xt7tqj77th0k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tqj77th0k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1879-03-jun10-ku. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1879-03-jun10-ku. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1879-03-jun10-ku. 1879 1879-03-jun10-ku. 2011 true xt7tqj77th0k section xt7tqj77th0k 


Kentucky University, Lexington, Yy.

              Morrison College, June 10th, 1879.

Veeting of
Tune 10,1879.

    The Board of Curators of Kentucky University
regular annual Session.

met this day in

    The roll being called the following Curators answered as present

John S. Sweeney - President
D. S. Goodloe
John Shackelford
Jas. G. Kinnaird
A. M. Barnes
R. M. Gano
George Stoll Jr.
T. A. Crenshaw
Jas. Patrick
Horace Miller

Andrew Steele
C. 1XT. Givens
William E. togers
W. T. Tibbs
W. T. Withers
Jas M. Graves
John B. W~allace
R. J. White
Win. Mitchell
Samuel Coleman.

The session was opened with Prayer by Elder Tibbs.

Excuses of non-
Attendance and
Resignation of

Invitation to
attend the
of A. & M.
White 's report
Read and

on number
and length
of speeches

    The Secretary presented letter from P. M. bishop, John A. Ailliams
and Geo. C. Castleman asking to be excused for non attendance at this
meeting. Also the resignation of John S. 1t4ilson and N. B. Wells as
Curators which was accepted.

    A letter was presented from Col. W. c. P. Breckinridge on the
part of the board of visitors of the A. and Pi. College tending an
invitation of the A. & M. college at the Opera House on Wednesday
at the 11th inst. which invitation was accepted.

    President White presented and read his report,. Curator Steele
moved the report of President White be received and referred to the
appropriate Committees. Curator Withers moved that so much of the
report as refers-to the future of the University be referred to a
select Committee which was adopted.

   And Curators Withers, Shackelford and Mitchell were appointed
said Committee.

1st. Curator Tibbs offered the following resolution:

    Resolved that no Curator shall speak more than twice on any one
question that may come before the Board while any other Curator
desires to speak.

    That each Curator first speak on any question shall be limited
to ten minutes. The second to five minutes and all others to three.

Which resolution was adopted.


  e'aAeBr' B

Adoption of
the Same.

Reading of the
records of
Exec. Com.

Actions of the
Exec. Com.
Approved in

Petition from
Donors Concern-
ing Ashland
and Woodlands

Report of

Same referred
to Exec. Com.

Report of
the Faculty
of the College
of Law.

     Treasurer R. W. White now presented and read his Report.

     Curator WTithers moved that the report of treasurer E. D. Sayre
 and H. W. Wihite be approved which motion was adopted.

      Curator Slithers of the executive Committee now presented and
read his report as chairman.

     Curator Wallace now read the proceedings of executive Committee
of Kentucky University of which he is secretary.

     Curator Withers moved that all acts of the executive Comnitttee
be approved except the resolution of said Committee of 17th of Novem-
ber 1878 in relation to the Committee appointed bynthe Board of Cura-
tors at its last annual meeting appointing a Conmittee to settle with
5. B. Bowman and that said resolution be not approved which was adopted.

     Curator Withers presents petition of the donors and citizens of
Lexington requesting the board of Curators to set apart such portion
of Woodland and Ashland as may be proper for the location of A. & M.

     He also moved that a committee of three be appointed to report to
this board at the present Session.

     Committee dithers, Mitchell and Rogers.

     Curator Shackelford moved that the protest of Jno. B. Bowman
against the action of this board abolishing the office of Regent of
Kentucky University, and also others acts of this board for alleged
injustice done him on various occasions be placed on the records.

     Curator Tibbs moved as an amendxment that said protest be referred
to the executive Committee which was adopted.

     Faculty of law of the Kentucky University made their report which
is as follows.

     The faculty of the College of law would recommend that the degree
of Bachelor of law be conferred on the following.

Montgomery H. Parker, Lexington,Ky.
Robert A. E. Leslie
Charles M. Alberti
Noah C. Summers,     Elkton,
Milton T. Muldrow.   Shelbine, Mo.

     They having satisfactorily completed the course prescribed for
this degree.

Lexington, Ky.
    June 10th,1879.

The Law Faculty.



Report of
to settle
acct. of
the treasurer.

     The Committee appointed at the last annual meeting to settle the
accounts of the'Treasurer of the Kentucky University presented their
report which was filed.

    Moved and seconded to adjourn until tomorrow morning 9 o'clock.


of June 11,

Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 11th, 1879.

Board met this morning at 9 o'clock pursuant to adjournment.

    After prayer by Elder Williams the minutes were read and after
correction was approved.

of the

    President White presented recommendations for graduation of the
following students of the Commercial College.
    Merchants' Scientific Course.
    David B. Allen                    Lexington, Ky.
    Frank. D. Bracking                  Nashville, Tenn.
    L. C. Clark                        Lexington, Ky.
    J. Brent mnmal
    Alexander H. Gratz
    Peter Hammall                          "       tl
    Philip Meighan
    Jas. McCormick
    Jas. C. Reed                        Forth Worth, Texas.
    Jno. W. Robinson                    Lexington, Ky


Full Course.

R. C. il. barber - Lexington, Ky. - IN. R. Snyder
Jas. A. Brown -   M1t. Sterling,hy. - H. F.Turner
Chas. Cassidy - Lexington, Ky. - K. S. Webb.
Frank T. Catlin - Greenville, Ill.
Horace M. Collins - Paris, Ky.   H. T. Wheeler, Philadelphia,Pa.
Mortimer Craig - Eagle Station
Frederick G. Dennis - Lexington, Ky.   Tham. George, Lexington, !Qy.
Lucius L. Edwards -   Lexington, Ky
David B. Goodwin - Pine Grove.
Simon Goldsmith - Lexington, Ky.
Joseph P. Kenney - Lexingtat, Ky.
George W. Kirk  - Fairmount
Joseph H. Moning - Nohin.
Olander S. Noyes - Hooksett, New Ham.
Thomas L. Patterson - Lexington, Ky
0. Emmett Owsley - Stanford, Ky.
W. ES. Randolf -   Lexington, Ky.
Wallace McDowell Shelby - Walnut Hill