xt7ttd9n447f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ttd9n447f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1952-05-16  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 16, 1952 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 16, 1952 1952 1952-05-16 2013 true xt7ttd9n447f section xt7ttd9n447f The Kentucky Kernel



Poll Finds Students
Think Sports Haven
Affected UK Studies

GA Decides Work


On Student Book-Stor- e
hould Be Continued


The following lines arc (nun a recent editorial priiitcri in the

h i is


TiiiH-s- :

one thing, we would like to know what elleet. if any, tin
pliasis on sports lias liad on tin- academic aspects of tin
If cheating ly athletes is tolerated, as alleged by Judge



Streit in New York, what do the
think of the situation? Are these
forced to
unhallowed nonathlete
conclude that education is something
less than college presidents on commencement day say it is?"
In order to answer these questions,
the Kernel conducted a poll of students and professors, distributing
approximately 1000 questionnaires
and reprinting them in the Kernel,
which reaches 8000 students and
In response, the students and faculty returned 193 sheets, 47 of them
cither unsigned or unverified. However, the remaining questionnaires,
all verified, constitute a good
poll of students and faculty,
with men and women of all classifications and colleges giving their opfaculty members
inions. Thirty-fiv- e
returned answers, and, although half
of them are unsigned, they may be
considered reasonably valid because
they were distributed by the department heads.
The consensus of the students and
faculty is as follows:


Freshmen Notice No Effect
Freshmen: The majority of the
freshmen who turned in answers
said they have not noticed any effect
on the education they are receiving.
A few of them thought that athletes who were allegedly given copies
of tests before exams raised the
grading curves and therefore lowered their grades. Some even
thought that the emphasis on sports
was good for the school, since it attracted more sports-minde- d
and thereby gave UK more money.
Sixty-nin- e
and seven tenths per
cent of the freshmen saw no effect
at all on their education, while 303
per cent said there was a very defi- -



nite effect, all bad. A student In
Arts and Sciences said, "I don't have
an estimate of the money spent on
professional athletics here at the
University, but I believe it's quite a
lot. If that much money were spent
trying to get good professors instead
of good athletes we would have a
terrific university. The good professors we have are underpaid."
69.7 Per Cent Said 'No'
In regard to cheating, 69.7 per
cent of the students (freshmeni replied that they had seen no examples of it. whereas 212 per cent
said they had, many of them giving
not only the names of the classes,
but the names of the instructors.
Three per cent had nothing to say
about it.
Those who said they had seen ex- amples of cheating, made a point of
the fact that cheating is not to be
confined to athletes only . . . that it
is widespread. Large classes, such
as Psychology and Military Science. '
are alleged to have a higher inci- dence of cheating than the others,
One of the comments on cheating:
"I have never heard of an athlete
flunking chemistry. My sociology
teacher said he saved his D's for
athletes. In Military Science athletes are given copies of the test in
Only 185 per cent of the fresh
men polled believed tnat UK was
any worse than other schools. Sev
enty-fiv- e
and eight tenths per cent
thought it was no worse and six per
cent had no opinion.
A majority of the freshmen be- ,V,
u TTTT 1,
piunc t in- hi
vestigation because of its big name
sports field. Several of them
in the
remarked that other Big Ten
Schools have situations as bad nr
worse. . s far as athletic nniirw ar

Graduating seniors can now pick
up commencement tickets in the
Dean of Women's Office, it was
announced this week. Each senior
is allowed five tickets.
The office is open each day from
8:30 a.m. to 12 noon and from
1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

COLONEL E. G. DAVIS, PAST- - AND MAJOR W. M. HATCHER, JR.. assistant PAST., project officers for
the first annual Air Force R.O.T.C. Honors Parade, are shown examining the Colonel Davis Cup. one of the
awards to be presented on May 17.

Swimming Clinic Held
At UK This Weekend

UK Alumni
Will Honor










Cheating Doesn't Exist Here

Loss Of Prestige

student in Education answered:
i u ..ut UIU w.c Miuuui
worse than anywhere else because I
,t a problem in
think you
most large colleges if they were :n- vestigatea tne way uri. nas oeen.
Third-yea- r
students feel that the
bad effects of the recent effects of
the scandals are the loss of prestige
suffered by the University and that
the classroom standards are lowered
by having attention drawn from the
classroom to the football field.
Fifty-seve- n
per cent said that
their education had been effected by
the athletic program and 43 per cent
feel that there is no effect. Several
of the replies to the question of
whether or not the sports program
had had any effect on education are:
Alleges Discrimination
"Yes, because the instructors let
the athletes cheat on exams.
also more or less give the

"Yes, I've seen students never
come to class except for tests and

still pass the course."
"Yes, athletes seem to have great
ability in obtaining copies of tests
in advance and any instructor
"Yes, but not especially on the
part of athletes."
"No, they (professors) usually walk
out of the room when this ( cheating! happens."
Says Situation Here No Worse
The 38 per cent of the juniors who
felt that the situation at UK is
worse than it is at other schools
it to the fact that other
schools have been more fortunate in





IVill Kpffin


graduate student stated that
"names and tales do not go to- pethcr. Cheating has always ex- i:tfri anri qIvqvc will " Annthpr Kill- dent said. "I have' seen students
cheat occasionally, but in such a
way that it would be hard for the
professors to find it out. I have had
several athletes in my classes, and I
have not seen any of them cheat."
A senior in commerce said that
he hadn't seen any cheating, but "I
have heard a professor say that he
has had the "pressure' put on him
to pass some athletes."
Only 1.1 per cent of the seniors
and graduate students thought that
the situation at UK is worse than
and sevin other schools. Sixty-on- e
en tenths per cent gave a direct
"no" and 37.2 per cent said they had


Law College examinations, which
do not follow the regular University
schedule, will begin May 21, acting
dean W. L. Matthews said this week,
The announced law exani schedule
May 21, Criminal Law and Procedure Taxation: May 22, Constitutional Law, Corporation Finance
Law: May 23, Pleading II, Property
IV; May 24, Legal Bibliography (Fri-


Senior Students

University Chapter
Tau Alpha Pi


Seniors Say Athletics9 Money
Should Be Spent On Faculty
Seniors and graduate students
feel that emphasis has no direct effect on their education, although
they feel that the money six-n- t on
athletics .should be used to better
the school and to raise the salaries
of its professors.
Eighty per cent see no effect on
their education. 20 per cent do. A
senior who felt that his education is
being effected by the athletic program said. "Yes, anyone who has a
class with any athletes would give
thMMrie answer. There seems to
?Xets of rules in the class-.uon- i,
one that applies to the athletes and the other for the rest of
the class."
Of all the seniors polled, only six
per cent cited cases of cheating.
The remaining 94 per rent rul lliey
had seen no instances of it.

jn College Of LaV

day section), Trial Procedure, Property III.
May 26. Torts II. Evidence, Sales:
May 27, Negotiable Instruments
(AM), Legal Profession iPMi; May
28. Property I, Property II. Wills
and Administration of Estates; May
29, Oil and Gas, Legal Bibliography
(Tuesday section), and May 30. ConThree senior music students will tracts
II, Damages, Equitable RemeBetty
present recitals this week-enHolstine, pianist, and Phyllis Dean, dies.
soprano, will perform at 8:00 p.m.
tonight in the Laboratory Theater of
the Fine Arts Building.
The other recital will feature Pa- - Of
tricia Eads Herren. soprano, at 4:00
p.m. Sunday
To Be
These recitals are a partial fulThe UK chapter of Tau Alpha Pi
fillment for their requirements for
Sorority, active on the campus since
the Bachelor of Music degree.
Barbara Weesner will be the ac- 1945, will be chartered tomorrow as
companist for the first of these pro- the 37th chapter of Phi Sigma Siggrams. Joan McGee will accompany ma, national social sorority. Tau Alpha Pi officials said this week.
Miss Herren in the Sunday recital.
The sorority will be chartered as
the Beta Mu chapter of Phi Sigma
Sigma at a banquet at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Campbell House. Four
national officers of the sorority will
install 11 Tau Alpha actives and
pledges as charter members of the
University's Phi Sigma Sigma chapter.
no comparisons that would allow
Rabbi William Frankel. Lexington,
give an answer.
them to
will be the guest speaker at, the banAnswers received on the third quet. Others appearing on the program are Jane Haselden. assistant
Question include:
dean of women, and Miss Thelma
"The present regrettable state of
publicity is due principally to the Zachin, Grand Archer of Phi Sigma
Siyma. Sue Neuman, president of
fact that UK has been in the sports
limelight, i.e.. national champions Tau Alpha Pi. will accept the new
several times lately, and that what charter for the group.
A reception for the charter memhas been only slightly played up as
"bad' at other colleges is played up oirs of Phi Sigma Sigma will be
here very much, as it makes a good held from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday
news story. It is the tendency of at the Phoenix Hotel.
The eight actives of Tau Alpha Pi
the common person to criticize or
are Julie Blumenthal. Barbara Copull down and degrade the big
we observe in nature
that hen, Kay Frances Goldberg. Marcia
Ann Jos.selson, Suzanne Lois Neuwolves travel in packs."
man, Annette Perlmutter. Judith
"The University of Kentucky had
to take a lot of criticism to allow Laura Sonnabend, and Gloria Travis,
Pledges are Shirley Ruby. Sandra
Judge Streit to cover up for the
.Shaikun and Sonia Stone.
gamblers of New York tate."


Red Cross.
Miss Baldwin is vice president of

"J"- -


swimming meets. Jbv
Eleanor Marstellar and Betty R.
Baldwin will be guest lecturers and
instructors for the clinic. Miss Mar- stellar, from Sharpsville, Penn.. has
been a Red Cross Water Safety
(volunteer) Instructor for seven
years. She has attended six American Red Cross National Aquatic
Schools and served last year as a
rfoff mam Vaii . CVia hoe hoon slnttt rr
o vua
ii iv, in uk.
lino - - 11 uuuig
synchronized swimming for two
years under the coaching of Betty
R. Ba dwin. and last October won
first place in the Eastern Sole Svn- chronized Competition.
Betty Baldwin, National Vice
Chairman, A. A. U. Synchronized
Swimming Committee, is a graduate
of Sargent School of Physical Edu- -



cation, Canibridse. Mass. She has
been an active Red Cross volunteer
for 17 years. For the past ten years
she has served on A.R.C. National
Aquatic School Staffs. She has
attended 13 consecutive National
Aquatic Schools and this year will
direct the major course in synchronized swimming at Camp Hazen,
Chester, Conn., for the American

A swimming clinic will be held in
the Coliseum pool today and tomorrow for synchronized swimmers. The
clinic will begin at 3 p.m. today for
the advanced swimmers. A special
meeting will be held at 7 p.m. for
the beginning swimmers,
a meetine will be held at 9 a.m.
tomorrow to review Friday's work
and t0 learn now t0 organiZe a water
show Saturday afternoon students

Most Sophomores Believe
The sophomores, like the freshmen, have seen little effect on their
education caused by the atheletic
program. Ninety per cent of them
straight no answer and 10
per cent said yes.
Ninety-fiv- e
per cent of the sopho- mores replied that they had not seen
any instances of cheating in classes,
nd 5 ner cent said thev had
though it was on the part of the
nonathletes instead of the athletes.
The general concensus of the
sophomores is that UK is unfortunate enough to have attracted so
much attention in the recent investigations, and that it was investi- gated because of its prominence in
the sports field.
Eighty-fiv- e
per cent stated that
the situation was no worse than in
other schools similar to UK, while
10 per cent said it was worse. Five
per cent gave answers that can not
be put in a "yes" "no" category'.

Tin" Student Government Association, meeting Monday



las secretary, and named Henry Maeser treasurer

Sports Books
On Exhibition
Nineteenth century books on
sports, dancing and games are now
on uiajr i
floor of the Margaret i. Jung u
brary. Mrs. Francis Dugan, assistant
archivist, said this week.
"'From early times educated per- sons have shown a healthy enthus- iasm for sports and games," Mrs.
Dugan said. "The origins and cus- toms surrounding most of the sports
and recreations of our times are fill- ed with interesting implications as
to the development of our culture,
"Though many have frowned on
these unnecessary activities, others
have proven their lasting value. If
a Greek man was proficient in the
dance, his tombstone often noted the
One of the books in the display,
"The Denishawn Magazine", was
probably the first magazine printed
wholly devoted to dancing. Another '
book is a copy of the historic address
by America's great feminist. Emma
Williard. This book was printed in

Federation of
the International
Swimming Coaches and Swimming
Instructors. She has been a member of the U. S. Olympic committee
for the past four years. This summer she will be in charge of the
Oympic team.
Miss Baldwin was a competitor in
the 100 and 200 yard freestyle while 1819.
in high school and was in Billy
The display also includes books,
Rose's water shows for two years
which express
with Eleanor Holms Rose and John- - tracts, and articles things as dancn v Wpimnllir Rhp hu als. Hirt- - views against such
writman water snows and c,inics ing. Most of this material is
ten by clergymen, who "considered
v s and m Canada
in the
it evil."


Vague Sales
Will Begin

"Rudiments of Taste" gives advice
to daughters and recommends that
if dancing is learned, the '"young
ladies must be careful not to master

Pete Carter reported negatively on
past efforts to establish a student- owned used book exchange. He said
the committee investigating the
project had hoped to work through
President H. L. Donovan's recently
formed committee OI1 student morale,
t present
Beore tn nad
,deas befoie the committee.
Carter said they were told unofficially that the University Board
of Trustees was opposed to any type
of student-operate- d
book venture.
Don't Just Drop Matter
Jack Early stated that the assembly should not "just let the matter
Evelyn Baker replied that earlier


it to a point at all professional."
Many of these books on display-arReceives Service Award
from the Rare Book Room of
the library. Most of the books which
concern the dance belong to Joseph
E. Marks.
Marks is a student in the College
Vague, student literary magazine
desponsored by Chi Delta Phi. will go of Education. He holds a M.S.
gree from Springfield College. Mass.
on sale Wednesday evening to continue for the rest of the week. The For many years he has studied and
James W. Whitehouse, head of the
collaborated with Ted Shawn, faprice is 25 cents.
Club Department, was given
mous American dancer.
Chi Delta Phi, national creative
the Superior Service Award of the
writing honorary, awards prizes for
United State Department of Agncul-- i
the best short story and poem each
HaS .
tuie yesterday. The award is one of
year. Contributions are from mem- the highest honors given for service
bers of the honorary and other stu- - Ol I
1 earDOOKS
h. agriculture.
dents on the campus.
This is the first time this award
A yearbook of 1894 and a picture
Don Wiliams won this year's short
of the graduating class of 1897 are has come to Kentucky. It was given
story award with his work. "The among
the articles now on display in to Mr. Whitehouse at a ceremony in
White Hope."
the foyer of the second floor in the the Sylvan Theater on the WashingThe National Chi Delta Phi
Margaret I. King Library. The col- ton Monument grounds.
poem, "Meditation Inspir- lection contains programs, pictures,
He received the award "for his
ed." was written by UK's Jane Webb. and annuals of past graduating outstanding vision and leadership in
the development of a state
Other contributions published in classes.
Pictures of the Shakespeare pa- program that has won national recinthe spring 1952 edition of Vague
geants given in 1916. the commence- ognition, particularly in the fields of
clude "Rejuvinescence," a poem by ment procession of 1917. and the livestock and camping."
last year's national winner, Pat senior breakfast in 1929 are also exMr. Whitehouse was bom in AnByrd; "Ride in a Streetcar," a story hibited.
derson County. He taught agriculby last year's short story winner.
ture at Bcrea College and was agriculture agent in Daviess County
Marian Cronenberger, and "Italian Parking Fines Unpaid
Club leadDelinquent parking fines should before becoming state
Episode." a play by Ann Oldham
er in 1924.
produced by the laboratory theater be paid immediately, the SGA secretary announced this week. Stuthis spring.
dents can either graduate nor reBery Jody designed the front cover register next year until these fines
are paid.
and drew the illustrations.

Given Award
4-- H




4-- H


Prindl Visits Hawaii
As (iuest Director




Fi ank J. Prindl, assistant protesor
of music and director of the University concert band, is directing
massed bands this week at Hawaii's
annual spring music festival at Honolulu. Hawaii.

The festival, conducted












sic Educators of Hawaii, was expected to draw about 8.500 students from
the island of Oahu. All music to be
played at the event was selected by

Prof. Prindl.
Prof. Prindl worked with the
throughout the week preparing them for the different programs.
The University protestor conducted
the massed bands at last year's festival also.
stu-den- ts



PR Drill To Be Held
At' Ohio University
The Pershing Ritle Drill Meet will
be held at Ohio University. Athens.
Ohio, on May
Fourteen Pershing Rifle Companies will compete
in intercollegiate drill.
Since 1930. Company C-- l of the
University has won 12 out of 15
competitive drill meets. This record
remains untouched by any other

K. ADI'I. BOB (iKl.I KK. TRF.. F.valvn Duni-anami Judy l.tstir. ADl'i. were anions I K students who participated in
Saturday's clothing drive. The drive, to collect clothing for needy
families in Lexington, was sponsored by Tau Kappa Kpsilon fraternity.
Nearly a truck-loa- d
of clothes was collected from Lexington citizens to
be distributed hy the Kev. "Scottie" Cowan, pastor of Everybody's





for the first time after spring elections, decided to continue winkncd look exchange. It postponed any work
ing for a stndent-omi the teacher rating program until next fall.
Joe Schoepl. retiring representative from the Law College,
swore in United Student George liwson as president, and Constitutionalist l'at l'atterson as vice president.
After a lengthy discussion over tin proper parliamentary procedures to he followed, the assembly elected Zoe Parker to serxe

Century-Ol- d

The annual banquet of the University Alumni Association, to be
held Thursday night in the SUB,
will honor Miss Marguerite Mc
Laughlin, assistant professor of jour- nalism and the University's "number
one alumna."
Ollie James, columnist and mem- ber of the editorial staff of the Cin- cinnati Enquirer, will be the pnnci- nal sneaker of the banquet. , His
t0piC will be Just an innocent in
Theta Sigma Phi Alumnate of
Lexington will present the portrait
"b'i,,,' ;T
til V 1I1C UUILIttib, LMlIll.rV k ....
liam P. Welsh, native of Lexington,
was made possible through a gift
jfrom Alexander Bonnyman of
Knoxville, Tenn., president of the
Rhie Diamond Coal Company, U.K.
alumnus, and personal menu oi miss
J aicijaugiiuii.
Mrs. Thomas R. Underwood, a 1919
athletes grades they have not earned UK graduate and first woman edi-i- n
order that the athletes may play ' tor of the Kernel, will present the
on the team. Class attendance is portrait at the banquet. She will
never considered in the grades of also present the Marguerite Mc-th- e
athlete, but deans send out cards Laughlin Room of the Journalism
to the rest of us (for cutting Building, which the Theta Sigma
phi alumnae have furnished.
A woman in Arts and Sciences
Dr. Herman L. Donovan will ac- stated that "a university, like a per- - cept these gifts for the school. The
urn rnnnt pvrpll In all rilnvllnnc mr.m will hp nnen for insDection fol- simultaneously. If the attention and lowing the banquet and during com- effort put on athletics should be di- mencement week.
Miss McLaughlin will be mtro- rected toward scholastic improvements standards would be higher." duced by W. H. Townsend of LexThirty-thre- e
per cent of the jun- ington, class of 1912. The alumni
iors admitted that they had seen association will hold a meeting to
cases of cheating In the classrooms. elect officers for the coming year.
while 67 per cent said they hadn't. The Rev. Charles Louis Cooper, pas
tor of the Georgetown Methodist
Some of the answers:
Some Juniors See Cheating
Church and UK graduate of 1925,
"Yes. especially in the College of will give the invocation. Louis Cox.
Education and Arts and Sciences. In alumni association president, will
fact', I've never been in classes with preside.
Reservations and tickets can be
athletes when they didn't cheat. But.
then, there are not many professors obtained at the Alumni Office for $2.
in this university under whom a stu All students and friends of Miss Mc- dent doesn't feel perfectly at ease Laughlin are invited to attend
"i have never noticed cheating but
31US1C KeCltalS
z have
atheU;s receiving
cia, tu
to Will Rp


Parker, Maeser Elected
Secretary, Treasurer

Tickets Available
For Commencement

Pershing Rifle Company in the





the assembly had decided to ;ul
until Alpha Phi Omega, national
honor fraternity, had reported on
their work on a similar project.
(APO, through its national organization, is trying to establish
used book exchanges
all over the country. At last reports. Evangelos Levas. president ol
the group, was waiting to hear
from chapters on other campuses
that have already set up successful
for a book exchange."
Proposing a course of future action
for SGA. Carter said, "Our only
hope is to contact personally some
of the members of the Board of
Trustees, and ask them if we could
appear before the Board to appeal
for a book exchange.
Will Not Rate Teachers
Fresident Lawson announced that
SGA had decided not to rate teachers this semester. He said that at
the beginning of the semester. Carter Glass had been in charge of tiw
program. Lawson added that the
work was put off then becau.se students didn't "know their teachers
well enough."
Newly elected representative Suzie
Swayze asked for an explanation of
the teacher rating program.
Betty White replied that the
ratings were done by students to
give the professors "an idea of w hat
we think of them." She said the
system hadn't been perfected yet,
but when it was. SGA hoped to
publish the scores of individual
Bob Smith, former president of
the assembly, said the rating plan
had never worked because the assembly members hadn't done the
work that they should have.
Athletic Committee Discussed
"There was some talk of getting
the honoraries to handle the pro-- I
gram," he said, "but nothing was
ever done on that idea either."
Carter asked President Lawson
what had happened to the proposed
SGA Athletic Committee.
When Lawson said he wasn't sure.
Smith said. "It never got started . . .
SGA will have to do soniethuig on
it next year." He added, "As you
know Pete Carter), it's very difficult to get an SGA member to
serve on anything
either the
Judiciary Committee or on this
(Earlier in the semester. SGA
formed an Athletics Committee that
was to supervise student seating !t
games, and was to take charge of
appeals from students who had lost
cards. At present, thu
work is handled by the Dean of
Students' Office and bv Athletic Director Bernie A. Shively.
Judiciary Committee Appointed
President Lawon appointed Pete
Carter. Bob Davenport. Jane Stockton. Jess Gardner, and Henry Durham to the Judiciary Committee.
Their terms will start next fall.
Carter was named chairman of tne
group. Both Gardner and Diali.u.i
are serving on the Committee thio
According to the SGA coiistitutinn,
the Judiciary Committee is ni.uie u;
of five students and LVm A L.
Kirwan. faculty advisor for SGA.
Two of the student members must be
chosen from the SGA assembly.
It was noted that Judiciary's work
continues through the summer, so
President Lawson named Gartner
and Jack Early to serve during the
summer term. Lawson said he would
make the other appointments a
next week's meeting.
'Planning (.roup Named
Paul HoUeman. Dodgie Kiiu. an
John Redden were appointed to the
Planning Committee. 1 li
meets with the SGA president at
the beginning of the fall semester
and plans an agenda for the assembly for the schiHil year.
Elaine Moore was named SGA
representative to the Board of Student Publications. This group, composed of an SGA representative, the
editor of the Kentuckian. the editor
of the Kernel, the University Cu::i!-trolland the Director of Student
Publications, meets eery spring i
determine the following year's Kentuckian and Kernel editors and stall".
President Lawson appointed Jane
Truitt and Pete Carter to the Finance Committee. This committee,
with the SGA treasurer as chairman.




it'i'lilUiUiU tu r.ii,e

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Pnre 2





Fri.lav. May 16. 1T2


The Stewpot by Dorman Cordell

Voting Machines
For More Interest,

University Offers No Money
To Bach Intramural Program
Critics of overemphasis in sports have lashed out
at the University from all sides. The most caustic
and damaging of the verbal attacks has come from
Judge Saul Strcit after he w aived sentences for three
former UK players who were tried for "fixing"
basketball games.
The University has admitted some of the accusations made against it, and has thrown back the
reply that it w ill cure its own troubles. If Kentucky has lecn at fault, it must now correct its
once and for all. An answer in words to these
critics will avail nothing action and proof of UK's
intents will Ix? the only answer. Otherwise, the attacks will leave scars on the reputation of the University for years to come.
One of the defenses UK could offer would be that
program of intramural
it supports a
athletics. Such a program would help to cure the
bad reputation Kentucky has been accredited with,
mainly by showing the complete and extensive
service that athletics can give to students.
The UK intramural program is not financed by
the University at the present time. It pays its own
way through a fees system levied on all intramural
participants. No departinent or agency of the University regularly contributes to intramurals.
Several thousand students take part annually in
intramurals, but facilities are overcrowded and
grossly inadequate. The intramural program has
to meet too many expenses to finance its own expansion. Any increase in fees would bring a de- -


Valuable Training

cline in participation, so the money for intramurals
must come from some other source.
If the University wants to group intramurals with
minor sports in defense of its overall athletic policy,
it seems reasonable that intramurals should be supported by the Athletic Hoard. A small part of the
athletic budget would do much for intramurals, and
the Athletic Board woulil be investing its money
wisely. In supporting intramurals, the University
would be aiding its defense against the wrong
emphasis in sports.
The University also needs to devote more grounds
space to intramurals. Both the men's and the women's programs are forced to use one field each to
support their outdoor schedule. Both fields are
used for a numlxT of additional purposes, which
work to pound dow n the surface of the ground and
wear off the grass.

Voting machines have been used for a number of
years in student elections at Syracuse University and
other large universities where the number of votes
makes the use desirable. At UK we cannot argue
altogether that machines are needed merely to count
a relatively small number of votes, though if a
proper percentage of the students voted, counting
would be greatly facilitated. More important, we
believe their use would be an incentive for students
to vote, and to learn firsthand the mechanical operation of the machines.

Finally, the Physical Education Department could
furnish coaching assistance and officiation for intramurals. Physical education majors are schooled in
the fundamentals of sports, and could well put their
instruction to use in a practical way by aiding the
intramural program.

We understand that Syracuse University is able
to use the mac hines that are used by the city. We
wonder w hether SCA could use some of the voting
machines normally used in Fayette County elections. Though valuable equipment, we believe that
with proper supervision, the wear on the machines
would be nominal. Transportation difficulties possibly might make it impossible to use the machines
in the SUB, although we doubt it. The Armory
floor, for example, might serve as a desirable substitute, if moving was the only problem.

Vhat we are saying is that UK should officially
recognize a sports program for all students. We are
saying that it should provide the funds, space, and
supervision for intramurals. And the time for all of
this is today, and not tomorrow.

The stude nt Ixxly long has expressed hope for a
stronger student government on the campus. We
wonder if voting machines could be an added incentive for mass voting.
-- LS

Columnist Tirades Yet Again
Gestapo Gets It In The Neck
There are complaints that the men's dormitories
have their own Gestapo, composed of a portion of
the monitors.
Freshman men tell us several of the monitors are
swell guys and strictly on the level, but their de
scriptions ot certain others
would not fit into this family
In fact, we hear that these
Gestapo agents have so endeared themselves to the dorm residents that some freshmen not
long ago dropped a concrete
block from a landing directed toward the head of
one of the more hated monitors. Fortunately, the
block missed him.
At times certain peopTe around the dorms have
threatened to call the FBI to check up on
notes deposited at monitors' doors. J. Edgar will undoubtedly give up looking for Russian
spies to comply with this alleged request. By alleged I mean to say that this constitutes a bit of
pressure on the lxys. Wonder if there are any paid
stool pigeons to rat on the inmates?
One favorite Gestapo trick is to stand outside a
door for a few minutes, just listening. If, aSter a few
minutes, a slight sound comes from the room, the
monitor immediately rushes in, shouting at the top
of his lungs, "All right, let's keep that noise clown
in here."

The Students Speak: Alum Defends University Athletics
for star athletes were common rumors around Chicago.
We do not believe anyone should retreat or retire because of unproved and perhaps unfounded
accusations, especially when made by a person who
has already lxen discredited or who is motivated by
selfish gain, envy, or malice.
UK will survive Judge Streit's attack and come
back winning next year.
After all we still have Lexington, our thoroughbred