xt7tmp4vmt7d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tmp4vmt7d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-08-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 27, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 27, 2001 2001 2001-08-27 2020 true xt7tmp4vmt7d section xt7tmp4vmt7d Mondays

The Agony

The horror of it is
The very thought of
Monday mornings
echoes in my mind
like fingernails
running down a
chalkboard. As for
the lottery winners,
I'm sure they're
having a bright and
early morning. It sure
would of made my
first class better.
However, the odds of
winning the
Powerball were i to
80,000,000. This
absolutely blows my
mind. Millions of
people around the
country throw down
money, be it hard
earned or stolen, for
a chance to win the
big jackpot. I read
online that I was 931
more times to die of
poisoning than win
the Powerball, and
80 times more likely
to die in my bathtub.
Damn that sucks.

While these odds seem
to be tremendous,
there are however
some things that are
less likely to happen
than selecting the
proper six Powerball
numbers and here's a
list of my favorites.

It's less likely that one
day in the next
month the university
will announce that all
the construction on
campus is finally

that a day will pass in
Lexington where no
alcohol is consumed.

that the north campus
dorms will get air

that the Bengals are
more likely to win
the superbowl.

that you will e-mail us
with your feedback.

that my roommate will
actually get up and
turn his alarm off the
first time it goes off.

that the university
will outlaw

that guys will become
able to understand

that girls won't
become mad when
guys fail to
understand them.

that hell will freeze

that you'll get a good
deal at one of the

that campus food will
ever be good enough
to merit the prices
we pay.

that the Blazer food
court will ever have a
selection like the one
they did last year.

that the welcome Rick
Pitino receives upon
his return to Rupp
will be entirely good-

that Louisville will
actually win that

And the number one
thing that's less
likely to happen.

That you'll be enjoying
you're Monday
morning while
reading this.

-Jared Whalen



3,2 5.4

I had a vison, there
wasn’t any television -
we just stared into the


VOL. 38107 ISSUE 85



News tips?

Call: 257-1915 or write:


August 27, 2001


Aaliyah loses
life at 22 in

| Z


Police exercise stricter policies

Warning: ‘When neighbors issue complaints,

police are obligated to

Kelley Sears

Lt. Gerald Ross of the Lex-
ington-Fayette Urban County
Police said the force is taking a
zero tolerance policy on alco-
hol this year. This means
there are now stricter policies
and fewer breaks being given.

"We're not being as toler-
ant." he said.

Police are not opposed to
partying, but when neighbors
issue complaints. police are ob‘

get involved'

ligated to get involved. Ross

“It only takes on com-
plaint.“ he said. "Generally we
have an increase in the begin-
ning of the school year. It be-
gins to slack off when students
realize we have a zero toler-

Ross said minors need to
know they will be cited ifthey
get caught with alcohol.

ercise caution when drinking
is going to be involved in social
situations. She said students
always need a designated dri-

Chilton said even though
many people walk to bars that
are close to campus. this does-
n't eradicate drunk driving.

In fact. she said DUI‘s were
up 27.5 percent from last year.

Despite the numbers.
Chilton said citations have
been high in the last week.

Phil Canfield. an architec-
ture junior. said he got a cita-
tion last week for being a mi-

was getting ready to leave a
party and realized the police
were there. As he was trying to
sneak out. an officer ap-
proached him. asked him for
his information and cited him.

Canfield said he was not

“As students. we don‘t get
taken seriously by the system.
There are other things more
important than people going
around breaking up parties."

Some students disagree.

“If students are underage
and drinking. they deserve
punishment," said David Han

UK Police Officer Tina
Chilton advises students to ex-

nor in possession of alcohol.
According to Canfield. he

ris. an engineering freshman.


Students partying In the campus area last week.

Both the Lexington and UK Police say the forces
have a zero tolerance policy this year.



Restoration plans begin for building

The final figures: UK officials still uncertain of
insurance settlement and renovation start date

By Pad llaker

After a summer of sitting charred and empty, the Administration
Building is one step closer to restoration.
The committee in charge of restoring the building, which caught fire
in May, met on Friday to discuss the restoration process of the 120year-

old building.

Jack Blanton, senior vice president for administration, said although
it is not certain when the building will be finished, the debris has already
been cleared. He said Midland Contractors’ outlook for restoring the

building looks good.

Restoration has already begun on the building by clearing the rub
ble. Because of the mold in the building, a temporary roof will be built
before winter, and the building will be sealed and dried out.

“It is not known for sure when other construction will take place,”

Blanton said.

Price estimates of restoring the building have been submitted
through the contractor’s insurance. Liberty Insurance. It is not known
how much the final settlement with the insurance will be. but UK 03‘1-
cials are hopeful they will receive between $10 and 12 million.

“They have $11 million worth of coverage that is going to be put to-
ward the building, which will restore it to its original condition with
some depreciation taken into account." he said. “We have submitted our
'claim to the insurance through the state government."

The claim is currently being reviewed and a response will be given
next month. The people on the committee have consultants that will ne-
gotiate the final settlement at that time.

Architects have an original blueprint plan of the building that con-
struction workers will be able to follow.

The committee’s next meeting will be held Sept. 10 at 4 pm. in the

Gaines Center.

Blanton said the committee is not rushing to finalize anything just


“We don’t want to expedite renovation because we want to make sure
restoration is done the right way," he said.

It is not known for sure
When the construction will




The Izo-yeor-old Hiding caught fire In May,
destroying the third and fourth floors. Officials
met on Friday to discuss restoration plans. They
university and Instance company finalize a set-
and $12 rnllioa for the restoration.

humerus-as I KERNELSTAFF



Black professors leave UK for various reasons

Minority Affairs says UK already surpassed its
goal for 2002 in the hiring of black faculty

by Emily ”elm


Instead of beginning another
semester at UK this fall. Teresa
Unseld decided to leave UK's
campus for a historically black
college in North Carolina after 10
years of teaching.

The former associate profes-
sor of art education left UK at the
end of last semester to become an
interim chairwoman of the Art
and Music department at Win-
ston-Salem State University in
North Carolina.

Newspapers have accused
UK's retaining and recruitment
process for Unseld's career deci-


Unseld agrees that UK's re-
tention of black professors does
need to improve. but said her de-
cision to leave UK was a profes
sional one based on a career op-
portunity and a more diverse set-

“There are positive and nega
tive points and possible solutions
to the identified concerns on re-
cruitment and retention issues
facing UK‘s African-American
faculty." Unseld said.

Former UK Family Studies
Professor William Turner had his
decision to teach at a school in
Minnesota this semester. Unlike
Unseld. Turner said the retaining

and recruitment issue caused
him to leave.

Whatever reason professors
leave. Lauretta Byars. vice chan-
cellor of minority affairs. said a
professor's decision on leaving
UK usually depends on what op
portunities are given to them.

Byars said Turner was a
great example of this.

“Turner left UK because he
was given a great opportunity."
she said. “Minnesota gave him an
unbelievable package.

One of the reasons Turner
went to Minnesota was because
he received a salary increase.
Minnesota offered to pay Turner
twice the amount he received
from UK.

Despite the number of black
professors leaving. Byars said UK
employs 1.190 faculty of which ap
proximately 60 are black. She

said some see this fact as nega-
tive. which is why so much con-
troversy came up about UK not
retaining professors.

Despite the controversy.
Byars said the university has sur—
passed its goal of hiring 3.0 per-
cent of black faculty members by
2002. a goal that complies with
the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Byars said people might ar~
gue the percent is not high
enough. but the fact that UK has
already surpassed its goal shows
it is working.

Even though statistics are
out there. Byars said looking at
them can be challenging. To 869
positive statistics. Byars said the
numbers need to be reviewed as
an average of three to five years
instead of just one year. it is hard
to see the positive statistics on a
year by year study. she said.

The Student Newspaper at the Universit of Kentuck , Lexin



“The goal for many minority
L'K employees is determined by
affirmative action and the coun-
cil." Byars said. “The decision is
based on African~Americans
available for the respected field."

Even though she‘s not here
anymore. L'nseld is optimistic
about the issue. In fact. she be-
lieves UK is in the midst of being
a stepping stone to greater things,

“I have high hopes for UK
and I see growth (in the area of
diversity) at this institution.

She compared it to a relay

“Once a leg of the race has
been completed. the baton passes
on to the next person." Unseld
said. “The focus has been on
staying in the race and not drop-
ping the baton."




z thorium, Augusr 272001 i” karmic“ [mu



The Low-down

A creative
man is
by the
desire to
not by the
desire to

— Ayn Rand
writer of the

Man wins share of Powerball jackpot

LOUISVILLE A divorced father who
had inst been laid off from his job says he is
one of four winners of the $294.8 million
l’owerball jackpot.

Iiavid Edwards, 46. bought the ticked at
(‘lark's l’ump N Shop in Ashland,

Kentucky Lottery officials said the win-
ning ticket was validated at Clark's on Sunday
at 9:49 am. Lottery President Arch Gleason
spoke with the apparent winner by phone on
Sunday. spokesman Rick Redman said. Glea-
son said the person he spoke with said he
would arrive in Louisville by Monday.

Redman said he could not confirm the
name of the winner. but said it was a male.

Three other individuals will also split the
jackpot with Edwards.

White House estimates surplus budget

WASHINGTON , The president‘s chief eco-
nomic adviser said Sunday he thought an eco-
nomic rebound was near. helped by the adminis-
tration‘s tax cut.

The midyear budget outlook released last
week by the White House estimated that the 2001
surplus would be $158 billion. just $1 billion more
than what‘s already committed to Social Securi-
ty. The figures represent about $123 billion less
than the last estimate in April

Republicans blame the lackluster economy
for the shrinking surplus.

Democrats argue the 10-year. $1.35 trillion
tax cut will eat into funding for promised govern-
ment programs,

Gay congressman speaks at event

LEXINGTON During a fundraiser for the
Kentucky Fairness Alliance. a Massachusetts
congressman urged listeners to lobby congress if
they want equal rights for gays and lesbians.

Frank has long fought for civil rights for
gays and lesbians. A member of the House since
1981). Frank admitted being gay in 1987.

Before Frank‘s speech. the Kentucky Fair-
ness Alliance which lobbies for gay. lesbian. bi»
sexual and transgender people . sponsored a $50-
perperson reception.

Frank said that Kentucky is “not seen as a
great bastion” of gay rights. but laws adopted by
Lexington and other cities to protect gays and
lesbians from discrimination are a sign of

-Compiled from wire reports


An all-star lineup
of musicians,
including Beck,
Moby and Nelly
Fur-tado will pay
tribute to former
Beatle John
Lennon next
month. New
York's Radio City
Music Hall will
host the TNT-
sponsored “The
Come Together


Hip-hop star loses life in
Bahamas plane crash

By Patrick Avery
3(3th EDIIOR

It's a nice thing to have space to speak your tnind.
Fortunately I have weaseled sortie people here at the
Kernel to give me 12 inches a week.

»R&B singer Aaliyah “I” no longer be able to
“Try Again."

The 22-year-old died

evening when

Aaliyah was on her way to becoming a star in
music and movies. Her third album. Aaliyah. was re-
leased on July 17 of this year and debuted on the top
five of the Billboard chart. She had recently finished
filming a film version of Anne Rice's “Queen of the
Damned" and planned to star in two sequels to "The

Comparisons to rock legend Buddy Holly and the
way he died are inevitable.

Will she now become an icon
like every other celebrity


iribute: A Night
for John Lennon
scheduled for
September 20.


With their self-
titled debut
album scheduled
for release on
September 26,
Tenacrous D have
already plotted
their return to
the stage, where
the duo of Jack
Black and Kyle
Gass honed their
acoustic metal
chops. The D will
kick off a seven-
teen~date tour on
September 8th at
New York City's
Town Hall. "Come
see us play," the
D said in a
release before
warning, "but
only it you're not
wor-ried about
having your head
rocked right off
your shoulders."


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iii... ‘1“,th . u . at i V'th'n

Just minutes from camp

1 ..

the Cessna
plane she
boarded in
the Ba-

h a in a s

a f t e r

that died early'.’

Aaliyah faced a rocky
road when she first broke
into the recording industry.
Her first large-scale tour was
as an opener for R. Kelly. Ru
mors soon followed that she

singer, and her career was
clouded for a period of time,
She shrugged it off and soon


married the much older soul Patrick Ave!!!

went on to be nominated for Grammy awards and

won an MTV Video award for Best Fem:

iIe Video.

Grammywinning producer Quincy Jones was

like a father to her.

“She was one of the sweetest girls in the

world." Jones said. “I loved her an
her and I am absolutely devastated
Cowboy Junkies graced the.

d respected

stage ofthe

Kentucky Theatre Thursday night. Tim East
on opened the show with a mellow set until

the next-to-Iast song. He th

en jumped

around like Jerry Lee Lewis rocking out

the mainly older crowd.
The Junkies played a 111(
mean mellow) hour and a h

~Ilow (and I
alf set. The

set focused on their tunes from their lat»

est album open and Iacket

1 their hit

“Sweet Jane." I know I was not the only
one disappointed they didn‘t play that one.

a) Lead singer Margo Timm

OIIS W215 {1

sweetie though. and offered to meet everyone

out in the lobby after the show
tures and sign albiun covers.
Man 0‘ War Movies 8 held a St

to take pic~

'i‘eening for

Jay and Silent Bob Strike ack a week ago. The
sold out show was a joy to attend. Kevin Smith
is going out with an excellent film. The film
should offend everyone. since the it charac-
ters Jay and Silent Bob do this to everyone
they come across in their movies. Plus. it's

a joy to see Morris Day and the Time pop

up again.

Begins Monday


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.f Freeing the waves
from mainst


Radio. Radio: WRFL
offers Lexington a
different sound

By Curtis Tate


For most people. it would
be a surprise to hear a radio
station that plays reggae and
punk rock on weekdays and
Bluegrass. country and jazz on

But if you're tuned to 88.1
on your PM dial this is exactly
what you‘ll find. WRFL is a stu-
dent-run. non-commercial radio
station that broadcasts out of
studios at UK's Student Center.

“REL" stands for “Radio
Free Lexington." which is ex-
actly what the station has tried
to be for 14 years.

"We play everything you
wouldn‘t find on corporate.
mainstream radio." said Ben
Allen. the general manager of

WRFL‘S broad variety of
music includes psychedelic
rock. independent or “indie"
rock. metal and music from In-
dia. Allen said the station also


KHEAA may dismiss loans

Christy Freadreacea
comiaunuc wmitn .-

Struggling child care-
providers may soon have a
helping hand with their out-
standing student loans. and
could qualify to have up to 100
percent of their federal loans
forgiven if they meet certain
criteria. the Kentucky Higher
Education Assistance Authori-
ty recently announced.

KHEAA deals with the al-
lotment of funds for grants. save
ings and loans. scholarships.
work-study, and helps students
complete college or technical

training. The program would
allow eligible child-care
providers to have their loans
forgiven over a five year period:
20 percent after the first two
consecutive years of qualifying
employment. another 20 per-
cent after three years, followed
by 30 percent after each of the
fourth and fifth years.

A caucus on child-care. un-
der the sponsorship of Rep.
Bernard Sanders (I-VT), con-
ceived the program in response
to the growing need for child-
care. As the percentage of
working women with young
families climbs to 74 percent,

Sanders was one of the first to
point out that the industry that
cares for 13 million children un-
der the age of six everyday is
not only extremely expensive to
parents, but also under quali-
fied and understaffed.

“That is a combination he
fears will lead to more families
on welfare. neglected children.
and delinquency in the affected
children later in their lives."
Sanders said.

“Right now we have a ma-
jor crisis in child care. The cri-
sis is far. far worse than I had
ever imagined."

The program was imple-

takes listener requests.

John Clark. a telecommu-
nications professor. serves as
chair of the WRFL Advisory

Clark said WRFL‘s main
mission is "not to duplicate any
other station." Listeners will
never hear top 40, pop or adult
album alternative he said.

The station broadcasts 24
hours each day. requiring eight
disc jockeys to work three-hour

shifts on the air. Allen said all
work as volunteers.

He said anyone interested
in becoming a DJ receives
training and gets the opportuni-
ty to “shadow" an experienced
DJ. Trainees also have to take
an exam covering basic Federal
Communications Commission
rules and how the equipment

In addition to playing mus
sic. the station has a news de-

mented to make training and
education more accessible to
the people entrusted with car-
ing for young children of the
nation. Early Education train-
ing is found in a joint effort be-
tween the College of Education
and the College of Environmen-
tal Sciences in a program
aimed at studying the develop-
mental years between birth and
kindergarten at UK.

“Many students leave col-
lege in debt. Any incentive we
can provide to attract top quali‘
ty people is a good thing." said
Assistant Dean of Education

Rob Shapiro.

Eligibility for the loan for
giveness program is contingent
upon a few factors. To be eligi-
ble. one must have earned an
associate or bachelor's degree
in early childhood education or
child-care and be currently em
played in an eligible child-care
facility at least 30 hours per
week. They must also have
worked at least two consecutive
years as a child—care provider
that serves a low-income com-
munity. and have no outstand-
ing balance on a federal student
loan on October 7. 1998. or on
the date the federal student

ream music



Chris Purvis, program
director at mm and
history Junior, reads
the next musical
selection for the
show. WIFL has pro-
gramming on 24
hours a day. It also
promotes upcoming
musical events in
Lexington. For more
information, call 257-


pamnent and airs a daily calenr
dar of campus and community
events. WRFL also promote,»
upcoming music shows in Lex-

Allen encouraged students
who are interested in working
for WRFL to stop by and visit

"We give priority to students
who apply for DJ positions be-
cause WRH. is a student run or
ganization.” he said

of child care providers

loan was obtained after October
7. 1998

Other conditions may ap

For further information:

Child-care providers sh0uld
call KHEAA at (800) 928-8926, ex-
tension 7273, or contact their
lender. An application is available
on the KHEAA Web site at




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 1 l" uouoitv, iocuSr 27, 2001 | Win trim—"'1”


Ky. heart doctors
ready to do it again

Artificial hearts beating good: Doctor says
two patients recovering better than one


:\s the world's first s‘t‘ll
contained artificial heart par
tteiit continues to surpass ex
pectgitions. the surgeons who
implanted the heart say they're
ready to do it again

We .ll't not rushing into
this." said In Rohert ltowling.
who performed the first iin
plant on July 2 at \\llll ltr
Laman Gray llut we are let
ting our colleagues know that
we would like to proceed with
an additional implant .is soon
as we can identify the approprt
ate patient."

llowhng told the Louisville
(‘ourier.lournal for Sunday's
editions that it'.i suitahle candt
date for the fully iinplantahle
artificial heart came forward. it
would he possihle to do the sec
ond implant \\'lllllll tour or live
days liut the l'niversity of
Louisville surgeon added that it
would he pret'erahle to give the

family more time to consider its

Itowling had said earlier
that he thought there might he
advantages it two implant pa
tients were recovering together.
and their tamilies could sup
port each other

l'ntil earlier this titoiitli.
howling said. the l'olli medical
team and Jewish Hospital.
where the surgery was per
formed. had heett undecided
altout what to do ittliere were a
secondcandidate Although the
heart ot the lust patient. Rohert
'l‘ools ot’ l‘lllltlxlltt. Ky. was
working llawlessh. there were
still enough douhts that the pos
silnhtv ol a second iinplatit cre
ated a moral dilemma." Itowl
ing said

last week. with his new
heart. ’l‘ools felt well enough to
answer questions during a hriet
news conterence over closed
t'lt't‘lllt 'l‘\' lie was gaining

Hustling is a way of life...

Mitre Ziegler, an undeclared freshman, plays pool at the Student Center game room.


weight and continuing a thera-
py program that includes two
or three walks of about till) feet
a day.

(the well-known local heart
surgeon. now retired. suggested
on Saturday that Gray and
howling should wait.

lir. Allan Lansing. one of
the doctors working with Dr.
William I)e\'ries when he was
implanting the .larvik 7 artifir
cial heart duriitg the 1980s. said
he worries about 'l‘ools' recov-

When Mr. Tools is stable
and they're ready to move him
out of the hospital might be a
hetter time." Lansing said. ”If
they did one next week. it
might well he successful. Rut if
they had a lot of prohlems. they
might not he able" to devote
stilllt‘lt‘ttl attention to each par

'l‘he implant team needs no
other approval from llte hospi—
tal hoard that reviews experi-
mental procedures. nor from
the federal Food and Drug Ad
ministration or Ahiomed llt(‘..
the l)anvers. Mass. company
that developed the Ahio(‘or.

mcrt Toutctit l more EDITOR

Fellowship easy to find at
BSU and Newman Center

Both offer various outreach programs to
students looking for campus ministry

By Heath Tingle

CON'QlBL'erl we 'ra

Students looking to get in
volwd w ith a campus ministry
have an ahundance of options
at I'K.

"The (‘hristian life is not a
boring life." said H K
Kingkade. a Baptist Student
l'nion (limpus Minister

Roth organizations have
many activities planned for the
year including ski trips and in
tramural sports Free food is of
ten provided

Spontaneous events such as
cookouts and breakfasts are
dotted along the calendar along
with weekly meetings

The Newman (‘enter offers
similar services and fellowship
times l’iIJa 'l‘heology provides
a chance for students to get
some gruh and talk on Monday
nights. which is an opportunity
to bond and strengthen their he
liefs by meeting in small groups
and ltihle studies

Newman Center Campus
Minister Kevin Steele said they
seek to create a “climate of
hope" among students on cam

Both the RSI' and Newman
Center offer various outreach
programs. The Newman F enter

calendar will he assisting with
llahitat for Humanity Septem-
her it

“l‘rov1dtng a chance to
sei‘ve the community is reward»
mg for students" Steele said, “i
think students hunger for ser-
vice. to make a dill‘erence.”

Besides fun and outreach.
hoth ministries otter a chance
tor worship The liSl' features a
student led worship service
called Tuesday Night Together
Along with the service. small
groups of Bihle study provide
students a chance to deepen
their relationship with (‘hrist

'l‘he Newman (‘enter offers
mass and small group Bible
studies in order to bring stu»
dents closer to one another.

The intimrtance ofthe liihle
studies shouldn't be understatr
ed. according to Ahhy (‘lark. a
Newman (enter Student ln-

These studies provide a
thance for students to connect
with others who share the same
feelings and concerns."

Explaining her decision to
get lli\’ol\‘etl at the BSl'. .lulie
Stefan. an elementary educa
tion ittnior. said “I found it a
really good place for spiritual
growth and fellowship with oth
er Mothers and sisters in


Although both Kingkade
atid Steele. agreed that students
who are already of the faith
usually comprise the majority
of the population of the two cen»
ters. they stressed you do not
have to he involved with the
church to he involved in either

The RSI" tillers family
groups. geared towards stu-
dents who are interested in con
necting hut shv away from deep
philosophical talks.

“We aren't going to throw a
Bible at you". ngkade said.
“However. what we hope to do
is share our love and accep»
tance that comes out ofour re-
latiottship with Jesus (‘hrist."

Want toga?

The Baptist Student Union is
located on Columbia Avenue, and
the Catholic Newman Center on
Rose Street.


Devotion Lunch, Thursdays at
noon starting Sept. 6.
Tuesday-Night-togettier is on
Tuesdays at 7:30 pm

lemon Center

Sunday evening masses begin at
5:30 pm and “Pizza theology" is
on Mondays at 8 pm




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