xt7tmp4vjj5s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tmp4vjj5s/data/mets.xml United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects. Kentucky Historical Records Survey 1941 January 1941 books FW 4.14:K 419/no.82 Kentucky Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Archives--Kentucky--Meade County--Catalogs Meade County (Ky.)--Archival resources Meade County (Ky.)--History Inventory of the county archives of Kentucky. No. 82. Meade County (Brandenburg) text Inventory of the county archives of Kentucky. No. 82. Meade County (Brandenburg) 1941 1941 January 1941 2012 true xt7tmp4vjj5s section xt7tmp4vjj5s E     ;@1 i ¤www5              
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i Tho Historical Records Survoy &‘
i Sorgoni: B. Child, Diroctor O
Clifford R. Rudor, Stotc Suporvisor 2*
j Roscarch and Rocords Sootiom C
Q o
g Harvey E. Bcoknoll, Director l
t Tilton M. Blanton, Mogiongl duyorvisor C
Donald P. Brown, Stoke Quporvioor
` u
Qi l
f Division of lrofcssiouul and Sorvioo Frofycts Y ’l'?
Florozco Korr, Assistint Comyissiorcr
Flcnoho I. Rilston, Chiof Rogioril Sujirvioor ’
E. Yullorton, Stuto Diryctor “
» O
Y 1
li€> . -c . . . .
—j yoword O. ;u1t r, Acting Comniscioicr
xg Qiloolm J. Tiller, Hogion l Dir otor
all Clorgg Q. Goodgxn, Sint; idminintrnhor
_ `¥;_

Tho Invcvtory of %hc County Arcgivcs of Kentucky is cnc of a number
of guidos to kistcricol moEcri£lsM3rc;H};d ihrofiloué tHc Uhibcd Stotcs
by wor?crs on thc Historicol Bcooris Surtcy Proyr·mlof The horl Projccts
. Administrmiion. Tho publiciiiou horcwith prcscytod, an invcnbory of the
crclivcs of Lcadc County, is mumbcr 32 of thc Icciucky scrics.
Tho iistcTic&l Rccoyds Survcy Program wss unicrtckcm in tlc winicr
of l€55-36 for thc yurjosc of provioiny vscful cnjloymcnt ko cocoy u1~ '
cmployco Fisicricns, lcwfcrs, tcuclcrc, cud rccccrch and clcrical worksrs.
lm carvjliy out ihis obj>cbiao, thc orojoct *1; .o—. oyfciizqc to conjila in-
votLorLcs of bistozicxl ucbcrlllz, jRy?icvl&rly thc urouUlirlo* gowormmont
docu? of; and rocoyds which arc Lucie in the gd;in1styuclon of local govcrn-
ment, lil Thick providc ivvlluablo Qlkc for ctwQ;@£s of jcliiical, oconom c,
and socixl hisiory, Tlc LTCilVfl guilc Hor*miEh groroc¥od is ini rdod to
ucoi LF; roqvircmocts of @&y~To~Jzj ciminisbyoticn of thu officixls of the
commtyj aiici also thc mccis; of lC.YFT*JI`E$, ?nus:i1. c;,;;;;;i, crvcl <=*i;l·.1" ci";iz:c1s who
Foquiro fccts from thc public records for E.? prog ..o· T cc;Fuc3 of cioir
affairs, Tho volumc ic so dcnlQ1;H that it can bw uxed by thc historian
in his 1·cs·:i.1*oh in =~:c.p1‘j;c};·;v·;i sowrccs in thc ;n;·.·1~; 1.a-y iii: rz:/3:; tlc lib1·c.1‘y
card cct;log for print~d courccc.
Tho imv>;tori2s oyoduccm by tQo Lisboriccl L ces c Syyvcy Program
Mitlgob to do morc chxn ;ivo mrr ly A list of rncorcc ~ +h;y cito2@t
Ivrbbcr to skctob in tbo hisbcsicol backgyov d oi Tho covntj or oihor
unit of gcvcrnmsnt, ani to desc ibc wrccisrly cgd in d;§cjl the oyjinj-
action cmd fuxctionc of tQc qovlrngwuh oc»;cl;s m“oc; yscoric chow lick.
The county, coun, And oihcy locol ioneiiorizn for bLv pctiro counlry Jill,
` ·'·’ h£*¥ ¤¤¤u>l>i id, C**l$tilT7i@ sci ¤`~fjclcie.¤>f l`#;;l 4w·vc0ux»·>yt cs wmzll as
L blbliogr wh? of local crchlvos. M
Tcv cucczcsful conclvsion of QF »,`· worE of BI; ;*sE vic l Eccoris Scr-
`f~Er ;%`OL¥°#¥¥, '¢l'?~= ill @ Fi-1T?»~ G F1TLQf’, 1’@M‘lClT“?jE;;CE
The Flatorical Hccoyds Suyvcy was lcgvm in J&HW@TT 1956, uwdcr thc
national dircctorshlp of Dr. Luthcr L. Evaus, as a garb of tlc fodcrul ‘
hritcrs’ Project of thc Lorks Progrcss gdmlnistrution. Om Qurch 1, 1940,
LT. Surgcnt B. Child succccici Dr. Cvags as National Director. Pr. T. D.
Clark was mppolmtcd supcrvlsor of thc §cmtucIy projcct, under the a&minis~
trativc direction of Dr. U. R. Doll, State Dlrcctor of thc Fnicral hritors?
Prcjcct. ln July 1956 Dr. Clark was succc;dod by Q. 3. Mild F, and in
Loccubcr 1Q?€, ualtcr 4. iocf ·o`, lwau wcs ;od4 Shut, uirwctcr. Lv. Iocfplman
directed thc proj ct until July $1, lQ39,‘»¥2p hc Hun svccccucd by Furl
D. lolc, who f1OH August 1, 1559, uxtil Jxuuury 26, 13lC, U1; in c; zgc of
tho Qroj;cE. Gu thc lattxr d;tc, Ir, Lol; uu: succwclcd by tLe pr cont
ln Doc NLT? 195%, EL; Iotiowul Lurvcy wx; cop&rst-d frog tlc Ecd,r&1
Nritcrs’ Project, agi occunc an ind:yc¤d;;t unit of E; irpl Byojrct Imnbor
1. As of Scpt moor 1, 19CQ, the Hintcric;1 kv; ros S"yvcY xls clingcd
from ono I&tion—* ic ’.‘. HP1-sgcwsor;6 A-dcril brojuct, to 1 ccrics cf Sixte-
wldc projocts sp0u$0rc1 by lvgrlly ccggtltutci a blic rggwciog, lyt pycgcnt,
thc IcntucLy Historical izccrds Srrv y Tyoj ct, zpoiscy;1 by the Stxtc
Llbrariav ari ;rcF1Ji$t, Eng; Loy Crcgmwll, ic unJ;r tl; udminictrotlvc
control of tho Proiossionul uid Sgrvico D vision of hb; lork Projocts ,d~
The Toads Couity lmvéutoyy is divi?cl igto tic y c‘·. 2Zs. Tho Qlrst pxyt,
A, dvuls xltl the gcncral iifcrultiop og ll; Lis oyj eil jovcrmncmt of thc
county, thc hcuclri and cure og the ;~ccr c, url cbsycri tions cud cxplana
tory not;c. Part B, is icvot Q to thc 1nv.Wto?y frcj r.
Th? Cvruupowcrt of oj»rc1~s in Part 3 gf t¥= lux; [cry cllsoificc
tlnm uccoriim; to govrrumzgtxl function; &A_1I1S¥T¢JlOW; rcgistrutiou of
pyopgrty tltlqsy aqylnictsntion of justjcqg low >DJorc>m;xt; ilncnvo;
ulwctious; cducabicn, hx lth; und giscs1l1;`ous. TQc ;trnctwr.1 cyiu1i#
zuticn of thc ggcicy, tKc pcw=rs uni duiius {or jutlrflcilch nf courts),
lll- thc 1¤t>cc1‘<;lc 1*cQu.;i,1·¤;;.;<~iwi?;:; 11*:; ci_§_;;c11ss·<2l 111 4. r‘ ct? 71 'Dl`·..CJ<`1Z'1_;   111- ’
V'>?117?Jl’y of tim z·;»;<;2min of ·»:;>.<;Q ;.·.5;¢>1;c;*·. QL-r:<,;··`?s; ·;;·,> cl  gl  in ;;—1>2;-2*:;1,
1G®CTGiUQ to C12 cjcucier nFic} pull 71;;,, u4l`S~ ;`f.€‘;b ~;21fi»u of bF¤'
l".JOi)l‘ClS is <{lJ<:c[i;;Q 5;* 1;‘.J, ¥j_;;l<3;*   ·:;iu;:{_i;i,   Vc 1*.:1 1; vv lm:  <;21C1${·f_f“l1c‘1,
~1S f‘1‘ `.». so TT]S$1D1Ty ;.cc;;.}1;y* tc th ·rvi,`icT: 151/ ‘hiicY~ 5¥C;’ in J;2;u;Yi_z;Q ‘Yo ;bv$
l*11K!fmu1tI1cJ1 czizlc xy ·1;1@ ;E,c ·*j;t]_c o¤j 1v;;»:;~1, ,Yx?1,s lv y ·._;1c]. yr ;i lgjgl c, ,··‘
quaiblty, lubnlinj ni v lvm c _o,· or ¤cuQ;i"crr, vuxl ;i ;it1 s, 1 rcrlwtiowf
ti xaccqd co €~;t:, moon r gf uryngqlneit, itlyxipq, u.tr?; »1`rwcJtPin¢,
slcc of volwunn or coptxirurn, N11 lcv Ll;,.
;jllC) C11`i_ffj.Q.. 1_ :·1*;·=r:*j* .; S lc ;`;;’;; C ;¤`;’ Q· ,. .·· ">/M *11_, }_ .Ti;,1/1 YQE‘tLY? Yqjf ,121 *f. Q3 .”
T1‘;wri4» ..1. #1 exec, C}.,1·lr.; Q_, Sax j’¤,·ry p, :"¤ ;.· .1 r~ = 1 ·»,·1 ,1__1 ta - .F :w; Ji. “J.,t¤‘m·,
f;3{;j3‘Q;_ ji, f] `,(i; §13,"_;"*_i§_g·;·_ IQ; J =1_7·’_; ·",*   ··`#`,;;··~· _;_; L »_Q`~, *L,}_1, ·_;_]_~_L»"\_l
liztiuj Tis rcvQ2clc£ ui[ey tQ· fir cji 1 ,1 Je}; C, Qiw; Tr, jznictiit .
Prijcct Tqcfilclwt, ics ctc} of J,riyb jv ’.‘· .iu$ MJ: f»;¢o4 E. h}TJ.Y,
©@it;T: in {Pe Sb Qc cj lc;. {cg ith ,1*YL*·m .‘* r.TT# B. Y‘Cij¢S Til
€11*» 1‘~»Si~"1‘cX; HT; F11 1, XV lifny1 li; ~? v;y i 1,Z"." 1 -“;:. ;fi:‘ -`.: ` * y . ;‘l<· 1 J `¤»` 0310

 ... Vi ..
Robert P. Arnold compiled the legal research work for the office essays, `
under the supervision of Elizabeth Johnston, Assistant Project Technician,
· Messrs. Gurganus and Nurray edited the entries under the supervision of
Hr. Simmons, who arranged the entries in final form.
· ·r --¤ · — ~ - - ·w · vw ' 1* '
July Jyklo and rrunk A. Kenny, ucoort P, lcndams, coerce N, Duck,
Arthur C; Best, and Richard D. Spriggs, under the supervision of hrs,
Johnston, were responsible for the cssiys uni the final editorial work
necessary for the publication of this invcntory. M
The Kentucky Iistorical Records Survey wishes to express its deep
appreciation to Label S. Brodie, nssistant Archivist in charge of public
records inventories, of the Husnington, D. C. office, for her helpful
J editorial criticism of this inventory in manuscript form, and to Dan
Lucy, Assistant Director, Historical Records Survey Projects, for his
valuable suggestions. Grateful acknowledgement is node to the Pilsen Z
vs · . ,_ T ` . .-. 1 _,_,_ . . _ ` ,_ _`_;__._ M _' ‘*
Club and toe Louisville Free Puolic Lioialg, Louisville, Doi tncii generous
coepcrationb _
This volume could not have been written without the cooperation und
interest of the officials of Qexdc County. Especially do we appreciate
the assistsanee given our workers by County Judge M. E. Brown; the Circuit
“ Court Clerk, jk. Roy Niefus; and the Deputy Court Clerk, Nellie Lusk
The Inventory of the County Archives of Kentucky ‘ill, v·.~e when completed,
consist of l2O volumes, each numbered te irdicotc its Alphabetical position
umong thc eountics of the State. y
Forthcoming volumes of the Inventory of the County grchives of Ken-
tucky will be issued in mincograploi form for free distribution to govern-
ment offices, libruries, and historical societies in Kentucky, as well as
to selected libraries and depositorics in other st tos. For a list of
publicutions of the Historical RccorJs Suriuy in Icrtueky, soc p. 376.
Requests for information concerning particulnr vtlungs should be addressed
to the State Supervisor, 55C South Fifth Strnet, Louisville, Kentuchv. ~
— · C.
. /3 97   j /7   Q j
x" 1, 4
(_/i,x,7i4“(nM7»TfLt\ X [ipZJ¢_;;w/VA T
"‘°‘*"1’ """‘*‘;‘v·:¢r·*··:··=¢···3¥·]····—············—········ ”` °
», Cliilor; u. Auger
[A St to Supervisor
Kentucky Iistrricul itccrds Survey Project ·
A l LL   ¤
[ L Louisville, I;;1tu·t:Y:y .
Q January EC, lull
. __ `

.m, ' ' ' ·
_ A. doodo County and Its locords Systom Yugo
T.! ,~ - ' -,~ ` . A
].• J.;.l.ltOf°1C··.]. SKCJk.»Ch • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . `J
Croation. Boundorios. Torriborinl hisiorv. first
count? covrt and officors. Establishment of court?
~ ~ — . 1 ‘ ‘ —‘ <· -» - s ..-,w.. · · N —.M. M
soot. Puolic ouilcinLs: Gourchoosos, goilo. TIo£SDO£*
4-.- ‘ rl. - ,-..1 T7 .. . ‘ ‘ . i.. . ,\.- ‘ : · ·
cition. lowciis. ioccxmiouol dowoloymort. hOlLF1OUS
dovolopm nt. Population. Economic dcvoloyr»nt: lrricvl-
J. , ,. M1 . . ,. `.1 ,, '..- ` . - q- "" -- r. - » . >
Luirzg oxliniil kn1sb.nici~r, i»io¤»sLr¤.. -.i1r;ri.l 1'?$LllTCZrS•
T. . " *’
l·r;x11;·.go . `i`C>THlS .
mohoc oountr ¤&o l8
J : - I O I I I 0 I I I 0 l O Q I I I U I I I I v O
.0US Z» GU“UTHHUHT@l Orgawiz ·.’·. tion cmd Accords Syst.m , . ........ n 19
Logol stgtus of tho ooo tv. Ziructvrpl dov;lo$nort of
tho county. Gorcral sdgiiistrotior, AG;i¤5str;fion of
lind title low. Aomivisir bio? of fos ico: Civil inria-
oioolong CT]Vl“'l urisr"cz‘or· c or¤ii Oi" G1"i.·Ti1;l1,i;;;
ouotoiy of jrioororsg jrosocuhioos; oyncwtirn of ¢cn¥oxoc.
f Financial odxixistrabionz Tmxitiong foes; Banco; finos ini
-'* . .- -2 ..r. . . sq. x   ..   · ,,¤.· . · n.   . -·.: . .
Od LO1 fifcui ·l s, COUIl;,_; omlbdz oo,. xi.--io;1.   1.,.;»,1oi,r;‘.1io}? of
’ hl (¤(yY··] owo · TV »·" ~· · ]_.·»-¤*—’ .r-» q-,»· ,-,.1-1 1 . -“ · -2:   . . ,1 \ .1-*
. _ V-, sloss. -l1iy r.,ocioo iiococ rc, ,ioc.lC;s L¤s.;r JMC
  -¤.»<~— » - .'.'.1. ,...i . T‘*. -.1 ‘. 1 * · — v · · 1
plwooHL conscioubion. wooogoimiii imyinisgrgqion: Ccnoril
A ocvolopm nt; local o&miwi:%r;%ivo agcrciosg Tincuciul gc-
mihisiroiion. Yublic h; l&h. Public wclfuro. bublic
Uorksi loads ird or Wgoog oublic bujl&i;gs; r4cL;m&Fio:.
ll- -\ . . .. . ` ’ ` l N 7
locoros .·.i s~sccm: Npinicnvncr of rrcoyos· titlos· r cord
B V 5 B
¤ ._.__ __ . . . , .
Oonicoig control oi rzcorosg Qvoroprxxtion io? CUH@l1CTZ
presgrwctiou of rbcorisg Qostruciion of ol& r cords.
1 URZTC of Countv Govcrnycut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · · Q7
oo "
o. rofraqr, Circ, an& Accos:ibili*~ oi rko Loocrds · · · · · · · · · 99
~ -»UO; I ]..~;'Y.S, CO`LlI"b!LO`L_S I . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •  
C ·» .'z·i*I`."‘Tl`."ij.OEi$, Bj,-i‘_1l;;ol:;_, zygi-{ its j .l;;ii;rjr iiockcg . . . `. . · · · · • l0:}
F. Covniv U€Tico: noi Eizir iocoris
"`·‘ ,,’ /1 1 _ l ·r· .
H l. bisoil ooxrb ..... . ........ . . . .......... lOo
l rrncrgirc i"_jS . l*iii..t c Z1 '»ly;j;1ios·Lrvli1i<=;z; r·.*f;12*1o 3 €x.*i;;TiZo? 3
Loco isswrsg wty¢¤€i*vr,s: ssillcw ij? c“ ro· *“ c’“ic"“c'
' lC@CUYiS§ i svrinc;. l=iV1r<. Eublic xrrkc. of?ic€xlr
or oo rtvc Gon;i;:i.;:; 3 `__*, rity Zo;ix. risc. 1Zl ono.
tw I `~f 1,w , ____ _ .
.»~¤ JDUJ.$ Jo1_L Clgrk . . ........ . ........ . . . . . 127
lnsirurints of cox? ".uo·: Lird {Lilac; I Noir ·¤ coo-
‘€IYkC*ciJ; fw YSMLT Ll ‘o1¤»*w riic. Y;1ow:t]~r’,;<¤;rt: I ;’.l r;b_;tr
`·¤·-¤» l-——J» -,, "-1.--.,. Y'-? -»—` -.2-- --7   .,..     ,.. -. Min.
li irs, cl..;L,l. ii li .~_. . i}..l sc..,i:€ilc.,. .. ii_ i r ·o»1—r ..,» ,
w:m»», .-- ,- Hr- ~o- .“.. ~ i.l¤n,. ‘:-..~ H. 0 ,=.»..
Sli Lum. ,.;*1 EM-- lol}.; • . `V ,`;l¢._..· 1.·... .;.-.i..;, ,   .1..) '-... ..; l .` lf, .1 ."
iioiig ioccuxts. Yizc/lLe;»ots.

- 3 -
Table of Contents P&§G V
III• Circuit Court . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . ..... . 150
Cemmonmeslth’s Attorney · . . . ........... 159 YV]
‘ . . \·
Circuit Court Clerk ..,. . .... . . . ..... 164
lhster Commissioner . . . . . . ........... 170 svT7
~ . . . . , _ _   . ¢~ ’ -.1
Civil actions at lew:‘ Casc·papers;·suretj bonds; niscel- _
laneous; dockets; minutes and proceedings; orders and
judgments;'eiecutions. Criminal—setiensr Case papers;
surety bonds; miscellaneous papers; dockets; orders and
judgments; executions. Chancery actions: ‘Case papers; V7
surety bonds; miscellaneous; dockcts;»eemnissieners’ ”
records; land instruments. Lunney and gu ·.·. rdianship.
Business administration: Financial records; jury records;
I witness reeords.< Miscellaneous. · y
IV, Countv Court . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
C Uinutos and proceedings. Yrehete of wills. Guardian- , ¢~
ship. Trusteeship. Comnitteeship 1.‘. nd lunacy. Apjrentioe-
i M ship. Civil actions at law; Case papers; surety bonds; KY]
deckets; executions; witness records. Juvenile actions:
Case papers; docket; orders. Surctv bonds. letitions. vT—¤
L - ·- ...x.I.*
V, V- Quarterly Court ................. . . . . . . 225 XK]
Civil actions at 11w: Case papers; surety bonds; mis-
cellaneous; docket; orders xnd judgments; executions.
Criminal actions: Case papers; surety tends; docket und
judgments; executions. Business administration: Finan-
s cial records; witness records. ‘
r V1- County Attorney . . ..... . ...p . . . . s . . . . . . . 251
r.». T Vll. Justices' Courts . . . . . . . . . . . . . » . . . . ... . . 257
Vlll. Sheriff . . . . . . .... . . . . . . ..... . .... . 244
Taxation: Assessnbnts; lard sales; deg licenses. Cash
book and reports. Claims and expenditures. Strayed
— animals and boats. Miscellaneous.
B     I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ¤ I I I  
X. Jailer ............ . .............. 260
` II. _ Coroner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
p_ X11. Tax Commissioner. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
§` XIII. Board of Tix Supervisors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
jr XIV. Countj ,.’’ ”udget Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ZC4
WV Treasurer °¤
, 1- I x ·¤. \./ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I • I O I 1-¤L)7
j XVI. County Board Election Comrissioners . . . . . .... . . . , 291
» Fotitiens and registrttions. Ta%uluti;n cf votes. Cer-
ie tifie tions. Csnpairn oxntnsos. Kiscellznecus.

 EG I _ _ I - 5 -
,0 Tablo of Contonts Pago
F __. _
E? XVII. Couuty Board of ROg1StT1ClOM and rurgat1on . . . . . . . . . . 299
70 XVIII. County Board of Education . ..... . . . . ....... . 505
‘ Businoss administratioiz Fiiaucial rooordsg contracts;
~ ` bonds. ‘Go;oral administration: Toaohors' applications;
I oaths; bouadayy yccords; miscollauoous. - ·
XIX. County School Suporimtowdout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
Consus rocordz. Inyolluwnt. vkttovdlicc. Cyados.
I Corrcsponduuoo. ·
Y?. 'Coumty:Hoalth Unit . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
Vitxl statistics. loalth roorrdr.
* ELI. Cotmty Llvostock Irspoctor .A' .............. . . . 555
XXII. County Suyvoyor . . . . . ................. . 556
XXIII. County Road Lngircor . . . . ..... . . . . . . . .... 540
7 -... · . . . . .
EO AAIV. County ACFICUILWTZI dycut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544
Cowtraots. Lopoyts.
Bitliography . . . . . . . . ............. . . . . 550
Shyonological Index . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . .... 554
'Z .. I l l ·
’l Gnucral xxdcx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557
Q7 Tdtlo of Casos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575
4. .. . ,. — T I
~4 Iuol1cat;o1s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57o
GO .
S4 I
87 —

 - 2 -
Table of Contents PQQG ~
_ _ ,. Tllbl
III» C].1"CL`LllI Court . • • y • • • • • • • · • • • • • • · • • • • • 190
Commonwoslth's Attorney . . . . . ....... . . . l59 ,V]
- . . . !¥
l Circuit Court Clerk ................. l64
Nmster Commissioner . . . .............. l70 7vTi
·· . . . . _ _ _ _; . _ ~ *’·'-—-‘
Civil actions st lsw:‘ Csse·pepers;·suretg bonds, miscel- p
lsneous; dockets; minutes and proceedings; orders and
judgnents;'executions. Criminal notions: Cdse papers;
psurety bonds; miscellaneous papers; dockets; orders and
judgments; executions. Chancery actions: ‘Cmse papers; in
surety bonds; miscellaneous; dookets;»cemnissioners' i"
records; land instruments. Lunucy and gu ·.·. rdisnship.
Business administration: Finnncisl records; jury records;
witness records. sMiscellaneous. .
IV, County Court . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
' Tinutes and proceedings. Frobdte of wills. Guardian- . ~;
snip. Trustceship. Uonnitteeship xnd lunacy. Apprentice-
M ship. Civil notions st law; Case papers; surety bonds; yy]
· dockots; executions; witness records. Juvenile actions:
Case ndners; docket; orders. Surctw bonds. Ietitions. V7 7
*- J- · ‘— 4.4&.I.'
V .\/Y•     • ; • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ¤ • • I •    
Civil notions st liwc Cdse papers; surety bonds; mis-
eelluneous; docket; orders und judgments; executions.
Criminal sctions: Case papers; surety tends; docket und
_ judgments; executions. Business udministrstien: Finan-
s ciul records; witness records. ‘
‘f VI. County Attorney . . .....‘ . ..... . . . . . . . . . . 25l
.n Vll. Justices‘ Courts . . . . . . . . . . . . . » . . . . . . . . 257
Vlll. Sheriff . . . . . . .... . .... . .... . .... . . 244
Tnxstion: Assesswbnts; ldrd silos; dog licenses. Cash
book and reports. Claims snd expenditures. Struyed
animals and hosts. Miscelleneous.
¥· IX. Constables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
X. Juiler . . . . ....................... 260
` Il. Coroner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
{_ Xll. Tux Commissioner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
" Illl. Board of Tix Supervisors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Sl
t‘ IIT. Countj ,,·‘ °udgst Jonnission . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . 284 ,
[V. l`rc:xsurer . . . . . . . . . . . .... . .... . .... . 287
Y2 LTI. County Beard Election Conrissioners . . ........... 2Ql
J’ Petitions ind rogistrmtions. Tuuulxtizn cf votes. Cer-
$2 tific tions. Cgnpiign expenses. fiscellznecrs.

 ·EG ~ _ _ I - 5 -
,0 Tablo of Contents Pago
.0 ·
,59 lh- . 1 U v . , ,. , . O
FA Avll. Louuty ;oard of Iogistration and rurgation . . . . . . . . . . 2c9
‘7O XVIII. County Board of Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
‘ Businoss administration: Financial rccorcs; contracts;
- I bonds. `Gcncral administration: Toachcrs‘ applications;
_ oaths; boundary rccords; niscollanccus. - ·
XIX. County SCIIODI_SllpCl`IIlIZQL";(lO1'l"Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
Consus rccoris. Knrollmcnt. vittcnduicc. Trades.
I Corrcspondonco. ·
YY. ICountY:Hcalth Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
0% Vital statistics. Qcalth rocrrdr.
· ELI. Covmty Livcstock Irspoctor ." ........... . . . . . . 555
XXII. County Survoyor . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . 556
XXIII. County Road Lnjirocr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540
?3 —··ound- .
Lnson No Indians ever inhabited this region for any length of time, although,
(ted crossing the Ohio River at the mouth of Salt River, Rock Haven, Flippen's
Run, Buck Creek, and near the mouth of Wolf Creek,thgy came often to hunt
,r, game. Many weapons and some perfect specimens of small pottery of exquisite
Indian workmanship have been unearthed at numerous places in the county.
One of the most.fieree1y contested battles with the early settlers occurred
on East Hill at Brandenburg. A party of marauding Indians crossed the river
and hid their canoes in Plippen's Run. Big Joe Logsdcn, one of the famous
Indian fighters who spent much time in this region, aided by a party of
hunters, attacked the band. After a running fight along the buffalo trail,
the Indians were beaten back and not long after decided to seek security
_O on the northern bank of the Ohio. (7)
eek, A
herds ·
with First County Court and Officers 4
1; l On Monday, March 22, 1824, in accordance with provisions of the act
yild Creating Meade County, Joseph Stith, John H. Trent, William Ditto, William
_uCkS Garnett, Robert h..Washington, Joseph_Atwill, and William F. Fbushee met
(O 'at John Rush’s house in Buck Grove and organized the county court. Each
RT’ 4. eeoaee L. Rnoamoua, gagg; TIMES LE MaAes eeumrv, KENTUCKY, Lou1sv1LL¤, 1929, PP. 9,10.
5. lag &Q!L§!U;E§ Evannmc Epsl, MARCH 27, 1923. A
h 6. RIDENOUQ, eg. SLI., Pe. 27·3l. . - · V ‘
2* 7. RIOEHOUR, qg. QLL., PP. 15,17.
AU or
r E1l~

 ir HZlS`bOI'lC£l]. SlCCtCh (Fj_yS·[; gn·f;I•y’ P.   .
man produced a commission signed by Governor John Adair, appointing him
justice of the peace. Joseph Stith administered the necessary several
* oaths to John H. Trent, who in turn administered the same oaths to the
J other appointees. After these justices had taken their seats, Benjamin
Shacklett produced a commission as sheriff from the Governor and gave
bond in the sum of ss,0oo. Robert Bleakley was appointed deputy sheriff
and William Fairleigh was named clerk pro tempore, furnishing bond for
` $10,000. The county was divided into three districts. The first district
' was "oast of a line from horeman's Ferry to a pond half-way from the mouth
of Brushy Fork of Otter Creek and the Big Spring." William B. Stith was
elected constable of this district. The second district extended"from ‘
the line of the first district to a line beginning at Joseph B. Woolfolk's,
thence in a straight line to Colonel Carr's." Samuel Brownlee was elected
constable of the second district, ,Oliver Burch was elected constable of
the third district. John R. Helm, just 21 years of age, was appointed
county attorney. Jesse Shacklett produced his commission as coroner, and
Nathan Riatt and Robert Stout were recommended to the Governor by the
i court as capable surveyors, ‘Danicl S. Bell, W. Allen, Thomas Q. Wilson,
». and John L, Helm were admitted to practice by this court. (B)
On June 28, 1824, the county court issued the following order: "Ordered
Q_ that william Ditto and william Garnett, Esquires, be and they are hereby
appointed Judges to superintend the Meade General Election to be held at
this place in August next, and that Robert W. washington be appointed clerk ~
of said election." (9) Elections at this time were hold for a period of
F three days. Every man in the county was required to vote at John Rush's
l house which served as the courthouse, Elections and regimental musters
" were the scenes of much "fist and skull" fighting to determine the "best
—g man in the county," a title gained with a man's fists. It was a time when .
public questions were often determined by personal combat, At the first
“ election held at John Rush’s, Dan Shacklett fought for 57 minutes with
f` Isaac Vertrces over an acre of ground. This was probably the hardest
· such fight ever waged in Meade County. (l0) ‘
_ .Establishment of County Seat
;» After the officers for the new county had been named, the next im-
Q portant business before the court was to decide upon a location for a
j county seat, and Claysville was chosen. The court thereupon ordered Nathan
v_ Raitt to lay off the town of Claysville as the seat of justice "on the
*. upper side between the ridges across Doe Run near bidow Leache’s including
T what is new called the sugar tree grevc," William Ditto, James B. Woolfolk,
William Garnett, Robert W. Washington, Thomas Stevenson, and Henry Turnstall
§g, 0. Ososas Couwrv Ccunr, vet. A, P. 1 rr., nw MEADE eoumrv Ancwnvss, ENTRY 220;
N, Rloawoua, gg. gil., PP. 59,60. A O
T 9. Onosss Coomrv Count, vo;. A, P, 39, sas smrsv 220.
E I0. Rxoswous, gg. gil., PP. 60,51.

 L15) - h _
Q ·"·
Historical Sketch (First entr