xt7tmp4vjb14 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tmp4vjb14/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1963 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 33, 1963 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 33, 1963 1963 1963 2012 true xt7tmp4vjb14 section xt7tmp4vjb14 · Alum; '
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ii ,.:2 a .
      KENTU CKY  
2 giiis T  ‘
    Published quarterly by thc University ul' Kentucky on the vrnnnus of the University of 1,cx» __ 
Q.; ;‘·   ington. Subscriptions to non-members. S5.ll0. Membership ¤'I`ype Al in the Alinnni Associa—  
 E-   i tion includes subscription to the Alumnus. Member of National Editorial Association, Ken· j
Y Y}   lucky Press Association. r\:n`r.e:ni Alinnni Coinicrl.    
J QN i ~ . .  
    1 V(lI,Ill\II·, \\\_ _
    l Ada D. Refbord ,i... . i....i.   . .. . .. .. .».i   .. . . . . Editor
E     Helen G. King ......   .   Managing Editor ISSUIC ' ·
iii   Ken Kuhn . ,,.,. .. .,v. ,   . . .. .. Sports Editor  
E   .   Ilxiri
  . Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at Lexington, Ky., May 1, 1952, under the  
V   _ act of Aug. 24, 1912. Edited by the Alumni Association.  t‘\\' iilll
‘-   I  Amrr \`
»` `\ i L I
i fj CQNTENTS  lei·s0n F
h : R  i
t ‘»= ~ MAY l962  ?*
i. =  ..
is Q.  2
2: ~  
g. , if KASH SCHOLARSHIP ..     . . 5 i
"{   i `  :;·
  ifxl ALUMNI SEMINAR . ...... . ....   , . , 6  
l Yi; · FACULTY AWARDS ..   ., .   .. M .   9 .
_. 1 ’ UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS ._.. , . ..... . . . . . 32  
E I ALUMNI CLUB NOTES .. . ....     . A 33 I  
  I FOOTBALL SCHEDULE . . . .. . . . . , .. 34 U I (_ l i A
  .. it mu! I ze ,0rer . , :  
  _ ABOUT THE ALUMNI A . . .........   , . . 35 ‘ ‘
    » .\I1 ll i' I’rr*.s·irIr·nl Dr. Hrr I
<. ».i, REUNION PROGRAM . . ..... . M . . Bock Cover H H _ I
    D(’ll]lIllll tr·t·nlr·r) si,gn.s· rnnfit
Y     <`l‘<’<`ll<>ll llf lll<‘ ¤llll’lllll (Il"' li
    /c’l‘t’.s·I1’r] zt‘iI11t*.s:s·t‘.v are tim df -
;—   EXECUTIVE CO]\1[)[]_']"]`EE 1951-52 xm. numpmn cz. Aritims. oid to-ni ence. wr- ll1¢’lll]1<’l‘-Y ef l[l<’ Bflfllll lll l"·
‘ _ fi sailles Pike. Lexington (Term expires 19621 [ _ I _ _ _ I ,   ;r,
    Dr. Harry C. Denham, president, Mnygyille, Ky, ROEPYI4   HilgeniiigyendHgllelriiiii-yer lXui·gi·yi(»g_ (HU Illl HI H l·S (lf [ I( .‘ Illllllii- J
i   L·;i;;‘;‘rg,,§i;v;;_,lW5·;i:;;,§;S;;?i€S·=*~·*· 22 Dr.Eiiai1§hO!_i; .r$.;..‘i..§’;ET Zio, @:;;:,;...1,.,. ,,,,__ fire crt»~immt·t». rmi ir E
    B·,;,*,;,€}‘%$,§§.,,§,§§"§Z"i€§?f‘;f;,·§‘g§§,€}“i D°*’°"‘ »i}‘}Ti.‘?€§”'TA."§ai.E’.‘i§.2?i.°ii{.2£}r'i$il{ K,. li~l1>l¤ I· ··\~w·l~<‘<‘i <~· ington
. T,   Dr- G1<=¤¤_U· D¤rr¤li. 301 C1i¤¤¤¤ Rdr. Lex- xir. \\`ilIiain n. cnivm, Maysville
; ¢   .l.· - ingwn. 1~>¤ ir€S 1964) nr. rt. it. nriwsrm, Biwmiieiri
{   C. C. Clarke. 1298 Smith Green Sr-. Glusgcw. or. calm Emir, 209 ism spmmi st., mys-
. §·   Ky. (Term expires L963) ‘ vmu
‘ Q gi V Dl'· O; B- Ml}l'PhY; *43 \'Y'¢$t COUPE? Dl’lVU» Mr. Herndon j. Evans, The Lcxington Heraltl,
, -   Lexington, lxy. (ferrn expires 196B) [,(.xg,,gm,,
 , ` li I- {’gl;ln§¤;)l:I*—;llE;'$l;?)6l;3l;¤rt ll¤¤¤¤sv¤1lc iii¥Hsr..iit;r»1 Manly, nr, 1009 Ky. ironic mt-
i ._ · · , y. ETH'} CXpll'€S · · vu _   V ·
`   . \VQia¤?TM· Cunt,   Bldg., Oiverislwrc, Mr. (§t·“it:i"ii‘l. (Neel, City Engint-t·i·'s ()IIicr—,
. *· Y, CIITI €Xpll'ES . ·   » I i _·
.   xvi£iamTa. Buck, aogwig.) asm st., rmiumii, """`°"
  Q., y. ( erm expires . 1
 :   l Smith Diglézoiidbent, jr., Cadiz, Ky. (Term ex-
; ..  » 4[)ll’(’S .¤ ' r 4
    Richard E,. Cooper, Somerset, lxy. (Term cx- 'Ihe UK Alninni Executive (jomniittee ineets
,  ~` pires 1962) 4 nionthly. Septeinber through ]uIy. at a time  
i ’,  · Guy   Huguclct, ,]r., 1469b Lakewood Drive, and place appointed for the rzonvenicnee of  
§ Mir  iv · Lexington, Ky. (Term expires 1962) the eonimitti·i·,  _)
  is ‘# E K E
i  2 g, 2 THE KENTUCKY All/l e
[ 1  .
. i -v; I
1 rxr- V `L 4  

iuyiia yy · 
ISSl`l·` I ip I =
 A [\jy|.j|(s|‘|\` ru i iii is ina<|<· up ol men who not only teach, hut also play an active part in adding   y
 .neyy lyiiowli’seli. lornier head ol the l)¢~partnient of Political Science and now director of the Pat- l l
 jtgjyoii School ol l)iplouiacy and International (Joininei·ci·,   I
ln 36 years with the University, he  
' has earned perhaps more honors than A
    any other professor. He is intemation- j  
i .     A ally known as an author and foreign re- y  
  pw e  K       latioiis specialist, has participated il] l j
t I ii     forcigii missions for the U.S. State De- y €
{ M   _   partinent, and was a member of the l
group which drafted the United Nations l
_ ‘ \ charter. Dr. \`andenhosch is the author l j
i ·_ ‘* or joint author of a large number of
UT U l T y _ _   _ hooks and has written numerous articles i
lor major journals. j
ni-.}! .#·r    ~ *%__ i _ _ N
{mm (M,.   .   s     i   . c 'Ony of his former students said of j
Hmm   jo j ·   i. hun.- He does not descend to the 1
(W. ju, _ » , t i i ‘ i g   plane of the student. but brings the    
;,,(,,-ii .··   ` student up to his own [ece]. He puts   l I
,(· _\Inni·»:}‘ j v_ \     · ‘ u lot of faith in you and you fee] l i
I-`rom   i W   ·.  A L i f that you can`! let him (11OtL`l1.i`   l y
all mm _ l I i`    — Xlen such as these inspire greater ef- j
forts hoth from their fellow faculty A j  
_ memhers and from the students. \\”hen -
,  " 1 the students work under such men they y l
wi —   may assimilate a view which is the hall- l
mark of all true scholars—one which will i  
it not permit them to he satisfied with the
mediocre. hut will force them to con- y I
` tinually seek the hest. This is the kind   . y
    .. i   I ol education which lasts long after Spe- i   j
  ’`°°    ~ \ cilic course content has lveen fOl`gOtIZ€ll l l
.i "   or discarded as the University graduate  
_ advances to higher levels of thought and l
 L I i t `   aeliieyenieut. l
 E i 5
K Y Mt j i l
i I I
l i

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the Louisville (I<)|Il`I(J1`-I()l|l`lllll. Ile is lllIlI`I'I(‘(l I11ll1<· I111’111<~1· ;111Iz11‘sI1iI> -. , !   II /,_   I  ‘     
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IIII IIIII IlIIlllll1l>Il`.lIl\<’ I)l¤Ill‘|l'* .1l lI1¤· II¤·¤\I·‘l~ I·IrIn1k (I. l)iI·krgI I/:1* I·.s·lI1/1/i.»/1I11w11/ nf I/Iw H. (X. I(u.s·/1 S(‘I1(?](II‘.S‘]II]) Fl[]l(I_ I
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I \II` \I I  IpleI11·1· t.111I;I1l tu IIIIIII. .lI|(I \\llII\. I I I
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IIIHIIIIIII IIIKI '·'lll1Il`l>I <>II i11I1I·1x·11IIIsis_ >I;(.·I·_ IIIIII II()IlI` Ql`.ll\(I(`IIII(II`<`lI. Il¤*ll¤*l`·ll`\ 1l¤·:1‘<··~~~l l)·¤·l<>1‘<>II I·?I“I$· I
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    Cem Amemca Compete.  
    Problems of the US 111 World Economy ,
     IPS. ain or
-— fl ji ‘  e—cure(l
    I  l9—lI lu
`     I Ili\'€rsity_
_ iféj  4 The sei
I   AlllCl`lC1l, IODQ U. l€ll(il€l` lll \VOI`l(l Il'2`|(l€,   f£lCiI'lg l'l'lOI`€ tI()ll1lI l7lC()ll()]11I(‘Si   I)>;\l1lIl(‘(‘ ot P1l}'lll(‘IlIS .‘\llllliIl·lli·i   be UDI
  y I competition from abroad. The European Common Biarltct tcn in collaboration with I)r. (Tharlcs Ilullnmn. I ``‘4  €nm'l‘l'I~
_   Q with its reduced internal and its higher external tariff ap- l’roI`essor of International l·]¢·onomics, was pul¤li~l-¤— E mlm I
ii " Pll€d to l'lOH·IT`l€ITll)€I`S, [IIB COIOIIILII pl'€f€1'€IltlL1l CLISIOIHS Spflllg   SIIIIHIUIIS, Il()Lll'(llI]i\ll IIOOIKS ill\(l llll$ ll\`*'ll  g. "tlI·“l€
V;   gy; duties and trading systems, industry and agriculture abroad acclanncd.  qnle degr
 l Z   operating under low costs, pose a formidable challenge to Di-. lolni B. Ilutson, `IT, 1’i·esi¢I¢-int ol` 'I`<>lmv<‘<* lr ffl  lllsllllm
·     the American economy. ¥Vhat is America’s attitude toward ate; [ne., \\’asliington_ I), (I., will speak al Ilw I"?   {MU
i . . . .   . . »  Y
i L El I the Common Market? \Vhat is her role in the world today? morning session on the- sulricclz Ihc luurop<‘=¤¤¤ V :jI_0r’lL"‘
 ` 5   These pertinent questions will be discussed by (listin- Xlarlqeti" Irlc has had a (Iistinguislicd carccr Ill ll‘i   MLM]
  __   gllI$ll€(l $1lUl'l'mI Hfld f8Cllll£y mer1’ll)e1‘S at the Fifth Annual of agri;-nl1in·al ceqiiiiiiiiics, Diiriiig \\v()l`l(l \\`;1l` II l\*`    md 6 I
 I     Alumni Seminar, ]une 8th and 9th during Alumni Reunion as prositlcnt ol? the (Ioinmodity (Yrcdit (Zorpornli<>¤1·*`  ‘di§ll mf
    , We€l<-€I1(l Gt the University of Kentucky. Untlcr Secretary ol ;\iI_I`IClllIllI`(‘ in l$l·l5 amll llli"  mgm!
    I D1`. Max   VVi1SSeI'm2m, visiting professor in the Patter- Ilutsoii was appointed Assistant Sccl't‘l:1|‘)' l·"l"i_   mi mg
g  Q _ Son School of Diplomacy and International Commerce and cliargc ol Administration ol? lho Unilcd Nillllllls ‘l“ll_`   {mil:  
I I; { illtel‘rl2lfiol1&llY known economist, is chairman of the semi- orgaiiizaiioii period Irom March I$)~1(i to Xl¤Il"I“’      
I   vi A Hill' committee. His most recent l)Ool<, "M()(I(5I']l lnterna- Since that time lic has lwcn president ol 'l`l>ll¤\I`*"'·l`  9- im I
\  )g~» gi . ;  ¢
 I     6 THE Kswrucxv MUI I E

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DH. /.111 `IS S. \\f\I{I£. `1T AIR. GEORGE W. W_—\H\1'lCK, ’16 1   1
V 1 1
PS. 1111 Ufgilllllilllllll l’\1.ll)l1N1l(`11;1l Xl1ll\*l`;`1lS 1lll(l C11ClD1Cz`11 (-l111'p<>f11tlO11 is 1116* 1 I  
il.l€·(‘11I`1‘(l 11111111·1—11 .11111 111* 1111S 1l;ll`111'11).ll1‘L1 lll llI11llt‘l`1lllS \\l)l`1(l`5 1;ll'§t*S1 1)l`(l(lllCL‘l' of lll1ll(:‘l`;llS Llll(l C1lC‘Il`l1Cdl5 for food 1 x
 lffllilllilllkll (‘(lllll‘l*t'll('t’\ 111 \.ll`1` 1ll(l1`Illll1{ pl>(llll`lll`ll (`llk`C*.      
·,\m,,l,_1.*   1)** Dil (rYlla1rl1·s \\`. 1111l1111.111. .-\ssis1.111t Professor of "'1`l11-   BAl1L11l(‘€‘ of PLl}`lll€lltS,` will be the subject of l 1 I
\11m_,,,_ \1»—  tem-111111Mll Ewiiirilrics. l’11111·rso11 Sk'lI(Nll of l)11)1(llll;1k‘}'. .111 1l(l(ll`l‘SS hy Dr. \\';1SS€*l`1l]1111 o11 Friday afternoon. 1 1
H lm1_1l_1_,  · topic will 111·; "A1111·1·11·11‘1 _·\[t1tll(1(’ T1111-111-11 1111- (T11111- D1; Laszlo Zso1dos.ofthe P111te1·so11 School of Diplom—     {1
1M` 1,,.111p f' Mi11`l<<‘1-H A lliltl\'l’ of low;1. l)r. 1l11lt1111111 1111111s Ll doe- .lL'}' ;lll(l 1llt€l`ll;l110l1L1.1 Commerce will be the first speaker 1 1
 ""  (11‘1·U`l*t‘ 1111111 1111* $1.111- l1Il1\`(‘l'Sl1}` of Iow.1 111111 was 111 the S;l1lll`Ll1l}` morning sessions to be 11€1(l Hi Sp1l1Cll€‘fOp 1   1
.1-1_1m._1, 11 _ 1¤1$1¤‘¤¤<·ii1i· 111 111111 i11»1i111111111 1111111- 111 1111111111; 1111- 1’111- 111111. lhs $111111-11 will 111-; "The Lvl]lt€(l States C11111111erci111 i · = 1
i A ' , ` _ , - .· . ~ 1
lk lt 111, 1-   *11 iiwlilly. 1’11h1—y 111111 1111- T111111. A 1111111*1- of bzentes. Huriyiury, Dr. 1 1
ll‘1l1l<'11|1 (1   Dr. Louis S, \\l;ll`(‘. `IT. (11l;l11`l1l11l1 111 1111- 111).1111. l1l1t*l`- Zsoldos 1‘1·1·1·iv1·1l his Pl1.D. (l<‘§l`CL‘ from Ohio State Univer-     1 1
_m_(_|, in 111*  - 011*11 Mlllvlklls AlIl(1 (ll11·i11i1·;1l (T11i·1111i·;i1i11i1_ $111111111-_ 111__ sil) glI](l 11ilS 111*1*11 ill] 111st1‘11L‘i<1l' 111 61*0110111iCS HI illalf lllSIl-     1
\\·;H. 11111- .1  m“k*` 1l1<‘ 111211111 :11l1lr1·ss 111 1111- 1*1111111} ;l1`1(‘l`l1ll(lll ses- 111111111. 1   111
I.Pm..l111,11.12:  n_°" 1h" $11l11¢*<‘l: "1`S. (;1`&llllS2 1l;11·1;11i11 or lllll`L1t‘Il?" "'1`l11- \\`hy. \\`l1;1t Qlllkl How of Our New Foreign Aid 1 1 "
3 WW1 111111  'd1$l"‘1$1'1$l1¢‘¢l ill\|lll1lIl$. 1)1·. \\`111·1- 111-131111 his 1·111·1~1·1· 11s 11 1’1·11g1·11111°` will 111- the topic of N11: 51111111-;* L. \111Elroy`s = `
l_1.H.\- 1)1=111.  _"ll1""1¥l"*‘<‘1` 111111 ll1(lll$1l'1;ll1S1 i11 1111- 1·opp1-11 111i111-s o1` 11111111-ss Silllllllily llli1'1`Ll10l`. .'\gl`1lL'}` for lnter- 1 1  
1 _ 11
1 1 1
1 1
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5 DR. ]OHN B. HUTSON, lr AIR. Sl.·\l\/Ll;) L. M1‘l;LH()), V10 ~ mf"
1· V nal and 11
l r Dr. E
“ . . A . . . . . 1 -  and ·‘1
l]LIt1()H1\l D€\'€l()1)1]]Cl1t, D€1)i1l`t11]€l1t Of Stll.t€.   ilSl`lll1gt()ll. EL`()l]()l]]]L`S, \\'lll l)(‘ lllL* H]()(l(’l`klt()I`. Pill`tlClp1\IllS Wlll li'-  m inn
D. C. He begun his czireer \\'ltl1 the 111te1‘1111t1011z1l Busi- 1<111l1111111 5\llll\'ilIl, P1·11fess111· \\11lt1=1· P1—111·1·1·. illlil 1): l. Athm  
· . . . - . . . . - — 0
, r_ 1]€SS A/l£lCl1ll1€S COI`p()1°lIt1OI1 111   111111 \\`1lS i.1pP()ll1t(`(l 3lilSt(‘Il ()l` tl]? l)C1)l\l`ll]](*lIt (lf lLC()I\()ll1lL'S. (1()lll'1I(‘ Illl    
1   Executive Assistant t0 the Presicleut 0f IBM in 1960. 111 ll](‘l'('(‘. ;C€ t" _
_ _· , __ 4 Y _ _ _) _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ '_  _ 11911111;
` 1961 h€*¤<>‘~·1‘*?11~€¤* "l’“"T°¥ f‘{"T‘ l““ °"‘“P§"" t" °‘“°" Sll.t\ll4(lll.)) lll()l'Illl\[.[ 111 Sl)ll](ll(`t()l), 111. 11. 1.. l1lZ»`  M01 t1
  govemméni SCN/IFB m   SPBUJ M lkml Lap‘lUty' _ I{€;l(l, Dcp111‘t1111-11t of P11liti1~11l Sciciicc will lw ll1<‘ 111*** _ E Art 0
1 Panel dlsulsbuins WH {SNOW Eiwh Os the three Semolm t111· for tl11~ p11111—l 1lis1·11ssi011 Llllll ()l)(’Il l[vl)l`\llIl 1111 N.\|l1<'· . He lv
ML G<·><>¤g€ “ ·_“ =¤W~k» 161 ¤€¤1€<‘ <··<=¤€¤=¤* **=··1=¤¤<* 0f 1111111 lll 1111 11111-111·1·1111111 V.·· 1111-111-111111111   1111111 ..11AA A  ,.g1am,l
l;()l Elgla Op€l [].t1OI]§, AITI`I5tI`OI]g COl'l( COFDPRII1} , Llll1C1\5t€l 1 bv:   Jalncs IT. Iiopkinx `38` 1)0puI·(““1n[ (yl llbi. I. ipimlt Of
1   Wil be *h€b1?*¤d€{5**¤1 Fuéhy m¤¤·¤·¤;, *0* the }‘·>¤%·>· 111. 11. 11. $111111111. 1111, 111A1111·11111A.11 111 1‘\gl`l(`llll 111A. li  mh Q
\ V $101] 011 the su ]ect;· Coiripetmg Ahioad. Bil: \\ nm 1cl\ Holmes; and Ml,. “1m.“.i(_k.  H6 also h
1 1 has had wide experience 111 s11pe1·v1s111g Ol)€I'2ltl()l1S 0f 1115 H _ _ _ 7 1 mr  ityof W
  ii1·ml10th i11 this c01111t1·y 111111 i11 E111·11pe. A I]£ltl\'(* 11f F1·1111l<- llw 5°m"“" wlll °“(l_ at l_"°(l(l "_°°“ °“;° “l_ \` · _  m UK‘
fl POW 116 is 41150 21 U1€1Ul)(31` 0f the A11111111i (_;Q[|t]]]‘\* (;]11],_ l<>w<·<1 l>}‘ tl11·¤111111111I 1011111011 plL'III(° 111 lll(’ ,·\ 111111111. _ D B,
;< .. . . , , , , ‘ A · ··. r 1 1 1 · -1 _" -11;* 1.
1 — Pz11·t1c1pa11ts \\’1ll bc D1'. Cecil (1. (.111‘pe11te1‘, 26, Dezui 01 mm llllmh `llll lu luld ml (lll gm“"(l5 It slum (  gmc fl
the College of C0111111e1·ce; D1: I'1L1l`()l(l \\’. (.11tl11‘11·, Associ- ”°”l°"* AH lm to the p"l)l"“‘  bm. 0
. 1 . . . . A ‘1 l0 ‘
- ate Professor 0f EC011()Il1l(!S, College 11f C11111111e1·c1·; ilI'I(l Mr. 1\VI1·111l11»1·s 11f the $1·111111111· (.111111111tt1·1· s1·r\‘M¤£ ““l  um H I
, . . . 1 , . , 1,: . 111g_
(¤Rl`\’lC€ K111cu1d, 34, CAl11111‘1111111 111 the 131111111, Cc11t1·11l \\11ss1-1·1111111 111·1—; ])1·. NlA\lL'()ll]) ]1·w1·ll, l)1·p111‘i¤11¤‘¤¤l`··· 1I  \1t_
· . 1 . . 1 . . 1- - *3  . A il
B¥“1l<» L€Xmgt0“· t1ca1l 5010111-0, Mrs. Elm1l11-tl1 l;1yl111·, l’111-ll ·  pm 10
. “Tl1€ U11lt€(l SKMCS D()ll2ll' 111 the \V()l`l(l EC()Il()l]]}’y) will ])1·pt__ 1);; \V;1r1·1-11 I-{;1y111>g_ (]1)]\1·g(· (1f` (l()llllll(Llu|` 1 ii We
. . . . . . V , , .   1 - e
; l)(l the Sl1l)]€Ct OE tl1C pi.lll€l (ll$(`llSSl()ll l‘l`l(lil}' Lll'l(‘I`ll()()l\ Bl`()\\'ll, l)(‘;lll (,;ll'l)()llll‘I`,   $\IllI\';lIl, illl(l xllw ll‘l‘ Am, sci lS_l
i 111111 Dr. Aubrey B1'()\VI'l, Head, l)(¥[)2ll`llllCIll 11l` Agl`l(‘llll\1l'ill King.  anim