xt7tht2gbh13 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tht2gbh13/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-10-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 08, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 08, 1971 1971 1971-10-08 2020 true xt7tht2gbh13 section xt7tht2gbh13 an independent newspaper published by studentsg at the university of kentucky . 7 .- ', .
Friday, Oct. 8, l07l LEXINGTON. KENTI'CKY 10.306 \ol. l.\lll. \n _’T i .
m 4. ; ',‘ . ”'1‘
A h o o o l' . it ,‘ i . ll
3 s reopening of registration books -.- . . .-
——-—_——_——_—_—_——_———___——__— ' ‘ ‘
UK f t l to 6 ' °
pro 0 see { VO 111g lIlJllIlCthIl
By JANE BROWN S t eve Bright and four next Tuesday. “On Wednesday,” on the UK campus during the u- d it It L l r j / c n ,, t it. ,s s ’i’.‘
Assistant Managing Editor undergraduates filed a plea for Guido said. “I‘ll take it to the week ofOct. 1882. (fommonwealth arc LlLlll} ilL‘l‘llcti .
UK students may be able to the right of away‘from-home Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in D None other than those the rights, perileges and
V vote in the Lexington city college students to register to Cincinnati. If they refuse it, I’ll questions on the registration responsibilities accorded it. t. .1.
elections after all. On Tuesday, vote as residents of their college take it to the Supreme Court on form may be asked of students every other citizen of the state.” fr it
Oct. 12, Ken Guido, UK law towns. Thursday." The questions are: age. length of said Wendelsdort. “this is a fate :.
school professor and acting An April hearing was held and Th . . w. .11 1 k f residence in state, county. and they share with the other 95.000 if
counsel for the student voting a ruling awaited filing of the e lr‘lli‘nh‘lon w} .d5 0’ precrnct, party affilatlon, and students attending Kentucky‘s J,

7 rights case, will file for an transcripts of the hearing. They several aLtlom'They “6- address. institutions of higher learning.
injunction to reopen voter were filed on Sept. 15. 1971. )The registration books will Special polling booths will be The ultimate success of this
registration books. The books Guido will submit his briefs, be reopened and all students set up at accessible locations on litigant)” Will dllmd “Udell” Ills
have been closed since before Wthh have been ready since who swear to the truth of their the UK campus for students who “1‘91 OPPOYNHNY l“ L‘Xcrslw 22-.
the Sept. 8 primary election. July 23’ next Tuesday and the answers to questions on the registered under these meaningful #1 H d “Emile-Hm M We

The injunction is being asked defense 'has twenty days after registration form will be procedures. influence 9"?” lil“ “Wk" ”Ml i. "
for in an effort to speed up the that to file theirs. registered. ) Ballots cast on campus will EOVCW th'U 1M3 1 1" : 'le-
ruling on the student voting Prepared to appeal ) Student registrations will be be impounded pending final Brief echoes statement
rights case which was first heard Guido says he is prepared to segregated from all other determination ofthis ”N, , A statement in the brief to be '
last March. At that time,former appeal the injunction if Judge registrations. , Defendants (in the voting “led by (dude CChOt‘sv thew {1 is
Student Government President Mac Swmford turns it down ) Registration will take place rights case,namely County Clerk remarks.‘ h WE“ made _‘” the

Baesler) will be enjoined from Report from the (omnnttee “1 ’1‘} .. :- i: iii}-
certifying results of the election m“ Judiciary“ .“n m,“- thh 3 H N ‘ ‘
until final determination of the "l““ldmc’” “H" 1‘ ””3 “m“ - i
' i 1 case. but only if the ballots cast [ij increasing ”HM“? m ‘E
‘ i would effect its outcome. decentralization. mum“- “2"“:le ‘
a! . . . . and the merits or itLiii.ll“ll.li ."
r 3» < " Gmdo optimistic _. . . .-,.. , . ;.. ‘Z -’
I \ ‘ (iuldo is optimistic that the responsibility ‘1‘ "‘k I“ 1‘ "‘
5 injunction will be issued. He says \ oung WWW Th'mm ‘n‘m' m
.r.‘ ‘ that not one judicial Voting denied“ lint” “m” ~':-.‘ 1. ‘, l
” rights case has been decided rcwur‘flhnlti‘x t , i
. .... ‘q x ' against students. Similar orders (undo min“ i‘l‘wcgjm“: "‘7‘" 'i‘
~"“ . have been filed and issued in ”L0,”! ldlii‘mml‘ f3“: 1"” '
. é .. I . seven federal district courts and 367“”? ‘1 Idim‘mls ruling ”n it
r ’ . one state court. These include original Voting rights case ‘lt ll}. ‘_-. r“
‘ _ . . . Tennessee, Ohio. Pennsylvania. “jug“ . ‘5 PM“? Lilil‘l‘y‘llill‘liu ’
t ~ Mississippi, Virginia and Indiana students. " 3‘“ m s‘l‘l‘VLW“ “l .v
. .. ~ ‘ _ higher courls, ’ 1.
-_ ‘ g i I ‘3 ._. “:7 TWO final decrstons Aallowmg This case has also been tlted as '
( ' i t . l. . students to vote in their college a focal ”ml “CNN“ M ‘u.
{it ' H ‘ , "‘ , IV towns have been lflld down 1“ demographic data introduced by
ff l ‘ ‘ 3 California and Michigan. also. 3 former L‘K geography
3.1 f b ,; Student Government Presrdent professor at one (,1' m0 hearings. Vt, _

‘ fl!“ $09“. Wendelsdorf plans l0 His research. according to ’_-. )

:3 ' . ' lnltlute 3 strong Voter Guido. has “f-irnied tire '1

y l i F registration drive at UK if ”‘9 foundations that will undermine ) ‘-

i ‘ , : ‘ 5: . . an‘l‘mCUOn 15 granted. 3 7 the present assumptions about . _>

i . . " . .: " 1‘ =. At the present time. -UJlOO student mobility." ' >-

I [I ’0 M ' e. .. i' ,5 = ;

_ i “flu—— - . g is: .- 1 ‘ ' ' ' 1‘
l ‘I w s, 3‘ a, . it, ) I. ‘ )I ) ‘
b» ‘xfi 5 , = .' r f n 101 l l ( ( [THIS .- - .
l p. \ ‘ v-i I ‘ The Kernel 1\ interested in interngann- may i"...
“_ f : veterans who are presently lK students usmg 'hc I‘ll fr}. ~_‘. .
V K to pay for tuition. The L'nnersit‘» i\ unable ? .. aghast: - V' :2» ' .
’ names to us to obtain intkvlmatwi: t: 2x. first; Mn; .-‘. ,_ w n“
7° a ‘ ' J , ' , i . of you will be able to help its. M; . "
. V lblldl lnt‘ [‘9' ('n( P if you are a veteran using the (ll lull and would izhz‘ tn - -' " ,
Don’t touch your dial, the picture on this page is tower, which stands outside McVey Hall, ht‘lP US help you. Plcim‘ call at 257-] 7-1!) jF“-l\tll‘1 or ‘ . L ‘
not your paper’s fault. Instead, it's just a little broadcasts 2650 watts of FM programs to the 3574755 and 193"? Your ”WW- 4lddlt‘“ d’bl Pl‘wlls‘ ,. ' " V --
. trick photography from a photographer that Lexington area. Once again. don’t touch your dial. number. Wt‘ Will then contact .VOU later. f . ‘ A ‘
wondered what the WBKY radio station tower this picture is the station’s fault. (Staff photo by ,l _ ,, .. . , If? 1" iv ' : '
looked like from directly underneath it, The Bin Eider) ; fl x .. . . i‘
. departments and schools are able to free particular student is getting more pd) vi? .V.
employes for other duties. than another. Usually his need is just .' _
A hel ln hand "50 they really can‘t say much about simply greater than someone else‘s."
the hours a student chooses to Work," It‘s a complicated business trying to -:';i
Halsey said. figure out who gets what. Halsey said. . _-‘
W k S d ° 1) However. there are limits on the Additional aid j ‘.
0r - in y JO S number of hoursa student can Work« not Through the Office of Student \ ‘ . '
over 15 hours per week. Financial Aid (Patterson Office Tower.
' ° ' - it fifth floor). the student applying for “’7. »
glVC 31d, CXPCI‘ICHCC No student, Hall‘s]; ssaid, can earn over work-study is also considered for “ .. " ‘5
the amount awarded to him by the scholarships. grants and loans. This ~
By BONNI BROCKMAN money while UK SUPPUCS the ”St from 8 work-study program. For example. if a includes 3850000 in National Defense . -‘
Kernel Staff Writer special budgeted fund. student is granted $300 per semester, he Student LCM” and 3310-000 1“ ‘ f . .'

In a biology laboratory, a junior “The emphasis iS on the student’s must quit his job when he earns that humor?” Opportunityhrants,lnglesald.
pre-med major mounts slides picturing needsl" said James lngle, Office Of amount. .. The “mt-Step m applying 1‘" 31d {3 “l g _ . .
the different stages of embryological Student Financial Aid director. “We‘re On the other hand. if a student only l1“ out a'SIx-pagc application. The form ’w ; _
development. not concerned with satisfying an office‘s works enough hours during the semester includes listing the student s work skills. .' ' ‘ , . '

Across campus, a UK student works as needs for help if the student’s “EGGS are to earn $200. he forfeits the rest of his film'l)’ income. » experience and 41 '. a '
a locker room attendant. Another not answered.” award. proposed budget of the student's college : 1‘ g :
supervises teenagers filing hospital Placement Depending upon his job, skills and “PUNCY ‘ ~ _ _ . ‘ . ‘_ .
patients’ records. Still another waters The Financial Aid Office tries to place experience, a student is paid $1.60 to $3 ‘ \ Parents (ontldentlal Statement .~ . :
plants in a greenhouse. a student in a job related to his academic an hour, listing tamlly income and taxes. must also f ; ‘

These employees are among about interests whenever possible, lngle said. “If a student has been on Work-study b“ “""l‘k‘n‘d- \ . . I _
1.000 UK students participating in the The type of job a student gets is also before." [ngle SMd. um. mm”) .L'Ult J” The final decision .it‘how much money. 3 .
College Work-Study Program, which based upon his skills and experience. extra fivc cents or w ,m lmmfi‘ if an). I.\ allotted lo the student ls based . __ . .‘
provides funds for part-time jobs for Whether the student‘s interest is music. Sometimes it's hard for a student in ”it m‘t‘d . '
students with financial need. athletics or biology makes no dlfl‘t‘ft‘nfl‘ understand why a fellow employc is H “l“ ”“N l'” “‘1 “‘lllll-‘Nk‘ ”“th 1‘ , '- »'

By the end of the year, these students as far as job scheduling goes. The student making more money than he lg‘ Hum} to give the student with the greatest need - . '
will have earned $450,000 collectively. always chooses his own work hours. said commented. llClP WW" lnglc \llld- MW“! "4 I‘s‘l‘t‘s‘nf ’ .. - -
Under the Economic Opportunity Act of Bobby Halsey, Financial Aid assistant “Sometimes there is an unusual, 0f lht‘ ”“de lls‘lits‘d are from families . ~ ' ‘
1964 as amended by the Higher director. confidential circumstance that we can‘t With 1'” “ml“‘l' ”‘Wm" ”f “ml” “500- I .i ' ‘
Education Act of 1965. the federal Halsey said because the work-study tell anyone about," hecxplained. ”In our ht‘Sdld- '
government provides 80 percent of the program is federally financed. University own minds we can justify why one, Continued on Page 7- (‘0'. 1 _ . ‘ ~ "

t . . .

 2 —- THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday. Oct. 8. l97l _____________—______________________——_
O v. , y ‘r
. . I . . _ ,g . . , . , u , Re publicans
_ SC legal sci v1( 9 opens Demor rats challenFe . l .
to mock campus election Oct. 27
“Students should come to US Second year law student Bruce 5335; . _
' ' before they make a deal with Boyens, coordinator of the The UK Democratic Campaign OCt- 27, II" a press release issued ‘
I lack Hall,” said a member of tht‘ com mittee. said. “Students . Committee has challenged the Sunday "181“-
Student Government Legal should know they have more If??? UK Young Kentuckians for The Emberton staff has not
‘ Services Committee at Thursday avenues than through the Dean’s 1.16 S Emberton to a mock election, officrally accepted the challenge
- night’s meeting. office. They have certain rights saying that further negotiations
The committee is composed of under the code and they can use ;:§:§2;s;::2:.gagzzzgsgs;gagzzzgzz2:22;9553:1355;25-5::2.5z;1::;2=1:-:;Sgsssgsgzgsgsg‘;s;sgz:3:s:s;;::;s;s:s;sg-:;;;;;:;:jgszg are necessary concerning the .
. undergraduates and law students them.” date. .
. I, who act as University Judicial In other business, volunteers Emberton grOl‘P sets goals Student Government Presrdent .
‘. -- ' Board AdViSOTS~ for a draft counseling service Scott WendelsdorIf has agreed SI
' . Section 1416 Of the UK were taken by UK Civil Liberties Young Kentuckians for a u 5 pic e s o f Stu d e nt to the Democrats request that 0
r - » - Student Code says “The Dean of Union (UKCLU) representative Emberton chairman Ben Government," Student IGovernment sponsor s
- -. ' Students shall investigate each Harry Jacobson. The venture is Fletcher expressed the three Fletcher spoke last night to an the election to ”15?“; fairness '
.v :3 ' student grievance to determine sponsored jointly by Student immediate goals of the group informal meeting of the Young for allinteIrested parties.
I whether it contains merit.” Government and the Legal during an informal meeting Kentuckians for Emberton at its NICk NlChOISOHI. chairman IOf r
. . ' . .. . H ~ Services Committee. Any Wednesday night. current headquarters at 304 the Democratic Campaign 4
, mt. 5’.;1;ké’ss\s...‘~.efi Elm-s. \ persons interested in the service “First we must continue to South LimestoneI COmflllttCe sald a mOCk electron .
I .4 . C. ‘-: :sg‘fi‘gy‘u 2'95 \ are asked to call Jacobson at coordinate the drive for absentee Other appointed Officers for will give students anIOIpportumty
, . _, > “c“ 277-6241. ballots on campus and make sure the group are: Ivar Avots, First to CXPTCSS their opinion on the t
-. L . .‘ I. A I Every 3.1 A training session for the that our notaries get to every Vic e - Chairman; Philip Nove m ber gubernatorial .
. .5»: . g c a z< \x‘ 0/ ‘ . . . '
' . ‘ .- . 3‘ “"8! bill neg. -. prospective counselors Will be potential Emberton voter ’9 said D u n n a g a n , S e c o n d election. .
' .' , . . hurtsVOU f» v, ’1- conducted by a qualified Fletcher ’ Vice-Chairman; Mary Pat Wells, In a statement released 1
L ' I-' '< p.» .v ‘ counselor from KCLU and the H d h d t .. b Secretary; and P161611 JOHCS, Thursday night. Ben Fletcher, f
- - x - , ‘I’ ' . o“ 5‘0 ] cost will be shouldered by 35‘“ t e St}: enhs tmuIlsIt e Treasurer. Chairman 0f Young Kentuckians '
- 9.3 '59 , .1 90‘. \'. V ‘ z . . . _ .
- . . y . . . ‘3‘3‘96’: jig—I C Student Government. Jacobson ma e ’wéfieb ‘? 01"; The Advrsory Committee for for Emberton, said steps are
I , . ' ' ‘ ‘H". °u~c said. Emberton WI Me 03 can(i)pIus 1 the campus Emberton for being taken to see that a fair,
; _ 1’ 4 ‘ ._ :5,:;;.:;;:::-:;;:;:s:-::~-.>2. 4 . _. - -;. ., am. to 1 p.m. ‘ (an ay, ‘1‘ l ' Governor was also announced at impartial mock election takes ‘
' . Hath“ 541d t IeIgrqup mustI the meeting. The Committee will place on campus. I ‘
" ' ' . f 0 n.“ [0.1m 1 see to n that ‘1 fair. impartia consist of Jim Andrews. Carl A committee consisting of .
' V ' l h ' ‘ mock election “1‘85 ”1"“ on Brown, Joe Dawahare, Jim Wendelsdorf. Nicholson, and a
‘I'_ ~ ‘ l” . “32‘?“5- _ I -. Flegle, Barbara Foley. Gina representative from the |
I . I, _ ’ ll p.m. . 5:1le are b,01{1}g,talt.€n “III ”“5 Froedge. Jennifer Garda. David Republican staff will decide
. I ' I ‘ Daih “In“ said ““9““ to 5” up Greathouse, Jerry Miller, Linda specific times and polling 1
. '~ . . Q\ ' ”“5 le‘ election under the Weddle and Sara lo Wood. locations for the election. I
, _ . . . .——-———————————-—-—————-——--——-—— i
* * {J 'Il d d 10 l ' i
.. i ' '. ' Effective 7:30 p.m.Thursday, Oct. Louisiana State University. 4 p.m. EARLY PRENATAL CLASS I
. , ' ,‘u- f 7. the deadline for announcementsis Friday, Oct. 8, Room 153, sponsored by the Lexington
I ' . ' :I. 7:30 p.m. two days prior to the first. Chemistry-Physics Building. Association for Parent Education,
r‘ t " .3: 174 Eastland center EI'E: publication of items in this column. S T U D E N T A T H L E T l C will meet on the second Monday of '
fl I . 33:: I All announcements will run three COMMITTEE announced that every month at 8 p.m., Unitarian
. . 4.; Behind Lowenthal’s In Eastland .2; times; twrce before the day of the Saturday’s game against Ohio 0, win Church. Clays Mill Road. For .
,- . . ' ' I . event and on the day of the event. be “Grub Night,” no sung—just jeans i2rggrmation call Ms. Donna Rogers at
. . ' - ~. .' 23;: Keep out the chilly winds of November in O TODAY andlmeys- '5000'
I - , - g I FRIENDS OF PCCA plans a U K D E P A R T M E N T 0 F COMING UP
_. . I I , ,2. . if; Lodging with local families. For “The Boys from Syracuse" is playing presents the film “Population-
. » .‘ - ', . _ Apparel. Assorted Sizes and colors. Only $58 information calli Sherry Clark at 3:30 Pm- Fnday‘ 0°t- 8' 2‘30 p-m- 500108!” 8 D-m- Tuesday. Oct. 12.
' '1 ~ 1 -'_II it}? 253-2107. Saturday, Oct. 9; and 7:30 p.m. Room 118.Classroom Building.
. . Ir ". ' _~ _ _________ gt; GREENBERG TRUE COALITION Sunday~ 0‘“- 10- P O L r T r c A L s c I E N c E
' . . - is} . ngj in concert 9 p.m. Friday. Oct. 8. P 0 L I T l C A L S C I E N C E UNDERGRADUATE ADVISORY
_I . .‘ . 3ij Lay Yours Away NOW and be prepared for the first :55; Student Center Ballroom. Admission UNDERGRADUATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE will hold a freshman
I . . g;- . :55; is 50 cents. Sponsored by the Freeple COMMITTEE applications available convocation to elect freshman
I I . -I . Es:- blast of Wmterl ig'glg Happiness Conspiracy. in Room 1621. Patterson Office members 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 12
' ~. , " . _. . ,. ., . . .fl'iiz PHYSICS COLLOQUIUM win T°W°'- Deadline ‘5 “0°“ M°nday~ Room 110.01amoom Building. ‘
I . I 4 L52-21:3:3:t:»:3:‘-:1:1:1:3:1:1:1:I:3:1:333:1‘31323:'.':3":3.3:1"'155..'5.41:1.v:i:1:5:3:1:3'1:1:i:-:?:.:'..'::t'3.':':3:‘ti}:3.1:3:‘:5:?:1:1:7:3.i:3:"113:1.5'1'»"1:" ': .iv::“3:-:3:13‘3.‘:-3'§»"§ :.‘ 1352-: .5131": i present, Dr. Joseph Galloway, OCt‘ 11' C I N C I N N A T] S YMPHONY
. I . , GAMES sponsored by Cosmopolitan Schippers, conducting. 8:15 p.m.
. , . . . Club 8 p.m. Friday. Oct. 8, Tuesday, Oct. 12, Memorial
.I .. I II II I Methodist Center. MIaxIwellI and Coliseum. Admission by ID card.
- -~ AFTER THE GAME DAN C E mama‘ssnti‘sm" ‘5 2“ ..Tiavz-mgcgwmm
I. . ~: I ,I - ac ran qu' t ct. 18. T'
. j . j .' , , -t ‘ UK CHAPTER OF STUDENTS‘ gvailable for 25 cents from 11 afflict?
. . ,I . . . . INTERNATIONAL MEDITATION p.m. Oct. 7 throu h 0 t. 15
- .I -._- . . - Featuring the WUIfe Brothers SOCIETY will sponsor a lecture by Student Center. g c ‘
» I. I I. Stan Crowe. S.l.M.S. area
. . .I . ao-ordinaltgr. 8 p.m. Friday. Oct. 8, QGXLITFYlfiNg EI‘ESIFI‘ (£138ng 53
. . . . 00m 6. wn‘t hall Cl ~ ~
. g I. ; _ .; , — Presented by DELTA TAU DELTA — and... .. “mm ‘1";a§3§2“é%’§dn7.fr$'il:n“d“‘ 0°"
I . I . , ABORTION COUNSELING. the end of October f ffl
, I , 4 ._ .' Women’s Center. Call: 252—9358 ,ajse funds for theorN" ’3 e ‘0
4 . ~ - ~ SATURDAY OCTOBER 9 . .. e 3' .1
. . I . - I through Wednesday and 2 p.m. to 5 Recreation pro er 0 unteer
, . _ gram. Contact Dan
. I I . . pg:- 0: Sundazl.l 1f emergemy dunng Gossctt at 254-0791 or John Rotter
-I , . 0 er ours.c Patti orL ' t t2 -
. I . -. .I .~ From 10.30 to 12.30 253-2284. 3““ a a 33 1883-
~ ‘, . . I I
. - '-i . TOMORROW 7
. . , , fluI'T‘IRIENDS 0F PCCA will present a
. I I . _I _ ‘ on strip mining 8 p.m. Monday,
‘ I t. .. I . -. STUDENT CENTER GRAND BALLROOM Oct. 11. Room 103, Student Center. 3’
, . I i. .- $1 00 d . . 'th St d I D REPUBLICAN GUBERNA- '.
. .- . '. . a mnssn n w: u M . . TOR'AL CANDIDATE TOM
. - . , . o e EMBERTON will be on campus 11 " .\
I . 1 I, 'I .'U a.m. tn] p.m. Mondav. Oct. 11. .4"
. I . _ ‘ ‘.\.
' I I . t . It. I. '
UK D ' c ' c ' ' i
. .. _ -_ . emocral'ic ampaign ommlttee re-Issues challenge, ~-
, v. I. -. we ask the YR s to send representatives ZEYEE
, , V ' . The Lexin ton Herald
__.__g___’ M MM
. C I ,. Lexington, Ky., Monday, October 4, 1971 W
'J' . ‘. I . II AI‘ I. ISSUES Challenge Reservation — 233-151]
‘ " '- I The University of Kentucky ”9 500'“ “”95““
j . .- - ~ , Democratic Camaplaign Com~
, ,' , . mittcc has ch enged the
II _ , . I - . . IYoung KenItIuckians for Em- _"—'__'__—
. ~ . I . - )erton on t c campus to par-
.- . , ,. “Imp... Oct, 27 ,n a mock The "condo, Kernel
. , '1 I, I eection. ‘
‘ g '. C‘. v ‘I I _ Nik Nicholson, UK Democratic sgagn.x1§:tt::rl;ltyfifleéitutc’lg‘fegg
~ . , I Campaign Committee chairman, mgttgm Kefgucftwfo‘toseggndt “:95
I, . .' . -. . pos ge pa 8 xn n. enuc y.
II I .- I said his groups wanted to 81W? Mailed five times wee‘kly during the
, . , I . , students the opportumty to school year except holidays and exam .
. . . , , I, express their pre erence in the PerlfGS- and once during the summer
I. .' . . . ., , - - . season.
, . I I . . I upcoming gubematonal election. ”grit?“ b516,; T063: “Bites?
. I I . I . . . . ca ons. 03 cc x .
. I . . Begun as the Cadet in 1804 and
, . , , . to meet wrth an impa rtlol body, Student Government Assn., pnbttsmsmunuouuy .. the menu
, ,. I . ‘. I , since .
I . I I Advertising published herein in in-
I, tended to he] th rend :- . Any
, y , . . to sponsor a mock election, October 27, to allow UK stu- ...... .. m..terdm:.m'n.l’.‘t’moma
I I , I . . be reported to The Editors.
. . .. , , , , N . summon RATES
I I Yearly. by mail — $10.50
. . . cuts to vorce their opinions on the ovember gubernatorial p.m.... imam-..”
. I . . Mite w TELEPHONE
. . 1'. Ml Editor 307-1755
, election. Our phone number :5 252-6725 or 252-6726. “mm“‘t'i'tzfimt-
. I I". m .. 807-1740
, , - Paid for by UK Democratic campaign Committee, Nick Nicholson, chairman Ammflnl. ”harem-uh...

 - ____________________________ THE KENTI'CKY KERNEL, Friday. 011. 8, MW! — :s ‘ .
V olunteers needed to work W e gooted smear ; .
- . . ln Thursday’s Kernel a story , '
~ In a wide range of programs had... In... Send... me, m. i " a
p anne ," contame severa h' (5) S 8 st.“ 1 _ . . ,
. errors. The TOPICS program is C mes ome ar ‘ 5' 5 '
i If you’re into volunteer work, the Lexington ) Volunteers are needed to assist teachers being handled by the city 0f m canons These are .i ‘
: area is the place for you. with mentally retarded children at the Lexington. Singer’s latest models and 'i , " - ' ’.
The UK Office of Volunteer Programs, in Broadway Christian Church Day Care Center Also, the statements. “Only are equipped to do most .
: Room 120 of the Student Center, can place from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 3,000 to 4,000 parking spaces k‘ d f I ch .3: . _ I;
1 students in a wide range of volunteer services 2:45 p.m. would be provided on the In S 0 sewmgi 8U .. . I- I I
t on campus and in the community. Some ) Three tutors for elementary school boys in stadium site,” and “Existing ZiQ-Zagi buttonho'esl "‘000‘ I‘
r samples: the Children’s Bureau Group Home are needed. parking on campus will be used, grams and much more . . . ~ . .
5 ' > IhehAmelncan Reld CrossI ne’edskstudenItIs to > Community Action of Lexington and With buses running {{9’" the $49.95 each. Inspect at 5‘ ' "_ . .5 .‘
Wor t “.36 ours or onger 1n oc perio s as Fayette County (CALF) needs volunteers in campus to the stadium, should ; "
f receptlomst/typlsts. Hours are from 8 a.m. to many areas of their programs The Central have been attributed to James UNITED FREIGHT SALES ' ‘ 5
4:30 p.m. with particular emphasis on Monday - . I K' UK Ph sical Plant ; . ~ '
1 and Friday office could use workers w1th ideas for new mag h y h H d 2123 0,550.4 Circle . I
.‘ ro rams to su lement the existin ones. COOT inator rat ert an 0W“ _ . . , ' f,
I ) Athletic leaders for men and a volunteer p g pp g Gabbard, associate city traffic M0" ‘Thu’s' 9 6' F' & 5“" 9 8 , :.I
e program coordinator are among many positions P Kodak has granted CAI-F money to start a engineer. '
1 open to volunteers through the Salvation Army. photography program. People Wlth kDOWlfidge . - w . 5
D Elementary age children need three about photography and teachers With advanced I .
1 intramural football coaches on Wednesdays 510115 are needed. At present this program does ‘ 3' .‘=
'. from 2:30 to 4 p.m. through the YMCA not have a dark room. If anyone knows one Hove YOU Heard
5 program. that could be used, please contact the . ;'
e } Cardinal Hill Convalescent Hospital needs Volunteer Program Office. . A 600d symphony ,
-, volunteers in the Recreation Department on P Cooking, sewing, arts and crafts, ceramICS, i ‘- ~'
:5 Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday and ballet and karate instructors are needed for the . Lately) 1 I_ I
Saturday from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. to work with South and East Ends and HUB Centers. Times ' ' I
,f all age groups. for these children and adult classes can be 5
a } Uniforms need to be made for Urban arranged according to the volunteer’s schedule. , - ' 5' .
e League. V Drivers to furnish transportation to Welfare '7; . -. '-
.e ) Girl Scouts Wilderness Road Council has Rights Meetings 0n the tint and fourth Tuesday I" » I.
g leadership positions in guiding girls from seven evenings 0f the month are needed. . _ . r 5 '. I : II;
to 17 years old on a weekly part-time or b Assxstance ls needed In pubhshing the A” Ful I—Tlme Students .. f . » I
_ full-time basis. monthly community newsletter, “The I' .9 ' "
D Recreational Therapy Nursing Service needs Communicator.” IAISO, help in Selling ads and MAY HEAR ' ' .‘
_ females to help with dancing for evening PhOtO off-set equipmentis needed. . . . , .I
volunteer work at the Veterans Hospital. MS- Bolling, DIIeCtor 0f the Office of The CINClnnatl Symphony 3 . . » 5 .
Weekend work includes escorting patients to Volunteer Programs, WOUId require 3 minimum ‘ , ' '
the Chaplain’s Office on Sundays and a of one and a lciialf to two hours per visit.
5s receptionist position during the weekend. nonne mtereste 1“ any 0 the volunteer work . ‘ i. ‘.
’n ) Planned Parenthood needs receptionists to mentioned above should contact her at the CONDUCTED BY THOMAS . .-
2; answer phones and collect general information Human Relations Center, 257-3796 or THE DYNAMIC YOUNG SCHIPPERS ‘
In about clients. 257'3995- - ~
Dr . - _ . _ - . . . .
at r.
o o l . '
+ < I a S S I f I e d + TUGSdoy, OCtODer 121+} 8:15 p.m. 5’
n- I . .I
2e - t . ‘I t ‘5
Y TERM . papers, theses, reports; IBM FURNISHED efficiency close to cam— ngg thXdOIiE-g grams: Rhgéthgvzgdai} L '
E 33.31???’2é’3531éipfévfiiipmem2579333 ”misath‘i'?°§‘§e ”133%; ggfaenofogmslls’l frame: Apply Beef Enterprises, fapne Admission: Full-time students by Activities & ID cards. All . »‘ 1'
2. , , , , , , , , , Limestone, Thur.. Fri, Sat. 608 A119“ Road- 8012 others by season membership card. No individual performance :
FOR SALE LOT to rent for camper. need elec- “Ckets-
Y ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ "‘“""" WW tricity and bathroom facilities: back
as CLOTHES for sale. Size 57. Name JOB OPPORTUNITIES yard or unused drive-way. Call col— 5 . '
“I grggids. Call 269-2111 between 10 T5; W lect, 857-4777. 7011 W ‘ ‘ -
.al ' ‘ PART—TIME employment— Need stu— ——————-—-—‘—"—'—-—5 E .
—'———‘“—’—‘T“——._— dent for morning and afternoon work. ROOMMATE “’9“th to share nice one T M ’ '-
MAGNATONE b ta , 1 , - _ b . . - . c 11 .
.rr single pick—unasngiglieribaSgkiedr beg; §§£°57§§r mu” Inqu're A N ”35% zsezii-roiiiig1 5321-3511321? campus 76313 ”t ’- /8/ [Isrfli/A/ =5 _
its amp. 2 15 inch speakers, 4 inputs. Ex- ’ . . ‘ ' i
to cellent condition. 266-8667 after 6 p.m. ‘ ’
5. CORVETTE. 1963..—327 high-perform- ‘ “one OF THE , .
{“3335iii‘é‘t9at?§.c’13zi’$°i’£isSfrl‘é‘iai‘n'li n. TURFLAND MAU- ‘ BEST TIMES y . ,.
R Call 266-1710 anytime. 608 277-6100 I we HAD AT » ;
in _________________. St Area TrHE AQOVIES ~ . 4.
5t, 1970 KAWASAKI 3-cylinder. Custom. ON THE MALL . "'5 EA 1 II I] ,'
Clean, quick & cheap. 255-7256 7011 HAanoosaunG ROAD aLANE ALLEN Showmg! ‘35:: $2225". IPPIkEZ/st 7v Jafi/OKS , '-
W 1966 ALFA Romeo 2600 Spider, 6 cyl— - . -
to ‘ iIriIdrieridestaged;r Michleer} i235; §f&%- . _ - II » , ~» .»
t ' ourm . . ' . _.;.;,:::~:5:.I.:.;;;.,.._ , ' .
1:: A120 19563Jaguar XK1g40o coupe: abarth m W" "I ~I5I;;_¢:‘9‘T"" “353°. '5 i 5 . ~ . ’.
an exhaust. chrome wire wheels, C-typle I . .. ,5 :‘I ( ,5 we” TY .- . . I
tea: 1353325‘21' Who I: _ ~ . 17R g1 . . ;, . »
TYPEWRITER — Olivetti. Underwood "any mm ire. Ma11$ w fig 7" \ ' ' -
Studio 44 manual. pica; $125 new; "d - be . ‘ II"i*:-‘-‘.‘,(§EEI; 5I2‘5'IT‘-;I§I"’.' . K . . , .
need $40 cash. 299—2403. 7011 in why Is saying those we? we....::..;.5...~.,,5; ._ . fl/c / 0/ J I . I . I 5
____..__—_———————-—— . u ' 2; ,. . {332%. . _, 5 t / n I .' '
w 13 k.E n t - :5--- .. ,,- ,. / i .
1mg. Sega. assess. W ““95 about me? _ 5. . I 5 7p ,5; /, V... .5 . . .
David Spaeth, 254-1581. 7011 ,, .5535; "5" - - I. «, ,t‘ / .. A \_ . , I
————————————-——— . [GEO - 5 o , y/ y .\ .
1962 STUDEBAKER Lark, 4-door. fac- Dan De LU'SQ .,. .. . .... 4’; a 5 I. e \/ IC/ Eh ‘ . , , . ‘
ulty one-owner car. Rusty but runs II ‘ .55.». .IV 6' / A I < I . .
good. 3250. 258-5290 or 266-4728. 03 Bdlbdfd Horns :9 Viz” \ [‘2 /, I: . “it I . I . I x I
T CYC E, 970 x . k’ 250. , M . ,, , K. ., . .~ 5 . .
Nisgcgiznt Eonditlion (:dvaglfidlding). “W". T'm" ,5; 5;? V M ’1’” , _./.~ «T: / \ 'l I, 5 , .
Very low mileage. Perfect for street 2:00 - 5:00 'vgfggf' "'\.I ' , , I r‘ . ~
or trail use. $550. 253-1956 after 6. 7.30. 9.45 52:13" “$3: 5 t V r \ I» .'
Wm ' ' $3 .. ' UIUIIIL %‘ ,/7/ m . ~ I
. . .- A 5 ’ [N r, I , I ' .
anM;;;N‘.‘5:.g.s;:g55:2.5;5}:.m;,:g. 1m: ///“‘ _- ‘.
272-1050 for info on a new consign- I _ ( _ .I . I
ment store. 8014 . ._ I I. II
‘. f j £17), I' V‘ i '
Grand Opening we 3.; _.__
5+ - a - 5
1; ~ . Whats groovier than ”Puck; ffllc . .‘ I , ' :
-’- a "‘ ‘i g“ V" or" to hug your bod and ".5 , . 5
I’lr. Vi g; 8'“ m ._ say “Here I am, I’m in fashiOn " I ‘
it". . “9% >3 '5" , . . . and go with cvervthing . . ’
. w 'l'if '5.’ K 3 . a . from jeans to your very best 0 White ~ .' '
— ’ i 1‘ 'fi. (3% . a I. NEW SHIPMENT Hurv while stock lasts at this . Brown " .
I . ' _’ . ‘ '«3 ~ ‘ A , . l I . .
Icl . 'c, Kw‘ L; -\ price! . - I .
~ » M 97 ~
"my .1 in" ; 924-!1 . ~ 3:" . Black -I . ~_
Lex- . 0 "2 es: 3 13" t . . 1 .
.1... w '- e :2 ~ i ' Wat/’7 Fflflét’f ' ' '
act‘s; Jr via, it 5, Reg. to 24.95 . . . ' .~ ~. »- .
l . '1' Ne I . I \ .
$32? ' . age 5/ ,1, Choose from Kanekalon-Dynel. All wash £5} M .10 Leif/u 6W - .. .
- . " . l . ‘ ‘ . ‘
Idem I/ 5);" and wear. Only 200 to be sold at this ' u - n . a -
‘23:; “we- ' “ C/ ‘ \re low price. ; Q‘W'U W PW "
emel , ;' ' v . . . 5 .
., / SELF-SERVICE—SO BRING YOUR W aQso gee 4,22 Slum 95% - . .
'33; if BRUSH AND SAVE! SAVE! 5 6% . -
Iould ~" 3% W W - - - I
I I _ .
b ENESSA TRADING CO. W5 {M geabMSmiew/tes . 5 ~
1' o ' . '
mm 109 1‘0. Limestone VLO Nova, W w it- .’ . -
mm Across From Rosenburgs ALSO ZANDALE“ C le M0 D '- ' , I-
H.“ HOURS: Open 9:00 A.M.-8 P.M. Daily: 9:00 A.M.-6:00 P.M. Saturday ENTER 1' ’H U

 a! '\-'
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w... a...» . I ‘r A 3‘ s.‘.:... “1:35; 555335:3;55553252;:2232:;is?séigisisz‘iisizzz”. . lI l inform
» a REPORT Fore YEAR ENDS (an —/?“.5‘ held t
i. ' » H I h ‘4 \ AUG- ”37/ i \\ f-l" UK M
~ . M: X, ‘ ‘ I \ /’ Preside
.‘ _ . m e gr r, W Center.
. , 3 ' L/ " I v "A“ ‘ /’ w:~.'i:_'i:-_-1:-‘-»: ‘-;'>: 1». “we
- ,_ .\\ wh o
J ,. ‘g mariiu
, - . :4... people
' - -. 2-, said
,‘ . '2 '- a P en“
. . . . And this is the point at which time the president’s I a 1 28 3:11,]:
. i ' wage and price freeze was enforced . . . while this is the 3% "0°.“ '
. , .. sesswn
' ‘ »' f _ . point at which the freeze was lifted. g =, To l Wh-
- .. - .  _ l lme to ower pnvate
., ' ' ‘ . 3 l to th
-.' . l' I -. 33 studen
v, _ . ~— the number of -
l I. ‘ 9 9 9 .1 1a Alth
' V l o openl
: - - ,~ . . requ