knight is Jason. Others in
the cast in the order in which they
appear are Nurse, Mary Mulligan;
Guardian, Michael Graine; children, Scott Long and Robert Vot;el;
first woman, Ellen Drake; second
woman, Priscilla Handler; third
woman, Ann Perrine; Creon, C. B.
Stephenson ; Aegeus, Kenneth
Scott: soldiers, Fred Nichols and



Founders Week will begin Sunday.
Feb. 19. with two performances of
the University Orchestra and
Chorus at Memorial Hall. The programs will be at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m.
under the direction of Edwin E.

her husband Jason.

Registration Hits

ew Research Appropriation
Great Stimulus, Says Donovan

Founders Week. Feb. 19 to 25,
will be a week of music, art. and
drama celebrating the eighty-fift- h
anniversary of the University and
dedication 'of the new Fine Arts
Building. "The Place of Humanities
in Our Society" will be the theme
of all the programs.
Tickets will be available to everyone at the Guignol box office Sunday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. There
will be no charges but a ticket will
be needed for each day's program.
Highlighting the week's activities
will be the Founders Day Convocation End dedication of the Fine Arts
Building on Wednesday. Feb. 22. at
Guignol Theater.
10 a.m. in the
President Herman L. Donovan will
speak on "Accent on the Fine Arts,"
and "John Doe, Artist" will be
by Dr. Raymond F. McLain
of Transylvania College.

The Greek tragedy, "Medea," by
Euripides will open at the new
Guignol Theater on Monday and
will run for six evenings. It will be
the Guignol Theater's first production on the stage of the Fine Arts
Tickets will be on sale in the
Guignol box office tomorrow from
12 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Monday
through Saturday of next weck
from 12 p.m. to 9 p.m. University
student tickets are $.75 and regular
admission is $125.
Briggs Is Director
Guignol's "Medea" was translated
by Melba MacLeod of the Department of Ancient Languages, and
was adapted for the stage by Lolo
Robinson, associate director, and
O. G. Brockett. technical director of
Guignol. Wallace Briggs is the director.
"Medea" is one of the best Greek
tragedies and the first play of this
nature to be undertaken by the department. The theme of the play
is the revenge exacted by Medea on

High, 43

85th Founders Week
Set For Feb. 19-2-5

Donovan Portrait Unveiled
On Thursday, Feb. 23. Philip
Rhys Adams, director of the Cincinnati Museum of Fine Arts, will
speak on "The Place of the Fine
Arts in Our Society." The discussion will be held in the Guignol
Theater at 8 p.m. A portrait of
President Donovan which is to hang
in the Music Lounge of the Fine
Arts Building will also be unveiled
at this program.
A symposium of Kentucky writers
on the art of writing will be led by
A. B. Guthrie on Friday, Feb. 24, in
the Guignol Theater at 8 p.m. Famous Kentucky writers taking part in
the program will be Robert Penn
Warren, Jesse Stuart. Hollis Summers, and William Sloan.
The last program of Founders
Week will be the performance of
the Louisville Philharmonic Orchestra at 3 p.m. in Memorial Hall on
Saturday. Feb. 25. Nathaniel Patch,
University of Kentucky pianist, will
be the pianist for the orchestra.




On Monday, Feb. 20. the Guignol
production of "Medea," by Euripides
will be presented at 8 p.m. in the
Guignol Theater.
Howard Hanson, director of the
Eastman School of Music at the
University of Rochester, Rochester,
New York, will discuss "The Place
of Music in Our Society" on Tuesday, Feb. 21, at 8 p.m. in the Guignol Theater.
Besides the founders Day program on Wednesday, Walter Prich-ar- d
Eaton, who is probably best
known as a dramatic critic on the
New York Sun. will discuss "The
Place of Drama in Our Society" at
8 pjn. in the Guignol Theater. Mr.
Eaton is now visiting lecturer at
the University of North Carolina,
and professor emeritus of the Yale
School of Drama.

Partly Cloudy

by Mademoiselle
magazine. Two
contest winners will each rece;ve
$500 for all rights and publication
in the August 1950 issue of M.ide- -'
Stories submitted in the 1950 con
test may be 3000 to 5000 words in
length. They should be typewritten,
double spaced, one one s.de only,
witn contestant's name, home
dress, college year, and college
be Mademoiselle
editors. Stories which have appeared in undergraduate colleu-publications will be accepted if they
have not been published elsewhere.
is midnight.
April 15, 1950. Manuscripts should
sent to College Fiction Contest,
Mademoiselle. 122 E.
Street. New York 17. New York.


Nine Countries Visited By UK Instructor
In Three Month European 'Bargain Tour9
By Holton II. Mastin

Imagine spending

three months

in Europe on $750! "All it takes is
a will to stay away from places like
the Ritz in Paris and the Savoy in
London," says Arthur Grove, University of Kentucky cartography in-


Mr. Grove recently returned from
such a jaunt to the Continent and
added that he was able to see nine
countries on that comparatively
small budget. Included were visits
to intriguing places such as Amsterdam, Bremen, Antwerp. Denmark.
Sweden. Norway, Edinburgh, Lon- don. and Paris.
One of the main purposes of the
trip was to visit a close relative in
Norway. Mr. Grove had heard of
his Uncle Peder Kleven ever since
his mother came to this country at
the age of 19, and he had promised
her that someday he would go back
to Norway to see how she had lived
as a girl.
Shared Room
Mr. Grove arrived in Antwerp on




Arthur Grove
a Dutch passenger-freighte- r.
'Travelling in a converted
freighter was far from luxurious," think, I found Paris to be very
says Mr. Grove. "I had to share a clean," he said. "The streets were
huge room with 48 other men. It never cluttered, and I like the
was all part of my budget to pay orderliness of the buildings. Some$250 for a round-tri- p
ticket instead where I heard that the French
of the usual $386 tourist fare. Most didn't bathe very often, but I found
of the men were students and plenty of tubs and good hot water.
teachers from Yale, Harvard, and And the Metro is the best subway
Columbia, and on another deck was system I've ever seen. You just
a room full of college girls. Because can't get lost."
Once Mr. Grove decided that per- of the cramped living quarters, most
everyone had to read to stay out of haps he was acting too much like
one another's way."
the typical tourist. So, while every-- :
From Antwerp Mr. Grove boarded one else rushed for the Folies
a squeeky European train for Brus- Bergere, he made a tour of the Paris
sels but soon moved on to Paris.
"I found a room with a French
family for only 50 cents a day." he
said. "Food was expensive even if
you avoided the fancy restaurants.
I stayed thirsty most of the time.
It seems French people just don't
drink water, and I didn't like tlie
wine they serve with meals. And
ahhhh. those leisurely meals! That's
one thing we Americans could copy
from the French.
It may take a
couple of pleasant hours to finish
a meal there, but I'll bet they don't
have as many ulcers."
' Ranks Paris High
Mr. Grove enjoyed life in Paris
so much that he stayed a month and
delayed his visit in Norway with
Uncle Peder. He ranks Paris as the
most outstanding city he has ever
seen, with our own Washington,
D. C. running a close second.
"Contrary to what most people

sandwiches served on the train. Mr.
Grove went on to Oslo and then toward Stugoflaten. Norway. Stugo-flat- en
is a village summer resort,
and Uncle Peder's farm was now
only one mile away.
Uncle Peder had watched all the
incoming trains for three days.
When Mr. Grove arrived in Stugoflaten. he saw a tall, wruikled man
of some 70 years approaching him.
With a broad smile Uncle Peder wel-- !
corned his visitor to Norway, and
they walked to the large ln farm
house situated in a little valiev.
"Although mother had taught me
to speak Norwegian as a child." says
Mr. Grove. "I found I didn't speak
the language fluently enough. This
, meant I had to go through a
process. When our
started flowing more freely. Uncle Peder said the only way
he had recognized me at the station
was by my resemblance to his sister.
"That's my mother, you know! It
was especially interesting to see the
very room where my mother was
born shortly after the house had
been built."
Eats Six Meals Daily
Mr. Grove is a few pounds heavier
as a result of the Norwegian custtm
of eating six times a day.
"And heavy, stable food, too!" he
"There was always a
lot of meat, potatoes, butter, cab-- !
bage. flat barley breads, and. of
course, cheese. When a Norwegian
wants to let his host know that he
has finished his meal, he places a
lump of sugar in his mouth. After
that, no more food is passed to hun.
Instead, he gets a cup of hot coffee
which he sips through the sugar in
his mouth. It serves the people as
an economical dessert."
Conservati.c old Uncle Peder had
become quite attached to his nephew
by the end of his 3C day visit and
wished he could stay. But Mr.
Grove had made plans fur a short
stay in England and Scotland.
"Everyone was very kind to me
throughout the trip." he added.
"Their impression of Americans
seemed quite good. The only trouble
I had was with currency. It was a
real problem to convert just enough
money to last through each of the
nine countries."
Mr. Grove is now back teaching
at UK. He spends most of h:s evenings looking over his five hundred
colored slides taken on the trip.
"These will have to satisfy my yen
for travel until I can save another
$750," he stated

"Why. it's a subway system in it- "We got into a
self." he stated.
boat at one end of Paris and went
half-wa- y
across twon."
From Paii-s- . Mr. Grove moved on
to Amsterdam. Holland. He was a
little surprised to find the barns
' adjoining
the farm houses, but
everything was immaculate.
he asked one farmer why there were
around, the old man rep'.:ed
no flies
in broken English that they used
Reaches Norway
There was a little difficulty in
getting passage from Amsterdam
through the British Zone of Germany to Copenhagen.
The Briti.-.did not want anyone to pass through
the occupied zone unless it was
necessary. With permission granted,
and avoiding the problem of food
in an occupied country by eatinj

� best uopy Available


The Kentucky Kernel
timet mrticlrt ctitf column $ are to be
ttnierei the opinion-- ol the irrifirt
tHemve,. .ni
.rtf reflect




or examination periods

EnwrHl at th fPost OfTire at L xinpton.
nturky. as srcond class matter under
tha Act of March J, 1878.




.. "


National Editor.al Association

ro" "ationi.



National A(foeiTis.ngSemc;liic.
CtUef PmUitien BtmnuUrt
Nlw York. N. V.
4tO Madison Ave.





M raaaciaca

per aemestCT


George Reynolds

Editor Ear! Conn, Kent Hollings worth, Bob
Asst- - sPrts Editors
Bob Cox
Manning Editor tjGorham
Herbert Allen Moore, Gene Phillips
News Editor
Tom Diskln
Sports Editor Bob Fain
News Desk
Harold Fleenor ..Business Manager Ben Williams and Ralph Shell
Betty Boggess
Society Editor
Dorothy Allen ....Circulation Mgr.
Joe Lee
Head Feature Writer
Wilfred Lott ..Advertising Manager Irin
Jean Allison, Dot Neal, Henry


Assistant Managing

copy Desk


Joan Cook, Bruce Dunlap


Rosemary Hilling and Bill Mansfield
Assistant News Editors

lony, Simpson Tompkines, Bob G.
Fain, Shirley Porter, W. J. Bough-Dic- k

Coyle, Marilyn Faulk ner Julie Blumenthal, Joyce Cool- ev- Mary Swetman, Curtis Alderice,
Bill Simon, Lewis Donohew, Janet
Anderson, and Katheryn Whitmer



The Full House

Tlie lx'twtvn-senies- h
rs lusketlall panic with the Georgia Bulldogs has caused considerable discussion and criticism among students, especially by those who were turned away because Alumni
Gymnasium was full when thev arrived.
The following is a copy of a letter sent to the president of SGA
by Athletic Director Shivelv:
"February 7, 1950
Miss Catherine Barnett, President
Student Government Association
University of Kentucky
Dear Miss Barnett:
At the basketball game with the University of Georgia at
Alumni Gym on the evening of January 28, about 60 of our students who possessed No. 9 tickets were turned away because the
gymnasium was filled lx fore they arrived at the doors. This was
unfortunate, and I wish to explain the circumstances which

caused the
Since the University was not in session the Athletic Department thought it should use the occasion to permit faculty members,
none of whom are permitted to purchase tickets to any other
games, to attend. Before placing any tickets at faculty disposal
I attempted, as carefully as I could, tq ascertain the number of
students who might be expected to attend. I found from registration records that approximately 2100 students lived either in Lexington or commuting distance.
Since only half the student lxxly had tickets for each game I
divided the 2100 by two which gave a figure of 1050. In the past
we have found that only alxnit 80 per cent of the students attend
basketball games. Under ordinary circumstances, therefore, we
might have expected that approximately 840 students would have
attended the Georgia game.
Accordingly we gave the faculty and staff the privilege of pur
chasing two tickets each, with a limit on the total number of
tickets sold at 1291. Absolutely no tickets were sold to others
than faculty and staff. If the usual percentage of students had
come to the game, therefore, the attendance would have been a
little over 2100.
Sinqe the gym accommodates 2760, there was a safety margin
of over .600 seats to take1 care of any possible miscalculation in our
estimate of the rmmlxT of students who might attend. We ac- .
r t rr
tuanv anoweu ior a possioie attendance or noa students, aitnougn
experience would have predicted that about 840 would attend.
The fire marshall estimated that there were over 1,750 people
sitting and standing in the student section. These people were
all admitted on student ticke ts. It is possible that the majority of






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these were students who were entitled to admittance. It is quite
possible that many students came to the game from greater distances than we anticipated. It is also possible that many students
who knew they would not be here for the game gave their tickets
the Athletic Department
Begardless of the circumstances,
deeply regrets the embarrassment and inconvenience caused the
students who were turned away. At game time we feel it would
have been stupid to have refused to admit the faculty when we
could reasonably expect that there would not have been enough
students present to half fill the gymnasium.
Very truly,
Athletic Director."
There may have Ixmmi more students turned away, as several
have said that cannot be very accurately calculated. Certainly,
none of us lx'grudge the faculty the privilege of seeing the Wildcats in action once a year. It should have been announced, however, that the tickets would be sold to them. We belie ve that in
the future such action will be followed.
In the meantime the Georgia game is over and the archenemies of the Wildcats, Tennessee's Volunteers, will be here to
attempt to defeat Kentucky a third time during this school year.
We hope that those who are lucky enough to see that game w ill