xt7tmp4vmm73 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tmp4vmm73/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2005-11 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, November 2005 text GLSO News, November 2005 2005 2005-11 2019 true xt7tmp4vmm73 section xt7tmp4vmm73 ,.___ .
\ T . GAY and a, .
m ~ News
mmmm November 2005
A Publication of the L'exinaten flag and [lesbian Services fll'ganizution
AVOL ART FOR LIFE . VolumeZO Number11
Life is a celebration, and AVOL is 2006 lmperlal COUl't calendar
leading the way with its 2005 fundraiser, Art Bombshells
for Life. ART for Life Art Auction will be The Imperial Court of Kentucky has
November 6, from 4 pm. to 8 pm. at the partnered with Lexington artist and
Mansion at Griffin Gate located at 1800 photographer Kurt Gohde to produce
Newtown Pikein Lexington. “Bombshells, a pinup calendar featuring
This year‘s event Wi” feature gourmet local female impersonators to be sold as a
hors d'oeuvres, fine art, a “V9 and silent fundraiserforMoveable Feast Lexington.
auction, live entertainment, a cash bar, and The calendars will be unveiled at a
perhaps even a 9h°5t sighting! The COSt reception and Bombshell-themed show at
will be $25 (price includes one drink ticket) The Bar Complex'on November 16'“. The
or two tickets for $40 (price includes two reception will start at 8 pm. and the show
drink tickets) for a spectacular evening will start at 9:30 pm. Coverforthe show is
steeped 'n Southern charm. , _ $5. Calendars are $12 each or 10 for $100.
Local and nattronally known artists W'” Purchase of a calendar will allow for free
be featured including Arturo Sandoval. Our admission to the show.
feature piece this yearisa 1974 Keeneland This is Gohde's third calendar in
billboard. Join us and enjoy great fOOd' collaboration with the Imperial Court,
music and exquisite art! For more info on having produced the immensely popular
this event, sponsorship, art auction updates “Femme Fatale” and “Fairy Tales”
or t? donate art please call (859) 2253000 calendars in 2002 and 2004 respectively.
orvrsrt Wm. “Bombshells” features such local favorites
World AIDS Day '5 Dec. 1' Watch for as Natalie Gaye, Cammie Dietrich, Phoenix
detarls coming soon. Gaye, J.D. Vaughn, Tracy Taylor, Eden
_ _ Towers, and Lady Marmalade in all their
1* ACTOUT Tryouts unintentionally exhibitionistic glory. They
“g, . . are the grrls next door whose charms are
Auditions for the 0th ACtOUt revealed in that moment when they realize
play Wi” be on NOW 3 (Thurs) and 4 (Fifi) they've been caught in what might be an
at 7 pm at the Pride Center. The play will embarrassing pose.
be the controversial Corpus Christi. There ---Continued 0'7 next Page
is a perusal script at the Pride Center. r .1,” ‘33“? «”574.
This play asks audience members to Else“ h
consider the possibilities of a present day {,’,;;~,;«g‘;. . 'h _ em er:
religious savior. Thirteen male actors w’fvm"mr?rt"‘qw Xe,“
perform a variety of parts. Joshua is born in ,5prénsommomework
a sleazy motel in Corpus Christi, Texas. n “it?” s x. 1,1,: ,
Joshua hitchhikes across the desert V‘” ' 3 t ' ,,*".75".‘.fi';r...i
having occasional conversations with God, WQDO‘M‘aéyo“ '-
performing miracles, and gathering . f ”3t dr’j"
disciples. The play will be performed Begomeamemb¥g§_,pége5
duringthefirsttwo weekends in January I _. . ._ <, f {1%.}? t“, ,

 - , Gusting winds grab at their long legs. They are
\ .. GAY and ogled as they take what they thought were private
"1’ LESBIAN baths. Their skirts get hung on tree branches and
SERVICES door knobs and blown into the air by haphazardly-
ORGANIZAHON placed fans. The elements conspire to deprive them
Lexington, Kentucky °ftheird°thin93
Today we find ourselves at war abroad and at
in, NM home. The war on terrorism and battles for social
justice begged for the creation of this calendar. The
Vol. 20 No.11 pinups troops originally placed on theirfootlockers in
Published Monthly by: WWll were meant to motivate them and remind them
of home. These pinups are meantto do the same, yet
GLSO there is more significance to their existence.
RO.Box 1172 Lex., KY 40588 The models featured in “Bombshells” are at
www.Iexingtonglso@yahoo.com times model and soldier. The drag community is
wwwwebspawner.comlusers/g|soqxnet often at the forefront of community mobilization
—— efforts (think Stonewall). Here, they are portraying
News Editors the helpless “girl” next door, yet arejust as likely to be
Mary Crone unsung activists fighting for equal rights for all
- Americans and raising money for local organizations
Jac'kle CObem that do the same.
W For more on the history of pinup calendars and
GLSO Board to see an example of one of the many wonderful
Joan Brannon, President pinups included in the Court’s 2006 calendar, see
. , page 8 - 9. After the reception, calendars Will be
Tom Collins, V'ce Pres' available at the Pride Center, Moveable Feast, from
Ben Salyers, Secretary various local retailers, and on the Court's website
Thomas Collins
Lindsay Mattingly “WHAT SHALL WE GIVE"
Jen Meclenburg Another Note, a men's choral ensemble, will
Terry Mullins present “What Shall We Give," a holiday benefit
concert on Saturday, Dec. 10, at 8 pm. at Woodland
Pride Center Office Manager Christian Church, 530 East High St.A$12 suggested
Bill Chandler donation at the door will be given to Movable Feast,
providing meals to persons living with HlV/AIDS and
to homebound Hospice patients.
The title of our concert comes from one of our
songs, “What Shall We Give. This year has seen a lot
Individuals or Couples $20, of suffering, especially for people affected by the
For One Year Subscription. many natural disasters. ”There are still people here
in the Bluegrass affected byAlDS and HIV who need
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are our help," says Artistic Director Steve Johnson. "This
those Ofthe authors and don'fnecessan'ly concert is our way to give back to our community
represent those of the GLSO Board. through Movable Feast.
Submissions received after the deadline, which What Shall We Give will feature a mix of
Eng;mafisggenzfifghe’fflzz Egg” contemporary .and traditional Christmas. and
reserves the n‘ghtto edit ”reject submissions Hanukah selections guaranteed to help you ring In
the holiday season in true Another Note style!
GtSO Pdge2

 L'ommunitu News
40+ Women
The 40+ Club is a group for women WOmCln'S PIOCG
over 40 (and younger friends) who are Women’s Place has been established
interested in attending a wide variety of on the UK campus as a safe space for
activities together. We have some great women. We believe that basic safety and
events planned for the next couple of freedom from fear is essential to an
months beginning with wine tasting and a environment oftrue oportunity, equlity and
concert at Equus Run Vineyard on excellence. We are located at 106 Frazee
Saturday, Nov. 5 from 1 until 4 pm. Equus Hall and are open M - F from 9 — 5. We can
Run is located at 1280 Moores Mill Road be reached at257—3564 or 257-3574. For
Midway, KY, off Leestown Rd, RT 421. information seewww.uky.edu/Student
This is a benefit for God's Pantry. Affairs/Woman’sPlace.
Admission is 2 or more non-perishable Woman’s Place was created in
food items. response to a study conducted last fall by
On Sunday, November 13, at 2 p m, the Center for Research on Violence
the 40+ Club’s monthly meeting will be Against Women. The study found that
held at Pride Center followed by supper at 36.5% of women at UK reported having
an Ethiopian restaurant. been either beaten, raped, or stalked
In December we are planning a during their time at UK. These statistics
Holiday Weekend in Louisville. On Friday, are appalling embarrassing, and
Dec. 9 we will attend Voices of preventable.
Kentuckiana’s Holiday Concert, ”I Still UK’s Women’s Place is committed to
Believe". (www.voicesky.org) On implementing creative, research driven
Saturday, Dec. 10, we will celebrate strategies to effectively address physical,
December birthdays at the Connection sexual and psychological violence against
Nightclub. We will be getting hotel rooms women. We will provide training,
forFriday&Saturday night. educational programming, consultation
lfyou have questions or would like to and advocacy.
be added to the 40+ mailing list, call or Eardrum is the student group of UK's
email Ginger and Jane at 859-253-0061 or Women's Place, dedicated to "engaging,
ggclr@yahoo.com forinformation. educating, and empowering the UK
community on women's rights and issues,
RClll'lbOW Families specifically violence against women." We
. .. . . are doing several outreach projects,
The Rant)”. Families 89an for education and awareness programming.
November is still in the planning stage. We meet on Wednesday nights at8 in the
Call Cheryl or Jen at 859-523-3083 for Student Centerroom205.
information. _ , , We can make a difference for every
Ra'f‘b‘w" Families 0f Lexmgton student on this campus. We are inviting
(RFQL) '3 an organization for gay and everyone regardless of race, gender,
lesbian parents and the." children m the class, sexual orientation, religious
Lexmgton area. Our missmn '5 to show background, or other such categories to
our children that there are other families attend our meetings. We are an open
like theirs. We inVIte parents. as well as group committed to helping students. If
thosewho areiuststartingtheiriourney to you have further questions and/or
parenthood to 10m RFOL. To become a ts c o n ta ct u s at
member call Jen at 523— 3083 or join 6 o m m e n ‘ .
i —GLSC)Poge3

 Miss gay CKy M8 Offl Classic prepare forawonderful concert. I f y o u
have ever sung with SisterSound and have

on WedheSdeyl .Dec. 7, The Bar thought of coming back, this is the season
Complex Wt” hOSt MISS Gay Kentucky, to do it. Orifyou have thoughtaboutjoining
2005, an official preliminary to Miss Gay us but have not, come lend your voice as -
USOfA- The Pageant begins at '9130, we prepare to put on our best shows yet.
admission $5. We are a non-auditioned chorus.

Several national winners will be Rehearsals are at 6 pm every
staring: Latoya Bacall, Miss USofA 2005, Sunday at Landsdowne Cumberland
Tina Devore, Miss USofA Classic Presbyterian Church, 333 Redding Rd. For
Emeritus, and Ginger Manchester, Miss information call 806-0243 or email Patti at
USofA Clasic 2004. Celete Holmes, Pride paowens@excite.com.

. ofWest Virginia Emeritus and Natalie Gaye
will also be featured. Vollyball

Registration for contestants is at 4:30 The Fall indoor season of
pm and there is a $75 entry fee. II b H b S d 10 2 O5
Contestants will be judged on interview, V0 ey. a egan 0n un ay ' '
gown and talent. For contestant packets or and W'“ run “"0th 12‘18'05- We play
question please contact LaToya or John at between 1 and 4Pm- The wet '3 $30
859294-0901. for the entire season or $4 per week.

, The gym is located at 545 No. Upper
SISTGI'SOUDO' Street - the old Dunbar High School

SisterSound is rehearsing for its gym. This is lUSt SOUth 0f West 6th
winter concert to be held on Janualy 21. Street. Upper is one way - towards
This is our tenth anniversary season and it downtown, The gym sits back from the
is not to late to join the chorus as we streeton the right Side,

j a rut ror riff " ‘_
November; 2005
The. Niansion at Griffin Gate
I800 Newtown Pike
, Loxjngt‘on,KY
. 4:00 p.111. to 8:00 pm].
, $25 for one ticket (includes one dunk ticket)
‘ $40 for two tickets (includes two drink ticket-s)
Featuring gauntlet 1101‘s d’oeuvres, fine m1, :1 Live and silent auction,
5 live eilrcrmirtment, and n cash bar
- For more infommtion on this eve-ill. sponsorship. an auction updates or to
‘ tlnimre 2m please call (859i 225-3000 or visit our website at
% AWL/t
ng6 page 4

 November Sponsors of the Month
If you receive this newsletter by mail then you are a
member of GLSO. We thank you for your support.
You are the foundation upon which we build all our
We aiso appreciate the contributions many of you have made in our
efforts to Save the Pride Center.. We want to improve our financial
security before we get to the crisis point. We are currently applying for
grants — granting organizations like to see that we have solid support in
the community. If you are not yet a member, please send in this form
and become one. Consider giving a subscription as a Holiday present.
You will be supporting all the projects listed below.
Thank You
Pride Library The Gay Straight Alliance for Youth
ActOut Theatre Group GLSO Discussion Group
40+ Women GLSQ News The Diversity in Gender Alliance
Speakers Eturean Lexington Insight Pride Month
You can receive the newsletter at a reduced rate if you need to.
Name : Phone:
City: “41.0%
[ ] $20 -7 year Membership & Newsletter for Individuals or Coup/es
[ ]/ would like the newsletter at this reduced rate 8
[ ]l am enclosing an additional contribution at S

i p o C 9 i
l 389 WallerAvli. 859 253-3233 .llllm. - .li‘l. Ill -3 till 10 - ..
‘ I . . 'I. .‘ .
Open Pr/de Cenfer mg" scum/1443' ‘" '1
y ane In er
Sd/Z/rddy/VOV. /2 6pm $9,007 With the holidays fast approaching
Jen and Cheryl will be keeping the many of us will be spending time with our
Pride Center open in the evening on the families, and many'of us Will not. .Thlstlme
second Saturday of each month. In of year can be particularly trying lfyou are
November that will the 12th. We will be queer bUt can't be open Whh your family
(3in the walls a new coat of paint and and friends. As you might imagine there
would love to have you join us We will are many books in the Pride Center Library
provide some food and good cheer You that deal with family relationships. Some
can also drop by to chat or to check out a galyhelgnéeusehqseejeyu”heeetEStelriejrri’eije
beekcetheeegaturda ni hts we will be understand you. Maybe one will help to
showin films layin g ames or 'ust make the holidaysalittle brighter.
hanging out, p Cyheeckg next, mothhs Be ondAcce tance: Parents ofLesbians&
' . . . Gays Talk About Their Exgeriences, by
312%: 1° see What we w'” dome '” Carolyn Welch Griffin & Marian J. wirth (HQ
. ' 76.3.U5 G75)
Lexi ton I Si ‘i‘ Beyond the Bible: Parents, Families and
he h 9h Friends Talk About Religion and
A group for Gay Men Homosexuality, published by PFLAG (BL
. 65.H64 8573)
_ Feeey’ Nov. 4’ Coming Out to God: Prayers for Lesbians
Pride Center 7:30 and Gay Men, Their Families and Friends,
Join US every 1st Friday by Chris Glaser(BV4596.638 C358)
Different Dau hters: A Book b Mothers of
DISCUSS/ON GROUP Lesbians, edited by Louise Rafkin (HQ
Pride Center 389 Waller Ave. —9————l;§‘;"flle gyms ea . by D0“ e'ark the
Open to all. Member of the Family: Gay Men Write
Jane at ladYJanekY@yah00-C°m About Their Families, edited by John
Preston (HQ 76.2.U5 M46)
mvers“ in Gender Alliance Mom: Candid Memoirs by Lesbians About
_y _ _ , the First Woman in Their Life, edited by
_ The Lexmgton DiverSlty in Gender Nisa Donnelly(HQ759.M986 D686)
Alliance (LDGA) M“ be meeting on Now That You Know: What Evem Parent
Saturday, Cd" 1 at 7:30 pm. Call for Should Know About Homosexuality, by
location. LDGA is open to all people who Betty Fairchild and Nancy Hayward (H
transcend gender norms or who are 76.3;U5 F33)
questioning their gender identity including On Being Gall: Thoughts on Family Faith
transsexuals, effeminate men, masculine and Love by Brian McNaught (HQ
women, gender queers and more. Family 75.25M735 £358)
and SUpponIve friends are welcome Uncle What-ls-lt is Coming to Visit!!
This IS notatherapy QFOUP- [Children's book], by Michael VWIhoite (F
Will U54)

 . Rh 4‘?  
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? '41"WWWM:

 ”WM 7 “Keepthelove you find I BflfllflShBHS
wk . ‘ . . .- - . ._ , . .
Get. the me you want!” Imnei ml Louit Lalemlai 2001.
it» _ The Imperial Court and Lexington
t artist and photographer Kurt Gohde
Jessica Bollinger LCSW have produce “Bombshells”, a pinup
- - - calendar to be sold as a fundraiser for
Imago Relationship Theraplst Moveable Feast. The calendars will be
EMDR Trauma Work unveiled at a reception and Bombshell-
Couples, Family, Individual themed show at The Bar Complex on
imagoconnection.com 552-6533 November 16‘“. (See pages 1—2)
During the 19305, pinup art
What 15 image? became popular as painted calendars,
by JeSStCe Bollinger advertisements, and photographs of
lmago--this word is from the latin WOFd legendary icons Rita Hayworth, Marilyn
“Image”. The theory is this: We choose Monroe, and Betty Grable enchanted
partners 0" the basis 0f UhCOhSCtOUS legions of Americans, including troops
attraction. We have a template in our brains of stationed abroad during World War ll.
familiar love, imprinted upon us as young For many of these troops, pinups were
children by ourcaretakers. their only links to the homes they'd left
We could easily come up with 10 traits that behind.
we would want inapartner. We find somebody After Esquire magazine began
that might have 9 OUt Of the ten traits. Afriend printing George Petty's one panel
says, “Hey how is it With Joe?” And YOU reply, cartoons featuring seductive women
“N0 hejustisn’tthe one.” being ogled by mischievous suitors,
We “fall in love” With the person who has America’s mainstream fascination with
bOth the negative and the positive the pinup began its long, interesting
characteristics ofourcaregivers. We see them history. Calendars, magazine covers'
across the room, maybe we only see them matchbooks, and other advertisements
walk, DUI” “antennae” 90 UP-----"HEY” Then offered naughty glimpsesintotheworld
BAM,we are head over heels in loveAnd that of the girl next door. Many glamour
iswhatissupposedto be.ltisallunconscious. models became cultural icons before
Our brains are very smart. There is that and afterthey posed for artists, Marilyn,
template that we have builtin from the infancy Judy Garland, Bettie Page, and Joan
on. Our relationship, this person to whom we Crawford, to namejustafew.
were unconsciously attracted, was “meant” to By 1960,America‘s fascination with
bein ourlife. pinups was waning. Paintings became
Oh, and doesn’t that romantic stage feel increasingly realistic and explicit ,
good with all those hormones running through perhaps due to the allure of nudity that
our blood stream. But those hormones don’t was being fed by magazines such as
last forever, this stage ends in about two Playboy. Pinup artseemed to have met
years! Just as we make a commitment, the its demise.
hormones stop and then “BAM”- things our Some forty five years later, pinups
partner does begin to drive US crazy! have undergone a rebirth. The advent of
This is where this “theory” of image was the internet has allowed for wider
created. Harville Hendrix was teaching a distribution of pinup pictures and many
course about relationships at a University in artists are stillworking exclusively in this
Texas. Buthe feltlikeatotal hypocrite because genre, although digital media are
he W390“ his way to divorce COUTt- playing a much larger role in their
“Why can relationships be the best things creation.
in ourlives, and the continued on page 10
GLSO page 8

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. GLSO Page9

 continued from page 8 Our“skin” is the biggest organ in our body.
hardestthingsin ourlives?”hewondered. When we were first together, we touch,

Hendrick “dropped OUt" and started hold hands but as time goes by we drift
studying and researching relationships. apart. We stop laughing as much and
He theorized that we choose relationships doing as many fun things together. Good
“unconsciously” in an effort to heal energy is important to infuse back into the
ourselves, to become whole. But this relationship.
processdoesnotworksmoothly. Restructuring Frustrations: an

However, he found that when we importanttool to have in ourtool box. This
make the relationship process conscious, is a “dialogue” that we have when our
we can begin to healthe parts ofourselves partner frustrates us. In this dialogue we
that were wounded when we were tell ourpartnerwhatwe need fromthem.
children. We can then learn how to have Relationship Vision: what we want our
healthier relationships and become relationship to be, our relationship
“WhOlc”- “mission statement”. We write ourvision of

lmago relationship work takes you on our relationship in all aspects, sex, fun,
thisjourney. There are techniques to help communication, vacations, family. Our
you make your unconscious wants and partnerwritestheirrelationship vision,and
needs conscious. 30th partners make we combine the two. It is written in the
discoveries about themselves and share present tense, and gives us the “path” to
these With each other. lmago 9ch5 us live the relationship ofourdreams.
“tools” for good relationships that we were So what is imago? It is a set ofteeis to
nOtShOWh duringchildhood. help you get what you need in your
Intentional Dialogue: a communication relationship. It is the single most effective
t00l that gives empathic listening, and tool to get passion and intimacy with your
validationtoyourworld. partner. Jessica is a certified Imago
Reinvisioning: seeing your partnerin a Relationship Therapist, and Getting the
new way. Discovering that they really are Love You Want workshop presenter. Her
on“yourteam” and do notwantto rewound next workshop is November 11, 12, 13th.
you as happened in ChildhoOd- Call her and sign up with you partner to
Re-romantizing: getting the fun and begin the journey of real relationship
connection back into your relationship. connectionl859-552-6533

Couples Union
Counseling Ceremonies

Rev. Kenneth Walb el
Professmnal Splrltual Dlrectlon
Ecumenical * Holistic * Inclusive

PO Box 12172 kypadre@aol.com

Lexmgton, KY 40581 (859) 338—1195


 51$. mum W
The Imperial Court of Kentucky.......................252—3914
A Charity Organization .
Scott Ackerman.
For all your real estate needs........................................294-2055lmobile) 338-8483
SisterSound 8060243
Diverse music for all women
Richardson Vision Center
1757 Alexandria Drive Gardenside...............................................278-4201
Ernesto Scorsone
Attorney At Law 2545766
Unitarian Universalist Church
Seeking a Diverse Congregation................................................223-1448
Kentucky Fairness Alliance
Bluegrass Chapter8064114
Windy Knoll Farm
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding.....................................299-7410
Quirk Café and Coffee .859 846-4688
Railroad Street in Midway
' Debra Hensley Insurance.............................................................276-3244
1513 Nicholasville Rd.
Laura Wigglesworth
Long Term Care Insurance Specialist .....1-866-582-2426 ext 4212

 GHQ “MIGHCI‘ qugnd" Tovschedule events at the Pride Center, call Bill at 253-3233 ,
Visit us on the web at: www.webs awner.comli.isersl i net .
November 2005 __________———J" 93”"
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 50"!"qu
7p GSA (call for place 7p GLSO Discussion 7p Actout Audltlom 2p A610: Auditions for 2p Narcotics Anonymous ' .
_ Grou -PC ' 0 us hrlsfl Prldo call for place 278-7103
266 5904) . . \ p Erzfioa:$hflsfl @ Gag" @ 7: 30 p LexDGA Weakly Wiles:
:3 ‘1, 7:30 Lexington Insight (Call f°r P'ace)
@ the Pride Center Mondays:
- 7:30 p Gay/Lesbian AA 8pm - Gay/ Lesbian AA
(call for place) 278-7103 Discussion/SpeakeriCa/l for
. .. . . .. 7 7 - Location] 278-7703
. . . . ‘ . ‘ Tuesdays:
10a UU Church 8p AA Open 7 GLSO Discussmn 7 GLSO Discusswn 7:30 Ga /Lesbian AA - -
10330 a St 'Mychal's Discussion/Speakers Gfioup-PC Gproup-PC (call fgr plgce) 278-7103 ESIIN r2631: 27:33:31; us 7pm ' GSA [Gay Straight
2p Women S 40 + GroupPC (call for place), 278-7103 8p Gay/Lesbian AA W, 7.. ‘ . Alliance)
4" ‘ntegr'iy @ 3“ Wee" ' Call for place 278-7103 e.— - ‘—_~ w°““°"'“Y‘= '
5" Imper'a' cw” ““ng f—‘/_.-;;;‘7 7pm - GLSO Discussion
4-6p AvoL Art For Life @ \er Group
the ManSion @ Griffin fig “”4"“ 1%»; .
Gate. L \D._.Ajfi , A 8pm - Gay/Lesbian AA [Ca/l
.,,,--,_.__~_____.__________,#_________ _W_______I__fl______ __—__________ for Location] 2 78-7 1 03
10a UU Church ‘- Blue rass Fairness-PC 7 GSA call for lace ' ' 7:30 Ga [LesbianAA 2 Narcotics Anon mous . .
10:30 a St. Mychal's 4F; Lexiiggton Lyons ~PC 1:) goifchlscusswn (call fgr plgce) 278-7103 cgll for place 278-73103 Epm ' RCSlInbtfirV [3ngan
SoulForce (call Jamie 230- .pAA Open ‘ 8p 2006 imperial Court 3 9991-19 cu Gin ones
5625) Discussion/Speakers Calendar Launch @ ' "Why“ _
(call for place) 2787103 the Bar Complex; . 8pm - Gay/Lesbian AA
(Call for Location} 278-7103
' Salurdays:
_ Newsletter Dead-line _> 3pm Narcotics Anonymous
. I‘ , ' 5 278-7103
10a UU Church 7:30 p GLSO Boardl Mtg}. 7p GSA (call for place 7p GLSO Discussion 7130 P Gay/Lesbian AA 2P Nar°°ti°5 An°nym°us Sundays:
10130 a 3}. MYChal 8p AA Open 266-5904) Group-PC . ,firfqéésfls‘ (call for place) 278-7103 63” for Place 273-7103 9;] 5 & 1 lam _ UU Church
xxx“! CW“ Discussion/Speaker‘s . £5341“ {gs ‘ Worship Services.
(call for place) 278-7103 1' .: , g; n 10:30 - Mass, St. Mychal The
9'. ‘f‘m‘, , “it " Martyr.
. . 1" , 6pm - SisterSoUncl Rehearsal
i ' @ Landsdowne Presby.
‘ Church.
9:15 & 11a UU Church 7p GSA (call for place 7p GLSO Discussion
10:30 a St. Mychal 255.5904) Group-PC
. , 6pm - The imperial Court
l SoulForce -
i Call Jamie 230-5625
, l
Monlllly Adivilios:
Mondays: Tuesdays: Wednesdays: Thursdays: Fridays: Salurdays: Sundays:
7pm - GLSO Board Mtg. [3rd Mon.) 7:80pm - Lexington insight 7:30pm- LexDGA 2pm -Women 40+[2nd Sun)
7:30pm - Fairness (2nd Man.) [1 st Friday) [ '1 st. Sat. J 4pm- Integrity (2nd Sun}
8pm— Lexington Lyons [2nd Mon-Every 3 months]
GLSO Page 12 GLSO Page 13

 Religious and Spiritual Resources
St. Mychal The Martyr Jubilee Fellowsbm
St. Mychal The Martyr Parish invites you The Jubilee Fellowship continues to
to our services on Sundays at 10:30 am. meet every Sunday forWorship at11 am,
with Rev Ken Waibel performing mass. at 713 East Loudon Avenue. We w‘”
We are located at 1350 Eastland Dr., Suite serve the 00mmt'mty as a safe place to
#5, off Winchester Rd. St. Mychal is a come and receive the love Of Jesus
member of the Orthodox Catholic Church thr9ugh ,3 variety of reswces- We have
ofAmerica, a national denomination that is ablg V'S'O" and a b'9 GOd; Ifth's sounds
gay supportive, performs blessing of gay like something you would like to be a part
unions, welcomes divorced people, and 0f call Pastor .00” W°,°d @ 859'514'
ordains women into the orders of Deacon, 5518 ore-mall L___g@___fellowshi aol.com. ,
Priest and Bishop. We have a support group, Komonia,
The Orthodox Catholic Church is one of meeting eve? Friday “'th from 7 to 9
about three dozen offshoots of the Roman pm for indiVIduals wanting to discuss
Catholic Church and is open to married, spiritual abuse .lssues, rem/9'?! from
divorced and single people, welcoming all add'Ct'V? behaVIors, and to. re-dlscover
regardless of the blessings or problems of your spirituality. The group '5 faCiIltated
theirlives. by Rev Sandy Nabozny who has a
The church is named for Rev. Mychal Masters m Human Serwces, over 20
Judge, an openly gay priest and a years in drug and alcohol counseling and
chaplain for the New York Fire Dept who is experienced in dealing withbattered
was killed on Sept. 11, while trying to persons. Her co faCIlitator is Karen
rescue victims at the world Trade Center. Taylor Wh‘? has a Masters 'n Ed”_°at'°“
He was made a Saint by the Orthodox and a BS m Psychology and SOC'OIOQV‘
CatholiCChurCh ”12002 Karen has three years experience in
St. Mychal’s has space available for leading similar support groups. She is
meetings and receptions. Call 859 389- also an. ex-ex gay group leader. For
9418 oremail kypadre@aol.com. information call 514'5518'
more informationon pages 16 and 20
Welcoming all people equally:
»- Gay, Straight, Married,
_ _ D1V0rced, Slngle
The Orthodox Catholic Church of America
— I

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NOV. H, 1160 - - '- NOV. W, 2005
I —
GLSOPoqe 15

 GLAD’s "Spirit of Justice" Award I'm also completely committed. Whether it
Given to Unitarian Universalist takes 19 months, or 19 years l promise you
em . . . that I will be speaking up for sim le 'ustice.

{7 @‘ Assoc1atlon Premdent And whether it takes 19years orgo years, I '

\\~~.- UUA PresidentVWliamG Sinkford promise you that Unitarian Universalism
received the GLAD (Gay and. Lesbian M“ be standingtwith you, standing on the
Advocates and Defenders) “SpritofJustice” sude 0f love. “ThIS '5 a great honor. Thank 7
award on Sept. 30, 2005 in a packed you so mUCh‘
ballroom at the Boston Westin Hotel. The - . - -
award, which was presented to Sinkford on Ullltanael Unlversahet Chard]
behalf of GLAD by Hillary and Julie The Unitarian Universalist church isa
Goodridge, was given to recognize and welcoming congregation. We do not just i
honor “those individuals whose work and accept our GLBT church members, we
achievements reflect a profound dedication celebrate them. We invnte you to attend our
to ourideal ofajustsociety. worship serVIces, Sundays at 9 and 11 am.

GLAD is New England's leading legal We have an active teen program that

rights or