xt7tmp4vjc28 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tmp4vjc28/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1955 yearbooks ukyrbk1955 English University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection The 1955 Kentuckian text The 1955 Kentuckian 1955 1955 2012 true xt7tmp4vjc28 section xt7tmp4vjc28     For ninety years the University of Kentucky has been a leader of education in the South. During the last fifty of those years, the Kentuckian Yearbook has become a symbol to those who have been fortunate enough to attend this institution.
The Kentuckian is not only a symbol of attendance at this University: it is also the mark of a collection of memories garnered here. Since 1905 the graduates who have left Lexington have taken these memories home in our book.
The graduating seniors of 1955 will someday look back into the past through these pages, seeing old friends, remembering the good times and the bad times when they were part of our school. They will remember both the moments when they were part of a screaming crowd at a ball game and when the same crowd was silent at Baccalaureate.
May the years at the University of Kentucky go on as they have in the past, not only turning out a better brand of American but bringing to those who are yet to come a love for our university. May they someday look back through their Kentuckian and remember their college life as those in the past are doing now.
On this, the University's 90th Anniversary and the 50th consecutive year of the Kentuckian, do we dedicate your yearbook to the graduates, the graduating, and those who are yet to come: a dedication to the past, the present, and the future.  1905
  Open this book and capture a glimpse of yourself and those that have gone before you. Turn the pages and look at your college life, a way of living that comes but once in a lifetime.
This yearbook invites you to enjoy the past through its portals. Remember these years time and time again as this book is your never-ending source of mempries. Welcome to Kentucky's trademark of the past, present and future, your 1955 Kentuckian.
aMd \jm...
        we'll ki&.pm W run.. Hill -Hie batik V> Mm...
             ARTHUR E. ARSHIRE, Law .... McAndrews DAVID W. ADAMS, A. & S.......Harlan
Tau Sigma; SUB Art Committee; Junior member of art dept.; Keys; Lambda Chi Alpha
DONNA JO ADAMS, Education   .   .   . Whitesburg
Zeta Tau Alpha, vice-president, president; Panhellenic Council; FTA; Kappa Delta Pi; Outing Club; YWCA; BSU
JAMES ADAMS, Commerce.....Greenville
JOHN D. ADAMS, Commerce .... Lexington RAY B. ADAMS, A. & S.......Lexington
REBA ADAMS, A. & S.......Madisonvill.
Dillard House, vice-president; SUB, publicity chairman; Kernel Staff; YWCA; BSU Summer Council, Choir; Interdonn Dance Committee
JOAN ALBAUGH, A. & S.......Lexington
Dutch Lunch Club, treasurer; Chi Delta Phi, president; YWCA; Stylus
DAVID R. ALLEN, A. & S......Lyndon
Sigma Chi
BILLY ALLEN, Engineering.....Lexingtc
JESSIE SUE ALLEN, A. & S......Lexingt.
Pitkin Club; YWCA; Wesley Foundation; Dutch Lunch CI
PAULINE ALLEN, Education.....Lexingti
Orchestra; Dutch Lunch Club; FTA
JOYCE ALLEN, Commerce.....Mt. Sterli
Commerce   .   .   .   Kenmore, New Yi
Phi Delta Theta
ELISE ANDERSON, A. & S.   .   .   Chattanooga, Tei YWCA, History Club; Coffee Chat JAMES ANDERSON, A. & S......Owensville
Ag. and Home Ec.   .   .   . Lexington
Home Economics Club; Kappa Delta Pi
NANCY ARMSTRONG, A. & S......Princeton
Freshman Y; BSU; 240 Committee; Boyd Hall House Council; Social Work Club; Chorus; Chamber of Commerce
ANNA JEAN ASCH, A. & S......Lexington
Phi Beta, vice-president; MENC; Choristers
WILLIAM J. ASHBROOK, JR., A. & S.   . Greensburg
Alpha Gamma Rho; Keys; Alpha Zeta; Pryor Pre-Med; Freshman Y; Danforth Foundation Scholarship
NEAL ASHER, A. & S........Lexington
Sigma Phi Epsilon; SuKy; Pershing Rifles
JEANETTE ASSEFF, Education   .... Louisville
WAA, secretary, Tennis and Volleyball manager; FTA
BEN H. AVERITT, Education.....Lexington
Wesley Foundation
REID BACON, Ag. and Home Ec.   .   .   . Glasgow Alpha Gamma Rho
MARJORIE BAILEY, A. & S.......Ashland
YWCA; Bacteriology Society, vice-president; League of Women Voters; Chi Omega
GEORGE BAKER, Law........Belfry
Kappa Alpha; Phi Delta Phi, vice-president; Ky. Law Journal, comment editor
JIM BAKER, Commerce.......Louisville
Sigma Alpha Epsilon; YMCA, president; IFC, fall rush chairman; freshman golf
HENRY BALL, Engineering......Frankfort
Phi Delta Theta; Pi Tau Sigma; A.S.M.E.
ROGER BAIN, A. & S........ Lexington
Marriage of Figaro; Come Back Little Sheba; YMCA; Men's Glee Club; Wildcat Barbell Club; Political Science Club
LEON BALL, Ag. and Home Ec.....Harlan
The rush for class.
35 You just don't understand me, do you?
RICHARD D. BALDWIN, Engineering .   . Lexington
Marching 100; Kentucky Engineer
WILLIAM H. BALDWIN, A. & S.   .   .   . Lexington
Pershing Rifles, YMCA
Ag. and Home Ec.   .   .   .   West Somerset
ASA BARNES, JR., A. & S.......Louisville
Kappa Sigma; Pryor Pre-Med; YMCA Cabinet; W.U.S., chairman; Phalanx; Track Team
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Mountain Lakes, N. J.
. Lexington
JOANN BARRETT, Ag. and Home Ec.
Alpha Delta Pi; Newman Club
LEWIS BARNETT, A. & S........Lexington
Alpha Tau Omega, reporter; Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Chi Sigma, president, vice-president; Phi Mu Alpha, president, secretary; ODK; Phalanx, Marching 100; Concert 'Band; Men's Glee Club; Phi Eta Sigma; Keys; Lances, Lamp & Cross^ Student affiliate of American Chemical Society
LUCY L. BARRIGER, Education .... Louisville Kappa Delta Pi
ELIZABETH BARTLETT, Education . . . Hazard Patterson and Boyd Hall House President's Council; YWCA, finance chairman, publicity chairman, community service; Alpha Lambda Delta, vice-president; Cwens; Links; Mortar Board; Pitkin Club; FTA
Ag. and Home Ec.   .   .   . Lexington
BETTIE JUNE BASSETT, Education . Hopkinsville Chi Omega; SUB Committee; BSU; English Club; Young Democrat Club
DEE WITT BAULCH, A. & S.   . . Pi Kappa Alpha; YMCA; Pershing Rifles
WAYNE BECKHAM, A. & S. Men's Glee Club
MARY LOU BEELER, Commerce . Lebanon Junctio
Alpha Gamma Delta, house president; Chamber of Commerce member, Board of Directors; House President's Council; New man Club; 240 Committee
De Mossvil!
 EMILY BELL, Commerce......Lancaster
Kappa Alpha Theta, house president; YWCA; FTA; Wesley Foundation
RONALD H. BELLAMY, Law .... Lexington WILLIAM BENASSE, Engineering   .   .   . Frankfort
HENRY R. BENNETT, Engineering   .   .   . Frankfort
Phi Delta Theta
Ag. and Home Ec.   .   .   . Frankfort
Alpha Gamma Delta; editor; League of Women Voters; Home Economics Club; WUS; BSU; YWCA; SUB Committee; BSU Council
EARL C. BEVINS, Engineering
JOHN L. BISHOP, Engineering   .   .   Seaman, Ohio
Phalanx, Tau Beta Pi, secretary; Pi Tau Sigma, president, secretary; A.S.M.E.
CARL BLACK, Ag. and Home Ec.   .   .   . Frankfort
Alpha Gamma Rho
JOSEPH W. BLACK, A. & S......Pikeville
Pryor Pre-Med
Texarkana, Arkansas
Phi Sigma Kappa
. Madisonville
Phi Delta Theta
WILLIAM BLANTON, Law.......Paris
PATRICIA BLEVENS, Education .... Louisville LAWRENCE BLEVINS, Engineering . . West Liberty
Phi Kappa Tau
I'll raise you ten.
37 Charmed I'm sure.
G. CADEN BLINCOE, A. & S......Louisville
Phi Sigma Kappa, sentinel; Kernel Staff; K-Book Staff; Alpha Phi Omega; English Club
CAROL BONNELL, Education   .   .   Watseka, Illinois Alpha Gamma Delta; YWCA; FTA; Student Union Board
EVERETT BOTNER, A. & S.   .   .   .   Travelers Rest
JAMES BOYLE, Engineering......Frankfort
Phi Delta Theta; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Eta Sigma; Lances; Lamp & Cross
Ag. and Home Ec.   . .
Home Economics Club; SUB Committee
Hamilton, Ohio Louisville
RICHARD BRAUN, Engineering .... Triangle, house manager, rush chairman; A.S.C.E.
MARTHA LEE BRAY, A. & S......Frankfort
Kappa Kappa Gamma; League of Women Voters; Outing Club
Commerce   .   .   .   Lewisburg, W. Va.
Alpha Xi Delta; Westminster Fellowship; Eta Sigma Phi; Pitkin Club; FTA; Women's Glee Club; Chamber of Commerce; YWCA
JODIE BRENNAN, Education   .   .   Portsmouth, Va. Delta Delta Delta; Newman Club; WAA
WAYNE BRIDGES, Law.....De Mossville
YMCA; Circle K Club, secretary; Student Council; U.K.N.C.
PEGGY BRIGHT, Education.....Lexington
Kappa Delta, vice-president; Wesley Foundation; Pitkin Club; WAA; FTA; SUB Committee
NELSON F. BRITT, A. & S......Lexington
Alpha Sigma Phi, secretary, vice-president; Eta Sigma Phi, treasurer, president, national treasurer; Political Science Club, treasurer; IFC; Young Democrat Club; Interfaith Council; Student Bar Association
Millers Creek
Ag. and Home Ec.   . .
Mixed Chorus; House President's Council
JAMES BROGLI, Ag. and Home Ec.   .   . Bondville
Block & Bridle; 4-H; Ag. Council; Dairy Club, president; Livestock Judging Team; Meat Judging Team
Engineering   . . A.S.M.E., vice-president
Baltimore, Maryland
 ROBERT BROWN, Commerce   .... Sharpsburg
Chamber of Commerce; 240 Committee
CLARENCE K. BRUCE, Commerce   .   . Carrollton
Chamber of Commerce; 240 Committee
BERNICE BUMGARDNER, Commerce . Munfordville
240 Committee
RAY BUNCH, Ag. and Home Ec.....Glasgow
Alpha Gamma Rho, noble usher; Block & Bridle; 4-H; Westminster Fellowship; YMCA; Livestock Judging Team; Meat Judging Team
ROBERT E. BURDETTE, Engineering   .   . Lebanon A.S.C.E.; Newman Club
JAMES BURKA, Engineering......Danville
Newman Club; U. of Ky. AffiliateAmerican Society for Metals, president; Tau Beta Pi; Norwood Mining and Metallurgy Society^ president, secretary; Engineering Student Council
W. C. BURLESON, A. & S.......Louisville
Alpha Tau Omega; Pershing Rifles, officer; K-Book, sports editor; Kernel Staff; Watterson Press Club
JACK BURNETT, Engineering   .   .   .   Ironton, Ohio Lambda Chi Alpha
KENNETH BURNS, A. & S......Lexington
Band; Kernel Staff; Pershing Rifles
CHARLES E. BURRIS, Engineering   .   . Alexandria
Triangle; A.S.M.E., treasurer
Ag. and Home Ec.   .   .   .   Lebanon, Ohio Alpha Gamma Rho; Poultry Judging Team
GLORIA BUTLER, A. & S.....Bowling Green
League of Women Voters, Freshman Y.; Chamber of Commerce; Social Work Club; 240 Committee; Mixed Chorus
ELLEN BYERS, A. & S........Lexington
Zeta Tau Alpha; Mixed Chorus; Blue Marlins; Outing Club; WAA
ALICE CALLAHAN, Education   .   . . Delta Zeta; D.S.F.; FTA; YWCA; Coffee Chat
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My mammy told me.
KEN CALDWELL, Ag. and Home Ec. .   .   . Walton
Block & Bridle; Scabbard & Blade
Engineering   ...   So. Ft. Mitchell
Pi Kappa Alpha, president; ODK, vice-president; Lances; Keys; Phi Eta Sigma, treasurer; Tau Beta Pi; Arnold Air Society; Phalanx
Commerce   .   .   .   Falls Church, Va. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Delta Sigma Pi; Chamber of Commerce
WALTER C. CARNEAL, Commerce   .... Nebo Kappa Sigma; Delta Sigma Pi; Chamber of Commerce
BETTY JANE CARTER, Education   .   .   . Frankfort
Kappa Alpha Theta, athletic and social chairman; SUB Committee; FTA; YWCA; Young Democrat Club; League of Women Voters
BILL CARTER, A. & S........ Lockport
HARRY CARTER, A. & S.......Lexington
Phi Mu Alpha; Band; Orchestra; Choristers; Men's Glee Club
Commerce   .   .   .   Huntington, W. Va. Delta Tau Delta; Pershing Rifles, finance officer
CARLOS Z. CASTILLO, Commerce   .   Highland, Wis.
RICHARD CHIN, Commerce .
Ag. and Home Ec. .
Cwens; Block & Bridle
. Tenafly, N. J. .   . Georgetown
JOE CLARK, Commerce......Mt. Sterling
Alpha Sigma Phi, president; Pershing Rifles; Fencing Team; Delta Sigma Phi; IFC
WILLIAM E. CLAYTON, Commerce   .   . Lexington
Kappa Alpha; Chamber of Commerce
MARGARET CLIFT, Education .... Lexington Kappa Kappa Gamma, house president; House President's Council, vice-president; League of Women Voters; FTA
9 OREN B. CLORE, Ag. and Home Ec.   .   .   . Goshen
Alpha Gamma Rho; Pershing Rifles, executive officer, P.I.O. officer; Scabbard & Blade, finance officer
Ag. and Home Ec.   .   .   .   Valley Station
Alpha Gamma Rho, president
ROBERT COBB,  Commerce.....Louisville
Sigma Nu, Lt. commander; chaplain; Alpha Phi Omega
WILLIAM C COCKERILL, Education . . Lebanon ELLA CRAVENS COKE, Ag. and Home Ec.   . Utica
Home Economics Club
JEAN COKE, Ag. and Home Ec......Utica
DAVID COLE, Commerce......Cynthiana
Sigma Nu
JAMES COLE, Engineering......Lexington
Kappa Alpha; Keys; Lances; A.S.M.E.; Engineering Student Council, chairman; Pi Tau Sigma, vice-president; Tau Beta Pi, recording secretary; Arnold Air Society, operations officer; ' Phalanx
BETTY  COLEMAN,  A. & S.....Harrodsburg
Kappa Alpha Theta; Patterson Hall president; YWCA; Bacteriology Society, Senior representative
EMIL COLLIER, Commerce.....Covington
Commerce Association
JULIA COLLIER, Ag. and Home Ec.   .   .   . Prospect
Home Economics Club; Phi Upsilon Omicron; Dillard House, secretary; Cwens
BEULEDITH COMBS, Ag. and Home Ec.   .   . Vicco
BOB COMBS, Commerce......Burlington
Rifle Team; Flying Club, Chamber of Commerce
MARVIN L. COMBS, Education......Jeff
VYVYAN COMBS, Education   .   .   . . Alpha Gamma Delta; SUB Committee; FTA
A h.
SARAH COMPTON, Education   .... Lexington Tau Sigma; FTA; WAA
EMMA CONDER, Ag. and Home Ec.   . Harrodsburg
4-H, president; Horticulture, vice-president; Home Economics Club, membership committee; Wesley Foundation; Ag. Council, secretary-treasurer
Ag. and Home Ec. .
Home Economics Club; Modern Dance
.   Paint Lick
Get off your knees, I'll pledge!
BILL COOK, Commerce.......Erlanger
Chamber of Commerce RAYMOND   COOK,   Education   .   .   . Wheelwright ROBERT M. COOKE, A. & S.....Augusta, Ga.
Sigma Chi; Orchestra; Marching 100; Phi Mu Alpha
Ag. and Home Ec.   .   .   .   Trenton, Tenn.
Alpha Tau Omega
WILLIAM E. CORBIN, A. & S......Mentor
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
ERNESTINE CORDELL, A. & S.   .   .   Whitley City
Choristers; Women's Glee Club; Mixed Chorus; M.E.N.C.; BSU
GEORGE CORNETT, Ag. and Home Ec.   . Sassafras
PAUL CORNETT, Commerce.....Lexington
LLOYD N. COSBY, Ag. and Home Ec.  .   . Lexington
Basketball Team; Alpha Gamma Rho
JACKE COTTOM, Commerce.....Louisvilk
Alpha Gamma Delta, president, rush chairman; Panhellenic president, representative; Rifle Team; Young Republican Club secretary; League of Women Voters; YWCA; Chamber n: Commerce, member of board of directors; Women's Admims trative Council, secretaiy
EARL COX, A. & S.....W. Frankfort, Illinoi
Phi Kappa Tau; Alpha Chi Sigma, secretary; American Chem ical Society
FREDERICK G. COX, A. & S......Jonanc
 VIVIAN E. COX, Education......Jonancy
Alpha Xi Delta; BSU, choir; Pitkin Club; FTA
ANN CRAIG, Ag. and Home Ec.....Somerset
Hamilton House, president; Westminster Fellowship; Pitkin Club; House President's Council, treasurer; Home Economics Club, vice-president
FRANK CRANFILL, A. & S. . . . Galveston, Texas Phi Sigma Kappa; BSU; Varsity Rifle Team; A.F.R.O.T.C. Rifle Team, captain
MARY LOU CRANFILL, Commerce   .   . Lexington Beta Gamma Sigma; YWCA; BSU; Alma Magna Mater
JOHN W. CRAWFORD, Engineering   .   .   . David
Student affiliate, AIME; Student affiliate, KMI
Ag. and Home Ec.   .   .   .   Science Hill
Block & Bridle; Livestock Judging Team
WILLIAM E. CREEL, Engineering   .   .   Central City
A.S.C.E.; Engineering Student Council, secretary-treasurer; Triangle, president, vice-president, corresponding secretary; Arnold Air Society; Kentucky Engineer Staff; IFC
Commerce . . . Oakdale, Term. Alpha Lambda Delta, president; Mortar Board, secretary; Chamber of Commerce, Board of Directors; Coffee Chat, corresponding secretary; Beta Gamma Sigma; Beta Alpha Psi; Canterbury Club; League of Women Voters; YWCA; Women's Administrative Council
TIMOTHY J. CRONIN, Commerce .   . Auburn, N. Y.
YMCA; Canterbury Club; Chamber of Commerce, treasurer, president; Men's Glee Club
CHARLENE CROSS, A. & S......Winchester
Kappa Delta; Newman Club; WAA; Coffee Chat
PAT CROSS, Commerce.......Somerset
Alpha Xi Delta; League of Women Voters; Chamber of Commerce; FTA
W. G. CROUCH, Engineering.....Lexington
PATRICIA CURRY, A. & S.   .   .   University City, Mo.
Kappa Delta, president; Panhellenic, treasurer; English Club; League of Women Voters; WAA
MARGARET CRUDDEN, A. & S.   .   .   . Richmond
Troupers; Chi Delta Phi
IGNACIO T. CRUZ, Engineering . . Agana, Guam Cosmopolitan Club, president; BSU; A.S.C.E., executive council member: YMCA
You say your father's in oil?
 You just CAN'T have one o'clock permission
JO ANNE CURTIN, A. & S.....Elmhurst, 111.
Newman Club; Psychology Club
LOIS DALE, A. & S........Mt. Sterling
Phi Beta, corresponding secretary
JAMES E. DALTON, Ag. and Home Ec.   .   . Jackson
WILLIAM DAUGHERTY, Engineering   .   . Glendale
Delta Tau Delta; A.S.C.E., secretary-treasurer; Tau Beta Pi, treasurer; Arnold Air Society, vice-president; BSU; Phi Eta Sigma
MARJORIE  DAVIS,  A. & S......Lexington
YWCA Cabinet, League of Women Voters; Pitkin Club; Wesley Foundation; Political Science Club; FTA
GLENNA DAY, Ag. and Home Ec.   .   .   . Cawood
Alpha Xi Delta; Coffee Chat; League of Women Voters; FTA; Home Economics Club; YWCA
JAMES DAY, Ag. and Home Ec.   .   .   . Madisonville
Sigma Nu, rush chairman, social chairman; K Club; Baseball; Arnold Air Society, treasurer; Lamp and Cross
FORREST V. DEAN, Commerce   .... Lexington
Chamber of Commerce; Band scholarship; BSU; Kentucky Kernel Dance Band, director; Phi Sigma Kappa
VIRGINIA C DEMERSON, Education   .   . Lexington
Alpha Gamma Delta; SuKy; Young Republican Club; Cwens; Links; Mortar Board; Pitkin Club
Evanston, 111.
Delta Zeta; Debate Club; FTA; History Club; Political Science Club; Newman Club
NORMA DEVINE, A. & S.......Lexington
YWCA, secretary, vice-president, president; Religious Emphasis Week, chairman; League o Women Voters; Political Science Club; Pitkin Club; Dutch Lunch Club; Cosmopolitan Club; Young Democrat Club; FTA; Coffee Chat, committee; Westminster Fellowship
JOHN DICKEN, Ag. and Home Ec.
Kappa Sigma
Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Pershing Rifles
ROBERT F. DICKSON, Engineering
NANCY SUE DINGUS, Ag. and Home Ec. Home Economics Club; BSU
MadisonvilL Martii
 ROBERT A. DODSON, A. & S.....Lexington
Fencing Team, captain
CHARLES R. DOYLE, Law.....Naples, Fla.
Kentucky Law Journal, editor-in-chief; Student Bar Association; Phi Delta Phi
So. Ft. Mitchell
Kappa Alpha Theta, activities chairman; YWCA; Maxwelton Court, social chairman; Cheerleader
LEWIS F. du BUSC, Commerce   .   .   Elizabeth, N. J.
Kappa Sigma
GEORGENE DUCKWORTH, A. & S.   .   . Lexington
Kappa Delta; YWCA; Panhellenic; League of Women Voters; Young Democrat Club, rush chairman; Kernel Staff
DON DUFF, Law..........Hyden
Phi Alpha Delta, marshall
ALBERT A. DUSING, A. & S.....Brooksville
BETTY DUSING, A. & S.......Monticello
BARBARA DYER, Education.....Louisville
Kappa Kappa Gamma, president; FTA; Panhellenic
CECIL H. DYER, Ag. and Home Ec.   .   . Waterview Block & Bridle; 4-H
ALLIS EATON, A&S........Lexington
Chi Omega
Ag. and Home Ec.   .   .   . Winchester
R. D. EDWARDS, Engineering   .... Winchester
TOMMY EDWARDS, A. & S...... . Jenkins
Ag. and Home Ec.   .   .   . Lexington
V;, It ^ *<\
\ f
I don't stand a ghost of a chance with you.
45 9,

	^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^
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West Liberty
What comes next?
RUBY ELLIOT, A. & S........Covington
Zoology Club, vice-president; YWCA; D.S.F.; Young Democrat Club
JIMMIE RAY ELLIS, Commerce   .   .   . Owensboro
Keys; Tau Omega; Accounting Society, president; YMCA; Speech Club; Barbell Club, secretary
PEGGY ELLIS, A. & S........Lexington
Alpha Delta Pi; Tau Sigma, manager; Cheerleader
GEORGE M. ELY, JR., Engineering   .   . Cumberland Tau Beta Pi; A.S.C.E.
NORMA ENETE, Education.....Lexington
FTA; BSU; Mixed Chorus; Women's Glee Club; Dutch Lunch Club
EVELYN ENSOR, Ag. and Home Ec.   .   Mt. Sterling
Hamilton House, secretary; Home Economics Club
JO ANN ANSSLIN, Commerce.....London
SuKy; FTA; Chamber of Commerce; BSU
BOB ESTEP, Engineering.......Garrett
Phi Sigma Kappa; K.M.I., president; A.I.M.E.
JAMES R. ETHERTON, A. & S.....Louisvilli
Kappa Alpha; Phi Mu Alpha, vice-president; Scabbard & Blade; Band
LOUIS C. EVANS, Engineering .... Covingtoi PAUL EVERMAN, Ag. and Home Ec.  .   . Sharpsbur;
RONALD FARNSLEY, Engineering .   . Jeffersontovv
Triangle; A.S.C.E.
ELIZABETH  FARRIS,  Education   .   .   . Lexingto
Chi Omega, rush chairman; SUB Committee; League c Women Voters; English Club; FTA
JOHN W. FAULKNER, A. & S.   .   .   . Williamsbur
Sigma Phi Epsilon, social chairman, rush chairman; SuK: president, trv-out manager; Political Science Club; 240 Clul: Young Republican Club; YMCA
 DAVID FELD, A. & S.......... Paris
Phi Kappa Tau; Pryor Pre-Med
DONALD FELKER, Commerce   .... Louisville
Sigma Nu; Beta Alpha Psi; SGA
ROBERT J. FINN, Commerce.....Lexington
Concert Band; Marching 100; SuKy Pershing Rifles; Kernel Staff; SUB Committee; Chamber of Commerce; Mixed Chorus
BILL FINNEGAN, Commerce   ....   Beloit, Wis.
Alpha Sigma Phi
CARL FISCHER, JR., Ag. and Home Ec.   . Louisville
Alpha Gamma Rho; Block & Bridle; IFC; Judging Team
JOHN D. FISCHER, A. & S......Louisville
Triangle, secretary, house manager, chaplain; Phi Eta Sigma; Keys; Lances; Lamp & Cross, treasurer; Wesley Foundation, vice-president
KAY FISHER, Commerce.......Carlisle
Delta Delta Delta, house manager; FTA; Alpha Lambda Delta; Beta Gamma Sigma
.   .   .   . Lexington
Interfaith Council, treasurer; YWCA, secretary; Pitkin Club; Dutch Lunch Club; FTA
Interfaith Council, treasurer; \ Dutch Lunch Club; FTA
Charleston, W. Va.
Education   . .
STELLA FLOWERS, Ag. and Home Ec. . Cynthiana 4-H; Home Economics Club; Phi Upsilon Omicron; Kappa Delta Pi
CLAYTON FLYNN, JR., Engineering A.S.M.E.
JAMES WENDELL FLYNN, Commerce . Lexington Kappa Alpha; Basketball; Baseball; Mixed Chorus; Choristers; Intramural all year individual participation winner; Intramural Council; Intramural Golf Champion
MATT H. FRANCK, Commerce.....Lyndon
Chamber of Commerce; Pitkin Club; Phai' nx; Pershing Rifles, captain; BSU
DON FREEMAN, Engineering Sigma Gamma Epsilon; K.M.I.
		\ 1
Wayne King?
47 1
BETTY FRENTZ, Commerce   .... Jeffersontown
Chamber of Commerce; Student Union Board
RUFUS FUGATE, Ag. and Home Ec. . . . Kodak GLENN C. FULLER, Engineering   .... Irvine
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Ag. and Home Ec.   .   .   . Florence
Alpha Gamma Delta; Home Economics Club; 240 Committee
MARVIN E. GAINES, Engineering
-DONNA GALBRAITH, Education   .   . Germantown Mixed Cho as; FTA; Guignol Players; Cosmopolitan Club
MANOCHER GANJI, A. & S.....Tehran, Iran
Cosmopolitan Club, vice-president; Political Science Club; YMCA; Alpha Phi Omega
ADA BRUCE GASH, Ag. and Home Ec.   .   . Salvisa Home Economics Club, social chairman; BSU; FTA
POSEY GASLIN, Engineering.....Louisville
O. H. GERALDS,'Law.......Lexington
Phi Delta Phi; Alpha Tau Onega; Student Bar Association
BARBARA  GILES,   A. & S.....Independent
Pryor Pre-Med; Wesley Foundation; Pitkin Club; YWCA
WILLIAM G. GOFF, JR., Engineering   .   .   . Marti
Ag. and Home Ec.   .   .   . Lexingto
Phi Sigma Sigma, president, rush chairman, social chairmar Panhellenic, president, vice-president; Religious Emphasis Con. mittee, chairman, R.E.W. retreat committee, chairman; Hillf Foundation; Home Economics Club; Brandies Scholarshi] Leadership Institute, Santa Susana, California.
PATRICIA ANN GOLDSMITH, A. & S.   . Owensboi Zeta Tau Alpha, social chairman, Bacteriology Society
EDWIN M. GOOD, Engineering
Pershing Rifles; Orchestra; A.S.M.E.
It's mine, I saw it first.
48 PEGGY GOODMAN, Education   .... Lexington
Kappa Delta Pi; FTA; BSU, officer, choir
GEORGE GRADY, A. & S.......Lexington
Pryor Pre-Med, president, treasurer; Concert Band; Marching 100; D.S.F.
ROBERT L. GRAHAM, Commerce   .   .   . Erlanger
Chamber of Commerce; Employment Association
J. A. GREGORY, Law........Harlan
Kentucky Law Journal, note editor
LEO GRIFFIN, Engineering .... Flemingsburg Scabbard & Blade; Wesley Foundation; Mixed Chorus; A.I.E.E.
Commerce   .   .   .   White Sulphur Springs, W. Va.
Chamber of Commerce, secretary; FTA; Coffee Chat, publicity chairman; YWCA; Panhellenic; Outing Club; WAA; Kappa Delta Pi; Sigma Gamma
MERLE HAFFLER, Education Kappa Kappa Gamma
BARBARA JANE HALE, Commerce   .   . Prestonsburg
Alpha Gamma Delta, treasurer; Chamber of Commerce; 240 Committee; FTA
JOE B. HALL, Education......Cynthiana
ROBERT HALL, Commerce......Walton
Chamber of Commerce; Young Democrat Club; Political Science Club
Ag. and Home Ec.   .   .   . Lexington
Home Economics Club; Home Economics Council; Dutch Lunch Club; Wesley Foundation, council; YWCA Council; Pitkin Club
OHN C. HANCOCK, Education .... Lexington Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Phalanx; YMCA Cabinet; Men's Glee Club, president; Pitkin Club; Pryor Pre-Med; Veterans Club; 240 Committee; BSU; FTA; Chamber of Commerce; Philosophy Club; Patterson Literary Society
Jan Peirced the camera.
49 1
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WILLIAM HARDING, Commerce   .   .   . Lexington
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, president; IFC; YMCA; Chamber of Commerce
KENWARD KILROY HARRIS, Law   .   . Lexington
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, secretary; Lamp & Cross, vice-president; Phi Alpha Theta; Chamber of Commerce, vice-president; Patterson Literary Society; Lances; Phalanx; Pershing Rifles; Pitkin Club; SGA
RAYMOND HARRIS, Engineering A.I.E.E.; I.R.E.
Ag. and Home Ec. .
Alpha Gamma Rho; Block & Bridle; 4-H
Intramural Basketball
. Cynthiana . Lexington
HENRY E. HEAD, Engineering   .... Louisville A.S.M.E.
PAUL J. HEAD, A. & S......Rockmart, Ga.
Alpha Tau Omega, officer; Football; IFC
WILLIAM C. HEDDEN, Commerce   .   . Fordsville Beta Alpha Psi
CHARLES HELLMAN, A. & S......Ludlow
Delta Ttu Delta, guide, social chairman, assistant pledge master; WBKY, record librarian, program director; SUB Committee; Newman Club
MARY HELM, Ag. and Home Ec.   .   .   . Louisville
Kappa Kappa Gamma; WAA
DON HENRY, A. & S........Morganfiek!
Scabbard & Blade; Kernel, Assistant News Editor; Watterson Press Club
Ag. and Home Ec.   .   .   .   Cold Sprinj
Dairy Club, president, vice-president.
RUSSELL HIBBS, A. & S.......Lexingtt
Kappa Sigma; BSU; Pryor Pre-Med.
Commerce   .   .   .   Bowling Grec Sigma Phi Epsilon; Chamber of Commerce
Are you sure he's in here?
 OLLEN B. HINNANT, Law.....Lexington
Phi Delta Phi, exchequer; Student Bar Association; YMCA; Intramural Football; Rutledge Law Club, president
SUE ANN HOBGOOD, Ag. and Home Ec   .   . Nebo
Chi Omega, secretary, house president; Cwens, secretary; Links; Phi Upsilon Omicron; Mortar Board; Patterson Hall, secretary; YWCA, treasurer; Student Union Board, vice-president; House President's Council; SGA
BETTIE HODGKIN, Commerce   .... Frankfort
Delta Delta Delta, librarian, custodian; League of Women Voters; Commerce Employment Association, secretary
Ft. Thomas
FAYE HOLCOMB, Education......McKee
240 Committee; YWCA; Alma Magna Mater, secretary; FTA
DOUGLAS  HOLIDAY, Engineering   .   .   . Ludlow Kappa Sigma
Ag. and Home Ec. . . . Princeton, W. Va. Alpha Lambda Delta; Cwens; Links; Mortar Board, treasurer; Student Union Board, treasurer, president; Phi Upsilon Omicron, treasurer, vice-president; Home Economics Club
Zoology Club; Eta Sigma Phi; YWCA
Newman Club
Covington . Ashland
LUTHER HOUSE, A. & S.......Adolphus
Patterson Literary Society, president; Phi Eta Sigma; Keys, selected outstanding freshman; Lances; Lamp & Cross; Phalanx, president, secretary; YMCA Cabinet; Phi Sigma Kappa, secretary, outstanding pledge; Phi Alpha Theta; Constitutionalist party; IFC; Wesley Foundation, vice-president; Political Science Club
NANCY HOUSTON, Education .... Erlanger YWCA; Alma Magna Mater; FTA; DSF; Mixed Chorus; Women's Glee Club
NANNE HOWARD, A. & S......Monticello
Blue Marlins; Kappa Alpha Theta; SUB Committee
ROBERT A. HOWARD, Engineering   .   . Owensboro A.S.C.E.
WILLIAM HOWARD, Education . . Wallins Creek JOAN HUFFMAN, Ag. and Home Ed.   .   Chicago, 111.
Alpha Delta Pi
Suck 'em up!
51 52
Mi Cat.
RONALD D. HUGHES, Engineering   .   . Versailles
TOM HUMPHREY, Engineering   .   .   S. Ft. Mitchell A.S.C.E.; Tau Beta Pi
ROBERT R. HUMPHREYS, Law   .... Clinton
PAUL HUNLEY, Law.......Greendale
DIANE HUNT, Education......Lexington
Kappa Alpha Theta; Tau Sigma; May Day Queen; Miss Kentucky '54
Engineering   .   .   . Greensburg Delta Tau Delta; A.S.C.E.; Pershing Rifles; Newman Club
Ag. and Home Ec. Kappa Alpha; Block & Bridle
Ag. and Home Ec.   . .
D.S.F.; Home Economics Club
J.  ALBERT ISHAM, Engineering   .   .   . Lexington A.S.M.E., vice chairman; Pershing Rifles; Scabbard & Blade
Shelbyville, Tenn.
KATHY JACKSON, Education.....Scottsvill.
Kappa Delta, vice-president; Blue Marlins; FTA; League o( Women Voters
Beta Alpha Psi, secretary
ROLLA JEFFERSON, Engineering   .   Bowling Greci
Triangle, vice-president; Kentucky Engineer, departmental edi tor; Tau Beta Pi; Lamp & Cross; Arnold Air Society
VICTOR F. JELEN, Engineering . A.S.C.E.; Tau Beta Pi
Cincinnati, Ohi
VIRGINIA JENNINGS, Education   .   .   . Louisvill
Alpha Delta Pi, treasurer, secretary; FTA; YWCA; Outh Club; WAA; Wesley Foundation
LYDIA JOHNSON, Ag. and Home Ec.   .   . Frankfo
Home Economics Club; Phi Upsilon Omicron, treasurer; WA: BSU WILLIAM  JOLLY,  A. & S.
Phi Kappa Tau, social chairman
BARBARA JONES, A. & S.....Huntsville, Ala.
Kappa Delta; Phi Beta; M.E.N.C.; Cwens; Canterbury Club-Pitkin Club; Mixed Chorus; Womens' Glee Club
BARBARA JONES, Education .   .   Lewisburg, W. Va.
Alpha Xi Delta; House President's Council, president- Panhellenic; FTA; WAA; Troupers
J. D. JONES, Commerce Kappa Alpha; Band
LINN W. JONES, Engineering   .   .   Somerville, Ohio Sigma Nu; Eta Kappa Nu, president; A.I.E.E.
RAY JONES, Commerce...... . Louisville
Sigma Nu, president; Lamp & Cross, president; Spiked Shoe Society, president; Commerce Employment Association, president; Lances; Varsity Track; K Club; SGA; IFC, vice-president; 1954 Kentuckian, business manager; Arnold Air Society; Distinguished Military Student
ROBERT E. JONES, Ag. and Home Ec.   . Lexington
Alpha Gamma Rho Freshman Y; Pershing Rifles; Scabbard & Blade; Men's Glee Club
JOHN C. JUSTICE, A. & S.......Pikeville
Triangle, recording secretary, chapter editor; BSU; Phalanx; Phi Eta Sigma; Pitkin Club
L. H. KAHNE, Engineering
A.S.C.E.; Intramural Sports
WARREN KAMMER, Engineering . . . Louisville Triangle, chaplain, treasurer; BSU, Choir; SUB Committee; Kentucky Engineer, circulation manager
RAYMOND KELLER, Ag. and Home Ec. . Lexington DONALD C. KELLY, Commerce.....Vicco
Delta Sigma Pi; Beta Alpha Psi
LEO KELLY, Ag. and Home Ec. . . . Springfield LELAND T. KENNEDY, Education   .   .   . Louisville
Kappa Sigma, rush chairman, grand treasurer; Arnold Air Society
1ARY KEYSER, A. & S.....South Williamson.
Kappa Delta; WBKY, continunity director; Mixed