xt7tht2gbj8r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tht2gbj8r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-04-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 21, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 21, 1987 1987 1987-04-21 2020 true xt7tht2gbj8r section xt7tht2gbj8r  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCI, N0. 139

BMW 1894

Memo favors ideas
for Student Center

News Editor

Attempts to get a new UK student
center as well as improve the exist-
ing one may have taken a few steps

A memorandum from UK Vice
Chancellor for Administration Jack
Blanton to Student Center Commit-
tee Chairwoman Lynne Hunt says
that the administration does not
“object to the idea of a new and
more centrally located Student Cen-
ter sometime in the future. "

In addition, the letter states that
the administration supports the rec-
ommendation by the Student Center
committee to redecorate the Student

A committee to study the utiliza-
tion of space in the Student Center
was formed last year to develop rec,
ommendations for the current build—

in recent years the Student Center
has had numerous financial prob

The committee‘s report con-
taining several recommendations —
was subsequently sent to Blanton for
his consideration.

()ne of the primary recommenda-
tions was that a new student center
be put on the University's five-year

The five-year plan. Blanton said.
is an administrative request for the
next five years' budget. Within that

framework a biennial budget is

Blanton, however, said that while
the chances for a new student center
getting on the five-year plan are
“pretty good," it is a recommenda-
tion that would be low on the list of

Blanton said the proposal for a
new student center would be some-
where “down the line" three, four or
five years from now.

The Student Center committee
also made recommendations for the
redecoration and limited commer-
cialization of the center.

Blanton, though, said the commit-
tee must be more specific with its

The committee, he said, must
specify what sort of businesses it
wants to bring into the Student Cen-

It must also answer questions
about the profit potential of such a
venture and the space that a busi-
ness would take up, he said.

Now that he has sent an answer to
the committee's report, the next
step must be taken by the Student
Center committee, Blanton said.

As far as he is concerned. Blanton
said he has “served the ball back
into the court of the committee.“

Hunt said the committee is cur-
rently working on the specifies that
Blanton requested in his memoran-

She said the work with the Student
Center is an “ongoing process" and

University or mm. Loxhnton. Kentucky

Panel recommends UK
get excellence funding


said she hopes that the committee
serves the report back to Blanton by
the end of the school year.

Overall. the SAB president said
she was pleased with Blanton’s re-

“Basically.“ Hunt said, the com-
mittee has “gotten everything that

Hunt also said she understands the
committee recommendations that
Blanton gave negative responses.

()ne of those negative reactions
was a request by the committee that
the Student Center be consolidated
under one management.

Blanton‘s report said that consol-
idation of management is “prob-

The report states that "if all serv-
ices in the center were directed by
the Student Center director, Food

Sec FAVORS, Page 5

Students file letters accusing
candidates of breaking rules

Staff Writer

Two letters contesting the cam-
paigns and election results of three
Student Government Association
senate races were received by the
SGA elections board Chairman Ken
Walker yesterday.

Pending the results of the elec-
tions board‘s actions on these
charges. which were filed Friday,
Senator at Large David Botkins
could be purged from the senate.
said SGA President Donna Green-

"He could be taken out, that‘s the
worst possible scenario." she said.

One letter. which contests the
campaign practices of Botkins, re-
quests that the elections board con
sider Botkins‘ election invalid.

The letter was signed by Phillip
Passafiume. a mechanical engi-
neering sophomore; Tim Hembree,
a freshman senator; and Ed Durnil,
a marketing junior.

All three were candidates for sen-
ator at large but were not elected.

Passafiume wrote another letter,
contesting the election of the College
of Communications senator and the
College of Arts and Sciences sen~

Walker declined comment on the

The letter contesting Botkins‘
campaign practices says that on
April 8 and 9 during the SGA elec~
tions. Botkins was seen handing out
business cards.

The cards “for some reason,
were! not included with the expen-
diture forms Mr. Botkins turned in
to the iSGA t.“ the letter said.

Botkins said he had printed the
cards more than a year ago for use
in SGA business.

UT athlete
still listed
as critical

Staff reports

The University of Tennessee ath-
lete who was struck in the head by a
lt‘rpound hammer Friday aftemoon
remains in critical condition,
according to a hospital spokeswo-

Scott Hartman, 19, from Brent-
wood, Tenn, underwent surgery at
Central Baptist Hospital Friday eve-
ning to relieve pressure on his brain
caused by a compressed skull frac-

UK‘s head athletic trainer Al
Green said Sunday that Hartman
was being kept in a deep coma by

The UT freshman was scheduled
to undergo a brain scan yesterday
morning to determine the amount of
damage he sustained in the acci-
dent, said his father, Cleon.

Although Hartman can breathe on
his own, he is being kept on a respi-


“(SGA Senator at
Large David Botkins)
could be taken out,
that’s the worst

possible scenario.”
Donna Greenwell,
SGA president

Failure to include an expense on
the expenditure form is in violation
of the UK SGA 1987 Spring Election
Rules and Regulations.

The rules state that all expenses
be listed on the forms and handed in
by the deadline.

Because Botkins did not list them
on his expense report, and cannot
file them because the deadline has
passed. he could be found guilty of a
violation, Passafiume said.

Botkins said he is upset with the
accusations. “There‘s no way in hell
that the outcome of the election
would be affected at all by their ac
cusations," he said.

“I think it‘s sour grapes by a few
senators that didn‘t get elected, spe-
cifically those who questioned the
authenticity of myself.“

Botkins said one statement in the
letter is false.

He said he handed out the cards
for "one day (not tw0i for a period
of maybe 20 minutes,“ when he ran
out of campaign literature.

But Durnil said the letter is cor
rect. “I observed him two or three
times on both days" passing out the
cards, Durnil said. “In fact. he gave
me one."

Passafiume and Hembree said
they did not witness the actions but

rator in order to increase the oxygen
supply in his blood, Green said.

Hartman, who was the Tennessee
high school state decathlon cham-
pion last year, was injured at the
Kentucky Relays while warming up
for the hammer throw Friday af-

Hartman had walked onto the field
to pick up his hammer when he was
hit on the lower right side of his
chad by the steel ball attached to a


co—signed the letter. which was
printed on SGA stationery, out of
concern for the rules.

Botkins said he was bothered by
the use of SGA stationery because
the letter was not a statement by

Hembree said he didn‘t know the
letter was on SGA stationery. “If it
was. that was not a statement from
SGA. In fact. I would disregard that
it was on the stationery."

Passafiume said he gave the let«
ters to Mary Jo Shurick, SGA secre-
tary. and she typed them on the sta~

Greenwell said there was nothing
wrong with the secretary typing the

In the letter contesting the elec-
tions of the communications and
arts and sciences senators, Passa~
fiume said students not enrolled in
the two colleges voted in those elec-

He said a poll worker told him
that after checking their names off
the lists of voters and waiting in line
to vote, students lied about which
college they were enrolled in.

Passafiume said his source, who
he declined to identify, implicated
all of the communications and arts
and sciences candidates specifically
Scott Ward, communications sen-
ator-elect. and Jason Williams, SGA
executive branch member who was
defeated by Ward.

David Allgood, arts and sciences
senatorelect. and Timothy Long-
meyer, second-highest vote getter in
that race. could not be reached after
repeated calls.

Ward and Williams both denied
the allegations.

By scorr WARD
Managing Editor

A Council on Higher Education
panel yesterday recommended that
UK receive two “centers of excel—
lence“ awartb and one endowed

The final decision on the awards
and the endowment. created by the
1986 General Assembly, will be
made by the council at its May 7

The panel recommended that UK
receive the maximum money allow-
able — $400,000 — for a center on
aging and $386,640 for a center on
computational sciences.

The $1 million endowed chair ~r
$500,000 of which came from the
state and the other half from private
donors — will go to a professorship
on aging.

“We‘re very pleased that they
gave us the two centers of excel-
lence and the one endowed chair."
said Donald Sands. UK vice chan-
cellor for academic affairs.

Independent since 1 971

Sands said UK submitted about 12
proposals from the Lexington came
pus and the Medical Center and
three from the community colleges.

The five-member CHE panel re—
ceived a total of 38 proposals from
the state's eight universities. said
Norman Snider. the council‘s direc-
tor of communication services

Sands said the money will go to
“areas that we were very strong in
and were already developing." He
said UK is already planning to cre~
ate excellent programs. but the
money from the state “will be a
good boost to them. ”

The person who will receive the
endowed chair has not been se-
lected, Sands said.

The panel recommended that the
University of Louisville also receive
two centers of excellence awards
and Murray State one. Both univer'
sities also received endowed chair
funding, along with Kentucky State

All of the centers will be creamd
from programs at the schools with


the aid of the state money and
matching university funding.

Snider said these awards are
unique to Kentucky as "this is the
first time the General Assembly has
lllocated money for a strictly com-
petitive quality program." He said
that in the past. the state has dis»
tributed available money among z.|
the universities.

The panel consisted of members
from across the country who have
distinguished academic careers.
Snider said. “They really have the
credentials to give some credibility
to this program. "

The process for distributing the
funds was put under the direction of
a task force consisting of the eight
university preSidents and three
COlUlCl] members. who chose the re-
view panel and decided the criteria
for the awards.

The panel was charged with the
task of making its recommendations
"irrespective of any outside pres-
sures or influences. ” Snider said

See l'|\'. l’.igcl


Skate away


Chad Hurley, a 9th grader at Sayre School.
rides his skateboard off the base of the Patter

son statue near the
yesterday afternoon

ALAN HAWSE Kernel Sta"

Patterson Office Tower


SAB to answer RFL’s space request

Staff Writer

The Student Activities Board will
decide tonight whether to allocate
space in the Student Center to Radio
Free Lexington's proposed radio sta-

Scott Ferguson, RFL’s general
manager, asked SAB on April 14 for
space in the Student Center, but the
board decided to wait a week before
it voted on the proposal.

“We (SAB) need time to think
about this,“ said Lynne Hunt, SAB
president, last week.

Now that the board has had a
week to observe the proposed area.
228 Student Center. Hunt said she
thinks the board is ready to make a
decision in favor of allocating the
space tonight.

“i would say, gauging the reaction
at last week's meeting, the board is
in favor of placing RFL in the Stu-
dent Center," Hunt said. But the
space SAB is willing to give RFL
may notbethespace it requested.

“No twentyeight is a highly uti-
lized meeting room," Hunt said.

"The renovation of that room,

from an RFL point of view, won‘t
cost them that much less than the
renovation in Miller Hall. and as a
member of that board, I know they
don‘t have that kind of money."

But the cost of renovating 228 Stu-
dent Center has not been deter-
mined, said Missy Derifield, an SAB

“They can‘t get an estimate until
they have an approval.“ Derifield

The UK Physical Plant Division
doesn‘t have time to give stimatos
for every area RFL wants to occu-
py.she said.

Tina Payne. SAB vice president.
agrees with Hunt. “Room m is the
proposal, but I don't feel that it’s the
best place. because of the demand
for meeting space (in the Student
Center),"she said.

Payne says that SAB has compiled
a list of other options for space in
the building besides m. “Variom
members of the board have been
considering first floor of the Old Stu-
dent Center. the third floor of the
Old Student Center and possibly the
storage area in the New Student

While Payne says she thinks that
no one has made a decision on a def ~
inite location, she said she thinks the
board will vote in favor of placing
RFL in the Student Center.

Derifield supports the idea, too.

“I think they should be in the Stu-
dent Center. and 228 would he a
great place, but there are other
things to be considered in their
placement,“ she said. “I still think
they should be in the Student Cen<

Kenny Arington, RFL board chair-
man, says he‘s happy with the idea
of moving RFL into the Student Cen-
ter. “1 think it would be a great lo-
cation as far as visibility," he said.

“The basement of Miller Hall isn't
a visible place. You won't catch too
many students wandering around
the basement of Miller Hall."

Arington says that RFL is willing
to accept anything the SAB has to
offer. “As the saying goes, beggars
can‘t be choosers, and at this point
we'll take anything they are willing

Ferguson could not be reached for
comment last night.


The Air Force brass quintet
performs today at the Otis A.
Singkitary Center for the
Arts. For details of the con-
cert. so. DIVERSIONS. Page

For the blow by blow. so.





 2 - KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuosdsy. April 21. 1987


10thuround flurry

lifts UK’s Van Horn

to unanimous win

in liilili.l(i\b‘..\‘
m .iz Shift \Vriter

Ducal was flying everywhere in
'r:« 'ur-mus iotn round last night
mi: the mg punch finally landed

‘ ll.1."l'ii'l Van Horn

Use 1 K treshman snapped off a

in the head of Him Diaz and
';._V .. Sett hook crashed into his
:‘1 ~ chin Diaz's knee
1 '1 7n the canvas The crowd
' .I'H'ti
t really didn't think I had enough
‘.r‘ m put him away" Van Horn
llllt' punch didn‘t do it It was
' .i , I \t\

it”: E'!\t' to answer the final bell.
".t at.» .i beaten man Van Horn
.wwi through the ropes tor the
L -~' tzght of his professional ca—

, .x'lll left it a winner
.,w gunior middleweight won a
. :zwius decision before a small
. “than crowd at ltupp Arena.
. istd ‘. in ilorn's re<

pt v lt‘t' “Ht

'1‘ . ratty
“flt‘ “Mild

\eteran ranked
suffered only his
1g iinst t5 Vlt tones


“I‘ve been telling everybody all
along that I've got the toughest 154-
pounder and now we've proved it,”
manager G L. Van Horn said of his
son "We‘ll fight any lM-pounder in
the world "

Although Van Horn led on every
score card. the fight was close
throughout The three judges scored
it 98-92, 98992 and 98—94.

Diaz Circled his younger opponent
and counterpunched effectively
through m0st of the fight. He was
especially tough on the inside.

“He was quicker than anybody
I've fought.“ Van Horn said “He
really had his stuff together inside. "

Diaz piled up some points by darts
ing in and out. But Van Horn never
shifted his gears into reverse. He
stalked the shorter Diaz and gladly
traded blow for blow.

The most activity of the fight
came in the eighth round when both
fighters refused to blink at the
other .

Bombs were thrown from all di-
rections and at times Diaz seemed
to have V an Horn slightly in trouble


Andy Dumstort
Sports Editor

ALAN LESSIG Kern“ 8" '

UK freshman Darrin Van Horn lands a punch during last night's middleweight fight against Elio Diaz atRupp Arena

But the UK freshman said he was
never hurt.

”The first time we mixed it up. I
was right there with him." Van
Horn said. “He couldn‘t hurt me. I
realized that "

‘He couldn‘t hurt us if he had a

Sledgehammer in both arms.“ G.L.

Van Mom said he relaxed in the
ninth round to prepare for one final

The strategy worked as Van Horn
was able to catch Diaz with the

Rugby team falls short in Midwest final


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ed Penn State 19-13 to reach the
final game of the weekend tourna-
ment. A win would have sent the UK
squad to the national tournament in
California on May 2.

The Wildcats got off to a strong
start against Bowling Green and
held a 25-3 lead at the half.

But Bowling Green, whose first



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team had only played one game dur
ing the weekend, made up the deficit
in the second period to bring the
score to 25-23 with one second re-
maining. Bowling Green then con»
nected on a three-point penalty kick
to win the match. 26-25.

“They were pretty well rested,"
said UK junior Mike Law. who had a

total of five tries (scores) on the
weekend. “We were kind of battered
and bruised after playing three
games before i Bowling Green i."

The Cats, who finished the season
ranked eighth nationally, will travel
to Ohio for a grudge match against
Bowling Green this Saturday.


Dr. Mike

Wednesday. A


A Presentation By

Director, Counseling 8; Testing Center

3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Room 230, New Student Center



pril 22, 1987

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