xt7tqj77wt63 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tqj77wt63/data/mets.xml New Bern, North Carolina New Bern, North Carolina Committee of Inquiry and Correspondence 1938 Other contributors include: McMurtrie, Douglas C. (Douglas Crawford), 1888 to 1944, Historical Records Survey (U.S.); 1 page facsimimile: 4 pages, 32 cm; Caption title of facsimile: "Proceedings of the Committee for the Town of Newbern and County of Craven, May 31, 1775," Heartman 240; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number F258 .N47 books English Chicago, Illinois: Chicago School of Printing This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications The Proceedings of the Revolutionary Committee of the Town of New Bern, North Carolina, 1775, A Newly Discovered Printed Document of the American Revolution Brought to Light by the American Imprints Inventory of the Historical Records Survey; Division of Women's and Professional Projects of the Works Progress Administration; Provided with an introduction and privately printed by Douglas C. McMurtrie ... As a Keepsake for Presentation to Friends Attending the Sixtieth Annual Conference of the American Library Association at Kansas City, Missouri, June 13-18, 1938 text The Proceedings of the Revolutionary Committee of the Town of New Bern, North Carolina, 1775, A Newly Discovered Printed Document of the American Revolution Brought to Light by the American Imprints Inventory of the Historical Records Survey; Division of Women's and Professional Projects of the Works Progress Administration; Provided with an introduction and privately printed by Douglas C. McMurtrie ... As a Keepsake for Presentation to Friends Attending the Sixtieth Annual Conference of the American Library Association at Kansas City, Missouri, June 13-18, 1938 1938 1938 2015 true xt7tqj77wt63 section xt7tqj77wt63 7 I lll\lll lllllll\ lll@  
T he Proceedings of the Revolutionary ·i
Committee of the Town of N ewbern,  
North Carolina, 1775 I
A newly discovered printed document of the .
i American Revolution brought to light by the
American Imprints Inventory of the Histor- ‘
~ ical Records Survey, Division of Women’s Sc s
Professional Projects of the Works Progress .i
Administration. in
lUl?iE?ZK’i¥*Y` ii
V °lE|l‘llil**Wtii¥{*&§l§*?Y {I2}? l€iEN`f‘U€lK‘? `
Provided with an introductory note and privatehr printed hy Doug/as C. M _eM artrie, ii
Conru/tant to the Natiorzal Director of the H irtorical Recordr S arvey, ar a heeprahe
for prerentation to friend; attending the rixtieth annual conference of the American
Lihrary Arrociation at Kanrar City, Zllirroari, fane 1 3 — 18, 1938. Prerrworh hy
rtadentr of the Chicago S choo! of Printing, Chicago, I llinoir.
i 73. 34.%
A 442 Z

     kg 9733456 N422 I I    
I N B (N.C.). Committee of '~   P
Thgpriillzgedings of the revolu   v`   R
F258 .N47 g ` 1
3 I
`   Ctrzc
In t  M6. As one result of its explorations of the holdings   _  
g of libraries throughout the country with the aim of recording early ylgginfgrm
’ . . . . . . . — i·s.·¤¤ crr
imprints of historical importance, the American Imprints Inventory ji Xtary) t
. . . . . 1* h S
of tl'1C HISCOYICHI Records Survey 1S able to 1°CPOI°t thi? P1`CSC1'V2.t1OI1 111  
the Archives of the Moravian Church in America, Southern Prov- A  
I ince, at Winston-Salem, North Carolina, the hitherto unrecorded   E°"°*
Revolutionary document here reproduced in facsimile.   rw.
. . . . . .   We
Also 1'CPOI`tCd f1'OII`1 fl11S COllCCt1OI1 SIC four P1°1I1t€d lCg1Sl&t1VC JO\.1I`— 9 ’ Copnm
. . . · !:z` ,
nals and the printed laws of one session, all of pre-Revoluuonary I  
···• • " think,
dating and all previously undescribed by any bibliographer. J mm I
The document here reproduced needs no proof of its interest and _}
significance, for it obviously speaks more eloquently for itself than V ""‘
could any advocate.  
For appreciated cooperation in arranging to photostat this pre-    
cious record of Southern patriot activity, I am under obligation to p   NM, _
Miss Adelaide L. Fries, custodian of the Moravian Archives at , I  
Winston-Salem, North Carolina.  
. } L _ .
D. C. McM. _a‘2;tlo§
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for the ‘ I own of Nezooewz and
County ofC9·cz·ve1¢, Mg 3 1 , 1 7 7 5.
Crtzcotan LETTER to z/5ei_/éveml COMMITTEES qftliis Provincei
G E N T L E M E N, _ `
E herewith tranfmit you a Copy of the Proceedings of our Committee, hoping
they will meet with your Approbation, and thatyou. will think it necelfary, in .
I thefe Times of general Danger, to adopt fomething of the like Nature for our
· common Safety and lgefence. We think it neeeflary, upon this Oceaiion, tb
inform you., that Allbciation Papers have been _.circulated through this County (fuppofed
under the Direction ofthe Governor, as they are in the Hand4Writing of his Private Secre-
tary) with a direét View to draw off the People from the Caufcyof Libe , and to create in
them Sulplcions and jealoulies of all thofe who openly declare in Favour rbia, and by the Public Papers, that all Exportation to fzluebxc, L
[Jive .°¢*•.*a, Grprgia, and 4Vm{hundJand, or any Part of the lilhing Coatts or Iflandsqie ;
ihijicndetl. J
i?gLi;·i·J, That the above Meafure he recommended by the Committee to the Merchants ‘
mil ;':ih,.ihi:;:i·s of this Tovtn and County; and that from this Time no Provilions, or any
tg lltili-i\i€\1L1ilill'l€S, be fent from this Port to the Army or Navy at Bqjlan, unlefs otherwife di-
,i'ccledi_l¤y the Continental L`oiigr·.·fs.· l
.V:`Hl£`RiZ`AfS having received certain Intelligence that a moi} bloody and barbarous Aéiion .
li.iFli*latply hetsn committed by the Army under General Gage on the Inhabitants near Bq/Em,
ulumi they uiunerclfullyfcll upon and murdered in cool Blood, and without Provocation, as
they uizuched through the Country, having no Regard to Age, Sex, or Inlirmity; at the
l::uie"l`itne iavaging the Country, burning, dellroying, and laying all walle wherever they 4 {
cutie, unzil ai length they were met hy a few Companies of Provincials, who then thinking \ ·~
th: nilfves _§=».l.hetl by all the Laws ot God and Nations, took up Arms in the immediate
l)eftut·t· · t` their Lives, and by a manly Exertion of that brave Spirit which :1 good Cauie
{ ne·.tr»l`.iils to infp ie, they, though great? their lnferiors as to Numbers, providentially put "
E a itiup to their defhiictive Career and orced them to retreat with Precipitation and much
Lois, for near go Miles, to theirifortilicd City of Bltylmi, which unhappy devoted Place the I
Army uuw conlitler as their own Property, in open xcluiion of the right Owners.——From
all it iiich it mazutbilly appears that the Brityii Miniiiry mean no longer to receive the peacea-
hle Atltlrell2·s ofthe much injured People of America, on the Subject of their invaded Rights; i
but are determined, fiuce they will not voluntarily make a total Surrender of their Freedom
and Couilitutiou, to wrelt it from them by the brutal Hand of Violence. The People of
.»7'.·.-[rh.: are tlierefore now driven to this fatal Extremity—either they mult tamelyfubmit to
Slzitwry, and agree for themfelves and their Polterity for ever, to work for and maintain,
vruh the Sweat of their lirows, their proud Mafiers and Overfeers, the minifierial Penfioners,
Placemen, and Hirelings, of every Denomination whatever, or they mult refolve firmly and
ni.iuf·ilIy to maintain thofe Rights, which God gave, and the Conftitution warrants. The
latter rfehiluriun our Sifter Colonies have unanimouily adopted, and accordingly have now in
tht. .·»·.:ld not lefs, from the belt Accounts we have received, than 25,000 Men, well difci-
p’in··d, and equip• w-th a large Train of Artillery, and every Kind of military Implement ne-
celfuy for immedizue Atlion.
Anil whereas there is much lleafon to fear, in thefe Times of general Tumult and Confu-
iion, thi: the Slaves may l·e mitigated and encouraged by our inveterate Enemies to an Infur- [
rectitin, which in our pizlenz dcfencelefs State might have the moi} dreadful Confequences; '
  we therefore, induced by tlzefe moft weighty Confiderations, do think it our indifpenlibb _ __ _ l ll
. `~ Duty to take every Prccaution that Prudence and Forethought can polhbly fuggeft, fo as; Q 2     ,-3 :,? ',: I;

lg [ = J ~ g;
” bg gd in Timqagainli the wcrfl Event that may happen. We therefore recommend ig . lgli l thm
 J (tron y tcour Conihtucms, thc Inhalutants of Neuglmvr and Craven County, that they form  
` Qhgmfglves immediately i¤f0 Q0mP¤¤|¢5, and ¤QmU'l¤Y§ PFOPCF Oficcrs T0 each Company; , tai
that 1'ach Oiiicers, when nommatcd, ufc unyveaned Daljgcnce in inftruézing their rcfpeétive 3;
Companies in the Ufe of Arms; and from Txmc to Time, as they (hall judge: expedient, that m
ghgy {md our Detachment: @0 p¤¤'0l yqd fwfqh tht N¢gr¤ Houfcs, and all other fufpeétéd l Fl?
Places within their {even! Dzliylcfts, gnvmg ftnéf Orders to the Oflicer of fuch Detachment {   .
go {cm au Arms and Ammumuon found nn thcnr Pcffcillon, and to apprehend and mw bc. "_
{gg; gh; next Magiflntc di [Bch N¢gl'0€$ ZS they {hall find under Circumftanccs of Sufpikion up;
to be dealt with xcording to Law. ° l *
` The following Pcrlbns aft gppointcd f¤r_¤hc PT¢{¢¥'¤! to f\Jmm0¤ together the {ever;] Com. mg?
gniu, vi;. Abner Najb, Lvwci Yonu,bRu/Mrd B/ari/cdgr, Charles Grow/brd, Mgt; ,{»Q,m,1,  
dm Gm; Blown Lemuel Hatch Nat an Bryan Levi Dawjm Fredmu Hur tf F ‘· ‘
gi!./aww- Samui émhb, Richard lvm lm, and Tblzmns McLin. And in Order ng; ’ fdmh (
1 k {hl. mutt
p¤»{¢& Union md_good Undcrihndmg may _prg:vail among!} vhc good People of this County tf 1
and Town on Sub_;e&s of fuch Importance, nt ns further recommended than the leveml Com- t V:
pmiey, fo m be farmed as aforcfaid, do meet in their fcvcral Dnftnéls rwlce in a Month, if D°
convenient, zqadvifc and confulz together how they may bcli aéi with united Home, in Cafe  
cf any fucldcn and dangerous Emugcncy. U U   his
_R;hl·ved, That the rocecdnrlgs of this Committee be printed and made public, with the l P`
prmtcd Letter from the Committee of Sautb-Caralma to thc Inhabitanu of their Province, FJ EH
elgpjaining the real Stare and Nature of the prcfcnt Difputcs between G7‘Idf·1J·I‘1·lt2i?1 and Am- { iz;
ma. ` ·
l H0
.4 Cxncumn Lzrrxxpm ge C/<2x»gr»4r3·h·x·1-gs ak; zbe jmuml Dylr/H; and    
df'! 65 0 OU BIO ID3. ml
GENTLEMEN, CHARLESTOWN, Jprfl 27, {773, ` Ba]
H E General Committee thinking it of the highefi Importance that rhe C¤mm.u¤l·q in " ¢
xl): imerior·Parts gf the Colony, and that, _thrc>ugh them, the People an large, lhwld $63
from Tlme no Time be informed of all fuch Af?¤¤rs and Tranlaéhons as have mw l{ela;Q_.n ber
co whe Ameriam Caul`c· they have for the Management cffo neceflhr a Scrv' I ‘ 4 ; PM
Committee 0f`Intc1ligcl1cc. y M, Mmmm * the
VV; are vgrx forry thy. at our entering upon that Service we are to announce rn you than `
ih/ierefls but llgle Pxéobgbxlxty of dcczdmg thc prcfcut unhappy Public Difpures, by me p lem.; ‘ mi
ea urea we ave it crm purfucd. Hcwcvcr even this Circumllancc we l , `l l;· { UW
Servlce no our Caulic; for we have no Doubt, gut that thc Minillr) havllzq lhllgisifll;/Il Iz llcgf EM
Ea? rg the Complaints ofthe Colonies, thefc will bc confirmed in their ]4¤l¢llum>n m mm- "‘ T
plum m ? louder Tgnc, gncllbc ANIMATED to mcct tholb Difiiculrics and iiaaagcrs they can EX
now no ongcr avol wi 1 ..0n0ur :0 thcmfclvcs and Cafer t tl l,ib· { ~ M1
Ou the gm of Fegruary thc two Hcufcs of Parliamcn; addicgudliljc Killglcblll $.ubll.m¤¢ *]*2
rhyy declared to his Majcflty that A'merim was in a State 0f aétual Rcbdliun   rlwy clmircd rm; nm
King, by all pclllblc Means, to enforce the latc Aéts of Parlisluzent avuizlll ACH.-» {lz.-- and they Im
:>l`£`urcd _h1m that in fuch a Mcafurc they would fupport him with tllenr l,nu·5 2lll(l,F()1'fllll€:;. 1
The Kang zcquicfccd, and {cme Days after dcfircd from Pzarliamcm an .»\ Rem- Hill
forccforccmcnts cf Troops and Ships are ordered to Bgjim; wlxcrc ulzcn ahcy lhnll Im —r- l Fil
. rived, `General Qage may have under his Command about 10,:50 Men. Bur zzgiuvy   D cm
xcf0qd€{:;zl_agg;yfTHz?UN1·§E¤ P<;wms or Ammzxml I i this
.m¤ .t1s`00m cme as0Ligl1tbrk', llc ' l' `- .y ·   Il
rains. The City of Lgndon hasydcclarcd in 05; Fg:/0;]; l(ll)33;;C;3/$I‘;2;L;T;1s   if D Y;
chants fubfcribcd z6,o¤¤l. Srcrling for the Relief of Am-/m, and pul»l¤c S’ubl`el·ip:i<>nQ lqlrllllé I
{gmc Purpgfc are induflrioully promoted. Lanakn, and other ccnhclerablc Towns have mi- E5
lloncnl Parliament, and continue to exert thcmfclvcs vigomully in our llclmlf. The gmft * TH
1!l_u§lxt;>us Dlobgmjn, and thc mol} eloquent Orators, argloucl in our Defence, Thy }·`ripmlS Y unl
cl A crty IH rz and look with Horror upon the late Acldrcfs to the King- lh ·» t—· ‘ ' ¤l` )
§;;:?I§;;llcn3ng!m:l;uI'§}sc;la1:/z}?op of \Vjix·1agz;r;H ximzcjq. Infflgurzl thc wl10le—P,e0pl¢>Oilgjlukillzfl l gg
_` ·· nure an 00. ot c mucotc mer` ,{ ;~g7_·l —   ‘» 0
lmlcnles of England hcrfclfQ n;>w almcfignnihilatcd l>y C0rrupri0x1f“m'l`hsohqinllllxf   Af!
lglme, and nothing can bc more flu&uat1ngth:1n thclr Counfels- they rcfolvc one 'l`llm¢» ~· W'!
Day, and zhc contrary thc next. But, from fuch a Conduéij this eviden: Tuul;   V gm
.     ;vb’.;£!iL{:a_§4g: ta p.ugz¢—2 Dilemma Kvithout Doubt, arillng fmmlf; T?
` half AJ guy p gn- c mm. ence, wc mayi i jullly cmcrrain H;1t;:1‘ w E: - CN
;{Icii;;tr;;f·sg3bg1é,m;vdh;;; ifgirgfr ns; 2¤t¥:‘§gu1§‘»l' and C<;t¤?C&€¤¥yl}ex¤ 0{ Operations léoirwwg, {ur
  peso c a ‘_   4  ccr
fY2{?;s ngwiprqgablcgo ollni Advantage, Y, mu mm mac [O Tum agord CMM}- Pen
IC · sm ry r cm c ves fccmcd frivhtcd at their own D l ' ’ - · PH
cluubzful of the Event of military Opcrzgions; and fearing thccigrglgigllogzicar ’ {Italy gi'? Ad
lucy turned their Thoughts to Strntagcm. In a few Da s the r forméi P' C O l mph], fm
gs Lord Nm/> openly declared, TO uxsumrzz the Amsrigmw gud cl (tha mg, Fa Culmm Bu
onlyylcvcn Days afzer the Declaration of War,. his Lordfhié fuddénln ' rc Elm g'EEbmary’ rw
§<>j;}g <:f_$_:§>£Y¤¥T;j>l§$· _ H¢_$$¤¤€d it A wnciliatcry Plan, and iz is :0 ¥h)s£llO\i§?ng1[};S;;O}£‘? dm
. 2 1. ¤ - · ·» , · _ · ‘ • ·
.=  :.5   :_E   : 2 c cme. \`LaA rz,. :h,mfclvcs m _/mb Pnpmzam, as lhall come up to ,4,, [dw xx bc
:       {IE $..5 that P":
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****96 lt r   that ¤ wmrparziamenx MAY cnooss T0 ewrznntu of their refpeéti-ve Abilities- md am,
Y °"m t ggxvghqmfelvcs tofurb an Amount, and of [Mb 77`mw, as {hall be Acxzznntz rp pmlipmgm-
dpmyi ’ and confcnt that this general Amerimn Tax {hall be ENTIRELY at the Dxseosnr. ofa corru ;
Ecéfézi Pm/,‘mm; ; and alfo provide for their civil Government in _/mb Manner as {hail bc SM-I5.
licétéd mcqicgy fg l;qr/migrlé that gs, to mike permanent and profitable 1§{tab1i{hmems for ,;/1 .
#¤·¤·=¤·¤ {ff Z§§K?Q‘}§Z,“SrL‘1§"‘Parr2€SZ[§?"F£2T"Z’£H"f}€¥£T§’T'é'Z’t’i’¢"w‘Eir‘·Th§8R`¥§§¥2§£? "’i’”"  $“"
TY.b°' uvon them. > 1 ’ to ay any ax
P'°*°”» pguy, (ggmtemen, furely ALL rms is rmbing more or /;,6, 2/mn birzg ar xl]; Merry qt Pariig.
com- mm; EQEJALLY AS tszrotza. Fw y0u mufi have ¤bi`erved, sven`: PARTICULAR i; ya D;-
mlm!] {BEND E`[§'Il1RELY zztpqu 'Ill-IE RLEASEJRE 0P"PARLIAMEN'I`; H13! iS, in FACT, upm {bg
Fgmif PL: AbU1{E 0t= IH}:. MINIST ER. I _
C mor; L); late Yours they taxed US {O what Amount, and RE what Ttme they pleafed; and (his,
. to ranfe CI Revenue lll order to preferve thcmfeives from paymg {0 large a Tax as otherwifc t
gumy they would be ohhged t0 CO¤Il‘tb\1I€; and im`} Y0 be abi? (0 give COmfb1‘t2b]¢: Salaries fo their
  Dependents, Ending them to //m.·:rim, wilbcut Ike /eq/H Careqfzxamining whether or no! ibey
“   P an prypgr fr/Aw ra jh! r/my Ofce: which they are deyiined to bald. However, at length Admi-
1 a ° yy nrgkmtron imdrng that iuclrz Mode Of 'I`¤x¤¤0¤ is H0 longer praéticable; the Miniiter change;
th the in; ground, 111 Iiopes Of iglpvfmg UPOD, 2·1¤d 0‘»'Cm igyrgr/`nI`?tsE`or rnr lxront orhla rtjtttxo sony Im: qftr y l , U
, “` . · L ' e ·· — ·. . ‘ r · ’ · bz Britiih Dominion: MUST BY NO
1 . s BL GIVEN UP. He Ltd, ne dtd not nrean to gmc up u m /e Pwr!. He c0n§`e{Tcd,
ance, that ne did not believe his concihatory Plan would be agreeable to{]1€'[`af%c ofthe A';m·imm,
d me nor   he know " whether any Colony wtll come tn upon thefe Terms;" but added his
Lmw Lomlltzp, g·'wr@· one 0ff}7¤‘m cmjwm, " A Ltmq or rm; GREAT CHA1:4 ts nx0z<12N."
mm; Here, Gentlemen, hx your Attention. The Minifter confeH`es, he does not thin}; his
mm_ concrhatory Pian is calculated to compofe the A’mm·z`cazz Troubles, and to reftore the wonted
{mb Harmony between the Mother Country and the Colonies, which ought to be the grand Ob-
.L an y jeéts in z Miniiter`s Contemplation; but his Lordihip hugs himfeif in the Idea, that :1* ts
, mk, CALCULATED *ro Dtsumre THE Ammtcntw, and to break a Link in the great Chain on
this Continent now tornaed, h;1ppiIyf`orus, as dreadtully {or him, in Defence of xfnxericmx
{ l_x_,·_ Liberties, and as 3 Barrier again!} Miuiiteri:11 'l`yr:·.nny, infhxencing and inducing Parliamenta-
Figé ry  Politics evidently point out the Means of our Safety. Lz: ur unit; awry
pcm Eyjlbrt ia prtfrwc abi: Chain; and, u/#:0: rz!/,· let us with the utmoit Circumfpeétion guaryf
mcg r THAT Ltrm ommfedza our (,`m·:; let us mutntatn at not only unbroken, but let us prefetwe tt
CMS unfullied hy the Breath 0fTrc:1chcry: _
if 1 , But fhould the /fum-mar: Combnnznnon be unfortunately broken, oflwlnch we have not the
mind t tflighteit Apprehenhon, by tbz; mm/zanry P/an of Dwjwr; behold, (¤€¤{l€i}”l€¤, }h¢ pl”0t>Rb}€
{ me Confequences. Each Province muft then enter IUIO a fepnrote Negocratton wtth a drttgnt
m.€_ Atnniniftration. FX Province! ttputijfend endntnilie 21 Proggiohatcn, w}'¥;t, tn gl] Prizbabdgy,
. ,, wi receive no An wer unti a t me rovinces 1:1 xavc ma e t metrs. ten, a tera ong t ·e-
  gociation with our Agents, the ]\’IinE{`ter wil} tell this and that Province, their Qnotas of the
lm fl Tax they offer are not equal to therr ztbrhteres ; and that thetr Pronofitnons for the Support of
EL civtl Government are not fatrstaétory, rn thx.; and 1nthutArt1ele. I hcfe Anfwcrs muft be re-
md turned to the rcfpeitjve Provrnees ; rnueh {tmc wtll be requtiite to form new Terms to. un-
ml; dergo a new Courie of long Negoeranon tn Landawz, and to be expofcd to new Qbyeéhons.
` Perhaps, the Demands may be erroneouiiy, or JgGgnm'{y, made above the real Abxhnes and
WCW Proportions of the refpeétive Province;. \’Vhen,.(Jent1erncn, can we expe€t ajzrrnfaéiary
km Adjuitment of our refpeéhve (brows yn Tax, whnch rt wtil be the Study of Parlltament to
[mf {crew up as htgh as pofitble, becaufe, zh: Mona tb? can mafe _us pay, itbetsss wall be r/mr
mr/V’ Burden .· Nay, when can we expeft even an Endo a Negocnztmn, whnclt tt Vlllhbt the [nu-
i th; rg? 0t`Adm1n1f`tr2t1o¤ to procraftrnate as long as pofhble! For, tn the mean Tame, havmg
Ofc : _ drfumted the Colomcs after fur}: a Struggle as the prefent,· they wtll be fenfible there .wrll not
[dm \\ be any Danger ofa new Reiiftance, and they wd} contmuc to me us; they havtng only . • .
that promtfed TO " FORBEAR,” XVHEN our refpeihve Prcpciiuons ‘ sz·1A1.t. as Arpstovzv ; ; E-; E-;     ; .U,
r { bY E..E:Z}:°·.  2
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, by his Majeity and the two Houfes of Parliament." In {hort, if we DIVIDE, our Liber-
! ties are LOS ; we (hall lie totally at the Mercy of 'Adminiflration, and be obliged to pay
y sucu A 'I`Ax a:7Bey pl¢n_/2,; and that too, in the moit ignominious Manner, bccaule vte .
it fhould doit under. evident Compuliion. Such a Conduct would prove our Minds to be
` weak; it would demonitrate, that, Heroes in Words, we fhrink at but r/no xhipoarance of »e—»— -——-
_Danger. We {hould be more abjeft titan the molt abjeét People we lead of; vte {hould be
4 deemed unworthy zftbe Name gf Mm : Hiflory could not givc an Example of fo bafe a Conduéi. Thi
, The Inhabitants of Europe, Africa and Aja, have at various Times hgnalized their Love of
their Rights and Liberties. _'1`here is fcarce a State among them, but has declared this in
 ’ _ Qharaéters written with her own Blood; and whole Cities have voluntarily periiltcd, rather A f
than relign their. Liberties. The Ruins of Sagrmrum in Europe, Carthage in /yi-z'm, and Xnrrbrr: in f0I‘
Ajin, are glorious Monuments or Nations preterring Death to Slavery; and this is the Hear in
which the Virtue of America is to be tried. And are the Ameritan: defs virtuous, lefs Lovers of Li-
berty, than the Rel`: of Mankind !-Three Parts of the World are now looking on, to {ee if thc A-
hirrit-on: are as bold, as heroic, as great in Deeds, as they have experienced them to be in Words.
But, if at this Time of Trial, three Millions of Amorikarrr {hall hide their Heads becaule of the Ap-
pearance often Thoufand Soldiers, om American mult ever be 4 Term y`Reprortol· among all Nations.
‘ Shameful to our Reputation, and ruinous to our Affairs, as fuch at Conduct would be; we have
' the ’Pleaf`ureit0 afl`ure you thang from every Appearance on this Continent, we do not {ec any Room
to think we run any Rilk of being expofed to fuch Confequences. Every Advice from thc North.
i ward informs us their People are traininp to Arms. The neighbouring Provinces of Nvrtr3·CaroIirro¢
i and Virginia have embcydied vggyi conhh erable Forces. that are readv to march on the lhorteli No-
tice; and we ave it rom g Aut ority, that the four New Eriiland Governments alone have
_ 25,000 Men in actual Pay, and ready for Aétion at a Motnent’s éifarning, belides 20,CCO more
who are inliiled without Pay, and prepared to take the Field when called upon ; and all this Force,
  exclulive of a well trained Militia, who are refolved to defend their Liberties at thc Hazard of
their Lives. The Inhabitants of this Capital, andthe neighbouring Country, are equally deter-
mined; and are happy in finding that a iintilar Purpolc prevails throughout the Province. In {hurt,
fromcevery App}<:arapce,hwe have the molt fanguine Expeftations that .4oiei·im will not be guilty of.
any ondufl in er out , that fhc will be afhamed of in her maturer A e.
Nottvithllanding Lord North`s conciliatory Motion, which we have lg fully obfervcd upon, and
upon the Principles of which his Lordfhip means to ground an Aft of Parliament; yet, having al-
ready punifhed the Province of Ma_/iz:/ruyezir Bay, by the Violation of their Charter and the military
Blockade of her Capital, the Town ol Byion, Lord i\’o»·rb proceeds in exro.·io/mg the Efiefls of his
Vengeance. On the 8th of Mar:/o a Bill pafied the Houfe of Commons, r¢`ra;`n;`n_g the Provinces
0[Majizrb1%·r!1Baj, New Hamphiro, Co:mt·¢?iour, and Rim}: iylarzrf, fiom filhing on the Banks of
1\`m4jbuuo{/and;_ and _/9·0m exporting ro any Parr ifr/oe Flor/o/, but " to Grim: Brimin, cr iome ofthe
Brirfa Iilands in the Wy} 1ndi:r." Thus, as thefe four Provinces have by thc o/merican Aflociation
contracted not to export to rb¢ Places, rntut Exroxrs Atta roriii.r.r`sro1·re¤. And the Act
further {aye, that into r/we Pr·o•v/rzresjtall Nor 6: imported any " Sort of Wines, Salt, or nv Good;
y or Commodities rio/:aWe=·vt·r (except Horfes, Viéiual, and Linen Cloth, the Produce and i\’lanii: cturc
of [no/nal, and Goods lor the viétualling his Majelly s Ships, and for his Majeliy's Forces and
Gif;'If(?`B3}: Et zI1CbPl'1(?h€iUCC   {Ig Bfigyb Il’l3¤dS in [hc U/ey'} [miie:] upon mz) Prrtgmg quhgr/;;my,·,·
_ un e s uc oo s e ippe in mz:- rimirr, an carried dir ‘ is f
p Provinces are bound by the Aiiociation rwr lv impor: rao i.i Gr.~ni€d‘Zi°ir;?ri?   or    ihiggih
it is evident that r/xir IMPORTATION in the lik:} y"7rndo it ·ro·r.ii.t.v rnsvtmitit. lfthh Iiiocki
ride of Bjorr alone ROUSED thc whole Continent to their Relcue and Svpport, H O WV V IG O-
» §§)ll_lSLYroitgh‘§ we. to evtert ourfelves, now that _/Zur entire P»·o-viuoe: are blockaded by an ACI ot`
fvrrlisymlényanh cry; ori- snug: ALL Mums or Tntinz! And, Gentlemen, remember, .·£·ir M
6 io on- an nre as en execute - since the Introduéhon of Lord Aicrrlfs conciliatorv Motion.
This arbitrary Conduct on the other Side of the Water has driven the Peo lc of‘h' C· ` l
and *h° nijiglboufing C;Um"}’» T0 vesrstx of`.zzRodr¢ g' American Gri?·y,,t·(Ei tviihliit diiplliayi
rvston a tusrticittv LOOD-—-OF rms they ure virtuoully willin to conrributeytheir Ci I i I
SQEE Qfiii'.,§'C§'i>§i`Z`£riiE’3’iiZlZYi ,°°..‘iZi°ZE’.'$i2/'iGi"iFi§?i’ZZ ’?’]i’ig TiZ°{`i»‘i.i’  “"iii;%l;’“ iii
gazincs were opened, and a conhderable Quantity gf Arms abil!     izqhmliw linqtlva-
Doubt, for the Ends for which they were originally pr0cured—1·iii;· Puabiu S t=r"r ii cn, Wlinouc
Lail Hhiriyday, the ‘26th Inliant, the General Committee pailed a Vote ihzit   P ' ` I
Congrefs be iummtmed to mC€l in CLR?/IWOWH On Tug/day the zoth of _7l(l1t" We rn lt rovlgnmg
but that you will exert yourfelves to give a general Notification ofit tl at th C L {fc nih lou (
giljaas polhble, as it is expecicd Afairs ofthe HIGHEST Impurtancie wiill becthd)lS§ii¤Ee`6iiiii) liilii
‘ E the Subferibers, Freeholders an ‘ ` < .   ~~ .
I   il éonr, being deeply afeéted withd glildmgidieniii (;‘l:ii‘rii`C0uSnty Ofiglhiinn ami I Own Ofiwmi-
Am .t·.v. i , do refolve that we will it ni du All · ing im °··t `S P”°"“°“’ and ?". all
_ and endeavour to commu P Y e _ egtance to his Mayelly king GEORGE the "[liird
_ e the Succeilion of his Crown in the illulirious H l` f · — - i
Law eltabhfhed a ` il: h ` · · - Qu C O Hm'?i`W’ as by
, gain. t c prclentor any fiiturewicked Mtnxliry or a·bitrar Set f Me h t
gnggeréf i»)\;r]til·tien€trp;et'R‘";mne0ytve diztegpiiieréo allert our Rights asuMen; iand feilnhbleo zhzidnbivvliie
‘ I ·· _ va ua c .1 erttcs and Priviietves of` Amcrta a ' nd d ij -
deatoured to he violated and deflroyed ard that und O I ‘ rc ima C i an en
a Erm Umm Of _ i · _ _ _ _ er Goo the Prefervatton of them de· ends on
mgm! Ccngrds ; tig);lilghgpséitgx,aanphcacffggpyéggpggif(§i“Gb{"ert·ation] of"the Resolutions of ihe Ge-
mincd never to become Slave;. to any Power upon Emi; mia'? his ii/ilwijtbkjtftiignjzinlid ditch
, iinder ni the ries of Religion, Honour, mt Rérard nit? r> · » it re Y agree as M°°m"'
Gcgwurto EXCFMC, the Mclfums which the Gcrpcmlco Oterity, ti at hwe will adopt, and en.
cmmudc Cn, for rd. r. _ _ _ A ngrels,_noiv htting at Phi/ml-! bm, may
and iilcaal A&s gftlgiétggoup Liinmmuim’ and Oppogng .{h° hX?°““°“ Ol the l-€"€Y¤{ ¤¤‘bifmrv‘
*1 D ¤_ ` _ _ j7> atxiamcnt , and that we will reudil obi h ' * ' - V
Gt.,·:,.tl ·,oi.imittec for the Purooies atbreraid ·h P ' FY CNC t· C Dnemom Of Ou` "
          Z I S¤€‘4iiij·‘ Oilindividuals and P,g.,;,,e pmpcgtiy ’ “ C "ir°"`·“l0¤ 0¤ P¢¤·€¢ anu good Order, and \

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