xt7tqj77wt5h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tqj77wt5h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1915-02-04 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 19,  February 4, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 19,  February 4, 1915 1915 1915-02-04 2015 true xt7tqj77wt5h section xt7tqj77wt5h I
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' University of Kentucky
  VOL. VII. uzxmoron, xsrrrucxv, rsnnunv 4, ms. No. no.
.· \
. 1
I t |·lv<~ry student inthe University who I <‘ou<·h llrumago and (Juptuin Jim r
. can sing, or wishes to loarn to sing, ls ; Park have glvon notlre that base ball I I
· invited and urged to joln this vhoral {training will begin Tuesday in the ar-
, .ocloty, whlch will be held ln chapel . mory and all usplrunts for v. berth on . .
J bl t Ch k L ad q Government Ex crt Oxmmes St t C, '
Old Stan Una C 0 cc C Monday afternoon at four o'clock. { P the mam should be there. B c S rack Dmmauc Club
A of the SYUYCIY WlId‘ There are many splendid voices Plan t° L°xm8t°“ B°"d An innovation in the early training Pl¤Y• UCh¤¥l¢Y'| AUMU A!
cut ' among the student body, and there ls of Educg{i°n_ this year will be the playing ot bus- Georgetowm
` ......-. not any reason why State University kot ball. As a. conditioner Coach
2 GUMBERT AT GUARD_ should not have a. fine choral socelty. MlGHT BE ADOPTED lirumago thinks basket ball is oxcol· PERF
The director and music committee lent and the pitchers especially will ORMANCE A SUCCESS
~ In the second game of the season have made attractive plans for enter-I Home and school gardens to be CUL got their first "limbering up" in thisl  
, rho State boys won over St. Andrews tertalnments to be given by this or-Iummd bv Lexington pub"? whom pu. way. I Encouraged by their wonderful suc.
by the score of 32 to 15. In the flrst ganlzutlon. The Gloe Club will be de-I ` % The prospects for a winning team cess wlth "Churley's Aunt" at the
Iplls, with the assistance of tho Ag-
  mm the Louisville bunch held them to vcloped from twenty of the best voices, look mighty good as most ot the old Ben All Theatre. January 15 the Stmb
’ g, close more but at the beginning of of the Choral Club. "°“lt“"“l D¤¤¤¤m¤¤¤ Of State Um' men are back and there is a. bunch ot
g · lers went to Georgetown Monday even-
the second nrt Kentucky set a pace lf a. sufficient number of students VGPBNY. W€1‘9 advocated by J. L. Run- new material to give the once over,
D Ilng and r eated tbl rf
which the former were not able to join these organizations, an applica-loan, or the United stages Dgpgrtmgnt The old men are: Captain Park, fuel) er pe °rm°°°°
regch, tlon will bo made for credit. of Education at Washington at a Crum, Tuttle, Bailey, Schrader, Reed, Success u y at the rgemwn Own
I ’ ’ , _ House before a. large and appreciative
The visitors, although stars of for- Let everybody boost tho Choral and special meeting of the Lexington \\ aters, L. Park, Cuywood and Lee. di
mar years, were not in the form (UGG Clubs. ' IB d { Ed, u M d "Lulu" Gossage, famous star Kitty auh€?c6` t
r .
showed by the Lexington bunch, who ;···•·••——— { Ou 0 um Om on ly League mound artist, and future B no ovary dramatic club in
have improved quite u. little since last I Ml" Randmrs plm r°°°mmQ"d°d the "Brewer," will be out to help coach the country that could enter the t"`
. Sq,turday‘s game. Among the St, An-       ]9¤1Dl¤YmG¤t of students from the Ag- me youthful w0uld_b9 mugorsl _r¤t\>1y of a rival college and wlth a
dre·ws’ flve were Hess a former C. U. . Iriculmml D°p°"m°m‘ °r the Depart' (lounge May make an msumt mt' but
Star   Duncan an Old Transylvania     ment of Education of the lrnlverslty to   this HU`; IDOYB WHS done   [IIB St,I'Ou·
assist tho children ln planning their {P"- It is ql-me dm°¥`€¤t» UNB DU!-NDS
Tume was by fm. the Shining "gmf ___ gardens. I Uh I im Qnmzzteur fpertormgnce In g
. . . , · n ·1· >r.
of me game, playing all Over the UOOUAD Apprccmhvc Audlcncc Hear,] The plan was discussed before thel fi l—¤ OI Hg OWQI; rom appearing be-
» ~ . !"r ‘ ‘ .
und shouting goals from an a_ng]€s_ ltr Third of Lyceum hoard of l·.du< ation at un inrormmi       IU · 4 Ome au ence, but that cup;
• appeared as   he were playing for.; Inlgetlng   in the 8_ft€rn00n_ In   ‘~'l€ kind }lLl!`d·WOl`klD8 little   from
Ward `nd the Louisville man guard" Lecturers. mmm to the regular board, composed   Ithe Strollers went at this task with g
. ° ‘ ‘ I · t d did
Morgan and Zerfoss also did som? [S ACTOR OF. ABILITY. lof the president, C. R. Melcher, C. J. Extensnve Seneg to be Made bylllfdr :11 ljust what ls expetced
clever goal pitching. Norwood, J. N. Elliott, J. R. Bush and Two Senior Mcchan { ’ ¤""‘ °¤Bl°¤¤ 8-
gm St. Andrews Duncan and Jmbl Ur. lliclmrd Green Moulton, dean of J. M. Kelly, Miss Linda Neville, for- ·   (?¢·fj¤‘;¢·t0Wn society turned out in
Sing probably dm me best work. the Department of General Literature merly of tho board and Prof. C. W. Wal'- ·"*lHY l°'F;·: W Sim the ,l·1h0W Bild re-
The lmemp and score: m tho University of Chicago, and one Mathews, head of the Department of ·—-——-· °‘“ Bd -·h¤|'l6Y¤ AUM RB D0 other
St. AndmwS_Bl&k9' Capt', Hess and of the foremost ot American scholars, Horticulturé at the University, were TQ ACQUMULATE DATA Sh°“' has b€€¤ ¥‘0¢6iV€d th01‘6 in the
Moser, forwards; Jmsmg’ center; gave an interpretative recital ot the present by special invitation, ' Iliwf ‘•·¤¥ Years. The students or George-
van Dyke and Duncan, guards. Book of Job in chapel last Friday Whlle outlining his plan, Mr. Ran-I H. O. Wagner and G. Ireland, Senior “’“'" (·°H°8° Came Oli! ill dl'0V6¤ to
K€nmcky__Mm_gau, Capt', zerfoss night, which was attended by an ap- dull told of how Pittsburgh had made M£.(.ham(.a1S_ wm conduct u Series cgi #**3 Ul? Show. and 8180 U18 fair ones
und Ireland, forwards; Sewer. Cem preclutive audience. This was _the use of it tor six years and at the con. tests on uw t_nMmm). of uuwlnobilejlrwgr kuvkeir Hall. A loyu.1 band from
· · ·· .. . . .~.'¥' ·"s 1. ·
· mr; Tumc and Gumbgrt, guards. thnrd of u series or winter lectures to xlty lycoum. ,!h¢· information of tho Board. |__ \\·Hh,,m. who is u_ Specialist in my |" Mm SU`°H°I`¤» U19¥'6Y0¤'8. 8068
Dyke Umicun mid Musa} Doctor Moulton is not only u wrlteri Professor Mathews, speaking on tl1<·lu,m,,m|,, design und operation. (30m.j U'*' ""“‘m [U" u SUCCBW Um! will 80
Fmll g0a;lS_Mm_gun 6, make 4- of international fume, having uchlovedjsubjevt, said he thoroughly believed inlllullies which furnish radiators mr? fur wwnrd Dluving dear old "Stgtg’·
Referee, Kem], El K' SI N· u triumph of the age in his Modornlhomo garden training and said that so; m.m,tica_Hy all wellknown makes Ou 111 SUN higher place in the minds of
The boys leave on a Southern mp, Reudor’s Bible, but it also an actor of fur as practicable his department at amomobutx wm furnish me mdiawrS_ UW l*<°0Pl€‘ of [U6 Commonwealth.
Thursday, playing two games at unusual merit. Although his enuncla the University would assist in every The purpose O! the tests ls to pw_ =· WS Gxllécléd. all members ot
Knoxville wml Tennessee, and one tion was not of the clearest, his spirit way. fum w.(.Lu.uw dam on propel. design UW WS! 3·¢‘Q\11ii€d themselves woll at
Y. , _ _ _ (Q l · . . ·
with Maryville. with Scotty buck in was wonderful as he represented in lf tho board manifests enough inter Ut mdmwhs and Compute me amount *‘*1lg*t0"“· wd M 110 time was the
the game the Wildcats Should be able turn the stricken patriarch wlth hisest, Mr. Randall will probably return of hem each make of radiator wm diS_;l’°*' °"'“¤¤°9 allowed to drag. Of
[0 wp an of these. bold faith and tho three friends with  to enter into the plan further. swam to me Squm.8 mm of surfac,3 S0§*`°u'S° "Lw JM"` WHS u Scream. and
their servllo adoration of God as theyl —————•-•-•-»—-· -»»- »- mm it wm be easy to install mdiw 5 Hladv the ba.ld—headed customer smug
  ~ _
‘ Sgmgg CLA55, pgcrugg debated me baffling mystery or sutfor-;DEAN NORWOOD SPEAKS mm of bmw, ,_apm,y_ ,¤¤ spine or himself ··o00dm,m·· wu
1 . · . , _
AH S I _T ucd to meet in mg l TO L0Ulsv"_LE WOMEN` In conducuug me tests, each mbxxell assuted by Loul» Mucloskey, as
amor. are r que Und"` l)°°t°r M°u"·°n’S magicall ‘__*·; aiiuror will bo connected with at l1otjJu'Ck`
"`°'“ °' "‘° S°'°"°° B“'I°"”g F"'d°y at touch these chieftlans or the land ot] Dean C. J. Norwood, Chlof 5iir1l¤1gI¤1—l“,uwr Su) I ummmmed at me wml Rvbevcu Smith and Alice umgory,
12 o’cIock. All Seniors como! , _ l ll>.Y. n _ _ '
’ [lz appeared 3,3 real. pulging, hul1]B,[]‘S[)€('[()I° ot the Slate and Dean of U18 pH!_u[un_s that would result in actuallkh the RUTKCIIVB little 11115595 of Old
SAY, S'TU°'D§!! beings, participants in the greatestiCollogo of Mines and Metallurgy, ad- use at dmcwm loads of me auwm0_lL0¤¤<·ut~·d their successful work ut the
All clubs, sororltles, frutornltles and 4 they uftornoons, but will oonsldor it lucky and said that tho State does not and uw “,t_igm of water H0wiug,lk~11 Ali,
Sooieties should get their pictures us et wonderful ploco of poetic drama. realize its greatness in that HUP. ¢`0¤- through wm mdiuwr it wm be punk Advliu Williamson as "th9 dggrggt,
token this wook, so tho photographers! After the lecture Doctor Moulton tinuing he said ln part: MH to m_(_uI_uwU_ d0l__umnh me __m_ sweetest little gh·1,·· gud [na Durn·]l
• will bv oblo to complete their work on i was tho guest of Dr. A. S. Muckonzio,  "Kontuvky how Stands fifth ¤!1\0¤S?(_h_m_), of HMM make U!. mdiuwr luldpr ui the real Uonnu Loom, wom {agp to
(mw, {noun of tho Graduate School, at aithe coal mining states, the rank, lnluu wudmuusl hluok upon ooo mud.; strong impws.
ltomennber, all pictures submlttedllonoh ut tho Phoenix Hotel. Doctoriorder named, being P€!1||¤Yl\'¤Ul¤»$,___,__ __ Y_ lsilms UH UW ¤·¤di6¤¢€-
later than February 15th are subject; Muckonzloks book, "Tho Evolution of,Wost Vlrglnlu, Illinois Bud Ohio. b¤!§0m°·" I John Marsh us Umgsott, and Jaulgs
H, extra uB¤(»ssmom_ iI,|tgmtu¤=_" ig used iu the class room'! predlvt thut ln u few yours--! boi {Mill N<"'“`¢¤>d wid Mm! ¤>V¤‘¤` NNY i\|¢·(`ounoll, as Charley yvykeymnh
MUSINESS MANAGEMl·lN'l‘ "K}*}N—*of Doctor Moulton at the Unlvorslty,lleve lu less than ton yours. Kontuc—jl¤¤‘¤‘ WM! UT ilw ¤¤¤i¤¤•· u<·<·i·l¤·uls were »`t·¤·.· un um; (-Dum be t.xl,t.,.md_ In
·pUgK;AN_·· of (·m(-uga ky will take tho place now held by|l*'•~*V*‘¤*¤bl*¢- fur! ··v¤·ry one or tho pooph, lu me
,..,. , . V ‘  
B ° ' M d F b ry E ° h h
églflfllflg 011 (ly, 8 TUC! Ig C .
W ° I B
Board At State H al} 17 e $2.50 Per Week.
.*_ •

g ' " ” T H E I D E A • •
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures G0 Where the G0’s G0.
‘““‘ IHE ORPHEUM IHEAI RE ""“"'°"5°
Me At Admission l0c I
FIRST-CLAS! IN EVERY APPOINTMENT J. H. STAMPER. Jr., Owner and M•na •r. OPEN 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. I
east llltl very well. 'I`h<· team ls r•·porl•·¢l strong and the ··onl ln the Eastern Kentucky ll•·l M
C Iilllll Saturday night, at Xillll ()’('l()(’k,l were Xl,ll4lU,lNNl,tl0tl tons of available    
  O I ri 7   V
• I v
Incorporated ' ~
The College Fellows'   P I       C `
.. l.   .-..--_."-t_.l O_
I.,€Xil'1gtO£ Qlgar Cow I ` I lncorloratde. ( ` P
A .
Manufacturers of I ""
1·:xcl.Us1vm.Y I Q lg tf Ow ETUICQ
_________ __________v __,__ , - .... t- . _.   1
University Lunch Stand I i K .. I I
C•t•r• •xclu•lv•ly to 8tud•nt• i     A   I
and Faculty of 8t•t• Unlv•r•lty I
I I - · .
A.     FIELD OF BURLEY TOBACCO I · 124 128 North Lll\l€8t0ll€ LCXIIIQIOII, Ky. ,
5 " it

• • T H E I D E A 3
TT 'lntt-nrlwl to new nll mg |nH]"{.m~,. N, th4· iiolmnlme Arnerirnn Aaaovlntialtt
LADY GREGQRY '['ALKS FINANCIAL STATEMENT UNIVERSITY Y. M. C. A. FOR SIX MONTH8`nw|"E mh mg wud,-,,, h,,,·|,t,» mm ,, rluh, nnd tho Ilrewere Imve all tn=i·*<‘I~ to have sa more- .»»m·,,,| ton I»¢·¤tI•·¤‘.
Christine Hopkins Reports In- Expenditure!. Inn mlk wm, ,;.,,,;-,1 Wim, ht- .·.,m..n  
tercsting Lcchlrc of   (‘I0rl(·nl \\'0rk ..,.,.... . .. ,....,   .» ., .,.. . ..4. $ rt".-lll rtw Imxingtam yanvnrnl weeks I|¤nr·1·_ but In A;,· 'r?"*\ L•xIn°.°n
I nent Irish Woman. ()fflt·e Expenses ....,.. , ...I4... .4 ............... .   3.*17 ignvv nn Imllnntlnn as tn how Im would  ` —••"’°°"'•    
l llmgtggn ,,,4,.....,....»... .. .............·.·..»--.   IIYII3 alike to lw rt Hrmv¢¤r_ This Is the big I     I  
0 may Ammsm m_pgm_y' {Hgh play. $1¢·t·retary`n Salary ..........I. . ....... . ............... 730.00 i|.»,,g,,,. pmt, ,,·h|,.h ,,,,8 tndtcuwd HS I clulfemncy   K•!\N¤·I¢:¢;| UOIQ
. I \vglhtl and (.0-fnundpr     I IRHO .... , 4 . , ...................................4... , ....   Ydpgirp for hlg S(,rv‘(,‘,R· 'rhp })h"adPl_ `\ %` • "{¢·  fX/    
' n 7 ` . . A ·.  /.· .
' Ilntler Yeap, of the Irish National rlglpphnnpg and Hlpgmms ‘‘’‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 2'mil ililild A¥I¤I*‘IIt‘¤. the Ilevelantl Indians, ·.  I mq,  . gpm,-g•n|n¤_
{I Thpatrp` |p(_'“rpd Rt {hp Gibson I flllflhg . .. .....,..I , . . . ....... . .....,..I...... .. I9.2.» F E rr  ¤>  
) . (
_ Howl. (,|m_mnm|· Monday. January Old Irlntimz Amounts ....4..4........_..__._...._._,_., . RIJ0   M. R h H • I.
1 . , T · i
zi HM Slmjpm wan __Thp mah 'lrawllnz expenses ............... . .4............... , .... 6 H10          
__   National Thngtrpf Thp add,-PSS ,,.8,, l""ld"“I**~l" -·-—···4--· - --.............,. A ..,________A____ _ gg_3n     8 h r
• ghrm undpr me augpiws of the Drama sovlals ,...4..........4,.... . ..,..............,.. . .,.., 1.40 g C S
N , ......,...............,..4......_,......,...,..,_ .. 3 —‘—‘-—‘—‘Y—·· ——····-—-—————;
League of Amerlra, (`lnclnnntl Center. Ippummk I 1 V S d V I
Lady mwgmy in an mshwomum Handhoo ncrottnt ......................,................ tinhh I Tau ants Cas;   _A ARTS c|_||B ||||)|]’(]|l|||M
. · · _" I
nm] HVPR at Comp. Galway. Ireland- Ultl notes nml Interest ..................II, , .,,....,,.I., 211..Nl i |||’$d|y Ey||'|l|‘|g$ I _ Tw",. |_.ss°ns   `
Ovc·r¤i¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤t¤*¤P~S~i<`<>¤¤· K <`» *`ty+» “'— E- S¤·*¤<·<*¤ “'·‘  
ment can Succeed without tha sacri- UT€H(Tll YOUIIK [)lHy€I"S to bP Il3.IIIl"8l.i   A(ll1IllS ilH(l .l. S. l)H.I`l(PI°, l,PXlK1g·  
nw of at least °“° mer, `Naturalness was a large part of the ton; Lawrence Yates, \\'int·hester,  
K Lady Gregory dennes a N°·u°n°*l Irish success. Furthermore, developfnnd II. .1. Falloway, Louisa. 1-5   1.5   t
I y' Theatre as "a place where workers that which is the lego. of your (,0un_ ___wi M 1
TRA may rest; where birds can Sing; Ury, The Italian is all geStl(‘uIatI01l,         $
where artists can offer beauty to theiwe are Simple, and Char), of ,,,0,,,, JIMMY PARK NOWI  
.+ ~
' • footsteps of the day." iAm€m_un and develop that in youri STATE UNIVERS T i ,
This successful Irish playwrightimmve adore',. p BEING FLIRTED WITH BY SEV- ;   &  
I thinks the founding ot such a theatre; HTM American Spirit is ,d€aHstiC’..i TERAL BIG LEAGUE CLUBS;   V ` ` l ` ·
g In the United States not at all Im-isays Lady Gregory, umd it is Semp; VIIICIWV J¤'“*‘S lark- of th? bmw 146) E. DIAIN ST. Opp. Unnon Stuhuu
I practicable, but entirely possible. As mama,. Americans possess a pussiow, l nlverslty base bal-I squad, hae about — __" nw-U
- playwrights were used at flrst, so in of the intellect. You have the "mt(_r_` posals. It s Milwaukee that s atteri
t   America the scheme would be so pro- ml for a National American Theatre, him now. • • |
[ ` duced by American plays and Ameri-{und there is no mason why you Should · Last week wltetn Itltord Jones has      
• ~ can dramatists, played by American, not have one as Su(_(_€SSt.ul as Im__1n the t‘lI)’. he called lark up to the
i ,,w,,g€_ ln 8, country as big 35 thtg,|hmd,S. I hope you dol., te-lephone. and said that hc wanted Cerner Llmeatone and Winslow.
" ‘’‘’ ~ ' .· him in 21 proposition to join
—¤· one theatre Would not bB DPBCIICSI. _ IU Inter"`! . Q
‘ but Lady Gregory suggests each state 22 MEN PASS EXAMS lthe Milwaukee American ·Assot-tattonl   Line of   and  
having its own theatre. with ¤ ¤¢¤tr¤¤' A ENGINEERS ·"*·I*» -***1**** '*>’ *'**’ “‘¤>'- **i<“*“* =* *‘°“ t.unct-I counren open seven mws Ann ntcuvs
theatre at New York where the plav·` FOR R0 D I¤'**<‘i IMI “*‘**k to Play Oulmlil “'l[ll
‘ ' ` | ’_‘*‘ _ . A _ ` ESPECIALLY ON SUNDAY.
ers from each state may produre their, Nearly all the 8.l)l)ll€`8I'IIS IOP |>0S1- the Brewers nent year, Ho epent
y D]EyS_ ;tions as t·0unly mad €IIl!.llIt‘€*I`S. WI10 only at short time- In lmxington with B. W. B.   CO·
'I`he actors who put on the early: took the short course at the State his bmtht»r_ Frank Jones, and told ofi
playa at the Irish 'l`l16&[1'8 WGTB ll0[1l'Ill\'t`I"SlI)' lust IIIOIIIII. Db\S1·I9(I ul IlIt*ll1Is lt·u\'i11;.; l`t)lu111b11s, uml Slglllllgj 
-Y proteaalonala, but people drawn ll‘0!'l'li£’XIilIllII8[lOIIS held ut Frankfort by with the Itrt·wt»rs, and said that my
  i     ‘ ‘ MARDI GRAS
i w l i FEBRUARY 11-16,1915
    my   New Orleans, La. Mobnle, Ala.
••¤»¤..,,,,___ "" _ ` ' ¤ . I
° • l in   ` LOW ROUND TRIP FARES ,1
  ¤ ` . _
H ,    '   - ' TICKETS ON SALE FEBRUARY 9, I0, ll, 12, 13, 14 and 15. l  
l   ·     I 1 (Quo`! Returning to Reach 'rlalnsl Sturtlng Point llulure Nlldntght l~\·Inu»1:; zu, 1915 I"
` I lt l   · rl · ·~ I ··*· 0 `\ cnn n n u' `rm nu tr vm n t -· n ur in 'uin t· 0 E
Q . . U ·!¢?»'·A" Aa .   ‘   LI-:I'\`.l‘i3, IVIL, U')‘ l:\'||}\¤:ll ‘\ll Tn All lI:l:I`=°a:;lI1TLlI\l(\lI   ul   I-  
_- ’ —. _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ '»_ I For Full Information Apply to
.   Nearest Ticket Agent. `
` r t · ,_ _·  
' » RQUTE ll. C. IxING, Pass r and Tetltti A '
‘ I l 101 East Main St., I..exi.t_,‘ \_
*y° l • FRONT VIEW, KENTUCKY AGRICU LTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION-   -  jt;;;~E;-_;_———;—-———_~·—-—;5-—~~a·Ej>;j·E;·  
\ ' ld
x I

 4 " T H E ID E A •· c ..
....—-—-1·—- —-•~.-  - -_;-—1-  -..,:...••— .... ..  
Q I ta college student's life ls s "snsp."  
rl HE DEA .... 1
,. C. Watson of ammonia compres-
Pabllshed •v•r7 Thursday throughout the Coll•g• nar by the student bod! C · W   S
of the State Unlverslty of Kentucky, for the benellt of the under- sor fame, stood near s thermometer ee y  t 
graduates, slumul and faculty of the Institution. sunday mgm whho umn! or his wm _
rm: mn ls an orncm ¤•w•p•p•r or ua U¤lv•r•lty. n u l••¤•a was '“°" °"l’°"*°"°°' *'“' “‘° “‘°"”‘°'“* l
the vfew of furnishing to its subscrllnrs all the college news of Kentucky, r ter rose two degrees ln less than me DAF! Wl UPKAK TH! TRUTH? ·
together with s digest of Items of l¤t•r•st concerning th• unlversltlss •f minute. ________ =
una. una me Can" ' A professor ln the lmperlsl Unl lt f T kl J dd d Q
|UI|ClIP1’lON,0Nl DOLLAR PIR VIA!. FIVI CINTI PIR GOPY I"`- s“*h°"‘¤¤d (ln wmlml J0*'0“ letter to the Amerlcan people s few weeks ago contalnlng this challenging `
Ilnund st Lexington Post Oflloe as second elsss mall matter. Studentl—"*’°°*¤ My • whole I0! statement: ‘
 ;.:;t.;;2:.·:·;·;.-.. ... :;:"   about the   "` · w0m·n’· eye., but mrho t us h V   t   t
INTOMAL um", 1.1*1.1.. th ' tm th b d t H grea w as pro en a e wes ern people, with all sorts of ir
CLYDI P TAYLOR mm Mn Cm I GPG! ¤0 D8 GTG ut lf M"- college and lnstltutlons ln their most advanced order, are after all like
KENNET}; DORIS ‘‘‘''‘‘‘‘°‘'‘''''‘''‘'‘‘'‘‘''‘''‘‘‘‘‘   .81 ° ° édm; | Y0u’ve either b6€¤ mlffled I |0¤8 their naked friends ln far away Asia or Afrlca, only a hungry piece of flesh, l
'''''''‘‘'‘°''''' ’ ''''''‘'''''‘''‘’'‘ "' ng time 0F BM'! 8¤\ YW {WIN- who to use a Japanese saying, has just three brains more than a monke — ‘
J OWIN REYNOLDS Assistant Ildltor Y {
A l Since the gmundhug duns me MJ s no oo muc o say a e presen war