xt7ttd9n3p9x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ttd9n3p9x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1943-12-nov5-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1943-12-nov5-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1943-12-nov5-ec. 1943 1943-12-nov5-ec. 2011 true xt7ttd9n3p9x section xt7ttd9n3p9x 



    Minutes of the keeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees, University of Kentucky, November 5, 1943.

    The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Univer-
sity of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 10:30 a.m. Friday,
November 5, 1943.  The following members were present:  Judge Rich-
ard CG Stoll, R. P. Hobson, H. S. Cleveland, and H. D. Palmore.
President H. L. Donovan and Comptroller Frank D. Peterson were also

    A. A;rproval of Minutes.
                         * * * * * * * it * *

            1. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the minutes
               of August 20, 1943, were approved as published.
                         * * * * i* * * * * *

    Be Comptroller's Ryport.

    The Comptroller submitted financial statement for the period
ending September 30, 1943, showing realized income to date on all ap-
propriations and funds, and expenditures and encumbrances made against
budget estimates for all departments, divisions and agencies for the
period.   He called special attention to various items of incomc and
free balances of budget estimates and answered various questions of
members of the Executive Committee, after which the Committee took
the following action:

            2. It was moved, seconded and unanimously carried
               that the report of the Comptroller be received,
               accepted and filed with the Secretary of the
                         * ** ** ** * **

    Co Contract wit  Vetgrangl Administration.

    President Donovan submitted contract with the Veterans' Adminis-
tration (Rehabilitation Form 1903) for vocational rchabilitation
training of 1ilford Noble for the period September 27, 1943, to June
3, 1944, stating that the contract with the Veterans' Administration
provided for the payment of tuition to the University for the fall,
winter and spring quarters, and outlined courses proposed for the
trainee to take,   He also reported that, in all probability, this
would be the first of a number of contracts similar in nature which
would be- made for veterans of World War No. 2.  The Executive Com-
mittee discussed the contract and the purpose of same, and took the
following action:



                          * * * * * * * * * *

             3. On motion duly made, seconded and unanimous-
                ly carried, the contract with the Veterans'
                Administration dated September 28, 1943, is
                approved and the Comptroller is authorized to
                execute this contract on behalf of the Uni-
                versity of Kentucky, and all future contracts
                with the Veterans' Administration similar to
                nature to the contract made by Milford Noble.

     D. Ni  . anning--Rc--ort o Patterson Estate.

     President Donovan oLa3mitted a detailed statement of settlement
of account of the Securit- Trust Company as executor of the estate of
James K. Patterson; showing all items of receipts and disbursements
since April 28, 1941, the carrying value of securities amounting to
$32l,664,30, and a list of all securities held in the name of the
aforesaid estate.  The members of the Executive Committee examined
the list and, after discussing same, took the following action:

                          *F* * ** ** * **

             4, Upon motion duly made and seconded, the report
                of C. N. Manning, President of the Security
                Trust Company, on the estate of James K. Patter-
                son, is ordered received and filed with the
                Secretary of the Board of Trustees.

     E. Contract with Commodity Cooperative Association.

     President Donovan submitted a contract with Commodity Cooperative
Association in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding between the
Commodity Credit Association, Washington, D.C., an agency of the United
States, and the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, a division
of the University of Kentucky.   The contract concerns the production
of hemp seeds harvesting and sale of stome, through said purchase agree-
ment with the Commercial Credit Association.   The Executive Associa-
tion read the Memorandum of Understanding and took the following ac-

                          it * * v * * * * * *

             5. Upon motion duly made and seconded, Director
                Thomas Cooper is authorized to sign the Memo.
                randum of Understanding on behalf of the
                Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.


     F. Lease Agreement for Sigma Chi House.

     President Donovan submitted a Lease Agreement made with the
Carey-Reed Construction Company of Lexington and the University of
Kentucky for the use of the Sigma Chi Fraternity house at 271 Kalmia
Avenue for ten months beginning September 15, 1943, and ending July
15, 1944, and recommended approval of same.   The contract was ex-
plained by the Comptroller, after which the Committee took the follow-
ing action:

            6. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Comptrol-
               1er of the University was authorized to execute
               the contract with Carey-Reed Construction Company
               on behalf of the University of Kentucky, said
               contract to be filed with the Secretary of the
                         * * * * * * * * * *

     G. Timber Sale Agreement.

     President Donovan submitted a Timber Sale Agreement relating to
harvesting of timber on one block of the Robinson Sub-Experiment Sta-
tion forest land.   He read the following letter from Dean Cooper,
after which he recommended aporoval of the contract.

                                        September 28, 1943

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky
     Lexington, Ky.
     Dear President Donovan:
     As you know, for some time we have had under consideration the
     harvesting of timber on one block of the Robinson forest. It
     is proposed to offer for cutting, the timber on a 460 tract,
     We estimate that approximately 791,000 board feet of lumber
     will be available on this tract and wish to have your per-
     mission and to recommend to -he Board that authority be given
     to advertise and provide for an agreement, copy of which is
     submitted herewith. This agreement is to be signed by the
     purchaser and provides for the requirements in cutting and
     handling the timber. Dean Evans has looked over the con-
     tract and considers it in a satisfactory form. (e 'should like
     to advertise in the near future and be ready to make the
     agreement around the first of November.
                         Sincerely yours,
                                         (Signed) Thomas Cooper
                                                  Dean and Director
  The Committee took the following action:



            7. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the timber
               sale agreement is approved, and the Chairman
               of the Executive Committee is authorized to
               execute same.
                         * * * * it * * ** v  

    H.Bonds of Sigma a and Phi Upsilon Omicroni

    President Donovan submitted the following correspondence and
recommended that the Comptroller be authorized to receive said bonds
for safekeeping:

                                           October 21, 1943

    President H. L. Donovan
    University of Kentucky

    Dear President Donovan:

                 The attached letter was received from Mr. Stacy
     B. Randle, Treasurer  Kentucky ChapterSociety of Sigma Xi,
     transmitting five (; $100.00 United States Savings Bonds
     Series F, numbers C272321F; C272322F; C272323F; C565267F and

                  He asks that the Comptroller keep these bonds
     in the University lock box. Please submit to the Executive
     Committee for record and direction.

                                           Yours very truly,

                                           (Signed) Frank. D. Peterson

                                           October 1, 1943
     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

               I received from the Secretary of the Phi Upsilon
     Omicron, of the University of Kentucky, the following U.S,
     Treasury Bond:

          No. C566329F -- $100.00, issued in June, 1943.


          This bond is being accepted by the Comptroller to be
     deposited in tho University of Kentucky lockbox at the
     First National Banes & Trust Company.

                                       Yours very truly,

                                       (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

             8. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Comptrol-
                ler is authorized to receive bondst serial num-
                bers C272321F, C272322F, C272323F, C565261Fb and
                C565268F, in the amounts of 4100 each, belong-
                Ing to the Kentucky Chapter of Sigma Xi and bond
                No. C566329F, in the amount of 4100, belonging
                to Phi Upsilon Omicron.
                          * * * * * * * * * *

     I. Interpretation 2f Insured kiembers L the l Fderal Savings  _
Loan asociation.

     President Donovan submitted the following correspondence relative
to deposits that may be made with savings and loan associations and
whether or not these accounts are guaranteed by the Federal Govern-

                                        October 28, 1943

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

              We have various accounts in odd amounts, which do
     not render themselves very readily to investments of a
     fixed amount, such as government bonds.   You will also re-
     call that by an order of the Board of Trustees we withdrew
     various restricted funds from Federal Savings and Loan As-
     sociations so that the total amount invested does not exceed
     $5,000.00 with each association.

               I recently made an inquiry of the First Federal
     Savings and Loan Association of Lexington as to the interpre-
     tation of the Federal Government as to what constituted an
     "insured member" and have received the attached answer
     which indicates that each of our restricted funds may be
     considered an insured member.   If you think well, this
     question might be submitted to the Executive Committee, at
     its next meeting, for legal interpretation of the facts
     herein given.



                                 Yours vay truly,

                                   (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

                  FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS

                                     October 20, 1943

Mr. Frank D. Peterson, Comptroller
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

Dear Sr. Peterson:

     In answer to your letter of- October 19, we would be
very pleased to accept investments from the University of
various funds over wiich you lave control. It is our
opinion that if each of the accounts is kept separately in
your own records, the maximum insurance of 45,000.00 will
apply to the various accounts.   To support our opinion,
the following is a definition supplied by the Federal Sav-
ings and Loan Insurance Corporation in their rules and regu-

     INSURED kM1BaER. An "insured member" may be an
     individual, a partnership, an association, or a
     corporation holding an insured account.   An in-
     dividual, a partnerships an association, or a
     corporation may be trustee for any number of dis-
     closed beneficiaries, provided the account of each
     beneficiary is carried separately.   Each such
     account of an insurable type shall be deemed an
     insured account.

     Further, an opinion from the same source, namely, the
 Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation, is quoted as

      Insured accounts may be held in trust.   Since the
      beneficiaries and not the trustees of trust accounts
      are the real insured parties in interest, for the
      purpose of insurance, the beneficiaries and not the
      trustees are insured.



         We believe that accounts for these funds in this Asdo-
     ciation will be most convenient for you.  We certainly ap-
     preciate the privilege of being of service in any way possi-

                                  Very truly yours,

                                  (Signed) Justin R. McCarthy.

     The Committee discussed the question involved and it was the
opinion of the members of the Committee that the regulations cited
do not include accounts carried by the University.

     J. Gift of the Al ernon Sidney Sullivan Foundation.

     President Donovan submitted the following correspondence rela-
tive to a scholarship fuind received from the Algernon Sidney Sulli-
van Foundation:

                         New York, N.Y.

                                          October 21, 1943

     Ml*, H. L. Donovan, President
     University of Kentucky
     Lexington, Kentucky

     My dear Mr. Donovan:

          I am pleased to inform you that The Algernon Sydney
     Sullivan Foundation is this year renewing its donation to
     the University of Kentucky in the sum of 450000 as a con-
     tribution to The Algernon Sydney Sullivan Scholarship Fund
     established by the Foundation by Deed of Gift dated Novem-
     ber 3, 1937, to be available for scholarships for the year
     ending in June, 1944.

          It is intended that this donation shall be administer-
     ed by the University in accordance with the terms outlined
     in the aforesaid Deed of Gift of November 3, 1937, and that
     this letter shall be considered an amendment of that instru-
     ment in that regmrd only.

          Assuming that this arrangement will be satisfactory
     to you I am enclosing check of the Foundation to the order
     of University of Kentucky in the sum of W500.00 for the
     uses and purposes above outlined.



           With kind regards, believe me,

                                  Sincerely yours,

                                    (Signed) William E. Bardusch,

     The President recommended acceptance of the gift, whereupon the
Committee took the following action:

                          * f* *** * * ** *

             9. On motion duly made and seconded, the gift of
                the su:,. of iOO.OO is accepted and the Press-
                ident was authorized to acknowledge same and
                thank the Foundation on behalf of the Universi-
                          * * * * *** ** *

    K. agreement of Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station wit
W. is. Combs.

    President Donovan submitted contract of the Kentucky Agricultural
Experiment Station, party of the first part, and J. W. Combs, of Quick-
sand, Ky., party of the second part:




         l. Sell a sequence of registered and transferred Brown
    Swiss bulls at approximately beef prices to head the herd of
    milk cows owned by the Party of the Second Part.   The Party
    of the First Part further agrees to thus furnish a sequence
    of bulls as they are needed about one every three years, if
    available.   As one bull is replaced with another, the Party
    of the First Part agrees to repurchase the bull from the
    Party of the Second Part at the original purchase price plus


         1. Accept the bulls selected by the Party of the First
    Part and use them as sires only on females which are a part
    of his own herd, and make them available for repurchase by
    the Party of the First Part when he is through using them.



         2. Properly feed, house and manage each bull, keeping
    him in a lot by himself and not running with the herd of

         3. SubJect his herd to an official test for Bangs's
    Disease and to take the necessary steps to free it from
    this disease if it is found in the herd, before the first
    sire is placed by the Party of the First Part. It is
    further understood that the Party of the Second Part will
    maintain a state accredited herd status for both Bangs'
    Disease and Tuberculosis while this agreement is In force.

        ;4i Cooperate with the Party of the First Part in collect-
    ing milk weights and butterfat tests once each month, birth
    and subsequent weights on calves to six months of age for all
    female calves and male calves to two months of age or until
    sold, of both improved and unimproved breeding, and such
    other data as may be termed pertinent and valuable under
    Animal Industry ProJect No. 11 Robinson Sub-Experiment Sta-

                       TERMINATION OF CONTRACT

         This contract may be terminated by either Signer of this
    agreement 30 days after written notice is given to the other
    Party of the agreement.

    Signed                          Signed   J. W. Combs
            Party of the First             Party of the Oecond Part

    Date                            Date   August 16. 1943

    The Board examined the proposed contract, and suggested one
change to be made, whereby the party of the first part agrees to
furnish a sequence of bulls as they are needed, about one each three
years, "if available,"   After which the Committee took the following
                           ** ** * *  ** * *

             10. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the con-
                 tract was authorized executed and made a part
                 of these minutes,

** * * * * * * * *



    .L. Inlury la Willie Smith.

    President Donovan submitted correspondence concerning an injury
to Willie Smith and a statement for medical services, with recommenda-
tion that same be approved.  After examining the correspondence, the
Committee took the following action:

            11. On motion duly made, seconded and passed, the
                Executive Committee authorized the payment of
                the bill submitted by Dr, C. C. Garr for $9.00
                and it is the express understanding that action
                on this claim is without commitment as to fu-
                ture action of the Executive Committee on re-
                quests for payment of medical and other bills
                incurred in cases of injury to employees and
                that the Committee does not establish a prece-
                dent and does not admit negligence or liability
                in pajing this doctor's bill,
                          * ** ** * * * **

    M. Reguest for Use o ArmorLagr laiann L      n.

    President Donovan submitted the request of Corporal klildred Bro-
kaw, local recruiting officer in charge of WAC activities in Lexing-

                  U. S. ARMY RECRUITING OFFICE
                       414 Federal Building
                       Lexington, Kentucky

                                            9 October 1943
    Mr. Peterson
    University of Kentucky
    Lexington, Kentucky

    Dear Mr. teterson:

          Confirming our telephone conversation of yesterday, we
     are herewith requesting use of the Armory for the purpose
     of drilling women.   We would like to use the Armory every
     Monday evening, starting practice at 7:00 p.m., and continu-
     ing same until 8:00 pm.

         Lt. Vera L. Haspel will be in charge of the group and
     will assume full responsibility for the Armory during the
     time it is occupied by the drill team.

          We will appreciate your advising us if it will be
     satisfactory with you for us to use the Armory for the



         above purpose, and at the specified time.

                                    Yours very truly,

                                    (Signed) Mildred Brckaw
                                            Opl., SAC

    The Commijtee discussed the purpose for which the Armory will be
used and; after discussing the emergency that exists, took the fol-
lowing action:
                         * * **v ** * **

            12. It was moved, seconded and carried that the
                Comptroller be authorized to make available
                the use of the Armory each Monday evening
                for drilling of members of the WAC or pros-
                pective members,   The responsibility for the
                Armory shall be under the charge of Lt. Vera
                L. Haspel, and the drills in the Armory shall
                be confined to the hours of 7:00 p.m. and
                continue until 8:00 p.m. each Monday.
                         * * *f * * * * * * *

     N. Employment Pf ars. C. G. Latimer.

     President Donovan explained to the Board of Trustees the diffi-
culty of securing instructors for the Department of Mathematics at
this time and stated that it has been necessary to employ Mrs. C.G.
Latimer as part-time instructor in Mathematics during the fall quar-
ter.   He further explained that MIrs. Latimer is the wife of Dr.
C. G. Latimer, professor in the Department of Mathematics.   He recom-
mended that the policy regarding employment of relatives of staff
members be waived in this particular instance only during the pres-
ent emergency, and the Committee took the following action:

                         * * * * * * * it * *

            13. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the recom-
                mendation of the President is approved relative
                to the employment of Mirs. C. G. Latimer.

     O Aopointments and Other Staff Changes.

     President Donovan submitted staff appointments, reappointments,
salary adjustments, leaves of absence, resignations, promotions and
other staff changes requested by deans and heads of departments.



                  College of Arts and Sciences


    Angelo Eagon, instructor in English, ten months' basis, effective
September 1, 1943.

    Xiary Hester Cooper, part-time instructor in mathematics, October,
November and December.

    R. C. Laysonj temporary instructor, ASTP; for as long as his
services are needed, effective September 22, 1943:

    W. Mi Arnold, Jra, graduate assistant in bacteriologyj effective
September 1, 1943.

    Mars. Jane Council, nurse (Infirmary), 12 months' basis, effective
September 15, 1943.

    Juanita H. Shely, secretary in the Department of Physics, 12
monthst basis, effective September 20, 1943.

    Mrs. Ethel E. Wilner, secretary in the Department of Chemistry,
12 months' basis, effective September 15, 1943,    Mrs. Wilner is to
succeed Miss Edith Love, resigned.

    Owen L. hange, temporary instructor in physics, ROTC-ASTP stu-
dents, effective September 28, 1943.

    George ierndon, graduate assistant in English, ten months' basis,
effective September 29, 1943.   Mr. nerndon is to succeed Mrs. Kilroy
Harris, who declined the assistantship.

    Mrs. J. C. Lamb, part-time instructor in mathematics, for the
Fall Quarter.

    lirs. C. G. Latimer, part-time instructor in mathematics for the
Fall Quarter.

    Mary Jean McElroy, student assistant in the Department of Sociol-
ogy, eight months beginning October 1, 1943.

    Lucille L. Brown, student assistant in the Department of Socicl-
ogy, for eight months beginning October 1, 1943.

    Mrs. Irvin C. Scudder, instructor in the Department of History,
for as long as her services are needed.

    Esther Co Friedman, student assistant in the Department of
Jacteriologyt for nine months beginning October 1, 1943.

    Bernadine Aulick, student assistant in the Department of Bacteri-
ology, for nine months beginning October 1, 1943.



    Mrs. Louise Freeman, part-time assistant professor in the De-
partment of Geology, for the Fall Quarter, effective October 1,1943.

   Joseph F. Calk, storekeeper, Depqrtment of Chemistry, 12 months'
basis, effective October 7, 1943.

    Lillian Heaton, student assistant in the Department of Sociology,
for eight months, October 1 through May, 1944.

   Ann Garst, student assistant in the Department of Library Sci-
ence, effective October 1, 1943.

    Opal Skaggs, part-time instructor in the Department of Anatomy
and Physiology) for the Fall Quarter beginning October 1, 1943.

    James Ai Beasleyi instructor in the Department of Physical
Education (ASTP), effective November lj 1943.

    Dietrich Roetter, junior technician in the Department of Bac-
teriology, effective January 1 to July 1, 1944.  Mr. Roetter is to
succeed Miss Alice Moran, whose resignation is effective at the end
of the Fall Quarter.

    Mirs. Ida Dean, assistant librarian in the Department of Art, ef-
fective November 1, 1943, to June 1, 1944.   Mrs. Dean is to succeed
Mrs. E. R. Doll in this work.

    .Mrs. Ann Frank, student secretary in the Department of Botany,
for the months of October, 1943, through hay, 1944.

    Carola Spurr, student herbarium assistant in the Department of
Botany, effective October 1, 1943.

    Jack Scharstein, student greenhouse assistant in the Department
of Botany, effective October 1, 1943.

    Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, part-time assistant professor of sociology,
effective January 1, 1944.



Salary Adjiustments

    iMrs, Clyde B. Crawley, salary adjustment because of one class
added to schedule..

     Anna Jane kicChesney, part-time instructor and secretary in the
Department of Political Science, salary adjustment because of one
class added to schedule; effective October 1 through December, 1943.

     William Gormley, rating changed from part-time instructor to
full-time instructor, with adjustment in salary, effective October 1,
for as long as his services may be needed.,

     Ivirs. E. R. Doll; part-time secretary and assistant librarian
in Department of art, position changed to part-time secretary; with
adjustment in salary.


    Charles W. Smith, Jr., aszocinte professor in the Department of
Political Science, and acting head of the Department during the
Summer Quarter, 1943, effective September 1, 1943.

    W. 0. Shropsriire, instructor, ASTP, to report for military duty,
effective September 24, 1943.

    Edith Love, secretary in the Department of Chemistry, effective
September 15, 1943.

    Goldie Wilson, secretary in the Department of Physics, effective
Sept(mber 30, 1943.

    James X. Wright, graduate assistant in Chemistry, to report for
military duty, effective September 1, 1943.

    Rrs. Kilroy Harris, graduate assistant in English.   Mrs. Harris
declined the appointment previously made and did not report for

    Lucille E. Brown, student assistant in the Department of Sociol-
ogy, effective October 1, 1943.

    A. T. Gullotto, instructor in Physical Education, effective
November 1, 1943.

    Alice korcn, junior technician in the Department of Bacteriology,
effective at the end of the Fall Quarter.

              College of Agriculture lnd Home Economics

        mrte Wiltiams        assistant e8ni demonstration agent in Gar-
rardo     y, effec  veovem er    , J.



   Sirs. Dorothy Lowry, clerk in the Deprartment of Feed and Fertilizer
Control, effective October 15, 1943.

    William E. NAtherland; assistant county agent In Trigg County,
effective October 16, 1943.

    Thelma M. ivierodith, home demonstration agent in Pike County,
effective September 1i 1943.

    Myrtle P4 Binkley, home demonstration agent in Barren County,
effective November 1, 1943.

    Frances Amburgey, home demonstration agent in Floyd County, ef-
fective September 1, 1943.

Salary Adiustments and Transfers

    Henry Noble Sherwood. adjustment of salary as assistant bulletin
editor, for the fall quarter, because of part-time temporary assign-
ment in College of Arts and Sciences.

    Grace hardman, clerk in the Office of Farm Labor, adjustment in
salary, effective October 1, l943.

    Eudell Jones, clerk in Experiment Station, transferred to position
as clerk in Extension Division, with adjustment in salary, effective
September 20, 1943.

    Gertrude hanly, clerk, promoted to clerk and tabulating assistant,
with adjustment in salary, effective November 1, 1943.


    Mrs. Hope Hughes, assistant in bacteriology effective September
25, 1943.

    Mrs. Gladys A. keadors, clerk, Experiment Station, effective
September 30, 1943.

    C. W. Woodmansee, assistant cheamistt Experiment Station, effective
November 15, 1943.

     Emerency FarEm Labor Prozram


    Clifton P. Edwards, assistant in Hopkins and lviuhlenberg Counties,
effective September 7, 1943.

    Miss Lois Crooks, clerk, previously on temporary basis, effective
October 1, 1943.




     Roy Bach, assistant, effective October 19, 1943.   1hr. Bach is
being inducted into the armed forces.

Emergenco  Farm Labor Program


     Alonzo F& Kazee, assistant, effective August 26, 1943, to do
school work6

     William Howard Hardin, assistant, effective August 31, 1943,
to, enlist in the Navy.

     Benjamin D. Nisbet, assistant, effective September 6, 1943, to
teach school.

     Calvin H. Webb, assistant, effective September 17, 1943.

Appointment Terminated

    William F. kcGary, assistant, effective August 31, 1943.

                       College of Onsinegring


    Herbert H. Davies, instructor, ASTP, (temporary appolntment),in
engineering drawing, effective October 1, 1943.

    Samuel A. Mory, instructor,' ASTP, (temporary appointment),civil
engineering, effective October 1, 1943.

    Ernst V. Johnson, instructor, ASTP, (temporary appointment),in
engineering drawing, effective October 1, 1943.

     Biaglo C. Mangione, machinist,on temporary basis, with Ferritic
Steel Project.

     Smith T. Collier, instructor, ASTP, (temporary appointment),in
applied mechanics, effective Uctober 15, 1943.

     Clinton K. Hoffman, instructor, ASTP, (temporary appointment),
in mechanical engineering, effective October 15, 1943.

      George F. Ester, laboratory assistant, AST?, (temporary part-
 time appointment), effective October 15, 1943.

     Joe L. hobbins, junior metallurgist in the Department of Mining
and Hetallurgical Engineering, to be charged to Ferritic steel



    Edward G. Lee, instructor, ASTP, (temporary appointment), of-
fective Novermiber 1, 1943.

Salary Adjustment

    ielen Louise Trapp, salary adjustment, effective October 12 1943.

    krmv Specialist Sghool

Termination of Employment

    J. Frank Grimes, instructor (temporary employment), effective
September 30, 1943.

    Glenn E. iammet, instructor (temporary employment) effective
September 30, 1943.

    Martha Robards, clerk-stenographer (temporary employment), ef-
fective September 30, 1943.

    Ernst B. Johnson, instructor (temporary employment), effective
September 30, 1943.

    Samuel A. Mory, Jr., instructor (temporary employment), effective
September 30, 1943.

    Dorothy T.