xt7tqj77x05s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tqj77x05s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-08-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 28, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 28, 1985 1985 1985-08-28 2020 true xt7tqj77x05s section xt7tqj77x05s —____———.——————-—————————_—-————————————————————————-——-———————
’pthiwtrrsie wow.» . --
”t‘iJPd-‘;_ . L. >
v. y“: :.i M“ WI”? Established ION Unlvmltyofkontucky. Lexington, Kentucky Independent ulna 1971 Al1'90"”. '985 .
. I. I
More park'ng spot St d t “ "
’ r. :.-_ ’ ' 3.3,
Open to commuters ~ - = ' - -, have ally ~- - 2-
' c u» i, . (Qt-us - .51 {filth .- .‘I . t i . I' _'
:. . . . AP, . v; 2 . d g ,4 t I - . 'I I.
. . i O . ‘ h " I ' I ‘ " I
.2 ~ . . m a VISCI' . .,
l 0 near CO lseum ~ ' .c '2 who...“ -
at... .. it ~- . i . Ombudsman is _ I.
College View Avenue now one-way, - \- . do. , - 2 - ._ academic liaison .. 'i
. . . \ f ‘ r ““" Q ’ B) JoiisJi'in‘ "i.
f fl ‘ -. 2-. \ I _ . . - ' ' . .- ,_
lmpI'OVCS €11 OI'CCant 0 0t I'CSU'ICUOHS 52” \i. . ,‘ “MM ASS'S'an‘SWr“ “1"” ' x : .,?..v'
l .. ' . V a! " “i i - UK so you and Iioui lil-ih‘ssur " ('5 ‘I‘,I'; ..
i By t \ NTHIAIAI. PALORMO I . ‘I. - \L‘N don tseeeyetoefit -, '. . ' ..~. 1,!
SeniorStaffVlriter More spaces have 4’: .-"/ ’ l - II II‘ mtggiiptiIiglilg ~.. .on: visw.:I:..iItI: ' 'I
. . ~ 4 ... " . Mi . l w some 't'.‘l\i-if to t . .' .. .1 ‘ .-.I-. -I
When ”for“? ‘0 UKtaplfl-klhg‘ $5 become available for a :14 h . ‘\~... g " problems will l't'lllrlli'l Vii! talking .‘J‘ . . f' '.
owners 0 ten ave 10 e e ' ' J‘ - - .. ‘ .. problems out with the instructor will '. ' -.
Wllh the 200d garleg because Ih€ [01 f ,I » .3.“ ‘ . ,. notalways solve them ' ‘ l" .- i
, *' = . . Th't's hi- .- 1x.
Although there are 24 more park- erCl Xbehmq ; ;‘ ombuidsman“ if.“ Iwqumflifdeégfi - i.‘ ‘ _, .-
' ing spaces for commuter students. Memorial Coliseum has - l . if , It} 5 comes in ' ‘ ‘ - ‘ x i"
the lots are less accessible because . ; -~,»-‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ I . . . . . _ ,s . '. "
the street behind Memorial (.‘ol« been opened [0 . .. x , . ”k“ _ I I I Th: academic riiiit.iuiis.;..i. ries to . . _ . . .- I
iseum College View Avenue _. commuter students 5 N r g ' ’I‘d‘ Id (”mpr‘hli‘e ‘" »' f‘I'M' dllh‘ .- ,- i
’ . I , I . _ . f" i , tultles between the stliiie.’ lid the .' . iI-. -» v. -
f has become d 0ne~way street run "(h “Cl” - . I _ i " I-I— ‘ faculti member iiiclud.t‘i.' amnng . 7 ' ‘
. l iiIing from Rose Street to Lexmgton \M permits. ~ . I“ { mm mm the IIIIHUI so: g~ II-IIII to . I -. ‘. .I
. " \enue _ , .. . v.- N / h““ ‘h9 “‘u‘lt‘h' l‘ 7""?‘4 'l‘Pa’W? ir- ‘. 4 ‘ '. .
l)on Thorton. associate director nal spaces available. but 50 more 3.7,? i ‘ . ("1:13er . “ PM... . 1 ‘ " " ‘ I
for administration transportation. “Cl" permits will be sold this year § 5‘1"“? ~ ‘ ’" II 9 imbdd‘QS' ,( . n ' \W A: ‘1' imcl ’ . ' I ’ ‘
said the street was made one-way "We are selling the extra permits ‘.~ ‘ “‘“i " " ' i‘ I; . 4' ’II Iu SImsnhI‘ :1. ‘I l I I’ .V'jm I I’ »:
because it was itnpOsstble for only because we think we can better con 2“? ‘ I w;- l I‘M: ‘d‘ I ‘ ‘I‘JIMI‘ ”I ‘ I‘ i"II"iI"h 2 . ~. I.
one parking attendant to control the trol violators with the one-way ’ . 9. . .1, l “"I TmEhd I’IYII‘f‘IHI‘I’I‘I‘I’III ”I II""‘II I‘I" , g I _ -
Parking lot which had four en- street " :- .. 2' pwp 8.“ l'. ‘.‘..".5‘"“‘.“' 4. "kc, .‘.-' ' ‘ '
trance 8X!“ 2 ‘ NICE;j [it hl)d>icailIi iii.i.:ii l. ~..lt‘n 2 .I II . - I
- ~ s u en s aw . tilll in iii' 7 'ile r1; '-. ‘ ».
. The department 53“, students “’lth : \. \ ’. lure of aCadt’llliit' Lilli”: Moe r; he .' i ’ . l- ‘ ‘
' l" order to let more students K permits. who must move their J Complamtcmmpwflr. ”1..”me ‘ I . .' I [I '
park there 1983“.“ we (leaded ‘0 cars on days of home football "Nobody has ”A...“ $in 1 .H - C . . . »
make the street one—way,‘ Thorton games. should park in places other ' a. r- hp gum 5-; ii 5 .. p A ,.,. 'he . 5 ‘
sald NOW the parking l0l~ “’h'Ch '5 than "R" lots Beginning Sept 9. I ‘ X ' ‘ pmwr of piling...” iii, lvl-sv' Mi); ' ‘ I - ,
designated for car owners with l'K POW“ “”1 patrol “R” lots, 24 » i good sense and .nc. mil... iiiiitivul» ' A " ‘
"(‘13. ”B“ and ”R1” parking per- hourseachda} ’ 1". !.:.;*X“’... ‘ neg-c ii, prawiw “fit 1...: in: m ’ '
mits. is only accessible from (‘ollege HI; ‘ J; - ’ ' “Sac or a differen If... , U, Q. .‘ * " . . : -
\v'ew‘hvem'e The l‘ long structures amiss : ‘ ’ ' ‘ I, ‘ ~ § - sicali; all i haw-Lind. “1.1.3:, ' . .. fl ‘
from thi- seaton ('enter and behind l them -. . - I I
The street became 0ne~wa_\ on Illiiiti\.i' Hall. as well as A and “so”: I . W1»... But [gr-r5 5H: ta» my wit. u" .i,. 'V ‘ ,‘
Aug 23 Thurton said employees of b“ ‘ l"l»‘ (monghom campus are m” {w‘ h ls. 3; :. “96%; ’ Al - . lems that student to tiri‘ admins '. . ; ~ .
the transportation department are l‘it'll” “ll ”h weekends 3‘: ~‘ I “Twyla“, ’~ ii‘w' preSetit to tin .ii .i letiiic . ‘. .
dIiIrIIetting the trattit along tolleize ' . ' II q: LT-tf‘ii... y . ombudsman such i. w. “wig . ' ' ’
‘ 'l'horton said there is always plenr g‘. f..- waffle»; . 1V5? cheating and Dldfllt‘l’lSlh W “"2"“ 3' . . - '
t} of parking available m those .. - I’_2 23??" 5. I , ' Pl . which are among the 'llllt_'l‘.li-s' a .
More spaces have become avail structures. but students must re ‘ . ‘ 3: _~. 545% a’wo - t . _ nonstohandli- ‘ l, . ‘
able for parking because the lot dl member to move their cars before 1 I “NDMWHMMSON '* 2 '2‘ l "'h‘r‘i‘lmk’ and lhi‘le-J'V‘l‘ J" "l‘ I. 1' . ' 7
1 rectly behind Memorial Coliseum a m on )londavs l SlilE'V'fl‘l a seriols iillt‘f'lst' :2. ~. ~e -‘ I I ‘
has been opened to commuter sin A“ [’00de up ' iious than far .lli‘- .iiu: .. :l -i .. . . . . ' ,'
dents with ‘t'l‘permits (‘ampus police do not patrol aftei l/Ae-I he NW1 ' V“ ‘1'" *’ 1- ' l '
4'30 p m on Frida}'s or before 3 Lissa VVelltl'ell a lOUrnOlISm sophomore, hunts for books yesterday in the Universny Bookstore. suspended from 1h“ ll’ll'wl‘ll "‘ I“ . A I ' . '
He said the lot makes 24 additio a in on Mondays ”Uldthble * . . A
h...“ m— He added. I think ‘t)lll('i.f'lt" “.c i . ‘ ._
Q . . faculty contributes Iii crimi' 3.: ' .’ .,
K 11 r . . leailngtheroom ' I I' I; '
U ' overw e ming source 0 1n orma ion a .
who ha\e asked for llelp ‘i'iin "ie I ' 4‘ r. g
B.‘ Tl-‘lJllHNSUN “We architecture. i‘l‘l- biological brary will be giien luring the first minutes. we couldn‘t do all dax system Will be implemented for sin (ll:;?li(m:]:’1..h$. '23."??? :.:,}_l.“,y:_l, ' .- 1 3 , ’ ‘
Senior Staff “7”!” selences. business. chemistryphy heck of classes \\illis said ' All the Lach said “Although it does cost dents to call up authors. subjects or lhe Off, . 11.3” r: ‘ ‘1“ l d ' - ' ‘ - I
510‘ education. engineering. geolo- student has to do is go to the inlor‘ most of the time. using this l£l(‘llll\ titles on a terminal The computer A. "Lot; ghoi-d ), dial) in ,‘ ,.«. l' I ,-
JPSIMk 853 13W mathematics medical. mation desk and ask about them is worth it if it‘s not. well tell \oii would then Elie the call number and ti An 2; . Lr3- ltt -'i\xhh‘ti)vlmi Mil-I ‘n " "I "
“hen you're wandering through leC and pharmacy New students. as iiell as an) other We charge onlx because we re the location of the book Lach said .0 d1 nidg huh “my l2; (‘1‘, A dui ‘ . . r : I,“
the stacks of the 15 libraries on camr "Students need to be aware that students. not taiiiiiiar with King. charged " The fee is based on Him that slv terminals \Mll be placed in :m e A; it 15:4 ‘. . i .1,” ' ,. :l - I ' l! , .
PUDU 3“ you have [0 d0 l5 35" for 'M 1» th8‘ l5 “0‘ the 0an library necxitobeawareot thesetours ' putertlme.l.ach said the reference room for usethisfall 'fl-drxth H) I 'h m. . 15.. ha, . . I .
help. 53“ Paul Wllhs- director 0f l" on campus." said RUlh Brown. 8550 The students should also be aware The integrated librari s\slt‘lll is The system will be installed in :IUZZit- 1:1 [elf mi hilt: unit? I ‘; f ‘
blilrleS ciate director 0f libraries “There of the many computer services the another important seriice >\\lllt'll is Ml King and the Medical ('enter li- ‘Wm 'h 1. )nvhlilxlli‘flhj “4):: :1“): ‘11.; 4‘ " «. "
“()ften students are reluctant l0 are speCIalized ones. Wthh are (19‘ libraries offer or will offer. said planned for use this semester 'l'hei'i- braries in the first phase Lach n She: ‘d A ( ' I ‘em ' ' I' ‘ ’ ‘. 'I
‘lSk- espeCially new ones.” he said voted tospecificareas and issues H Michael Lach. assistant director of are two significant aspects oi thi» hopes that phase two and three Will I 2' \al .1 ‘ ' "I
"But they need to ask. Coming from The libraries have combined hold publicservices. System that directlx aft-“.1 ”R. “u be completed m the next two years His philosophy toward discipline is l 2 . ' ‘i
a small 50h°°l~ ll can sometimes be ”185 0f nearly ”'0 million volumes One of them. the bibliographic dentsLachsald ~ implementing both the automated reflected m h” hm ”Mk putiyour- ‘ ’ 'i (-l 1"
overwhelming” to come ‘0 a large and include more than 20000 peri‘ data base search. is a service which First. there is an automated circu circulation svstem and the on-line f'eet‘up DCFSOHUlXI) "1 ft probably I"). L,-
umvem .i' I68 I es. as we as governmen looks for ourlials ant rt - s‘ ~ , 2 ~ ~ i . ~ ., . »- . . not a ' air inc pcw-i‘ iers . . .i r .
l. , . . 0d I I” . ll _‘ .i i a lcle bv lation system. whiih \ ill gm .\ll iard catalog s\stem in all of the h (H B . .
The Ll\ library system contains documents. microforms ta generic domg a key word search The servv ng Librarv a ”much. much ”a,” munch“ on campus said "I tend to see lllI\\t‘ll .is very. . . ,I
Ml thg Library. “'hjCh houses the name for microfilms. microfiche ice. for which a fee is charged. can control of records." he said It 'i\lll ‘tiur biggest problem will be tea very moderate “h" “"“l l" believe t. ‘1‘ . ‘
Principal collectl0n of social sCI- and mlL‘l‘t'K‘al‘dst. manuscripts. be found Ill the MI King. l-Iduca- automatically check out books ching the students and the fucultx 5"” "a" “Wk "U! ”m" p'm'lems . - ' . ‘I' ‘
{mugs and humanities materials. and maps. muSicfi Iscores and phono- “on. EngmpermgI i‘hemhincphyfl. check them in. put a hold on them members how to use the 0mm, 5“; withalittle effort . II I . i
H branch and departmental llbrar' grailaFEEFS; ‘lilll‘lzirsfigvstem is so Es. Agriculture. Medical and Law ll~ and will block out delinquent bor tem. ' Lach said "Buthe are still "l tend to not want m mm‘, down I ‘ , ' ' ‘I
“.3 I . I h \. . rariIes rowers really ("((‘llt‘d about this new serv- on people mo hard 1 m 1., Ii... ”.3, .‘ w
The branch libraries are agl‘lelh’ large. free tours 0f l e .1 l hlhg Ll- "\\hat that machine can do in five Secondly. an on~line card catalog Sec sol R(‘l~l. page} sonable - ‘ ' . . . - *‘ .‘
‘ 1‘ "?t#;i‘;-:i§5.'zi«..--.ét‘}5' "“dfi‘tziiii' o , . V.
SGA cards §§ m Policeman’s funeral = ~
- . “P1”? . ""‘" h I A
' . '1. . flit; ‘-’i£,"-'f.~-I s Icy q-IIn . . . II
- ~ ,. as age . ~ ' -
0 ur l may? v’ a“ ~fi4vfi;§3; . . . ' .
. 5c s. .2 \ , as: as raws o icers
o , . ' 'ai‘igdfild \\ \ am $39 ‘ I - ' -
discounts " 9 8 “ new “A? t ‘J*“‘fzi.§i"~;""'fi5htft§ii “1.; . . . - .
V >"’3’?;;'?Iif-;.‘ 72/0 '\‘ . .\ / _ - h‘ofii‘éfinfi’ I fitting? 8) NIIKI—IEHHRY someone made a commitment ' I
" ' I “‘t a EN I’m. ‘v‘f'f‘I'I‘E‘efigzyfiiiI?J§i'.T-‘e¥;zf Associated Press and paid the supreme sacrifice." . ‘ . - .
By “1,11.me . ' . , " T . ’ l I; i. ”leg-r2 hernia-5’ 2 said the Rev Wayne Smith of South- "
.- ‘ . . ‘ . ' - .~f‘ ab 5:? . ‘ . ‘7“- I. ”Mr E." Nearly 500 police officers gathered land Church. ,
SpeCIaIPrOJects Editor . . I ”110% 2 . .\\- , ' '7 , ’--""' (.13:- jII with family and friends yesterday The Rev. Richard Mardls of Mad-
” 3 . 3.75% " .- ~ ‘ . 5*" ‘.’ j i‘" afternoon for the funeral of slain isonville. Roy's half-brother. gave ' ' I
In an effort t9 ‘a‘lh‘a‘e trade be ‘ ‘ . . Lexington policeman Rov Mardis the opening prayer ' '
tween the UniverSity community rnmuvs mmmmm Kentuckv (‘ov \lartha Lavne Col- s‘ POII ‘l - ’
and local merchants — and save stu- Cain said such a service has not honor the card will have stickers on quality of (this year‘s) card," he ms and '[Ie'vn {on \lavor- Scottv W ( " N“ . . .
dents a buck — the Student Govern- been available for the past two their windows So we're really on said, 8mm were‘angon dws'e attendin' ;
merit ASSOClath" is sponsoring a years because “the card was ba— the ball as far as advertising Sam Bucalo. the sales represental the’wnwe at Soullhland Chm“: . .
student discount card. sically a flop" the last time it was goes."Cain said. tive for Campus Advertising Serv- Church for the de rtment‘s "Offi- -.
The card. which will be distritr tried. He said its lack of success was ices. said merchants who pay to be cer of the Year“ in gas ‘
uted free to students. faculty and due to poor distribution and adver- Also. there will be a better distri< listed on the cards are ”paying to “3rd“. ,5 was buried at the L”.
staff at variom locations on campus. tising on the part of the company bution system for the 20.000 cards. get their {00‘ in the door" With stu< m'mn Cemetery" He is survived b.
will list about 15 local businesses of- thathandled the UKcard. he said. “and students will get $1.500 dem5~ “8 said the card ls similar to him“. Sue ang, seven dau mm ’ 3...... ha. Muir in... is findim
fering discounts of 10 percent to 20 for doing it — which is unprecedent- a coupon that students can carry in hiardi‘ a “WWI” “Item: with'the m an only thins mm“
percent on services and merchan- He said that this year. however. ed here “ Campus Advertising Serv- their pocket. Lelxm u; lice force who 5 nt 11 about the “me of football. Fa
disc. said John Cain, SGA president. Campus Advertising Services. the ices is donating 31.500 to SGA for The cards should be available \‘ears‘igwflhpfhe de rtment‘spfanine more newton“.
The cards will be good for discounts Cincinnati-based company making sponsoring the card near the end of next week. when the 'u nit ‘was shot Fridfy while tracking '
on items such as food and car re- the cards. is i for advertising list of businesses is com lete. Buca- ' ‘ ‘ . -
pair and posters pzhdngmerchants who “We're very confident about the losaid p 8 Jall Sceptre In Mercer CountyI He u (”on . MI of '11-:
‘ ‘ ‘ is the first Lexington police officer DUI! M Ml I"! up to his
. . . . . to die in the line of duty since the m with 5‘ movie "Ye“ °f
Outs oken a artheid foe ailed in South Africa mm ““”"‘“'“‘"°”""
After the funeral. state police . HMO. '3 m. N
Capt. John Lile said preliminary ev- IQ.
By JAMES F- SMITH Boaak‘s lawyer said the march president of the 70 million-member made a protest to the South African Eggfifa'fi‘f'i‘i‘m "‘“Ied ‘33:?th ‘C‘
Associated Press today would go ahead as planned de— World Alliance of Reformed Church government lice officer at themanhllnt scene po-
spite the detention 0f Boast: and de- as He was arrested at a roadblock Police initiall 5‘5 ted that the
CAPE TOWN. South Africa — The spite govemment warnings that it near the University of the Western ln Geneva. Switzerland. the World es“ Ran dy Hugh: shot Mar-
Rch Allan 3088K. one Of the na- would act to halt the illegal assem‘ Cape. where he serves as chaplain. Alliance of Reformed Churches dis Sign": sald Haighthol or is M b m to be “
tims mmt “fupoken foes 0f apart- bly. He was detained indefinitely without called Boaak's detention “a man- asus t mg I. * h . bu fill-’Tfi
hold. was ”fled yutudny 0“ "'9 Mandela. black leader of the charge as allowed by the lntemal ifostation of intolerance on the part ‘ pec. Mo .I.‘ h ‘- '- their
eve 0‘ a mass wot-t much be banned African National Congress. Security Act. police headquarters in of the South African government" A coroner‘s jury will hear evi- '-
lened to lend to Pollstnoor PIrlson has been in prison since i954. con- Pretoria said. and demanded his release The dence at an inquest Sept. 5. Lite " ~ "" = 7.“.
where "9'30" Mandela IS 89""! 8 victedofplottim sabotage. In Washington. the State Depart- statement was issued jointly by the said. ‘5‘ 1'
lifeterm. Basalt. :9. isof mixed race and is ment condemned the arrest and SecFOlE.page12 "We have come here became “-~“”’

Information on this calendar of events is collected and
coordinated through the Student Center Activities Office,
203/204 Student Center. University of Kentucky. The infor-
mation is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor,
with editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of
expression. For student organizations or University depart-
ments to make entries on the calendar, 0 Campus Calendar
form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activ-
ities Office.
: a m u s a e n a r Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Mon.
' day preceeding the publications date.
. -' l ' l 0 Academics 0055 work begins 0 Academics, Late registration for returning ' ACOdEMiCSI Late registration for returning
‘ . .' . 0 Academics Late registration for returning students who did not advance register; $20 students who did not advance register: S20
‘. " - ‘I ' . students who did not advance register: 520 late fee late fee
I . . ‘ _ -' late fee 0 Movies: American Werewolf in London:
, .- ' ' , O Movies American Werewolf in London: $l.75w UKlD; Worsham Theatre: 7:30 p.m.
- . . "- ' '_ SI 75 w UKID Worsham Theatre: 7:30 p.m.
, , l '. . . 0 Other Student Chapter of landscape Ar-
I. I .I. . _ IV chitecture Plant Sale Stu. Ctr. 8 Ag. North: 10
I' . ’ ' ' - am -5p m. Co||266-3231
I. , '. ‘ ,y 0 Other, Register for National Teachers Ex- ' Academics: Late registration for returning 0 Movies: Americanization of Emily: $1.75 . Other: F'eld Experience Applications for
' I' : Om~Required for new teachers; 166 Taylor Ed. students who did not advance register: $20 w UKlD:Worsham Theatre:7:30p.m. Education Classes; lOlB Taylor Ed: Bldg; 8‘
- 1 '~ ‘ Bldg. 8-4.30p.m. Call 717% Iatetee ”09"": C°” 7"857
. I ' ' Meetings Prospective Freshman Weekend ' Academlfii LObOF DOY (R95|denfe Halls . Mowes: The Breakfast C'Ub7 ”'75 w UK'D;
' , . I . -. Counselor meeting. 228 New SC: 8 p.m.: Call Will be 099“; classes Wlll "0' meet) Worsham Theatre; 7:30 pm. I
' .I g 7~6597 ' Holidays: Labor Day- Academic Holiday . Academics: L05, day to enter an organized
. _ class for the l985 Fall semester
. ~ ._ . 0 Academics: Last day to officially Withdraw
' . from the University or reduce course load and
‘ ' . , receive 80% refund 7
. . ' 0 Sports: Entry deadline for Intramural Ten~
‘ nis (S): 135 Seaton: 4 p.m.: Call 7-3928
. ._ l V r \
, , 35 l . l 8 28 American Werewolf in London $1 75 w UKID Worsham Theatre 7 30 9 4 Entry deadlineforlntramuralTennislS) l3$ Seaton 4pm. Call773978
‘ . . . rr
'. l _ . ‘ g 29 American Werewolf in London Si 75 w UKID Worsham Theatre 7 30
'_ . ' ' '_ g 3 Americanizoiion of Etmly Si 75w UKlD Worsham Theatre 7 30p m
' ~ , ' '. , 9 4 Me BreakfastClub $1 75w uxio Worsham Theatre 7 30p m
.‘ ‘ ‘ t I ‘
‘I ‘IgII : .II“. u‘
Il.“;-3'II 'II'III
133.0: ' L l 9 ‘ Prospec‘lve Freshman Weekend Counselor meeting 228 New SC 8 p m 8 28 Class work begins 9 5: The Breakfast Club; Sl.75w UKlD; Worsham Theatre. 7:30 p.m.
, . "I. . ,‘iI , Call 76597 8 28-30 Late registration for returning students who did not advance register: 9 5: Entry deadline for Intramural Flag Football (Tum in Cl MQI’S meeling
: ‘ ' . , . . .- .' S20 latefee only). SC Theatre: 5pm.; Call 73928
,‘I‘ 3.: f , :'i . 3 78 Student Chapter of Landscape Architecture Plant Sale. SC 8 Ag North, 9 5 N.O.W. Emergence-A Feminist Women's Press: 109 SC. 67 30 pm Call
~.- -. I. lOam 5pm 2317985
: I'I'..’", ‘ II . ' _ ' ' 9 l 15 Register for National Teachers Exam-Required for new teachers 166 9 6. Date by which second housing payment is due if paying by mail Student
I. '_ -,' . .I I Taylor Ed. Bldg 8-4 30 p m Call 7-279l Billings: Coll 7-6298
' .r j ‘ - -I. 9 2-4 Late registration for returning students who did not advance register 9 6: The Breakfast Club: $1.75w/UKID: Worsham Theatre; 7:30pm.
. . j I. _ l . $20latelee 9 9: UK football ticket distribution for game against Bowling Green. Memorial
, " :' ' ' . ‘ 9 2 Labor Day (ReSidence Halls willbeopen classes willnotmeet) Coliseum, Ba,m.-Bp,m.
. ' .'-' . ’ 'I l 9 it last day to enter on organized class for the was Fall semester 99. Flag FootballOfficials Clinic: I35 Seaton; 4p.m.
. __ . , u 9 4 Last day to officially withdraw from the University or reduce course load 9 l0: UK football ticket distribution for game against Bowling Green, Memori-
-' . . '« I and receive 80% refund al Coliseum; 9a.m.-d p.m.
. ' ' ' -‘ , 9 2 Labor Day-Academic Holiday 9' l0: Flag Football Officials Clinic: lSSSeaton: 4 pm.
, . . . . 9 4 l3- Field Experience Applications for Education Classes: lOlB Yaylor Ed 9'“: Last day for payment of registration fees and 'or housing 8 dining fees
' , ' . I .' - Bldg 874 30 p rn Call 7 1857 in order to avoid cancellation of reg. and/or meal card
.‘ ' . '. 9' ll. Recital: Jennifer Brock, soprano; Donna Boyd, mono soprano: CFA Reci»
. . . - 4 ‘. iaiiioii;ep.m.;ciiii7.49oo
t ,r . 9 l2: Squeele in concert with The Hooters and The Truth; 38. SlO. Memorial
2 . . , ‘ . Coliseum. 7:3)p.m.: Call 7-1378
'. , , . 9 l2: Entry deadline for Intramural Tug-O-War; l35 Seaton. I p.m.. Call 7-3928
l D

3! RQBER’I‘WELLER M355 Gen. Ibrahim Babangida, the Announcement of the coup was dinary citizen is becoming increas kaesnian ('hal‘lt‘fi l-3 ltedman said om) WWW) damaged to the till' '
AssomatedPrss army chief of staff, wouldIassume broadcast on regional stations ingly unbearable " later. "we have had a good otoilonworldniarkets . .
the presidency and leadership of the throughout Nigeria. and a dusk-to Babangida became a Nigerian relationship with Nigeria based on a .
ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast —_ Army armed forces. Babangida was a dawn curfew was announced in hero in 1975 {or helping put down an convergence of enduring national lll “”gmvmr,” 5“”! Bum“ \. ”w" '
officers overthrew the Nigerian gov- leader of the coup that unseated the Lagos and all state capitals abortive coup in which the country‘s terests We expect that ”11> mm“ ”t I rmdem ”tell“ Shaita' . .
ernment yesterday, accusing Mai elected civilian government Dec. 31. _ . popular military leader. Brig Mur~ relationshipwillcontinue had we" “downed b} m" "am” 4
Gen. Muhammadu Buhari and his 1984. and installed Buhari. Ma). Gen. Sanm Abacha. 8.".‘em‘ tala Muhammed.was assassinated. The radio statement liroatluist Mm unprecedented emhus'am' 7“ ' " ’
military regime of abusing power The omter of Buhari was Nigeri- ber of the new Supreme Military The coup announcement came throughout \Igcm “I” read m geriam were unilied in accepting 5 , .
andfailingtorevivetheeconomy. a's sixth coup since independence CounCil, Iwent on the stateIradio to early m the morning an" the feast Brig Gen Joshua lmgomam m, the intervention and looked YUFVHHH . , , .
All communications with Nigeria from Britain in 1960. 9°“ "’9 “e“ “ma" nations 3" ""1‘ of Bid el-Kabir. which most mem- worked under Hatmngidu in t'hlt‘t ”i h"i’*"u“>' ‘0 progressive (‘hangm tr: ’ ' '
were cut and no information on BU- Nigerian experts in London said lion people that Babangida would bers of Nigeria‘s large Moslem com arim personnel in lsigus the rap, ”wt-«tier " '
ha“ 5, fate was avallable' Reports Buhari was at his home “"389. address themsoon. munity celebrateathome tztl ' He \‘dld then- had tl‘t'l‘i llllit' pt'l .« . '
reaching Abidjan and London “‘9'“ away from lagIOS, and his second-in- in explaining the coup. Abacha In Washington. the State Depart- The statement \illtl ltut‘mr‘ ~ \u are» after ainiost tvui yeah tum ' ' . .,‘ I '
Nigeria indicated there was no Inl‘ command. Maj, Gen. Tunde Ildiag~ said. “The state of the country's men! said there was no indication preme Mlllléll‘} loom-i; .\.1\ being t‘\('l and Buhdrl could not (Uflllnuo .1"? ('- . ‘
tialvwlence. . . , . bon. was onIa religious pilgrimage economy is getting more and more that any of the 7.000 Americans in removed because it had abused blaming the ClVllliln gowi-nivient hi .'.- ‘5‘ , ’
The new military leaders said toSaudi Arabia deplorable." and “the life of the or- Nigeria were in danger Department power and failed to t't'\l\’(' .m mm ('Hupllf‘pOMKl a; 5 1' .- T.” -'
l .' _ Si‘I-‘L: -' .14
OSource . I - i I
(nniiniied t’mm pogconc *** * ** * « " II: I'-' 1' _' 5.1 I" U
3‘ . "'v'pf’l.‘ L'. 1'
ice Several other libraries have an to 25 cents a day on each overdue have the books brought back for the - " ., a, W "3'.“ : f.‘ V-’
automated circulation system. but book and 50 cents an hour on re otherstudentstouse." Bes Type "a?" ”’ (w J .1". if ‘h'.’
very few have the on~line system " served material Most benchmark li- Willis also stressed the impor Typesef’ing «:75 5: f4 “»
. . . braries .. those university libraries tance of new students learning how ~, ; ',.‘;' .'
5‘93”." all llbrartfi have 591119 neighboring Kentucky which are to use the library and its resources serVice ' a; - t 5 __ g ‘ {5‘5 ' ; f .
thing else in common also —- fines. similar in size » charge 15 cents a effectively, “If a question arises. " . fl‘ , 33,1. ‘I ,
However. the fines at UK are some- day or less just ask.“hesaid. 257.6525 _.5.-_t’5IIi f _1- !
what higher than many other librar H Vi 11' 'd \ I It . _ ta t t be h l _Z}: I?" _ Li.“
iesatother universities owever. 'i is sai . " 'ou on y “ is impor n o remem r t at , ' .-":"§ {It ‘j 5.
have to pay fines if you don't bring new students are not interrupting us- ******* SCHOOL 8 HERE AGAIN! .‘ t. :4_.‘, '.
Last year. the L'K library system the book back We don't charge fines if they ask questions.” Brown said .-.'".". 1.; 5“}; .
raised its fines from l0 cents a day to make money We charge fines to "It‘s our job toanswer them " .-"I 5 5' if}. I-».I'v.I‘
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O O .
Jud e rules Metts Artlficla‘ “ea"
‘ $8.. I t. t, 3 f
3,4,,- pa ten S ever
must pay $12 000 3,3; ~ - i
9 . -.. . . receding s owly
. . ‘ " 3:3
FCi mer offic1al onders next move ' f '" 3.. Lowsvnw (AP) — Murray P.
p Q 3 31"“: . \ ...3 _ Haydon's fever has begun to recede,
FRANKFORT tAim .- Former The engineers allegedly were fired 0 . ' I" ~ 3‘ “ - . either because of antibgohcs given
. ' Transportation Secretary Frank for concealing another engineer‘s ~ 9” 3 ‘ ‘ - ' t .33" “ the artificml heart patient or be
. Metts hasn‘t decided if he will 3p. falsification of concrete inspection 3 w . ,e’ 3; cause his body is fighting infection
. ‘ peal a judge's ruling that orders him records. » 335-33233 " ‘ ‘ 3 _ 3 , » na3t3ijirally. a hospital spokeswoman
, . .. .- ~ ; 3 v“ me- a- 3.3.3.. sa .
. 3 32333330313323 ilfzgmépelnizulngysei; 1" a 1932 ruling by 1'5 DiSHK'l A set-f ' l .17? . 35-; 3. «ifl Doctors at Humane Hospital Au-
“ V ‘ V ‘ fired in 1982 M8" 39“.?” Moynahan. the men fis‘ Flu . ~- 1‘ .1 x‘ 5*? V , \ _ ‘1me have been unable to pinpoint
L‘ S D . .. 3 were reinstated to their Jobs be- - . ”- -~ - ., . b . v.- the cause of the fever but they sus-
. ,. . istrict Judge William . 3 3 - 3 -= 33 ; 3 3 3. 3
Be 3 . cause the Judge held that they were 3. - _. .- _ _ pect an infection outSide the lungs in
- . rtelsman said in his Aug 21 rul- . . . 3 3 h .3 3 , 3 3 . . 3
- . fired for their public critICism of .- .3 3 3.. 33, . 3‘ «33 4 3 3 - .w 33 the chest caVity may be the reason
. - . ing that Melts had Violated the . . . 3 3. 3 . 3 3 .. . 3V3. ,. 3,. 9 ., 3 .. 1 3 .
3 3 rights of the engineers became they Metts polic1es. in iiolation of the 33 3 3 _‘ )2 - ' a! ”“ . Donna Hazlesaid.
3 3 V V . were not given a hearing before they F'm Amendmem 3" ‘3 V' m ’ “'3‘” __ W 3 33 33 . 33 3 A second harlifecrmbg: "I” flu?!"-
3 _ _ _ . werefired 3 Two years later. t' S Magistrate “ fi .33 .~. 3513:; "3:; ca: ocrom gflcairl‘l:
. .. . 3 3While finding partly in favor3of en~ Jamm Cook. who was assigned the 3 .3 33 3 3 33 3 33 I ‘ - . 3 9:43 3 the mechanicaly W35 too minor
3 . ' - . - gineers Cyrus Layson and Lieorge case for trial and recommended dis- " ‘° z ‘55}? 7" w; ’ ..._;';":- to be the 'aus e ompfever h . d
' .' ‘ Fra3nke. dBertelsmand ””559?“ it: position. disagreed With Moynahan's I»_:‘-53,'~$‘_<:3 3 E. . ‘V 3* 5 ' Monday t .s e sai
I .. ‘ . - ear ier «men an 53‘ A e ‘ findin on the First Amendment 3“ ». 3; 333 33 _ 3 V» 33, ‘ V ‘ -' .
‘ - 3 .' didn't Violate their First Amend- g 3 s3 3 *W'g’h. 3~ 3.3 3 3333.3 3 vi -‘ i- ‘ 3Haydon 5 temperature has been as
. .3 . ' ment rights to free expression 0“ Monday. Bertelsman 8“”de : ‘x ”"334" “333333331? 3, .. 33 it. high as 102 degrees over the past
3 -- - . 3 Metts. who contended he heeded Layson $1.461 for interest on lost several weeks. but has been running
. - ; " . . -3 state regulations m the dlsnussals3 wages. $5000 for 3out—of-pocket ex Tony '10 ““"“”‘° "' "0“ about 100 recently. Donna Hazle
3 . ' 3 found it “a little preposterous" he penses and 83.000 for mentahsufter- said.Norma11598.6. 3 3 3
_' 3. ,. . V . 3‘ was held P92353113”? liable for fOllOW‘ lhlintzlréifi‘tri‘ngs auarded $300 for Two members of the Lexington Polo Club Kentucky Horse Park recently. the matches a”Eligfigaga‘zlglgr:fikfitsrg