xt7tqj77th15 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tqj77th15/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1983-09-sep20. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1983-09-sep20. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1983-09-sep20. 1983 1983-09-sep20. 2011 true xt7tqj77th15 section xt7tqj77th15 

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky, Tuesday, September 20, 1983.

    The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in
regular statutory session at 2 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time) on
Tuesday, September 20, 1983 in the Board Room on the 18th floor
of the Patterson Office Tower on the Lexington Campus.

    A.   Meeting Opened and Roll Called

    Mr. William B. Sturgill, Chairman, called the meeting to
order at 2:12 p.m.,and the invocation was pronounced by Mr.
William R. Black.

    The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the
call of the roll: Mr. William B. Sturgill (Chairman), Mr. Thomas
P. Bell, Mr. William R. Black, Mr. David T. Bradford, Professor
Timothy A. Cantrell, Governor Albert Benjamin Chandler (Honorary
Trustee), Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. Tracy Farmer, Mr. Ronald G.
Geary, Mr. George W. Griffin, Jr., Mrs. Edythe Jones Hayes, Mr.
Brereton C. Jones, Mr. R. Larry Jones, Professor James D. Kemp,
Mr. T. A. Lassetter, Mr. Frank Ramsey, Jr., Mr. Robert E.
Watson, and Professor Constance P. Wilson. Absent from the
meeting were Mr. W. Bruce Lunsford, Mr. Robert T. McCowan, and
Mr. A. Stevens Miles. The University administration was
represented by President Otis A. Singletary; Mr. James 0. King,
Vice President for Administration; Chancellors Peter P.
Bosomworth, Art Gallaher, and Charles T. Wethington; Dr. Raymond
R. Hornback, Vice President for University Relations; Mr. David
I. Carter, Special Assistant for Business and Financial Affairs;
Mr. John C. Darsie, General Counsel; Mr. Henry Clay Owen,
Controller and Treasurer; and Dr. Paul G. Sears, Special
Assistant for Academic Affairs.

    Members of the various news media were also in attendance. A
quorum being present, the Chairman declared the meeting
officially open for the conduct of business at 2:14' p.m.

    B.   Minutes Approved

    The Minutes of the August 26, 1983 meeting of the Board of
Trustees were approved as written.



    C.   Nominating Committee Report

    Under the Governing Regulations, officers of the Board and
the Executive Committee are elected annually at the September
meeting. Mr. Sturgill, who had appointed a Nominating Committee
which was composed of Mr. Frank Ramsey, Jr., Mr. Thomas P. Bell,
and Mr. William R. Black, called on the chairman of the
committee, Mr. Ramsey, to present the committee's

    Mr. Ramsey placed in nomination for Secretary of the Board
the name of Mr. George W. Griffin, Jr. There being no
nominations from the floor, Mr. Ramsey moved that Mr. Griffin be
elected Secretary. His motion was seconded by Mr. Bell and
passed without dissent.

    Mr. Ramsey next placed the name of Mr. Albert G. Clay in
nomination for Vice Chairman of the Board. His motion was
seconded by Mr. Bell. There were no nominations from the floor,
and the motion was adopted unanimously.

    Since the next office was for the chairmanship of the Board,
Mr. Sturgill asked that Mr. Clay assume the Chair. Mr. Clay
asked Mr. Ramsey to continue his report, and Mr. Ramsey placed in
nomination the name of Mr. William B. Sturgill for Chairman of
the Board and moved acceptance of the nomination. His motion was
seconded by Mr. Black and, there being no nominations from the
floor, Mr. Sturgill was elected Chairman of the Board by

    Mr. Sturgill resumed the Chair, and Mr. Ramsey continued his
report by placing in nomination for membership on the Executive
Committee the names of Mr. William B. Sturgill, Mr. Albert G.
Clay, Mr. William R. Black, Mr. A. Stevens Miles, and Mr. Tracy
Farmer, with Mr. Sturgill as Chairman. There being no
nominations from the floor, on motion duly made, seconded, and
carried, the slate was elected.

    Mr. Sturgill thanked Mr. Ramsey and the other members of the
Nominating Committee for their report.



D.   Committees Appointed

    Mr. Sturgill announced the
for 1983-84:

following committee appointments


Albert G. Clay, Chairman
Tracy Farmer
George W. Griffin, Jr.
Brereton C. Jones
Robert T. McCowan
William B. Sturgill

George W. Griffin, Jr., Chairman
Thomas P. Bell
David T. Bradford
R. Larry Jones
Robert E. Watson
Constance P. Wilson


Ronald G. Geary, Chairman
Albert G. Clay
T. A. Lassetter
W. Bruce Lunsford
Frank Ramsey, Jr.

Thomas P. Bell, Chairman
William R. Black
Timothy A. Cantrell
Edythe Jones Hayes
R. Larry Jones
James D. Kemp
W. Bruce Lunsford


A. Stevens Miles


Albert Benjamin Chandler, ex officio

    E.   President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

    President Singletary called attention to his monthly report
to the Trustees, copies of which had been distributed earlier,
and recommended its acceptance. Without objection, it was so

    F.   Personnel Actions (PR 2)

    After noting that the personnel actions in PR 2 were routine
in nature, President Singletary recommended its approval.
Without discussion, on motion made by Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr.
Larry Jones, and carried, the appointments and staff changes
recommended in PR 2 were approved. (See PR 2 at the end of the



    G.   Sunplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 1A)

    There were no supplemental recommendations.

    H.   1g83-84 Budaet Revisions (PR 1B)

    With President Singletary so recommending, on motion by Mr.
Bradford and second by Mr. Black, the proposed routine revisions
in the 1983-84 budget were authorized and approved. (See PR 3B
at the end of the Minutes.)

    I.   Associate Degree Program in the Community College System
(PR 4A)

    President Singletary recommended that the Board authorize for
submission to the Council on Higher Education a new degree
program, Associate Degree in Applied Science in Industrial-
Electrical Technology, for the Jefferson Community College,
Southwest Campus. Professor Cantrell so moved. His motion was
seconded by Mr. Watson and passed without dissent. (See PR 4A at
the end of the Minutes.)

    J.   Naming of University Building (PR 4B)

    President Singletary indicated his pleasure in recommending
that the Board approve the name MITCHELL B. DENHAM BUILDING for
the academic/technical building under construction at Maysville
Community College. He pointed out that the late Dr. Denham was
the individual most responsible for a community college being
located in Maysville, and he spoke highly of Dr. Denham's loyalty
and support of the College. President Singletary told the
Trustees that the recommendation has the support of the faculty,
staff and students and the strong support of the Maysville
Community College Advisory Board.

    On motion made by Mr. Black, seconded by Mrs. Hayes, and
passed unanimously, approval was given to name the new building
at Maysville Community College the MITCHELL B. DENHAM BUILDING.
(See PR 4B at the end of the Minutes.)



   K.   Appointments to University of Kentucky Mining
Engineering Foundation (PR SA)

    With President Singletary so recommending, on motion made by
Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. Griffin, and passed without dissent,
the following members were appointed to the University of
Kentucky Mining Engineering Foundation:


    Stephen G. Allen              Lyle V. A. Sendlein
    Stonie Barker, Jr.            Konstanty F. Unrug
    Raymond A. Bradbury
    Catesby W. Clay             - BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEMBERS
    Thomas D. Duncan
    Lawrence E. Forgy, Jr.        Frank Ramsey, Jr.
    Robert E. Garbesi             William B. Sturgill
    Harry Laviers
    D. J. Patton, Jr.
    Paul E. Patton
    William R. Stamler
    Elmer Whitaker

    President Singletary indicated that additional names will be
submitted at a later date. (See PR 5A at the end of the

    L.   Acceptance of Audit Reports for the University of
Kentucky for 1982-82 (FCR 1)

    Mr. Clay, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported that
the committee had met on the morning of September 20 and
considered two agenda items to be presented for action. He
stated that the Finance Committee reviewed the summary financial
statements audited for the year ended June 30, 1983 by Arthur
Andersen & Company and found everything to be in order. He then
recommended that the Board of Trustees accept the University of
Kentucky summary audit report for fiscal year 1982-83, consisting
of the Accountant's Report from Arthur Andersen & Company,
Balance Sheets, Statement of Current Funds Revenues, Expenditures
and Transfers, Statement of Changes in Fund Balances, Summary of
Significant Accounting Policies, Notes to the Financial
Statements, and a Cash Reconciliation. Mr. Clay noted that a
comprehensive annual financial report and a management letter
will be submitted in October, 1983. Mr. Clay's motion was
seconded by Mr. Farmer and carried without dissent. (See FCR 1
at the end of the Minutes.)


-6 -

    M.   Resolution Amending and Affirming the Authorization and
AcceDting the Successful Bid for the $t,500,000 University of
Kentuckv Community Colleges Educational Buildings Revenue Bond
Anticipation Notes, Series E (FCR 2)

    Thereupon, a motion was made by Mr. Clay and seconded by Mr.
Griffin that the following titled Resolution, which was read in
summary form to the Board of Trustees, be passed and adopted:


    (The full Resolution being attached to these Minutes as
Exhibit 1.)

    WHEREUPON, a vote being taken on the motion, the result was
as follows:

           Yeas                                  Nays

    William B. Sturgill                           None
    Thomas P. Bell
    William R. Black
    David T. Bradford
    Timothy A. Cantrell
    Albert G. Clay
    Tracy Farmer
    Ronald G. Geary
    George W. Griffin, Jr.
    Edythe Jones Hayes
    Brereton C. Jones
    R. Larry Jones
    James D. Kemp
    T. A. Lassetter
    Frank Ramsey, Jr.
    Robert E. Watson
    Constance P. Wilson

    Thereupon, the Chairman declared that the motion had carried
and that the Resolution had been passed and adopted and directed
that the same be recorded in the Minutes of the Board. (See FCR
2 at the end of the Minutes.)

    N.   Report of Investments (ICR 1)

    Acting on the recommendation of the Investment Committee, Mr.
Geary moved that the report of changes made in investments for
the University of Kentucky and its Affiliated Corporations for
the three months ended June 30, 1983 be accepted. Mr. Gearyts
motion was seconded by Mr. Ramsey and passed without dissent.
(See ICR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)



    0.   Meeting Adjourned

    There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at
2:26 p.m.

                              Respectfully submitted,

                              George W. Griffin, Jr.
                              Board of Trustees

    (PR's 2, 3B, 4A, 4B, and 5A; and FCR's 1, and 2 (Exhibit 1);
and ICR 1 which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the


                                                          Office of the President
                                                          September 20, 1983

Members, Board of Trustees:

                              PERSONNEL ACTIONS

Recommendations: (1) that approval be given to the attached appointments
and/or other staff changes which require Board action; and (2) that the
report relative to appointments and/or changes already approved by the
administration be accepted.

Background: The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff
changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with
Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These recom-
mendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate chancellor
through the President and have his concurrence.

Under the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain appoint-
ments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President or other
administrators who are required to report their actions to the Board.
This report follows the recommendations requiring Board approval.

Action taken: Approved




Date:          Sentpmhpr 20

, 1983



                      COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM



         Ashland Community College

         Pyles, Sarah P., Associate Professsor in the Community
             College System (with tenure), Sick Leave, 8/3/83
             through 9/30/83.



         Ashland Community College

         Shields, Theodore C., Instructor in the Community
             College System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.

         Hazard Community College

         Coleman, Beverly, Instructor in the Community College
             System (voluntary), 8/1/83 through 5/31/84.

         Jefferson Community College

         Early, Glen A., Instructor in the Community College
             System, 8/l/83 through 6/30/84.
         Eubanks, Sandra, Assistant Professor in the Community
             College System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
         Meredith, Barbara M., Instructor in the Community
             College System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
         Miller, Sarah, Instructor in the Community College
             System, 8/1/83 through 12/31/83.

         Madisonville Community College

         Smith, Joan T., Instructor in the Community College
             System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.

         Paducah Community College

         Harris, Peggy L., Instructor in the Community College
              System, 8/10/83 through 6/30/84.



    Prestonsburg Community College

    Barrentine, Carl D., Assistant Professor in the Community
        College System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
    Trimble, Dawn M., Instructor in the Community College
        System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.

    Southeast Community College

    Fraley, Douglas A., Instructor in the Community College
        System, 7/25/83 through 6/30/84.
    Van Camp, Robert M., Instructor in the Community College
        System, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.


    Lexington Technical Institute

    Blake, Robert, Associate Professor in the Community
        College System, appointed Acting Associate
        Director, 8/24/83 through 6/30/84.
    Connell, James, Associate Professor in the Community
        College System, appointed Acting Chairman of
        Division of Engineering and Related Technologies,
        8/24/83 through 5/31/84.


    Hazard Community College

    Caudill, Jim S., Instructor in the Community College
        System (voluntary), 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
    Combs, Stephen D., Instructor in the Community College
        System (voluntary), 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
    Fields, Deborah C., Instructor in the Community College
        System (voluntary), 8/1/83 through 5/31/84.
    Gabbard, Elmer T., Jr., Instructor in the Community
        College System (voluntary), 8/1/83 through 5/31/84.
    Hall, Jeanette M., Instructor in the Community College
        System (voluntary), 8/1/83 through 5/31/84.
    Jones, Carol, Instructor in the Community College
        System (voluntary), 8/1/83 through 5/31/84.
    Lowe, Catherine K., Instructor in the Community College
        System (voluntary), 8/1/83 through 5/31/84.
    Meader, S. M. Instructor in the Community College
        System (voluntary), 8/1/83 through 5/31/84.
    Pennington, R. L., Instructor in the Community College
        System (voluntary), 8/1/83 through 5/31/84.
    Steele, Marcus, Instructor in the Community College
        System (volunary), 8/1/83 through 5/31/84.



Somerset Community College

Davidson, Betty, Instructor in the Community College
    System (voluntary), 8/1/83 through 5/31/84.
Pearson, Dale, Instructor in the Community College
    System (voluntary), 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.



                               LEXINGTON CAMPUS



             College of Arts and Sciences

             Stiles, Martin, Adjunct Professor, Chemistry, 7/1/83 through

             College of Business and Economics

             Ohn, Byunghoon, Professor (part-time), Economics, 8/16/83
                  through 12/31/83.

             College of Education

             Baird, Leonard, Professor (with tenure), Higher Educations
                   effective 8/16/83.

             College of Engineering

             Akyurtlu, Ates, Visiting Associate Professor, Chemical
                  Engineering, 8/1/83 through 7/31/84.


             College of Education

             Omvig, Clayton, Professor (with tenure), Vocational Education,
                  appointed Chairman, Vocational Education, 7/1/83 through

             College of Engineering

             Leigh, Donald C., Professor (with tenure), Engineering Mechanics,
                  appointed Associate Dean of Engineering, effective 9/1l/83.


             College of Arts and Sciences

             Demski, Leo S., Associate Professor (with tenure), Biological
                  Sciences, joint appointment as Associate Professor (without
                  tenure), Anatomy, College of Medicine, 9/1/83 through


             College of Arts and Sciences

             Pisacano, Nicholas J., Professor (part-time), Biological
                  Sciences, 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.




             College of Agriculture

             Montgomery, Allen K., County Extension Agent, Extension
                  Programs. At the September 21, 1982 meeting of the Board
                  of Trustees, Mr. Montgomery was inadvertently approved
                  for a sabbatical leave with half salary for the period
                  of 8/9/82 through 8/8/83. Mr. Montgomery should have
                  been approved for a leave without pay for this period.


             College of Agriculture

             Brown, Elizabeth G., Senior Lab Technician, Regulatory Services,
                  after 18.5 consecutive years of service, effective 10/31/83.
             Smith, Naomi, Research Analyst, Forestry, after 15 consecutive
                  years of service, effective 10/1/83.


             College of Education

             Lytle, Catherine, Assistant Professor Emeritus, Dean's Office,
                  7/1/83 through 6/30/84.



             College of Agriculture

             Ringe, James M., Instructor, Forestry, 8/1/83 through 1/31/85.

             College of Architecture

             Lonnman, Bruce Eric, Visiting Assistant Professor, 8/16/83 through
             Roccanova, Jean Cecil, Visiting Instructor (part-time). 8/16/83
                  through 12/31/83.

             College of Arts and Sciences

             Alauddin, Mohammad, Instructor, Chemistry, 8/16/83 through
             Breckinridge, Scott D., Instructor (part-time), Political Science,
                  8/16/83 through 12/31/83.
             Kornecki, Andrzej, Assistant Professor, Computer Science, 8/16/83
                  through 6/30/85.

*Special Title Series



Shepherd, Russell G., Assistant Professor, Geology, 8/16/83
     through 6/30/85.
Sipos, Ivan, Assistant Professor, Computer Science, 8/16/83
     through 6/30/85
Sonnenburg, Reinhart, Assistant Professor, German, 8/16/83

College of Business and Economics

Barrett, Charles F., Assistant Professor (part-time), Economics,
     8/16/83 through 5/15/84
Kwiatkowski, Vernon E., Instructor, Accounting, 1/1/84 through
Thalheimer, Richard, Assistant Professor, Economics, 8/16/83
Tighe, Robert, Instructor (part-time), Management, 8/16/83 through
Wells, Jane, Instructor (part-time), Accounting, 8/16/83 through

College of Education

Cohen, David, Assistant Professor, Educational and Counseling
     Psychology, 8/16/83 through 5/15/84.

College of Engineering

Drake, William B., Lecturer (part-time), Civil Engineering,
     7/1/83 through 6/30/84.

College of Fine Arts

Warren, Dale E., Assistant Professor*, Music, 8/16/83 through
Zwierlein, Thomas P., Instructor (part-time), Art, 8/16/83

College of Home Economics

Bennett, Karen H., Instructor (part-time), Human Environment:
     Textiles, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Botkin, Darla R., Assistant Professor, Family Studies, 8/l/83
     through 6/30/84.
Lemley-Jordan, Donna, Instructor (part-time), Family Studies,
     8/1/83 through 12/31/83.
Martin-Rutherford, John, Instructor, Human Environment: Design,
     8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
Mitchell, Treva E., Instructor (part-time), Family Studies,
     8/1/83 through 12/31/83.

*Special Title Series



        Routt, Mary Lou, Instructor, Family Studies, 8/1/83 through
        Schmelzer, Claire D., Assistant Professor, Nutrition and Food
              Science, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.
         Strangis, Diane E., Instructor (part-time), Family Studies,
              8/1/83 through 6/30/84


         Aken, Robert A., Librarian IV, Reference, 8/8/83 through 6/30/84.
         McComb, JoEllen S., Librarian IV, Law, 8/19/83 through 6/30/84.


         College of Business and Economics

         Johnson, Keith, Associate Professor (with tenure), Finance,
              reappointed Acting Chairman, Finance, 7/1/83 through
         Morley, William R., Management Consultant/District Director,
              Small Business Development District, Office for Research,
              effective 8/1/83.

         College of Education

         DeYoung, Alan, Associate Professor (with tenure), Social and
              Philosophical Studies, appointed Acting Chairman, Social
              and Philosophical Studies, 7/1/83 through 12/31/83.

         College of Engineering

         Kermode, Richard I., Professor (with tenure), Chemical
              Engineering, reappointed Acting Associate Dean for Graduate
              Affairs, 7/1/83 through 12/31/83.


         College of Architecture

         Deamer, Margaret, Assistant Professor, 7/1/83 through 6/30/85.

         College of Arts and Sciences

         Ades, Harriet, Instructor (part-time), Chemistry, 8/16/83
              through 12/31/83.
         Hay, Jane, Instructor (part-time), Biological Sciences, 8/16/83
              through 5/31/84.

*Special Title Series



        Janecek, Susan, Instructor (part-time), Dean's Office,
              8/16/83 through 12/31/83.
        Lyon, Edmund D., Instructor (part-time), History, 8/16/83
              through 12/31/83.
        Mozur, Gerald E., Instrnutor (part-time), Philosophy, 8/16/83
              through 12/31/83.
         Sorokin, Larisa, Instructor (part-time), Slavic and Oriental
              Languages, 8/16/83 throgh 12/31/83.

         College of Business and Economics

         Baldwin, William T., Assistant Professor (part-time), Economics,
              8/16/83 through 5/15/84.
         Bates, Clyde T., Assistant Professor (part-time), Economics,
              8/16/83 through 5/15/84.
         Mann, Ronald, Assistant Professor (part-time), Economics, 8/16/83
              through 5/15/84.
         Webster, Allen L., Assistant Professor (part-time), Economics,
              8/16/83 through 5/15/84.

         College of Engineering

         Dickinson, Bartlett G., Visiting Instructor (part-time), Engineer-
              ing Mechanics, 8/16/83 through 12/31/83.

         College of Fine Arts

         Andrews, Edwin C., Assistant Professor, Art, 8/16/83 through
         Davenport, David, Instructor* (part-time), Music, 7/1/83 through
         Fogler, Michael, Instructor* (part-time), Music, 7/1/83 through
         Goodwin, Allen W., Assistant Professor, Music, 7/1/83 through
         Humphreys, Elaine, Instructor* (part-time), Music, 7/1/83
              through 6/30/84.
         Muir, Gerald A., Instructor (part-time), Art, 8/16/83 through
         Taylor, Ellsworth, Instructor (part-time), Music, 8/16/83
              through 5/31/84.


         College of Arts and Sciences

         Das, Nobel V., from Instructor (part-time), Chemistry, to
              Instructor (full-time), Chemistry, 8/16/83 through 5/31/84.

*Special Title Series




        College of Communications

        Donohew, Robert L., Professor (with tenure), Communication,
              Sabbatical leave with full salary, 7/1/84 through 12/31/84.
        Rush, Ramona, Professor (with tenure), Communication, Sabbatical
              leave with full salary, 1/1/84 through 6/30/84.

         College of Engineering

         Vaziri, Manouchehr, Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering, Leave
              without pay, 10/1/83 through 8/15/84.

         College of Fine Arts

         Tuska, John R., Professor (with tenure), Art, Sabbatical leave
              with full salary, 1/1/84 through 6/30/84.
         Wang, Cecilia H., Associate Professor* (with tenure), Music,
              Leave without pay, 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.



                           MEDICAL CENTER



             College of Medicine

             Saxena, Suresh C., Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary),
                  Pediatrics, 9/1/83 through 6/30/85.
             Subbarao, Bondada, Assistant Professor, Medical Microbiology
                  & Immunology, 9/1/83 through 6/30/84.
             Vanaman, Thomas C., Professor (with tenure), Biochemistry,
                  effective 9/1/83.

             College of Nursing

             Phillips, Alice, Visiting Professor, 8/22/83 through 6/30/84.


             College of Medicine

             Vanaman, Thomas C., Professor (with tenure), Biochemistry,
                  named Chairman, Biochemistry, 9/1/83 through 8/31/89.


             College of Dentistry

             Cooper, Thomas M., Professor (with tenure), Restorative
                  Dentistry, joint appointment as Professor (without
                  tenure), Community Dentistry, effective 7/1/83.


              College of Pharmacy

              Kadaba, Pankaja K., from Assistant Professor (part-time),
                   to Associate Research Professor (part-time), 1/1/83
                   through 6/30/84.


              College of Medicine

              Reeb, Arvil C., from Associate Professor* (with tenure),
                   Psychiatry, to Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary),
                   Psychiatry, 9/1/83 through 6/30/85.

*Special Title Series




             College of Medicine

             Leonidakis, Mary G., Professor (with tenure), Neurology,
                   after 18 consecutive vears of service, effective



              College of Allied Health Professions

              Heierman, Vickie Noger, Clinical Instructor (voluntary),
                   Physical Therapy, 8/15/83 through 6/30/85.

              College of Dentistry

              Killiany-Macapanpan, Lina, Assistant Professor (part-time),
                   Orthodontics, 9/1/83 through 6/30/84.
              Milman, Jacquelyn, Assistant Research Professor, Community
                   Dentistry, 8/1/83 through 6/30/84.

              College of Medicine

              Johnstone, John Moser, Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary),
                   Medicine, 8/1/83 through 6/30/85.
              Kinzel, Terry, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Medicine,
                   9/1/83 through 6/30/85.
              Mousa, Shaker A., Adjunct Instructor (voluntary), Pharmacology,
                   9/1/83 through 6/30/85.

              College of Nursing

              Gentry, Nadine W., Assistant Professor*, 8/1/83 through
              Hunt, Margaret W., Instructor, 1/1/84 through 6/30/84.
              Miller, Patricia C., Instructor, 8/22/83 through 6/30/84.
              Teague, Barbara R., Instructor (temporary), (part-time),
                   8/10/83 through 6/30/84.

              College of Pharmacy

              Miller, Eric C., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary),
                   8/1/83 through 6/30/84.


              College of Allied Health Professions

              Clark, Sherry, Associate Professor* (with tenure), Physical
                   Therapy, reappointed Acting Chairman, Physical Therapy,
                   10/1/83 through 6/30/84.

*Special Title Series



         College of Medicine

         Robertson, H. David, Assistant Professor*, Medicine,
              named Acting Chairman, Emergency Medicine, 9/1/83
              through 6/30/84.


         College of Allied Health Professions

         Bryant, Jane G., Assistant Professor* (part-time), Medical
              Technology, 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.
         Lloyd, Brenda M., Instructor (part-time), Medical Technology,
              7/1/83 through 6/30/84.
         Overman, Sue, Instructor (part-time), Medical Technology,
              7/1/83 through 6/30/84.
         Robertson, Denver, Assistant Professor (part-time),
              Medical Technology, 7/1/83 through 6/30/84.


         College of Medicine

         Hall, Ton M., from Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, to
              Assistant Professor*, Psychiatry, 9/1/83 through


         College of Medicine

         DeSimone, Philip, Associate Professor (with tenure), Medicine,
              Leave without pay, 9/1/83 through 12/31/83 and Sabbatical
              leave at full salary, 1/1/84 through 6/30/84. NOTE: Change
              in dates of 8/15/83 through 8/14/84 at half salary approved
              on 4/5/83.
         Lee, Tai-Shion, Associate Professor (with tenure), Anesthesiology,
              Leave without pay, 9/15/83 through 9/14/84.
         Maultsby, Maxie C., Professor (with tenure), Psychiatry,
              Sabbatical leave with half salary, 7/1/84 through

         College of Nursing

         McKenna, Marion E., Professor (with tenure), and Dean,
              Sabbatical leave with full salary,(7/1/84 through

*Special Title Series


Members, Board of Trustees:

                      1983-84 BUDGTE REVISIONS
                      CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION

Office of the President
September 20, 1983


PecaTendation: that the following
authorized and approved.

revisions in the 1983-84 budget be



A. General Fund

  1. Income Estimates
        Student Fees
          Registration Fees
            University Extension      $
            Continuing Education
        Federal Appropriations
          Vocational Education
        Sales and Services