xt7tmp4vj84s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tmp4vj84s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1948-13-nov6-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1948-13-nov6-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1948-13-nov6-ec. 1948 1948-13-nov6-ec. 2011 true xt7tmp4vj84s section xt7tmp4vj84s 

     Minutes of tiie 11eetiag of the 8xecutive Committee of the D3oard
of Trustees of tlhe ZUniversity of Kentucky, NovTember 6, 1948

     The Executive Committee of the University of Xentuuky met In
the President's Office at 10:*00 aomv, Saturday,, November 6, lD4e,
The followi4g nienbers were present:  Guy A. Rumuelet, O    rnhiran"
J. C. iverett, Harper C-atton, T. H. Cutler, R. P. Hobsons and Judge
. C. Stoll, member of the Board of Trustees.     Absent: 14one,
President Donovan and Secretary Peterson met wXth the Committee,

     A. Quarterly Heeting SuPgested*
     Preeldernt Donovan stated that the regular quarterly meeting of
the B3oard shoulcl be held on D)ecember 14, but that this date would
conflict vith several engagements.   It was suggested that the Deoem-
ber meeting be held on Saturday, December 18, at 10:00 a.mo and
iUpon motion duly made, Seconded and carried, the meeting'was set for
December 18, 148.

     B , 0optrllr     Report,.

     The Ooraptroller submitted the monthly finaoial report Porlhe
period ended September 30, 1048.   He read a condensed anal ysl of
the related budget and plant funi operations for the months of July,
August and September.   The statement was examined in some detail,
and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, was ordered received
anid filed,

     C. Qosideratlon of L     o  Addit on to_ LcL    n Stadium, Sto

     President Donovan stated that bids for extension of Ieiotean
Staitum, south aide, had been received,   The tabulation follows:

     For :Italn Part of Addition, Box Seats, and 11oving Preqs
                 Box to New14ca0tion

       Perkins Construction Company; Frank-
            fort, Ky.                   ,. v..v***.*+   60,70180.00

        'hittenberg Corporation, Loausville,
            KY  . *~ * *                  ..... 0 0618,150,00
        Struo1X Constrtuction Company,t Louisville,
            Kyt                                  801$*******+,,** 026.0o


     It was stated that these bids were in excess of possible funds
available, and that, under present conditions} the Stadium had a
seating capacity of 31ll52.   Dean Terrell submitted an   ternate
plan for constraction of the addition to the Stadium.   He s     ted
reducing the proposed seating capacity from 39,603 to 35,60 soate.
A general discussion followed concerning the possible cost of oopplet-
ing Sections t, 1IX N$ 0, and P on the south side, up to and including
the 4Ath row, making the south side the same height as the north side,
and Moving the press box back to the 49th row,   This would add 4483

     1he Committee, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried  au-
thorized the taking of' new bids for an addition of 4483 seats on the
south side, subject to approval of Governor Clements, and appointed
President Donovan, Chairman Iuguelet and Comptroller Peterson to con-
fer with the Governor as to his wishes In the matter, and the avail-
lility of funds.

     DI Authorized Proosa    for WOaent Residecoe Hall a4    d   lfnit.
     President Donovan again called attention of members of' the Com-
mittee to the crow-ded condition in our residence halls, and thle con-
ditions surmounding the preparation and service of food in the resi-
dence halls for womon.   It" wias also stated that the plans and speoi-
flications for the residence hall and central food unAt had been pre-
pared by the arcchitects and accepted by the Board of Trustees,
     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Comptroller
was authorized to request proposals, subject to approval of Governor
Clements, for the erection of a residence hall and central f'ood unit
In accordance with plans and speolf'ications approved.

     B. ~coanion ojf tho Central HeatinW  System  guestedo,

     President Donovan called attention agaiLn to the need for expand-
ing the central heating system to care adequately for heating new
structures none under contract and to modernize the steam lines*
     The Oommittee discussed the urgency of the situation and upon
motion duly Made, seconded and carried, appointed President Donovant,
air. Guy Hugeilet$ Chairman of the Committeo, and Mr, Peterson,
Comptroller, to conf'er with Governor Clermnts and the members of the
Building Commission at the earliost date possible.

     F.          of Stone Louse on Rose Street 1,.prqvoed

     President Donovan reported to to Committee that the Comptroller
had purchased house and lot at 402 Rose Street,    He read the ftollov-
ing letter from the Comptroller:



                                         October 22, 1948

     Dr, E. t. Donovan, President
     Univorelty of Kentucky
     Ily dear Dr# Donovan:

          At a recent meeting of the Zxecutive Committee, I
     was instructed to negotiate for the purchase of the five-
     room first floor plan house and the 50Q x 901 lot at -Rose
     Street, Lexington, Xentucky#   The property was in the
     name of Lis Yvonne E. Stone, who had married Dalton P.
     COadwell.   After some negotiations, I offered Q%,165.00
     for the house and lot and repair material on hand there,
     with the understanding that Mliss Stone, wiho wvas renting
     400 osae Street, would vacate that house wvithIn two weeks,
     This price and condition were accepted and deed of con-
     veyance has been execuited,  
          Although the Board of Trustees authorized the purchase
     in an informal discussion  official approval has not yet
     been given and recorded in the minutes.   I would appreciate
     it if this action were reported to the Board with a recom-
     mendation that the action of the Comptroller be approved,
                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                (Signed) Prank D. Peterson,
                                         Comptroll er.

     Upon motion duly made  seconded and carried, the purchase of
house and lot at 402 Rose btreet from Ivbs Dalton B. Caldwell, nee
Miss Yvonne i. Stone, for QS,165$,0O, was approved., authorized,; and
the action of the Comptroller ratified.   The purzhase price Is to be
taken from $1aggin funds,

     % Purchases Iade Lr te      Qotro    Ba   ied,

     President Donovan read a letter from the Comptroller listing
state requisitions, advices of emergency purchases, etc., and recom-
mended approval,   He read the following letter:



                                October 22, 1946
Dr. H,  Donsovan, President
University of ieentuoiy

Iy dear Dr, Donovan'.

     I submit a liot of state requisitions, advioes of
emergency purchaseo, special ptrohase orders, food con-
tracts and departmental purchase orders which have been
macle by thoe 0omptroller's of';ce since July 1, 1948.
Thoee purchases heave not been approved by the Executive
Coimmittee of the Board of Trustees.  The l1sting below
gives the numbers of the documents requesting the purchage
or actually lssied as purchase ordere, wthich dtoouments are
mate a part of this record and are hold in the Office
of the 0omptroller subject to inspection,   The Purohases
have been made on properly dtrat documents at the requsts
oa the vzrious departments and have been charged against
available funds.   The list follows:

State reqUdsitions nurmbered. a  , I  . . . .  t o I  a
Emer-enicy purchase orders numbered..,.. 1 to
Library D. orders                      I. ,..,lto
Unversity departmental orders ........ 1 to
Special purchase orders *              1.. * f * , 4to

567 inclusive
600 inclusive
239 inclusive
1395 inclusive
1688 inolusive.

          The above record of purchases is respectfully submitted
     with the request that they be approved by the Executive Oom-
     mittee or Board of Trus'-ees .-ihichover moots first, thereby
     ratifying the action of the Oomptroller in making such pur,-

                                   Resal)otfully submitted,
                                   (SigMed) Frank D . Petereon,
                                             Comptroll er.
     UJpon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the purchases made
by the Comptroller's 0ffioe as evidenced byt

     Stato   equisitions F               1ed........ I to
     Enmorenoy purchase orders niuabereda  I to
     Library D. orders  ..*.t.*..   .4 1 to
     University departeneital orcors ..,, 1 to
     Special purchase orders   I..  ... *  to

were approved, authorized and ratififea

Y67 inclusive
600 inclusive
239 inclusive
135 inclusive
13989 incluisives



     H. RAdget Chn gea.

     (1) Presidenit Donovan submitted letter from the Comptroller
listing the following budget changes which had been approved, subjeit
to aotion of the Committee.

                                         November 3, 1948
    Pr. R, L, Dornovan, President
    University of Xentuoiy

    Dear D* Dorovean:

     The following budget ohanges have been
the approval of the Board of Triastees:

na4e, subject to

  Budget Unit
General E und.:
Arts & Soiences:
Physical  iduoation, 2Pers8..erV

Pstohoel ogy, qulpMent

  Eg51ish Lan~uage, Pers.Serv,

College of Law:
Instruction, Pers.Serv*

College of Zducation:
Administratiori, Pers.Serv.

Universitt , Extension:

Colege of Agrioulture
Daltrr Certer Bqupp*-CapOutlay

Pereor1l Servieos
Non'erseonal Services
l1aterials and1 Supplies
Capi.ta Outlay
         Totals general fund

Account   Decrease  IThreaze

480&-i  $         $ 1,800.00





  400 00
  150 * 00



1,, 032,00



  3, 600,00
 2S8 070,100



     I recommend. an increase in the appropxriations from
the unappropriated surplus for budget changes for the
Colleges 1 Arts and Sciences, Law, Education, Agriculturee,
tUniversity xtenslon and Libraries, in the net amount of

     The construotion of the Fine Arts Building is pro-
gressing about according to sohedule and the equipment
for this building should be puxrchased within the current
year,   I recommend that an appropriation of two hundred
thousand dollars be made for the purpose of equipping the
Fine Arts Building.

     The Board, at the time of approval of the budget, made
an appropriation for extraordinary repairs and restoration
of University property.   Items of repair have bee author-
ized to the extent that this budgot is ne.arly exhausted.
There are other repairs and restoration projects that
should be given attention, and I recommend that the budget
be inorease4 by the amount of l5OOOO.QO, which will be
spent for extraordinary repair work approved byr the Pre81-

     The Board of Trustees entered into a contract wilth
the State Board of 'Mucation for instruction to college
studeents enrolled foil courses not offered by the Kentuicky
State College.   The university is required to provide In-
struction and expenses) which will be refunded by appropri-
ation made available to the Kentucky State College,    During
the course of the work, we have no funds with whloh to pay
instructors for teaching, and the expenses Involved.,  I
recommetd that appropriation4 of Q10,000OO be made and set
aside as a revolving fund for paying salaries and expenses
incident to this agreement,

     It was decided to purchase additional equipment for
Bowman ial to make It possible to increase the number or
occupants during the current year,    New furniture was pur-
chased at a cost of 06,500O.O0   1 recommend that this amount
be appropriated out of the unappropriated surplus and used
for the additional equipment for Bowman Hall,

     Certain budget changes have been made in the Haggin
restricted fund, and we desire to report these contemplated
changes and. request approval of the Board of Trustees as
follows :


    Budget Unit
Restricted Furnds CIaggln):
Law Annotation Project
Foreign  cohange Scholarships
Alumni 1.agazine & Bulletin
Prospeotive Faculty Upense
Graduate 8 holarships
anggin Fund - General Acot

               Totals, Haggin

Account    Decrease   Increase


Q3$ 446.22

   906 .50

2, 943.85


          The unappropriated surplus to the credit of the general
     fund of the University is sutficient to meet the appropriations
     above rocommended.

                                 Respectfully submitted,
                                 ($igned) Frankl . Poeterson,
                                         Comptroll er,

     (2) President Donovan also read the following letter with recom-
mendation for an Increased appropriation for the payment for ad in-
stallation of equipment in the Dairy Products Building:

                                       November 5, 1948

     Dr. H. t. Donovan, President
     tUniversity of Kentucky

     My dear Dr. Donovan:

          Recently, you referred to this office a letter from
     Doan Cooper concerniing the method of payment for the
     installation of equipment In the Dairy Products Building.
     t have oon'erred with Dean Cooper and made arrangements,
     Dean Cooper advised this offioe that the totu-a  ost in
     connection with the restoration, and alteratUion of the
     building, and the purchase and Installation of equipment
     will approxInate the following figures;

4Ateration and repair, per oontract
       Advice or change, extra
Installation of plumbing and
       electrical equipmont, estimated
lnstallqtion and expenses incident to
       listallation of equipment, osti-
Purchase of equipment (this price is
       subject to "price at time of
       doliveryt which will add approx-
       Imately 10% or Q20500,0o)
   ocalle~octs pur'whases already made and
       to bo made, estimated
Archbtects; fee, estimated


'131 000,00

 2, 500r00

$3 5a2.20

14 500.00



OsI08.65    0 5,,106.65


          Utpon invostigationa, I find that these figures are at
     variance with previous commitments,   I b e.ieve that a
     recommendation should be made to the Doard for an appro-
     priation to be applied toward the bovae project in an
     amount which may be approved by you,

                                   Respectfull~y submitted,

                                (Signed) Frankc D. Peterson,
                                         Oompt roller.

     (3i) A third letter eras read recommending an increase in tho ap-
propriation for the 1.emorial Auditorium-ieldhouse, for an over-run
for the excavation and ooistruction of the foundotion.  The letter
fo lLs V

                                         November 4, 1948
    Dr. Ii. L. Donovan, PrestAdent
    liIveraity of ;Kentucky

    Dear Dr. Donovan:

          In complying with the contract with the Grayson-,Jones
    Constructlon Company for excavation and. construction of
    the Fledhouse, certain over-runs were necessary and were
    approvedq  The first was reported to the Board on November
    24, 1947 in the amounts of $ 09O59   On February 14, 1948
    a second overrun was reported and approved in the amount
    of 4414,927.52.

         $Lnoe that Ltr-ez the foundation for the neldhouse
    has been completed and a third. over-run has been reported,
    chec~ked and. approved by John T. GQ111g, architect, L. P.
    Thompson, engineer for the UnIversity and IfrA E. B. Fa.rris,
    who further checked the site, in the amount Of 920919,32,
    This record has been forwardeod to Wrankfort vilth the re-
    quest that an Advice of Change be approved changing the
    contract in accord.'ce with the unit prioes shown.   I
    therefore recommend. an appropriation from the unappropriat-
    ed surplus o'L tee general )University budget in the amount
    of Q20)919,32 to takse care of the over-run as approved.

                                        Sincerely yours,

                                      (Signed) Frank D. Peterson,
                                                Comptroll er.



     The Committee heard the reading of the letters and recommendation
for icreased approprilations for the various departments and for cer-
tain improvements and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
the Comptroller vras authorized to transfer from the unappropriated
surplus of the Generntl Fund of the Unverxsity the sum of $41,882.40
for general budget increases, the sum of @200,000 for the purchase and
installation of equipment In the Pine Arta bulldin(, the sum of
Q53,698.20 for equipment and installation of same in the Dairy Products
Building, and the sum of M0919.32 to pay for over-runs in connec-
tion with the excavation and construction of the foundation of the
Memorlal Auditorium-Fleldhouse.   The sum of @150O,000.00 for extraor-
dinary repair work, and the sum of $:,O000.00 for expensesand salaries
in connection with instruction to students enrolled In the Kentucky
State Oollege for Nogroes were also approved.  Likewise, the Conmmit-
tee approvedA the sun of W6,$50000 for purchase of new furniture for
Bowman Halil, in order to make possible housing an increased number of
men students,   The Haggin budget was authorized adjusted by decreas-
Ing Aocounts 33-l, 3323, and 3336, and increasing Accounts .3330
3335, b322 and 3320 in the amount of Q5,108,65,

     . ams Speed C    rLJ

     Presidont Donovan reported the unprecedented number of cars on
the campus.,  He stated that apparently more students than ever before
had access to automobiles, an&d that, duo to an increase in enrollment
and faoulty, the parking problem on tho campus was most acute.  lie
Stated that parking areas and roadways were properly marked but that,
In spite of these traffic aids, the public and students continued to
drive the wrong way, park inr wrong areas, and drive at a speed danger-
ous to the life and safety of students and faculty on the campus.
H~e suggested that a speod limit of twenty milea per hour be establish-
ed for all campus roadways.

     Members of the Committee discussed the recommendation, and upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, fixed the speed limit of au-
tomobiles and trucks at a maximum of twenty miles per hour, and au-
thorized officers to make such arrests as seemed necessary.   The
Dean of I.'ren was authorized to fine persons caught violating the regu-
latlon amounts from Q1.00 to   .00 for each offense,

     IX. tYnjversity ObJectives.

     President Donovan issued to each member of the Committee a list
of the objectives of the University for l94D8-4   with the statement
that he desired the Committee to be advised as to the aims of the
administration and staff,   The following list of objectives was exam-
ined and ordered made a part of the record, and the administration
was commended.



               OBJECTIVES Z0VR THS UN:S8TI

 1. In every appointment seek the further strengthening of
    the instructional and research staff,

 2, Stimulate research to the greatest degree possible by
    means of the general research fund,

 3. Stress the improvement of classroom instruction in all
    colleges and departments,

 4. Promote faculty welfare In all ways possible, having
    in mind salaries, opportunities for advancement, reaching
    and research facilities, service loads, leaves, retire-
    ment, group insurance, and housing,*

 5S Help each member of the faculty and staff to a realiza-
    tion of his own importance in the maintenance of good
    public relations,
 6, Re-evaluate and strengthen the graduate program*

 7* Initiate plans for presenting the tUniversity's program
    and needs to the 1950 Legislature,

 8* Study carefully the factors affecting the freshman enroll'
    rment with a vierw to attracting to the University in 1949
    the largest possible number of well qualified freshmen,

 9. Make plans for an outstanding summer session In l940.

 10, Plaoe greater emphasis on the savings to be effected.
    by better care of the campus, buildings, equipment, and

11, Complete the construction of the Pine   rts BuIlding,
    equip it, and place it In use in September, 1949.

12, Begin the construction of the necessary additions to
    the University heating plant and of additional dormi-
    tories for men and women.

13, Further increase the membership and effectiveness of
    the Alumni Association.


     K. Additio    S     Members for College of Law Authorized.

     President Donovan reported on the operations of the contract be-
tween the State Board of Education and the University of Kentucky, for
instruction of students enrolled in the Kentucky State College for
Negroes in courses not offered by that institution but offered by the
University of Kentucky,   He reported that, in general, the plan was
working very well and that the University had been sending instruct-
ors from the Collete of Law to the Frankffort institution to give in-
struction to a student enrolled in that institution for a law course.
He stated that It seemed desirable to inereave the staff of the Uni-
versity Law College to eliminate the necessity for the present faoul-
ty driving to and from Frankfort for the time being.   He sta-ed that
additional Instructors might be emp~loyed from the ;practising bar at
Frankfort$ and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Presi-
dent was authorized to cause to be employed four part-time instructors
for the College of Law vwho might be assigned to teach students en-
rolled fox law courses at Kentucky 6tate College for Negroes.

     L. Cnside        of   trinar    rainin  in  outhgrn States.

     President Donovan stated he had reoeived from John E. Ivey, Jro,
Director of Regional Counoil for Education, office in  Atlanta$
Georgia, a proposal for establishing and operating regional services
for training in veterinary medicine.   He stated that a meeting was
scheduled to be held in Atlanta, Georgia, on November 1 and 19, for
the purpose of exploring the question further,

     The Committee discussed the proposal and authorized the Presi-
dent to send a representative of the University to listen in on the
meeting and to report baaok to the Board if he thougt it advisable,

     11. ititler Appoitec to Council 2n Higher Educatioxn,

     President Donovan stated that he had been advised by the State
Superintendent that the University had a vacancy on the Council on
Higher Education,   He stated that some member of the Board of Trustees
should be appointed to fill the vacancy,

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, I4r. Tom Cutler was
appointed member of the Council on Higher Education,


     N. t7ill of Lrnest B.  ljis.
     Presidlent Donovan read a letter from E. S. Dabney, President of
the Security Trust Company, relative to last will and testament of
the late Ernest B., Ellis.

           , Ernest B. M.lis, being of sound mind and disposing
     memory, do hereby mnae and publish this my last will and
     teotamenti, hereby revoking all other wills or testaments
     heretofore at any time made by me,
          Item 1,  I direct that all of' my just debts and fun-
     eral expenses be paid.
          Item 2. All the remainder of' my property oxrned by me
    at the time of my death, whether real, personal or mixed,
    I will, devise and bequeath to my Trustee, who is herein-
    after named, who shall hold the same in trust for the uses
    and purposes hereinafter in this Item 2 set out.    Said
    Trustee shall hold, manage, control, invest and'rerinvest
    all f the said property, and he shall pay the entire net
    income, issues and profits arising therefrom to my beloved
    wife, Miary L. Ellis, for and during her natural life.  The
    said payments shall be made as often as my Trustee shall
    determine upon, but In no event shall payments be made at
    greater intervals than six months,

         The Trustee shall have full power during the existence
    of the trust herein provided for in this clause of my will,
    to sell and dispose of all or any part of my property,
    whether real, personal or mixed, at public or private sale,
    and pass a perfect title thereto to the purchaser or pur-
    chasers thereof, and. the purchaser or purchasers thereof
    shall not be required to look to the application of the
    purchase money.

         Item 3, Upon the death of my wife the trust provided
    for In tterq 2 of this will shall cease and terminate, and
    the remainder of my estate shall be disposed of as is pro-
    vided hereafter in the subseqtuent items of this will.
    While the estate so devised in such subsequent items shall
    immediately vest, yet no payment shall be made thereon
    until after the death of my wife.

         Item 4.  I hereby authorize my wife, 14ary L. Ellis, in
    any event and without regard to any other bequests made in
    this will, to dispose of by will such portion of my estate
    as does not exceed in value Fifty Thousand (t..5O,000 ) Dollars$
    and no more,



     If my wife, Mary L. Ellis, should dispose of such por-
tion of my estate by will, I direct my Trustee herein to
pay all inheritance and estate taxes which may be due on
account of the bequests and devises mnade by her in her will
so that the beneficiaries of her will will not be required
to pay such inheritance and estate taxes,

     Item S.   I hereby will, bequeath and devise to my
friend, John G. Stoll, the sum of Fifty Thousand (Q5O,000o)
Dollars.  The said bequest shall be paid in cash, or the
said John G'. Stoll shall have the right, at his option, to
select such securities from my estate as he may desire of
the then market value of Fifty Thousand ($50,Oo.) Dollars.
In the event of the death of John G. Stoll before my wife
shall dle, then the bequest provided for in this Item shall
descend to his heirs-at-law with like power of selection.

     If after my beloved wife should dispose of the portion
of my estate as provided in Item 4 hereof, there be not
enough remaining to pay the said sum of Fitty Thousand
(Q0ooOGO) Dollars In full to John G. Stoll, then the re-
mainder of my estate shall be paid to him) provided, however,
that the bequest to him in this Item of this will shall not
exceed the sad sum of Fifty Thousand (Q,50o000.) Dollars.

     In addition to the bequest herein made to John G. Stoll$
I direct my Trustee herein to pay all Inheritance and estate
taxes which may be due on adoount of the bequest herein
made to John G. Stoll so that the said John r', Stoll will
not be required to pay any inheritance or estate taxes on
account of this bequest, but that the sum of Fifty Thousand
(W501000.) Dollars shall be net to him.

     Item 6. All of the rest and remainder of my property,
including any portion of the Fifty Thousand ($50,o0oo.) Dol.
lars of my estate which my wife shall not dispose of by will,
I direct shall be divided into two equal parts,   One of
such parts I hereby wtill, bequeath and devise to my friend,
John G. Stoll to be his absolutely and in fee simple, In
the event of the death of John G. Stoll before my wife shall
die, then the bequest and devise herein referred to shall
descend to his descendants in accordance wkith the Statute
of Descent and Distributi~on now7 in force in the State of

     The other half of the residue of my estate I willI be"
queath and devise to my Trustee, hereinafter named, who shall
hold the same ill trust for the uses and purposes hereinafter
set out.   The said Trustee shall hold, manage,I control,
invest add re-invest all of said property, and he shall pay
the entire net income, issues and profits arising therefrom
to the Business Agent of the University of Kentucky, as here-
Inatter set out in this Item$ for the following purposes-


      I hereby establish a foundation at the UniverSity of
Kentucky, to be knovm as the Ernest B. Ellis Voundation,
for the purpose of educating and defraying the expenses of
educating wiorthy young men during a four years' course in
the School of Engineering of the tUniversity of Kentucky.
The income arising from the fund provided in this Item of
my will shall be used to defray the expsnaes of educating
such young men, arid my Trustee shall, In his discretion,
determine how much shall be paid to each man during each
year, and when my Trustee shall, In his discretion, so de-
termine how much is to be paid for each man, he shall notify
the Business Agent of the University, and shall pay over the
amounts to the Business.'Ageht to be by him applied in proper
Installments for the education and support of such young ieleno
Any man a resident of Fayette County who is unable financial-
ly to support himself either In whole or In part during his
four years at the University of Kentucky, and who Is quali-
fied to enter the Freshman Class in the School of Engineer-
Ing at the University, shall be eligible to the benefits of
said fund, but such men shall pursue a course of Enrgineering
at the University.   The beneficiaries of this fund shall  
be selected by a Committee of three, composed of the Cirouit
Judge of Phyette County, the Superintendent of City Schools
of the city of Lexington and the Dean of Enganeering at the
University of Kentucky, which said Committee shall,, after
making the selection, notify my Trustee who has so been
selected$ and these selections shall be made during the
summer of each year,   My Trustee shall notify the said
Committee how many persons each year who shall be entitled
to the benefits of the Foundation.   All beneficiaries of
the fund shall be graduates ofany High School irs the city
of Lexington or in Fayette County, and shall be residents
of the City of Lexington or Fayette County, and all bene-
ficlaries under this fund shall during their entire college
course maintain a class standing which shall be satisfactory
to the Dean of the College of Engineering.   14y Trustee shall
advertise in at least two newspapers in the City of Lexing-
ton for four weeks prior to the time the beneficiaries of
the fund are to be selected, giving notice of the existence
of this Foundation and of its terms, and conditions,

     All beneficiaries'oT this Foundation in each case shall
be pledged to regard the amount of money furnished him as
a debt of honor wiithout note or interest) to be repaid by
him to my Trustee whenever he is able to repay it, wholly
or in part, and all funds so received by my Trustee shall
be added to the principal of the Foundation from time to
time, and the Income therefrom shall be expended in like
manner as the income upon the principal tund herein provided
ia expended*

     The said Ernest B. allis hundation shall continue per.



     I create this fund because of my friendship and high
regard for Prof. Fred Paul Anddrson as an appreciation of
the wrondeeful work he has done in building up the School
of En~,;ineering at the University of Kentucky, and with the
full confidence that the beneficiaries of this fund will
receive at the School of Engineering of the University of
Kentucky an education which will fit them to succeed in

     Item 7, I hereby authorize my Trustee to sell and dis-
pose of any and all property held by him in trust under any
clause of this will at public or private sale, and to pass
a perfect title thereto, and the purchaser or purchasers
thereof shall not be required to look to the application of
the purchase money.
     Item 8. I hereby authorize my Executor, hereinafter
named, to sell all or any portion of mpy estate, either at
public or private sale, for the purpose of paying any in-
debtedness against my estate, and to pass a perfect ti~tlq
thereto, and no purchaser shall be required to look t