xt7tqj77x46k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tqj77x46k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1976-09-13  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 13, 1976 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 13, 1976 1976 1976-09-13 2020 true xt7tqj77x46k section xt7tqj77x46k my..-» ~---an*m—.— ~~~~~ vs minn‘rznmr "rum-2v? ” ~" ""-


Minutes of the University Senate, September 13, 1976 4080

The University Senate met in regular session at 3:00 p.m., Monday, Septem—
ber 13, 1976, in the Court Room of the Law Building. Chairman Malcolm Jewell
presided. Members absent: C. Dwight Auvenshine*, Harry B. Bailey*, Charles E.
Barnhart, Robert P. Belin*, Juris Berzins*, Harold R. Binkley*, Jack C. Blanton*,
Barbara Brandon, C. Frank Buck, Joseph T. Burch*, Tem*Glark3 Ronda S. Connaway,
Bill Crosby, William H. Dennen*, Anthony Eardley, Calvin B. Ernst? Art Gallaher*,
Joseph Hamburg, Thomas Hansbrough*, Andrew J. Hiatt, Raymond R. Hornback, Raymon
D. Johnson*, David T. Kao*, Theodore A. Kotchen, A. Virginia Lane*, David Lange,
Patsy Lannon, Lynn Larkin, Thomas P. Lewis, Austin S. Litvak*, William E. Lyons,
Donald L. Madden*, Abby L. Marlatt, James R. Marsden*, Levis D. McCullers,

Susan A. McEvoy*, L. Randolph McGee*, Mamie McIndoe, Bill Miracle*, Robert D.
Murphy, Jacqueline A. Noonan, James R. Ogletree*, Edward O'Hara, Anna K. Reed,
Donald E. Sands*, John S. Scarborough*, Gerard E. Silberstein, John T. Smith*,
Emilie Steinhauer*, Louis J. Swift, Joseph V. Swintosky*, John B. Wadsworth,
M. Stanley Wall, Kennard W. Wellons, William G. Winter*.

The minutes of the regular meeting of May 3, 1976 were accepted as

Chairman Jewell made the following remarks:

From time to time we have had the President speak with us either briefly
or at length depending upon whatever he wanted to deal with at that time.
President Singletary told us that he did not think that an annual State of the
Union message was absolutely necessary, but he would like to say a few words
to mark the beginning of the Fall Semester, and it is my pleasure to introduce
President Singletary.

The President spoke to the Senate as follows:

"Thank you. I generally like to try to attend this first meeting of
the Senate for several reasons. One is that I like to remind myself and
you that I too am a member of this body. Secondly, I think it's the time
of year to welcome you back and to mention to you some of the things that
have been going on during the summer, what is going on now, or very likely
to be going on in the near future.

There are a few brief comments that I will make. First of all, I'd
like to comment very briefly on the enrollment. The figures are up
slightly, although not as much as we had anticipated. I Would guess on
this campus we are up approximately 150, and the Community College System
slightly more than that, bringing the total on our main campus plus the
Community Colleges in excess of 37,000 students. This does not include
the Fort Knox operation. It does not include the evening classes for the
Fall, which added to this, would bring the University of Kentucky enroll—
ment picture to something over 40,000. You might be interested to know
that on this particular campus, the increases were in the College of
Agriculture, College of Arts and Sciences, and in Engineering and some
decreases in Education, Architecture, Social Professions, and Nursing.
Several of the decrease areas are the direct result of some policy changes
' in admissions programs with which you are familiar. I am somewhat troubled
by the statistics that show that Community College transfers to the
’ I Lexington campus are down this year. I would like to know what the reasons
‘h'a‘ are. We need to take steps to improve the accommodations to our Community

I College students, and I certainly think we can do it. One other footnote
about the enrollment picture is that we are not sure just what effect the
housing situation had, although we know it had some.


1 *Absence explained





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4081 Minutes of the University Senate, September 13, 1976 — Cont

We did have a rather substantial waiting list. We do not have and have not
for years had what people call adequate housing at least from the standpoint
of numbers served. We haae purchased in the course of the summer the Holly
Tree Manor on Nicholasville Road, and it is being filled this fall by
University students. we are looking at the question of how much and what
kind of housing we ought to build, if at all, and probably in the course

of this year we will go to the Board of Trustees with some kind of recommen—
dation of additional hoUsing for the University.

There are several other items that I hope will be of interest to you
that transpired during the summer. You may or may not have heard that the
Board of Trustees adopted a fairly voluminous document that we call a Five—
Year Plan. As a matter of fact, I recommend that document to your atten—
tion. I would urge you, if you can find the time, to take a look at it. I
think it's the best planning document that we have had at the University in
my time here, and it pretty well charts what it is that we are going to be
doing or what we would like to be doing if we have a choice in the matter
in the next four years. The first year in the Five—Year Plan is already
history. Nonetheless, it describes what priorities that it sets in terms
of programs for us, in terms of facilities to be needed, dollars to be re—
quired, and all the rest of it. It is the best blueprint of its kind that
I have at my disposal. I think that you will find it useful. Beyond that,
we also were able to present to the Board of Trustees this summer your recom—
mendation about the reorganization of the College of Arts and Sciences. The
Board adopted it in essentially the form that you recommended and I approved
it. We have moved for the creation of two new colleges. They will, at the
end of this year, be under permanent leadership.

Another matter this summer, many of you may have forgotten, is that
some eight years or so ago in our Southern Association Self Study, one
requirement is that we submit a five year interim report. We did submit that
report this summer, and it brings them up—to—date on changes in the year since
the Self Study was done.

There has been considerable interest on campus in the status of the various
academic programs that are in one or another state of readiness, and I might
survey those rather hurriedly for you. The Master of Public Administration
degree has been approved by the Council on Public Higher Education, has been
implemented, and we have students in it this semester. There are several other
degree programs that have been submitted to the Council on which no action has
yet been taken. The doctoral program in Health, Physical Education and Recreation,
the doctoral program in Philosophy, the masters program in Forestry the Master
of Planning degree, and the M.A. in Teaching with a mathematics concentration,
are over at the Council on Public Higher Education which, under the law in Kentucky,
must approve programs before we can accept graduates into them. There are several
others that have been cleared in many circles on the campus but have not yet gone
to the Council. There is the Ph.D. in Communications, and I have been the main
bottleneck in that. I would hope that we will move on that in the very near
future. There is the Ph.D. in Criminal Justice which we are still talking about
in terms of priorities, and the Master of Civil Engineering. There are a nunber
of other programs I won't mention that are now in the process at one stage or
another on campus and will be coming to us in this academic year.




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Minutes of the University Senate, September 13, 1976 - Cont 4082

A note also on the facilities developments on campus. You notice,
I am sure, that the Lexington Technical Institute is in operation.
We will be formally dedicating that building later in the fall. That
is the building to be named for former President Oswald. Jack and
Rose Oswald plan to be here for that ceremony, and we hope to have a
reception at the Alumni House on Friday afternoon before that Satur~
day for those persons here in Lexington and elsewhere who would care
to come by to visit Jack and Rose. Another facifi-t y that is to be
completed, I suspect this winter, is the Tobacco and Health Institute.
This building is out on the old farm. It is coming along very well
and is a valuable addition, we think. For the first time we are going
to be able to pull that program together. The Medical Center has two
projects under way——the additions across the street from the hospital——
the Nursing Building and the Brown—Sanders Center for the Study of the
Biology of Aging. The other building, the Fine Arts Building which
is to go on Stoll Field, will be bid at the end of this month. The
building program continues, and we are still trying to do what reno—
vation we can with what fund balances we can allocate for that
purpose. You will also be receiving very soon the next revisions of
the Governing Regulations. Paul Sears has been very busy getting
them ready and we hope to have them out very shortly.

I would like to say a word or two about certain "straws in the
wind" in our time. Universities, ouޤand others, seem to remain
under considerable pressure from a very curious alliance between the
old right and the new left.

We also hear a great deal about that magic word, accountability.
I cannot tell you exactly what that word is now supposed to mean.
We have heard a great deal of it for a long time. In order to build
even a small building on this campus, we have to get permission from
about five different levels; so we think we have been accountable
for a long, long time. I suspect we have come to a point in time
where the big problem is how to make the concept of accountability

Another current trend is the great popularity of what is now
being called the "new vocationalism", narrowly defined as education
for jobs. Some claim that we're "educating too many people." I
would simply remind you that I do not believe that in Kentucky we
are in danger of educating too many people. I would also remind
those people that take that fairly narrow view of education that
they have their hands on a pretty good truism, but it is only half
true. I would argue that, from the very beginning in this country,
higher education has had two purposes, not one. We have always in
this country, pragmatic people that we are, believed in some kind
of vocational preparation. Higher education always gets many people
ready to earn a living. After all, such things as medical schools
and law schools are preparing for careers. You can carry that as
far as you like, but in times of pressure we tend to lose sight of
the other side. We also have been concerned, in higher education,
not just with the way to make a living, but the kind of life one is
going to live.












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4083 Minutes of the University Senate, September 13, 1976 — Cont

I've gone on too long, but I want to say one last thing about the
University of Kentucky and our basic problems. The basic problem of the
University of Kentucky continues to be what it has been for sometime,
and it is wrapped up in two things: numbers of people and dollars. That
is our problem, although not unique to us. We are in a situation where
for over a period of ten to twelve years the proportion of the State's
dollar for higher education coming to the University of Kentucky has
diminished. During that same period of time the obligations that we
have taken on for education, research and service have continued to
increase. I do not have to draw that picture for you. There is only
one result. You can see it in larger classes, you can see it in smaller
salary increases, and you can see it in what I describe as the loss of
the competitive edge of this institution. I have preached that message
before without too much success. I hope to continue to preach it. I
can say to you standing here at the beginning of a new year that these
same problems afflict everybody else. They are not ours alone. I
would add one other positive note to that: it is my belief that even
through the troubles we have seen I believe that our institution remains
fundamentally sound at the core. I mean that in terms of its basic
fiscal position; I mean that in terms of the kind and quality of faculty
we are able to keep; I am not here to cry wolf. I just want to say to
you, and I will conclude with this remark. I want to enlist your support,
your interest, your concern so that we may go on together to try to do
two things. One is, to continue to press for adequate resources with
which to do the job that we have to do which is a very large one indeed.
Having done that we can then say to the world that we are going to do
the best we can with what we have. Our success or failure will in large
degree depend upon you. As I have said so many times, the ultimate
worth and value of an institution depends on the quality, the interest,
concern, and the hard work of its faculty. I enlist your support, I urge
you to see us through what is clearly a difficult time for all of higher
education. I cannot wave a magic wand to solve our problems. We are in
for a long haul. I think it is up to all of us to do what we can to
maintain and preserve the quality of a good institution, one we all want
to be a better one. Thank you very much."

President Singletary was given an ovation by the Senators.

Chairman Jewell asked the Senators that had just been elected for the
three—year term to stand. He also introduced the members of the Senate
Council and those chairing a committee. The Council membership runs from
January to December. Those chairing a committee have just been chosen for
the academic year. The Council members are: S. Sidney Ulmer, Political
Science Department; Paul Oberst, College of Law; Thomas Ford, Sociology;
Judith Worell, Educational Psychology and Counseling; Fred Zechman, Physiology
and Biophysics; Robert W. Rudd, Agricultural Economics; T. Richard Robe,
Engineering Mechanics; Constance P. Wilson, Social Professions, Chairperson
Elect; Paul G. Sears, Ex officio, Academic Planning Office; Michael E.
Adelstein, Ex officio, English Department; Michael McLaughlin, Ex officio,
Student Government President; Terry Norris, Student Government; and Marion
Wade, Student Government.









Minutes of the University Senate, September 13, 1976 - Cont 4084

The Chairpersons for the Senate Committees for 1976—77 are: Margaret E. W.
Jones, Spanish and Italian Department, Special Teaching Programs; 'Thomas Blues,
English Department, Student Affairs; Stanford L. Smith, Chemistry Department,
Rules Committee; Bobby Hardin, Civil Engineering, Organization and Structure;
William Dennen, Geology Department, Research Committee; Glenn Collins, Agronomy
Department, Teaching, Learning, Advising; James D. Kemp, Animal Sciences, Ad-
missions and Academic Standards; Joseph A. Bryant, English Department, Libfary
Committee; Thomas Ford, Sociology, Planning and Priorities; Randolph McGee,
Economics Department, Academic Facilities; John Lienhard, Mechanical Engineering,
General Studies; Richard Warren, Social and Philosophical Studies, Special Teach~
ing_Technologies; and Robert DeAngelis, Metallurgical Engineering, Academic



Chairman Jewell made the following remarks:

We have been moderately busy during the summer. The Senate Council
has met frequently, and we have accomplished a few things. Most of you
may have received a memo from.me asking you to notify your classes that
there should be no smoking in the classroom. Many of you will remember
last December a meeting in which the Senate voted "no smoking in classes."
The Council at the end of August considered once again what we ought to
do to make it as effective as possible with a minimum of problems. We
decided to try again simply to ask faculty members to make this point in
their classes. We took a second step. We have asked Jack Blanton, Vice
President for Business Affairs, to put up "N0 SMOKING" signs in appropriate
places in the classroom buildings. I had a memo from him saying that they
would be doing so in the next couple of weeks. We would be interested in
hearing if this is not working.

One thing we have done is to reactivate the Planning and Priorities
Committee which was established two or three years ago and has not accom—
plished a great deal. We have put some people particularly interested in
it, people with a lot of experience with the University, and we have asked
the two Academic Vice Presidents to serve on the Committee and they have
agreed. We hope to get this Committee doing some serious looking at long—
term planning at the University specifically looking at the University's
Five—Year Plan and the College's Five-Year Plan that went into the Univer—
sity's Five—Year Plan to inform themselves about what the priorities of
the colleges are, what they have in mind, and then go on from there.

Manyof you may have seen perhaps a freshman year report from Dr.
Cochran's Office a few weeks ago. That has some points about the academic
content of the freshman year, and we're asking the General Studies Committee
in particular to take a look at those suggestions and recommendations.

There are many aspects of that which do not deal specifically with academic
matters and some of them do. The Academic Admissions and Academic Standards
Committee has before it the rule, that some of you know, that was passed

by the Graduate School last Spring to establish a probation rule, and it
will be coming to this body soon. In addition we have asked that Committee
to take a look in general at the Senate Rules to see if some of the

current rules of the Graduate School or the Professional Schools that are
basically fundamental ought to be added to the Senate Rules. We have

asked or will be asking that Committee to look at the questidl, which has
been raised, that we ought to review the University policy with regard to




Minutes of the University Senate, September 13, 1976 — Cont

students applying for admission to the University and their oppor—
tunities for appealing. We have found out what the attitude of
the Colleges with selective admissions requirements is, and the
question is whether this whole system should be a little more uni—
form or centralized or at least ought to be studied.

There will be in the Committee of Extended Programs a review
this year of the evening school program. They will be looking at
the problems and ways of improving that program. The Senate Council
also thought about setting up a committee, perhaps an ad hoc committee,
to study the summer school program. There is some feeling in the
University that the summer school program ought to be stronger or be
improved. We ought to make an effort to attract more students, and
we hope to have a committee taking a good look at that. If any of you
are eager to serve on such a committee, you might let us know.


Let me just add for those who might not know; we do have a
Senate Council Office in the Administration Building. I'm there
generally in the afternoon or you can get in touch with me in the
morning at the Political Science Office, but there is usually someone
in the Senate Council Office. We do have copies of the Governing
Regulations, Committee Reports, a good source of information if you are
on a Committee and need information.



Dr. Jewell recognized Professor Paul Oberst. On behalf of the Senate
Council Professor Oberst presented a motion to adopt proposed changes in

the Senate Rules (V.l.4) concerning procedures for taking courses on a pass—
fail basis. This was circulated to members of the University Senate under
date of August 26, 1976, and reads as follows:

V. 1.4 Courses Taken gnna Pass~Fail Basis — Undergraduate students
above the freshman level and not on academic probation may
select a maximum of four (4) elective courses, with certain
restrictions, to be taken on a Pass—Fail basis. Students in
the Honors Program above the freshman level may, with advance
written approval of the Director of the Honors Program, select
additional elective courses to be taken on such a Pass—Fail
basis. Credit hours successfully completed under this option
will count toward graduation but will not be used in calcu—
lating grade point standing. Courses taken on a Pass—Fail
basis shall be limited to those considered as elective in the
student's program and such other courses or types of courses
as might be specifically approved by the Senate Council for
a college or department. Prerequisites for such courses may
be ignored at the student's own hazard. The student is ex—
pected to participate fully in the course and taken all
examinations as though he were enrolled on a regular basis.
Students may not change from a pass—fail basis nor from a
regular basis to a pass—fail basis after the last [date for
entering an organized class.] day to drop a course without
a grade in any given term. Courses-offered only on a Pass—
Fail shall not be included in the maximum number of elective

courses which a student may take under these provisions.

(See 212 this Section, for procedures on Pass-Fail available

Lnder that option.)













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Minutes of the University Senate, September 13, 1976 — Cont 4086

Other than courses offered only for Pass—Fail, the instructor
shall not bg notified by_the Office 9f_the Registrar or by an-
other office 2£_the University gf_those students who EEé taiing
the course Pass—Fail. The Instructor shall submit a regular
grade £9_the Registrar's Office which will take the—appropri—

ate aCtion to change the grade into the Pass—Fail grading
tract for records.

Note: New portion is underlined; portion to be deleted in brackets.
The motion was made to consider the proposals separately. There was no objection.

The question was raised as to whether the Registrar's Office would translate
grades of A, B, C, and D into a P, and and E into an F. Dr. Jewell replied that
this was the intent of the proposal.

Following discussion the Senate voted to approve the proposal as presented.

Dr. Jewell recognized Professor Paul Oberst. On behalf of the Senate Council
Professor Oberst presented a motion to adopt proposed reorganization of several
Senate standing committees. This was circulated to members of the University
Senate under date of August 30, 1976, and reads as follows:

The Senate Council recommends the establishment of two new
Senate Committees: Committee on Extended and Continuing Education
Programs and Committee on Special Teaching Technologies. At the
same time there would be a reduction in the number of subcommittees
in the Committee on Special Teaching Programs and the Committee

on Academic Facilities, as responsibilities were transferred to these
new Committees.

The following are the proposed charges for the new Committees
to be included in Section I of the University Senate Rules and the
new descriptions for the two old Committees being modified.


I. 4.114 Extended and Continuing Education Programs: The Committee
on Extended and Continuing Education Programs is charged
with responsibility for reviewing, evaluating, and making
recommendations to the University Senate concerning: the
evening class program, the independent study program, the
extension class program, and continuing education program.

1. 4115 Special Teaching Technologies: The Committee on Special
Teaching Technologies is charged with responsibility for
evaluating the use of various special teaching technologies,
such as television, film programmed learning, and language
laboratories. The committee should study the opportunities
and problems involved in using such methods, and may take
appropriate steps to encourage their use. It should recom—
mend to the Senate any policies or rules necessary to regu—
late their use.



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Minutes of the University Senate, September 13, 1976 — Cont


I. 4.15 Special Teaching Programs: The Committee on Special Teaching [
Programs shall consist of the following [five] three standing ‘
subcommittees: Honors; International Programs; [Cooperative a.
Teaching Programs;] Experiential Learning. [Off Campus Instruction]. ‘OV‘

The Committee on Special Teaching Programs is charged
with reviewing, evaluating, and making recommendations to the
University Senate on academic matters concerning International
Programs, [Inter—College and Inter—Departmental Cooperative
Teaching Programs, Off—Campus Instruction], the_Honors Program; I
and Experiential Learning and Intern Programs, and any other
courses or programs that fall outside the traditional course work
offered by the Colleges. It shall also (1) develop a rationale
for such programs within the framework of University goals and
structure, (2) promote new special courses or programs, (3) es— [
tablish criteria for evaluating courses or programs within the f
purview of this Committee and (4) recommend to the Senate
whether such courses or programs shall be maintained, eliminated,
expanded or modified. [‘








I. 4.17 Academic Facilities: The Committee on Academic Facilities at]
shall consist of the following [three] two standing sub— [
committees: Computer Facilities; Physical Plant and Space

This committee is generally charged to provide informa—
tion and recommendations to the Senate and consultation
with the Administration concerning all real property and
physical facilities which may affect the attainment of the y


educational objective of the University. This shall include,

but not be limited to, buildings and grounds, shops and

other such real property, computers, television equipment,

duplicating and printing facilities, vehicle pools, scientific

instruments, projectors and sound equipment, and musical

instruments. [
The committee shall: (1) coordinate its activities when [

appropriate with those of the Commission on Institutional m



Planning, the office of the campus architect, the Director

of the Computing Center and supervisor of Instructional TV Ԥ

facilities, and other pertinent individuals: (2) be know— ‘

ledgeable concerning the current status and utilization of [

academic facilities; (3) make recommendations to the Univer— [


sity Senate to optimize utilization of academic facilities
and minimize or eliminate problems associated with the use
of academic facilities; (4) recommend to the Senate policy
or procedures to determine priorities for the establishment [
of new facilities and the modification or elimination of ,
existing facilities. I

Note: New portion is underlined; delete portion that is bracketed.

There was no discussion and the Senate voted to approve the proposal as presented.







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Minutes of the University Senate, September 13, 1976 — Cont 4088

‘ Dr. Jewell recognized Professor Paul Oberst. On behalf of the Senate
1 Council Professor Oberst presented a motion recommending proposed change
in the Senate Rules (I. 4.22) to expand jurisdiction of Senate Advisory
‘mh Committee on Privilege and Tenure to include charges of discrimination. This

,,‘ was circulated to members of the University Senate under date of August 27,
u, ‘ 1976, and reads as follows:

The Senate Council recommends the following amendments to

the Senate Rules (1,4.22) on the jurisdiction of the Privilege
and Tenure Committee:

1. 4.22 Senate Advisory Committee on Privilege and Tenure—— is
charged with giving preliminary consideration to the
following matters as referred to it by the President,

, the University Senate, or individual staff members of

y the University: cases of appointment termination for

I cause of a faculty member who has tenure; cases of dis—

1 missal of a faculty member during a limited appointment;

j cases of non—renewal of probationary appointment with

1 less advance notice than specified by the Governing

35 Regulations; cases of allegation by a faculty member

on a non—tenure appointment that a decision for non—

[ reappointment violates his or her academic freedom

‘ as a faculty member; cases of allegation by_a_faculty

‘ member gn.arnon—tenured appointment that a_decision

for non—reappointment violates either Part X.A. 23

‘ Part XII Auin the Governing Regulations banning certain

discriminatory practices in academic employment; cases

‘ of allegation by a_Universi§y administrator . . .





Note: Underlined portion indicates proposed amendment.
Following discussion the Senate voted to approve the proposal as presented.

I The next item on the agenda was the proposal to amend the University

i Senate Rules, Section IV, Admissions‘ The Senate Council recommended that the
following paragraph be added to Section IV, Admissions of the University

Senate Rules.

"An applicant who is otherwise qualified for

\ admission to the University or to any college

i or program in the University shall be considered
for admission without regard to race, color,

! religion, sex, marital status, national origin,

age or beliefs.”

[ The motion was made and passed that the amendment be changed to read as

[ follows: that the words "shall be considered for admission without regard to"
be deleted and that the words "shall not be discriminated against because of"
be added. The amendment would then read:

"An applicant who is otherwise qualified for
‘ admission to the University or to any college
‘kgh or program in the University shall not be
discriminated against because of race, color,
religion, sex, marital status, national origin,
age or beliefs.”




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4089 Minutes of the University Senate, September 13, 1976 ~ Cont

that in the Professional schools age was a factor, has been and possibly wou be,

Dr.-Glawson—remark6d that age was not a factor. ,

[3Ngc,h¢ucH+A ' ‘

A question was raised as to whether the proposal would include the ”Mg”

Donovan Program. It was agreed to amend the proposal by adding the word ‘9”
"academic” before ”program."

A Senator raised the question on the age requirement. His understandingdwas

After discussion motion was made to table the proposal and send it back to
the Council for further consideration. Motion carried. l

Chairman Jewell announced that the final item on the agenda was the [
calendar. f

Professor Oberst presented the motion, on behalf of the Senate Council
(circulated to members of the University Senate under date of August 27, 1976), [
recommending adoption of the following change in the Calendar Policy: l



1.0 University Calendar: The Senate shall adopt policies for the 0%fic
University Calendar. The Registrar shall implement these of

calendar three years in advance of fall registration. I