xt7tht2gbn19 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tht2gbn19/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-06-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 14, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 14, 2007 2007 2007-06-14 2020 true xt7tht2gbn19 section xt7tht2gbn19 LOOKING FORWARD



Hindsight may be 20/20, but UK baseball head coach
John Cohen only has eyes for next season

lths‘E 14,200,"

See page 3



Thanksgiving break extended

By Shannon Mason
smasondkykernel COt‘t

Students \\lll get an additional
holrda) on the \Vedncsda} bet‘ore
'l‘hanksgniiig. according to an e~
mail sent Honda) b) the Hi admrir

'l‘his holida} “Ill take the place
of students' onevda} tall break in
October and “Ill be a periitariertt
change to l'K's academic calendar
etteetne this tall

The change was recommended


and apprmed b) the l'iii\ersit_\ Sen-

"Mans ot~ our students hase dill
tictrlt} trateling long distances met
the Thanksgiung holida) break."
Prmost Ktimble Subbaswam} said
in tire e—mail. “This additional da)
will allow them to book their trio e!
on 'l‘uesda} e\ening."

Student (im'eniineiit Vice Presi»
dent Brittany Langdon agreed.

“Thanksgising is such a unner-
sal holida} Langdon said. "A lot ot
students hase trouble \\ ith traxel

plans because that Wednesda) is
stich a bus} da) t'or~ ti‘a\el l l‘he rear
soning behriid thrsi is to alienate
that and to help students."

Langdon said she also under
stood taking awa} the oneala) tall
break in October.

“I don't have class on lfridas. so
it ite\ er meant anything to me." she
said. addriig that a lot ot other sill'
dents do not time class on l‘i’ida} err
ther. though Langdon said she appre
eiated that it helped the students \\ ho

5U l’t'esldcttl le‘k Pik‘lps agreed
that the onerda) break would not be
as beneticial to students as an estia
da) at 'l'hanksgo irig

“I‘he addrtioiial time at l'hanks
going. right betoi‘e tinals. goes stir
dents time with their tamrl) as well
as a chance to be better prepared tor
linals.” l’helps said in the email

The Wednesda} betore l‘hanks
gi\ ing is a nonrclass da). riieaiiiiig it
does not at‘tect the 1K emplosees‘
holida} schedule. according to the e





Ironing out history

At the UK Libraries’ Preservation Re-
formatting Center, employees work
on preserving and archiving newspa-
pers and documents that tell the sto-
ry of Kentucky's past and

present for generations to come.

The organization is
microfilming over i

collecting and
70 current

Kentucky newspapers and is begin-
ning to convert them into digital im-



r :ii'v' ‘;



$2 billion

$35 million will go
toward improving
graduation and
retention rates
Stair nepon

l'K's Hoard ot lrirstees apprmed a
‘33. billion Itltl" tl\ budget at its meeting
ltiesdas \ large portion or the budget
will go to\\ard iiiipt‘o\iiig graduation and
retention rates. l'ls' l’resrdent lee lodd
said in a news release

”\\e lia\e the states highest gradtia
tron rate among l‘lll‘ll’s institutions."
Todd said "But that‘s not good enough
We cannot tolerate standing still Kent
tuck} needs its to do more and this bud
and what l be
lre\e will be a sustained tommitment
to continued rmpi‘mement in retention
and graduation rates "

lite \Ill‘ billion budget is art in
crease ot neaiis \l\tl million more than
last sear, which lodd attributed to "in

get makes a substantial

creased support ti‘om our state leaders,
the tierireirdoiis growth ot l is Health
('arc and more students attending the
unrsersit) encouraged to the irtomentum
\\e ha\e as w e stii\e to be a top lit insti
tittiori "

\loie 'liaii \‘* million oili go toward
iiitprotiiig the graduation arid retention
rates as pdl' ot the lop Ill Business Plan.
l’io\ost isiittible \trl‘baswatto said in the
lite business plan calls tor l ls's
“2 percent b}
l K‘s sr\ \eai era-.liialzoit

graduation rates to surpass
:ojo rate has
stated around NI percent since the WW-

i‘lss llt‘ \«ll\l

first \ear t
llie budget outlines at}

address those issues, Siibbaswariis said

.lliiiitlHL‘ lt‘

llie initiatixe includes
n \‘l § million to hire 4“ new f.iciilt_\

and sc\.eri atadeziiit ad\iseis l iirwrsits
otlitials hope 'o iedtite the strident tat

iritx ratio ilt‘ll‘ l‘sto! to 1‘ tot its

I \n increase o: \li j


r‘rrilzorr in sin

lllltlliclal .izd, iiitliid'iig the NC“

\cilttldl‘s ln:tiati\e announced earlier this

\eat’ that \\Iii lotus on increasing traits
leis tioiit tililill‘illlllH tolieees and pro
\lilt'lL' more need based and merit based

I \\ “

otatois i'eiiot.~.tioits that utti be it ade in

iiiillzon tor classroom and lab

time tor the iiptotiiiite sthool war
I \ 1‘ peiieii' saiat‘.

Tat tilt\ arid s'all

.litltd’st' it‘l

llie tiasteis .iiso appioxeii .i \1 mil
iioii pledge tioi'. board .lt irritrati laiiies
Hardwiiou llie pledtx \\.i; _-.. tottaitt
the t.t'li\lltl\llt>ll ot a tltllll‘tllt‘l engineer

lll‘.‘ biii;d.tie i it t mice; li.;.':i‘:eer


(‘l 0 wt le\tioti ( orp

llie .oiiipirtei t ugziieet:

.s tlr. itt.i.'d

will be put ot a ’digital »i' .gc’ ’liit

wotiid int rude the \otlcge s i e, .zt‘

t-t l.iettttcal and ( ompirtci l tigaiecritrg.
i>epartriietii n: l oiiipiite: \eieiited enter


lt'l \istiali/a'roii and \ii’ira'
metits (t rtei it‘t
L'llefi‘ .lllsl i‘il‘t‘l '4_‘\iil'tt‘it’,‘

1 s

New menu, im rovements cater to student ()1“72111i'/.11tl()ns

By Blair Thomas

bthninas'IEkykernel com

When .lel‘l l)eMoss was hired as the
e\eciiti\e director ol Dining Sers'ices
three sears ago he knew he wanted to
“in things "

"That‘s what I do." he said ”I‘m
good at standing back. reall) taking a
look at what is not working w ith a pro-
gram. When I got to l'K. i spent a lot of
time sitting back and watching what
was going on. I watched how [)inrng
SerViees and [K (‘atering treated the
students and customers and what sere

trees were prmrded. From there. I
knew where I wanted the program to

Along with campus dining renma
tions and bringing more chain restaue
rants to l'K. DeMoss took on the task
ot' making changes within [is ('aterrng
to prmide better food. sersice and tlls—
count opportunities for students and sillr
dent organizations.

"When I began to revamp (‘atering
and Dining Sersiees. l realiled it was
important to get it out to student organr~
zations that we're the best deal in
town." DeMoss said. “('hange is hard.
)oung or old. but it is important to keep

first issue ins. Subsequent issues 25 cuts.

moire} on campus and in order to do
that. I knew we had to not onl} prmrde
students w ith a ser'\ ice. btrt rather \\ ith a
partnership ”

In an etton to deselop that partner
\lilp. l'ls' (‘atei‘mg tame out with the
Student ()rgani/ations (‘atei‘ing \lentr
last semester that (tillers a series Hi dis
count options lor the most poptilar se-
lections ot their regular catering menu

'lliese options include a large. one
topping pi/la and a \IVPJL’k ot canned
drinks tor $005. a bosed lunch tor
$5 75. X0 hot dogs tor $4400 and K“
hamburgers tor 365 (ll

Strident organizations also receite a

Ill percent discount it the} pick tip their
order at lila/er (ate. (ominous \larket
or the catering kitthen

(‘hris ’lhtrrrnger. direttoi ot strident
.ith\lllL‘\. said [he st‘t‘tltes t‘llL‘t'Cd l‘\
l'K ('atering ha\e iiiipioted o\ er the
past te\\ tears

‘Vihen | tiist tame here about ll‘-s‘
sears ago. we had our problems with
them. btrt smte then rites We made
changes.” l‘hiiringet said "It s betome
more attordable and the tiiialih ot then
ser\ ites has imprm ed "

The problems included high prit es
and few \ll\LUlilil\ as well as limited
menu options. lhiirineer said Now. the

company otters se\eial breaktast. lunth
and dinner menu options iritludirtg
tturkttlll. butter and dessert menus and
special e\ent menus tor holida\s like
\laidi (iias

‘ llie\'\e tirade a lot ot imptme
iiietits iii 'hc ias' few \ears in tlic titralr
t\ and iairbci of the sei\es 'lies otter]
~a;d Rhonda Viotrsc


strident \Cl\l\C‘
iliiettoi tor ii.\ol\eitient
l'he\ re realix tedesigiiaig themsebes.
taking the .ti‘l‘ll‘dtli «it those the_\ can
better sei\e student organi/ations "
\tioiise doesn't think the prices are

Catering t" gage 3

Nowsroom: 2574935. Advertising: 257-2872


 PAGE 2 | irrrrzsrrr,

your daily dose oi entertainment, pop culture and fun [camel ‘ Ql

W Uri to www kykerrrel corn for the solution
I —







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(‘urilrl :‘rrrll ik' \'.Hlll_‘.' .r\r.r\
.rl \rrg'clrim lnlic’ \ruiirlrri; Ir»
llrr' \l.rr \ l\rnllir’r |.rirrc\ H.I\L'll
I’lgl .lkilk‘\\ ir‘x'c‘lll “Vigil! iri\\
ri‘riiri i‘x' llrlck‘xi i‘rl‘ ik [H iik'l :Hifi
lirii rw l lillrli‘lri lrr .rrlrrlir rlrrrryli
rlillr'ir'iiliy rrilri \ilr' iL'CI‘~

lcr /’.r:'r.rr.r lir|\\ xr-rgx

[innit \lrr' lrrr~ «llhi

mrri \ilr‘ \.ii\ curirimrcrl \\llil w
r.‘.ll\ \irll\.lil;‘ irt‘urrlt- \\ilH slit~
Il.r\r'rr H. r‘\
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.rlwrrl lri~ ~2xtc‘i i3 \\ilri\\r1\ iii
(hit in err lc-ltrrruri \rsrtrn}; ,r
errIrri [\‘ilit'k'k' “imp \ilr‘\ its
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.\.rrrr~ 'r\‘ lrclrr.

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i“.1|'l»~r .r .1 lurlrl

w \ik‘ ll.l\ .r rrrricir
\Ill.rii\'| .riirwlrlc lr \ hdlki trii
:rt‘r In :cr lurclx [\i llicl .\ .rirrl
\rr rrr tr \t'i\ L'\]‘\'li\l\c icxi.rrrr.riir

lrr‘ ur Hrs irrrrtl.

trill rllxik‘l lit-ch
\Irll .'llL‘\lllL‘ \iiriliic‘l imwr
\i.l\\ H.r\crr
\ \‘rrg'lirr Harri litrx
iir ~lr~\\rnl tltmir Ilrcii
\l.ri\‘lrr'}rrix' }§\|[iltlii\1.\ilx
\.ll‘rr\l ‘Il i.rllll.rl\

arc: m lilrlxil irrrrl

Hr ntrsrrr; in; irIilL’w

truth iflr'wx \ri'\\

Ilrc \rrr: H‘:

x 'rr‘ixr‘l'

\ Mir ;rr_'r till rlzc trirrt'.

.‘uii‘l rillr_'.li‘l_ tirililllt,’

:i.rrl rrv iqll irr~~ \l\

~lrrrrl rliHi M3“

" r

Alba's sell-deprecation

'\ I'M: film's

for YOU!


Shrinking Angelina:
The actress‘ brother says
visiting poor nations is to blame


\k'lil tiri\\iilil.r)iiig rrl lic'i llir‘\l
lrllllrtlh -1\\L'l\

\irr will

I rlriirt icrrllf. rm; .rriciitrurr
In llwrir; \‘rrllr'ri tr sex \rrirlirrl;
ll\ urrl_\ \\hcrr pcrrr‘lc \rtrrr in
lirrr! riic lilw rrlk‘ ilitrt it until;
le‘ril'x\ rirc Hill \10\ld.l)\i \\.rl\r'
rrr‘r .ilixi lrmk in thc llili’i'r‘l .rirrl
lrlnrrt irxrl|\ Ilrrrrkl
lrmk A” liLrl gnarl

l'criplc- lillliik «it HIL’ rrx irrxl .1
\r'\_\ girl i‘lll liir ic.r||\ fJUHI}
l liu‘. super print} ‘

l ririiit kirrm uh} [iv-mic
i\\rtir iir_\ lirrill
llrrr. w riirriiw

gr». iglr

.ri't‘ rriixcxwri
“Vii. ll \ HUI
tirc} 1C irrsl rirri 'rl\\'\i lU \cciirgg trrr
rrr‘irt-sx \xlin li.r~ .r ligrric ”

leliil mm [in irrxr t-wlnr
in}: \\l1.rt iir\ c'rtllillhllllrll] tr» tlrr~
other lli.rrr \\Crl|'lll:.‘
.r liilxiiir .lllri gctlii‘rf: turrigglrt h}
the ri.rp.ri'.r//i ‘

I/Ir r'\l.”( II \rr‘\\

t\lhrr rirtr} lw kt‘ll\l\ik'|"§\i mirr-
Hi the lirrrtrrsi starlets iii Hull}
mint! i\i‘i\‘ IJHka'ai \cr'ririrl Ui‘r
\itt‘fliil \ flirt“ Hut lrllll rsti. i‘lll
rrnl‘rirlr ill'uN tr iti‘rrprrtrrt

i‘ll\l|‘iL‘\\ l\

Hrs irirrr}: rt» ht- lilHri;‘\l. l‘“
cirrrlrrgrxt rrrrrl \_\[l\ilr.il';\i rrrlrrrr:
:1:\l [iir‘lilr’ls lr’ilx ix
I’irrl .rt liir' llltl\'_

illL'lrirL'iiliilf.‘ lit-i Iri'rrrt‘ lijr tr‘rrrr‘.‘


\l'IiC \lix' \

il1.rl\ \ lug!

'rr {rm irril_r\ ll


\rr ‘.\lir iiik‘M' \r‘il \ik‘l‘lr'xd‘lli"

in ~. rltcixirr-u

H'l .1rf
' [)1Il‘ll‘l,’z-‘

i‘t "7 I‘lr' ”T lr‘l

Stars‘ Picks for Prezl

lirrruck (”mum
\\r:l\': \.:ltfr , r
' ri\ lirirrrlx ‘r Mu" err ~

illr i'.'r:rr ll,

'ii‘ \‘

lrui.r |llrrr«rr~_ 1‘. hrs lir'
rrrrirc ll‘u‘ llilri|\|”riir'\i rr-Ir‘li Li

I ‘.\\‘l:i\i rlrv irirxtlirir; trvi
(ix‘illlr’ \ iiiilllx'} Irilri Iiir'
i|l1l\‘\ rr: \l.rrrlr Ilrrri \rliir‘
irirriilli lr‘rrrrrlt'r \lllxlrlll Irllll
litrirkx lul‘m \l ryrirzc
.rrlrlr‘rl irrurrc'} iiilrr il|\ \ .rirrpniyii
\l’HC" lix \lrr} l ripmh \\rrr
ll\‘_\ lr.rrl rrrrrrpr'rl ur‘. iiir.’ ()lxrirrrr
liilL' lll\l \lic
lr.r\ l‘ili‘ii\i\ lurrlxr-rl tr rirslrtiml
lL"~\'.l!HlL' rrrr l.rrr\

\\ li.rl hc il.r\ \huurr



l \


i‘.ll!ri\\.1:‘\'ll triirr'
hiii}: l r\r'
\\.r\ “Milli irit- L'Hlll‘.‘ Mlli rrrr .r
lrrrrlr in!
km!) (iiuliuiii

l\r-l\v_\ ivr.rrrrirrr-i .rrr-rl '\kiriill
\rrrrllr-r ruin» guxr' \I‘ri\'llr'rl\
.\1.r:wr .r \rliiik‘“ irrlc rir iil\ Illil‘
llrc'lx \iryci .\iulld§,‘L‘lilL‘llll .rr'c
irrsr Hm iii rlic \rtris puiiiiirg lll‘
trriitlx iril' (i( )I’ (Lilirilrirlk‘ Rrrri}
(irirli.rrii \ r.ririinri§:ir Dormitl
lr'rrrirp .rlw rlrrl iil\ rxrr'r. lirrltlrirj:
tr pult l.tl\\'l iHi lrrrri Kim. [I
Hi \\L‘\I l‘.rlrri ”t'rlcil. i lrrr'rrl.r
Hillarr) (‘liiitun

llr.rrrl.\ lrl llru illi\L'iiri\\lr
Hili x'iili‘}x‘\i
\xlirlr' prwnlcrrr llrll.rr'§r (‘lrrrrrrrr
~ r'rrrrrrrrrs
it'l\"lt‘» i)l\\.‘li, \irr‘lic‘llt‘
liar lrrt iriwrj:_( illh chirr. l’iit
l‘>.rirt .tllxi Rclrr’utr (i.i_\ilk'rlil
ll'” itcrrplc “ha

in»: lc'\l iliri‘i‘\
tr \ltm‘ \c't’rrizti iii \[rtl


‘.i21rr‘li_;‘ iii-J
rirzirglcrl ‘xriir r‘rt' i)r‘l'.‘|l\lriilr
\zg'r: \mrL. “’ til .1
ilrrlm‘l rr tlrrrtlrrr
i\“ll'\'l\ iimvr‘x lli‘ls
wit in. lung (Errrlzm

em i». \,.r, ‘r'”

u'l‘mlr“, r:r"'
\l.~\ 1" ill’r



. \ Krlc
(.r“rl\l‘ \Irl|:iir'i'l
r: tirwlrhlv

rill r ‘I



Rates as low as $399
845 Red Mile Road 0 Lexington, KY, 40508





tie"): . e,

”l .\

LEV't'il I'M, ”-Jtn' l . \tw‘t‘hl tilllll


.t l . lA

iinrenxoiidhle. xlie x.tid

"l'l'x' (Kitei'iiig ix .i xellroiierr
tlllllg‘ oi'g.iiii/.itioii ti'_\iiig to xiii}
ioiiipetitiie iii the entering lll.tl'
ket ” xlie x.tid ” I'lieit‘ i‘iicex I'C'
ll'e‘c‘l llltll..

l l\ (lite-ring ix .in tiideiieii
tleiit entering oi’giiiii/titioit tliiit ix
riot titll} iitili/ed h} c'tllllplh or'~
ghtlll/tllltflh loi' lunetioiix .iiid
L‘\e‘lll\ oti \Qtlllp‘ih hut .ilxo etin
lie hiied to lioxt e\enix iiidepeii
deiit lroin the Ulll\L‘l'\ll_\. lot
\ttlllc‘c.1llll‘ll\ng‘tllll/dllfllh. l'l\'
(Liteiing ix .i xeriice th.it the)
tire required to iixe lot e\er')

"1...”, ,

llld‘ytllfi, .I‘ilk‘utllll‘t} Li'i‘i’l‘ il'th l, 3.“..1‘

' \‘i‘ l ll'r' 5"‘l‘i'r" VHF?" WW“? lt'DPr‘ Thy-p. pi"


“ itf timer l'ti" at

x, vViV‘lV‘V

lilil‘t‘NT Wisiv'“ K~"tt.it'k=. w March 7' We thiselxi“ 't‘nl’" xix liti'"


r i

”l‘ttl' xtudent org.iiii/;itionx in
the Student (‘eiitet .iiid L‘\Clll\
lioxted tlieie. ll ix .t requirement
th.it \\ e iixe l’K (Kitei'ing lot‘ our
food iieedx.“ l‘hiii‘iiigei' xtitd

Student oi‘gttitt/ntionx xiich
tix Student \cii\ittex Botird rind
\‘titdent (lti‘.c‘l'lllllL‘lll lllell i'et ei\e
xtiideiit leex tllL' retiiiii'etl lii .iii
()llice ol Slllilt‘lll \tliiix polic}
to tixe l K (titeiing loi their
e\eiitx. l'htiiiiigei' mid l'hexe iii
elude the gi'oiiiix' iiieetiiigx .iiid
hintiiietx itx \xell tix e\entx like
5( l‘x “unit I l‘ \\ednexdtt_\x .iiid
SAHWPi‘leUl'c‘tl Midnight
(‘t'uiieh lli'iineli

"'l'he ttl'g‘dlll/dlli‘lh th.ii Stu
dent ('ioiei'rtiiieiit giiex liiiidiiig
to iiiuxt _ilxo ttxe l K (Kitei‘iiigf'
xtiid 5(l Senate l’i‘cxtdeiit |‘_\let‘
Montell. "\\ hether it‘x tiii c\etit


By James Pennington
sponskakernei corn

:‘u reigning 2000 SoutheiistA
erii (‘oiilerence chtinipioiix.
l'K's husehtill team did not fare
itx well in 3007 the ICU”) tin-
ished fifth in the SEC litixt and
{ruled to llltlkt‘ the SEC IOlII'llW
tiieiit. Hots ei er. hetid coach
John ('oheii ix looking toward
to it better season iii 3008.

When the Wildcats \\ on the
Sli(' I’Cglll‘dl' xetixon title in
lotto. itiiuriex were not it lLlc‘IUI'
througliont the xetixoii. In 1007.
l10\.\c\cr. iniuriex xidelined ke)
pld) ers eien alter the (‘titx loxt
leuderx Ryin Strieh) tllltl John
Shelli) to the Minor League
Biixebiill driil‘t.

Moxt IlUI‘dhl). outl'ieldei'
(‘olin (‘o\\ gill “its xideliiied till
of 2007 ‘dlltl pitcher Scott (li‘eeii
iiitide onli niiie tippetiriinces
due to iniui'}.

More lllLlIl iiii)thiiig. (‘oheit
e\pected ‘.l productite xetixon
li'oni (ii'eeri ;ind (‘o\\gill in ii
Il'dlhlllnnul 20W \L‘;l\0ll.

“We e\pec.ted 7t) iniiiiigx out
ol Scott (ireen rind 25H tit-huts
lroiii ('oliii (‘oixgillf' ('oheii

liixtetid. (it'eeii pitched l7
2 “ iiitiiiigx rind ('ougill hiid
/ero tit-hittx. llo\\e\ei'. (‘oheii l\
hopeliil th.it hoth iiliiiei‘x \Hll
iii.tke .tii inipiict ne\t xe'.ixon.

\ie're hoxtirig or xoniethiiig
\xe'i‘e itixt helping to xpoiixor tor
Ll muniiux group \\ ho ix llllltll‘dl»
ing hit their college or oi‘gtirii/ti-
tioii. C\Cl"\Ul‘.C lld‘ to go through
il‘lx'i catering. lt‘x .i poliei \ie
h.i\ e to .iliide h} loi' xeiei'.il
thingx \Nheii \\e print 'l»xhirtx.
\\ e i;ilxoi h.:\ e to use tin tll‘i'cttlll
iiiix printing L'Ulllpdlt} "

l‘llc‘ SlllLlL'lll ('c‘lll'e‘l‘ \lll'L'k
tot olltce i'eqitii‘ex th.it .ill oi‘gi
lll/cllltllh liotixed iii the Student
(‘entei' iixe l'K (‘titeritig “to help
enxiii'e the qlldlll} ol tood _ind
UlllllltllL‘l} the he.ilth ol the xiu
tlclllx” l)cl\loxx x;tltl

"It'x iuxt .i hiiilding polic)
thtit \\e .ill tiliide hi.” Sti'ouxe
x.iid "'l‘hix deptimiient iirohdhl}
uxex l'K (Kitering tor the \iidext
\.irtet_\ ol xer\ieex We c.ill ilietii


to 2008

Apart liotii iiiiuiiex. ('olteii
C\[)Cchcl lllN learn to utlllpclc .il
the liigliext leiel iii .‘tttl’ .llhl
liix c\peciiitionx “etc iiiet. he
x.iid .-\lthough the tc.iiii liii
ixlied 1‘ lo I in coiilei‘eiiie
phi). ('oheii mid l'he_\ pkoed
\xell iititil ilie \ei‘\ ltixt d.i_\ oi
the \Cd\\tll \\hen the) lie.it
.‘\llltllt‘ll PM"

(‘oheii ix looking lHHLll‘tl to
2W5 \\ith high lint i‘e.ilixtic e\
peci.iiioiix. he x.iid. \'oi otil)
tire the ('.itx returning xti'ong
pl;i_\ei'x like (km gill .iiid (lieeii.
tittin) ot ilie xti‘ongext Pl.l}Cl\
on other te.iiiix \\lll not he ie

\Lindei'hilt. \\ho xpent itioxi
ol the :1th .ix the n.ittoii‘x \o 1
team. ix loxiiig intin_\ kc} plioet'x
iiicluditig lett handed pitcher
Druid l’t'ice. the tit'xt oxerull xe
leetion in |.ixt \ieek'x .\II It

.'\I'k.tll\.l~. \\ ho \\oii tlte SH'
\Vext iii NW7. ix tilxo loxiiig too
ol itx xti'oiigext iiitelieix \\itli
tiiiicli ol the lk‘.l:_'llk"\ t.ilent le.i\
ing tiltei 10H". Illt'th iii.i_\ lie tin
other l‘rL‘dkttlll _\e.ii‘ the

('oheit xiniiil} hopex loi' liix
lL‘dlll to he hetilth} .iiid let liix
ltllClllCtl ie.iiii tilti} to the hext ot
their Jl‘llllltN

"We h.i\ e ti clitiitee to he the
hest eliih xiiice l'\e been here."
llC \tlltl


lot iiieetttigx. xpeeitil eient lxiii
citietx. liinehcx. iiiciiiex l'lie_\ til
\\tl}\ .ire e\tieiiiel_\ tle\thle ellltl
\xtlling to ixoik \Hlll _\oit \xlien
the} k'dll ”

l'K ('titei'iiig ix eoiitiiiiiottxl)
iii.iktng elieingex tind inipi'ote
iiientx to Mike their
more .tplk‘dllllg‘ to cttlllplh orgd
iii/.itionx. l)e\loxx x.iid

"lt‘x retill) iiiipoi't.iiii th.it the
inoiie_\ thexe orgiini/dtionx xpeiid
on lood xtttix on tuitiiiiiix."
l)c_\‘(\\\ xellll "\\c gi\e litick to
the xtiideiitx iii xei‘\icex .ind in
tood. ll too don't, xee \\h.it ion
like or ctiii't dllthl it. tell
\\lltll )oii \\.tiit ellltl \\ll.ll ion “in
tilloid. \\e h.i\e it lot to otlci
'l‘lii’ee ie_ii'x .igo. \\ ere \\ e on the
right truck ’ No But \xe'i'e llldlx'
iiig \lfllllllcdlll clieiiigex iio\\ "

\L'l'\ lck.‘\


Iouplcs’ counseling comes to U

By Sierra Fowler


('oitiilex tiiiii'ried or dining can get
tidi ice on "intixtei'iiig the iniigit ol loxe" tltix
\ieekend .ii ilie \\ l Young l.ihi‘;ii‘)

l‘lie \ltixtei‘ing the .\l.igic ol l.o\e Reli
[It‘ll’slllp lllllltllkk'lllk'lll [‘l'l‘L'ltlll]. iii'exerited
h) \l.ii'\ Hit“ em. ix the MN in .i tiii;ir‘tei‘l_\
xei'iex oi intii‘i'itige education \Mit'kxliot‘x
thtllMtl‘t‘tl l‘.‘ the llliiegidxx lle.ilth\ \ltir
tinge liiiti;iti\e ()rmeiii ix .i liteiixed iii.ii'
i‘i.ige .iiid lttlllll} tlieiniitxt .iiid director ol the
liixtitiite tot' l)e\eloiiiiieiit ol' l'.iiiotion.il .iiid
lite Skillx ill)lu\l.\'i ol Kerittick}

[he uorkxliop t‘iiiix ti'oiti W .i in to <
tint. Stittii'dti) l'he eoxt ix ‘3‘ tier iiet'xoti illltl
eoieix piogittrii lll.tlk‘llttl\ and light xii.ith

Spihk' ix |iiiiitetl to :5 coiiiilex tire i‘egixti'.i
tioii ix required

lligli rite iegixtidtioii riiiiiiherx .iiid in
Llllll'lL‘\ .ihoitt the norkslioiix illL‘ xigiix ot it
good tui‘iioiit. \lltl lzt’ik t'ttrltori. protect ill'
recto! llll\ll

”llie iii‘ogrniii ix .ictiitill) iixed in in ct

tiio tlo/eii ritoiettx lltlllt‘ll\\lilk' .iiid tx i'e
\k‘dlx li iii'ineit to lie etlcctne.” ()ti‘ltoii xiiid

llll\ll l‘i.l'~ tin Clg‘l‘il'cltlll‘il} xei'xice .ir'e.i
ttiid ell\t\c' to hold the \\oi‘kxhopx .tt l K be
\‘dth' ol it ix ti ceiitrnli/ed lUL‘JllUl‘i

lltc .ill tl.i_\ \\tlll\\ll(‘P ctxxixlx citttplc\
‘.\t>llixlll_L' through \ ore iirohlenix tlllxl |e.iriiiiig
lion to iii.ike iiiohlein xoltittonx ltixt (‘ou
iilcx \\ Ill he lttllfg'lll xkillx to eiihtiiiee their It"
ltlllltlhlllll through the iii‘ogi'tiiii .iiid then

\\lll lie .ilile to iiiiiih tlietii hi rirxictniiig

\\ itli e.icli otliei ()i't\\eiii \xill c\eii toiieh in
di\idti.ilx l'iei‘~~ell ('.ii‘ltoii \tlltl

Sewitil l\‘\lllL'\l\ pr‘oiiiiited |iiiiigiiig the
pi‘ogi'.iiii to l'l\'. (Liiltoii x.iid llie llll\l|.
ritii‘t til it lll*}L'.ll iitit‘tiieixhi;i het\\eeii the
School ol lltiiii.iit l'ni lli‘lllllc‘lllttl Stieiitex
rind l l\"x ('ollege ol \gi‘iciiltiiie. ix .the to
«Net the “orkxhoiix \ittli tedertil Itiiitliiig \
portion ol the iiiititi!i\ex thi'ee \e.ii ginnit Ix
procured li’oiii the l .\ l)eii.iitiiieiit ot
lle.ilt|i tllltl llllllltlll \eixitex

"lliix iii‘ogiuini ix ttll L'\ttllllllt' «it the
\cliool ot llttiiidii l'iiitioiiriieiitdl \i ieri.ex
\iorktrig to itiiprme the \\ell lieiiig ot \l‘ill
drei .tiid ltiitiiliex. .llltl helping p.ii'eiitx giro
\ide .tti iiici'e.ixed eiiiotioiitil .irid lllltlllxltll
xupport loi’ their children." \tllkl \iiii \tlll
\ltI'L‘clUt itl lll\. It] A llc‘\‘-\ la‘lc'ttxe

Scientists discover birdlike dinosaur fossil in China

By Robert Mitchum

Chiratiii T'ihtirie

('lll('.r\(‘i() l)iiiox.iur
hunter-x uorkiiig in lnrier Mon
goliti _\extet‘d.i) .tiiiioiiiiccd the)
hue dixeoiei'ed the loxxil ol ;in
enoi'inoiix htt‘dlike \llllt‘Mllll' .‘(lll
tiiiiex lieii‘i iet' thtiri itx closext rel-

l)iililied (ligntitoi‘tiptoi‘ et‘lii
iieiixix. the xiietiex lixed ‘5 mil
lion to 0‘ iiiillioii _\etirx .igo. l.ite
iii the \llllt‘Mllll' et'.i l‘lte I'L‘ltlll\k"
i} complete ioxxil xpectiiien \uix
tthout 35 leet long. ll.R leet
high .it the xhotiltlei illlkl \xonld
li.i\e \xeighed niore thitii Milli)
poiiiidx. )et e\liihtted liii‘dlike
cli.ir.icterixticx including .i l‘k'uk.
hollow honex (llltl. \er_\ likel}.
omnnientnl lctllhk‘h

The report iii thix oeek‘x ix?
\ue ol Nature .idd.x coiiiplexit)
to the xtor} ol hird e\olution. ti
grtidiiitl shrinking procexx h}
Much the huge thunder ll/drtl\
u ere redttced to snittll. light iiiid
le.ithered cretitiirex 'l‘he disem-
er) ot xiicli .i large h}l‘l'ltl re


ALCOHOL REST/4R0! 57110155717 UK

\e.ilx the t\\ixtx .tiid tiiriix thtit
eioiiition inn t.ike

”lllh \PL‘LIC\ ix lltc' l.tt_t.'e\l
ol itx kind. Jlltl .i lot liiggei
th.iii .iri}oiie eier e\
pL‘chtl lllcxc' .tllllll.ll\ H
to get." x.iid l’eter
,\1tikti\ic‘k}. tt\\l\lttlll
ctirgitoi‘ ol dinox.iiit‘x .i'
the l'teld \liixeiiiii in
('hic.igo “\\lien .Illl'
iii.i|x get hig the} tend
to look lexx. liiidlike.
lor irixt.iiice. \\ e htoe
no hirdx thtit l'k'dcll it



This species is
argest of its
kind and a lot
bigger than any~
one. ever expect- "‘
ed these anima

\c\L'l’.il illlc‘rk‘fltllg‘ tll‘ktfik‘l'lkN
li.i\ e eiiiei'ged in the tll't‘d recent
l}. iiicltidiiig xe\eitil other leitli
ct‘ctl dit‘ioxtitii'x

ll} .iii.il\/tiig
the xt.ite ol' gt‘imth
in one ol the loxxil

thllk'N I’L‘NL‘Ltl'clicl‘x

extiitittte the di
iioxtiiii' \\.ix i'el.i
l|\t_‘l_\ _\oiiiig.

.tl‘i‘ttl ll _\ettlx old
the tune ol
Llc'dlll l‘lltll
S gextx it lull xi/e



ton or more in hod) ? " (ligantoixiptor llltl}
xi/e But here. xoiiie ‘0 get- he e\eti larger th.iii
ol the hiidlike ti.iitx PETER tliix particular lox
.ire dk‘llltlll} iet.iined MAKOVICKY xil tiidie.itex.
Ul‘ tlL‘\L‘lUPCtl k'\k'll ‘ _7 . ,‘ . “llllc‘ lllk‘ ltix
though the illllllltll ix xil doex not iiio\e
\er‘} liirge." ‘.‘ t] the tllllltmllll‘ h.id
Dr Xiiig Xii ol the letitherx. rer
Institute ol \cl‘tcl‘l‘dlc xetirclierx .igree

l’ltleontolog} .ind l’.ileo.tiithro
polog} in Return: .iiid collengtiex
loiind the iii the l‘.l'l|.tll
Bitsin in nonhetixtern (‘liiiiti Xii
stud the region litix .itiiticted .it
teiition xiiice the l‘lliix hut ihtit



that It likcl) tlltl

“One would .txxiitiie (iiguti
tortiptot ix leathered xiiice itx .iii
cextr) liex “till .i group ot .tiii
intilx that \\e knou htid
leritherx." \lttkifltck) mtltl


llii\\e\ei. itx lc'illllt'l\
\\oiild deliiiiteli not he iixed
loi' lliglit

"Being Uttlt't l‘t‘llllal\ lietiu
no one uoitld eyriett tliix xiiee
to ll} " x.iid \ii

l'\rieitx x.i§ le.itheix like|\
lii'xt e\ol\ed iix ti loiiii ot iiixii
Litton. xiiiiil.ii to liii iii
rittilx lliit

liod\ lietit ix lcxx ot tin ixxtte lot


liettitixe it‘lillllll‘if

liti'gei‘ ttllll‘il.il\. iexe.iit lieix he
lieie (ltgtintoi'tiiitoi ~x le.iilierx
'x‘i‘lllil ll.l\k' \t'l\k'\l it \llllt'lk'lll
pitt'poxe helping the .iii.r't.il

"l)rtiox.itiix \\t‘li.' t lc.iil\ .:tl‘
iii.ilx tli.it liked t.i dixrildi 'o git l:
otliei. th.ii'x \\ll\ tlie\ ll.ul trexix
lioi‘iix. .iiid liiiiiiiixf \tllll l'llllil‘ I
(lll'l'lk‘. iii'olexxoi or iliiiox.itti int
lcohiolog) .it the l ni\ei'xit\ or
.-\|het‘t.t "letitheix illllll‘\l
l.tltil\ tlt'\clopt‘il t:txl.tx1i'ixtrl.i
tioii iii \lllilll xpet iex. hii' other
tllllttMlllH xiiieli \ldllk'il ii~.ing
them .tx di~.pl.i_\ .\ xpeeiex llltL'lt'
li.i\e ci'o\\ri te.ttlicrx til the l“l‘ ol
itx hetid oi le.ithei'x .tt the end ol
itx t.iil "



lllYlVlL' tut ‘xl'. |t ll intit lllH\' lei‘

\l.|lltn‘._‘ iii the l ill |'l ‘tlilV

l\l\|R\||\ (H' |\I\Il ( k\ \IHII llt \ \\\(N l\l|()\
ilh" H‘.

.th iiitiiiitiL' 'l‘lt‘lll'l‘ 'l‘c

"l.t' 1‘. t“""

I‘lli' \'~X'

\“-,¢ .“v ‘viii‘




l le\il\|e iioiiix \i'llll‘k‘ll‘l\\‘ llt‘llll‘» noun. lllll ‘tte itlw-tcxit-v 't-

\KJl\l' tirix {‘I'HH‘IV « l the exeiit \‘it. lllt’ not work Il‘L lit! i~i u.

antoiiiutioo tooimt km to \.l.ll t\“'- *‘ ‘ “<\

he tilled i‘tll nit lillk lit hllllh‘l’lHBIOh‘ £53,951!

\[‘I‘ll\.‘l \ti tiii.-t

l |\¢i‘,\ ii ' ‘ \\tii‘i "i - lli‘kt'“ il
\.‘llL‘\“.‘|l I J lLisLl‘Al
\tiece‘t K \i.tir~ill

(r\lHti|\H\x tiiluytittwmt ‘x;.i~ix

lhll"I\\"\|'\1‘lkk‘l‘lllkt\l‘lVlIl'l’l'lO'l‘ e i. ii-i-i elitii .,; .. 1 mi

w"? o'tcv mil min-iirM'ex upturn ‘HlK‘ V‘HHHY'lH‘x ‘l‘ .|{‘{Vl‘. ‘xniiii‘ ll'."

'L‘ulitre lrltlriu.('\lt‘ii\t\t' i\.lll-I";:.itu1il' A

'LriLilie ‘\"Yt.‘\lx .z.“ tl








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Jone 14, 2007

Page 4

Kmart EononiAt 80AM)


Allie Garza, ;
Ana Drliowc, :-


We're giving thanks for this holiday break

The l'ls' administration sent out an e—niail
Monday notil‘)mg students of a pertnanent

change III the Ulll\L‘r\ll) ‘s aeadeinte calendar

Instead of haying a one»da_\ tall break III ()eto-
bet. the l‘ni\ersit_\ Senate deeided to add an

aeademie lliilldd) the
'l‘hanksgn mg.

l{\tending ll];llll\\g’l\lllg‘ bteak to ll\t‘ days.
meludmg the weekend. was the right moie tor


Without eaneelmg elass on the day belore
'l‘lianksgn Ing. students were lett ll}lllg’ to
make traiel plans on Wednesda) atternoon or
m the midst ot' one ot the busiest

or worse. skipping elaxsex on
Wednesda} to a\oId trawling tliat da)

L'\ Ulllllg
Il'.t\Cl tl‘tllcs


tetnpted to skip.

Beginner's guide
to antivirus

By Dave Mathews
Young Money Technology Editor

l'nlike l)t. l‘.\ll III the tilni
"Austin Powers.” I use In} teelini-
eal prowess tor good. Iiot e\Il. de-
spite In} matehmg desire tor ”one
million dollars." l'ntortunatel).
there are people III the world who
do Iiot share this mantra atid use
their programming skills to ereate
sol'tware that ean destioj. data on
_\our eomputet' or e\ en take eonttol
ol‘ sour Inaeliine. Using It as a
“/onibie drone” to disrupt eonimu-
nieation on other eoniputers

It Is estimated that lllll million
ol‘ the ollll million eontputerx on the
Internet are under remote eontiol
trom haekerx The oIIlI was that
_\ou know sou

ill't‘ llllL't‘lL'tl l\

mu think that _\ott lIa\e adware.
gt\e this piogiani a tr} t'Irst. then
IiIo\e otito stronget utilities It It
misses some bugs. .A\d--\w are ean
be downloaded at la\asolt.eoni
You ean tind (iibson‘s site at

ll sou eatit get rid ol all )our
bugs. or the) keep popping up et en
atter )ou reboot sour s_\ stem. then
_\oII ma} need to tI'_\ other sottw'are
to ll\ the problem Sp} bot Seareh
and l)extro) Ix a strong eontender
and (irixott's sottwat'e has a utilit}
that l'\e used with great xueeexs to
elean tip In} x_\ stem Spibot Seareh
and l)estro_\ Ix a\ailable at
spibot Into and \\'(i \llllisp) ware
l't'ee can be lound at

ll'L‘C gl'lxitll \lllll


through a bai>
rage ot popaup
wmdowx. or
when sour x\s
lent slows to .i
erawl or he
quentl) reboots,
l‘liexe prograinx
are ealled "mal-
w are.” wlIIelI Is a
portmanteau ol
the words ”ntalittoitx' and
ware " ()h. "piirtInanteau“ means a
word that Is treated b) blending
two or more wotilx together. but
_\oII probabl_\ ligured that out

It Ion lIa\ e traded tIlex or music
on peer to peer netwoikx xitth ax
Morpheus oi tea/a... theti there Ix a
good elltlllkk' that atlware liax In\ad
ed from Inatliine Rather than Ie
plaee \otu toittputei. oI lornt