xt7tmp4vmr2c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tmp4vmr2c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-01-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 09, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 09, 1979 1979 1979-01-09 2020 true xt7tmp4vmr2c section xt7tmp4vmr2c w
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Spring is (
a ' Class schedule su lement
Calendar " '
l 7%; I '
January 15 {Monday} Registration tor - l I s p e c I a I a d d / d r O p l s s u e i
I new students Ballroom open lot tee ‘
payment and l l) pictures or salidatiott. ' ”In“
9a m to 3 p nr . through l ridas. .lan l9
January I6 (Tuesday) Centralized
add drop tor adsanee registered ’7 3% ——-——_—_—__._..______.__-__... _..__ __,
students only ,
January 17 (Wednesday) (‘lasses Begin. I. 7 . -. '
Arts & Sciences add drop in Htiell ,t I: ' .._:7
l Armory. therealter in Dean‘s otttce. All I I' 7 777., ' W I b k .
i other add drop tn college deans‘ ottices . A W 8 come ac and go 0d IUCk WI th
i January I7 & [8 late registration tor 7 7777;..- 7:
returning students who did not adsance - ‘- " a; I I . .
register and for new students cleared late E' z 7 regls tra tlon f dd/ d t
lIor admission Mel/anine. Patterson _I -> ._ '3' ' 1 898 a rap etc
()lItIice lower. 8 MN 00 A 820 late tee is .’ .. 15%; ‘ «I II" III ,I" I I .
charged for late registration 77 I I ’3}. I 1;, a. g,“ ' .
a {flirrfigtlyfnlfirdayl lastday to pay tot-s .77 fi “’1‘ \ Welcome back from Christmas Vacation. for students who are reaching :IH‘II7I77 l a. .
Janna”, 19.23 late rcglsltdlttyn " "‘I, _ I". _ lt you‘re like most students. you‘ye got sortie the checks are to be picked up an iii; lto‘ttwrm
Icontinuesiri «itsising(‘ontereneetiit'iee. . . «*7 unfinished business to take care ol with your during lee payment weei.. ()tlicr rim. .,.i_ ”.1;
i 204 Miller Hall. 51.101043“ ._ 7 Q. gimp”. schedule or w'ithtee payment. lIhis specialctlitioii academic deadlines are listed Eli ii't' spunp
‘ fifggjnixrszf‘u’ 1"“ d") I“ “In!“ * 7 . 13., olIthe Kernel can be ol help in g igtli ie calendar at lett.
, January 30 (Tuesday) last day to pay ‘ I? ‘ PmCCdlerS- Interested in cariipiis p.iil.iiit=‘ \ small l‘tlilii’M“
i registration lees to asoid cancelialron ol _7 I; II For students who will be add on oi student pat‘lting permits are iisii.t.l\ tl\.il'.iii-'Itit
I } rf‘gtstwllt'n “Pilthm' Billing-y Rind I" - "":_.. lacsday. .lan. lo. the ollicial ‘otti ‘ til at the start ot thespringseiimstei iligt, .11.; ”tit-it
E ELYIIISLWL:1:11:23::tiI:IIIII;l:I,:Iit:IIIIII) g . . ‘I . s classes that are still open are iri to I xier on a first—come. l‘irst—sei'yetl basis to illibi‘li‘it.‘
1 cards {mm Billings and (Iollecttons :7: % a t " . y 777% that additional courses may op he yttiiior. senior and graduate stiidt-itas l‘.‘i I‘ills t.-t
l \thtiul paying repltteeitient lee 1;... ‘ e .. g, day. while open courses may g y‘. oil-campus students will be lss'tlt‘ti .ii ii; i. H ‘siiii
E february 8 (Thursday) last day tor ‘ 77 fit " 2 Keep the tee payment dettdli too. otttce. 305 i‘llc‘llti .t\\e . at cult) .; iii , t‘iziistlay.
l Larsgizcflg"flag;:;::Iltj,:III1It:.I.:III“3.11:1 is: . . . . a i riday'. Jan. 30 is the last day 320 .Ian lb'. Permits tor t'esitlci‘cc hm! stttt' or my ll! be /
: rcgmm'mm pm. 35‘, Wmmmcm m. "3's Sen ice Budding. it you miss tha iay. issued at Mt) that day
1 February 15 (Thursday) l.ist day to tile “7%? Feb. 8 is the last day to aye ped So good luck lll the tie\t text. d.i‘. » lf's: .‘ylllii‘ii’
l W Va} ds‘t’m’ In st‘lls‘tfl' tlt'tt't‘ ”WW I . entirely by paying a $50 reins Kernel will return \‘yednesda'. lair t ‘
i February 16 (Friday) last day to pay 3/ ..
i spring health lee . . . N. 3: ~ is,
I february :0 fluesday/ last day to i r:
i change grading options. see college i x
l dean's otlice last day to drop a course I frustrations of the add; drop ‘ t" 7
t with no indicationoicotiiseontianseripi Ponderl ng procedure do get pretty unnersirtg. so I -- I . TU‘ KY
1 WW‘Id- it‘s really no surprise to see people s ‘ .
i "WC" 9(Frr'day/ I‘m dd} l“ ‘1'”? “ th trying to eat computer cards. But fl .:
i course last day to withdraw lroni the e strategy can be important: ll it‘s early . 7
i eriyersity or reduce scheduleattd receiic . . .
iiins relurid In the day. yoti could try waiting t
i llareh 19-24 Spring hm“ next around forsomttonetodropthecourse
i 4W” [6-25 “MIMI ICENI‘HMI‘ W and their ljht’Illlt‘lf place. (ll critirge‘.
l s'. . 7 1. some goo a terrratne courses t a
‘i, ‘32:“; ,.I.I:.I:, :I‘Idnh hm“ move you might want may be filling tip while _ . , , , .
1 May I.’ lrid ot st-triestei you wait. \ol. [XXL ML 8“ an independent student "”“Pal’” I inset-.rty ”I hIIInIUIII'I
i I I Tuesday. January 9, [979 leurigtori. lstiitiiclty
L_77777___7____777777_7_ 777777 77 7 _ 7 ._ _7 .. .. . 7 . .. 7 7 7 77 m
Ch ' f t pol'cy start to show results
This mm. third semester torchange Belotc the [Q‘s ‘P‘llltl semester. it'iiistateiiieiit to be made within ltl grant or scholarship has been delayed \\ ho \Ps‘nl lhc mints“ «'11 ”Hut.“ “WC-r P'Nc‘il‘” ”NI "7 “I“ f“ ”'5
in ice payment procedures. and sltldcnls who were late in Pt'Wlltl [We days oi the icgtiiai payment deadline. ”It‘s not sorrtething iye try to than tees. and tseie dropped trorii the t‘L‘H'ltli'Nd» "lit 14“ ‘-1\ “is
l‘niyerSity t)flIlC|dl\ say the new s\ stem \so-i'd ii‘l\" to my a 970rr-iirsr.itt~:ii;-tii hill ”“5 ”ills”! WI-" ‘l‘mlL' “Jim'h” ”UPI'VW‘ ”r “l“~“’|'l't'l~"s'-II ““1 ”2in l ”"Cr‘m- PIN-UZHIJHHHI‘IMIJ‘II"1\I‘\I‘"‘ I"
is already showing diyidends tug along “1th it $5 my tee “imp had already been completed and could Prater ol the ttnancial aid ottice last semester wasanunttstiaily basy l” "‘ 0“”? i'tls'l'ttls'' if 5533'!” 5 o. ,L. ‘ '3‘ “q. 4 (:1 ",‘ ,3, 4’“?! ‘5 ,9, "15) A1"? ’ T ‘ 5‘ ‘ , E’ I ' ‘ 8.‘ ‘5‘ . 2‘3" "L149: ”$3,: : in; .1“, 252121 f “,1 8141433.: A. 9' '; _ ‘ 6 111.31%“ . 7’] _‘ 7 I 7‘, (”A 6'. 9:11,»; ‘37 '1‘ L“ .1". .‘v‘}1,"r1331!1' '3 .32 ' _ 7'1
5. T 3 i. " - - . ~. »‘ ' 3 1.413811»? 4"?»53381. 311’ ”hf; ‘. - ' » ‘, .- .- .‘ " , ,:-,,.“9\‘-”‘;v. ”81. ‘55 M4. 1;. ~ :1, . , ;= 9 ~.- . ""41“. 9 1.2 «‘o" "4 ‘11". .1 ’ . '»'+‘““.:-T?41;"“'5:?'. 15.8%“5fi-Vp-5-1. ‘ 8 4. '14": .
v, ., .‘ .L o . _ . . v7.97 , J, 8,3,...“ ”2.31.5“ W , 9‘ 1.” y ‘ '. . {, , 1 .+ . . . .. 1.”; 9*. _ , fl ‘ “.4319?" .. .38‘1‘9'43 Vat , .7 . ._.J J 1 “‘4, fig?“ 3‘ch 81 ‘4. , ‘11; 11 . J; q. 1,, 196853. . 8 1, , . I 7
‘71: .__ 3,31ng 1,, . . - , . ., ' .1 . P 1 (7‘ . -“ a", ,3 .54N’:g:%":v 1.1:: w ‘3 .1 v- V 1 a '3 t . 2 >, ., 2.11» ‘ ”501,811: ‘4' 3.4.5.} ‘ » {NF-41'0“ ’53; I,“ J: :1 “‘0‘ .- ,2": y‘. . to. 4' ‘1‘?! VA“ ‘2'} .5,' ’1 ‘fl-‘{k%y; .1i‘,,{,‘.~17“.,‘,_‘.,‘f‘1 “If“: -! uvvai§\'A}:;5vl-‘
|,I 5“ 7“". 1'. ‘7‘ -" ' . -|‘ '1‘ » ' ' ." 7 3- ‘I‘ :71-‘5',,",,‘.;}:=}9.:,“,_-, 11.53- V .p' 52861 " , ‘ 1‘ 1 1,‘ 3;... 10, 11 .1165: -

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All! 120 004 ANT 120 015 AN? 121 011 Am" 383 001 ANT 526 001 ANT 5006003 ANT 750 001 080 151 002 080 1528099 GEO 520 001 GEO 541 001 GEO 565A001 «:80 64311091 80110 769 001
ANT 120 006 MIT 120 016 m 121 012 MIT 399 001 ANT 526N091 ANT 580N091 ART 767 001 cm 15114091 cw 1321.091 8620 522 001 CEO 5“ 001 ago 565N302 610 655 001 6'0 771 001
001 MT 120 007 m 121 002 IANT 121 013 ANT 430 001 ANT 529 001 ART 581 001 ANT 760 001 GEO 152 001 630 252 001 cm 532 001 GEO 545 001 new 5551:0025 cm 710 001 cm 172 an
001 ANT 120 008 ANT 121 003 ANT 121 014 ‘AIIT 438 001 ANT 541 001 ANT 582 001 ANT 769 001 cm 152 002 cm 252 002 0E0 5y, 001 cm 550 001 _
ANT 120 009 ANT 121 004 RANT 121 015 ANT 442 001 ANT 542 001 ANT 585 001 ANT 770 001
ANT 120 010 ANT 121 005 ANT 121 016 ANT 1490 001 ANT 550 001 ANT 605 001 ANT 790 001 623541 ago 522 001 GEOGRAPHY OF KENTUCKY 3 TI ogwxo‘sm c. 20. HITHIIGI’OI
ANT 1‘20 011 ANT 121 007 ANT 141 001 ANT 516 001
928673 0E0 5650003 TOPS (EchOCATIONAL THEORY 3 181F 1000—1050411 0011 206 CROHLBY
1112939 ANT 120 012 HUMAN ANCESTRY 3 TR 1100-1150»! 011 106 SCOTT
DISCUSSION H 0200-0250?" CB 339 +90832 GEO 643N091 URRAN TRANSPOR PLANNING 3 11 0600-0830"! AH 253 PROUDwVE
‘13218 ANT 438 001 ETHN NEAR EAST 1. NORTH AFRICA 3 MHF 0900-0950AM F8 1 REEVES
913439 ANT 613 001 SEN IN PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 3 T 0330-0615PM L 108 SCOTT _____
A *6” 144 001 0111 146 002 PGLY 240 003 GLY 360 001 IGLY 510 001 GLY 655 001 GLY 681 001
GLY 144 002 GLY 146 003 OGLY 240 004 GLY 395 001 chY 531 001 ICLY 660 001 GLY 768 001
RIowGICAL SCIENCES GLY 144 003 GLY 146N091 GLY 240 005 +GLY 461 002 +CLY 603 001 IGLY 662 001 GLY 769 001
*GLY 144 004 GLY 210 001 GLY 242 001 GLY 471 001 ICLY 654 001 IGLY 670 001 CLY 782 001
810 103 001 810 107 006 1110 203 003 810 395 001 1110 559 001 BIO 707 001 810 772 001 an 116 001 mm 210 001 ,6” 341 001
810 103 002 810 108 001 310 203 004 810 404 001 0310 565 001 BIO 716 001 810 773 001 '
’ 810 103N091 810 108 002 8810 203 005 IBIO 451 002 1110 570 001 810 718 001 7810 774 001 42920; an 144‘ 001 INTRODUCTION TO THE mm, 3 ”NF 0800-0850AM C, 110 Lam“,
810 104 001 810 109 001 310 203 006 I310 451 003 01310 571 001 1310 720 001 810 782 001 '
310 1014 002 BIO 109 002 310 203 007 BIO 515 001 *310 594 002 BIO 735 001 BIO 795 001 429233 cm 17.7. 007. INTRODUCTION 10 THE EARTH 3 TR 0930—1045“ CI 110 ROBERTS
0810 105 003 810 109 003 810 203 008 810 522 001 ”310 594 003 1110 740 001 810 796 001
mo 105 004 810 109 004 810 203 009 0810 523 001 .310 594 004 810 768 001 810 797 001 +91316 GLY 461 002 PETROLOGY 3 HF 0100-0150PM 8011 432 BLACKBURN
810 105 006 810 109 005 1110 261 001 810 524 001 810 635 001 810 769 001 810 798 001 W; p 0200.050“ now 55
810 106 001 810 109 006 1310 310 001 810 525 001 810 639 001 810 770 001 801- 768 001 ‘
310 107 002 810 109 008 7810 325 001 810 550 001 810 640 001 BIO 770A002 ME 768 001 +91243 GLY 603 001 MICROPALEONTOLOCY 3 M11 1100-1150AM low 51 E'l‘rl-INSOHN
810 107 003 I310 109 009 8810 351 001 810 552 001 810 660 001 7810 7708003 M8 769 001 u. “A
002 810 107 004 810 202 001 I310 351 003 810 555 001 810 670 001 810 7700004 200 768 001
1310 107 005 810 203 002
*16781 810 594 002 IMMUNOLOGY 6 SEROLOGY 5 TR 1000-1050AM BS 116 STEINER/ “—
PRIMUS #GER 011 001 GER 101 006 #GER 102 006 +0ER 106 001 GER 221 003 GER 300 001 GER 635 001
LAB WF 1000-1150“ 35 315 GER 011 002 GER 101 007 GER 102 007 CER 108 001 GER 221 004 CER 310 001 GER 640 001
. GER 101 001 GER 102 001 GER 102 008 GER 202 001 CER 222 001 ICER 396 001 #61111 768 001
1 001 "16799 310 594 003 IMMUNOLOGY A SEROLOGY 5 TR IOOO-lOSOAM BS 116 STEINER/ GER 101 002 GER 102 002 GER 102 009 GER 206 001 GER 222 003 GER 537 001 IGER 769 001
PRIHUS GER 101 003 “ER 102 003 GER 102 010 01:11 221 001 GER 222 004 GER 538 001 GER 778 001
LAB "HF 0100-0250?" 38 300 GER 101 004 GER 102 004 JGER 102N091 GER 221 002 CER 261 002 ACER 628 001 +70ER 790 001
GER 101 005 GER 102 005
*16802 810 594 004 ImUNOLOGY 6 SEROLOGY 5 TR lOOO—IOSOAM as 116 STEINER/
LAB MHF 0100-0250PM ES 315
10015 CHE 103 001 CHE 115 005 CHE 231 001 PCHE 395 001 CHE 521AOO3 CHE 645 001 CHE 776A001 ““
”016 CHE 106 003 CHE 226 001 ICHE 231A002 ICHE “1 002 CHE 522 001 CHE 710 001 CHE 7763002 HIS 104N091 IIHIS 108 016 WHIS 109 020 ”HIS 109 036 #1415 316 002 HIS 549 001 H15 589 001
’90“ CHE 108 003 CHE 226 002 CHE 232 001 CHE “2 001 CHE 533 001 CHE 726 001 CHE 776C003 #HIS 105 001 IIHIS 108 017 “US 109 021 ”HIS 109 039 HIS 316 003 HIS 551 001 HIS 593 001
“018 CHE 110 001 CHE 226A003 CHE 233 001 CHE 443 001 CHE 547 001 CHE 736 001 CHE 7760004 ”HIS 105 002 ”HIS 108 018 «HIS 109 022 ”HIS 109 042 *HIS 351 001 881.5 557 001 HIS 595A001
CHE 112 009 CHE 2265004 CHE 233 002 CHE 512 001 CHE 572 001 CHE 768 001 CHE 780 001 #1115 105 003 ”HIS 108 019 ”HIS 109 023 HIS 109H099 iHINTS 354 001 HIS 558 001 HIS 5958002
CHE 115 003 CHE 2268005 CHE 233 003 CHE 521 001 *CHE 626 001 CHE 769 001 CHE 790 001 ”HIS 105 005 "HIS 108 020 IIHIS 109 024 HIS 109N091 AHIS 355 001 1115 562 001 HIS 595c003
I” CHE 115 004 CHE 230 001 CHE 236 001 CHE 521 002 CHE 633 001 IIHIS 105 007 (IHIS 108 021 0111s 109 025 *HIS 203 001 THIS 356 001 HIS 563 001 «HIS 614 001
‘ H15 105 008 01115 108 022 AHIS 109 026 HIS 212 001 HIS 357 001 HIS 565 001 #1115 616 001
Km” *18571 CHE 626 001 ADVANCED ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 3 WP 0900-0950»! C? 111 HOLLER HIS 105N091 AHIS 108 023 «HIS 109 027 HIS 230 001 #1115 395 001 PHIS 567 001 HIS 631 001 -
‘RLAND , ’IHIS 108 004 ”HIS 108 024 #1115 109 029 111.5 240N091 H15 518 001 HIS 569 001 IHIS 634 001
' I-‘HIS 108 005 HIS 108N091 #1115 109 030 *HIS 248 001 HIS 520 001 H15 575 001 HIS 637 001
' CLASSICAL LANGUAGES fl LITERATURES IIHIS 108 006 ”HIS 109 015 Mm 109 031 HIS 260 001 HIS 522 001 H15 577 001 HIS 695 001
#1115 108 009 HHIS 109 016 ("HS 109 032 H15 271 001 HIS 523 001 HIS 579 001 HIS 700 001
“OVA CLA 101A001 lCLA 102A001 CLA 230 001 CLA 311 001 ”CLA 512 001 #CLA 562 001