xt7tmp4vmq0n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tmp4vmq0n/data/mets.xml Arizona Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Women's and Professional Projects National Archives (U.S.) 1938 iii, 18 l.; 27 cm UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number Y 3.W 89/2:43 F 317/ser.13/no.3 books English Tucson: Survey of Federal Archives This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Arizona Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Federal Civil Works Adminstration -- Archives--Arizona Archives -- Arizona -- Catalogs Arizona -- History -- Sources Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series XIII, Federal Civil Works Adminstration, no. 3, Arizona, 1938 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series XIII, Federal Civil Works Adminstration, no. 3, Arizona, 1938 1938 1938 2019 true xt7tmp4vmq0n section xt7tmp4vmq0n E (E ‘ ¥ ’ ~ 7“:— I > _ . . _E I .
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1 Prepared by :
" The Survey of Federal Archives
. Division of Women's and Professional Projects '
é Works Progress Administration '
i The National Archives ,
T Cooperating Sponsor
, ‘
‘ l i
; - _ 1 f
: Tucson, Arizona
J The Survey of Federal Archives ;
E 1938 j .
E; ,

E The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the products
. E of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives. which operated as a nation—
,i wide project of the Works Progress Administration from January I. 1936 to ‘
i June 30. 1937, and has been continued since that date as a unit of the
:§ Historical Records Survey. also operating as a nation—wide project of the
E Works Progress Administration, and a group of state or local projects of
jg that Administration. ‘
'd The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series
1%, I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledg-
pfi ments. and general discussions of the location, condition, and content of
% federal archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed
gg information secured by Workers of the SurVey, in inventory form, a sepa~
'fi‘ rate series number being assigned to each of the eXecutive departments
f? (except the Department of State) and other major units of the Federal
E, Government. Within each series No. l is a general introduction to the _
i; field organization and records of the governmental agency concerned; the
:5 succeeding numbers contain the inventory proper, separate numbers being
E? assigned to each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the
fig inventory for Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 3, that for Arkansas
6% No. 4, etc.
;% For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of
gfi related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive ,
ft dates ("to date" indiCating an open file at the time the information was ‘ ‘
Ed secured), general description of informational content, description of ~
fig the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and
. g3 purpose of use, form of the record itself (bound volumes, shoots in fold—
gfi ers, ctc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical ‘
$1 condition of the records (not stated if satisfactory), IOCation by room
Ed number or other identifying information, and finally, the number of the 7
fig Form 588A on which this information was originally recorded by a Survey
$9 worker and from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is
:% on file in The National Archives. when it contains substantial informa—
{E tion on addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimcographcd i
i; abstract, indication of this is given by use of the reference "See '
%‘ addenda." - 5
fig In Arizona the work of the Survey was directed by Dr. Howard A. f
pg Hubbard of the University of Arizona, with Mrs. beryl E. Korgan as his
fig assistant. until June 30, 1937. Since that date the stat; project has v
E; been directed by Mrs. Morgan. This inventory of the records of the
g' Federal Civil qorks Administration in Arizona was prepared in the Tucson ’
if and Phoenix offices of the Survey. It was edited before final typing by J
-§ 8. F. Ricpma of thu Division of War Department Archives of The National .
g Archchs. ,
:d‘ !
g} Meryl E. Morgan 1
%, State Director '
% Tucson, Arizona Survey of Federal Archives
E Septcmocr 19, 1938 in Arizona 2

1" l l ‘l
N Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
;: Bisbee, Cochise County Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
.fi Casa Grande, Final COunty Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E
,g Flagstaff, Coconino County Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
-§ GlObe, Gila County Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
ffi Holbrook, Navajo County Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
g Morenci, Greenlee COunty Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
”g Phoenix, Maricopa County Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S
Phoenix, State Offi ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
i Prescott, Yavapai County Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
‘% ,Safford, Graham County Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1% St. Johns, Apache County Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in
§, Tucson, Pima County Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lb
;% Yuma, Yuma County Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
,{ , 3
if? V
N‘ g
E 1
§ 1 ‘ ,

.E The Federal Civil Works Administration operated in Arizona from Novem~ ,
E ber 1933 t0 April 1934. A portion of the Emergency Relief Administration
i appropriation was diverted to this agency which was organized for the ‘
p purpose of conducting work programs on public projects to reduce the re-
% lief load by giving immediate employment to able bodied, needy persons
E during the winter months. It tapered off during the spring and by may it
~ ‘g was out of existence.
'i Administration was had through a State Civil Works Administration of—
Q fice in each of the state's fourteen counties. No Civil Works Administra-
% tion records could be located in Santa Cruz and gohave Counties. There
% were over 330 linear feet of these records in the state. They are mostly
% in the custody of the State Board of Social Security and Public Welfare
i and practically all are poorly maintained and some are in great danger
'% of destruction.
: Franklin School Bldg., Opera Drive ‘
1% The Federal Civil Works Administration of Cochise County was estab- ;
%‘ lished in November 1933. It was under the administration of the State 1
‘fi Director of the Federal Civil Works Administration Office in Phoenix. 1
g This agency was replaced in May l93u by one of thu Arizona Lmergency Re- ;
é lief Administration offices. The records of this agency are in the cus—
; tody of Cochise County Emergency Relief Administration Ac~nunting Depart— 1
g ment. ;
j; 1. PERSONNLL CARDS, Nov. 1933 — Apr. 1934. For workers of Cochise
g3 County, showing personal description, number of dependents in the family, .
1% and how much each worker earned. Filed alphabetically. (Rarely, official., '
'g 5 X 8 bundles, 1 ft., in drawer of wooden filing case. R. 2. (#0) i
E 9. VOUCHERS, Nov. 1933 ~ May l93u. CWA purchase orders and invoices
: of Cochise County. (Never.) 9 x 12 folders, 3 ft. 6 in., in 2 drawers J
E of wooden filing case. R. 2. (39) §

 i '1
‘ . . Civil Works Administration. Casa Grande 2
‘ 3. GENERAL FILE, Nov. 1933 - May I, 1934. CWA chairman's file con—
sisting of reports, tabulationsland general correspondence. Filed al—
phabetically. (Never.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 ft. 9 in., in drawer of wood—
} en filing case. R. 2. (Al)
§ 1935. Goods, materialsjand supplies used by CWA projects. See addenda
j for inventory. (Never.) 4 x 7 vols., 9 in., on open shelf. R. h-A.
(42> .
E Old Casa Grande Bank Bldg..
E Main and Washington Ste.
E The Federal Civil Forks Administration of Pinal County was organized
d in November l933. It was under the administration of the State Director
E Of the Federal CiVil Works Administration Office in Phoenix. This agency ,
E was replaced in May, 1934 by one of the Arizona Emergency Relief Adminis—
g tration offices. The records are in the custody of the Pinal County
g Board of Public Welfare.
5. DISBURSING ORDERS. Nov. 1933 - Apr. 1931,. Disbursement orders ;
f for food and clothing. Filed numerically. (Never.) 8% x 11 10050
§ sheets, 4 ft. 3 in., in pasteboard box. Secretary's office. (35) g
g .
g 6. FINANCIAL RDCORDS, Nov. 1933 — Apr. 1934. Pay rolls, analySis }
E cards,and fund control register. Filed chronologically. (Never.) ;
fi 3 X 5 cards and 8% X 11 loose sheets, 3 ft., on top of bores. Damaged
d by CarClCSS handling, faulty containers, dirty. Vault. (3h) 1
7. GRNEPAL conpnsponssncs, Nov. 1933 =- Apr. 1931;. Correspondence L
E with the state CWA offiCe regarding pay rolls and administration; reports a
g on school lunches, and CCC and Transient Division correspondence. 3 X j i
E Card index. (Never.) 8% x ll loose sheets, 2 ft., on gooden shelves
E and in pasteboard boxes. Secretary's office. (3?) g
i 8. PRRBONNEL RECORD CARDS, Nov. 1933 — Apr. l93d. Records Of name, 1
g address, sex, color, birth, employment,and qualifications of each OVA
3 employee. Filed alphabetically. (Never.) 6 X 9 loose sheets: 1% in., r
f on top of bookcase. Dirty, scattered. Vault. (33)
i 9. WORK ORDERS, Nov. 1933 - Apr. 1935. Occupation, name, number in
': family, time, date, and project. Filed numeriCally. (NeVer.} 4% X 8 1
? loose sheets, 3 ft. 10 in., On shelf in wooden cabinet. Damaged by carc— {
.? less handling, faulty containers, dirty. Secretary's office. (36) g
.5 i

 . fl,
,1“? , -l . . . . . ‘ A > . '
, Civil Works Administration, Flagstaff 3
. First National Bank Bldg.,
3 E. Aspen and San Francisco Sts.
i The Federal Civil Works Administration of Coconino County was organ—
; ized in November 1933, It was under the administration of the State
fl Director of the Federal Civil Works Administration Office in Phoenix. ,
g This agency was replaced in May 1934 by one of the Arizona Emergency
2 _Relief Administration offices. The records are in the custody of the
T Arizona State Board of Social Security and Public Welfare and the Coco-
fi nino County Boards of Social security and Public Welfare.
;§ 10. CASE REGISTER, Aug. 1933s Showing each case number, number in
,% family, name, address, etc. in Fredonia, Arizona. (Seldom, official.)
;£ 9 X 11% folders, 6 in., in drawor of steel filing case. R. l. (265)
E ll. DISBURSING ORDERS, Nov. 1933. Case number, number in family, ‘
a direct or work relief, county, city, etc. (Seldom, official.) 9 x 11,
g folders, A in., in drawer of steel filing case. R. l. (259)
E 12- WORK ORDERS, Nov. 1933. Case number, name of worker, date, etc.
i (Seldom, OffiCial.) 3% x 7% bundles, h in., in drawer of steel filing
g case. R. l. (256)
E 13. PAY ROLL VCUCHLRS, Nov. - Dec. 31, 1933. Namo of payee: certi- .
E fied invoice of articles or services other than personal, amount, etc. ‘
é (Seldom, official.) 9 X 11% folders. 3 in.: in drawer 0f Steil filing E
a case. R. l. (269) . f
35 , ‘r
'3 , . . ,
g 14. WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT, NOV. 1933 - Apr. 5. 1934- Progect num—
5_ her, period, truck and equipment expense, materials, distribution of cost 1
fl etc, (Seldom, official.) 9 X 112 folders, 6 in., in drawer of steel
g filing case. R. 1. (277)
't 15. PUBLIC VOUCHERS, Nov. 1933 - May 1934. Name of payee, number g
E and date of order, description of articles of service, price, amount, 2
i etc. (Seldom, official.) 9 X 11; folders, 1 ft., in drawer of steel .
g filing case. R. l. (278) 1
-§ 16. REPORT OF MATERIALS RECEIVED, Nov. 1933 - Ray 1934. Description, 3
§ quantity, condition of goods, from whom received, etc. (Seldom, offiCIal.) '
LE 9 X 112 folders, 6 in., in drawer of steel filing case. R. l. (258) g
A 17. TRANSIENT CASE RLCORDS, Nov. 1933 - May 1934. Name of client. ,
f address, service requested, service rendered, age, schooling, occupation, ;
.§ etc. (Seldom, official.) 9 X 11% folders and 5 X 8 cards. a in., in Q
{; drawer of cardboard cabinet. R. l. (268) ,
351: 18. TRANSIIITTAL SRQRTS, Nov. 1933 - Ray 1934. To whom transmitted, ‘3 =
3 pay roll number,pay roll analysis numbers. etc. (seldom, OffiCial-J 9 X 31:; i
.: folders, A in., in drawer of cardboard cabinet. fi. 1. (273) E
l l

 , 0
Civil Works Administration, Flagstaff 1L
‘ Name of worker, identification number, address, etc. (Seldom, official-l
, H x 6 bundles, 5 in., in drawer of steel filing case. R. l. (262)
‘ 20. CORRESPONDENCE, Nov. 1933 - Kay 1, 193U. Communications between
. Social Service Center, Phoenix, Arizona and Coconino County Board of
} Public Welfare; and letters from individuals, compenies, and various in—
j stitutions. (Seldom, official.) 9 x ll—3/M folders, 1 ft., in drawer of
72;; steel filing case. R. l. (261)
g 21. EASTER CARDS, Nov. 1933 — May l, 1934. Name, age, address, occu—
3 pation of each laborer, rate per hour, project number, total hours, total
g earnings, etc. (Seldom, official.) 9 x ll—3/M folders, 1 ft., in drawer
of steel filing case. '3. l. (260)
,§ 22. KEAL TICKEES ISSUED, Nova 1, 1933 ~ May l, 193%. Name of porSOn
p to whom issued, number of meals, price, on whom issued, etc. (Seldom,
3 officigl.) 5g x 7 slips, 5 in., in drawer of cardboard cabinet. 3. l.
s (267) -
d 23. TIHE CARDS, Dec. 1933 — Apr. 1935. Name of worker, occupation,
g number of hours, project number, date, rate per hour, amount earned, Ccse
t number, etc. (Seldom, official.) 3 x 5 bundles, 6 in., in drawer Of
g steel filing case. 3. l. (257)
2L1. semen-23m 33003135, Jan. 1 — Apr. 193M. Name of worker, last
% OCCKPStiOD, yerrs in school, vocational training, etc. (Seldom, offi—
% Ciel.) 10 X 14 envelopes, H in., in drawer of cardboard cabinet. 3. l. 1
(27% - ,
E 25. ALLOTMDNTS AND OBLIGATIONS, Jan. I ~ Nay l, 193M. For resident 5
g families: number of persons, amOunt allotted, single resident persons. I
, total obligations incurred, balances, cost per person, total per cent of
E population on relief, etc. (Seldom, officipl.) M X 9 bundles, 2 in-, in l
% drcmer of cardboard cabinet. 3. l. (271) ;
3 i
26. AEPLICA’I‘ION linion‘innma, Jon. 1 — May 1, 1931;. Home of applicrnh E
plsce of birth, occupation, etc. (Seldom, official.) 9 :s. ll-3/Ll folders, 3
g 6 in., in drawer of steel filing case. B. 1. (20h)
, !
5 Nome of recipient, case number, address, date to c ll, ciC- (Seldom, 0f“ 1
E ficial.) 3 x 5 cardS, 2 in., in drawer of cardboard c binet. R. l. (270) f
t 28. LOCAL ACCOUNTS, Jan. 1 * Kay 1, 193H. Old and ptid :CCOUfltS, '
i purchase order numbers, requisition numbers, dnte, item, qurntity, de—
_§ soription of articles or services, price, amount, etc. (Seldom, offi~ i
E Ciel-l 9 x ll-3/M folders, H in., in drawer of steel filing case. :
E 29. PERSONAL RECORD CARDS, Jan. I — Kay 1, 193M. flame of epplicent g
i for work, identifiCption number, address, race, sex, occupvtion, earnings :
L per Week, and hourly rate. (Seldom, officiol.) 5 x 8 cards, M in., in g
"- 1 1 ~ H f‘ if 3
F drawer of cardboard cabinet. n. l. (dCo) I

 5 a1 ' ‘
_ll_.t ,fi . . . . _
Civil Works Administration, Globe 5
, 30. REQUISITIOHS roe PURCHASE, Jen. l - May 1, 193M. Description of .
articles or services, quantity, price, amount, in whOse favor, etc.
o e > _. ‘ . . fl
' (Seldom, offlc1al.) 9 x 11-3/4 folders, 6 in., in drawer OI cardboard
» cabinet. R. l. (272)
" 31. TRARSIENT MONTHLY REPORTS, Jan. 1 — May 1, 193$. Carried—over.
,. new, and reopened cases, and thOse closed during month; total intake,
: total register, employment secured, those transferred to general relief, _
5 etc. (Seldom, official.) 9 X 11—3/H folders, M in., in drawer of steel
“: filing case. R. 1. (276)
g 32. LIST 0? FEDERAL AND COUNTY PROJECTS, Jan. 18, 193M. lmnmer of
2 project, county, number of men, description of project, cost, material,
% etc. (Seldom, official.) 9 x 11—3/M folders, 6 in., in drawer of steel
'9 filing case. R. 1. (263)
.3 Globe Bldg., 69 and 70 5. Broad so.
i The Federal Civil Works Administration of Gila County was organized
E in November 1933. It was under the administration of the State Director
g, of the Federal Civil Works Administration Office in Phoenix. This agency
E was replaced in May 193M by one of the Arizona Emergency Relief Adminis— ‘
g tration Offices. The records of this agency are in the custody of the E
f Gila County Board of Public Welfare and are in poor condition. 5
E 33. rnioLNNLIh RECORD CARD FOR EIPLOYEES, Nov. 1933 — Eeb. 1934. Eours E
.1 worked and rate Of pay for each specified week, record of all occupation T
1% changes made, home address of employer, etc. Filed alphabetically. ;
: (Never.) 5 x s bundles (u), 2 ft. 6 in., on wooden shelf. N. slde,2d
: floor. (56) 5
i. ‘ n X;
5 3E. INVENTORY CARDS, Nov. 1933 — Mar. 193E. Record or company tzat g
i sold article, order number, voucher number, quantity, unit price, and
1 total cost. Filed alphabetically as to article purchased. (Tever.= 5
g 5 x 8 cards, 3g in., on wooden shelf. N. side 2d floor. (c?) E
: I
l ,. .. . .. . ,A,_.‘,; , , r- 7, s, l
3 35. WEEK ASSIGNMENT CARDS, Nov. 1933 — may l. 193*. OVA Form UL—IL— I
% Ijl2~28~23. Filed alphabetically. (Never.) E—g/M x e: folders, 1 ft. g
i 2; in., in drawer of filing case. N. side,2d floor. (73) .
{ 36. TIME CARDS, Nov. 1933 ~ June 193M. Name, occupatiOn, hours
g worked, days, project number, and foreman's name. Filed alphabetically .
i and weekly. (Never.) 55 x 65 bundles (5), 16 ft., On 3 shelves. N. y
g side,2d floor. (68) (
; W _ .- - _ _, . . i
3 37. VENDOR CERTIFICATES, Nov. 23, 1933 ~ Feb. 12, 193e. Original g
. purchase orders, purchase statements, tax exemption, and public vouchers 5
5 i
=1. F
~ - :
‘ X

 5’ z
E a! ' '
MWNNLT, E ,H,i,n.i ,r-,,,,_,wh_,,u U;_riipfirfirr__fl
Civil Works ndministrmtion, Holbrook 6
” for purchases and services other than personal. Purchase orders filed ,
. fl, , _ 1 ‘-
numerlcally by month; others Illed chronologically. (Never.) 95 x 113
’ folders and 11 X 13 bundles, U in., en wooden shelf. Damaged by careless
~ handling, dirty. E. side,2d floor. (69)
E 38. TIME bOOKS, Nov. 23, 1933 ~ Mar. 29, 1939. Home, hours worked
p daily, rnd weekly reports of foreman. (Hover.) U3 x 7 bundles, 2 in.,
, on wooden shelf. n. side,2d floor. (6M) .
E 39. IDENTIFICATION CARDS, Hove 29, 1933 ~ Feb. 29, 193M. Signature
5 of worker, classification as workmen, place to report to work, date, and
g identification number. Filed alphabetically. (Never.) 3g x 6g bundles,
"f 3 in., on wooden shelf. N. side,2d floor. (65)
‘g to. CORRESPONDENCE, Dec. 1933 — May 193M. See addendr for inventory.
; Filed alphabetically. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 113 folders, 9 in., in
.; drawer of wooden filing case. Office. (70)
E 91. INDUSTRIAL COHPENSATION, Dec. 1 ~ Me 1029. Accident reports,
. _ 99
; correspondence received and sent out, and cOmpenSdtion pcyment reports.
5 Filed alphabetically. (Occasionally, official.) 9 X 113 folders, 9 in.,
g in drawer of steel filing case. Office. (71)
E ME. REPORTS, Dec. 1933 ~ May 1939. Pay rolls, reemployment offices,
f schedule of disbursements, weekly statement of disbursements, material,
E truck hire, tools and equipment, mileage allowcnce, ledger sheet, monthly
f fininciel report of expenditure end over—time. (Rarely, official.) 9 x
3 ll~3/M loose sheets, 2: in., in drawer of filing case. Office. (72)
.s E
E Hookway Bldg. E
E The Federal Civil Works Administration of Ecvcjo Oeunty was Organized E
E in November 1933; It was under the administrstien W. 'Le State'Director 3
j of the FedorleCivil Works Administration Office in : 3~;::. This agency E
E Wes repleced in Key 1939 by one of the Arizonh 31ergenc~ Zeilef Admlnls— I
- n- 1 ' - -~‘ _‘., -,“, ,1 ,.‘__,,,,J..: "H l
; trntlon Ofllces. The records of the Clv1l .oris ”imi.1soi;olon Ofllce E
E are in the custody of the Office of the dorks Progress idlinistrdtlon ‘
{ Project Superintendent of finvejo County. ‘
'1 43. OWL 3300338, 1933 ~ 1934. Vouchers, budbet control records, 5
2 project registers, and correspondence. (revere) 10 x 1c lolders and
5 bundles, 32 ft., in 3 wooden 9nd o pastebosrd boxes. Dirty. Rear TOOm- \
1, (172) 1
,E: E
.E I
E i

 t 3 .
.._..i 1.1.“, Ei
Civil Works Administration, Morenci 7
' Public Grade School Bldg:
3 The Federal Civil Works Administration of lreenlee County was organized
{ in Lovember 1933. It was under the administration of the State Director ‘
. of the Federal Civil Works Administration Office in Phoenix. This agency -
1: was replaced in May 193” by one of the Arizona Emergency Relief Adminis—
: trntion Offices. The records are in the custody of the Greenlee County
, heard of Public Welfare. These records are in poor condition.
i HM. APPLICATIORS FOR APPROVAL, 1933 ~ 193M. Rome and number of proj—
; ect and request for approval. (Occasionally, official.) 9 X ll: loose—
§ leaf books, 3/U in., on table. Former office. (MO)
'? H5. AUDITOR'S REPORT, 1933 — 193M. Project number, unskilled labor,
E skilled labor, supervisory, total wages and salaries, materials, machin— p
g ery, tools, number of men, man hOurs worked, total cost, record of checks,
; receipts, number of receipts issued, checks on hand, trsvel accounts, etco
é (Never.) 10 x 12g vol., % in., on table. Former office; (50)
, M6. PURCHASE ORDERS, 1933 — l9ju. For supplies purchased for proj—
; ects. (Never.) 8 X ll bundle, : in., in drawer of wooden filing case. .
é former office. (M2)
5 M7. REGISTER, 1933 — 193M. own Form ArB, fund control register.
f (Never.) 8 x ll vols. (2), j/M in., on wooden shelf of wall cabinet.
7 Hall. (MM) 1
fi us. REPORT or MATERIALS RECEIVED, 1933 ~ 193M. For work on prOJeCtS- ‘
fl (Never.) Hg X 6e3/M pocket, 2% int, in drawer of wooden filing case. ;
3 Former office. (M6) 3
; i
1 H9. REPORTS or PROJECTS, 1933 ~ 193M. Reports of projects completed, 1
3 transferred or discontinued, and material ordered for work on projects. ;
(Never.) 8 x 11 pocket and 8 x ll bundle, 2—3/8 in., in drawer of wooden i
. . . ,, . I
j filing case. Former OIflCO. (H7) 5
' 50. TIME CARDS, 1933 — l93u. Weekly time cards ‘j puployeos, and i
; number of days and man hours worked. (Never.; 3 x S bundle, 2 in., in
n . . _., n . :~\. 1
j drawer or wooden filing case. Tormer OIfice. (Lj/ g
3 51. PAY ROLL ARRLYSIS, Dec. 1933 — 193M. Record of e”ch employee 5
'. showing name, identification card nunmer, OCcupntiOn, number of hours ,
; worked and total hours, rate of pay, :nOunt, check number, and prOJOCt Q
: number of CWA in horenei, Clifton, and Metcnlf; disbursing order trons—
' mittal list, omount of cash, voucher number, end disbursing orders. i
, (Never.) 12 x 18 leesealonf book, 2 in., on wooden table. Former office-
' (H1) g
52. PAY ROLL RECORDS, 193M. Record of time and remuneration re- E
ceived for work on projects, ABBA Fcrm lO—HOM~7~33; FERA register of ‘
, i

 Civil Works Administration, Phoenix 3
‘ checks. Indexed according to projects. (Never.) 3 x 5 cards and
checkS, 1 ft. M in., on wooden shelf and in 2 pasteboard boxes On shelf.
Hall. (He)
53. PERPETUhL INVENTORY CARDS, 193%. Form CWA~L~23~1~3H~3OM.
. (Never.) 5 x 8 bundle, 1% in., in wooden box. Former office. (45)
; 54. TIME BOOKS, 1934. Record of time of workers on various projects,
, containing name, address, and number of man hours worked. (Never.) up n
7 Euv§ls. (15), 4% in., in drawer of wooden filing case. Former office.
n 9 . ,
it Laure,Eoll Gardner Bldg.
225 3. Adams
; The Federal Civil works Administration of Maric:pa County was organ—
: ized in November 1933- It was under the administration of the State Di— ‘
§ rector of the Federal Civil Works Administration Office in Phoenix.
: This agency was replaced in May 193M by one of the Arizona Emergency Re—
? lief Administration Offices. The records of this agency are in the cus~
J tody of the Accounting Department of the haricopa County Board of Public
i Welfare and are mostly in a confused cendition. i
t 55. FLY ROLLS, Nov. 1933 ~ Feb. 193M. vReturned copies of pay rolls, g
i giving name of workmen, class of work, and rate of pay. Filed numerical— ;
g ly and chrbnologioally. (Never.) 9 x 15 folders, 8 ft.,‘i: 4 drawers of i '
, cardbOafd.fi1hmg‘Casoa SU. cor. Cf basement. (89M) E
s i
g 56. FLOI-TER crass, c. Nov. 1933 ~ liar. 193M. Follow—up report cards f
f on pay rolls, giving project, number employed, number if checks issued, !
i name of person typing the check, and initials of persons comparing checks. ;
E (Never.) 4 x 6 cards, 3 ft., in 3 cardboard card cases. SW. cor. of g
i basement. (90%) i
1 57. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS, Nov. 1933 H Ear. 193%. Project ledgers, g
2 purchase order register, project and office inventories, contracts and !
. leases, approved projects, book records, approved applications for proj~
. ects, progress reports, fund control register, statement of expenditures 9
. on all CWA projects including contributions and correspondence pertaining ,
1 thereto, correspondence regarding applications for employment on CWA, ,
? requisitions for workers in schools and for purchases (duplicates), pur— ‘
V chase and production orders, school file Of correspondence, list of em— ‘
', ployees for Jan. 193M, project lists, etc. Sheet index. (Never.) 6 x
1H vols. and 8 x 12 and 9 x 12 folders, 12 ft., in 6 drawers of paste— ;
’ board filing case. SW. cor. of basement. (903, 906) t
58- VOUCHERS, Nov. 1933 — Ear. 193M. Vouchers for all expenditures on E
CWA work. Filed numerically. (Never.) 9 x 10 folders, 10 ft., in 5 !
drawers of pasteboard filing case. SW. cor. of basement. (900) '

 Civil Works Administration, Phoenix 9
59. REQUISITIONS, Nov. 1933 ~ Apr. 193”. Requests for materials,
‘ rents, general expenses of CWA in Arizona, and reasons for requests for
‘ tools and how they are to be used. Filed by project number. (Fever.)
9 x 12 folders, 6 ft., in 3 drawers of pasteboard filing case. SW. cor. -
_ of basement. (899)
- 6o. REGISTRATION CARDS, Nov. 1933 — Apr. 5, I93u. CWA Form L~17,
' name of worker, class of work, date of starting work, etc. (duplicate
copies). Filed numerically. (Never.) 5 x 8 cards, u ft. 6 in., in 3
' pasteboard card cases. SW. cor. of basement. (902)
- 61. PURCHASE ORDERS, Nov. 1933 — Apr. 13, 1934. Copies of purchase .
: orders, transmittal Sheets, and reports on all expenditures of work.
1 Filed numerically. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12 folders, M ft., in 2
E drawers of pesteboard filing case. SW. cor. of basement. (898)
g 62. ASSIGNMENT CARDS, Nov. 2A, 1933 - Mar. 16, 193k. Name, identifi—
; cation number, class of work, place of occupation, and person assigned.
5 Slips attached to cards give reason for cessation of employment on CWA.
g (Never.) 9 x 5 slips, 15 ft., in 12 open card trays. Dirty. SW. cor.
i of basement. (896)
g 63. TIME CARDS, Nov. an, 1933 — Mar. 29, 193A. Reports on workmen,
é giving name, occupation, date and days worked, rate of pay, and amount a
i earned on projects. Used in reassigning the worker when transferred from
; one project to encther. Filed numerically and chronologically. (Never.) ,
g 3 x 5 cards, 60 ft., in 15 drawers of cardboard storage case. SW. cor. ;
Z of basement. (895) g
j I
, on. CARD LIST or EMPLOYEES, Jon. M — Nor. 193M. Name, date (mcny un— :
{ dated), identification number, and number of project on which employed.
% Filed alphabetically. 3 x 5 card index, M ft. (Never.) 3 x 5 cords, E
i 5 ft., on M Open wooden card trays. SW. cor. of basement. (897) E
Q 65. WORK ORDERS, Apr. ~ May 1934. Orders outhorizing work for in—
? dividugl for a certain length of time for certain pny (dupliCfite COPiGS)- !
i To be presented to the foreman before going on the job. (Never.) 3% x 8
i slips, 2 ft- % in., in 2 pasteboard storage cases. SW. cor. of basement. 1
(901) g
T, Sept. 1935. Report of project foremen on missing and unserviceable tools E
E and equipment used on projects, giving name and number of project, number :
'fi of tools missing Or not usable, cost, and reports on transfer Of tOOlS
E and equipment from one project to another. There are also a few FERA ;
3 purchase reports included in this serial. Filed numerically. (Never.) 3
A? 9 x 12 folders, 1 ft. H in., in drawer of steel filing case. NE. cor. ‘
t room, 2d floor. (905) .
r E
‘ l
..‘ ‘

 Civil Works Administration, Phoenix 10
(A) Lightning Delivery 00. Warehouse, M37 E. Jackson St.
(B) Federal Surplus Commodities Warehouse, #11 S. 1st St.
(C) Valley Bank Bldg., 28 W. Adams
The Federal Civil Works Administration for the State of Arizona was ‘
organized in November 1933 under the administration of the State Director.
This agency was replaced in May 193M by one of the Arizona Emergency Re—
lief AdministratiOn Offices. The records are stored in the custody of
the Auditing Department and Disbursing Office of the Arizona State Board
of Public WSlfare and are practically all heaped in a disorderly mass on .
the floor.
‘ 67. MAPS, Nov. 1933 — May 1933. Maps, blue prints, and drawings
showing locations and work done on projects in each county. Filed by
counties. (Never.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in pasteboard filing drawer. '
NE. cor. room, Nth floor (Bldg. A). (1M50)
6s. CORRESPONDEICE AND VOUCHERS, c. Nov. 1933 — May 1934. use. cor— '
- respondence and telegrams; and memorandum vouchers regarding disburse—
ments, supplies, and bills of lading on projects. (Never.) 9 x 12 and
9 x 15 folders, 9 in., in pasteboard box. NW. cor. of basement (Bldg.
B). (lu62)
69. EUED CONTRCL BOOKS, c._Nov. 1933 — Oct. 193E. Fund control reg—
, istors of expenditures on work projects of all counties. (Never.) 8 x
11 bundles, 2 ft., on box. NE. cor. room, Etn floor (Rldg. A). (lung) E
70. CHECK COPIES, c. Rev. 30, 1933 — May 193E. Issued for CWA ex— }
penditures. (Never.) 8% x 16% folders and sheets clipped together, 15 {
ft. 6 in., in 12 wooden boxes. NW. cor. of basement (Bldg. B). (1953)
71. PURCEASE ORDERS, 0. Dec. 1933 - Apr. 193A. Orders for st, lies 5
, to be used on work projects, giving number, kind of project, name of g
vendor, descriptions of article, quantity, and price of each. Filei :l— E
7 merically and by counties. (Never.) 9 x 12 folders, 12 ft., in 6 draw— j
. ers of pasteboard filing case. NE. cor. room, Mth floor (Bldg. A). i
, 72. CONTRACTS, c. Dec. 1933 — May 193M. contracts for supplies, in~ i
vitations to bid On supplies, lease copies reg rding projects, and sup— ,
plies and expenses for the projects. (Never.) 3 x 10% sheets clipped (
together, 6 in., in pasteboard box. NW. cor. of b Cement (Bldg. 3). l
(lu6o) i
1939. Correspondence with different business firms, rcports on supplies {
used on projects, memorandum vouchers, rnd tolegrcms. (Never.) 9 x 12 ‘
folders, 2 ft., in drawer of pastebonrd filing case. NE. cor. room, Uth (
floor (Bldg. A). (luau) ,
7E. CRECK RECORDS, Dec. 1933 ~ My; 133M. Card reports of numbers of ,
' checks issued by disbursing department, Phoenix and of checks received !
from Washington, D. 0. (Never.) 5 x 5 bundles, 3 in., i: pasteboard é
boxes. NW. cor. of basement (Bldg. 3). (1M59) ;
H, 1

 5 :1
Civil Wbrks Admini