xt7tqj77tk66 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tqj77tk66/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 2005 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumni, vol. 76, no. 3, Fall 2005 text images Kentucky Alumni, vol. 76, no. 3, Fall 2005 2005 2005 2012 true xt7tqj77tk66 section xt7tqj77tk66 S I • [ff “: {N, jj  
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Kentuc/ey Alumni
Enjoy The Magazine
One of the best things about fall is that the UK Alumni Association takes this opportunity to send all
alumni a copy of Kentucky Alumni, the quarterly magazine that association members tell us they enjoy all
year long. Among the alumni featured in the magazine recently were renowned landscape designer Jon
Carloftis who creates rooftop gardens, educator Julie Young who leads Florida`s nationally respected
online high school, and the very inventive David Mansbery who has a new oven just right for your busy
lifestyle. On the cover of this magazine Lexington Legends CEO Alan Stein. like the others. was generous
with his time and it was a joy to follow him around the ball park on game day. What a fun day! Our only
regret is that we can’t tell everyone`s story. Fortunately, we get to share them with each other at class re-
unions, homecoming, club meetings, on trips, at games and everywhere Kentucky alumni gather.
Vote For A Trustee _
Being a trustee of the University of Kentucky requires dedication and an enormous time commitment.
The UK Alumni Association has been delegated the responsibility to conduct an election to nominate
three individuals whose names will be submitted to the governor with one being appointed to a six year
term of office to represent alumni. Altogether three of the 20 seats are designated for alumni representa-
tives. Tear out your ballot in the center of this magazine and PLEASE VOTE. Each year the trustees make
many far—reaching decisions that affect not only the university but the health and wealth of the Common-
wealth, and indeed the world.
Connect With UK Alumni
In between magazines, visit the association at www.ukalumni.net for more features, news, events, career
assistance, and more. Update your address record and find friends in the online UK Alumni Community. l
Every day the staff of the UK Alumni Association focuses on providing the biggest bang for each dollar of L
dues received from its members by investing in scholarships, great teachers, college alumni and local club
» programming, life—long career assistance and social networking among alumni, students and faculty.The ,
tradition and spirit of the University of Kentucky is embedded in the loyalty of alumni.
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    nioy The Magazine    
» ‘   One ot the best things about fall IS that the UK Alumni Association takes this opportunity to send all
_   . . . . . .
V V    alumni a copy of Kentucky Alumni, the quarterly magazine that association members tell us they enjoy all
l ·· ‘ r‘‘`   ear lon .Amon the alumni featured in the ma azine recentl were renowned landsca e desi ner Jon
.       ·i‘’‘ ‘ ‘    ‘  Carloftis who creates rooftop gardens, educator Julie Young who leads Flor1da’s nationally respected ii
» V    1— :iVV; V _ online high school, and the very inventive David Mansbery who has a new oven just right for your busy V   V V 
V   r} " ‘ »v  , L  _VV  lifestyle. On the cover of this magazine Lexington Legends CEO Alan Stein, like the others, was generous    
  . _e“V Q  » with his time and it was a joy to follow him around the ball park on game day. What a fun day! Our only VVVVV    
  »,_V_ ig  regret is that we can’t tell everyone’s story. Fortunately, we get to share them with you at class reunions,    
. A —   homecomin ,club meetin s, on tri s, at ames and ever where Kentuck alumni ather. _      
. .  ,   -;.·, igezei e rz 
  ~f—iiL>`$-‘ ,. i`    {L-Pi
._ . _V  Hr-jijesii  . r;g,tr?é·,+ `
   t    a·;;-t Vote For A Trustee  
.   V- ni,-:e;_—-.: —r.#§,j€_  i
is   -,_  Being a trustee ot the University ot Kentucky requires dedication and an enormous time commitment. »  e i
» f i·tV   The UK Alumni Association has been delegated the responsibility to conduct an election to nominate
    three individuals whose names will be submitted to the governor with one being appointed to a six year
    term of office to represent alumni. Altogether three of the 20 seats are designated for alumni representa— VV V V V
.   tives. Tear out your ballot in the center of this magazine and PLEASE VOTE. Each year the trustees make `     e il
·   many far—reaching decisions that affect not only the university but the health and wealth of the Com1non— _ __ V V
  TQ; wealth, and indeed the world.   . i=
.·:  ‘·.>L?i$·.` *
    , ' "   ·`’~   ..i$ii?i ? 
      Connect With UK Alumni    
  `l *~=* ¤ . . . . . . `'ii   if  
.    . In between magazines, visit the association at www.ukalumn1.net for more features, news, events, career _A  
;_ ‘i’.    _ assistance and more. U date our address record and find friends in the online UK Alumni Communit . eietgi » _~r‘ `    
  yi Vi, ._i ’ , , , . , . .   it¢i·,‘Q~i @4
  .,._   V; { ` V   Every day the staff of the UK Alumni Association focuses on providing the biggest bang tor each dollar of ` " ’~   ii
‘   V    , dues received from its members by investing in scholarships, great teachers, college alumni and local club  
Q   ri  i VI programming, life—long career assistance and social networking among alumni, students and faculty.The i
* ‘   ’*’‘ ` tradition and s irit of the Universit of Kentuck is embedded in the lo alt of alumni. We invite ou to be V t
Y ‘ ·`ril . . . . . - -.   l
, .   a part of that equation. Check out the list of association benefits below.Then, return the UK Alumni Asso-   KV
Qj if ‘   ciation membership application on the next page or join online at www.ukalumni.net. ,     ;, r’ ;_
. .;    fi l i ; 2
.   VV__ ,_V__ mo, , ,_ .. {   .  
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iV   Ag _ V guecsi.  -. .. l
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*3 `‘·· i "*’~ __________________    
  As 8 member, Y0U will f€¢9lV9--- Member dues make possible the following
  A __ i,· ·-lil l ;;._   nA personalized membership card, keytag and membership window decal S€l’ViC€$ & pfOgl'8mS. ..
. ;  T`; · V ·‘  t;i._.__ I UK information, athletic schedules, etc., upon request by calling Ipriurrrrir rscdrds
      .   859957-8905 OV l‘800·259‘Al—UM n Alumni volunteer student recruitment programs with the Office
_ `   ’ ` ski; _ n Announcements of special alumni activities in your area dmdrriissidris
»-   , ‘ ri   _ i ¤ A free S¤¤S¤rii>ti¤¤ tv Kentucky /i/ururii magazine . Programs for students currently enrolled at UK
V A I i` ·, iii   i   V * eAlUmlM$e electronic newsletter n Homecoming and class reunions
  Fr: I       E ¤Automatic membership in your local UK Alumni Club I Student Schoiarshipg
1 Q . ` . i   A `_ . n Voting privileges for district representatives on the UK Alumni I Aidrrrrir Service Awards
. "  _   1    ASS¤¤i¤ti¤¤ B¤er¤ ¤t ¤ir<¤¤¤¤rS . neu of oieiinguieriea Alumni
at   _ _ • n Support for constituent groups such as Band, Lyman T. Johnson
i Kin Aiumni HOV;  Members are ellgible f°r···   African-American, and Young Alumni
  .9 . n Athletic ticket opportunities (limited availability) • n Online UK Alumni Community
V   _ _ n Career services at the UK Career Center • `
l   Thr ee ea$.V WaY$ ¢¤1¤r¤r . Opportunity to join Spindletop i-tail ‘ A portion of your UK Alumni Association dues
-»   7) Call 859—257—8905 or n Office on the UK Alumni Association Board of Directors supports the alumni activities of the...
~   1-800-269—ALUM (2586) nA|umni Tours ~ ~
e College of Agnculture College of Fine Ans
  to join by phone. n UK Credit Union membership and services Coiioge orAi.is & sciences Coiiege or Hgaiih sciences
  2) Complete the front of this I Speclal goll plilvlleges and dlscoullls al llle Unlvelslly Club Ol Kgnlucky Gatton College of Business 8i Economics School of Human Environmental Sciences
I _   application and return to: ' Access ic lllc cxcluclvc cllllnc UK Alumnl Ccmmunlw College ercominunieaiions & College or Medicine
_  f UK Aiumni Assooioiion n Special discounts at www.KentuckyGear.com, the official online store of inionnaiion Siudios Coiieoo or Nuising
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¥   fp V ~ UNIVERSITY or KENTUCKY D|°Bam Tour Conversations
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.   ‘ ‘ A A number of us recently completed what we called "The Dream Tour’” — a whirlwind.
  av     1,600-mile, eight—day tour through 20 Kentucky communities.
  ‘ Le     i  The idea was a simple one: demonstrate to the people of Kentucky the importance of
‘   .. .. " /   UK in helping our state and our children realize their dreams.
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  g · I   As IS often the case, though, I found out that when you start engaging in conversations
V"` A  _   with people across the state, you leam as much as you teach.
 W"" T   In Northern Kentucky, for example, I learned about how our UK Gluck Equine Re-
,     search Center was able to quickly respond to a virus outbreak at Turfway Park before its big
Lane’s End race, giving the track what it needed to contain the virus and hold the race as
In Western Kentucky we heard Cheyenne Albro, director of the Pennyrile Narcotics Task Force, talk
about the HEEL Program, Health Education through Extension Leadership, which has brought together lo-
cal enforcement and social services agencies with six UK colleges to aggressively attack the 1nethamphet—
amine problem, especially its effect on children. According to a survey recently released by the National
Association of Counties, Kentucky is one of five states in which meth arrests have doubled in the last three
In Eastern Kentucky, we listened intently to a young woman who is a student at the Center of Excel-
, lence for Rural Health in Hazard. She is just one representative of the high achieving students in Eastern
I Kentucky. She’s one more example of how Kentucky children can compete with anyone — if they`re given
I the chance.
  In South Central Kentucky, we met bright, young students at the Somerset Community and Teclmical
` College who want to attend UK and, who along with their teachers and others, have good ideas about how
we can collaborate more with Somerset Community College to make that community even stronger.
And on the bus, while traversing the state. I spent time talking to — and listening to — many of our
deans, who are excited about educating young people and about reaching out into the state to make it an
even better place to live.
As part of that process, we’1l soon be unveiling a program called "The Commonwealth C ollaboratives"
— a series of initiatives where our senior research professors are tackling some of Kentucky`s most intrac-
table problems, from raising math and science scores at the middle school level to addressing dreaded
diseases such as cancer and heart disease that afflict far too many of our people.
· The simple fact is that I learn more and more each day that we are not only the University of Kentucky.
We’re the University for Kentucky. That carries with it a special obligation — an obligation to do all we can
to be a catalyst for creating a new Commonwealth, a state that is healthier, more prosperous and ready to
help its children successfully meet the challenges of a complex and changing 21st century world.
A On "The Dream Tour," we spent time communicating with our alumni and friends about what we’re
doing to change Kentucky for the better. At the same time, we got to hear how much people want their
University — the University of Kentucky — to engage with the state and to lead.
The stories we heard and the compelling examples we saw are a foundation for our commitment and
resolve as we Come back home to prepare for another school year. Every day,