xt7tqj77wt4x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tqj77wt4x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1915-01-28 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 18,  January 28, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 18,  January 28, 1915 1915 1915-01-28 2015 true xt7tqj77wt4x section xt7tqj77wt4x Q
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LJ¥1lV€l‘S y O SI1 LIC y
_ ·~-—-—  -.-— l
_.__.. ¢· llllllllill ll] HAVE KEIHIIIIKY . . . . . .
28 l Hllllllll llllllllll PIIIISPEIIIS REVIEWED lllllll Bllllll Illllllll llllllll Hllllll SESSIHI llllllllllllllll Ill
r· 4
°` Coach Brumage Asked To Many of Last Yea1·`s Record University Uarpenter Ex- Secretary Hall Highly Hon- State Team Will Meet Ala-
` Securing Registering of Holders Will Be Un The pircs Ten Days After ored by lntematlonal bama, Vanderbilt and
1 5 Arbiters Team Tins Year Accident. Uomm1ttee Staif (Jmcmnau
he Mpls; gmmqev state Unlverrlty A Blanco over the athletic reoordll R. A. Milligan, and 63, head car- The Y_ M_ C_ A_ beam eh manage Arrangements have been oem.
comb, hss been ggkgd by V. A. Bab of State University gives e very clear penter at the University tor more mem as State University hem an vm_ p eted tor two debate; ln wmeh me
bm, or Hwerrerq College, member ot idol as to the lhtefelt and ability of than twenty years, died at the Good Donna session at me University Fri- Kentucky State teams wm porno;.
(hg fgqtbgll rules committee and tho Various teams. Samaritan Hospital Friday night irom pate. The tlrst ls a trrangular gugir
e cholymsu or the central board of of- The football. baseball and basket- the results or severe burns rocelved "°Y °"'°m°°°‘ between Kentucky state, vaaqerput
gultsv to secure the reglatulng ot ball teams all lllve B fall percentage about ten days before while working Alll°ll8 tha l¤lP°l'l¤¤t l'6P°l`*»¤ the and Alabama, and the second he.
·b°u( g, dozen experienced Kentucky of Vl<>i0!’l€¤ to thvlf ¢l'8dlt· But Wlllll ln his shop iu the Isla Building. lollowlng were presented; By Prot. C. tween the law departments oi Ken-
msn es geetben omelsls. ust year showlns has the track wom made ln Mr. Milligan was beating some wax, to Melooeh o ooeoem ememeoh seo tuolty State and the umve.-my os
thgrg were only two registered root the lsst tow years? The ansavvor lsvwblob blazed np, sottmg ure to big aaa heheh aha heed me a aheeval aa tlaielnnhatl. [ th
, t t edit. Wh h d lth lili I tal `1 ate tri ul d b
_ ball omclals la tbe State. Dr. J. J Illo 0 our or y s o wolco es and n cnn; a burns on we to mama emma me Univer- o or e sr.; as- e ets
Tieert of sutev md A_ p_ Baker, gf with the wealth ot material that is ln his rlgbt side from the hip up under hu ¤°*· YW- b¤¤¤ d¤<=lll0<1 0¤ md 8
’ I sity constituency in order to meet de-_ ,
Versailles, and omclals from other this college be content to let om-_the sm md wo boo; pm; H_ H_ subject ls yet to be selected, use
sane. were sotton to "bgtmt. the track team oontlnually come in sec-ibownlngm class, just across the hall, ‘“““ or ’“l““lY g'°‘”“‘g W°"‘; by ‘lllllV°l`¤ll¥ will bo l‘¤Dl'¤¤0¤l·¤¤ by two
nm". The rom]; of this move wlll ond best? It ls either a matter ot llrlheard Mr, Mllllganm cries for *‘l»lelp" Aarl Zertoss and Frank Kennedy. vtoams, the amrmatlve slde or the sub-
tly. Kentucky at least a dozen om- dll!Bl‘6¤¢8 OD the Dirt ot the studehtland extinguished the lame;. owqem Omoo,-B and members 0; melject being debated by a team at home,
*1. an ym jo much wwggd putting body or it ll due to lllehclency ot the] At tint the burn; were not consid- evve gospel teams, a hehehe en mel While the negative side ot the same
the Suse on the football men coaching etal! or to a lack of lnterestlered serious, and he was removed to ennaemaa vacauoa team work ae`oll°llll°¤ will ho lllillold ¤¤ the same
Among the local men whom Coach l¤ UW PN"- of tho ¤Ull6l·l¢ 80V6l'¤lll8 l his home and later taken to the nov nlzht by a visiting team. The debate;
· rallnoum and uarllsle; by rresltlent. an h ha
Bmmqe will recommend ge; Dr, body. Whatever the actual cause ln prtal, where he 41,41, vw e eld at Auburn, Nasnunaann .
J, ,1, Tloert, P. 1=·. nodes, wuuam th• nuts tho tlms an coms tos ln-. Milligan ifusneld 1.. high es- “°“"'°’• “ ""’°“ °“ l"`°"“‘“‘°“ "°] Lexington simultaneously. A tem. gf
- ~-—- Redeb E_ _y_ Cuweu tnd Lum; gun, college to show that it is capable ot team by all who knew him, ue ls lol! llllloo lo" ll glolll lollliloull comhthree from Alabama wnll mscuaa we
.3,... glueyv or mmlneuee, formerly lll·kl¤B Just B8 8004 ¤ll0Wl¤K ln trlwklsurvived by his wlte, Mrs. Margaret palan to be waged ltcnruary 8 to 11.; negative side here with [hg 3;,;;,;
gf vsadorbllt, will also be recom- W°l‘k as lll ¤¤Y ¤¤l¤l' l>l‘¤¤¢=ll¤¤· ‘Mllllgan; two sons. Vincent and Stan- unuer tne lennersmp or two mmo..s,t€ll¤l» Wllllo the local negative team
mended, and the various colleges of Tlloro ls at vl‘•••¤t a tooo naclonsley, and a daughter, Miss Marletta h_ M_ e_ a_ vvehaevav ha e_ (eee,.) will argue with the vsnoerbnt mer.
the Qouthgrn Intercollegiate Athletic for this ys•r’s team from the mom- Muugsn. Mewevh oh Mw wm, and Mmm the ssme evemoe
Aesooleuee wm be naked to suggest bers of last season’s team. While the The funeral servloes were conduct- _ Teams to represent the Unlverslty
nemo; or experienced men. l>l‘€¤¤ll¢a of old members tloos not by ed at his home, 708 South Limestone "°“"' °1 °“‘"“’ “"“ °’ "“°“° °“"““° will be chosen soon.
any means exclude new men from street, Sunday afternoon at 2 troloolr *°-V· "· “’l’°"‘ °ll ”· **"" lllllo lo °°
Hl8»klD§ (JIS {63111, [DB blllk ot f.hB1by [hg R5v_ Edwin Mullgrv pggtgy of l¤lSt:d [1115 year lil. [118 Ul.llV8l`:lll.)' to  
; •` W0l‘k will Dl°0l>¤blY fall lll>0¤ tllovthe First Presbyterian Church, and gupporg the mus megs, _»l_ ge truth.
a lh shoulders ot the veterans. Just ll the Rev. R. K. Massle, dean ot Christ me Bruuuns, and lolergn LUIQSAUU        
glance over the men who are at pres- l Church Cathedral. ......., .e.. by Ur. Jonn .r. Mott. .
      sat ln collozo Wlll convlnos ono that] ns was bnrlsd ln tus Lexingtonl ... ...e ...ee...... .. eee ent.o....oe.. .• .
we are ln a position to build our foun- ' cemetery, The pallbearers were his v that tue ruteruauoual uoulmltloe Stull       3
dation for futtue teams on a ml§l1ty‘lodge brothers from the Odd Fellowetot New mph grty had selected (jemv
lllllld bull- and Knights of Pythlas Lodges. ere. secretary hi le nan or the unl- ';"—
Goods   State chomp o¤l>l· R°lh· lllllllllllllallly lhs lllololll versity Assoolatton, one or a conunls-hDeptt1·t111ent ls Ihspected By
10118111]) ot K€DtJUOkY III man in the South today, will easlly ""°'°*"“ isheh eh hhhee he [heme me hheehamh Av erieau Association of
LOUISVIHB Game hooolo tho two spl°lmo• Pl`o"'looo· at land select speulters tor the Natlonall Law Schools
—-— course. that his injury from football   H B     t. M. c. A. eeoretorys conference tol
14 has not aliocted him. He is ot value ' ° ' h _ _ . , v
        IJ vuti lltéld lit. BIUB Rldgé, N C, ¤HEvmBR S        
,._... so in the quarter, but wlll be used       Ju1y_ 1
· Before ooo of too muon crowds la that distooco only os o mombor or l The importance of this appoint- That the Kentucay Law School ls
that ever attended a basketball K8!116 the relay team. He would be able to mem is based eu me feet [het me muy up te the standard and has an
ln this city tho varsity and Kll‘l'¤ take care ofthe broad Jump also. hat The Lyceum Committee has an committee has the power to control thc work accredited by the other law
teams ot the Univorslty of Ko¤tllokY tho risk of hartlnz hlmsolt la tho homme vhec0mvna0hD1_ R G mul the policies for the natlonal move-ischools or the country ls tbe state
tho '·f·“y and girls, teams of the jump will keep him out of this event" ton of Chicago Universite Lolahérrow lllelll. for the llt$X[ two YBKFB. llltilll of Alfred Z. Reed, of New York,
woo • ¤¢>lll>l•> llwlsr vlayall ·¢¤l¤¤l Al vrsssat lla lloltls lhs ¤¤ll¤8° r¤<=· v ·.—l.e other nienlbers of this ee......rt- who lnspeoted the school lest week
H nght, tor an appreciative recital ot
U¤l*•l‘¢llY ol l·°lll¤'lll° ml llmll lo °l'll¤ lll l>°lll lll° 100 lllld N0 Y•l‘d hh e B e eh eh Jeh Deeeer Mamma va tee are A. J. Elliott, or lllinois, repre—]to ssa if it was up to the standard re-
the Woodland A\ldl¥·0l'llll¤· BY oo' d¤¤l·l9¤· he faeemauug speaker and a master as sentlng the international S6CF€[klflBS,`¢1UlT6d by the American Association
l°¤llllI '·ll° l·°lll°'lll° ll'll`l“ by “‘° Bllll lll K°lll€ '·° ll° °l '°l"’l°° lll olll the meramhe ef the Bible He he ham and Clarence sbedd, of noston, rep-for Law Schools.
score ot 27 to 16. tho slrls' loam of 440· Ho has had ono yoar of ollvsrl- te have aehhevee eae et the aheaveev resestmg the State seoretanes. Mr. stats University Law School joined
tha llalvsrsltv ot Komucky pm°u°°1' °n°°» and °h°“ld· ““d°" now ¤¤¤¤ la tlla ran- ol Roth shoaltl malls conwstltloa ta ..,,,,ooooo, rgpumtiou oo o o,,mo,,o Prot. c. M. Mathews, Prof. rr. tt. nry-lwhloh is making an effort to ..t.......
llllli ‘°l' ol" “°“”‘°"“ °'·‘“""’“’““m’· “‘°“° °"°‘"“ *11 um '“°"° “"°l"· speaker. uls subject ···rbe Book or ant. Alpha llrumage. lc. ll. vaaoltlardlze the work done in all such
Eooh member °t mo Bqud was la me Hogr°t°· wh° has b°°“ °u uw truck Job," ls admitted by soholars to be llenry Duncan, llywel Davies. J. l~‘. l schools in the United States
Komo from l>¤sl¤¤l¤¤ t° Bndl wltll wom wr twa y°°r°· can Kim ° mighty the greatest book in literature. `Battalle, E. (`ronley Elliott. l·`. ll. Ken- Ml`. lived said he was impressed
Bono? ls mo looo oa tm`°wmK new good oocoom ol lllalsall la both tho Tickets can be obtained at Miss nedy, J. W. Mcllounld. J. ll. t‘olt~man, with thc high standard ot the law
~·-s~··~~—-·—-······*·*·*·*—’-"‘   (‘raddy’s om·. .4, ·p_ G ld d K l Z.-;    
 ‘LE‘i...-._-£‘;'?.¥?2‘i°1_°B--‘1°¥*?_“l¥rL___Q___ °`{__.   _.._ __ " ";€‘j‘____“' " °°° o·o..t¤....ea on rare sn.)
Mercer and Pugh. February 8th to the 1 1 th
4 O

 2 T H E I D E A ' l
.nr,.—-.....s -7Y ...74----~·····~—-———-—·-•;1-Z-—-~—>1 » - - · — ·    - ;—-·————— —-;— -— ·i;——-— ;; · —
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures Go Where the Go’s G0.
· l
"°°‘ IHE ORPHEUM IHEA I RE """""°"5°
Mc At Admission 10c l
, {
gc .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. .; .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. 4. ·;   l STATE FIVE T0 MEET PHOTOPLAY WRITING l
. om czsrnu. ruvsas AND PHOTOGROPHY
‘;‘ ESSAY ON J. CAESAR ‘°’] --»s '
°°° °°°· ‘ A rlasn ln photoplny wrltlnz, un- • V
•2· BY THAT ·¤» The State- University basket ball`] h dl H f P f (_ P
    '¢• ¢`tenm will meat the St. Andrews l‘lve`;;r [ P dmv 0; 10 rf) I ` i`
  MPISGAHH   glut the Auditorium Saturday evenlngj INIVP? an dn SK :n:NFp;m;I H for every Occasion
,:, | The St. Andrews quintet ls com- pm Op ay' un er m " " O n"' '
‘ M°d°r" V°"‘°" °' H°w°Gr°“’ TI , are two new courses to be lnnuxu- Color f88t··g'\l8l'8Il·
2       •2· Though B•ld.•-leaded Man, ·:•'nosed of old Lontral University men tced satisfactor
·:· cme To mm Through sn -¤-Iwlm ln com days pm Central Univer- '“‘°‘* "‘ ""° “"‘“"““’ "‘*‘ ”"°""" NI i A X;
3 . •     • • 3 t,:, Own ¤.m p°°H·hn,“_ qlsny in the spot mgm. The Seenmch semester Though primarily for the- ns st on rr0w•
.•. .
I L l. · l O • O ~ • O · · l • ·•   boys, vm] DNR. He"' M0"'. and Dum students In the Department of Jour   up
mc mmm mc # —   '°""   "“"“" °'   ‘°""‘·   i.`Z”§’,..,°€2...‘§'Z.r'.Z.I`, ° "" " “   P-¤~··» ~     M·—•··
` Ilnvh ln the agen long ago, even be- hmm Louhvmo comes me new! Th I t d t tb k
      _ _ {that the St. Andrews team is the most 9 ate! “PP"°"° 9* ‘ °° " on  
forv   JPHHIHES Bryan hegauidreaded           the subject of photnplny       &   ~ ’
running for l’r•·sid•=·nt, tlwre nppenrediwhich if the om nm.! have retllncd be uggd and the course in photog-‘ ’
· 5 Oucceuor to BARRII I C0.
UM" E”""'Y N"' ”*”'U’”‘°”* iu :1 little- town in Italy n man oa|led\;h(,gr {gpm, should bg {mq, raphy will take ln the usual lnstruc-·   W Main  
_ O I
 M _ >_ <`m·sar. At his birth he was mm to. The game is called for promptly at tlcn in light effects, background and ll". ·°¤A FCUNTMN IN TH.
”’””i`T` W"" hpwm, of hm hid? in M8r(,h_ 3 wnmlx o`clock at me Auditorium at Wood- the developing and printing of films- crrv, rm; cgnmu -
_ <     V
` 4 tim: that hr· failed to heed untll after Q Lam; PTI; : recorfd ztaind:-Qce tgt Q. + Q A .:• Q Q. (O 4. Q. 4. + oo. Q + 4, I  
· it ,t ns w 0 0 ow e • •
i Ag jms tlenth, then it was too IMP- ~l¤“"*‘•g:;]; insdayg pug along with the z • z
, I { » • •
to   l<'avsar (hls l`rlc·ndg always called him Iymmger generation, is anticipated. Q     . °   L
  Jnllnsl, soon rose to quite a prominent The game should be reminiscent of z —"““ 2
/ ‘  " / place-, in spite of his bald head. From . former days when Conn" University tg, HM-kg Q10 you reg? [hiti maxingv g   7
.   the moment he threw seven, after cast- I held a premier place on the athletic g 12:3*3]; Qggzfnzzsg gba gmannzlg + K t K
A   mz the dire to ses- whether he should   map of the Smtm 4, Of pom- Beygmmb mst {ew_ ag     y ·
¤‘.Z.;·vv·/34 “" T` ° °""`   “°' “ "" "°"""‘ "‘°¥ + um: Do you hear mm ming. ·=· orrm me tuition in all tnpm. l
_ `,,,;_»`r·r· ,/ Ruhu-on. he was a doomed man. But       ¢, That, loud triumphant shlging? 4s
"   I for the interference of Brutus he prob-, ‘$' `TIB the r¤¤11i¤»= und the hailing ‘° menu to the y a d u a g 6 8 ¢
  ? _ ` _°"" ·Q• Of the Prince of Peace anew. 9 g l
uhly would bv alive today, enjoying A meeting of the Graduate Club x ~l·E<> z of Kentucky   Schools who l
lllfr mid fighting the min, to the fullesn. was new in me Mathematics Room ot _°_     _:_ _._ _:_ _:_ _:_ _:_ _:_ _:_ _:_ _:_ _:_ _:_ Q {
  This is where Brutus gets into the the Ungvemny Librgyy Friday eve. • ..—..•-•—-T- are D!°€D$!'€d to CDW? th! F!'¢Ih·
,llmellght. Brutus was always the nmg_ 4- ·|• •I• •I· O ·I• •|• •|• !• ·I• O O O O O O man Chu
`enemy of Caesar although hv vlaiméd The ggrly part ot the evening WM z Jos]? (Tm: gmrgvef there z • L
. . _ mus e a cu repo er. ·
to Irv his mend. He raminded taegar enjoyed by exchange of iden and an + Jack: Hwhytw * EBC}! ¢0\l!1ty lll the Sub il
lh{l[ ll? WHS OV€!`·HITll)“lOllB and   informal talk by Prof. A. S. M¤ck°u_ * John: nl just heard that fel_ *   to       mi-
`to     up                     +       a   U * •
, Then (`aesar refused to become king of me duties and visions of those who •|» ·I• ·I» ir ·I» •I· 4- O O O O { O O O O HOD, m8t1'lC\l]8tl0Il, ]8b0l'It0!'y
{cme and accepted a laurel wreath "_"""°'°'°'_“`“"
3 are striving after greater knowledge. _ _ and other fee; one or mo;. g
and a hundred·d0llar-a-month job ln- The club was delighted to have P3tl‘()|’\|Z€ Our AdV¢[tl$€f§, , P.
¥Sl98d, Brutus still was unrevonciled with it also Prof I K Frankel   p0iDt£¢8. · U
·and pevvish. Now comes one nf the · L l ·
  F ll 1 * h t b l Necessa X .
  ****··g¤ mm   *·¤¤¤·=~·‘ *¤!m.§l.?§` Ziteyaihill ;lYrp..~¤;$p:$;; DR' J' D' KISER A ry 8 Dems m°d°m°
(* v· ' hl it b t· · B ` id` Mll ' EYE     Ind   FQ]_'     regard-
l vaeiir IS NT ng l0n_ mtuq Sa _ in refreshments, consisting of fruit ’ éPECIALI8'I' n
ivsou t rat ier ie rst 1n a little Iberian cake and ice cream. G|.“•. Ground to °rd",_ ing appointees, courses of study,
`vlllage than second in R0me," and _ _ _ M°(;|•||.m| |u||d|”·_
  Reduced   straiulitway began plotting against [ THE WARRING NATIONS OHM Ph•M ||2·X R••ld•n¤• 7I|·X 808t of board, etc., apply to
i(‘ae·sar. Brutus began circulating al l C L_°'°`°'  I H S BARKER
` ___t__ U I O • ’
A d { P ' th tc nt Qpetltion among the people of Rome} . hrlstmas comes but Once a ye"`
n a riccs a Ou , ·\0n say that we are godless · Pyggjdgut,
{begging leave to assassinate Caesar In our qacrmce of IHF , , | _ l
lhs zi mark of esteem. Brutus being; .i who fulmsheé the me#}m mm] Patronlze Our Advertlsersd ml¤‘w¤' Ky'
S ’ O 3i·<»liti<·i:»n, worded the petition so thm, ` A A v_ —-—-
T 'l` l , t lf,?   .
      vh•· vot•·rs could not tell what hel 0 Carry on me H r P T .
` iuwnnt, u plain followed ¢·\‘•·u to this     AND         · ·
    lluy. (luv duy in Nlarvh zi body ot` cit— vw. get our ummunnion us        
9 7   4 _ _ "Snpplles" from your full station;
inns l¢·tl by Brutus, culled on (nesar
_ . . V _ . Without this aid we cannot tight, STATIONERY
and surprised hun by stabbing htm. O C
ec     wl H _ _ H d . lWhl<·h is the godless nation? ,
y y len ruins stamp . (aesar said,} Th W i N H JOHNSTQNS CANDY I 0
"'l`hou llrutv," and fell dead. Ha wrap» — 6 an ng 8 Om" p
Ca S   ]»•·d his mantlv around his bald he·ad,` M" Pisg°h‘ _ v_ A
P 7 ° lof which he- was always asham<+d>,| ";'°'°*"`"` Wm• E•   • .
st:i;:ze1·+·s~twc·<—n P0lll|)€)"S| ""
look at the Winkows as you pillar und tho ldvs of Marvli, many of Students wl") S° desire may regis' ‘
· ··   ·· · ~ » ·. ter Thursday, Januarv 28, from lzilll
ass. whuh uno nioital, Math Anthony ol ·
P ”il¤·iate·d nt tho se·rvi<·os assisted by the to 5}0’cl0ck-     I   ·
·---;- {Route Brass lizuul <'or0ne»rs v•·rdi<·t: Regular ¥`*‘glSU`8U0n M0“d**Y» "`**b‘ To »
"‘l)¢·ath by stabnaiion," Thus ywrislwd l TUKTY I- B€8l¤¤l¤I¤‘€ TU€$d!U' l"¢’b‘ •
ono of tha ;:l‘e·at+·st nwn or who nn1t>¢l•··1riiary 2 a fee of one dollar will be I     Q  
    luvmn pvrlod Irequlred of all students as a lute reg-
—~M. PISGAH. iistratlon fee.
Incorporated ` lh`- •_w_ {
l . ,. *
, l Surdonu· lil·lAIll vlothed ln a srarlet shroud, l
The College Fellows   N Salute-s his ininlons on the l‘I`llIllbHl\g thrunes ··
· I W '“`_ of 'I`\‘l{ANN\', and, with malicious leer, O,
I.,€xIHgtOn Cigar CON HM noints u tlesliless linger towards the Holds Umor Onwt
u°°"°"‘“° (if H¢·ll:iuui: "No harvest since the days I ‘ O
M•¤¤f•c¤¤r¢r• °f Ul' lionaparto and \\’at•·rloo hath tlllvd
    My flugons with u win+· of such a tastv; T • •
  Your <·r‘¤»\~¤¤s M- hohl by rights divine inde»4·d!*‘         ,
*7 ·—"*’ V A  "" ’ ' "' ’  
` Appar•·h·¤l in a robe of shining whlto
• • l ..
University Lunch Stand l Anorhvr lifts his hands us lf to bless:  
0•¤•r• •¤¢*¤•lV•'v *¤ $*¤¤•¤*•   ··’ri.·· ·riu"rii t*ll[llf`0llHd ln l)l·]M()(?RA(‘Y COLLEGE WORK A SPECIALTY
Ind FUCVIW °' mln U”|V·"n¥ { llath twinml tho ll()l,l.\' round (‘olumbla’s brow
A.     "‘ ‘""""" "'W `}"'*f"" "" "“""· “°°" “""' “’ """‘·` 124-128 N0l‘¢h Llmeltonc Lexiniton, Ky. . I
. 7
3 l

• . . .-
. · _ _   E I D E A ·
i Call and get acquainted
‘ I I
i iWIl,l’\ 0\ll' 8(lV€l'l.IS€l'S.
I t I ` I
¤ .   1 LEONARD
, r .r . » BARBER SHOP
\_·\~ At Leonard Hot•I ’
, · '4 " NONE BETTER
` ‘ » VQ GOGSWELL BROS., Pr¤prI•tor•
. ’ _ • Mh       · ~· --·· —~ ·-—·~—~———-——
I - ' ' *
wg;   p· l   t. IW. S. (JRIFFING
* t I l •· ` { s ‘ Y. '
{ . · p-yn ,- . 4 l , .
Wl q' ’·» ·    ; · M n ~ ··· ··   ..,   The Sanitary Grocer
jr 5 ., i.cJ' ··· { “ - .;,,   ··~-  .   ~* . _ ·
a , -»_," ·*,·$· · ~ r . Phone 720
’ _   * 5 ‘ Cor. S. Limestone and Vlrglnln Av•.
‘ iq; .6 " ·°;' - .1 T "t· " , ——·———s~—————~·—-—————
"     ‘# I •' ° _ I L   /
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\ #20 ··;¢l_+: I l   ’1"?‘ , · DIL 1. T. 8LITOII
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Q E » K o}   ` V ¢ ,· H- ' .. _·»» 127 Cheapsrde
`\/._ 4*   ‘/;_ I- ’   _-·‘
  . E §é·'{• _ It ' ‘ _ '   . K / ’ _ _   Hours 8 s.m. to 8 p.m. Phene 864-X
  ‘   I · ' I v'·' tu`. _, U an ' _
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5   .   ~— 1. _ E O OU TIOUJ
l , R "»` ‘» ! ‘ h ·I The best i• none too good
‘ ‘ . . i` when it coma to • boto-
, T " .
_ _ _ ‘ graph? Bo on the ••f• •ad•
_ and me
  Franz losct S n lcr
Q _;   _ . ..  
the- {burned phonograph works, and g ._.... The student,. Photo P
• hztrnng been built on ample lines to, Dean Anderson has announced that
. 6 C h I1 1 C 1 I In-ot-ldo for the growth of the battery   the Seniors will again undertake al
2 . I
, *~~~·¤<·¤~· =¤‘f¤r¤·=¤ ¤¤¤¢¤ for the b€g*¤· E .-.,mblml them, the subject bong, ··A °•¤"·** * "°*•°**· •’*••··‘••*•••
; ning of phonograph manufacture. By i (_ Html Fl r 5 Pl M f r me State E l B b  
. c · . ic g · a o 1
` • re—arranging some of the machines, mm r iu Of }_ mu ky __ com I tg   8      
·e~ s · te c 2 e
1 ond utilizing the space left for expan- __ D 1°7 8°“*h l·'m“*°”• MN"
plans and specifications for such a. O pc•|t• the Pho•nIx Hot•| Ilook
sion accommodations were found for P
` L flu i l I I plant will be developed. The plant is '·°"|"9*°"• KY-
¤ os o e s c a no r m -
I  .—--—------·----—-·———--r n_ l pe pm g apl u to be designed to furnish heat, light FIR8T'cLA88 WORK GuARANTl·°
_ chnnes and tools. As fast as these (md mwr for UK mire cam us  
. . · e c .
THE ENGINEERING WORLD. '“ the Vamum feed System which has ·ou|d be removed from the ruins, they Alpeffort “m b m 1 { bx; in U B MR} Me After the Glml II
1 V o me o 0 a 1
______ been adopted by several leading Car were put in the hands of a large corps rmi Si H f U , U I.-R d . M G V
The Seniors of the College of Me- conipnnics. The pressure oil feed sys- [ U'- muphimstg and installed in the bubl rr S 0 0 le du 10 I QS an dn C   S
· 0 _ ._ U __ I _H , , . I ld . I _ _ appropriation of funds for the building
chamcal and Electrical Engineermg tem lr MM ud 5 l¤"t"“g a ‘° "‘ T n ry buildings Furthermore, by work-I of gum a plant ml me gmundq Where nl] ig Wcu md GQQD,
_ America as it has in Europe. · .. -.1 _. . d S d U I   ‘ " i
are requlred to submit u digest each Tl ' I b I 1 ed on mel nn., n~ an Hun ais, U 19 Zrtiiecs Umm Anderson ummumlgd alsoi umm Hot Chocohtc dy md
· s lr eve ’e8.r S US 1   ‘ · ‘ CID M
Week of Some M‘tlC\6 ln 5 Vichnlcal N p a_ g _ ml `(r€“ mam Heb 0 le a ery rescarcln work would be permitted if] D
hi i d t i t many cars instead of the plain bevel phmt were able to turn out phono- L d t _ { { d U _ ld?
ua n s u en s m orcs c lcrcm won
m“g“zl“°· T S B one 0 ucq gt-ars on the driving shaft at the rear graph purts before the regular equip- { . rDr•   Edward Gordon
the embryo engineers with what is Mm This is u new m_a(_m_9’ but is mom was recovered, meme ipplicalzion. bl d l E V-H! DENTIST
happening in uw Gngmeermg world being adopted rapidly. \\’lnile the machine shop was work- I Ord OI: d 10 wm mf twmi “l1  
. _ _ le con uc c upon a p an even ua y . .
l and to give them all idea of the Dl`0b The general equipmeml of me Cm, is mg Iwemyjour hours 8 day On repalrs Qimilur to thu whivh would be em.    
l mms they wm meet upon graduation improved such as the "one man" top the ll¤¥`<‘l18Si¤S department was buy- 4 I
i ti ' ` ` _ ployed by zi. large inatnufucturing con- QQ TQ
          most     und (fu['t(]_i[\S and movable Sea·l.S· rrhe Ing "(l\v tools right. and left- ppru [hug g‘i\'i[]g [hfl %[u(l(’[lt, nn l(l!*U. ’
dlgegtg will be given to The IDEA mms Of fuel, OH and tires me Cheaper wlme the me was stm at its heighhi l K; li future Work in ue engineer J0hI1S Dfllg St0I'€
. als l 1 s ’ 1 -
each week. These first two articles HOW than this time last year, making plans were Smned for l,€_buudmg_|mg Held Next to Post Otflco
t ne, ' ,. _ __ r l __ _ . _ ·
· • shholii? be irxterest ng 0 t every 0 the upkeep on this year S (Furs cheapcrl ll]9 (,l(a[]i]]b L1\\ dy Of the d€b[`l$ dl, 7 E ji"} $$*7 •        
en neersorno. -, ,. , ,- . ·
W °E°r mi · of the 1915 car = l··.-om time rms it is SQQII that the "‘*=*" "·*“ b“““ ·“d°d by ‘h" “*° 0* amen-socnsrv Fuucrnow. lwatm c¤u¢YY» l°lP¢$ UW USMS
conn e · .   . .· . . , , · · . L .... ,.___d_%___________
M P l J   pm_(_lmSH_ is getting A great deal more hlrge marine scarthllglils. Rebuilding _ _
°t°r` unt' an\:ary' for his Iuouey in the 1915 our than [lux u,lrg·u_(]y q·ulll|uel|g(·d_ {util the l°l1lllr\ ;tl`•* llvllly, lilltl fUl` ull lf1[€·l'·  
BY J· Edward Sh ppen `__\_t_r before 1[|ll()Il()QLf`1l[)ll works cnn be moved buck S¢M‘i<‘¥)' l`1lIl<‘ti<>ll to be llurtlvilutted lll   WWA 1j:"‘;‘;"‘,..‘ ,‘i li k' '
Digest by Carlyle Jefferson' R h Ed pl iinto tho rebuilt quarters, manufnctur- hy the four enginccring socletiesw `%3`F’j§§T"  i' "" °£'1 €?+§l{|’
Ik ft l L _ _ _ _1 ·V*‘.*J__' _j·;•·> t
The ms'- Of me €°°"°mi°° Of the Qulc T°vc'jy 0 M ch_ ion an mg will bo continued in the sto;-ngt·;mnm·l>, thc l>ymimn· lingmoormg so- .   ji ry;-Y`Z-_;;£‘;;j2` {fi 7:
1915 cu is that it is cheaper and Su" _ mcrlcan Yac,`Ims l buttery plant. lcicty lcizns l?>l5l. the )lt‘(‘l1l1[ll(JillS V R _ _”_
D0l`l0|' ln €(lUlDm€nt· The avaragel Ulgvst by S` I" (“0urm€y' Q -...—-•.¢•--—- "l•L Socitly, the \\`;ttt Socicty tclztss ,
        cars in   is Yrhg l<;dis(_)[] l)h[)nQg[`upl[ \\v0rkS wusl         lllllil, illlll lll<‘ l4:diSUu`JUul0 Society        
$630 cheaper than ln 1914. This yeur's destroyed by tire on the night of Do ] The Tim Hem pi fraternity wm give. Whhs wl". H has not yu been ·
· cars average D1‘l€9 ls $2·205» while lust <‘*"Ub€¥` mlb 1914- Qits annual dunce ut the Phoenix Hotel ¤,n.,.M,.d \\h,.[h,.l- lh,. yum-[im, Emu; b,.   walking on tacked
year lt was $2,635. One of the most On New Years day Mr. Edison was M, p,·muy_ Fgbyuury 1g_ lu ;(_l_wg__[h__1, mmlupt or Ll duucel soles, Wl\€l\ WC  
• A notable features of the majority of l¤r¤‘s<·nt<*h0¤0SF¤vh COM An cxccllcm musical program of mono}; the Inner scouts to bv most thgn on for the same
the new cars is that weight is de- plctcd from ncwly manufactured [lyycnty dances has been armug(,d amd mW[___d' pl'lC€. Work done Whllé
R creased and also the horsepower. In parts. A card bore these greetings: I lh,. unmr Mu l,,·(,\·`, of the usual Tau TMS NH tw mp mst M.miI_ in “,lm_h YOU Walt.
the hm yea,. the average home-power ··’l‘o Mr. lddison. Hurry New YUM I lwni Pi nnisn und di¤ti¤¤<·ti¤>n· thc ¤‘·>ur >·»··i··¤i··s lnor ~‘—·¤¤·l·l¤¤·* t”l  Js msr Lm U°“'KY  ~ [ and
The trend of motor car makers is shows how woll thc tusk was accom-   ___ 7 Mtlkers Of Enghsh Chjthes
to have left hand drive and ceuterlpllshed. putrunize our AdvertiSerS_
' control- R I T'“’ ““"‘*`"‘**’ “°w *`°““"°t° b“ud` P1|ll‘0IllZ0 Our A(lV0l`llS€l'S. Phoenix Hotel Block lnxlngfon, Ky.
, Another feature introduced this Yell' ings of the storagebuttcry company Patronize Our Advertisers

 4 rn n ru 1: A •   ·
  •      3; ,; --3-;  `
man. •b• •n•n••• •tu¢•••?" an an ` -l
Published •v•ry Thursday throlmbout th• 0•ll¢• nar by th ICIXC Id! lpulalan |\•t• R•v•|ll•. It would W   S
ot th• |t•t• Unlnralty of K•¤t¤¤ky, for th• b•¤•It at th• utah M had n to n d   y   u ·
gndu•t••, alumni and faculty •t an lntltutlon. * ’”“’ '“ " ° °" · ‘
  |)OI'I0l| WH0 hl! In (.1 (K".] YI
THD IDEA ls th• oflclal ¤•w•pap•r of tn Unlnnlty. lt D Intl Will ue., , 0
an vl•w ot turnhhlug to its •ub•c1·ib•n all un o•D•|• ••v• at l•t•¢& ‘*"""‘ Y
w••¢h•r with 3 Sins of it•¤¤• cf l¤t•r••t •••¤•ra1¤¢ \¤• ••|••¤|¤•• ;— On un man oe me ¤•¢•m¤•¤· m• u•mm¤¤ mma nwnn • umn W  
W"' °m;s2;;°:;'i___;t__7;::?_f?____._______...._........ The •v•n;• nuns- n•v•r mah •t•t•m•¤¢ ¤ad• by a Kentucky vrcfencr b•¢¤r• a ntlnrlnx of c¤l|••iu•• 4
OUIOCRIPTION, ONI DOLLAR PIR VIA!. INI QINTI PII OOPY his •o¤'• c0ll•|• •du¤•tlon nnouu ••••mblcd to ¤o¤•ld•r In • cold, m•tt•r ot tact way how •duc•t|o¤ ln thls Q _ Q
I}nt•Nd at 1Ax|u|t0¤ P0|t 0f|lc• at hull dll! IMI IAN!. to mmm um yl, mma. go fog me Item could b• gdvmcd.  
  · ··—j········· ·· ·····—*;  ¤•
————————————-————·-—— sm; This startling paragraph caught the eye: lt in • notorious tact that §
NNTOMAL ·TA"·’ ""`1"·' •v•ry gnat scheme of • criminal character developed ln me country la lad  
CLYDI P. TAYLOR .............................................. Ill!. Hamlin “ puh wu nm by wm'. lndunosmmmd mn uu mm who mr. mnt mnmmm M dw 3
J. OWEN RIYNOLDB .................................... Anita: I||\•t Tn l"¤h|‘"`¤N Munn M mn nwaml QM Main"` of mn loom". to th. NM"' Nnwmun u gh.  
A••••|•%• Id|¢•I'•· mlnuw T U bc h ` tm. C•mm•nw••l•h w•r• |r•du•\•• of Kmtucky ¢•II•g••.”  
JEANDTTE BELL .... P•tt•f•¤¤ Hall J. B. ROLLING ·..... IUI. ll. I\•¤» ‘ “ mst 'm' ly ' ° I k The correctness of thls assertion cannot bo doubted, though It I• mt • '
A. B. LDIBOVITZ ........... Athlttlcl G. C. ROOIRI.... ..... . .... .I|Ih| muln n “ t m_¤· : uu! pleeeem feei Qe eememplne. There ls one thing gbeut it, however, meg is
H. F. BRYANT ·---···-·-- IIUWICUN KENNETH DORR!9 --·--·- NNIIID tant"` ne num". uax W ul" “d••d •ur•:" Ionnthlng I• wrong with our education If •ur ¢•Il•g• |r•du•t••
FLORENCE HUGHES ....... Socloty *"" (urn em \• be eeeundrelel L
...1._. A branch po•tollc• bu b••¤ ora- The trouble with many or us when we get oi! to college la that w• l••v•  
LESTER w· Gunn ··································· B‘“”" u*“'* •d at Loulnlnn Stntn Unlnralty tor our religion at home. We say ;ood·bye to lt for tour yearn md expect to ako Q I Q
J· T· GILDER ···•·‘·‘•··••···•··••• · ··········••·· ·“’°“’“°* ““·" the co¤v•nl•noe ot than studantn It up "wlnn we h