xt7tht2gbf0d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tht2gbf0d/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky University of Kentucky Chemistry Department 1984-03-30 A brochure for the Naff Symposium, an event hosted by the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund. This brochure belongs to the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Records collection, accession number 2014ua075. archival material  English University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Naff Symposium brochures Tenth Annual Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology: "The New Embryology: Molecules and Mechanisms Determining Animal Form" text Tenth Annual Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology: "The New Embryology: Molecules and Mechanisms Determining Animal Form" 1984 1984-03-30 2017 true xt7tht2gbf0d section xt7tht2gbf0d r-* C‘, U . .
(D :3 (b cells IS mediated by the molecule L—CAM, a glycoprotein of
E' '2' E 1984 PROGRAM Mr: 124,000. Although first detected on liver cells, L-CAM is
0° 2 :1 present on nearly all epithelial cells and appears to be comparable
8 a. B Tenth Annual Symposium on 8:45 Coffee—Chemistry-Physics Room to the molecules involved in the compaction of early mouse em-
? '~< g 137 bryos and adhesion between teratocarcinoma cells.
0 P" . . ’
:5: E; :31 Ch . d 9:15 Welcome—Chemistry-Physics 12:00 Discussion
A g 0 emlStry an Room 139 2:30 Meeting with Graduate Students
. a E g M l l B. 1 9:20 Anna S. Naff: Biographical Notes and Faculty—CP 137
8 Q. E 0 ecu al' 10 Ogy . —Dr. M. Benton Naff
8 ‘< .3 . . 9:30 Cell Adhesion and Morphogenesis * * * * * * *
g: V establlshed in memory of —Dr. G. M. Edelman {1:17/ _
Anna S Naff There is at present no adequate theory of development in the Anna Lea Schoulties Naff
sense that there are adequate theories of evolution and genetics. Anna Lea Schoulties was born on a farm in northern Ken-
The reason is that the molecular processes leading to the for- tucky on November 29, 1920.
mation in time of animal form are just beginning to be describ- During her early education at Cold Spring High School her
ed. The key question is: How does the one dimensional genetic favorite subject was mathematics. She was the salutatorian of
code specify a three dimensional animal of a given species? her class. After finishing high school Anna worked summers and
Recent analysis of the fundamental processes regulating studied for two years at Eastern Kentucky University. She worked
‘ — development has given new insights that promise an answer to for a year at Williamson Heater in Cincinnati before transferr-
- this question. A major clue rests in our understanding of the ing to the University of Kentucky’s Department of Home
The New Embryology: molecules that mediate the adhesion of one cell type to another. Economics. Her graduation in 1944 was “with distinction”.
, Some of these molecules are now identified and experiments on Receipt of a Haggin Fellowship enabled Anna to undertake
Molecules and Mechanisms _ the times and places of their expression give further clues to their undergraduate and graduate work in Chemistry. She received
, . . . regulation during development. This in turn bears on how cells a Master of Science degree in 1946; a publication based on her
Determlnlng Anlmal Form move and tissue sheets fold to form embryonic patterns. In this thesis appeared in 1947.
lecture, I will review these issues in preparation for a detailed Anna was married to Benton Naff in December, 1946, in
— discussion of the nature of cell adhesion molecules. Portland, Oregon. In 1946-47 she taught chemistry at the Univer-
sity of Kentucky and in 1947-50 at Oregon State University.
10:30 Discussion ' While her husband was located at Bowling Green State Univer-
10:40 Coffee Break sity in Ohio, Anna attended the University of Michigan in Ann
Speakers . . Arbor, earning a Master of Arts degree in Library Science. At
11:00 C9" Adhesmn Mme—Clues that time (1953) she began research with the Owens Illinois Glass
Dr . Gerald M . Edelman —Dr. B. A. Cunningham Company exploring the properties of epoxy resins and silicones.
. Immunologic assays have recently been used to identify and Ider investigations resulted in an important practical contribu-
Dr. Bruce A. Cunnlngham purify large cell surface glycoproteins involved in cell-cell adhe- tron: the invention Of an organic Ink for use on glass, patent
' sion. These molecules were first described in embryonic chicken issued 1958' , _ , ,
~ tissues, but they appear to have counterparts in all vertebrate l 9:??112::iggzrgi‘ozgfirifiir:dottyl: It: gigglegfig’eg‘figgn
species. In this lecture, I will discuss the structures and re er- ’ . . ’ . . . _
March 30, 1984 . ties of three of these 'glycoproteins in terms of their fuiictiins ment. She asststed her husband in the acquisition of grants and
Department Of Chemistry and mechanisms of cell adhesion. _ produced a number ofchemical research publications (1955-63).
g University Of Kentucky In the nervous system, calcium-independent adhesion between I' Du?“ her husband's 19.6465 sabbatical, Anna served as a
.— z . . diate d b the neural cell adhesion mole 1e (N- rbrarian at Brown Umversrty. A year later she continued her
“‘7 E ' Lex1n ton Kentuck 40506 neurons 15 me. . 'y . . . cu - libra work first at the National Bureau of Standards and then
53 z E g ’ y CAM); the binding 15 homophihc. During development the ry . ’ . , . . . .
5 9, 'U S a molecule (Mr 2 200,000 to 250,000) undergoes a transition from ' at the National Institutes .Of Health: Her experience m Acqu1s1-
-4 o v _. . an embryonic (E) to discrete adult (A) forms with a concomi- tron and Cataloging provrded Significant professwnal advance-
E z E 9 9 [ant increase in the strength of binding between N-CAM ment and she continued at NIH until the end of her career. An—
; g D g 2 molecules. Interactions between neurons and glia appear to in- ma died September 21’ 1973' .
2% m K. volvc a different adhesion system that includes the neuronal 1984 5 .~ C _ .
... Q g molecule, Ng-CAM. Ng-CAM does not‘appear on glial cells, Walgfio'h'slflh,oflnganmem of Chemistry
g suggesting that neuron-glial interactions involve a heterophilic James R, chaid' Department of Chemisuy
mechanism. Calcium-dependent cell-cell adhesion among liver Sheldon Steiner. T. H. Morgan School of Biological Sciences

 Tenth Annual Symposrum on
Chemistry and Molecular Biology .
established in memory of
' ‘ Anna S . N aff
March 30, 1984 '
Chemistry-Physics Building — Room 139
Department of Chemistry University of Kentucky _
- The New Embryology
Molecules and M echamsms Determmmg
. .
Animal Form
Dr. Gerald M. Edelman, ’ I
Nobel Laureate, Vincenthstor Distinguished Professor, The Rockefeller University. Member, National , ,
Academy of Sciences, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Academy of Sciences of the In-
stitute of France. .
. Dr. Bruce A. Cunningham, .
Professor, Developmental and Molecular Biology, The Rockefeller University. Camille and Henry Dreyfus
Award, Irma T. Hirsch] Career Scientific Award.
Parking available at Commonwealth Stadium on Cooper Drive, Shuttlebuses run to the main campus. For additional
information contact Prof. W. T, Smith, Jr., Dept. of Chemistry, 606-257-4741. .
Symposium supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund '