xt7tqj77ww5m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tqj77ww5m/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1935 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, February 1935 Vol.6 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, February 1935 Vol.6 No.9 1935 1935 2019 true xt7tqj77ww5m section xt7tqj77ww5m 3 3 — ,3 3 , . I w m. —. «any: ‘3 I V‘l,
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3 February, I935 ' , 33
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I » Int? _ :‘3 page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS February, 1935 .
. I .
I . II I; Gettlng The Most From The Adv. Cut Serwce I
I I IIIIII By THOMAS T. WILSON tention Compellers, Automobiles and have there mats within easy reach at I
“II II My suggestions this morning will be Accessories, Bakeries, Boats, Books, any time, they being kept in the ship~ .
. IIII . I entirely from the standpoint of the Borders, Candy, China Ware, Glass ment cartons. As the various mats are 3
. IIIfII1 I country newspaper man as I shall not Ware, Silver, etc., Coal, Dancers, Dry cast, they are returned as soon as pos-
I’III hope to suggest anything new or use- Goods, Electrical Appliances, Country sible to the carton from which they I
III I3 ful to the large town advertising men. Fair Illustrations, Job Printing Cuts, were taken. Thus they are ready for
' IIII II There are two phases of advertising Livestock and Farm Implements, Lug- almost immediate re-casting Whenev-
I : IIIIII’ I: that I want to discuss briefly with gage, Monuments, Shoe Repairs, Up- er necessary. .
I , III “ I you. They are “GETTING THE MOST holstery, Sports, Etc. As the older services are replaced by ‘I
. IIIIII I FROM THE CUT SERVICE” and You will notice that this list I’ve the incoming bunch of mats, the old— .
.I ; II “THE VALUE OF LAYOUTS IN given contains only the more unusual er ones are lettered at the end of the '
I 5III'; 1' SELLING ADVERTISING.” ideas; the old standards of Hardware, carton as to month and year and are I
I ‘, IIEII I It is to be presumed that most of Building Material, Flowers, Etc., we filed in chronological sequence in a se—
I II I; you here have a cut or mat service of also include but it is understood that ries of cheaply constructed wooden I
I IIIIIIII I some sort coming to you each month these old stand—bys would be included racks provided for the purpose. .
g ‘ III] II or at least you’ll buy several monthly in any such accumulation. These cartons are filed on their .
I , IIIII II shipments per year. These services all Illustrations of a plow will not ap- sides with the lettered ends easily vis-
I ; IIIII II come with more than one proof sheet pear in every issue of a mat service, ible so that we can get to “July” for I
I I; III II II and quite a few of the services include but if one has appeared in our serv— example without having to disturb any I
' - I III II three proof sheets. ive we are ready to locate it and get other carton. It is almost as easy to
2"} III-I II For some years our paper received it ready for use easily and quickly move one of the cartons from the rack
' ' I II I II .the full monthly service of what I con- through our mat service morgue under as it is to remove a book from a libra-
, I I I sider the best all—around mat service “Livestock and Farm Implements.” 'ry shelf. I
I ; I‘II‘I II in the country; but for the past two Or, for instance, we have need of a Thus we have our mats put away for I
; ‘ I III: II depression years, we have had every- cut of a pair of ice skates. We look all the issues we have received since
I ’ i I: III II other-month shipments. This service in this morgue or file under “Sports” we began the use of this type of serv- I
I It' I includes three sets of proof sheets. and in all probability will find a. proof ice in 1922. These stored mats are on
I . I III; II Of the three sets of proof sheets one of a suitable illustration. an upper floor and are not so ac- ‘
I II I is carefully put away in the layout If in filing this pair of ice skates cessible as those in the layout cab-
. ~ E'III II cabinet and saved for binding pur— under “Sports” we find that there are inet, but still are relatively easy to
, III: I poses at the end of the year, all the already two or three illustrations of a get.
I ,‘ IIIIII II sheets being bound at that time into similar nature and nearly the same To give an illustration of the value I .
I . , IIIIIII I one big book. Thus we have complete size, we proceed to file the newer or of saving these mats and proofs from ‘ .
‘1 I. III files for that year of all mats we re— better one (as the case might be) and year to year I’ll cite one instance that
. T I ceived. These are ready for reference discard the other one. So the morgue comes to mind of a. recent happening.
Igt‘ at any later date. does not reach such proportions as to Last year about this time we used two
|' IIIII‘ . To follow through with these proof be unwieldy and thus defeat its pur— unusually large illustrations of suits
, I I , III-I I sheets which have been bound—after pose. and overcoats for one of our very good
I I II-EII; I - these have reached the ripe old age Those illustrations of things of a customers. This year he had in mind , f
I I I . III} II, of five or six years we proceed to re- temporary nature (as styles of men’s using about the same thing. We looked I ‘
l I; _ move the binder and work through the or women’s clothing) are not includ— in the service for the more recent I
I , III ' 1-,I'II service and destroy all the sheets con— ed in this collection, because we can months and could find nothing to re— I
I I . III‘III‘ ; taining illustrations of men’s and depend on the latest service to keep place those used last year. So we I
III I III women’s wearing apparel, or anything such departments up-to-date. So also looked into last year’s bound proof , I
I .I-IIIII. else which has that purely temporary with Fourth of July illustrations, sheets, quickly found the month in I
I . IIIII' 1 period of usefulness. Then we rebind Easter, Etc. These things may be ex- which these illustrations were present— .
I, § HIIIE, . the important sheets and have only pected to appear in the service year ed and then got the mats from the '
I I e IIII continuously useful proofs left; that is, after year at appropriate times. proper carton—all with very little lost I
II 2 IIIIII attention compellers of one sort or an- Now for the third set of proof time. Had we not saved these mats I I
I I I, ‘. III III; I other, special “campaign material,” job sheets; these are left on the top of the or had we not kept them in such con- I
I : III I work cuts, etc. lay-out desk for clipping of illustrations dition that they were easily located, I ‘
I I ;IIIIII; This elimination of non-useful mat- and ready-written ads to be shown to we would, of necessity, have used il- ' I
I I . IIIIIII I ter saves considerable time when re- prospective advertisers. Naturally, at lustrations which would not have suit— , '
I ‘ III I . ferring to these bound books by leav— the end of the two—month period, this ed the advertiser quite as well and .
I ; SII I ing us fewer pages to thumb through. proof sheet is pretty well clipped up we would have had a disgruntled ad- ‘
.I- I III]! .I Now to tell of the second set of and is practically useless. It is us- vertiser on our hands who would have I
. g I III: I , I proof sheets. These sheets, as they ar- ually saved, however, until the end of had to be treated very tenderly for I .
I; . I. I; I rive, are also put away in the layout the year on a chance of its being use- some time before full confidence in us 1
II I I 'IIII I III desk where they will not be cut up or ful occasionally. At the end of the would have returned. I
- , I . I I torn, and there they are left until the year it is dumped into a baler to be I am sure that a systEm of filing the t
.I I III II end of the .year, except in unusual baled up with the other accumula- clippings of the proifs that are most (
I t; II'III} II cases where it becomes absolutely nec- tion of other paper of various sorts. clippings of the proofs that are most ‘
; I I ‘I II essary to clip as a proof. As soon as And'may I say here that a straw apt to be needed in the future, is far i
I .I III,» II pos51ble after a new year starts, the baler is a quite valuable addition to preferable to cutting apart, classifying I t
I , II III II. proofs are carefully worked through the equipment of a print shop in get- and filing the mats themselves. The
'. I f I I II and the selected proofs are filed in- ting the scrap paper into such shape proofs of mats can be filed in one- I I
I I IIIILLI II dividually in a suitably marked folder that it is easily stored or disposed of? tenth the time required to file the - 1
I -_ IIZI II wh1ch is placed in an ordinary steel And now to discuss the mats them- classified mats separately. As stated I
. ,; III: I? letter file drawer. Of course, the com- selves. We have in our office a. large previously, we file all of the mats by I
I I. I, I; plete file is suitably indexed. layout cabinet which has compart- months in the original cartons in I I
; .I I I. I35. II II Some of these classifications are Ad- ments to hold four or five months of which they were shipped. S
.If; I II :g II vertising, Anniversary Features, At- advertising service mats, so that we Were we to file the mats it would I L.
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I ‘ I III; :Ii
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5 , February, 1935 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three ‘ "ji‘E‘
‘ be necessary that they be filed in a have a sufficient number of women to in making the lay-outs for all of my E?
‘ place which would be Vmuch less ac— whom to address such a message as advertisers and I am very sincere and r‘
:h at » ceSSible, as we do not have any excess would use that much space for the one particular to not misrepresent any .3 ‘
ship~ ‘ of office space. item. In the city, with a much larger particular item and use only such dis- ‘ . ‘
s are f And now I want to get onto my pet number of women to persuade to buy play lines that would draw attention 3'53 {3’
pos- subject: that is, “The Value of Lay- house dresses, it is practical, but not and incite reader interest. Remember, “
they ‘ outs in Selling Advertising.” in the country. your advertiser expects resu.ts from , 3‘
V for ‘ I believe that all advertising men The country merchant must have at your publication, and unless you take ‘ .‘
:nev- will admit without argument that least half a dozen items before this some interest in balancing his adver- 1‘2"?“
things of a concrete nature are more amount of space will be justified. So tisement and use an attractive illus- ‘ 13.5.3“
ad by is‘ easily sold than are ideas only. That the country ad man must make up his tration to stimulate reader interest, he ‘ . ,.‘
old— . is the main reason, in my opinion, own layout to a great extent. Ideas loses faith in advertising and in your ‘ ‘
f the ' that advertising is such a hard thing and suggestions may be found in both publication too. So, remember the ‘ 5‘
1 are ‘ to sell. If you are selling a radio, you the daily papers and in the mat serv— greater results he secures from the ads T 12.3
a se— can show the prospect just exactly ice proof sheets, but they must be that appear in your publication, the 5 2333‘
oden , what the radio will do in the way of adapted to meet local conditions. bigger and better advertiser he will de— ; .f‘ ‘1
tone, selectivity, volume, ability to get It is not at all necessary that these velop into, and of course, that means ' jI 5" .?.‘
their ‘ distant stations, etc. With advertising layouts be fancy or works of art; but greater monetary returns to your of- .‘ “
vis- it is not possible for you ad men to it is quite necessary to be careful to fice. ; 1 “i“
, for . say, “This ad will bring you $654.45,” see that the layouts can be fol.owed Too many of us publishers pay lit- ‘ 353; ».‘
5am, ‘ or “This change of copy will get 20 accurately with the type and equip- tle attention to balancing of an ad- .‘ i‘ ‘5
;y to ‘ more customers.” But the radio man cut to be found in the shop. If the vertisement, in fact many of the pub— ,‘ E1“
rack can tell his prospect, “This set will merchant is sold on a layout which is ‘ishers use the merchant’s copy as it : .“
ibra- bring in WHAS at any time, day or apparently “Wide open” With nice is brought into the office, and to be , 54:“.
‘ night, during their regular schedule of light-face type and then the ad ap- frank, it is a disgrace to our profes- ‘ ., E‘
V for broadcasts. And he can prove that the pears in the paper with a heavy black sion-to have ads appear in some of our ; _ ,3;
since 5 set will receive WHAS before the pur- border and with black-face type and publications, such as I often see in my 5 . T“
serv- 1 chase is made. very little white space, that merchant exchanges. } . 5‘
e on If it is impossible for us to sell ad— will naturally be disappointed and Every newspaper should buy some . ‘
ac- . vertising on the basis of concrete re- harder to sell the next time. So it is standard Ad and Mat Service, and ‘
cab- sults, it is necessary for us to intro— well to see that layouts are sufficently While many of these prepared ads are 5 if;
y to due something of a concrete nature in clear to avoid such possibilities. not exactly intended for your par- ' 3i
duce something of a concrete nature in It is not necessary that layouts be ticular advertiser, With slight altera- I .
Ialue ‘ [way I have found to do this is to make perfectly lettered. It is not'possible for tion or revision they will save you ; . 5.‘
from . ‘ layouts; then there is something ab— all of us to have the training and the much time and trouble in writing one. 5}“
that solutely concrete to show to and dis— talent to do beautiful lettering, but I These services are of inestimable val— , 5
nine». ‘ cuss with the advertiser. The conver- believe that it is possible for most of He to a Country Publisher; pays for '. L E;
tWDO sation can revolve around the use of us to print sufficiently well to make itself and improves the general appear- ‘ ' . u‘ ;
suits this word or that; this illustration or the layouts attractive in appearance. ance of your publication. 1‘ i,
good that; rather than having the discus— There is aso an advantage in usmg In conclusion let me say this: in or— . ‘ ~=“
nind . sion begin with whether or not the the layout method of selling in the der to keep reader interest, to keep the ‘ E“
oked ‘ merchant expects to advertise in that case of the more or less regular adver— interest of the advertiser and to con- ,5 ‘ €.35.
scent _‘ particular issue. tiser as well as with the hard-to-sell tinue to produce “advertising that ‘ . 3 3
ire— ‘ When the advertising salesman man. Having the layout ready shows pays” you should secure some good “ E
we ‘ walks into the store or shop, the mer- the merchant that the ad man has practical trade journal and profit ‘ 5
)l‘OOf 5‘ chant begins to think of advertising. given some thought and attention to thru the experience of those who 5 . f“
1 in At least, in the country field, he sel- his particular problem and is actively make a life’s study in developing new 5 5;;
:ent— dom thinks of this subject until he interested in his client’s welfare; so ads to arouse and create interest, in ‘ ,' ‘5‘
the sees the newspaper man coming in. far as business is concerned, anyway. other words, to produce results. . ‘ , 5‘“
lost And if he is allowed any interval of This appeal to .his vanity is made “JODY” GAZDER ' :“,“
rnats ‘ time to get his mind to dwelling on without ostentation of any sort. An a ‘ ‘, “;
0011- how much trouble it is to prepare an attractive layout will frequent.y allow Wesley E. Carter, Campbellsville, a 5 ‘i‘
ated, ‘ ad, he is ready to say “No” before the you to increase the space (over what- graduate of the University of Ken- 1 ‘ 5,“
:1 fl_ .‘ question of advertismg can be brought the merchant planned to use) to a tucky, class of 1934, has purchased the , , 5‘35
suit— ‘ up. sufficientAextent to pay you well for Hardin County Enterprise, Elizabeth- ‘5‘.
and , However, if the newspaper man can the time involved.‘And an increase in town, from C. J. Richerson, Flynn \- ‘ 3.35“
ad- approach the merchant with a nicely ad space is the thing that all ad men Lewis, and Sam M. Hubley. Carter ; i“
have prepared layout, with suggested items are working for, be it new advertising has taken immediate possession. He 3 5‘.
for ‘ to be used in the various spaces, there or a greater volume from an old and is a native of Campbellsville and re— 1‘ ‘1‘ g
n us is an opportunity to avoid that big regular advertiser. ceived his early training under the ‘ . . ‘5'.“
I “NO,” before it has a chance to be ut- —— tutelage of Jody Gozder. During his ‘ é - ‘ ‘5
, the tered. Most merchants will have curi— Having been assigned a subject matriculation at the University, where j . ’ “
nost osity enough to look at and then study “The Advantages of a Trade Paper to he was a brilliant major in journal— ‘ 3 f ‘
nost a layout. Then the discussion with the the Advertising Man” I must admit, ism, he served in all capacaties on the ‘ g, "
far client can be centered around “copy” that there are, no doubt, many advan- Kentucky Kernel, serving as editor , ‘ :
‘ying . rather than around the question as tages to be found in a publication of during his senior year. He is an ex- 5 . . :‘f'.
The ‘ to whether or not it would pay to ad- that kind, but unfortunately I have no pert printer and linotype operator as 5‘
one- ‘, vertise that week or day, as the case such publications to come to my desk. well as a writer. We predict a suc- ‘ ‘ “
the . might be. However, I am a close observer and cessful newspaper under his owner- 1 ‘, 5‘
.ated We have found that in our field the keenly watch for new ideas and selling ship. _ ‘ ‘5“
S by ‘ ready—written service ads are too pointers in ads and lay—outs in the E. A. Johnston has sold the Arling- , ., S.‘
= in ‘ much ”citified” for our use. For in- metropolitan publications, national ton Courier to several business men 4‘ . 5,5
' stance, the ads will be found to meas— magazines and also the country week- who appointed the Rev. J. T. Bagby, ‘ ,. 5 .‘ 5?, ‘-
ould . ure 30 or 40 inches for a sale of house lies that come to my office. ' former pastor of the Arlington Meth- .‘ ' ‘f’.
‘ dresses. Our country merchants do not In my own office, I take great pride odist church, as editor. ‘ 1'." .
- 3
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 i I ’I I: III I?
I I .I I Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS February, 1935
‘ I III "I I.‘ I -
II II 1 I MRS. MOLLIE JONES than outgo practically all the time, he I
I ; IIII : I . —— believes. There must be an ample I
I III C ‘ KentuCku Press Mrs. Mollie Jones, 79 years old, wid- cash reserve so that intimidation by I
III . m ow of the former William Henry Jones, business interests is not likely to act I
I II II II I Puss ASSOCIATION Sr., editor of the Glasgow Republican, as a club or threat. . I
- I i‘I- I I \— and mother of William Henry Jones, In reply to the question, “If you I
‘ . I _ III Ii I VICTOR R. PORTMANN Editor Jr., present editor, died February 16 think that the press of today is I
' II {II I “ I Jack Wild Assistant Editor at her home after a long illness. The overcommercialized, do you believe
I‘II’ I I. mm newspaper fraternity of Kentucky ex- there is any remedy or hope for im-
II ‘III‘ II “me 0'} THE KFRNEL PFLSS’, DCP‘m‘ tends its sympathy to the surviving provement in sight for the future?” I
I IIII ‘i ment oxefifiiighsflxiggtgimty 0f son and family. Sterling said that the press is Over- I
I I. I I I I ’ *fi— commercialized in that journalism I.
. III! I PRESS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS IS THE PRESS FREE? is a. business rather than a profes-
.; III III I —-— sion. In time, however, he thinks I
III . II II. II I Augustus Robbins President Specific opinions on the current the influence of journalism schools I}
I - II II I I Courier, Hickman question of “freedom of the press” will “tend to balance nicely profes-
I II I I I Jon-n L. CranOrd Vice-Pres. were obtained in different sections of sional ethics and business require- I to
i I FII I 1 Times-Tribune, Corbin the country and on different types of ments.” ya
I - ‘I I I I JI Curtis Alcock Sec.—Treas. newspapers by Nell Drennan, Medford. Another option on the possibilities to
g I "II I I Messenger, Danville The most interesting answers she of a newspaper‘s offering important I BE
i I Ii I 1 received in reply to questionnaires professional services, if business con— ‘.
I ‘ III III I EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE dealt with this particular question. siderations must always come first, was [he
_ IIIII I I Can the press offer any important given by B. L. Walters, managing edi- [10
: IIIII I JI P. Gozder, NEWS_JouI-nal’ Camp- professmnal serv1ce to the community tor of the Des Momes Register and I wc
III I I bellsville, chairman; G. M. pedleyI or to society in general, if business Tribune. 1, I
I III I Herald, Eddyville; JI L. Bradley, En- considerations must always come first? “It is my belief,” he wrote Miss I
I IIIIIIII I ‘ terprise, Providence; Vance Armen- There was not much agreement Drennan, “that the great majority of tr}
:1 I . I: I I . trout, Cowier_J0umaL Louisvil le; among managing editors who express- stronger papers are much freer of old I Pr‘
I I I', II ;I Keith Hood, Trimble Democrat, Bed- ed their views on this. ideas that certain things had to be of
I .I III II . ford; Jogeph Costello, Democrat, Cyn- A declded “no" came from the Wy- done or not done than ever before. All
I II III II thiana; James P. Norris, Independent, oming State Journal at Lander. of us until the crisis of March 4, 1933,
I I I .IIII I ‘ Ashland; Robert L. Elkin, Central “If a newspaper is ham-strung by were afraid bank failure news if play- en
; I III II Record, Lancaster; Thomas R. Under- business consideration it has lost its ed would wreck banks, cause suffer- I tr<
I . IIII II I wood, Herald, Lexington; Russell opportunity for service,” wrote L. L. ing, and so forth. is:
I _ IIII‘ II I Dyche, Sentinel-Echo, London; Joe Newton, managing editor. “No news- “Since then we have faced facts I yo
II I I 'I'I II: I . Richardson, Times, Glasgow. paper should be in debt or under frankly although quite probably have eh
I . I IIIIII- I I‘ __ obligation to any party or clique not been up until recently as alert to
I III II I LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE saVe those actuated by patriotic mo- find the ‘other side’ of New Deal news mt
I I III II Keen JohnSOn’ Register, Richmond, tlves.” He believes that the was is as we should have been. I don’t mean 10(
, IIIII I’ I ’ chairman; George A. Joplin, Jr., Com- politically and economically free ex— playing politics, I mean just keeping I th;
I 'I .I IIIIIII II I monwealth, Somerset; Warren Fisher, cept for limitations or restrictions in mind there are always two sides to sti
I I IIII I I I. Mercury, Carlisle. it voluntarily assumes. every question. I
II I, III I I “H Business considerations need not con- “I belieVe, with a few exceptions, III to
I I . .I'III I I DESHA BRECKINRIDGE flict in any degree with the service of great and strong newspapers are HOW I mi
I I II III-I I f —‘ the press to the community and so- facing facts and reportnig facts better I
-I ‘I II II I Desha Breckinridge, a champion of ciety, according to J. Leo sterling, than ever before. ‘ or
III I II II the Fourth Estate in Kentucky for canon City (0010.) Daily Record. “It probably is the start of a New h
I I . I II I; I over thirty years, editor of the Lexing- "A paper can and should lead cul- Day in journalism.” t I
IIIIIIIII II I ton Herald, died February 13, at his tural influence through support of On the Register and Tribune, the yo
I I I ;,I’.II II I home near Lexington. A brilliant; writ- community music organizations, choral reader is always considered first, said cm
I I i IIIII.‘ I er and thinker, Mr. Breckinridge stood clubs, better libraries study clubs,bet- Walters . I Te
I I I III III . high in the ranks of journalism in his ter books, civic clubs, service clubs and “In this way,” he explained, “we ~ th
I‘I . III-III I I state and nation. As a civic leader, public-spirited citizens, in endeavors aspire to build such a confidence I
I I IIIII‘II II his counsels were sought far and wide. to improve civic conditions, better that an advertiser gets value-plus lal
II II II I‘ His interests were many and varied, streets, parks, playgrounds, improved out Of his ad. The advertiser 31‘ an
I . IIIiiI II but all were directed toward perfee- sanitary conditions, sewage disposal ways Understands that he buys 011‘ wt
I III II . tion as exemplified in the highest plants, and so forth,” he said. “This 1y the space for his ad and that
I I, I I 1‘ I Ideals. The Fourth Estate m Kentuc- can all be done with business consid- ‘inflllencer‘ is not for sale at any ‘ .
I III I Ii I ky has lost a valuable friend and eration first because a better town price. If a. newspaper has bona fide I sm
. I II' “I I I member, and mourns 1115 death as that makes a better. more profitable news- circulation and a reputation for " 0n
II . II III .‘ II = of an honored brother. paper possible; business consideration honesty, an advertiser needs to 311- an
. If . III.- I :I x can also be left out of it entirely with vertise in that paper. If it does not I ah
I . IIIiI II J. R. CATLETT favorable results.” have these, he had better save his I .
I: ~ IIIII I ‘- The press is politically free, but it money.” II I
I I I II‘I J. R. Catlett, 61 years old, editor of must adhere to a strictly independent —Sooner StaIte Press. ' I tht
If I .‘II I III the Princeton Twice-A-Week Leader, policy with no one in executive capa— Applause for Carter D. Stamper, 6dl- II 1111
I ,III I died February 19 at his home from a city participating in partisan politicS, tor of the Beattyville Enterprise and -. to:
. I I ; IIIIII I heart attack. Mr. Catlett had been in the opinion of this Colorado news— Owsley County Courier, who has been I
. II I IIIIIIII II engaged in newspaper work in Prince- paperman. “If the paper expects and appointed alternate National Execu- I'
;I .I II ton for the Last 45 years, and was a seeks favors politically, it is impossible tive Committeeman of the American I
I III . I civic leader in town and county. His to be free,” he says. Legion to succeed the late James Q. I
I: I, I fellow members of the Kentucky Press Althollgh the press is also economi- Lackey, Jr. The appointment was .
: II ' IIIIII I . association join in condolences to the cally free, a paper must build on a made by Department Comander Mike ’ -—
‘. III; I I I III I I I surviving family. strong business basis with income more Callas. ' I ’-
‘I’ I I III . I .
I..IfI’ ,II 3 I
I. . I I I I I. 7 <_ \ . x A, ~ .
“ILA-III I ., . , . » mm“ "V ”*r‘“

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‘ I J; '51..
. I » A Letter from One of 2500 Canners I
I I i ' I ' LII
; I H. L 1 Ed.
I to 1S oca ltor I
I Bill, there are a lot of people down in Washington who were A I I
I never inside a canning plant in their lives who have a lot of I
I new ideas about what we canners ought to put on our labels. ; ”‘ II
I THEY say we aren’t telling the public enough about much it adds up to, you label your product, A,IB, cf‘c. ‘ I I
I what’s in the can. That far we’ll agree with them— Of course, in the first place, that doesn’t tell the I: II I
. you can’t see inside a can till you open it, and the public as much lbOllt what’s in the can as describing ; II
7 v public is entitled to all the advance information we can V each factor separately would. : 3‘ II
honestly give them on the label. We’re ready to do that. In the second place, the product may be almost up . I 5% .
I but these fellows are trying to force on us an imprac- to A or just barely make B—and your label doesn’t tell » “I I] I
Iical system of government grades that from the stand- you which, so that no canner would have any motive, - IIIIII
point of both the industry and the consumer would be as he does now, to pack higher than the minimum re- I
I worse than nothing at all. quirements of a grade. Government grades would almost III I
. Take a look at this picture of what the government’s certainly lower the quality of canned fruits and vege- 23f;
I trying to force on us and what the canning industry’s tables because no canner could afford to spend more . I»?
I proposing and you’ll get abetter idea than was needed to meet the mini- ‘ II
of what it’s all about. mum reqUirements. ; I '.I :II I
. That government B looks simple ‘VI "\___/‘I But the worst of it is the enforce- ‘ :II
enough, doesn’t it? That’s just the 1‘97“; 33‘ I ggmg‘fl’: ment angle. . ' V . gI
trouble. It looks fine to anyone that ’ ‘53,?E/I film‘s??? I hardly have to tell you that a III
I isn’t a canner. But supp08e I told “‘I ' I . ”was“ 5 grade like A, B,orCisn’t much good _ Kiwi
' you that if I put A on a can which GRADE _ 75mm 1mm M“ I if it doesn’t include all the quality ' III . III
I should be B, the law couldn’t touch :::'::Is::: I factors. If you leave out the flavor . - 1 ‘
me—then how good would that B D I Em... J...’.(....I;. II factor, you’ve got an enforcible grade I .
look to you? 01. suppose I told you ‘ NnCem-nnIU’JOF .3 ,, N °"'""”‘ °' $.01. I —-but you aren’t going to be able to 4 ‘ ~13
. that a can could have a B on it and ‘V NV get women to understand that gov- .' ‘ I II
I still taste so bad you wouldn’t want ernment grades don’t include flavor. I I
' to eat it, then what would you think of it for a label— When they buy Grade B corn, they’re going to expect I , 3I
I ing system? to get good tasting corn, and when they don’t, they’re ; , IQI
, You see, Bill, in the case of almost any canned fruit going to swear that government grades don’t mean I :. tiI
or vegetable there are three or four factors which affect anything. I ' II I
the quality of the canned product. Most of these factors But if you include flavor in the scoring system for , III
you can measure in one way or another, so that you government grades, then you can’t enforce them. Just , III
I' can define by law or in an NRA Code just what "Very as I told you, I can put A on a grade B product, and the rI“ .
. Tender," "Tender” and "Firm” mean, for example, and law can’t touch me because no jury is going to convict ‘ I EIII I
then make every corn canner put the right word on his on the basis of a difference of individual opinion among j EIII I
labels. If he uses a wrong word, he knows it’s wrong experts as to the flavor of a product. I don’t have to II
and there’s no question about his legal liability. That’s tell you that a labeling law that can’t be enforced is - IgIII
what the canning industry proposes. a wide open invitation to mis-branding, and therefore . ; IIIi'III
‘ But there’s one factor, the factor of flavor, that’s worse than no law at all—and infinitely worse than the I st .
I simply a matter of individual taste. There isn’t any way canner’s proposal which can be enforced. I It! I
I on earth of measuring it. You can’t define it in a law Bill, if you can find some way to make this thing clear I V . 't‘
I and you can’t convict a man if he makes mis-statements to your readers, I’d be mighty appreciative, but in any I {If}; ,
. about it on his label. That’s why we leave it out. I case, now that you understand the situation, I know , . III 5
I Now, these government people have the idea that that