xt7tht2gbc80 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tht2gbc80/data/mets.xml Georgia Georgia Historical Records Survey 1941 Prepared by The Georgia Historical Records Survey, Division of Community Service Programs, Work Projects Administration, Historical Records Survey; Other contributors include: United States Work Projects Administration Division of Community Service Programs; 4 pages: 72 illustrated; Reproduced from type-written copy; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:G 296/4 books English Atlanta, Georiga: Georgia Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Georiga Works Progress Administration Publications Guide to Public Vital Statistics Records in Georgia text Guide to Public Vital Statistics Records in Georgia 1941 1941 2015 true xt7tht2gbc80 section xt7tht2gbc80 Z] ‘ · . - _ ‘ . . ‘
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Prepared by
The Georgia Historical Records Survey
I Division of Com unity Service Programs
} Work Projects Administration
Q Atlanta, Georgia
A The Georgia Historical Records Survey
i June 1941

 I Q
I ·
I -  I
I , G
I  V
I Howard O. Hunter, Commissioner Q
> Roy Schroeder, Regional Director 9
y' H. E. Harman, Jr., State Administrator Q
5 i
I Division of Community Service Programs I
I Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner %
I Blanche M, Ralston, Chief Re ional Supervisor I
I S .  
I Jane Van De Vrede, State Director g
ill" I
I   IQ
I Research and Records Programs I
  Harvey E, Becknell, Director I
( Milton W, Blanton, Regional Supervisor j
I R. V. Connerat, State Supervisor Q
The Historical Records Survey S
Sargent B. Child, Director A
Frederick S. Hulse, State Supervisor N
· Georgia State Planning Board, Sponsor I
Georgia Department of Public Health I
Cosponsor Q

Q Vital statistics records have a three fold importance. They are a
g large part of the material from.which thegeneakgist compiles his fadly
} trees; they contain the data on which the vital statistieian bases his`
i charts and tables; and they constitute legal proofci`nativity·and social
Q relationships whose substantiaticn, or lack of substantiation, vitally
y affects the social and economic interests of individuals.
§ Not many centuries ago it was considered the duty ofiie ecclesia-
Y stical authorities to record all baptisms, weddings, and funeralsger-
{ formed by them. Such records served the same purpose, forije community,
{ as do our modern vital statistics, at a time when all, or almost all,
i were members of a single ecclesiastical body.
é Under the changed circumstances of the modern world, this is no
Y longer true.It is new generally recognized that the recording of vital
y statistics is a public function devolving upon the government.
l In Georgia the Court of Ordinary, or, in earlier times,the Infer-
f ior Court, sitting for ordinary purposes, assumed theseonce ecclesias-
` tical functions, just as it took over the probate duties traditionally
t within the jurisdiction of the church courts. It is interesting to note
i that divorces, which were formly granted only by legislative action,
Q and against which than had always existed religious scruples,have never
S fallen within the jurisdiction of the Court of Ordinary. Although, as a
,. rule the Ordinary has recorded births, marriages,and deaths in Georgia,
§ the Clerk of the Superior Court has recorded divorces.
i For a time,very little importance was attached,by the general pub-
g lic, to the colkxmion or recording of vital statistics. Although various
l laws were passed permitting, or requiring, the keeping of such records,
° substantial accuracy and completeness were not obtained untilthe estab-
y lishment of a bureau of vital statistics within the State Department of
·§ Public Health.
j No inventory of the existing situation with regard to such records
{ throughout the State had been attempted until the organization of the
Q Georgia Historical Records Survey. we greatly appreciate the foresight
E of the Federal Government in preparing such a compilation of data, and
g trust that this volumeudll prove to be useful to those whoeme interest-
E ed in locating and obtaining individual records of births,deaths, mar-
} riages, and divorces occurring in our State.
f The Georgia Department of Public Health is glad to have had the op-
? portunity of playing a part in compiling these important data.
.`  //’\ cy
l T. F. Abercrombie, M. D., Director
S Georgia Department of Public Health

;  Pmarlcs
Z The Historical Records Survey was organized by Dr. Luther H. Evans,
Q who served as Director of the Legislative Reference Service of the Li-
Q brary of Congress. He was succeeded on March 1,1940 by Sargent B. Child,
H who had served in the capacity of Field Supervisor since the inaugura-
Q tion of the Survey. The Survey operates under the Research and Records
g Programs, Division of Com unity Service Prograre, Work Projects Adminis-
t tration,of which Mrs. Florence Kerr,Assistant Com issioner,is in charge.
Q The Guide to Public Vital Statistics Records in Georgia is based cn
j data secured in`the fall of 1940, when the Surveyjmade an inventory of
Q public vital statistics records in the several States at the request of
g the National Defense Commission and the United States Bureau of the Cen-
1; sus. The primary arrangement of the Guide is by type of vital statistics
Q record, the secondary arrangement by governmental unit. The records en-
§ tries show inclusive dates, nature cf the record,‘ number of volumes or
§ other containers, method of arrangement, indexing, title and address of
i the custodian, and the cost of certified copies, or a statement that
{ certified copies are not available,
Q Acknowledgment is due Dr. David M. Wolfe, Director, Division of In-
k formation and Statistics, State Department of Public Health, and the
? numerous custodians of vital statistics records throughout the State,
§ for their cooperation in the inventory of their records. The Survey is
?~ especially indebted to the State Department of Public Health for supply-
t ing the materials used in publishing this volume,
Q The field inventory of vital statistics records was made in Georgia
§ under the direction.of‘District Supervisors of Historical Records Survey.
i The Guide was prepared for publication in the State Office ofthe Survey.
° It was reviewed by the editorial staff of Historical Survey, Central 0f-
fice in Washington, D.C.
H The publications of the Historical Records Survey are issued for
Q free distribution to certain State and local public officials, public
’ libraries in Georgia, and to a limited number of libraries and govern-
Y mental agencies outside the State. This Guide to Public Vital Statistics
D will also be distributed to all State Vital Statistics Bureaus in the
q United States. Requests for information concerning these publications
? should be addressed to R. V. Connerat, State Supervisor, Research and
Q Records Programs, Ten Forsyth Street Building, Atlanta, Georgia.
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gl The Georgia Legislature was whereas—ing as early as 1825 about the
‘f “embarassing difficulties" experienced by the courts in attempting to
_i administer justice because there was no provision for the keeping of an
*¥ official record of births. In that year the legislature made itide
xj duty of the clerks of the courts of'ordinary of each county to register
;‘ all persons who reported themselves, or were reported by their parents
Q or guardians, as well as all infants who might thereafter be born and
it reported by their parents. A fee of 25; was charged for each person
{ registered. This act was permissive only, and very few of these old
Q registers are in existence today.2
£_ There seems to have been little or no legislation in regard to re-
% cording births from 1825 until the State Board of Health was createdin
§ 1875.5 The act provided that the secretary of the Board should be "Sup-
g erintendent of Registration of Vital Statistics,“ and the bureau thus
Q created was charged with the duty, among other things,of collecting and
é preserving a record of all births in the State, The Board of Health was
3 required to provide forms upon which births were to be reported, All
Q physicians in the State, and parents where no physician attended, were
Q required, under penalty of $10 for failure to do so, to report births
{ to the ordinary of their respective counties on the forms prcvided,and
Q the ordinaries in turn reported the births to the secretary of the
{ State Board, The ordinaries were also required by this act to record aD.
A births in a separate book kept by them for that purpose.*
7, The provisions of the act of 1875 imposing a penalty of $10 upon
Z physicians and parents for failure to report births was promptly repeab
7 ed by the legislature the following year.5 This might explain in part
? why the birth records of the State Bureau of Vital Statistics are so
Y sketchy prior to 1919,
‘€ The General Assembly again created a State Board of Health by an
, act of 1905,9 This act was primarily concerned with revamping the struc-
_A tural organization of the Board,and did not affect the provisions rehmr
VY ing to collecting and preserving vital statistics.
é In 1914 legislation was enacted setting forth in detail the manner
if in which vital statistics were to be gathered and the forms to be used
{Y in reporting births and deaths. This act provided for the appointment
° of a State Registrar of Vital Statistics and the central bureau. infant,U
§ BULLOCK COUNTY (Statesboro)
3 1927-- Record, 1 vol. Chron. by date of birth, with certificates
1 numbered consecutively, Separate index, slph. by name of
l infant. (1891-1927 records scattered)1
N} BURKE COUNTY (Waynesboro)
3 1921-- Record, 11 vols. Chron. by date of birth,with certificates
e numbered consecutively. Separate index, alph. by name of
§ infant. (1890-1921 records scattered)l
i BUTTS COUNTY (Jackson)
Q 1927-- Record, 1 f. d. Chron. by date of birth, with certificates
Q numbers? consecutively. Separate index, alph. by name of
~] infant.
  cmisomi comm (mergan)
it 1927-- Record, 5 f. d. Chron. by date of birth, with certificates
“Q_ numbered consecutively. Separate index, alph. by name of
{Q infant, (1875-1927 records scattered)1
`FE 1929-- Record, 7 f. d. Chron. by date of birth, with certificates
·  ‘,i f numbered consecutively. Separate index, alph. by name of
·Qi infant. (1827-1929 records scattered)l
Iii 1919-- Record, 4 vols. Chron. by date of birth, with certificates
if? numbered consecutively. Separate index, alph. by name of
.¥§ infant.l
ji ¥ vRedords_kept by Ordinary. Gerti£ied~¤o¤y, 502
fj 2 Records kept by Department of Health. Certified copy,50¢.
  21 `

3 % 8
Q? Birth Records
M ·CARROLL COUNTY (Carrollton)
g 1927-- Record, 54 vols. Chron. by date of birth, with certificates
if numbered consecutively. Separate index, alph. by name of
gp? infant, (1881-1927 records scattered?
  cAToosA cemwr (singgeid)
di; 1929-- Record, 6 vols. Chron. by date of birth, with certificates
by numbered consecutively. Separate index, alph, by name of
F, infant,l
i 1926-- Record, 2 vols. Chron. by date of birth, with certificates
Q numbered consecutively, Separate index, alph. by name of
y infant,l
G 1919-- Record, 11 vols. Chron. by date of birth, with certificates
g numbered consecutively. Separate index, alph, by name of
§ infant. (1843-1919 records scattered)?
Q Savannah, City pf
il 1922-- Record, 50 vols, Chron. by date of birth, with certificates
.V numbered consecutively. Separate index, alph. by name of
if infant.?
(E 1919-- Record, 15 vols. Chron, by date of birth, with certificates
(C, numbered consecutively. Separate index, alph. by name of
If} infant.l
gi , cnAm?oocA comme! (Summerville)
(bb 1921-- Record, 1O vols. Chron. by date of birth, with certificates
T3; numbered consecutively. Separate index, alph, by name of
(ji infant.l
  cnenoxns covmr (Canton)
ta 1919-- Record, 12 vols. Chron. by date of birth, with certificates
1) numbered consecutively, Separate index, alph, by name of
`§» infant.1
tf? l Record kept by Ordinary. Certified copy, 50¢.
~g 2 Records kept by Department of Health, Certified copy, 50¢.

22 9
gi Birth Records
( Z CLARK comny (Athens)
pp 1919-- Record, 80 vols. Chron, by date of birth, with certificates
h{ numbered consecutively, Separate index, alph, by name Of
w? infant.2
  cm! coumr (Ft. Gaines)
QQ 1927-- Record, 2 vols, Chron, by date of birth, with certificates
ji numbered consecutively. Separate index, alph, by name of
his infant. (1919-1927 records scattered)l
y? CIAYTON COUNTY (Jonesboro)
1; 1927-- Record, 2 f. d. Chron. by date of birth, with certificates
1; numbered consecutively, Separate index, alph, by name of
1¥_ infant.l
i CLINCH COUNTY (Homerville)
g 1927-- Record, 2 vols. Chron. by date of birth, with certificates
»f numbered consecutively. Separate index, alph. by name of
_-  infant }
il COBB COUNTY (Marietta)
EQ 1920-- Record, 20 vols. Chron, by date of birth, with certificates
ij numbered consecutively. Separate index, alph, by name of
r infant. (1890-1920 records scattered)1
f i comm ooumr (bnngias) ` (
if 1919-- Record, 12 vols. Chron. by date of birth, with certificates
py l numbered consecutively. Separate index, alph. by name of
5f} infant. (1885-1919 records scattered?
  cotcuiw comm (Moultrie)
 ;f 1927-- Record, 6 vols, Chron. by date of birth, with certificates
Qi numbered consecutively, Separate index, alph, by name of
Qi infant.1
YE  COLUMBIA couim (Appling)
(§§ 1927-- Record, 2 vols, Chron. by date of birth, with certificates
ié  `,- numbered consecutively, Separate index, alph, by name of
{QQ 1 Records kept by Ordinary, Certified copy, 50¢.
f[@ 2 Records kept by Department of Health, Certified copy, 50¢.

   i 19
gi) Birth Records
tf 1919-- Record, 4 vols. Chron. by date of birth, with certificates
ti numbered consecutively. Separate index, alph. by name of
ti infant. (1898-1919 records scattered)1
tj cowsrn counrr (Newnan)
!j »
tx 1927-- Record, 2 vo1s, Chron. by date of birth, with certificates
gg; numbered consecutively, Separate index, alph. by name of
Tic infant, (1919-1927 records scattered)l
i ` Q
y< CRAWFORD coumrr (Knoxville)
TQ 1927-- Record, 1 f. d. Chron. by date of birth, with certificates
ig nunmered consecutively, Separate index, alph, by name of
ii, infant,l
iQ cars? ccuawr (cnnaeie)
(xi 1919-- Record, 1 f. d, Chron, by date of birth, with certificates
1, numbered consecutively, Separate index, alph. by name of
 § infant.2
 i DADE COUNTY (Trenton)
Y; 1929-- Record, 2 v01s. Chron. by date of birth, with certificates
`B numbered consecutively. Separate index, alph. by name of
{L infant,l
it DAWSON COUNTY (Dawscnville)
iid 1927-- Record, 2 vo1s. Chron, by date of birth, with certificates
fi numbered consecutively, Sepa