xt7tqj77x21j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tqj77x21j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-03-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 30, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 30, 2001 2001 2001-03-30 2020 true xt7tqj77x21j section xt7tqj77x21j m

Out. with the old

In with
the new

It is over. We have a new
Student Government
Association president.
Pretty soon life on
campus will go back to
the way we know it.

Or will it?

In honor of our old SGA
President Jimmy Glenn
here are a few things
he probably wishes he
would have said or
maybe things he will
say now that he is no


J - “Just leave me alone."
Just when you thought
nothing else could go
bad for Glenn it would.
He was put on trial by
the Senate and even
impeached. This surely
had to be what he was
thinking during that

I - “It wasn't me." Kind of
like Shaggy, Glenn
always had a reason to
back up his actions.

IA - “Mommy!" Glenn has
often said his parents
were a great source of
support. I wonder how
many phone calls
Glenn made to his
parents during the
more stressful times
of his term.

I! - “Man, I'll be glad
when I can dress like
this every day." This is
what Glenn thinks
about being able to
wear jeans and
sweatshirts to class.
He's got more suits
than any college
student needs.

Y - “Yo Momma." This is
the response Glenn
should have given
during the first
impeachment trial.
When all else fails. you
can always resort to
tasteless momma

6 - "Goodness, what have
you done?” This
question probably ran
through SGA Vice
President Amanda
Holloway's head when
she returned from
Russia to find that
Glenn was on trial.

L - “Look, no hands."
Glenn can say this as
he is pedaling down
the bike lanes that
were installed on
Euclid during his term
as president.

E - “Eat me." That's what
Glenn can now say to
all of the senators who
vehemently opposed
him throughout his

N - “No way!" This is what
Glenn will say the next
time he is asked to sit
on a committee.

N - Nothing. This is
exactly what Glenn
said when he was put
on trial. Maybe he
won't have to keep his
mouth shut anymore.

Love him or hate him, he
always handled himself
professionally. Glenn
always seemed to look
like he knew what he
was doing, kind of like
another former
president we know.
Thanks for being a
good news subject and
good luck!

-Amnda York

5.3.” 4.?

Saturday. Rain. The
two words don't go too
well together, do they?

VOL. 38106 ISSUE 8127


News tips ;'
Call: 257-1915 or write:



March 30, 2001


Preparations pay off
for Robinson/Harralson


. ~ in-
., . w.
’l. .

Above, Tim Robinson
and Caroline Harralson

‘Overwhelming emotion': Winners say
coalition will not hinder flow of good ideas

By Tracy Kershaw


Months of strategic planning materialized in a Student
(itWi‘I‘IiIIIt‘III presidential victory Thursday night for Tim
Robinson and Caroline Harralson.

Robinson. a secondyear law student. and Harralson. an
integrated strategic conimiiiiications junior. garnered Lilli:
votes. surpassing their closest competition. Alyshia ()chsc
and .Iosh Walton by 9.99 votes.

"Right now. the overwhelming
emotion I feel is pride." Robinson
said. standing with Harralson after
the crowd had cleared from the I’ree
Speech Area.

A coalition of more than Eu sen»
atorial candidates who worked on
the Robinson Harralson campaign
crowded together. cheering and
screaming "We all wonl" or "We're
all in?" to family and friends on the
other end of cell phones.

Robinson said he will “beg"
those students in his coalition who
did not win to join the executive

He spent 'l‘hursday campaigning
around campus. waking up at tam.
to relieve members of his campaign
who had spent all night camped out
on campus to make sure no onc tore
down any signs. 644

Robinson. who was the SBA
president at (‘umberland College.
decided to run for the [FK seat in
November. when a few of his fellow
senators approached him with the 3. Steve
idea. Shaw/Kevin Kyde

He decided to put off finishing

The count

I. Tim Robinson/
Caroline Harralson


2. Alyshia
Ochse/Josh Walton

law school and spend a year in the
Martin School of Public Policy next
year. Soon after. plans for an elabo»

celebrate their victory
in the SGA presiden-
tial election Thursday
night. At left, Alyshia
Osche congratulates
Robinson on his suc-
cessful campaign.

mean surr

rate campaign began.

In .Ianuary. Robinson and Harr
ralson gathered 1:3 students who
met every \i'ednesday to write the
platform. That group grew to :30.

The campaign even had its own
web site. where 7.30 students filled
out an online form to join the
Robinson Harralson team. Robin-

4. Nic Wilson/
Chris Schwartz



‘You'll see me again': Candidates plan
to stay involved in campus activities

By Jay Solvers


Three Student (ioverziment Association presidential
hopefuls had to go home last night and contemplate what
to do next.

While cheers erupted from the Robinson Harralson
coalition. the losing candidates expressed disappoint
ment. But none plan to let their defeat stop them from
serving students

After campaigning for weeks in a relentless effort to
lure students to vote for their ticket. all three candidates
will turn their attention to other activities that could
benefit the student body.

Alyshia ()chse. runneriip for the presidency. said
she plans on staying involved on campus and will dedi
cate a lot of time to IIK‘s Student Activities Board.

"My name‘s going to be around." she said.


son said.

"I feel like our team worked as
hard as any group could work.”
Robinson said.

Perhaps the most essential part
of the plan was the “victory
friends" concept: The top .30 mem-
bers of the coalition each gathered a group of 20 friends
whom they asked to vote for Robinson and Harralson.

Some have criticized the idea of having a coalition in
SGA. saying that it could hinder a flow of good ideas and
further the cliquenature of S(}:\_

Both Robinson and Harralson said those claims have no

“The similar mindset is just a commitment to SGA
everyone has different ideas." Harralson said.


UK teaching
two worlds
at recital l 8


Z suspects
theft cases

The numbers: Police say 13
wallets have been reported
stolen from campus buildings

By Tracy Kershaw

I’ls’ Police are searching for tWo poo
plc believed to be responsible for steal
ing 1.”. wallets from offices in various
campus buildings

Iii-II plumes are also being stolen. ac
cording to police

“We routinely take reports of stolen
wallets. but rarely do we get the volume
we are experiencing now." said Iiet. Greg
Hall. who is investigating the cases.

Suspects have entered offices and
remoied wallets from purses and then
used the credit cards to make excessive
fraudulent purchases at local depart
ment stores. police said.

Most of the credit card charges are
taking place within one hour of the
theft. police said.

Wallets have been stolen from of
fices in I’atterson Office Tower. the
Business and Economics Building. the
Biological Sciences Building. the
Forestry Building. the Mineral Indus-
tries Building. Ag North and the Med
ical (‘enter

The suspects. who are believed to
be working together. have been de
scribed as:

- A black male. Jifeeta inches to H-
feet tall. slim build. 2o to 2.3 years of age
with hair braided tightly to the scalp.
He has been seen wearing a Bulls jacket
or a dark colored lightweight jacket.
Some witnesses have described him as
having a gold tooth.

- A white female. 53 years old. 3feet-
8 inches tall. 13.3 pounds with shouldn-

See CRIME on 2


To protect yourself from being victimized, UK
Police suggest:

- Keep your purse with you at all times or
locked in a drawer or closet.

- Check the identity of any strangers who are in
your office area - ask whom they are
visiting and if you can help them find that
person. If this makes you uncomfortable.
call UK Police and inform them of your

- If you discover your wallet is missing, call UK
Police immediately. If you have credit cards
in the wallet, call the credit card company
immediately to report the theft.

- Do not keep the phone number of the credit
card company and your credit card number
in your wallet.

If you have any information relating to these
incidents, call Det. Greg Hall at 257-5710
ext. 233.


()chse. who lost by 399 votes. said she wishes
SGA good luck next year. But just because she didn‘t
win doesn't mean she is going to stop working for the

“You‘ll see me again." she said

()chse's vice presidential candidate. Josh Walton.
said occupying his time next year would not be a

“People kept asking me ifl have enough time to be
vice president." Walton said, “I think I'll still be busy."

Steve Shaw. who came iii third. said this week has
been exhausting.

"I haven‘t slept." he said. As a student. Shaw said he
plans on staying involved. He said he wants to continue
making the campus better for students.

His running mate. Kevin Kyde. also plans on staying
active on campus.

"This (running with Shaw) was just one
mg back to the students." Kyde said.

Nic Wilson. the other defeated candidate. agrees that
SGA is not the only way to help the student body

See DEFEAT on 2

way of giv


Alyshia Ochse
and Josh loitori
show their disap-
pointment after
hearing the
resutts of the








The Low-down

GOP pushes Bush tax cuts

WASHINGTON Tax relief affecting mil-
lions of married couples. children and people
who stand to inherit wealth is next on the agen-
da for House Republicans, who are forging
ahead with President Bush‘s $1.6 trillion tax cut
plan piece by piece. The House was scheduled
Thursday to vote on legislation costing nearly
$400 billion over 10 years that would cut taxes
for virtually all married couples. including the
.5 million who now pay more than they would if
they were single. The legislation also would
gradually double the $500 child tax credit. in-
cluding a $100 increase effective in 2001. Later
Thursday, the House Ways and Means Commit-
tee planned to approve legislation that would
eliminate estate taxes by 2011 while shifting
some of the tax burden to heirs who sell assets
above a certain value. That bill is headed for a
House floor vote next week.

Israel: Bombardment intended as warning

RAMALLAH. West Bank , Israel‘s bom-
bardment of Palestinian military targets was a
warning to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat to
rein in militants who killed three Israeli chil-
dren this week, Foreign Minister Shimon Peres
said Thursday. Windows in Arafat's two-story
villa were shattered in Wednesday night's rocket
attack aimed at headquarters of Force 17. a
Palestinian security service, in the Gaza Strip
and the West Bank town of Ramallah. One Force
17 member was killed. About 60 Palestinians in-
jured. In fresh clashes Thursday. three Palestini
ans were killed by Israeli fire. A Palestinian po~
liceman died in a gun battle with Israeli troops
near the Jewish settlement of Netzarim in Gaza.
Two boys. ages 13 and 17. were shot dead in a
a big stoneethrowing clash near the Erez crossing be-

tween Gaza and Israel. Eight teen-agers were

myS- wounded in the clash. The bombardment was

tery” the first military strike ordered by Prime Minis-
' ter Ar1el Sharon.

the road In May
to promote
Poses. the fol-
Iow-up to his
self-titled I998
aIbum. The son
at Iollt luminar-
Ies Loudon
Wainwright III
and Kate
Wainwright cov-
ers his father's
"One Man Guy"
on Poses.

I can’t
to have
It’s all


Reno stockbro-
Irer Steven
BroeIrovIch Is
suing his ex,
“the Erin
for libel and
slander. IIe con-
tends In a law-
suit filed In Los
Superior Court
that Erin Brock-
ovich falsely
claimed In
People maga-
zine and the
Star tabloid
that he failed to
pay child sup-
port Ior their
daughter, who's
now 11.

- “Xeua:
star lacy
33, not re-
vealing her
series' finale
(set to shoot
Friday). to
New Zealand's

Lawmakers plan a ban on human cloning

WASHINGTON A Concerned that a few re-
searchers may try to clone a human despite the
risks. lawmakers are planning legislation out~
lawing such experiments. The White House says
President Bush will sign the bill. Scientists told a
congressional panel Wednesday that efforts to
clone humans are ethically treacherous and like-
ly to produce deformed babies. While someone
might want to clone himself. etliicists said. a re-
sulting baby would have no choice in the matter.
The Food and Drug Administration says any hu~
man cloning experiments in the United States
would need its approval and. based on safety con-
cerns. the agency would not approve any applica

tions at this time. But cloning opponents worry
that federal law may not be strong enough to
back up FDA 5 authority and some want a ban in
place even if safety concerns are satisfied.


GOMA, Congo « Uruguayan soldiers ar-
rived Thursday in Congo. the first members of a
multinational force sent to bolster a shaky agree
ment to end a civil war that has wracked Africa’s
third-largest nation. The 110 South Americans
were the first of 2,500 armed UN. troops sent to
help bring an end to the conflict that erupted
when rebels took up arms to oust the late Presi-
dent Laurent Kabila in August 1998. Five other
African nations became embroiled in the 2 1/2
year civil war.

Tanker collides with Ireight ship

BERLIN 77* An oil tanker collided with a
freight ship off northwest Germany, spilling
about 1,900 tons of oil into the Baltic Sea. author-
ities said Thursday. The overnight crash hap-
pened in international waters about 15 miles
northwest of the German coastal town of Darsser
Ort. Television pictures showed a wide gash
ripped into the side of the tanker. Both the
tanker. registered in the Marshall Islands, and
the Cypriot sugar freighter remained afloat, and
the leak from the tanker , which was carrying
33,000 tons of oil , , was stemmed. The ship was
not fully loaded. The wind was blowing the
spilled oil toward the Danish coast, said Falk
Meier. the head of the German coast guard office
in Stralsund.


SAN FRANCISCO ,, An anti-abortion web
site that listed the names and addresses of abor-
tion doctors, branded them “baby butchers" and
criminals is protected by the First Amendment, a
federal appeals court has ruled. A three~judge
panel of the 9th US. Circuit Court of Appeals
threw out a $107 million verdict Wednesday
against the activists who had compiled the infor-
mation. saying they could be held liable only if
the material authorized or directly threatened vi-
olence. The ruling came two years afler a jury in
Portland. Ore.. ordered a dozen abortion foes to
pay damages to Planned Parenthood and four
doctors. The doctors had sued under racketeer-
ing laws and the 1994 federal law that makes it il-
legal to incite violence against abortion doctors.

Compiled from wire reports.


Continued from page I


length reddish colored hair
and acne scars on her face.
Clothing differs from report
to report.

The number of thefts re-
ported has increased since:
UK Police posted warnings—
around campus and on its'.
web site. Hall said.

“More people have gone
back and checked with their“.
credit card companies and '
found out they are victims of
crimes." he said.



Continued from page i


“I‘ll just go through other
avenues to get things done."
Wilson said.

Wilson said he hopes that
the students will put their
faith in Robinson and Harral-
son. He said that SGA will be
in good hands and thinks all
the candidates showed how
much they cared through the

Chris Schwartz. Wilson’s


running mate. plans on writ-2
ing a fiction novel over the‘.‘
summer. ‘j

He said he also wants to;
start an organization next;
year that would help bring:
campus organizations togeth-Z
er in an effort to boost fund:
raising. which was part of:
their platform. -

After what Schwartz-
called a very intense and-
painstaking campaign, he:
said his professors will be:
glad to see him back in class

“I'm just happy to get-
back to my books" Schwartz:







Vassar-Ararat said
despite Israei'suarulae





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«(are e. an 0a was. may-rm; arr-11:“ at Issue) in c.n!m'nsiuirfl
Wuhan. II! or their a mad fun-warms. £ mtteqprhnvt. I . an, I) may
NW ‘Qflfi'fil‘ii "505 11‘ as: (tummy. Mi my I Wynn '5; p; M m?!
infirm t! he“! with!

in he? '4 timing“ amt I'd ’w ’ufirwwnrnn

th’l-JmYd It KIWI“);

Don’t hope

for a better





I a









to make


New senators eager



Top vote-getter
Lesli Prottlt con-
gratulates iellow
senator Kyle
Jewell Thursday
in the Free
Speech Area
after the
announcement of
election results.
Protilt got 847




The winners
Colege Sermon

' Josh Long. College of Agricul-

0 Michelle Magyar and Amanda
Perkett, College of Allied Health

- Zach Webb, College of Arts 8

- Katherine Montague. College
of Business and Economics

- Eric Stoner. College of Commu-

- Ali Amoli, College of Dentistry

- Molly McGurlt, College of Edu-

- Tony Stoeppel, College of Engi-

0 Angel Laketa Moore, College of
Fine Arts

- Laura Schmidt, Graduate School

0 Shawn Ward, College of Human
Environmental Sciences

- Josh Profitt, College of Law

' Kyle Jewell, LCC

- Greg Rumph, College of

0 No senator, College of Nursing

- Matt Foltz, College of Pharmacy

- Tony Neihoff. College of Social


Lesli Profitt
Katherine Fitzpatrick
Edwin Orange
Lally Lehman
Joe Ruschell
James Monroe
David Hutchinson
Mary K. Thompson
Don Johnson
Joe lmpellizzeri
Lee Conrad
Robin Bryant
Scott Sloan
Mary Catherine Correll
Maria Maldonado
Cindy Cashen



specialist and doctoral

0 arts and humanities
- biomedical sciences
0 business

0 education

0 engineering




The University of Louisville offers master's.

Profitt gets most votes: With campaigns
now over, senators can focus on platforms

By Lamin Swann
Tssrsrinr igy‘s‘z‘orror

liesli Profitt received the
most votes overall in the Student
Government Association at
large senatorial race Thursday
night after two days of elections.

Protitt. a freshman senator
during the current term. got M7

Standing in a celebratory
crowd in the Free Speech Area.
l’rofitt said she was in shock of
her Victory as the top vote—getter,

“I don't know what to think
right now." she said. minutes af-
ter hearing the unofficial elec-
tion results "I look forward to
another year in the Senate.”

Profitt said she is eager to
get started.

“I‘m ready. I've got pro-
jects coming out of my
sleeves." she said while being
congratulated by supporters
and fellow candidates,

Along with the Robin-
son llarralson victory as presi-
dent and vice president. the
Robinson I'lar'ralsori coalition. a
group of 28 Senate candidates
that included Profitt. had a large
victory in the senatorial race.

Ben Franzini. who was a
senator at-Iarge candidate on the
Robinson Harralson coalition.
was ready to hear the outcome
before the election results

"I‘m really nervous. I hope
students came out and voted."
he said. “I‘m glad it‘s all over.
ready for SGA to concentrate on
the students."

Franzini was one of the few
candidates on the coalition who
did not win.



"I'm disappointed," he said
“I'm ready to becorrre a regular
student again and hopefullv help
out the Executive Board."

Don Johnson and Joe Impel-
Izzeri campaigned together on
the same ticket and will be seria-
tors atrlarge for the next term.

"It was a great campaign."
Johnson said. standing next to
his campaign partner lmpel
lZZI‘I‘i. "We're stopping the SGA

“l‘rri pleasantly surprised."
Irripellzzer'i said about his elec-
tion win

The two at-large senators-
elect said they
already have
plans for next
year‘s Senate.

“We‘re go-
ing improve the
alcohol policy
on campus.”
Johnson said.
The two ;
said they would Profitt
review the cur
rent visitation policy in the, rest?
dence halls,

.losh Weis. an at-large senae
tor'ial candidate. ran a campaign
without the elaborate campaign
banners or pamphlets.

“I believe I ran an effective
campaign." he said. “I used no
signs. a faceto-face campaign.“

Weis did not win an atlarge
senatorial seat in the election.

Kyle .Iewell. winner of the
l.(‘(‘ senatorial seat. said he will
not only represent I.(‘(‘ students

but the entire student body.

"As the vice president of the
l.(‘(‘ SGA and a SGA senator. I
can work with I'K students as a
whole." Jewell said.

also l




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'UI Symphony Otrhextra footer” 8pm Singletary (It 'tl


‘Open Gym Volleyball IIpIrnIr (atrium Mintsltm Born (angry Bonita (north



Campus Calendar

March 19 - March 25. 200]


(all 257-8867 for more Information





'Newmon (enter Moss 6pm


'Iae Kwon Do (loo Prattrte Hours llom I230pm Alumnr Gym Lott
‘lNSA Zone 5 Region l (ompetmon Ul( Eouestnon loom l2 Unrversrty of South
Sewonee TN


'Reloresl the Bluegrass Golden Key Int'l Honor Sorrety Mosterson Station Pork
'Big Brother r’llrg Sister Bowl 0 Titan Golden Key Int l Honor Sooety Scuthlond

“(151 MOVIES
'Ull Solo (ompetrtron 9am Singlerory (tr RH
'BAMTA Mtg and Guest Lecture 9 300m Singletory (tr Pll







Big Brother/Big Sister Bowl 0 Thou Golden Key lntI Honor Sooety Southlond Bowl

'Newmon (enter Moss 90m ll 300m
Noon Bagel Brunrh Hillel/Jewish Stud Org I200pm Manhattan Bagel on Rrrhmond Rd

' Phr Sigma Pi Mtg low 230 Stud (tr

8 I? University Worship Servrte B IYpm Southsrde (hurth of (host

'Bible Study Jesus the One and Only Uplmtt (amour Ministries 5 7pm {oIvnry Baptist (hurth
Romans Bible Study 3 30pm Baptist Stud Other (hope!

‘ UK Judo (lub 5 79m Alumni Gym Lott

Ull Ailodo Club 1 3pm UK Alumnr Gym Lot‘-
Recreation Night Uplinlt (ompus Ministries 7pm (olvary Baptist (hutch Rec 8. Outreach (tr

5pm and 8 300m






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UK hosts tennis elite



SportsDaily Emilia“...

4 I "to". Militia. M- l tit-15mm“


Phone: 257-1915 | E-mailzliernelsportsey .com

‘ ‘0“


UK senior Edo
Bowano has an 11-6
record this year, but
the team's lone
senior has not been
able to prevent the
Cats from stuttering a
losing record. UK is
7-“ overall and 1-4 in
the talented South-
eastern Conference.
UK hosts Ole Miss at
._ 6 pan. tonight at the
Hilary J. Boone Ten-
nis Center.





Serve it up: The UK men's tennis team will try to break
its six-match losing streak against No.11 Ole Miss tonight

By Travis Hubbard


l’eu collegiate sports haye No, i‘.’
ranked teams that own :i record of Til.

Then again. few conferences are :is
dominant and deep .is the Southeastern
Conference at tennis.

"'l‘he Sitit‘ is by far the long test con
ference in the country l'lx' men’s tennis
coach Dennis l‘lli‘n‘l'k s.iid “We deliniteh
have to earn our conference wins "

liniery's team is the .itoreinentioned
No. t2 team in the nation and has eoni
piled only a ti record in the Slfit‘. but all
four losses were to top in teams The i‘ its
are currently riding :i six iiiateh li'\li‘.‘;
streak. as well

His competition only gets tougher
this weekend when the Pats host .\'o, 11
Ole Miss at ti pin tonight and No i‘.’

.\uburn at L! pm. Sunday.

"i really don't know much about eir
iher team.” limery‘s son. freshman
Matthew Iiiiiery said “livery Shh team is
tough lt~ \oii are noi ready. someone will
beat you "

liinen is one ot tour freshmen that
start in l'lx's top se\eii (‘oach Emery
said he has had second thoughts of his
preseason scheduling

"We overscheduled a bit." he said.
"With .i young team we didn‘t want to
iplay this type of schedule) “

l'K's lone senior. lido Howano. has
heeii the lone consistent producer. ac
cording to Matthew l‘Iniery 'l‘lie I‘linerys
each said l'li's lack ofti\‘ei‘;lll team per
fermance on given days has contributed
ltl [is ltiss‘i‘s

“We have played well and had good
results.“ (‘oach linier\ said. “The prob

lem is we all haven‘t done it at the same

An ll-loss season would likely be
discouraging for any freshman. Even
Matthew Emery admits to being slightly
depressed at times this season. but a chat
with 'l'ennessee coach and former
professional Michael Fancutt helped his

"I. myself. got down a little bit."
l‘lliit‘iW said. “(l’ancum talked to me
about guys who go five years without
winning a match (professionally) and
then become top ill."

The (‘ats are talented. but young. and
llowano is the team‘s only realistic post
season promise. according to his coach.
The rest of the team still looks forward to
hosting and surprising the rest of the
contereiice in the SEC Tournament.

“It's an opportunity to get big wins at
the end of the year and impress the selec»
tioii committee." t‘oach l‘lmery said.

l’irst. the (‘ats have a chance to sur-
prise two of the nation and conferences
top teams this weekend. i





The Hunnington


The Cfiamtier Music Society ofc‘entraf.’l