xt7tqj77tj3w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tqj77tj3w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1929-04-05  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April  5, 1929 text The Kentucky Kernel, April  5, 1929 1929 1929-04-05 2012 true xt7tqj77tj3w section xt7tqj77tj3w Best Copy Available









Assembly Before Lee Hall




5, 1929


Taking the Trail at Blue Ridge




at Blue Ridge





Will Open Season Saturday on Stoll Field

Junior Class Formal Dance
Promises to Be Elaborate
Social Event





Lexington Youth Heads Field
As Most Probable Win-n- o

Coronation of Queen Will Not
Take Place; Special

Schedule Also Includes Many
Social Occasions and

Varsity and Frosh Track Men

of Day

H rock man, T. Z. Koo,
Dr. Henry Crane Arc

on 192!)




The Junior Prom, annual feature
By Wayman Thomasson
The Student Conference at Blue
of the University social calendar,
Ridge for the summer of 1929 Is pre
Coach Bernlc Shlvely sped his
will be held tonight in the Men's
pared to announce as its speakers
Wildcat trncksters through their
A few of the Blue Ridge Y. M. C. A. delegates out for an afternoon Fletcher Brockman, Christian world
Horse back riding through the scenic Blue Ridge mountains offers gymnasium. It promises to be one
final tryouts Thursday for places on hours of untold delight to the many delegates who attend the annual of the most outstanding dances of sunning on the lawn In front of Lcc Hall, the main building for the statesman; T. Z. Koo, Interpreter
year, according to an announcethe
of the Orient to the West and inithe team which will oppose GeorgeY. M. C. A. conference.
ment made yesterday by the com Blue Rldgc Mountain Association.
mitable In his presentation of the
town In a dual meet on Stoll field
mittee on arrangements.
heart of the Christian message, and
Saturday afternoon. Coach Merwln
Dr. Henry Crane, regarded as the
Due to the illness of Miss Kathmost acceptable speaker today to
Potter's frosh team will face the
leen Fitch, who was chosen by a
students of the eastern colleges and
vote of the Junior class as JuGeorgetown Cubs In a dual meet
universities. Two other speakers of
nior Prom Queen, the coronation
the same day.
a similar calibre will be announced
will not take place during the
is the
This doubleheader-dual-me- et
dance, but her election will be
offering of the season to track
announced and a special
Realizing that certain major life
will be held in her honor.
adjustments confront the students
followers and although there will be
AITETO VATI?! First Lexington Performance during their four years in colleKe.
present, it is Quartet Sings for Initial ProThe election of a Junior Prom
no derby candidates
gram from Local Leased
and that they must decide what they
of Annual Play Is Held In
Queen is an innovation at the Uniexpected to attract a lot of attenare going to do about vocation.
versity, although it has been the
Guignol Theater
Wire Station
tion. Hayes Owens, by virtue of a
girls, religion, the church, education,
custom for several years in Northscintillating three-quarteworkout
etc., all baffling experiences, and
ern and Eastern colleges. The offion Tuesday, leads the field as the PRESIDENT McVEY IS
that most of the students are nuz
cers of the Junior class hope the
most probable winner of the day.
INAUGURAL SPEAKER Junior Mechanicals Leave for custom will become permanent on Nominations for Queen of
HOOVER HEAD CAST zled by the difficulties involved and
He galloped the distance in 3:25 and
make choices blindly and disastroushis stock in the mile event went
Inspection of Mines and the University campus.
May Day Festivities Must
ly, the leaders of
booming as Georgetown is reported, Agricultural Talks Will Be
Plants April 21; Faculty This dance is to be strictly formal,
Be In April 11; Signatures Frank Davidson Is Director; have secured these the conference
men to guide
to be weak in the distance events.
Music Hour on
Play Will Run Through
and no one will be admitted except
Members to Head Trip.
of Twenty Boys Required.
students in these important phases
Twaddell will trot along with
those in formal attire, and having
Wednesday Nights
Saturday Night
of life.
Owens for company in this event
a bid. Bids have been placed in
Nominations for the Queen of the
With adequate provision for peron Saturday. He received his trainThree faculty members and 23
By Jessie Marie Sun
The University remote control students will compose the party for mall boxes of members of the Jusonal conference, forum, and group
ing on the Cincinnati Gym Club
nior class, each of whom received May are now in order.
mystery"Square Crooks," a three-aradio station, connected with WHAS the Junior engineering trip, which
discussion, inspiring presentations,
team and under pressure he can
one date and two stag bids. Fresh- The election of the "Queen" who -comedy
special leased wire, was inau- jwlll
from the pen of James and ample time for quiet
Lexington on Sunday, men and sophomores will obtain
breeze along around 4:"40 in the by a
gurated last Monday by Dr. Frank April leave
will preside over the annual May P. Judge, was admirably presented In the seclusion of
four-la- p
21, lor an extended soutnern their bids from Juniors.
the mountains,
last night by Strollers at the Guig they believe
L. McVey, who spoke on "Radio trip.
Day festivities, will be held Wedthat
will be held, be
Visitors Strong in Sprints
nol theater for the first performance leled opportunity an almost unparalGreetings from the University." By
is made available.
Junior Prom Queen spec- - nesday, April 24, from 8 to 12 o'clock of a three-da- y
run. The artistic
However, in the sprints, it looks means of an arrangement between, The itinerary is composed of many sides the thp
plncc ctunlol in. the morning and from 1 to 4:30
The best skilled leadership to be
get is a bad the University and The Courier-Journ- al places of Interest: Wilson Dam, at lftl and
anlike all Kentucky can
e anernoon.
uauoi achievement of this the organization found is being drawn from colleges
cold for her trouble. Young Adand Louisville Times, own- Muscle Shoals; Lookout Mountain, Music for the occasion will be fur- - ' aoxes win oe piacea at inree or nual production of
nlshpri hv twn rnlnroH omVioctrac
ams, the Georgetown wonder, is ers and operators of the station, at Chattanooga; several mines and
ranks ''Square Crooks" as another and universities, both north and
Promlnent Places on the
from Louisville, Jordan's and Win-!foplants in the vicinity of Birmingsouth. For the vocational counselto be a sure thing if he the wealth of educational Informasupposed
according to an announcement success in Stroller history.
swhich will play in opposi-!pugoes to the post. He is one of the tion and musical talent of the Uni- ham, where the party will spend
A delightful comedy, a capable ing service there will be a group of
from the election committee which
counselors selected from southern
three days; two days at Copperhill tion.
and well chosen cast, and effective
best sprinters who ever broke the versity Is made available to
The committee in charge of ar is composed of Job Turner, chair- stage settings, combined under the colleges, who will give their whole
tape in Kentucky. He will be ushand others of the radio and Ducktown, Tennessee, and at rangements
for the dance is com- man;' James Findley, James Shrop- able direction of Frank Davidson, thought and time to the personal
ered to the wire by Holt and Harris audience.
shire and Beverly Waddell.
The trip will be made more inter- posed of Harry Calloway, chairman;
resulted in highly entertain- needs of individual students. This
of Kentucky if the boys run true to
Monday's program opened with
a standing haveperformance. a
part of the program is being planned
form. Holt is just recovering from an organ solo, "U. K. Alma Mater," esting by the fact that only stu- Miss Mary Brown, Miss Dorothy of one In order to have
compete for the
Monroe, Delaney CRoark,
and carried through by a group of
The disappearance of
a pulled tendon and may not be in by Elmer G. Sulzer. The number dents from this school are permithonor, It was announced. Freshman Carston pearls and the the famous college deans under the chairmanFrank Davidson.
the best of shape.
played by Mr. Sulzer has been se ted to inspect one of the coal comco-emay not compete and trans entanglement
panies in Birmingham.
Plants at
and suspicioning of ship of President H. W. Chase, of
With Clyde Jones and Wayman lected as the theme song of the
fers from other colleges must have two former crooks forms the plot the University of North Carolina.
Muscle Shoals, also, can be visited
University station.
Thomasson in the quarter-mil- e
been residents at the University for of the play. The entire action takes Dean Francis F. Bradshaw has been
only by a special permit, which
event, Kentucky might be able to
Following the organ solo, the Uni been secured from Washington. has
at least two years. The girl who
the apartment
Eddie secured as expert leader of this
pull through, but it looks like Coach verslty quartet, composed of Hugh
MeetS receives the highest number of votes place in chauffeur to Mrs.of Philip group in the field of counseling, and
At Birmingham the students will
Shively will have to jerk one of Adcock, Toy Sandefur, Ray Mayes
Jwill be May Queen and the next Carston, who lives with his wife, associated with him will be Mr.
and and L. J. Alexander, sang, "On, On, be met by the Birmingham Alumni
these boys from the half-mi- le
Sessions Close Today; Presi Kay Ellison and her friend Jane Harry Bone, of Columbia Univeroe " , mfA
club of Kentucky, which has arrangsubstitute Owens if he wants to U. of K."
sity and Union Seminary, on cam"v
Brown, in the O'Rourke
riant MnVflw Will CnoaLed entertainment features and sevwhip Hawkins and Waters, two of
The signatures of twenty male stu house in New York City. rooming pus life adjustments, and Dr. EngJudge R. W. Bingham then spoke eral side trips of interest for the
at 11 o'clock
the best middle distance men that for five minutes from the studio in
dents are required for a nomination.
Eddie and Larry Scott, his friend, lish Bagby, well known expert In
party. These alumni, who hold outGeorgetown ever had. All of the
The photograph of the winning conMcVey in Lexthe psychology of personality.
standing positions with companies
runners mentioned have run the Louisville and Dr. te
Representatives from more than testant will be published in The who Is in love with Jane, are the
ington gave a
two former crooks who innocently
Running through the conference
are 50 colleges and universities through Kernel April 28. Each candidate
half in 2:04 or under. Thomasson
part, fol- in and around Birmingham,
Dr. McVey's address, in
primarily responsible for many of out the United States have been in must turn in a photograph together acquire the pearls which cause the will be a number of smaller inter
just escaped a case of pneumonia lows:
est groups delving into such questhe interesting features available on attendance at the seventh annual with her nomination before noon difficulties.
during the holidays and can not
tions as students themselves may
"The University is on the air a the trip.
possibly get in shape to run.
Institute for Registrars which has Thursday, April 11.
(Continued on Page Eight)
choose for discussion in relation to
hope finally brought
will join been in session at the University
Dean F. Paul Anderson
Freddie McLane, the Newport to fruition. In this day of grace
The Starman Studio on North
the application of Christian printhe party Tuesday, April 23, for the since Monday. The last meeting Broadway has offered to make, free
jumper, will be one of the great
ciples to the problems on the camwill be held this afternoon.
Alumni banquet at Birmingham.
stars of the day. He is jumping
of charge, pictures of May Day canpus and in the community.
(Continued on Page Eight)
The program for the week con- didates. They only ask that the
The faculty members making the
over 22 feet. Gibson is conceded
trip are C. S. Crouse, M. W. Beebe, sisted of a series of five lectures by contestants report at the studio at
an edge over McLane in the high
and L. C. Robinson. They will ac each of the following: President an early date in order that the
jump with a height of 5 feet 10
This phase of the conference will
company the following students:
Frank L. McVey, Dr. Floyd W. work may be facilitated and the
inches. Captain Kavanaugh and
be in charge of competent athletic
Van Doren
L. Gillis, and C. C.
Swede Urevig are the best in the
17 W.J. C.Brummitt, L. W. W. Bradley. Ross, all Ezrathe University. Courses photographs prepared for publica- Dr. Carl CommencementSecured directors, who will help organize the
weight events.
Campbell, Don
tion. Any photographs submitted
sports, tennis, basketball, swimming,
were conducted in class-roomanSpeaker
rowing, track, hiking, etc. The afThe timber toppers and shin skin- Dean W. S. Taylor Will Be E. Couty, H. G. Craft, W. W. Ford, ner and were open to anyone inter- which have been made by anyone
T. C. Gearhart, J. M. Harris, J. K.
except Starman will not be acternoons will be completely devoted
ners, the Hurdlers, have been trainDirector for Both
Harrison, M. J. Hubbard, C. B. Jones, ested in this kind of work.
cepted by the committee which has
Dr. Carl Van Doren, editor-in-chior to such recreing arduously, but cold weather hanThe program for today's session been appointed to superintend the of the Literary Guild and associate to these activities,
W. F. Langford, A. C. Munyan, J. W.
ation as the delegates themselves
dicaps the members of that profesNewman, J. W. Pennell, S. H. Per-rin- e, is as follows:
professor in English literature at may choose. Tournaments will be
sion. Weiman appears to have the
The Human Touch in AdminisW. B. Pythian, J. A. Purnell,
edge in the low hurdles and Gibson
May Day will be celebrated on Columbia University, has been se- arranged, in which the delegations
Two University summer school
tration, by Ezra L. Gillis, at 9 a. m.
cured to deliver the commencement
can particiin the highs. Maxson will probably sessions are to be held from June J. T. Sabel, I. W. Sternberg, and J.
Unit Costs in Higher Education, Friday, May 3, at which time the address to the graduating class at with sufficient numbers
compete in both events. The drawn 17 to July 20, and from July 22 to R. Stewart.
Queen of the May will be honored.
by Floyd W. Reeves, at 10 a. m.
the University, it was learned yesout two-mirun will find Cochran August 24, according to an an
These are some of the values that
The Alumni, by Frank L. McVey,
and Johnson wearing the Blue and nouncement by Dean W. S. Taylor,
will go to make the annual Student
at 11 a. m.
Dr. Van Doren, who was formerly Conference at Blue Ridge a memorWhite over the tiresome eight-la- p
director of the summer sessions.
Special Application of Statistics
editor of The Nation and The Cen- able event In the lives of those disJourney.
Bulletins have been printed an
and Graphics to the Problems of
tury Magazine, is one of the fore criminating students
nouncing the summer sessions and
who choose to
the Registrar, bv C. C. Ross. 2 n. m.
most literary critics, writers, editors Invest two weeks of the next vacawill be mailed to interested persons
Black leather notebook.
and educators in the country. He tion period in one of the most In
throughout the state.
containing history notes, Professor
is author of such books as "The Life spiring and altogether satisfying exCoaching courses in football and
Lunde's class; introductory to Eu
of Thomas Love Peacock;" "Con periences that come in a lifetime.
Members of Professor Farquhar's basketball will be offered this year
ropean history. Reward if notes
class in literature of the Bible will by Harry Gamage, head coach, and
are returned to Kernel office.
"James Branch Cabell." and others.
The Franz Schubert opera, Rosadramatize literary extracts from the John Mauer, basketball mentor. Ber-ni- e
By E. L. Cloyd, in the Technician
and has done valuable work as a DR. CHARLES JUDD TO SPEAK
munde, which will be presented to
Shlvely will help in practical
For many years the Young Men's translator.
book of Proverbs as a part of the
the students and public of LexingChristian Association has been inRiffy
program of the English Club next work. Paul McBrayer will act as a ton during the week of April 15, is
The eminent critic is probably
Dr. Charles H. Judd, of
terested in the development of the best known to the laymen as one of versity of Chicago, will the Uni
Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock
be the
Officers of the summer sessions now taking form. The entire cast
To Be
Vocational Guidance Movement, but the Advisory board of the Literary speaker for the annual Graduate
in room 111 of McVey hall. The will be Dr. Frank L. McVey, presi- of leading characters has been senot until the summer of 1928 was Guild which each month selects Club banquet to be held April 23
Vocational Guidance or Educational what it considers the most outstand at 6:30 o'clock in the Phoenix hotel.
characters In the brief sketches will dent: Dean Taylor, director; Dr. state, from the best talent in thet,
according to Prof. Carl Lam-perCounseling made a definite part of ing book appearing on the market. according to an announcement
wear costumes appropriate for the Wellington Patrick, assistate direcby
Prof. J. Fred Riffy, of Duke Uni the program of the Y. M. C. A.
tor, and W. C. Bell, state superinparts presented. Visitors are welrora,
ii mc public, Dr. meiury seieciur , miss unitynumber secretary or tne
Miss Lois Adams, of Paducah, a versity, North Carolina, who is be- Conference at Blue Ridge.
tendent of public instruction.
for the
Van Doren has club. A
of features are
come, to this, and all meetings of
sophomore in the College of Arts ing brought here under the auspices
"A record enrollment is expected
Mr. Owen E. Pence, research sec- done remarkable
will be for this year's courses," Dean Tay- and Sciences, has been given the of
student organiza retary of the Personnel Division of the public to the work inof directing . beinc prepared for the banuet bv
the club. Refreshments
current Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, dean of the
part of Rosamunde, a shepherdess. tion for the furthering of interna
lor said.
the National Council of Y. M. C. A., literature.
Graduate school.
Miss Adams was given the part tional relations, will be the princiwas secured to direct the counseling
after many other sopranos had con- pal speaker at convocation Tuesday, service, and there were associated
tested for the honor of having the April 9, at the fourth hour, in the with him a committee of outstanding
leading part in the University's first Men's gymnasium. The subject of men of representative Southern colopera.
his speech will be "The Political leges.
The scene of the opera is laid on and Social Evolution."
The plan of work was for this
He will also deliver an address
the Island of Cyprus many, many
years ago. It is in two acts, the Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock in group to set with Mr. Pense for an
hour and a half each day to discuss
on the school calendar which con- first being set before the cottage of the gymnasium on the
By Jess M. Laughlin
By Sara Elvove
latlons than mere mortals dream.
Movement," at which time all problems and technique. Each counLike the man who persisted In trive to please any but the extre- AJa, who Is the foster mother of who are interested are invited to selor then agreed to meet with from
Boom I and the feelings of quite Walt until you have had to stay up
hitting himself upon the head be- mely bored and ennuled. After the Rosamunde, on a late afternoon In attend.
three to five students who asked for a few candidates and participants- - ' till 5 in the morning, to get the
cause it felt so good when he stop- smoke has cleared away from the May. The second act is the Throne
faw down. However, such Paper off the press I (Bill, like the
Dr. Riffy is the author of "Latin counseling service for at least one
ped, Kentucky likewise has her own ones who have passed from among room In the Royal Palace late in America in World Politics." He has hour each day.
things must always take place at rest of the candidates and voters,
unique little ways of making us ap- us, there begins the "long trek" to the evening three weeks later.
In carrying out the counseling ser elections, and why should a Kernel i wanted to get the election over with
spent some time under the Carne
The entire cast includes eleven
preciate any and all evidences that "camp" on the Kentucky. For countvice there was no effort on the part election take exception?
Sensitive in time to eat dinner. He didn't.
gie Foundation in Columbia.
Spring might have "came"! Hur- less years fraternities and sororities leading characters and a mixed chothe
is devoting
the of any counselor to send ten-da- y student feeling eventually outgrow the sen- - We didn't).
have entertained down at Clifton rus of some40 or 50 voices. The
ricanes, floods, arctic atmospheres;
peaway at the end of the
sltlveness, but The Kernel Is a thing
For the position of managing edimonth of April to the study of
all have combined to make us ap- as a closing chapter to another year Philharmonic orchestra will play the
Special arrangements riod with his life work all laid out wnicn win, we hope, go on forever. tor, O. K. Barnes arose triumphantmusical score with a full combinapreciate the fine weather that the at the University.
for him and his success assured.
And thus there arose, from 'midst ly and declared that he was "it"
have been made for lectures on this
Somehow when one sees the sun tion.
grand old Blue Grass can so easily
subject to be given in the classrooms Such a procedure would have beeil sound and fury, a new editor to Mr. Barnes was so positive
put forth when it has a mind to.
sink down there over the Palisades
The cast is as follows: Rosa of the various departments, in order Impossible as well as utterly foolish. conduct the policies of the Univer- - I rest of The Kernel staff that the
and the moon rise majestically, munde, a sherperdess, Lois Adams;
Now that the superstition is fulthe
that an international interest may to What was, counselors did endeavor slty paper, a new managing editor agreed that he was the limit. How
filled that the groundhog's shadow huge and red, like another sun, it Frederick, Prince of Cypress, Austin
first of all, to become iu rcneve me eauor oi unnecessary jar ne is limited remains to be seen.
be stimulated.
foretells six weeks' bad luck, and make one think of the last rays of Graves; Flugentius, King of Cypress,
thoroughly acquainted with the stu- - j labor, and a new business manager
The nomination and election of Al
the roof has literally been raised, a sinking sun through the stained Ray Mayes; Benedict, Lord of Cy
dents assigned to them. Following to All the shoes of Jimmy Shrop Welllng as business manager closed
anything may be expected from cool windows of some majestic cathepress, Stanford Evans; Leonardo,
this they attempted to discover cer- shire,
manager, than me election session and the staff
summer breezes to the prostrating dral.
Lord of Cypress, Claude Walker;
tain "vocational tendencies" In the whom there is no better (financial members were allowed to return to
Later, with moonlight twinkling Philemon, shepherd, Lawrence Alheat waves.
Students having unpaid checks at individual and Anally, to try to genius not the shoes).
their classes. Led by Nell Plum-me- r,
the outlook might not appear on the waters, a banjo strumming exander; Philander, shepherd, Cyrus the business office of the University point out to each individual those
The business of being editor of a
once an editor, too, now digtoo pessimistic, let a word be said in the distance around some nearby Poole; Hermlna, daughter of Flu- must call and pay same immediateoccupations or professions in which paper Is no joke, as William Glanz nified professor of etymology, the
about the joys and pleasures that bend, a canoe drifting lazily by . . . gentius, Ollle Mack Offutt; Aja, fos- ly, otherwise they will be dropped these vocational tendencies might informed his successor, Wilbur G. staff and faculty representatives
are ours in the Spring. There are Can anyone say that once Kentucky ter mother of Rosamunde, Miss from classes. This is the final notice find their fullest expression in
Frye. There are, he announced au- rushed out of the office, and were
quite a few sumptuous affairs left gets "right" she can't be beat?
to this effect.
thoritatively, more trials and tribu- - seen no more that day.

WHAS Remote Control Studio

Stroller Premiere of "Square
Crooks" Is Marked Success

Is Operated on U. K. Campus




Annual Registrar



Noted Critic
Address Graduates

Open Here June

Rosamunde to
Be Outstanding

Counselors to
Give Vocational
Guidance Class

College Opera

Prof. Fred
Speaker Tuesday

Hurricanes, Quizzes and Spring Floods
Beset U. K. Campus, But Not for Long


Staff Goes Hungry While Kernel

Election Is Producing New Editors

� 1





Subscribe For



And Help the Association

Published By and For University Alumni


Edited by



Alumni Assn.

Secy.-Trea- s.

Shoe Artisans With n Reputation
Trices Lower









Waylantl Rhoadcs, '15
XV. C. Wilson, '13
Dr. George II. Wilson, '04

Mrs. E. T. Troctor, '16
Dr. E. C. Elliott, '02
Walter Hillcnmeycr, '04

The officers of the Alumni Association last fall announced that
a system of class reunions had been adopted and that during
Commencement this year certain of the classes of the University
would hold reunions. These classes are: 18C9, 1874, 1879, 1884, 1889,
Preliminary an1894, 1899, 1904, 1909, 1914, 1919, 1924 and 1927.
nouncement was made recently In a letter to the members of these
classes from Dr. G. Davis Buckner, president of the Alumni Association.
This week local committees from the different classes are being
formed and these committees will arrange a program of events for
the homecoming. Just as soon as the program Is completed a copy
will be sent to every member of the classes to hold reunions.
This Is the first ambitious program of reunions that has been
attempted by the Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky
and much remains to be done as yet. The officers of the Alumni
Association are giving a great deal of time and effort to these
reunions, and the full cooperation of the officers and members of
the classes named is needed. Of course the officers realize that
all of you cannot attend the reunion but they would like to hear
from you. In a short time a letter will be mailed asking you to let
your committee know if you can attend. Please answer that letter.
It will make everything much easier for those who are planning
your entertainment during the reunion.
The officers also wish to explain that while certain of the
classes are returning to anniversary reunions, every alumnus is
urged and expected for the annual homecoming. Entertainment
features are being arranged that will include all alumni and former
If you are a member of one of the above classes write to your
intimates among your classmates and urge them to meet you on
the campus during Commencement. You will be glad that you

The annual University of Kentucky banquet will be held during
the meeting of the K. E. A. this month in Louisville. The committee has announced that it will be Tnursday evening, April 18,
at the Kentucky hotel. The time is 6 o'clock. Tickets will be on
sale at the University of Kentucky headquarters in the Brown
hotel. The Alumni Association will have a desk at University
Make it your headquarters.
A full program will
be announced in the next issue of The Kernel.
Thomas Robinson and lives at 172
North Hanover avenue, Lexington,

Henry Townes Hardin, LL.B., is
George William Gayle, B. M. E., is city attorney for Evansville, Ind.
an equipment engineer with the Na- His address is 1609 Olive street,
tional Tube Company of Elwood Evansville, Ind.
City, Penn.
Cecil Chenault Harp, B. M. E., M.
Angus Neal Gordon, A. B., B. S. E., 1916, is engineer at the Fayette
county court house. He lives in Lex1815, is with the Presbyterian Semington and his address is 119 Noith
inary, in Louisville, Ky.
Ashland avenue.
Robert L. Gregory, B C. E., is a
John Albert Hatter, B. S., is a
consulting engineer and is located
in Glendale, Calif, where his ad- farmer and lives at R. F. D. No. 2,
Franklin, Ky.
dress is 2035 Rangeview Drive.

Allen Wyant Gullion, LL. B., is a
Harry Carroll Galbraith, B. S., is
major in the United States army.
He is with the office of the Judge a farmer and lives in Brooksville,
Advocate General, War Department, Washington, D. C.
John Thomas Gelder, B. M. E., is
Leslie Gyn, LL. B., is a rancher a service engineer for the Chicago
in Acme, Alberta, Canada.
Railway Equipment Company. His
address is 1928 West Forty-sixt- h
Wallace Duncan Hamilton, LL. B., street, Chicago, 111.
is a farmer and lives in Versailles,
Annabel Grainger, A. B now is
Mrs. John S. Chambers and lives at
Lucius Madison Hammonds, A. B., 708 Franklin avenue, Lexington, Ky.
is located in Chicago, where his address is 6333 Harper avenue, ApartThomas Francis Ilavnes. B M. E..
ment 11.
M. E. 1918. is assistant master me- icnanic in the Pennsylvania
Hank, A. B., now is Mrs. ' way shops in Columbus, Ohio. He

Fill out this blank and return it to the Alumni
Office with your check for $3.00. For the year 1929-3-

Plans arc rapidly being pushed
for worthwhile events among the
Alumni over at Louisville and the
Jefferson county metropolis will
have a real worthwhile club, according to plans being worked out
by Walter F. Wright, Class of '14,
president, and his committee.
Saturday, April C, the regular
meeting day of the Louisville club,
will sec more than a score of former
students gathered in the dining
room of the University Club localed
on the third floor of the Brown
building, luncheon to be served at
12:30 o'clock.
The U. K. Club has
the distinction of being the very
first one to initiate this dining room
for it was the "Kentucky" group to
make reservations for the service,
which was ahead of even the first
meal to be served the public.
The Annual dinner dance of the
Louisville Alumni Club will be held
Saturday night, April 13, from 6
until 2 o'clock, also at the University Club. President Walter Wright
has made it his special job to (make
this event successful and he has
spared no pains. According to his
announcement, President Prank L.
McVey and Prof. E. F. "Red" Far-quh- ar
will be on the program.
Three other interesting speakers
have been obtained. He also has
announced that he has obtained the
services of an excellent orchestra to
furnish the music for the dance following the dinner.
President Wright announces the
appointment of Bob Mitchell as
treasurer, due to the fact that Robert F. Richey has so much work as
secretary to do that it has become
necessary to divide the office of secretary-treasurer.

Following is a copy of the announcement of the dinner dance
and notice regarding local dues to
the Louisville Alumni Association,
and calling attention to the regular
monthly meeting, April 6:
Annual Dinner Dance
Louisville Alumni Associat