xt7tmp4vmm1k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tmp4vmm1k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1913-10-30 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 7, October 30, 1913 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 7, October 30, 1913 1913 1913-10-30 2015 true xt7tmp4vmm1k section xt7tmp4vmm1k  
University of Kentucky
r Vo], V] LEXINGTON, KY., OCTOBER 30, 1913 No. 7
.1 F
me culcuwm ··nn·· IN mt mnt Al aus runmu 1 lvnsnmss lun l‘.!l°““”“'“*
4   State Unlvsrslty Wlll 8end Twenty-
- .._ Capitol.
|” |p|g• •{ Dope lean'; lays Clan WIII Most Our Dobatsrs on Our Own Student! Y•|l to the Tuna of the Ilg Stats of Kentucky Boys lr-lng Home ""-*
up Wlth the Dsnams Restrum and luifl• Qur lsu Drum ln Hope ev the Honor of lung second B€8l¤¤l¤K thi! 'l`l¤¤¤`¤¤¤Y ¤l8¤t» thv
27 to 7. P'um.°•· v|ct°ry_ ·••`     T•.”‘,.. delegates of the State Y. M. C. A AS·
· .____ 8|x`·°n U,,h,•,.•m,, soclatlons will gather at Nlcholasvllle
3 HIT" °”u1,°Hln Mau THUR D!·A.n~° COUNML MEMBERS 0; THE TEAM SAT I c°,,,pm,,°_ for the annual student conference.
··· PARK! FIATURID DECIDED T0 CHALLENGE ua. ON ROSTRUM IN DEEP STUDY -—- The D¤'°8*'¤¤¤· which WM ¤¤W¤h€d l¤
____ when the Kami, of mn Saturday last week’s edltlon of The Idea, ls one
` Kentucky 87, Cincinnati 7—tells part The debating and oratorlcaal circles Thursday mornings chapel period was barely won we gathered the Mw, Of the b°¤t• if Mt W6 b°¤t· that hu
sm,. no or ol. sm nm me wma- of ¤¤r ¤¤*v<~r¤l¢>* we rscslvsd ¤¤¤¤- we siren cw- to ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ mw nm n. K. one, o. c. slc».m.0¤ and ""°“ “"'“"°" ‘“ ’°°°“‘ ’°‘"·
’ n Entertainment has been provlded
om ever put up on ston Flew. nar "‘“"'°°"°“ "°‘“ N““"""" "“" °‘" ln vre¤¤r¤ti¤¤ fvr the same with Cincy xv. J. umn had startled me wlsdy for mm _n
challenge of two weeks ago has been Y v° °md°m' by the citizens
MM, mn wa me clumm umbmon considered and accepted and that the which wu hem mn Saturday' one (my Wlth m°" d°°l“°l°"“ °°“°°'“l“$ of the town. They will take the boys
y. °"*` '“‘°d bY ‘ mm wd whim t°’“m' Commodores wm come to this vmage Ul the l¤F8•¤¤\ •·=F0Wd¤ of the Y¤¤|' WN cattle. There were sixteen unlversi- into their homes and will make every-
  md um .8n°‘°u°° that uclwd Cincy nd cmu mu as with Om. speakers present and enthusiasm ran riot. ties represented at the stock grounds, thlng as pleasant as possible for the
l s¤\“'d•Y WN the b°" °°“h°d 3 but yur ts: mw umol here wo}; Speeches were made by DL ·Hs0n_ and three men from each maklng, ac- students. A banquet will also be ten-
, ` 6l¤V¤¤ U1!} G"? *'°Pl'°¤°¤t°d Kmtucky in hand a challenge f;_0m vanderbilt President Barker Coach Bmmmue cordlng to the most accurate multlpli- lered the students by the cltlzens on
{ w on the grid. ' and with their Emma of len] sharp J M mum. ma Omen The mem. cation, forty-elght men ln toto. The Friday night.
F TM "°¤“l* °‘ S*“"`d*Y“ K‘““° w“ ness whetted to ummm keenness es 9 ‘ · ' cattle judged were Holstelns, Jerseys, The first group or men wlll leave
l ° °°mm° t° d°p°m" and mm pm- journeyed down among the dw-alters bm M me vumy °°°"’ w°r° “"°° Guernseyn and Ayrshlres. on the su o'clook car-, rm-mug at
WU- The m°" °°“°"“m'° w°"° of me sunny state and were Oven Dlevee 0f lw¤0l‘ ¤D0¤ the ¤`0¤¤'¤¤1· A In gettlng first place on I-Iolstelns, Nlcholasvllle at 6:30. They will then
(manu"! up Clncmnnl {Horne al 5 to whelmed but not discredited This vote of thanks was tendered them for G. C. Richardson, a Senior agricultural proceed to the assembly room of the
_ 3, and it was the general belief the! wm; the umvermy at large hgs can me loyal service may hgd given the student, from Kenton county. re-'Chrletlan Church.
r m° mum °°d Rm wld mma Out im gaumht and the team wm come University on the grldiron. Seldom celved a $400 scholarship given by the This conference means much to our
Q "'m' * m‘“`¤“ °f “ l°°°° tw') t°°°h` from all courses in the various cob has there been more real genuine American Holstein Breeders’ Assocls- local Y. M. C. A. because one of our
  d°"“· But mr um °°mp°°°d mum] lc 6. mcmdmslmc classical student. splrlt shown than in the rally Thurs- tion. Out of the f0rty·eight students, greatest present needs ls knowledge
unt um wudmt b·°k¤°m block". W: QN stu cd in the appeals 0; day morning. Everyone went away H. K. Gayle VII first choice OI! Ayr- of the means whereby university prob-
l“ p°"°°t °tyl°' mn uw mw chnnd Odolnus U; farms vorbmge of with the determination to stand faith- shire!. As the teams stand from the lems may be met and solved. This
with p°'°r uid vu"' md that um Orgstu Qnd the trlpmammm. diction fully behind the team and iight untll different colleges, Missouri llret, knowledge, coupled with true spirit
wh°l°.t°"m {mmm with um om wild` [ N t 1. to emu. with the English the last whlstle had sounded the signal and Kentucky second with the OUIGN and enthusiasm, is the foundation of
°“ °plr"’• K°°t“°ky swamped Cm` :md;;: khosbudstors and the fol, of victory for the Blue and White over coming lu their order, Iowa, Nebraska, the work that we wish to perform. lf
l chmni with 20 point- to spare' lowers liner the strange and pm their worthy and game opponents from Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, COIDBII. it will be impossible for any of the
  EV¤l'Yb°dY Wu th°'°_th“’° th°“" found Horace Mum The big gum, the queen C{[y_ Maine Massachusetts Delaware South delegates to attend the conference
T and of '¤¤¤··•¤d UW d¤Y Wu l’*""°°t· m b Mud to siwot missiles of It was jugt such, mgujfggtguon that Dakota, New Hampshire. Vlrslnle. they wlll please report to Secretary
Th° um wu °' mae °upp°ry' md W 9 I has characterized our students ln all·Kan¤ae and Michigan. Hall as soon as possible. Thls ls one
mth b°’°kn°ld° had hud g°mg‘ Had grape and cum ste;). { { d m cases where some blg thing is to be of the great opportunities that come
· uw Mm b°°n dry-who knows whml Vllllderbuh even ke Orsiwf llud Ben accomplished. Wlth the odds over- to college students and those who at-
. tha tale would have bggn? tout arrows In Su: F B.‘n,wdlu·     against un-un   went       tend   no doubt look back upon  
Th° Ci“°l"“"u '““°hl"° t“""d t° cmd? to send t er D0 el u out on the held wltn the tlrm determi- as a great and instructive occasion.
u" up t° that °u°g°d cla"' The shot. u { th t the nation to wln and their hopes were       Let us go down and show the students
big u°° °h°w°d up "° advantage only This wm be the mt tme 3 realized j of the other colleges that we have a
during the second quarter. Fenker, University proper has debated any l _ Dean Fordyce of the Univsrslty of In d ml Y M C_ A_
team comlng from beyond the llmlts A¤¤¤¤¤"¤ H- the eleven from Earumml Tha ad-   d BEN: y omg th Bi: and speaker. He has an enunclatlon that and woof of our souls and hearts, lf we
vard mark. Here Park slung a DIB8 "nw dwg shows that Elmhum has u b van for td? aémhunhh tzgi Bt _ js as clear and distinct as the sound would spend our lelsure pleasantly and
¥·» M- WM ¤~··¤·* ·*·· ····* lm "°“’ ““° ““" “‘“‘ ‘“ ”°“"°‘ """”l"‘°   °‘g°‘“°,,‘” Z ““,f“,“,g cr . bell 0.. .. r.-my m.....l.... sl. .........1y.
scm-c..K6ntucky 3, (jmcy 0, qulrtarback may have a real Ommsiva tions ccf mei" tzmr ty dlgom ng theme was "I·`orces that Make for The ability to enjoy life ls as vitally
In the ncoud qu.;-my Cmcy got a st"' Th° waches here are not look. lu clue or me 8 pa E I Character" Hls address fairly brlstled Important as the ablllty to make bread
count of nvm when Fgnkgr carried mg mr an may snap' and wm mk? nul TH   with pungent thought. He brought and butter. There must be a proper
• a l·1‘iDl¤ DIN 95 !¤‘d¤ umu b!'°\\8m ch“c“` The whom, Vamux ""Twl E l out the fact that grlm determination. co-ordlnatlon of the head, hand and
· down by a lying tackle by Zerfooe. wm receive Eammms num 3“ WUI The Horace Mmm Literary Soctelylls the force that counts ln the hurly- heart If we expect to llve the fullest
15 YANG U'0!¤ the ll¤°· K°¤W¤k¥ WL time is called nan Saturday at pn m` llwld its regular weakly meeting mstlbnrly of the twentieth century. The llves. "An education without a voca-
fered I D6¤¤»lU' of blu UW dl¤U·¤c° to KAPPA DELTA8 WILL Thursday mgm at 7 0,c|0ck· Mr. J. msn who makes obstacles stepping tlon is just as bad.as a vocatlon with
the goal line, whence Fenker bucked RECENE Mus COLTRMNE ln Fung gave an interesting talk on stones ls the man who has the flbel out an educatlon.
°"" m' t°°°hd°w°‘ H° u°k°d g°°l‘ ·——— ltne llfe of Ex-Vice President Sherman. that wm wuidm tm ksenqiompznion I I §—B—i  lecture
Score-—Kentucky 6, Cincy 7. _ 5 ,, . of the wor 's wor . e pne nspr y e e p c
Kentucky carried the flght at once TTI Ksppa §3::sG:;;d“1:;;|;;::f lin :;t??n:y0;i;h6E§:iLu'Ariz; L$;:.fluwer whlch grows on the summit of recently delivered to the several llt·
Into Ohio te!'!'lt0!'Y· F0¤¥¤l‘ f¤¤\bl6d LIVE;. limi; 6 A reception at théllivun bg, Mr A Wagon Mr Fzoswr I’lke`s Peak ls all the more beautiful erary societies of the State Univer-
a punt on his own 10-yard line end ss JO mn ' I _lg _ I · I l and fragrant because lt has weathered slty by Traveling Secretary \V. M.
hun on November msn is being me ldhuuswd me events wading up to me d d with the Blunt: of the Southern Intercollegiate
Cmtchn r°°°v°r°d' In mma meh" ranged in her honor. llmpeachments of Governor Sulzer and the blasts and comm} B °
Tuttle sewed up the game for State. ____ Ima subsequent mal. snows. So man, by surmountlng bar- Temperance Association, ten stu-
nd ucnd ‘°.]_ Kgngucky 13_ cmcy Tie wu Kamuckin Dance, New An Imam-ting program has been "_ rlers and overcoming dllflculties. dents of State have formed an Inter-
7. Admis- ralses himself to the clearer atmos- collegiate Prohlbltlon Society. and
l¤| °f N°"°mb°’ 7- A"m°"Y· ranged for tonight. lf you want to _I I td th muowm Omega:
The Wildcats kept Gghting. They lion u_00_ The Mn dance of me hear tour wewpmpamd speeches, phere of a more perfect day. Ambi have eec e e · g
• passed buekad, ran or otherwise ad- yuh umm by Thom.- suophom, come to mom N0. 3 of the Eduuuonal tlon ls the father of achievement. The G. E. Jones. president, H. L. Reid, vice
Vin"'} lm bn] d°'“ '° cl°°l°°.u•° Trio. Program of 18 dances, 1. 4. 9, Building at 7 0·cl0ck_ speaker pointed out the fact that the president, H. L. Donova; ;·ea`:,t1;·:r,
UW"'! 'NW "h"°• H"' *°°“°d 18, 16, 18, no breaks. MAKE THAT American people have s tendency to B. D. Ssrtin, sicretserxm; , gr
  ..DATm·· N0w_ P“r°M“ wr Adumum be extremists. There is danger in the sou. correspou ng c y.

 —————  —__"———`—___——-—-—·——~————-"`—`*—_·`—'i"-—---;-—`_`  -...j.--””—""__........*.—........'”‘”"”'—""""‘-—...-‘“ —'““-—-.T"iiT#1L*T~*———lT:?··—·—?*> `_— M · i
FIRST-CLAS! IN EVERY APPOINTMENT. s J. H. OTAMPIR, Jr., Owner and Manager. OPEN 10 A. M. T0 11 P. M.
7 S"“““N"S' 4 Mechanical En in rin 4 M" •
S°°°° mae LEON ARD g cc g LUBY 8* ALEXANDER
  l     tenor-in-Chlef ........................................... W. C. Creee '14 -——.g-..
¤f I IS YOUR HEAD QUARTERS. J. Eaten Iolllng '15. l c°NTm.UT°n8` R . I $22
10 CHAIRS 'N use- _ Jun". wo" H" pq_ 1·_ wng. ·14_ angmg rom .50lo $35.00
Kentucky NO Lone WAIT!. ` W O smmmsns ,17 I Roger Thornton ·1•. S S       "
. • ¤ I
      _j___ ;_,,,_,__. .. 7 YT .- 7, . ,... ,.,- 7 Q,..;{-.' Ir 7 I T'. fj" "" I`:    
Og"' fr°° t“m°“ in an djpub L   Twenty members of the class of ’l4'to the changes ln motor; and the .-»-Td~—.FIT—Eg{Eh§ 
m"m• °*°°Pt Law *° Km “°t°° — — ln the College of Electrical and Me- transmission of power from motor to
. { — — 1 HOME OF $2 00 HATS •
of KCMUCRY Hl8h Sch°°l’_wh° ,.     \\ {M lchanlcal Englnetrlnac have returned the wheel. _ • s___s_Ms s
argnpgiggjgcd to CDKCT the I`Y¢9h' jgvvisgs/··—   s I sjls Mfhlg yggr to complete the course. After the talk Ml`. ¥V8l‘Il0(‘k Bll0W€d            
a Y rr 1 » »
m .  ·`   »   ss Z n As s roller {rom the arduous lnbors several slides completely illustrating UTY $1
E h h S _  _, J2., L land daily routine three societies have the construction of various parts or °
ac °°““tY in t ° mw ‘° ‘ A ’ .·· ' ei been formed. The Fourteen Faraday the automobile. The talk proved very Mw i D wm ant  MY l n
$¤¢i¤l¤d to "°"d_ FREE °f mi' s\ ns- /5,% Society has been in existence ln the instructive and at the end of the hour   &  
non- m8t"°“l'?“°“• l°b°r°t°ry present class since the Freshman Mr. Warnock was kept busy answering   E   0 U , S s,
and °th°' f°°°· °“° °' m°r° year. It is retained thls year for questions propounded by Faradays. ° pp' mon mum
* A
°PP°mt°°°‘ social purposes. Several informal __
_ evenings wlll be held thls year In the' THE WATT SDMETY     and  
N°°°’°°ry °xp°°°°° m°d°mt°' Senior Room. and perhaps the mem-I T  and  
_ bers of the society wlll enjoy the Q
l For full mformatton regard-     presence of the Indies ns Ons or two of lhls organization is the outcome of  
"‘¤ °PP°““°°°· °°‘"’°’ °f '“‘d"· time sums. w. c. Cross nas been “ ““g"°“""" '“°"° “°'°'“' "°“" “*° S]mp|g.F|||°[ fuunmn Pans
coat of board. ctc., apply to Are not only essential for uae, rsslscssd for the umd umn ns nrssn by Professor F. Paul Anderson, Dean W * 1
H. S. BARIQER. but also for appearance sake. You dent of the csgnnmmonl of the Mechanical Engineering Col- B ,   D c l
° I
LPro8ld¢l1l.K are judged by the appearance of The dnnnshmsns is vers, forsunnse in lege. to have each new class form a       us
¢Xl¤8¢¤¤. Y- your teeth. having student branches of the two society to continue throughout the        
T I MM 638 Decaycd, uncared for teeth dc- societies Amsrscsn lnsmuss of mss four years ln ocllege.
c cp s ;    
tract while good sound well- The alms and purposes of the so-
’ ’ ' tl l E l , d A l S -
' kept teeth attract. Come and let rcs ng mers an mer can 0 cletv are to promote a spirit of tel-
      t sh _ d d_ clety of Mechanical Engineers. This 1 rh, th b d we B P    
° ll, put ygur ee   :°°f Son li ls the only Southern school which has °“° D °'m°"g ° mem em an g ’ ’ • u C
UO"' °r any In ° cnn either ot these, and the graduates of them at the Same time im °pp°mm“y <1¤¤¤m..•..1)
  P ES,   work come to we U" this institution are the only students ti hiarflectrresbang :¤**:1*ly member; DOR(:7'g;Y  SHOES
_ _ who have membership in both. this 0 [ B Mu ty' Ot n er Own an 0 N
P¤1>¢S R°P*m`°d· DI`-   T- Slam!} being due to the dual. course. °"‘°’ "°"“"“"°"‘“· $3-50 T0 $5-00 I
usxnucron, . . KENTUCKY 127 CHEAPSIDE Each of these societies sends to its At S°°h m"°° °B mw S8?] Hs RALSTON HEALTH SHOES ~
Houra—8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone 864-x branches copies of the monthly pro-Ipsdiemln is hopsd that mel; in do FOR MEN •  
    [ 8 soc Qty may e gncgufgg Q Q-  
UNIVERSITY LUNCH STAND wading. These commu papers Onlllver papers upon subjects of timely ·4'00 to ’5‘00
cas · sclentitlc topics of the day by men; .
ere excluewely to students     s s r s
and F•¢¤l*¥ ¤Y SUN U¤lV¤'•l*Y p who are authorities. The work given D ° 88 '
A B B  out in these bulletins is the last word Th° °°gu;;°r wh° (T: °t°Td up b°` FOI' th¢ ·
• • tore an an ence, et er arge or
li rl . ·
COR' s' UMESTONE AND COLFAX     l n;:§h;n°:s;:!s of ms socssssss Us small, and express his ideas in a clear,       U
  lheld on alternate weeks, always at the °°°°’°° mum"' hm ° great advantage G0 to g`
s 211 NORTH LIMESTONE ST. 1 V r sn m nwno cannot , _
We are Still Pressing 4 Suits for $1.20         fourth hour on Monday at Mechanical ° ° 6 E ' The L¢Wlf Clglf C0.
-at- `Han It was with this end in view that °"_ N"' Ph°•”‘x .°
  Baileys Pre sing           The program is made up of several the mciety was Organized and it is   ·. f
:1:0 only CLEANINGPXVORZE ¤F’EN EVENWG8 UNT|L80CL0GK-Isss,isn,s of topics sn sns nmnsnn, sm hoped that an will iend thesr mnst   _
15 °“*h '"""*°"° °"° 'Y  tsssd1nss' sssignsd so vnsmns nssm_ esrnest efforts to help realze t s On your way to sown · s
  lbers of the class. Besides thls. a gen- a m' stop at  
l I · . » . ·
C   |   ism. discussion sakes plans, sn which l'lh+dfollov;i;ng excellent men were The New   Room  
• lk- J HOT LUNCH AT ALL HOURS·la.ll are privileged to speak. The meet- E TIBH ag 0 cer;' id t 116 South Lim;
— · · I   iln b ld b inst ctive and those " ‘ vang' ms en' W
Where you will find everything a · Us 8 °“ G ru
sh°“'d H"'- l°° c"“ 8*)***- 559 S. Lime Opp. Agr’l Bldg. send Wood Vaughn, Treasurer. °
  Following are the oiflcers elected “iat€rS’ qgcrewry A       .
  gm .t1.e two somtiss. ‘*” "°"’°"· °"”g°““"‘“‘ "“"‘
American Insmuw Electrical Engs -—— Hobson, Jaiutor. 107 South Llmestone Sl., opp. Phoenix Hotel
moss; Although the tlnal organization was F|n3·r.c|_ggg www GUAMMEED
H. B- Hedges, President. ‘f‘0IIlpl€l.8d OD Oct. 4th. the coustitusgog 7 W _> 7 7*7* ri-___-`
C. C. Harp, Treasures- · ·l hy~la11s have not yet been dec e R   • ;
H. Tyler Wates, Secretary. upon Y s k Hol Llmchee at all hours. ClgaraITobacco
American Society Mechanical Engl-i Commmees are no" at mn on `lr i
users Ithem, however, and they will probably • w•  
Hs G_ Sn.sns_ P,ss,dsm_ ,b¤ Submitted *0* ¤d°l*“°“ ’" ""‘ “°‘" Corner Upper and Bolivar ;
Roger Thornton, Treasurer. tmmra bl h b I  "` "`“` ""` ”"";" ` `  
· The em em as not yet een c loses
Following is the program announced
€ Q N for me sms meeting of the American lnul this xxlll be in th; fnrm of u pin.   CO.
Institute mismimi Engineers. Mm.- 'n"" "°‘“‘;“d°‘ ih: 8***;** ‘:;;`es";";_ “°°f6;"“;’ M ,‘°S; °°·
PAY LESS       " “   ``'` g   ° °“ ’ ‘ °°“““ ° BEST   ..;....32.   ...
111 1 tod tl 1 z A. 1. m. E.- “““ "“"’°“°· E
_ _ _ _ _ _ Prose sT_rFr;::m§: n 0 A program committee ls also ut CNY- FWE cANDlE$·
We are the or1g1natorsm Lexington of high-class tailored S ° · Em work sn sns sssisnmsnss fs, msn,  
. (2) Tungsten Lamps of High - · '
garments made to your measure for cmlcywn B com-su snssssnss   S     ·
No No (ss Essscs Os lcs Loading Os Tmns_ At the last meeting Mr. W. C. Cross F ILWCSOUJUH UEES 8T. s
LQSS $ 1 8 More 1 i U __D M_ Gnmssn 'I4. talked to thc soclety. Mr. Press Yes BD IBS sa 8 D3|ly_
m BB on nes made plain the purposes ot the mc- Pop C0l°l\ Fl'ltt€l'S.
Positively worth $3Q to $35. We buy our Woolens direct °¤¤¤i°¤l P¤K° lu TML ld°“- H6 **'“° LEXINGTON ` ` KENTUCKY `
from the mills eliminating the mlddlemarfs profit. All 'N FARADAV N°TE8· emphasized the importance of co-on  
garments made here P!‘0II8d FIGS DDQ YQBIR ._. (.;rg_[|gn of the Freshman Society wlth Drs ls    
. I . The msmbsss of .14 Fnmdny had the others in this department, to  
the pleasure ot llstenlng to an interest- ""*k° this p°g° ° success from bam"` City Nat'!. Bank Bld‘g.
us       U lng lecture Tuesday mornlng by Mr. "mg t° °"d‘
I ls. T. Warnock. Mr. Warnocl: is an KA".) "Asst
'02 man of this college and has bee11 ll. P. Ingels, class of ’05, was in V
connected for several years with the Lexington during the past week. Mr.    
  W. Short St. Z-! Opp. CONN House Marmon Automobile Co., of lndlanapo· lngels ts located ln Youngstown. Ohio. and  
Next dom. to University Book St0s.€_ lla. Ind. The speaker pointed out very as assistant to the vice-president of A
clearly the modern trend of automo- the William Tod Co. Hla home ad- Mi-. bgsitic s·‘v°f· '
gblle design, paying especial attention dress ls No. 517 Yale Avenue. (me 1261

 Dum   I'\V tnlrtnuvuur
` THE IDEA • ,
  -——-·-——~·  »— —s———————·—— —-—   -· —— —»~ ~-     —s M -- sm-s ~·< --»---.»~--»»..-- . .- s. A ss- .   s ___ _ _____ \:
H    ) I I   oney Loancd on all goods of Value. I can save you from 30 to 50 per cent on 3
· Dnamonds, Watches J cwclry Et
9 I c•
LICENSED PAWNBROKER. 110 South Limestone St. Watch and Jewelry Repairing. phoenix B|0ck
,,_`._ -,§ii··i·¥·:i*·7**;··   ·*;·*·*·;t£i ’·"’ sun ;Ej·]
• s
    Q "'°T°'“ *"‘° *‘*'“' *‘*"·'   LEXINGTON DOLLAR SAFETY RAZORS.
h i i     b i t t d t k   "Like a horde ot vandals came they `     Enden Keen Cutters
`. Mth beer signs, poeler sticks endl Takes [ess Shmning Ver @8 Y
THAT WE ARE SELLING l sundry plunder? M..,.,,,... I Jug? WHAT mu ~EED_
$15.00 Suns for ’|0·00 I $20.00 suit L for $13.50 U t Thereils a universal partnership has I4ex1ngt0nhR¢:l!§:|   C0.,;   &  
  I · I I" Y ’
$25-00 Suits for sw-50 .) , .,.. [IL I.,`.I‘IY..§`,"“Is“.'iZ"ZT,....Y.T$.T..°ZT . 1 DRUGMSTS
We                 \\‘H}'S. Uvréllt IB   8Yld KIOUHIY.              
sl rm l—1 I h r h un; ; 1 nt ' ' ‘ ——V————*....-.—..—.j..-.
<>¤· Pr¤¤=—-Sw ¢¤sh-—P¤¤¤¤ *¤z¤r·=¤ M   .,.. F`   ’“°'§‘§c‘§'}{,_"_§‘“'“'"°“S PHOTOFRAPHS
Y        MNH]! H H'PHd U18} In lUh(‘\19d RIN] HINIH     ' 'N ALL THE LA_:EsT STYLES A
" havn; In il grotto of subs and n<·<···pt+·;A`;%; ;1,;T;—j 4 I v _       S
Itlrllngs nf m¢·r<·0mIngA 'lhe victorious J u  
will champ tle gum nn un It Cor. S. Lime and V` ' ` A .
J T WL L M LM   L. mi,m§.fl.‘Z.§...,{L'§.%,,,..., — ‘”“‘“'“ Yi W w· ~~~ ST. »··»~· wu-x
. l ' · ITIGRXIH ('0Ul[`D]€(€ 8l`I`€S[. °
        i TOO Of[€H \V€ bPCOI`Il(·§ l8\Vl€SS Wh€]l            
_ • . sucvvss am-nds our efforts. The s¤.m·   _ WN H V     % M;':`il‘;;¥;;’;*:;':d of
J     and rational ms-·n ars given to rvtieu-    
_···—····—··—" .. i’jY`lZT,"  W A ss · s, mm beam °°mmm'"“ “ dwd that For All 0CC8Sl0I1S I EXCLUSIVELY
g can be in any wise questioned; while [ 136 WEST MAIN STREET •
{             lthe erratic and rgcklggg ze>u]()[g are ——__~`   _,. _.
Call and let us make your Fall suit. {prone to measure their joy and satis-
‘·- ·· -·   · M*°h'€* AMEEN MIRE
no-uozmx Hora; sunmmc Laxmcrou, KENTUCKY ,*"""’" i" “""” °f d“‘“"g° d°“"‘ “° Bros' C0'
ure glad that the courageous Kentucky ICE CREAM
youth is vigorous and husky. wlth u V' A' BABBAGE PARLOR
  K. S. U. Representative. md
 ...._.....- ---..T-......-._. 7-, vhost that is swollen with ambition LUNCH STANDS
1 and hearty aggression, having a keen PROF MILLER TAKES GEOLOGY soo Souuh n.·¤.4w.y,
      l we and Mr expanding horizon and SLTUDENTS To BEN AU   “""‘______
•   that the fire in his spirit in the an- ` ` `_""‘”_”"”""’ 5
i nounvemsnt of his kinship wherever The Students in the geology class   '}
F0R EVERYTHING IN THE DRUG LINE- q :3*;d0*jj0"j0:;¤"k1j¤;j °;S"‘i‘:":;’; enjoyed 8 my .19..gml  1   ,2; {Q
E FINE CANDIES’ STATIONERY AND   bounds o¤‘.sen—»e· and im/punny at me Ben Au last ‘V€d¤€~¤¤>’ mgm i   ..3. N
. . , . ) 1   ’_Tt.,·,-—7)rv·;7,•,-ya? ,_   1
• Es BEST SODA WATER IN THE CITY- w **¤· w*·~· €¤**·¤S*¤~m *·*=··*¤ *0 *··· Zig;8ST$2`]lE.;i?;ig§f..$§;; fi {Z;  “  ‘    ii
, s ¤ »- u u di·r, rd r th ui- ' _   A ,· —· ¤   W
V Both Phones 154 Phoenix Bmck , 3;,;;.   ;I;0perb;·;?uuc¤?2·¤ ihzzld ziorghgfxyilthgg iizzstgnlllenllerfii   gg J   
· w 10 e \\\ ·§{ ~` ,
N-....—.-.-—--...#---....--, W J if     men bodies ¤¤ me frozen ice sheet of s, _;_ il
U Q-____—.—;l-_-l__"-—’·_—#___A” m·_*m4——-M AV   V he acknowledges ar;d cherishes the the {Land Of the Midnight Sun'., as a X `  `— ‘—$.;-)°  
{ Maw A post beuum parade is an an- silent and everlasting testimonial to /   s _ 1
s I M     bdem mode of letting joy be umm]- the heroism and bravery ot the 'l`eu·   H ' f l *5
» in d It 1 rlmgvul with human tonic race, was one of the most in-   ‘* it ; {
= Y IS:;g`gl€ Tile pcny here needs an Oc- structive and absorbing that has ever [ _ "— I
’     i ' V ` been shown in our clty.   _" E1
; Q `°“"‘°“a' "““’“g‘ T°° “‘“““ “l°""’ ‘“ Mr. umm G. vmmug, F. R. G. S., ¥ \j * *, ll!
_ Fon Idangerous and unhealthy. Long live Loudon wok th h avr U i t { ' 1
· }   "¤*g*¤ ~*·*·‘·   and my ***8 mm;  1§.m’.,Z`v°€,°EeE¤°$’§f sl ©~¤+~<<> U`;
Q CHEMICALS *K‘;L"1;k’ D"; 1;;**;  ;'*;:;‘;;;"2‘; me bmw---;.) me very Citadel of the   gf — ~ ss ss , s ....    
5 l'O S GSS 0 8 I V ' I i I r r \
i CHEMICAL APPARATUS, MINERALS, ETC. Mg ..m,.m, to zxppreviute mm. "”;“ "“T’ "°""_°"’ '°° *""*·‘     ·{]
~ wt Clffy lh! llI’QCS· slack of L|b0l’I'0I'y Sllpplitl in Ih¢     I _ , ;_...._ ..,._..   Oi   Inobt   scenes “id: i  
_ _ _ _ _ apcureo a.greatgaeatseav~*t1
FWS] uulmy SUMIIIIGS   PI'0m|It SBIVICB. I "Cul1ud" H¤bbY··“D0 YOU k¤0“’ the mountainous waves rolling about M ’
`why I'se likv d0ugh"" h H I T x;  
. Analytical Balances and W ’ hr ,   , "   _, { 9 °t° ma ‘ (W"' *
One of Our Lending Specmlzietclg S * (“h°°°mt“ Bride"` N“w· The pivturcs of the animals of the    
! "Cuuud" u“bbY""°CauS€ You `needsv Polar regions and those of the camp   L i _ M A
[STB · [Q5] zme-" life and volcano were extremely in- `   I "‘ " rw 7 V V Ii"-
ZO3'Z“'THIRD‘AVE (‘l1om·0luu- lkridu-"l’se tell you why {Granting ‘ ‘
. . · IS THE
Q EWYORK cl Qwu uk" d"“*h"`C““sB Y°“"`° S') The members of me class wish [ull I
• durued lmrml for me Lu git utf my [hunk Professor Mint'? for the pleas` `        
; ?—’—._;;:—‘_".;—————-————_.._;‘“     r s . s  » handy um <¢¤t•¢¤¤i¤¤¤<>¤¤· E  
. C. C. APPLEGATE, Manager Goods camo For and nmvmu   ’ M ····· *·—·* ————-— -——-—   ;;—~~» ss   L_
i l . , ·   His average im·ome—·-1:30 a. m. Pauonizc our Adyenjlerb \[
7 1   * V K W-   ru-
Elcctrnc Dry Clcanmg C0 » L 1... s   w
ll M _ 1
232 Em Mm sm » UNIVERSITY PRESSING CLUB   The Bm Oi Swhsh
I e
• · Wl Opposite Agricultural Building 557 SoJt· Limestone 1     H ' `
· \ · s ol m ats urls  
l Cleaning ' Dycmg " Pressing li; ' Docs the BcstA Work for the Least Money H   g° ’ `l
Men, we Press Your Suns   You Wait.   Sunts Pressed and Spouged like RCW. 0·n|y 35E? V In i OES ctc. {or   E I
2, Sunts Dry Lleaned and Pressed, only Bjc l` i 1
• NEW PHONE 1843-Y OLD PHONE 527-2 1}, Speciwi Rates to Club Members—|·‘·»ur Sunts hr $1.00 1,   IKIIOW
AM--·»-Y-V K-- —~» --- wr ·· V-,-W   _______V __________ ___A  * All Work guaranteed Special st·e·~tiun tiven to Full Dress Suits We do  
"'”___"’_""'“""°""""— "" ‘°""‘*‘ all kinds of Altering and R0pairing_       i
*""" " ’*"""""*"" "“"""*  _’ r" "" ‘ fr *1.;;: _' ; *.;;__;;,,_..,‘ ’ ll ly
-—-— ~———~————·-——- SCHURMAN, The Tauor l   s
,       557 South Limestone St Next Duor to Students Club Room ;1 I ;
-_.-_._,__.________,__ .._..   ss s,4.,,_______   _ H ms   ls,} I.»O0k€l`S BIC always ·
Fall Styles in Hats, Shoes and I ` s'} W€[(.0m€ fl?
*`··*··*S*·*¤¤ ¤·····*¤ are Mw *·· * I H E AD A NI E AD E  " W
“ s 1 · E
  &     M Lsxmcrows new vwusvnua mums J}  
· N 3 Shows Dani Prices ?  
_ . . 8h I Qt an { . Y s , 1
F|0rShiem Shoes Stetson Hats E) 2==*0 - Yum - mm 10. - 20, - 30. - mw *;  
 "_"r "'_°_""' " ` ` ...;__4.J..";'.._.,[,Q,;.Q_.. ., ;_A_|I - I Q} `i
 ·—*·—*‘*`s“"‘* *·—*·"} 5. - Acts and Kmemacnlnr - 5 , M ·»
• Th• 1914 Kentuckinu Dance Nov. 7. The "K" Tug Dance Armory, Nov. S R di Noun " INCORPORATED
y Both for $1.00. 7, 8 p. xu., SHARP. Admission $1.00.I " E. nu `   _v__A WM an _v_r ~mr___ ~*

Published very Thursday throughout th• College year by tho •tud•nt body g  
of th• State Unlverrlty of Kentucky, for the benellt of th• un-
dergraduates, alumni and faculty of the lnstltutlon. I
  T   "K h · ,’ F.   h.
THE IDEA ls the ofllclal newspaper of the Unlvernlty. It ls lnued 2 4 25 0 |¢¥V¢ YOU Upptll tlllltf lll! ol IRQ,
with the vlew of furnlshlng to ltr subscribers all the college news of Ken- __ H _
tucky. together with a dlgeat of items of Interest concerning the unlvernlllel   &   Slllrh, Regal Shoes, ·
of other States and Canada. ..
 ·;;.·:;  • A ' "M-"0 lnd "stmon H.h"
Entered at Lexlngton Post U ce as secon cans ma ma er. .
EDITORIAL "A,,_ mm_ -~   Aid all •lll¢r FIIE_fURNlSIll|6S for Mu
A••oelat• Edltoro. d (   I  
nurrn mocnsssm, Soclety manor rt. A. somus, Mgr. Edltor moon. 1·.·»4y•c·.. oo. msu.    
E. F. DANFORTIL Athletic Edltor J. 0, REYNOLDS, llumorlst M
C¤ntrlbutor’• Club. •; 
w_ F_ \VRl(}HT, Editor A. S. BEHRMAN, Assistant. {  W x COI,. Main tnd Lime·t°¤c
Bu•lne•• Staff. l
v_ A, uAlmAo1·;, Uuslness Manager. <‘. H. SCHWARTZ. Sub. Mgr.    —-—— ·
g_ g_ no1,1,1xo,s, Aoslstont t J. 'l`. GILDER. Assistant . °`   __
 —;  _T ‘...".,.*‘€T ‘;'. "` I "' -11 ;tL.;_";""'., J .“_ ‘ ""'.. .;  • • • ·
EDITORIAL urday nlght. The unusual spectacle   S I I   I S
of strong, exurbersnt, young manhood to excel in my sport i§ rendered Nam. _ I
(w_ p_ w,;°m_) should have been a glad sight for the by being properly equtpped, Your wants supplned here. We carry • new and up-to·date Imc of
··p0,· gt bleared eyes of these pampered and A. G. Spaldmg&Bros. are outilttersto P P 1s T bl t nd H St I,
can wagns patema wise way_a_nd has emnsculated pets of preferment, yet ¥:::l‘¥:gT;}i:£3¤°éY:sli*;;v¤::;:‘t';lU¤@ bo ¢n$, CHC} y I C S I IIC Q l0|'|¢|’y
‘““‘°"“ °‘ ""“" ‘" "“""°" §T5.T.§°2L"2‘$ .`2"£2,l‘. L‘Z,,,Z.,{f,{"i}§’;$ ¤...».»·.,·.¤...»........  For Lunches wg hgve shoeshdoépply arg-mia, om., pies,
‘ r•¤v‘ **• M *¤• ••*'¤¤· an wic G8 an Mme oods
The hostility toward the University ¥l'lld¤¥·
of Kentucky of that aslnlne sheet, ln- (lf course. the Mtudents who rolled A- G· SPALDING&BR0S' • •
appropriately dubbed "Tne LEAL)t..., the beer wagon down the street 327 W- |•l|•l‘•••l ll- LOUIIVILLE. KY.   n      
has long been o suoloot of comment °°“’“"“"f’ E $"‘y° EEE "°*°°“' °" mol-an mmselr that license ls snowed B_ w_ Bm·;·nNG"AM_ p,,0,,_
among the smuem body and [I-lends tense. \\e wonder that the delicate mm to club Omen mm the yoke of
of me m8muu0n_ From me Hal. and farglle vehicle was not injured I i 1 t b u
Ioworoo disturbance or more than hall l>€5'0¤d fill MDB of l‘€l>¤ll`- Blll W¤l’¤ "ght°°“°"°°°‘ ms m °° °n { ° °  ;__ ___i_________
a (1,,7,,,, F., ,,r__ mm up to the mgm shirt they not punished sufilcieutly when criterion ln tht! "b0dy polltlc ¤¤d to  · •
parade of lm saturday msn:. The the flock of mrs ml ll¤ vro 1 TAILORS T0 THE MEN WH0 KNOW.
LEADER certainly has LED in an in- °°l"‘» wltlr tho ’“t°i°t "Tl;° one H"; motion, but sometlmes he forgets and 5 ,
discriminate attack on the students Sb¤Y" llPll€l`m°*‘l ll W9? Plll"‘ Ul at _ d man., of his _00  
wh., ,.,.,,.,8, to Lexington for training classic mums. aemuceu upon them "°°°“‘°” " °““°°°“ SLIHZS - OV€fC08tS ?
and development in her largest unl- with one fell swoop. and with