xt7tmp4vms68 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tmp4vms68/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-06-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 20, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 20, 1991 1991 1991-06-20 2020 true xt7tmp4vms68 section xt7tmp4vms68 SUMMER

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCIV. No.158

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky

Independent since 1971

June 20, 1991

Chandler memorial draws hundreds

UK pays



Kernel stall

More than 700 friends and
family gathered in Memorial
Hall Tuesday to pay tearful last
respects to Albert Benjamin
Chandler — a man loved by
more people. perhaps, than he
had ever met.

The former baseball commis-
sioner and Kentucky governor,
who dominated state politics for
more than half a century, died
Saturday at his Versailles home.
He was 92.

Mourners attending the memo-
rial service were a testament to
both the influence and popularity
of Gov. Chandler —— known to
millions as “Happy.”

LSU basketball coach Dale
Brown. Cincinnati Reds owner
Marge Schott and Los Angeles
Dodgers President Peter
O’Malley all came to see Chan-
dler one last time.

Former Kentucky Gov. Louie
Nunn, US. Rep. Larry Hopkins,
and perennial Democratic guber-
natorial candidate Gatewood
Galbraith also attended the cere-

For those who could not trek
to Lexington, the memorial ser-
vice was broadcast live by three
local TV stations and Kentucky
Education Television. News


Inside: —

UK's first lung recipi-
ent in critical but
stable condition.

Story, page 2.

VIEWPOINT..... ......... . 8
SPORTS ......... ............9
DIVERSIONS........... 10




m": J”


onsc smsr Komol Staff

Gov. Chandler's widow, Mildred. wipes her eyes prior to a memorial service Tuesday. More than 700 friends and family attended the

service in UK's Memorial Hall.

crews came form as far away as

Inside the chapel. Gov. Chan-
dler’s oak coffin. draped with a
gold-fringed Kentucky flag. rest-
ed at the altar amidst dozens of
floral arrangements. A state troop-
er stood vigil next to the coffin
and at the side of Chandler's wid-
ow. Mildred.

On the stage behind Mrs. Chan-
dler, a full~length photo of a grin-
ning young Happy shone like a

ghost from Kentucky's past

The 23rd Psalm — Chandler‘s
favorite — was read by Rev. J.
Carl Belden of St. Johns Episco-
pal Church in Versailles.

And another Chandler favorite,
his own recorded version of “My
Old Kentucky Home." rang out
over the hall‘s loudspeakers.

Weep no more, my lady / Weep
no more today / We will sing one
song / For my Old Kentucky
flame I For my Old Kentucky

UK approves a 10

Editor in Chief


For the second year in a row,
the UK Board of Tmstees has ap-
proved a 10 percent pay raise for
University faculty and staff.

The raise. included in the
1991-92 UK operating budget.
was passed by the BOT on Tues-
day. Salariu were a top priority
of the $817 million budget be-

cause the University's pay scale
has lagged behind those of
benchmark institutions for sever-
al years.

UK President Charles Weth-
ington said this inequity has hurt
the school's ability to recruit and
retain the best faculty. About $36
million of the new budget has
been earmarked for pay raises
and promotions. The staff pay
scale also will be raised to make
it more competitive with market.

Home far away.

As Chandler‘s voice enveloped
the audience, friends and family
began to sob and wipe away

During an emotional eulogy.
00vemor Wallace Wilkinson rc-
called the first time that he met
GOV. Chandler.

it was 1954, and Chandler had
come to Casey County for the
groundbreaking of a new road.

“Casey County was rural and

place salaries.

“We could have done a lot of
other things with (the money)."
Wethington said. "but we choose
to put it in salaries and i think
that's absolutely where we
should have put it.

“We have had problems in be-
ing competitive in our faculty
and staff salaries and i can‘t
stress too much just how impor-
lam and how critical it is that
we‘ve been able to make this ma-

largely Republican." Wilkinson
recalled. “Not too many Demo-
cratic governors had paid too
much attention to the relatively
poor county. Happy Chandler
did. and with no political reason
for doing so. We needed help
and he knew that.

“That was the way Happy
lived his life: helping others that
were having a difficult time help-

See CHANDLER, Page 7

percent pay raise

Jor move in these two years. We
must be able to attract and retain
quality faculty and staff. This
budget simply gives us another
leg-up in being able to attract the
kind of people we want and keep
the kind of people we want.“

The raises, to be granted on an
individual-merit basis rather than
across-the-board. will bring the
average UK faculty salary to

See BUDGET, Page 3


 2 - Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 20. 1991




Lung recipient
remains stable

Staff reports


A l‘)-year-old eastern Ken-
tucky woman remains in critical.
but stable condition at the Uni-
versity of Kentucky Hospital af-
ter she became the hospital’s first
lung transplant patient Sunday.

The patient’s new lung is work-
ing well and there are no signs of
rejection, hospital officials say.
The patient. whose name has not
been released, was on a ventilator
for the first 48 hours and is heavi-
ly sedated, allowing her heart to

The transplant was performed
by Dr. Michael E. Sekela. direc-
tor of the UK Heart, Lung and
Hean/Lung Transplant Program.
and Dr. Roben Salley. chief of
the UK Division of Cardiothorac-
ic Surgery.

“This is an imponant day for
us because we are continuing to
expand our efforts in transplanta-
tion," Salley said.

Sekela has performed 13 lung
transplants, including Sunday’s.
He performed UK’s first heart
transplant March 28.

Sekela said he hopes to take
the patient off the ventilator and
allow her to wake up normally by
the end of this week.


The main concern right now is
whether her body will reject the
organ. Bacterial infections can ocv
cur as early as the first five to
seven days following surgery. Or-
gan rejection tends to begin with-
in that period.

The lungs are extremely sus~
ceptible to infection because they
are the most delicate organs used
in current transplant procedures.
As with all organ transplants, re-
jection of the organ is always a
major risk.

Most patients will experience at
least one or two episodes of acute
rejection following lung trans-
plantation, doctors say.

As of yesterday, the patient was
not showing any signs of rejec-

To reduce the risk of rejection
the donor and recipient are
matched on the basis of blood
group compatibility and size. The
donor lung needs to be relatively
close to the recipient‘s own lung
size and the blood group needs to
be compatible.

The majority of organs availa-
ble for uansplantation comes
from individuals under age 65
who have died from traumatic in-

The most common donors for



Dr. Michael E. Sekela and Dr. Robert Salley performed UK' s first lung transplant Sunday. The 19-
year-old patient is in critical. but stable, condition

lung transplantation are young
people who have experienced
hemorrhage and have been on a
ventilator prior to brain death.

Five years ago, the survival
rate for lung transplant patients
was 45 percent to 50 percent one
year after transplanL Today. the
rate is 75-80 percent at the one-
year mark.

Sunday's operation was the

am new /



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first lung transplant ever per-
formed in Lexington. The only
other one in Kentucky was per-
formed in 1987 at Humana Hos-
pital-Audubon in Louisville.

Sekela’s other 12 transplants
were performed at Baylor]
Methodist Hospital. where he
was assistant professor of surgery
and co-director of the hospital’s
multi-organ transplant program

for heart, heart/lung and lung

Seleka was appointed to the fa-
culty at UK's College of Medi—
cine in February. A tentative
press conference is scheduled for
Friday at 1:30 to discuss her
progress. Her name may be re-
leased then if her parents consent,
said UK Hospital spokeswoman
Mary Margaret Colliver.



Kentucky Kernel


Editor in Chief
Managing Editor
Design Editor
Sports Editor

Arts Editor

Photo Editor

Advertising Director
Production Manager
Newsroom Phone

scription rates are $40 per year.

Midland, Lexington KY.

KY 40506-0042.
Phone (606) 257-2871.


The Kentucky Kernel is published on class days during the aca-
demic year and weekly during the eight-week summer session.
Third-class postage paid at Lexington, KY 4051 l. Mailed sub-

The Kernel is printed at the Lexington Herald-Leader. Main &

Correspondence should be addressed to the Kentucky Kernel
Room 035 Journalism Building University of Kentucky. Lexington.

Mary Madden
Tyrone Johnston
Bobby King

Kyle Foster

Greg Eans

Mike Agin

Jeff Kuerzl
Robin Jones





' I

Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 20, 1991 - 3



continued from page 1

$50,900. Community college fa-
culty will rise to an average of
$31, 600. This compares to last
year’s figures of $46,298 and
$28,530, respectively.

“Our goal was to bring the
average salary of University sys-
tem faculty and community col-
lege faculty to at least the level
of our bencth institutions for
'90~'9l," Wethington said.

UK has been able to fund the
pay raises this year because of
the state’s renewed emphasis on
education and education reform,
Wethington said.

After years of steady decline,
the state’s appropriation to UK
began to rise somewhat last year
before jumping $48.2 million
this year.

“The University of Kentucky,
this year, is in a much more for-


sooooo - I UK Salary
I mun-n: Salary g





‘ Betterment W Unknown

”I I”?

Unversity System Compared to Benchmark

All-Ranks Avaraga Faculty Salary




“Our goal was to
bring the average
salary to at least
the level of our
institutions for

Charles Wethington,

UK president


tunate position than many other
states,” he said. “Truly, it is an
opportunity for us to catch up and
be more competitive."

in addition to faculty salaries,
the new budget focuses on equal
opportunity initiatives and pay

Wethington said priority will
be given to identifying women
and minority faculty who are paid
less than their white male coun-

Any victims of pay discrimina-



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lniorml'on provided by UK President 0116a







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Largest Selection of Nike’s in Central Kentucky

tion will be the first to receive
salary adjustments from the pool
set aside for pay raises, Wething—
ton said.

The budget also includes a $2.6
million package of equal opportu-
nity programs designed to draw
more women and minority facul-
ty to UK, as well as provide job
uaining for UK’s mostly female
staff workers.

Wethington said the initiatives
were a response to two commit-
tee reports citing sex and race
discrimination at UK.

The package includes:

$200,000 in additional schol-
arships for minority students

$100,000 for training of hour-
ly staff workers who are interest-
ed in promotions to management

$200,000 in minority postdoc‘
toral fellowships

-SlO0,000 in incentives to
draw women postdoctorates into
areas that are currently male-
dominated, like engineering

$200,000 for enhancement of
graduate opportunities for minori-
ties and women

-$300,000 for ten minority fa-
culty positions in the Community
College System

The budget also calls for $5.7
million to hire l04 new faculty
for the Community College Sys-
tem. which has been growing
fmter than any other part of UK.
Between 1989 and 1990, the stu-
dent population at the 14 colleges
grew by more than 4,000.

The University will be spend-
ing about $600,000 to assist with
the implementation of the Ken—
tucky Education Reform AcL UK
plans to establish a graduate cen-

UK also is forming a Universi-
ty Task Force on Education Re-
form, to be headed by state bud-
get director Merlin M. Hackbart.

In other business Tuesday, the
Board of Trustees approved the
appointments of two new commu—
nity college presidents.

John M. McGuire was named
president of Owensboro Commu~



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Student Services
Institutional Support
Student Financial Aid
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Mandatory Transier (Debt Service)

nity College. He has held admin-
istrative positions at community
colleges in Colorado and West

Deborah L. Floyd was appoint-
ed as president of Prestonsburg
Community College. She has
held positions at community coi-
Ieges in Texas and Iowa.

UK Operating Budget Comparisons

1990-92' 1991-92' mhange

$193.5 $213.3 10.2
85.4 91.2 6.8
70.3 75.2 7.0
45.4 50.4 11.0

17.6 19.9 13.1
30.9 35.1 13.6

35.4 37.8 6.8
36.0 40.6 12.8
25.5 37.6 47.5
150.9 162.7 7.8
50.0 53.0 6.0

$740.9 $816.8 10.2

lnlormanon pounded by UK Prestdenls' Otiice



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 4 - Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 20, 1991


Albert Benjamin
”Happy” Chandler

July 14, 1898-]une 15, 1991

Staff and wire reports


Albert Benjamin Chandler, a
dominating figure at UK and in
Kentucky politics for more than
hall a century. died Saturday at
his home in Versailles. He was

The twoterni Kentucky g0v-
ernor, who served as a state and
US. senator, was a member of
the UK Board of Trustees at the
time of his death. Woodford
County Coroner Steve Ward said
Chandler‘s death was cardiac-
related and that he may have died
of a heart attack or a stroke.

Chandler’s son, Ben, said his
father died in his one-story brick

“He’s been in failing health for
some time, but he was a pretty
tough old bird,” Ben Chandler

Chandler‘s wife. Mildred, who
was always referred to as
“Mama." said he was stricken in
the early hours of the morning.

“He called me around 3 a.m. in
our bedroom. and by the time I
got to him. he was gone." she

“He had a most satisfactory
life and accomplished many.
many things. a lot of things the
general public doesn‘t even know


“His mind was always
on seeing what he
could do to make
things equal for those
who were considered

Mildred “Mama” Chandler



about," she said. “His mind was
always on seeing what he could
do to make things equal for those
who were considered downtrod-

In addition to his wife, Chan-
dler’s survivors include two sons
and two daughters.


Known to many Kentuckians
as “Happy." a nickname he
earned because of the huge smile
he were when he greeted almost
everyone, Chandler began his ca—
reer in politics, switched to base-
ball and returned to politics as a
patriarch to generations of Ken-
tucky politicians.

At UK. Chandler involved
himself in its athletics and served
as a trustee, where he was some-
times a controversial figure.

See CHANDLER, Page 5









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Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 20, 1991 - 5



Continued from page 4

He received his law degree
from UK, after beginning law
school at Harvard University.

Chandler often were a blue hat
with a “K" on the front and he al-
ways led cheers from his ringside
seat in the grandstands at Ken-
tucky basketball games.

“Governor Chandler‘s

Happy’ 5

July 14, 1898 — Born in Co-
rydon, Ky., to Joseph Sephus and
Callie Saunders Chandler

~1921 — Receives bachelor's
degrees in history and political
science from Transylvania Uni-


— Begins Harvard Law
School, soon leaves Harvard for
-l923 — Graduates from UK
Law School
-l925 ——-Opens law practice in
Versailles. Ky.
— Marries Mildred
~1929 — Wins state Senate
~193l — Wins lieutenant gov-
ernor election (Ruby Laffoon is
elected governor)
~1935 — Wins first gubemato-
rial election
-l936 — Repeals Laffoon's
sales tax. Chandler institutes tax-
es on whiskey and inheritances;
excise taxes on beer and cigar~
ettes; progressive income tax
01938 — Loses election for
US. Senate to majority leader

Alben Barkley, whom then-
President Franklin D. Roosevelt

4939 —- US. Sen. Martin
Mills Logan dies. Chandler re-
signs from the governor's office.
His successor. Keen Johnson, ap-
points Chandler to the vacant
Senate seat

-l940 —— Wins election to the
Senate to finish Mills‘ term, dc—
fcating Louisville Mayor Charles


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ence is felt each day in every cor-
ner of the University of Ken-
tucky which he loved so dearly,"
said UK President Charles Weth-

Chandler served as trustees'
chairman during his two terms as
governor. He also served on the
Board of Trustees during the
terms of two other governors.

He became an honorary non-
voting trustee during the admin-
istration of Gov. John Y. Brown.
In January 1988, Gov. Wallace

Famsley in the primary and Wal-
ter B. Smith in the general elec-

-l942 — Re-elected to the
Senate, defeating John Y. Brown

4945-1951 — Chandler
serves as baseball commissioner

-l947 —— Under Chandler,
Jackie Robinson becomes first
black man to play major-league
baseball. After end of term as
commissioner, Chandler returns
to Versailles law practice

-1955 — Defeats Ben T.
Combs in primary and Edwin R.
Denney in the general election
for governor

~1956 — Joe Leary nominates
Chandler for presidency, and
Chandler receives 36.5 votes at
the Democratic National Con-

— Uses National Guard

and Kentucky State Police to
keep formerly all-white schools
open so that black students may

4963 —- Loses Democratic

Wilkinson re-appointed him as a
voting member.


Chandler‘s influence was pep-
pered with controversial inci-

In 1970, Chandler was praised
by J. Edgar Hoover, director of
the FBI, for punching UK student

gubernatorial primary to Edward

-l967 — Loses Democratic gu-
bernatorial primary to Henry
Ward, supports Louis Nunn in
the general election

-l970 —- J. Edgar Hoover
praises Chandler for punching a
UK student at a Board of Trus-
tees meeting. Two days later,
Chandler apologizes to UK Presi-
dent Otis Singlctary and the en-
tire University

-l97l —- Loses gubematorial
election, in which he ran a $5,000
campaign as an independent and
still received 40,000 votes

~l972 — Suffers heart attack

-l977 — Then-Gov. Julian
Carroll appoints Chandler to the
UK Board of Trustees

-1979 -—— Supports Nunn for
governor against John Y. Brown

-l982 — Inducted into Base-
ball Hall of Fame

-1984 — Attempts to purchase
Cincinnati Reds

-l987 — Supports Wallace



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Mike Greenwell of Louisville at
a trustees meeting. Chandler
claimed Greenwell grabbed his

Greenwell was among a group
of students protesting the killings
of anti-war activists at Kent State
University. After the punching
incident, the UK Air Force
ROTC building was firebombcd.
Two days later Chandler apolo—
gized to UK President Otis Sin-
gletary and the University.

In 1988, Chandler used the

days: ’heroes, plain folks and

Wilkinson lor govemor
4988 — Wilkinson reins-tales
Chandler's voting privileges on
the UK Board of Trustees. Chan-
dler had been an honorary non-
voting member since John Y.
Brown Jr.'s administration
— Stirs controversy at
UK trustees meeting by calling
Zimbabwe “all nigger." Amid the
controversy, Chandler says the
term was common in his Old

word “nigger“ during a commit-
tee meeting of the trustees. Chan-
dler explained that he had used
the epithet from boyhood as a
term of affection for blacks “and
they didn‘t dislike it."

At that meeting. Chandler said,
"The question of Zimbabwe has
arisen, and you know what’s hap—
pened there. lt's now all nigger.
There are no white folks there
anymore. The Streets of Salisbu-

See CHANDLER. Page 6


South upbringing and that he had
not meant it as a racial sitll

._ Members ol the l'K
loothall team threaten a walk-out
to protest Chandler's comment

498‘) Chadlcr repeats the
quote in a Kentucky Kcmcl inter»

-June 15, lWl » \t age ”3,
Chandler dies at his home in \'t-r~




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 6 - Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 20, 1991


Continued from page 5

ry are boarded up. Grass is grow-
ing in the streets. And its just

Chandler later explained: “My
statement was not said in anger.
It was not said in jest. It was just
said. And not said to be offensive
to anyone living or dead.”

Chandler also said that the term
was common during his upbring-
ing in the Old South. He also re-
alized that the term was out of

Some called for Chandler’s res-
ignation or removal from the
board. but Chandler weathered

the storm.

The next year, Chandler re-
leased his autobiography. Protests
were renewed after the Kentucky
Kernel quoted him as using the
racial remark again during an in-


Chandler was born July 14,
1898 in Corydon, Ky., son of Jo
seph Sephus and Callie Saunders

Chandler grew up in relative
poverty. His father worked as a
farmer, and his mother left the
family when he was four years

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“Whatever else anybody may
think about Happy Chandler, I
don't think there's anyway to
avoid admiring him for the cou—
rage and strength that he dis-
played in throwing of f the trauma
of his mother’s abandoning
them,” said Charles Roland, UK
professor emeritus and a student
of Gov. Chandler’s life.

“He had a baby brother young-
er than him. And from that point
on he was reared by relatives and
by his father. From the time he
was 9 or 10 years old, he practi-
cally supported himself doing
jobs in the little town-of Corydon.
His upbringing was extremely

“His little brother, a few years
later, fell out of a cherry tree and
broke his neck and died."

Chandler attended Ilcndcrson
High School in Henderson
County and graduated from Tran-
sylvania University.

In 1922, he enrolled in Harvard
University Law School, but trans-

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classes beginning
later In summer.

ferred the next year to UK.

In 1925, he married Mildred
Watkins, who worked as a voice
and dance teacher at the Margaret
Hall girls’ school in Versailles.


Chandler first turned to politics
in 1929 when he won election to
the state Senate. He seemingly
never forgot a name or a face, and
never tired of the politician’s
game of pressing the flesh.

He became lieutenant governor
in 1931, serving under Gov. Ruby
Laffoon, a political rival.

In 1935, Laffoon and Kentucky
voters got a firsthand lesson in
Chandlerstyle politics when the
governor was out of the state on a

As acting governor, Chandler
called the General Assembly into
special session and got a primary
election law passed. He came in
second in the resulting Democrat-
ic primary, but won the runoff
and was elected governor.

During his first term between
1935-39, he repealed the sales tax
enacted by Laffoon.

While still governor, Chandler
challenged US. Sen. Alben Bark-
ley but lost in a primary. When
Kentucky’s other senator, MM.
Logan, died in 1939. Chandler re-
signed as governor and was ap-
pointed to Logan’s seat. He won
election to a full term in the Sen-
ate but quit in 1945 to become
baseball commissioner.

After he left the commissioner
post in 1952, Chandler served his
second term as governor from
1955 to 1959. He won the general
election by a then-record 128,976
votes. He tried for the govemor’s
office in 1963, 1967 and 1971,
but was defeated in the primaries.

“When 1 got into politics, I de-
cided to move fast." Chandler

said. “Only four of us ever were
elected governor twice. It’s the
one job 1 prize above all others."

A thread running through
Chandler’s up-and-down political
career was his unapologetic wag-
ing of factional warfare within
the state and national Democratic

Much of that warfare was di-
rected at former Gov. and US.
Sen. Earle C. Clements and
Clements’ protege, Bert T.
Combs. Both were implacable
foes of Chandler.

Combs resigned from the Ken-
tucky Court of Appeals to run
against Chandler in the 1955 gu-
bernatorial primary, narrowly los-
ing his upstart bid. Two years lat-
er, Chandler retaliated against the
court, threatening to use the Na-
tional Guard to block the judges‘
hiring of Doris Owens as an act—
ing court clerk.

Chandler later issued an execu-
tive order forbidding Miss Ow-
ens‘ salary to be paid from the
state treasury but eventually re-
lented. After Owens had defeated
Chandler's handpicked candidate
by 2-1 in a special primary, the
governor said he would back her
“100 percent” in the general elec-

Also in 1957, Chandler vowed
to stop all Kentucky party pay-
ments to the Democratic National
Committee because Clements had
been hired as executive director
of the Democratic senatorial cam-
paign committee — a position
from which Clements could
thwart Chandler’s presidential

“Happy was an institution in
Kentucky,” said former GOV.
Lawrence Wetherby, who was in
office from 1950 to 1955. “I re-
sented his campaign against Bert
Combs because he abused my ad-
ministration. He ran against me
instead of Combs.















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Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 20. 1991 - 7



Continued from page 6

“But I forgave him for it be-
cause he did make a pretty good
governor in that term."

Combs succeeded Chandler as
govemor in 1959 and supported
Edward T. Breathitt in the pri-
mary against Chandler four years

“In later years we became
much closer personally." Combs
said from his home in Stanton. “1
would say 1 had a warm feeling
for him. After we quit fighting
each other politically, we became
close personally.”

When Henry Ward, a former
state highway commissioner, de-
feated Chandler by 96,000 votes
in the 1967 Democratic primary,
Chandler struck back by support-
ing Republican Louie Nunn.

Nunn won and appointed
Chandler to the UK Board of
Trustees. Chandler supported
Nunn for governor again in 1979
against Democratic nominee John
Y. Brown Jr., whose father had
been another of Chandler’s politi-
cal enemies.

Nunn, whose friendship with
Chandler dated back to 1954
when he was county judge in
Barren County, said Chandler
was “loyal, earnest, intense, per-
suasive and forceful. He pos-
sessed the pillars that support the
world — intelligence, integrity
and courage."

The younger Brown defeated
Nunn in the general election and
stripped Chandler of his voting
seat on the UK board but made
him a lifetime, honorary trustee.
Wilkinson restored Chandler’s
vote soon after taking office in
December 1987.

Chandler flirted with the presi-
dency for many years but was
never able to garner much sup-
port. He received 36.5 votes as a
“favorite son" candidate at the
1956 Democratic convention,
then declared he would run all-
out for president in l960. That
candidacy never materialized,

Chandler maintained he nar-
mwly missed becoming Franklin
D. Roosevelt's vice president.
Harry Truman got the nod and,
later. the presidency.


Racial issues not only entered
Chandler‘s UK trustecship, but
also arose during his political ca-
reer. In 1948, Chandler embraced
the “Dixiecrats,” a Southern fac-
tion that had broken from the na-
tional Democratic Party, and their
segregationist presidential nomi-

nee, Strom Thunnond. As gov-
ernor in the 19505, Chandler used
National Guard troops to enforce
integration of schools in two
Kentucky towns.

But in 1968, he wanted the
vice president’s spot on George
Wallace's third-party presidential

Yet Chandler presided over the
racial integration of major league
baseball while he was commis-
sioner of the sport from 1945 to

Chandler is best remembered
by sports fans for approving the
transfer of Jackie Robinson’s
contract to the Brooklyn Dodgers
in 1947 despite a 15-1 negative
vote by team owners.

Pitcher Don Newcombe, an-
other black pioneer in the majors.
once said Chandler cared about
black baseball players when it
wasn’t fashionable to do so.
“These are the kinds of things we
never forget,” Newcombc said.

Chandler also made the cen