xt7tqj77tf5d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tqj77tf5d/data/mets.xml  1886  books b98-42-41901226 English Major, Johnston & Barrett, : Frankfort, Ky. : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Horses Sales. Horses Catalogs. Woodburn Farm  : large sale of thorough-bred stock : A.J. Alexander's, Thursday, May 13th, 1886, sale to commence on arrival of A.M. train from Louisville about 11 o'clock. text Woodburn Farm  : large sale of thorough-bred stock : A.J. Alexander's, Thursday, May 13th, 1886, sale to commence on arrival of A.M. train from Louisville about 11 o'clock. 1886 1886 2002 true xt7tqj77tf5d section xt7tqj77tf5d 





I ,,


      A. J. ALLXAN DEK 'S,

          THURSDAY. MAY 13th. i886.

 Sale to commence on arrival of A. M. Train from
          Louisville about 11 o'clock.

          TERMS OF SALE, CASH.

Woodburn Farm is adjacent to Spring Station, Woodford County,
  Ky, on the Louisville, Lexington and Franklort Railroad.

       CAPT. P. C. ZIDD, Auctioneer.

             FRA N K VO RT, K V.:
        PRINTED  Al' TH-  Kl-N'l'C(CKY  YI AN  OFI ICE,
                   I 8.81i.



- - = z - - =








   tjcZb Trains leave both Louisville and Lex-

ington in the morning, arriving at Spring Station

in time for sale.

   N. B. The Animals to be sold are (with exception of one injured
Filly) the ENTIRE produce of my TIIOROUGHI-BREI) Brood Mare,
for 188. WITHOU T RESERVATION. No warranty given, exceptL
as to title.
                                     A. J. ALEXANDER.




( F



   THURSDAY, MAY i3th, i886.

Sale to commence on arrival of A. M!.
           Louisville about 11 o'clock.

Train from

          TERMS OF SALE, CASH.;

Woodburn Farm is adjacent to Spring Station, Woodford County, Ky.
     on the Louisville, Lexington and Frankfort Railroad.

         CAPT. P. C. XIDD, Auctioneer.

    F R A N K F 0   1,
          I IS(;.

K Y.:



                HELD   SPRING    OF  i886.
  Attention is called to the following sales of Thorough-bred Yearlings:
  Belle Meade yearling-;, the property of Gen. WV. G. HARDING.
sux -I L-E, TFxNN n. 48 head, will be sold on the farm Tuesday,
April 27. 1886.
Dixiana yearlings, the property of Maj. 13. G THO.MAS, LEXINGTON,
Ky., will he sold in Lexington, Kentucky, Tuesday, May 11,
McGrathiana yearlings, the property of Mr. 'MILTON VI)UNG;, will
be s50l ait Lexington, Kentucky, Tuesday, May 11, 1886.
Runnomede yearlings, the properly of Cl-AY & Woo0roRD, PARIS,
KENT-l-rKV, the get of Imp. Billet and  Hindoo, will be sold at
Lexington, Kentucky, Tuesday, May 11, 1886.
  Elmendorf yearlings, the property of D. SWIGERT (P. 0. Muir's,
Yayette county, Kentucky), the get of Virgil, Imp. Glenelg,
&c., will be sold on the Farm, 6 miles from Lexington, Ken-
tucky, on Wednesday, May 12, 1886.
  B. G. Bruce and W. T. Woodward's Combination Sale of
Thorough-breds, Lexington, Kentucky, May 8 and 10, 1886.
  N. B.-The races of the Lexington Association begin May 5;
the races of the Louisville Jockey Club begin May 14.


From 1875 to 1885, Inclusive, the get of Wood-

         burn Thorough-bred Stallions won

From 1870 to 1885, Inclusive, the get of Wood-

        burn Thorough-bred Stallions won



        No. 1. Bay colt, foaled March 10th, 1885.
(Brother tow FOXIIALL. winner in England and France of seven races and

                         56,148 "
                   BY KING AL.FONSO.

I dam Jamaica (dam of FOXHALL), by LexilngtoLn.
2 dam Fanny Ludlow (daam of Cho
    lola)..........      . by imp. Eclipse.
3 dam Mollie Jackson (Monday's
    dam)        .. . . .. . by Vandal.
4 dam Emma Wright (dam of Laura
     Farris).               by imp Margrave.
5 dam Fanny Wright.        by Silverheels.
6 dam Aurora               by Gov. Lloyd's Vingt'un.
7 dam Pandora.    ..     ... by Col. Taylor's Grey Diomed.
8 dam the dam of Edelin's Floretta, by HalI-s Union.
9 dam    ....          .   by Leonidas.
so dam .by imp. Othello.
is dam.     .. . . .. . . . by imp. George's Juniper.
12 dam.    .   . ....     .. by imp. Morton's Traveler.
13 dam Tasker's imp. Selima. .  by the Godolphin Arabian.
14 dam Large Hartley mare . . .. by Hartley's Blind Horse.
S darn Flying Whig ....   .   by Williams' Woodstock Arabian.
It) dam . .by St. Victor Barb.
17 dam .b.. i.. . ... .. . . by Whynot (son of Fenwick Barb).
u8 dam Royal Mare.
  MARKS.-Small white spot in forehead. Little white on inside of each
hind heel.



         No. 2. Bay colt, foaled March 22d, 1885.
                     BY FALSETTO.

i dcam Crucifix (dam of Fair Play,
    Quito, and SE. Augustine). . by Lexington.
2 dam Lightsoine (dam of Salina,
    winner of seven races and
    Sio,ioo)..     .    .     by imp. Glencoe.
3 damn Levity (dam of Mildred, dam
    of Monarchist, winner of Ii
    races and  25, 110; Stamps,
    Nora Worth, Minx, &c., &c.),by imp. Trustee.

4 dam Vandal's dam .
5 dam Lucilla .  ...
6 dam Lucy .....
7 dam Lady Grey (the da
    ena, dam of Alice

8 daln Mari
9 dam
lo (lam. .
ii dam . .
12 clam

 . . . . by inmp. Tranlby.
... .  . by TrUrmpator.
.... . by Orphan
m of Rlow-
e Carneal,

gton's dam) .....    .Iby Robin Grey.
a.                 . by Melzar (by imp. Medley).
. . ........ . by imp. Ilighflyer.
  I... ..   ..   .  by imp. Fearnaught (Baylor's).
  -.   .....     . . by Ariel (brother to Partner).
.      . . ...    . by imp. Jack of Diamonds.

13 dam Old Diamond (called Duchess)by Cullen's Arabian. (Both Jack of
                                 Diamonds and Old Diamond were
                                 imported by Gen Spottswood, and.
                                 both were by Cullen's Arabian.)
14 dam Grisewood's Lady Thigh . . by Croft's Partner.
z5 dam                         by Greyhound.
i6 dam (Sophonisba's dam) . . .. by Curwen's Bay Barb.
17 dam .... . . . ..  .      . by DlArcy's Chestnut Arabian.
i8 dam                .....   . by Whiteshirt.
19 dam Montague mare.
MAKKS.-Blaze. Four White ankles.




          No. 3. Bay colt, foaled Junie 5th, 1885.
                     fBriot/ier to WINDRUSH.)
                     BY KING ALFONSO.
a dam Glenluine (dam of Trouba-
     dour and Wind rush) . . . . by imp. Gleneig.
2 dam Lute (dam of Virginius)  by Lexington.
3 dam  Lulu Horton idam of Kil-
     dare, Spartan, Pequot, and
     Amy Farley, the dam of Blue
     Grass) .by imp. Albion.
4 dam Martha Dunn.              by imp. Sovereign.
5 dam (darn of Laura. dam of Harry
     of the West, Lilly Ward, and

      Fanny Cheatham)
 6 dam (sister to Piano)
 7 dam Nell Saunders.
 8 dam Julietta.   ....
 9 dam Rosetta. .
 lo dam Diana .
 'i dam Sally Painter  . . .
 12 dam imp. Silver .....
 13 darn ....       . ...
 ;4 dam (sister to Roxana)
  5 dam (sister to Chaunter)
z6 dam.. ... ..
A7 dam.

. . . by Stockholder.
    .by Pacolet.
. . . by Wilkes' Little Wonder.
. . . by imp. Dare Devil.
 . . by imp. Centinel.
     by Clodius.
. . . by Evans' imp. Sterling.
     by Bellsize Arabian.
. .  by Croft s Partner.
     by Bald Galloway.
. . . by Akaster Turk.
. . . by Leede's Arabian.
     by Spanker.




     No. 4. Browrn colt, foaled February 25th, 1885.
                       BY FALSETTO.
i clam Mollie Wood (dam of Gol-
    den Gate, Mollie Brown, &c.) by Lexington.
2 dam  Hymenia (dam of Ansel,
    Edinborough, Virgil, sire of
    Vigil, Vera Cruz, Vagrant,

     Hindoo, &c., &c.). . .
3 dam Little Peggy ....
4 dam Peggy Stewarr.
5 dam Mary Bedford .
6 dam  ..........
7 dam   ....      ...
8 dam imp. Trumpetta.
9 dan, sister to Lambinas.
lo dam.. . .....
ii dam (Vauxhall's dam)
12 dam ....    . ....
13 dam Durham's Favourite .
14 dam (Daffodil's dam). . .

. . . by imp. Yorkshire.
. . . by Cripple.
. . . by Blackburn's Whip.
    by Duke of Bedford.
    by imp. Speculator.
- . . by imp. Dare Devil.
    by Trumpator.
    by Highflyer.
. . by Eclipse.
    by Young Cade.
    by Bolton Little John.
    by Son of Bald Galloway.
    by Sir T. Gascoigne's foreign horse.

MARKS.-Star. White on inner side of right hind ankle.




       No. 5. Bay colt, foaled February 24th, 1885.
                    BY KING ALFONSO.
i dam Vendu ..     ... . . . by Virgil.
2 dam Niagara (sister to Bayonet,
    Preakness, etc., etc.) . . . . by Lexington.
3 dam Bay Leaf (dam of Beacon,
    Bayswater, Baywood, Niagara,
    Preakness, Bayflower (dam of
    Ivy Leaf, Bramble's dam) . . by imp. Yorkshire.

4 dam imp. Maria Black .
5 dam.
6 dam.
7 dam .........
8 dam Marigold ......
g dam Toy (sister to Pacolet).
1o dam White Neck.
ii dam.
12dam  . . . . .. . . . .  .
13dam  . .  . .. . . . .  .
14 dam ....    ......
15dam  . .   .. . .   . .  .
16 dam Vintner mare.

by Filho-da-Puta.
by Smolensko.
by Sir Peter.
by NMambrino.
by Herod.
by Blank.
by Crab.
by Godolphin Arabian.
by Conyer's Arabian.
by Curwen's Bay Barb.
by Marshall's Spot.
by White-legged ch. Lowther Barb..

(English Stud Book, pages 222 and 333, vol. 14
MARKS.-Star. White on both hind ankles.




   No. 6. Brown or bay colt, foaled February 25th, 1885.
                        BY FALSETTO.
 X dam Semper Vive.        .. by Waverly.
 2 dam Semper Felix (dam of Leon-
      atus) ........... by imp. Phbeton.
 3 dam Crucifix (dam of St. Augus-
      tine, Quito, and Fair Play) . by Lexington.
 4 dam Lightsome (dam of Salina
      and Nevada (dam of Luke
      Blackburn) ........ . by imp. Glencoe
 5 dam Levity (dam of Mildred, dam
      of Monarchist, Stamps (darn
      of Louisette), Minx, the dam
      of Monitor).b.... . .   . by imp. Trustee.
 6 dam Vandal's dam .b..... . by imp. Tranby.
 7 dam Lucilla .b........ . by Trumpator.
 S dam Lucy .......... . by Orphan.
 q dam Lady Grey (the dam of
      Rowena, dam  of Alice Car-
      neal, Lexington's dam) . . . by Robin Grey.
io dam Maria ......   ..  .   . by Melzar (by imp. Medley.
xi dam       . . . . .   . . . by imp. Iiighflyer.
12 dam . .    . ..... ... .. by imp. Fearnaught (Baylor's).
,3 dam     . .   . . .. . .   by Ariel (brother to Partner).
14 dam                         by imp. Jack of Diamonds.
a5 dam Old Diamond (called Duch-
     ess).  .   . . .          by Cullen's Arabian. (Both Jack

su(' dam Grisewood's Lady Thigh.
17 dam . . . .
i8 dam (Sophonisba's dam) . . .
3gdam  . . .  .
20 dam             .....
21 dam Montague bMare.

Diamonds and Old Diamond were
imported by Gen. Spottswood, and
both were by Cullen's Arabian).
by Croft's Partner.
by Greyhound.
by Curwen's Bay Barb.
by D'Arcy's Chestnut Arabian.
by Whiteshirt.





No. 7. Chestnut colt, foaled at Woodburn Farm, Xay 14th,
        (Property of Mr. F. 11. LEwIrN, New York City, N. Y.)
                     BY KING ALFONSO.

i dam
2 dam
3 dam

Fashionette.            by
Etiquette, Jr..          ...... by
Etiquette (dam of Cavalier

     and Vanity)    .
4 dam Fashion tthe great 4 T
     race mare) .  ....
5 dam Bonnets o'Blue   .
6 dam Reality.
7 dam.   ..    ..    ..
8 dam  .
9 dam       .       . .  -
to dam Polly Williams.
as dam
12 dam ....... ... . .

. by

Battle Axe.
imp. Eclipse.


-ly imp Trustee.
. by Sir Charles.
by Sir Archy.
. by imp. Medley.
by imp. Centinel.
.by Mark Antony.
.by imp. Janus.
by imp. Silver Eye.
by Spanker.

  MARKS.-Star. Right hind ankle white.
  FASHIONETTE is by Battle Axe, son of Monday by Colton, out of the
great Mollie Jackson, the great grandam of Foxhall, which William Day
says was the best race-horse in the world. She traces through Etiquette,
Jr., to the noted Fashion, which defeated the great Boston, four-mile
heats, in 7:3254, 7:45, the best race run to that day.




          No. 8. Bay colt, foaled May 26th, 1885.
                        BY FALSETTO
X dam Hester (dam of Gyptis and
    Springhok, winner of 17 races
    and i9,65o). ...         by Lexington.
2 dam Heads I Say (dam of Hazard
    and Maggie Hunter, Ripple's
    dam)   .           .      by imp. Glencoe.
3 dam imp. Heads or Tails . . - by Lottery.

4 dam Active

5 dam Eleanor (sister to Cresida
     dam of Priam) .
6 dam Young Giantess.....
7 dam Giantess ..  ...
8 dam Molly Longlegs  . .
jo dam
i dam sister to Roxana .
12 dam sister to Chaunter.
3 dam   .        . . ....
14dam  .          ........

by Partisan.

by Whisky
by Diorned.
by Matchem.
by Babraham.
by Cole's Fox Hunter.
by Partner.
by Bald Galloway.
by Akaster Turk.
by Leede's Arabian.
by Spanker.

MARKS.-Long star. White on left fore coronet. Both bind ankles


. .



       No. 9. Chestnut colt, foaled March 12th, 1885.
                     BY KING ALFONSO.
 i dam Penumbra ..... .  .   . by Pat Maloy.
 2 dam Penelope (dam of TEiLE-
     MACHUS, Bob Johnson, and
     Effie H.)...... .       . by Commodore.
3 dam Penola (dam of Canary Bird,
     dam of Harry Bassett, Don
     Fulano,  Charley  Howard,
     Franklin, Ortolan-. &c.) . . . by imp. Ainderby.
4 dam imp. Sweetbrier.     . . by Recovery.
5 dam imp. Primrose ...... . by Comus.
6 dam Cowslip    I. . . . . . by Cockfighter.
7 dam Brown Javelin.... .   . by Javelin.
8 dam Young Maiden ....     .  by Highflyer.
9 dam Maiden (Walnut's dam) . . by Matchem.
IO dam Mr. Pratt's celebrated Squirt
     Mare ..      .....       . . by Squirt.
Ix dam (Lot's dam)......     . by Mogul.
12 dam Camilla........       . by Bay Bolton.
13 dam Old Lady (Starling's dam) . by Pullen's Chestnut Arabian.
14 dam.   .......            .. by Rockwood.
35 dam .....      .....         . . by Bustler.
MARKS.-Star. White on left hind ankle.




No. 10. Chestnut colt, foaled April 30th, 1885.
                 BY FALSETTO.

I darn India (sister to dam of Zoo
      Zoo).    ...              by Lexington.
 2 dam Miss Morgan (dam of Ma.
      zurka (dam of Zoo Zoo), Min.
      nie Milton, Preston, &c., &c.) .by im . Yorkshire-
 3 dam Sally Morgan (dam of Dolly
      Morgan (dam of Bob Mfiles) . by imp Emancipat
 4 dam Lady Morgan...... .      by John Richards.
 5 dam Matchless .    .. . . .  by imp. Expedition
 6 dam     .      .by Bela Badger's Sii
 7 dam Aurora.        .         by imp Honest Jot
 8 darn Zelippa.      .         by imp Messenger.
 9 dam Dido.....          .     by imp. Bay Richm
 lo dam Maria Slammerkin . ..  . by imp. Wildair.
 ii dam imp Cub Mare             by Old Cub.
 12 dam (Amaranthus' dam) .      by Second.
 13 dam (dam of Leeds, Flash, Fop,
      &c.).. . . . . . . . .    by Starling
14 dam ... . .   . .            by Croft's Partner.
15 dam         .          .  . by-Greyhound.
i6 darn....    .......   . .  . by Makeless.
.17 dam.           .   . . . . . by Brimmer
:8 dam       .....     ... .. by Place's White T
19 dam .          .             by Dodsworth.
20 damn Layton Barb Mare,


r Solomon.
in .



MARKS.-Blaze. Right fore and right hind ankle white.




          No. 11. Bay colt, foaled May 3d, 1885.
                    (Brt/her to TELENIACHIUS.)
                    BY KING ALFONSO.
  dam Penelope (dam of Telema-
     chus, Bob Johnson, & Effie H1.) by Commodore.
2 dam Penola (dam of Canary Bird,
     dam of Harry Bassett. llon Fu-
     lano, Charley Howard. Frank-
     lin, Ortolan, &c.). . .   by imp. Ainderby.
3 dam imp Sweetbrier   ..     by Recovery.
4 dam imp. Primrose .  . . .. by Coinus.
5 dam Cowslip.         .       )y Cocklfighter.
6 dam Brown Javelin.      .   by avelin.
7 dam Young Maiden         . . by Hlighflyer.
8 dam Maiden (Walnut's dam) . . by Matchem.
9 dam Mr. Pratt's celebrated Squirt
     Mare                     by Squirt.
to dam ( Lot's dam).           by Mogul,
i dam Camilla. . . . . . .     by Bay Bolton.
i2 dam Old Lady (Starling's dam), by Pullen's Chestnut Arabian.
13 dam .by Rockwood.
14 dam .by Bustler.




       No. 12. Brown colt, foaled March 28th, 1885.
                         BY FALSETTO.

 v dam Cachuca . .  ..          by King Alfonso.
 2 dam Schottische (dam of Ballin-
     keel. Waltz (the dam of Gli-
     deiia),'Creole Dance, Reveller.
     &c.).                      by imp. Albion.
3 damn Dance (dam  of l[a Polka,
     (lain of Heel and Toe, Straths-
     pey, Post Guard, &.x) . . . . ly imp. Glencoe.
4 dam Cotillion (dam of O'Mfeara), by imp. Leviathan.
; dam imp (Gallopade (clam of Reel,
     the dam of \WTar Dance. Le-
     conipte, Fanny Wells, Prior-
     ess, &c.) .by Catton.
6 clam Camillina. .....         by Camillus.
7 clam. .   ...... .            l... by Smolensko.
8 dam Miss Cannon .             by Orville.
9 clam ...  .                   by Weathercock.
10 dam Cora  .     .by Mlatchem.
 1 dam.       .        ......... ... . by Turk.
iz dam .. .          .          by Cub
13 dam        .. .       ....   by Allworthy.
14 dam .by Starling.
i5 dam  ...         ..        . by Bloody Buttocks.
i6 dam.      ..... .         .. by Greyhound.
17 dam Brocklesby Betty .by Curwen's Bay Barb.
1i8 dam Leede's Hobby mare .. . by Lister Turk.




         No. 13. Bay colt, foaled May 12th, 1885.
                     (Br,7thez to MITTIE B )
                     IBY KING ALFONSO.
x dam Flash (dam of Mlittie B.) . by Lightning.
2 dam Sallie Watson (dam of Nan-
    nie H.).  ...    ..     . by Ringgold.
3 dam Ann Watson (dam of Rhyno-
    dyne, Watson. and Floride,

     dam of Flora Mfclvor)
4 dam imp. Clink     . .
5 dam Lady Newton.
6 dam       . . . .  ..   .
7 dam . ..    ..     ...
X dam Alexina.
9 dam Lardella
to dam          .
ti dam (dam of Beaufremnont)
12 dam Miss Wyndham       .
13 dam ..   ....
14 dam Old Scarbro Mlare,
15 dam.
  MARKS -Small star.

. by imp. Glencoe.
   by Humphrey Clinker.
 . by Oiseau.
   by Haphazard.
   by Stamford.
   by King Fergus.
   by Young Marske.
. bv Cade.
   by Brother to Fearnaught.
. . by WVyndlham.
   by Belgrade Turk.
   by Makeless.
. . by Brimmer,



Lb                    THOROUGH-BRED COLTS

        No. 14. Bay colt, foaled January 29th, 1885.

                         BY FALSETTO.

i dam nPattila..... . . .    . by Pat Maloy.
2 dlam Lulu Horton (dam of Kil-
     dare, Spartan, Pequot, Lute
     (the dam of Virginius), and
     AAmy Farley (dam of Blue


.. . by inip. Albion.

3 clam Martha l)unn. . .
4 clam l the dam of lIaura, dam
      Harry of the West).
 5 clam (sister to Piano).
 6 dam (Nell Saundler).
 7 dam Julietta
 S dlam Rosetta
 9 dam Diana       . . .
 to (lam Sally Painter
 ii (lan imp Silver.
 2 (lam
 13 dam (sister to Roxana)  .   .
 14 clam  sister to Chaunter)
 1 ( dam       -
i6 (lam    ........

by imp. Sovereign.
by Stockholder.
by Pacolet.
by Wilkes' Little Wonder.
by imp. Dare Devil.
by imp. Centinel.
by Clodius
by Evans' imp. Sterling.
by Belisize Arabian.
by Croft's Partner.
by Bald Galloway.
by Akaster Turk.
by Leede's Arabian.
by Spanker.

MARKSK -Star. Left fore ankle white. White on right hind ankle.





        No. 15. Bay colt, foaled March 22d, 1885.
                     1;Y KINC AI.FONSO.

i lain Fairy (dam  of Farewell,
     Artiiit, Piedmont, and Grey
     Nun )        . .      ..by imp. Knight of St. George.
2 damn IFay                . . by imp. Yorkshire.
3 (lain imp Fury (datit of Folly) . by imp. Priam.
4 dlam (sistel to inll .Ainderlby i . by Velocipede

3 (1am Kate.
6 dlami M i s Garforth.
7 dam            ......
S darn Zara.
9 dam Flora ......
10 (iam Atalanta ........
i dlain Lais of the Mill  .   .
12dani . . . .  . . . . . . .  .
13 (dain Mi-,s Makeless .  . .
14 daml.    .  . ..      ...
15 mlam (Nliss Do)e's (lalin) . . .
i6 (dam ...........
I7 7dam (De.sdemona', dain).
18 (miana ............
19 (lam ............
20 (danI IBurtonI Barb Mare.

b by Catton .
.  1 y Walton.
. .y fivaci atnli.t
  ny Delpini.
  by King Fergus.
  .ly  altchern.
  by Oronoka,.
  by Old T'raveler.
  .  by Young (GreyvounLd.
  . I ,y Old Partner.
b . by W\oodcock.
   by Croft', Bay larb.
   by Miakeiess.
 . by Brinmnier.
   by D)ickey Pierson, son of Dodsworth.




    No. 16. Chestnut colt, foaled February 21st, 1885.
                        BY FALSETTO.
X dam Patrimony ...   .... by Pat Maloy.
2 dam Glenluine (dam of Windrush
    and Troubadour) .... .   . by imp. Gleneig.
3 dam Lute (dam of Virginius) . . by Lexington.
4 dam Lulu Horton (dam of Kil-
     dare, Spartan, Pequot, and
     Amy Farley, dam of Blue
     Grass)..... .  . . . .. . by imp. Albion.
5 dam Martha Dunn . . . ...   . by imp. Sovereign.
6 dam (the dam of Laura, dam of
     Harry of the West, Lilly
     Ward, and Fanny Cheathain).by Stockholder.

7 dam (sister to Piano)
8 dam Nell Saunders.
9 dam Julietta......
1o0 dam Rosetta . .
i dam Diana .......
i2 dam Sally Painter ....
13 dam imp. Silver .....
14dam  ..........
15 dam (sister to Roxana) . .
i6 dam (sister to Chaunter)
17 dam  . .........
18 dam  ..........

     by Pacolet.
     by Wilkes' Little Wonder.
. . . by imp. Dare Devil.
     by imp. Centinel.
. . . by Clodius.
. . . by Evans' imp. Sterling.
     by Bellsize Arabian.
. . . by Croft's Partner.
     by Bald Galloway.
     by Akaster Turk.
. . . by Leede's Arabian.
     by Spanker.

MARKS.-Blaze. Four white ankles.



      No. 17. Chestnut colt, foaled April 20th, 1885.
                      BY PAT MALOY.
X dam Peaceful.... .. . .    . by Planet.
2 dam Lorette (dam of Regan (the
    dam of Vera Cruz, Vigil, &c.,
    Mishap (dam of Crockford),

     Misdeal, Misfortun
     Mistake) .
3 dam Mary Ogden
4 dam Mary Thomas
5 dam Parrot....
6 dam Paroquet ....
7 dam imp. mare . . .
8 dam  ........
9 dam.
io dam Tiffany.
ii dam Young Hag.
12 dam Hag ......
13 dam Ebony .....
14 dam Old Ebony . . .
15 dam Massy mare .
  MARKS.-Blaze. Left

.e (dam of
.....  by imp. Sovereign.
.... . byThornhill.
.... ....by  imp. Consul.
         by Randolph's Roanoke.
.... .b yim p.M e rry fie ld .
.... . byPopinjay.
.... by Skim
         by Massy's Black Barb.
hind ankle white. White on right hind ankle.



0                 THRUHRE         OT

No. 18. Chestnut colt, foaled at Woodburn Farm, March
                         17th, 1885.
        (Property of Mr. F. Hf. LEwiN, Newv York City, N. Y.)

                         BY FALSETTrO.
x dam helpmate (clam of Iullington
     and Kinggmate) . . . .    by imp. Warniin.,Ler.
2 darn imp. Casemate .b.. .  .   . Iy Chatham.
3 damn Photograph (clam of lkanee
     Agneta and Robert Mfacaire).bvy Voodpigeon.
4 (lam Camera Obscura (darn of
     Lens, Calibais, Nutjobber, &
     Ombra)..       . ..... by Elis.
5 daln Diversity..... . . .   . by Muley.
6 1am Johanna Southcote (dam of
     Vicksitude) ..  .b. ..      y Beningbrough.
7 dlam l.avinia.l.... . . . . . Iy Pipato.
8 darll (dam of Dick and Jack Aln-
     Irews '. . . . . . . . . . bylligbflyer.

3 clans1
to lanm    . .
I Id lt,...  .
2 dam  ....
13 3calai ....
54 4(11.it   ,,,

.b. ....... . by Cardinal Puff.
.......      .s. Iy Tatler.
...... .         b... Iy Snip.
... .b...... . hy (iodolphin Arabian
.   .b.y..... . 1Y Frampton's Whiteneck.
. ....... by Pelham Barb.

  ARa K.-lBlaze. Both fore legs w-hite nearly to knee. Left hind leg
white niearly to hock.

  IIE1INI SI I E is by Warminster (son of Newmiiister, sire of Hermit), anld
sue of Inipiration, Pleva Avenger, Westriniister, &c. Her dam Casemate
is by Chat hbam son of The Colonel, and traces through an excellent racing
family to the dam of Dick and Jack Andrews, famous sons of the g reat





          No. 19- Bay colt, foaled May 31st, 1885.
                 [FU-LI, BROTHER TO BOB MILES.]

                       BY PAT MALOY

x dam Dolly Morgan (dam of Bob
    Miles, Stampede, and WVizard),by Revenue.
2 dam Sallie Morgan (dam of Miss
    Morgan, the dam of Mazurka,

   Zoo-Zoo's dam).
dam Lady Morgan.
dam Matchless..-.
dam Aurora  a......
dam Zelippa......
dam Dido.     .....
dam Mari Slaminerkin.
dam imp. Cub Mare . .
clam (Amaranthus' darn)
dam (the dam of Leeds,
   Fop, &c.).

     by imp. Emancipation.
. . . by John Richards.
     by imp. Expedition.
. . by Bela Badger's Sir Solomon.
. . . by imp. Honest John.
. . . by imp. Messenger.
. . . by imp. Bay Richmond.
     by imp. Wildair.
. . . by Old Cub.
. . . by Second.
    . by Starling.

13 dam (sister to Vane's Little P2art-
      ner).                     by Croft's Partner.
14 dam (sister to Guy).... .  . by Greyhoiund.
15 darn Brown Farewell .... . by Mal.eless.
z6 dam  .... . . . . .  .... by Brimmer.
17 (lam....   . .. . . . ..   . by Place's White Turk.
i8 dam ....   . .. . . . ..   . by Dodsworth.
19 dam Layton Barb mare.
  MARKS.-Little white on inside of left hind coronet. Little white on
inside of right hind heel.


I 1




         No. 20. Bay colt, foaled May 27th, 1885.
                        BY FALSETTO.
 i dam Anxiety..... .  .  .  . by Alarm.
 2 dam Maggie Morgan. ....       . by Hunter's Lexington.
 3 dam Sally Morgan (dam of Long-
     bow) ..........        . by Revenue.
4 dam Lizzie Morgan (dam of 'Mor-
     gan Scout, and Ratan, dam of
     Girofle)..... . . . .   . by imp. Glencoe
5 dam Blue Filly..... .  .  . by imp. Hedgeford.
6 dam Lady Tompkins (dam of
     Motto (dam of Sally Lewis,
     dam of John Morgan, Hun-
     ter's Lexington, Acrobat, Su-
     san Beane (dam of Sensation)
     and Lotta, dam of Glenmore)by American Eclipse.
 7 dam Katy Ann .... .   . .. by Ogle's Oscar.
 8 dam (Medoc's dam) .by imp. Expedition.
9 dam (Old Maid of the Oaks). . . by imp. Spread Eagle.
io dam (Nancy Air's dam) . .  by imp. Shark.
ii dam. . . . . . . . . . .. . by Rockingham.
12 dam                        by Gallant.
13 dam .... ......... . by True Whig.
14 dam ..........       ..   . by imp. Regulus.
15 dam ..........       ..   . by imp. Diamond.
  MARKS.-White streak in face. Spot between nostrils. Left hind leg
'white half way to hock.




         No. 21. Chestnut colt, foaled June 2d, 188F.
                        BY PAT MALOV.
 .i dam imp. Invercauld, winner of
      the Hunter Stake in i869 (dam
      of Invermore (winner of La-
      dies' Stake in 1878), and Do-
      dette) .y St. Albans.
 2 dam imp. Eleanor.... . .   . by Voltigeur.
 3 dam Themis (dam  of Truelove,
      Nestor, and Sedbury) .... by Touchstone.
 4 dam Rectitude (dam of Dr. Caius) by Lottery.
 5 dam Decision..... .  . .   . by Magistrate.
 6 dam Remembrance. .....     . by Sir Solomon.
 7 dam Queen Mab (sister to Mer-
      cury)......    .. . .   . by Eclipse.
 8 dam .......    . . ..  .   . by Tartar.
 g dam ......    .. . ..  .  . by Mogul.
 lo dam .......    . . .. .   . by Sweepstakes.
 ii dam (sister to Sloven) ..  . by Bay Bolton.
 .12 dam.......    . . ..  .  . by Curwen's Bay Barb.
 13 dam .......    . . .. .   . by Curwen's Old Spot.
 .14 dam.......    . . ..  .  . by White-legged Lowther Barb.
 15 dam Vintner mare.
 MARKS.-Blaze. Left fore leg white half way to knee. Both hind legs
 white more than half way to hock.

          No. 22. Bay colt, foaled May 25th, 1885.
                        BY FALSETTO.
 i dam Miranda..... .  . .   . by Lexington.
 -2 dam Miriam (dam of Mamona,
      Magenta (dam of Duke of Ma-
      genta), Merrill, Marion, Hol-
      lywood, Necy Hale, and Gre-
      cian Bend)..... . . .   . by imp. Glencoe.
 3 dam Minerva Anderson .. .     . by imp. Luzborough.
 4 dam .......    . . ..  .  . by Sir Charles.
 5 dam .......    . . .. .   . by Bess's Brimmer.
 MARKS.-Star. Small white spot above nostrils. Left hind ankle
white. White on inside of right hind heel.

2 3


24                     THOROUGH BRED COLTS

       No. 23 Chestnut colt, foaled March 4th, 1885.
                      (Br-toher to GLENMORE.)

                 GOT BY IMP. GLEN ATHOL.
 i dam  Lotta (dain of Glenniore,
     winner of thirty-four m-ac.CS and
     29,970). ..... .  . .  . by Hunter's Glemicoe.
 2 dam Sally Lewis (dam of John
      Morgan, Hunter's Lexington,
      Acrobat,Susan Beane (tme dam
      of Sensation), &c.) ... .   . by imp. Glencoe.
 3 dam Motto (dam of Mv Lady,
      the dam of Onward) . . . . by imp. PBa -foor.
 4 dam Lady Tompkins, dam of Blue
      Filly, dam of Lizzie Morgan,
      Ratan's darn.. . . . .  . by American Eclipse.
 5 dam Katy Ann ... . . . .   . by Ogle's Oscar.
 6 dam Young Maid of the Oaks
      (Medoc's dam)... . . .   . by imp. Expedition.
 7 dam Old Maid of the Oaks . . . by imp. Spread Eagle.
 8 dam Annette (Nancy Air's dammm),by imp. Shark.
 9 dam .... .  . . . . . . .  . by Rockingham.
 to dam .... .  . .. .  .. .   . by Gallant.
 ii dam .... .  .. . . . . .   . by True Whig.
 12 damn. . . .. . . . . . . . . by imp. Re.gulus.
 13 dam .... .  ..  . .. . .   . by imp. Diamond.
 'MARKS -Blaze. Left fore leg white nearly to knee. Left hind leg
 white half way to hock. Right hind leg white nearly half way to hock.


                     THOROUGH-BRED COLTS                     25

        No. 24. Chestnut colt, foaled June 5th, 1885.
                        BY FALSETTO.
 i dam Blandina (sister in blood to
      lain of Sensation) ....    . by Lexington.
 2 dam My Latly (dam of Onward).by imp. Glencoc.
 3 dam Motto (damn of Sally Lewis,
      dam of John Morgan, Huln er's
      Lexington, Acrobat, Susan
      Beane (dam of Sensation),
      Lotua (dant of Glenmore) . . by imp. Barefoot.
 4 (lain Lady Tompkins (dam of Blue
      Filly. the daam of Lizzie Mor-
      gan).                    by American Eclipse.
 5 dam Katy Ann. . ....     . . by Ogle's Oscar.
 6 dam Young Maid of the Oaks
      (Medoc's dam) .b. .... Iy imp. Expedition.
 7 dam Old Maid of the Oaks . . . by imp. Spread Eagle.
 8 dam Annette (Nancy Air's dam).by imp. Shark.
 9 dam .... ......... . by Rockingham.
 Io darn. . ..                 by Gallant.
 X X dam. .. . . . . . . . .. . by True Whig.
 12 dam ..... .....        .. . by imp. Regulus.
 13 dam ..... .......         . by imp. Diamond.
 MARKS.-Blaze. Left fore ankle white. Both hind legs white more
than half way to bock.



      No. 25. Chestnut colt, foaled April 11th, 1885.
                      BY POWHIATTAN.
i dam Atalanta (sister to Creed-
     moor).... .  . . . .    . by Asteroid.
2 dam imp. Target (dam of Creed-
    moor, 'vinner of six races and

3 dam imp. Melrose (dcam of
     bourne, Jr., Eliza Davis,
 4 dam Clarkia..    ......
 5 dam (sister to Righton) . .
 6 dam Ocean   a.......
 7 dam (dam of Dr. Syntax).
 8 dam Jenny Mole.. ....
 9 dam ...........
 xo dam Sultana..    ......
 iXdam  . . . . . . . . . .   .
 12 dam ...........
 13 dam (Traveler's dam) . . .
 14 dam (sister to Bay Bolton)
 15dam  . . . . . . . . . .   .
 :6 dam  ...........
17 dam.
i8 dam (sister to the dam of

. by Rifleman.
&c.)by Melbourne.
 . lvy Muley Moloch.
    by Palmeriri.
    by Cerberus.
    by Beningbrough.
 . . by Carbuncle.
    by Prince T'Quassaw.
    by Regulus.
 . . by Partner.
    by Gallant's Smiling Tom.
    by Almanzor.
. . by Grey Hautboy.
. . by Makeless.
    by Brimmer.
 . . by Diamond.

. . by Bustler.

  MARKS.-Blaze. Left fore ankle white. Both hind legs white nearly
to hock. White spot on upper part of right shoulder. Grey flanks.