xt7tht2gbc7d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tht2gbc7d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1911-04-27 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 32, April 27, 1911 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 32, April 27, 1911 1911 1911-04-27 2015 true xt7tht2gbc7d section xt7tht2gbc7d  
  -· _`
‘ Vol. III LEXINGTON, KY., APRIL 27, 1911 No. gg I
on the mound, with Gower behind the
    bat, a formidable battery against, any     A. s' M' E'
A     team. The outfield will probably be -———— '"*'
.._.. changed and strengthened by Thurs- cone', pan-, May g_ After an opening address. Tuesday,
e ‘- l Twelve-Innlng Game Resulta In Score dere game- and it le te tltle end that -—-—— April 25· by President G· C· MmS·
‘ of 4 to 3 yn,. Lexington p|ay",_ Coach lngels is working these days. yn Chang; Tuesday morning the Dean Anderson was asked to introduce
.._.. Giltner, the veteran outfielder of Wn,nnn•S Club of State University ex, thc speaker of the evening—Mr. J. B.
Georgetowvn College Went down in n State, will be used at center, while in pluined the movement to establish 8 $tallW00d.
bravely fought name with the State all probability Wesley in left and Bry· hospital fn,. the students by means of Mr. Stanwood, who is no stranger
University boys on Hinton new in 8 gon, anew man who is showing up the proceeds of n college fnn._ to be to the students of the College of Me-
tw€lvB-i¤ning game   the Score of WGH in   and fleldlng, \VIu be giyen   9,   President Barker cllanical and Elelitrlcal Engineering,
; 4 to 3. ` given 3, [ria] in right announced would be a holiday. will be l‘€m€mb€I‘€d 8.8 OIIG of thé HUD
’ A large and entlluslesne erewa wlt- On S¤t¤rd¤>’ the Blue end Wb't° llr- Porter. ef the First Baptist °f H°““‘°“· S“*““’°°d & G““‘bl°’
. I nessed the iirst inter-collegiate game **¤gl`9E¤ti°¤ J0m`¤9Y te P¤l't¤» Wh9l‘9 Church, conducted the religious exer- throtmng Steam engine and b°“€"
    on Hinton gem thig mason goth th9Y m99t th9 Blll9 GFHSS L9¤Sl19 cises, while Miss Hamilton presided, m'*““"‘*°t“"‘”`S ef C°"i“gt°“· Ky·
"» teams had out their best n,nn_ team representing that town. Coach tntroduelng the various speakers with M"- S“*““"°°d'° ‘°°t“'° 0** V°·i"°
Ggorggtown Owe their defeat to the I¤!;'9lS will D1‘9S9¤t his Stl‘0¤g9St U¤9· a few well·timed remarks. Dr. Porter Gears vertreved 3 eemvlete analysis
result of the amt inning when the`, up in Order to win thig g¤m6_ expressed himself as heartily in Sym_ of the slide-valve motion. A number
snowed two em-e to let ln two runs Rl<=e· ¤ uew twlrlee whe eee elrewr patty with the mevemeut and as °* elldee ef the "H· S· & G·" melee-
{0;- the v;sitm·s_ Goorgetgrqvu fnund ,0 up S0 well. has GV9rYthi¤S il- 8000 ready to aid it financially and other- both et the "lV€· °·“t°m°·ti°
seore until the mira and tied the score llltchel mlght t° have- end with 8 “t· Wise- “““ ‘“" “Y‘b““ *"p"· w°’° “h°“'“· *°‘
l in the seventh nnnng_ 1: remained tie experience should prove a wonder. Mrs. A. M. Wilson gave a short talk g€"th€" with °"°SS‘S"°ti°“ Views and
i 3 to 3 until the twelfth ,,m,,,g_ He will be used le the sex eeeleet setting forth the various emeenene dlegereme- ef the belereed ellde telus
l Judd, gm- G€0rg€t0Wn‘ ulgowcd only the Parisians, Saturday, with Tommy to be seen at the fair. Miss China ‘j’*j_l°h have found PSB le the ‘H· S- &
nl one mt throughout the mn,} illnings Gower on the receiving end. This is gave assurance, in a few mlnutes’ ('· ereleee fm mm and general fac'
j and three in the next three innmgsn done in order to give Captain talk. that the Domestic Science De- t°"y_“S°·
F retaining complete C0ntr"l thnnngnnnt Meadows a good rest for the Weslyan partment would provide a dainty sup- ASME from this- MY`- Stanwood gaV°
g the gnmn_ game Monday. Everybody turn out por and show hqw much could be a brief talk on Kentucky and its ad-
  Meadows, for Lexington, pjtghgd a and $99 us beat Weslyan. Reese is served for a small sum. Lieutenant; "allt3’!9S et "Sll00t8 aud b00Z9·'° which
Splendid game, but was mt ;,.e_,]y_ on the injured list with a had knee, Kelly commended the spirit of the breuellt fertll leud applause and en'
g Hnwnvnn he kept his nits wan scat. while Preston is on the slck list. Tur· Womarfs Club, and urged that every- musiasm-
  tered and Several mms when Gcnrgn ner is holding down short in Preston’s one support the fair. Each speaker P- R- Cassidw gave an llluetreted
{Own Collgge had n man nn ,v]n,.n, wml absence. So let’s get Cincinnati received much applause, and the fair talk On Emcient Ad"€"tiSi“g· lu which
one Gun that was the point at Paris Saturday, and Weslyan Monday. bids fair to have as good a reception. he depleted the lmverteuee et attract'
which Meadows became airtight and Heads up- everybody- ——-•+•-—-- ii,€;eiiZ amzhclemglesg tgfegssiggxi
the runner could get T10 further An- -'*“""'°'°""“ O u mg 9 m — u C D
derson, of the All I{ent·.lclti:tll-=, played Dan   before the dealer and consumel"
e ee. .1.-et base for   tsl. DEMUURATW cum- AT y M c A Thee Slede reeeeeeed e peter eekee
lege. The Score follows: ` • • - • from the March number of "The Jour-
State can-e¤·elty.. ORGANIZATION Plant-·l:cTEo Mon- ..—- **9* 9* the ·‘*;m9*`i°‘a“ S°°l°t>’ Gt M9
2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1__i DAY NIGH1-_ D1,. Faumsou made 3, Short address chanlcal Englneers," on the Process of
Georgetown College- .—-—•-•-•—-——- at the Y. M. C. A. rooln Tuesday night. Cmzwm M_auumCmr°'_
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0-3 Will Bggin work at 0m;a_ '1`lle room was completely lllled with N lj   Aww also Omhmfi R paper 0%
Judd and Parke; State University, (ln Monday night, the Democratic S99lll9d te 9llJ0Y tll9 Stl0¤`t Dl`0§l‘8·m» bt A`   Iicujmui Ot Cmchmath O`
llleerlows and Reese. Htl-s· -ort Jurld, Club or State ontvel-stty met on the uluelt lueluded. besides Dr- Petter- D"‘ J' I". rl“`h*{l‘ ‘”°f€SS°r °f His`
4; oft Meadows, 8. Umpire-- Harper. second noon- or the New Dorm. The $0ll`S ¤<>¤‘t¤‘ay¤lS of Gerald 'l`h<>¤‘¤e ever seen  
FRESH EVERY DAY S<‘l'¢<‘li0¤- OU an} $*3%*0 bY im ¤m¤Y€¤¤’·
107 East Main St. Rehearsals were immediately start- Paul Cock?. 85 \Vllf!‘€d Kenyon. the
ed under the sole supcrvisiztn of Mr. “'€’3k ('l¤8l`a(`l<‘Y` in the Play. deserves   ' ·
llecker, who showed unusual capabil- llnsllllwd l*¥`3lS•? f0¥' <`3¥‘¥`Yl¤K this Y0}? ° 1 i
  m   ily in t·Uii(lui·ti|]g those very trying llll`Ol1{Ih HS Sll<5(‘(‘SSl`l1lly 8,8 he did,   I
pert`orma1i<·es. Alter about six week! This and Gerald 'l`l10¥‘l1<‘ Were the most _ {
_ ’ ol` steady <·oa<·hing and drilling, the dlm"11li to portray, but both were H You want “Qu8hty" Goods ·
Ev¤¤**h·¤¤ Th°tSG°°din Zhong wa; ready tomb? lout 011 2}:; **C;;;Ss¥2§‘;gl‘2;'·y Wim Fdith in articles of toilet, ctc., 8180
oar s. .as, year e pay se ec · , l r ams, as .
P R I X T I l\l G was not one of college atmosphere, Sinclair. also showed splendid hlstri- C&I1dy that Hthe gid" will ell- d \
but a heavier production which, how- onic ability, and will long be rémem- .
140 South Llm€$t0¤€` ever, was not financially a success. hered by all those that saw her. ]°y’ trade with us'
- ‘ "Happy" Thurston was ably depict-
t h ;37_X But this year the minute the seats
Fayet B P one ) were put on sale, a capacity house ed by Roy Porter, who was as much at      
was assured. And so, when the morn- home on the stage as he is at a dance, ’9
Lgxington, · · Kentucky ing of April the twentieth dawned and showed his jolly good fellowship N. W. Cor. Main & Lime.
— 1

* l
J _ runzosa
{   U¤lVel'¤ll·Y. Miss Marlon Jones, a graduate of
i A Pgymy Swvgd E A   H. E. Melton, Tom Heddon, E. T. Smith College, has been recently or-
; r I P • • Blaker, Derrell Hart, J. DuP. Oosthi¤· dained pastor of the Congregational
· 1 a ermy Made zen. Ben Colllnss. Charles Splnlrs. church at strattordsvme, Connecti-
Rolla Foster and H. A. DeBow helped gui;
|   IV; mn mw you may pgymiy d make the second and third acts the
;,,,,”;,,g ,,,,,       success they were. The singing was prlhoeton has just recovered from
  i;iWd¤¤ the esrcltement ¤l‘0d¤¢ed their Junior Prom. festivities.
, n e r act, an every one of those _
TIM Parnell Drug   and the following mentioned helped . .
, as much as any one ln the cast. The   &     C0,
C0, j` following were Society Girls: Misses lnccrpcrsted
I McChesney, Haynes, Hayden, May and p Q i ig] Ti Bi 3
Sr"} ef Lexington, ·— · Kentucky EI2°;:‘ M E F S hi I nuet-• wonx A s¤•=¤•At..1·v
,o ege en were: . . c mp er, ¤°"'•·• "•·•°~¢¤
gg [,-1) CREAMS J. 1-. newer, J. M. roster, Tom son 2**28 “· ”'“E“°"*‘ · · “"‘”°T°" "'
and Herbert Kohnhort,  
  Willi lllc MllW3fd C0. The play was in four acts, every one P I A N O S F R E E
l  ES 3 M · B h   10 of them a treat. The production was
. 05 W. ain ol ones
L     the biggest success ever made by a FROM
Dramatic Association at State. Every
member of the cast divided honors. A N Y D E F E CT
--— in every move he made. The singing in the second act was ,
_ "Tubby" Anderson, played by A. J. good and helped lots in making the That S what {m;.get when you
The Best Hot Chocolate m (lude, was acted to perfection. Gude affair what it was. The solos were an " X "'"' _
the City is some comedian. in capable hands and rendered de-      
F. T. Miles, as John Cartwright, llshttully. Too much credit cannot be
..11   acted nnturah   praise i¤_ given to {hg fqugwing men who  
deed, and even though taking the "sls- worked u¤remlUi¤8lY to ¤19·k6 Ulé
Lcxin ton Dru Co     **1     he me     S" °°€‘° "   MO' I'HER
g g • trayed tt with rnnch skill and judg· E- L- Becker. ss stese manager: Mr.
ment, proving that Becker made no G- B- Merchsut. stsse carpenter- whe wants your picture since you left
P}""' 15* Y"' N'“""’ (D"'! S’°" fault in allotting him this part, built all the scenery; Mr, Paul Fran. home Sd does yddr,
  .· cls, advertising manager· Mr, R, H,
\\ ith a capital S, and the man that •
dvdr surpassed his ability rrr dmrrrdrrr, Barker, master of properties; Mr. J.  
' "'“ " theatricals in Lexington will certainly L Mm°r· master °f w"d"°b°· end Mr- CALL ATO
have to be going some. llis Herman ,;;:3r xvaétg musical diricicrd Mist- , d
cl song ntted in just right. ° °“ resort eee S e l'- ec · H   y   d
mc ure'   & C0° Miss Matti, as Marion Pnorne, was ikrgxsgfolxlniir dgggngrrscxauy al: tho     S u  
Inccorporated "right thar," as the slang phrase goes. ° us cas ‘ and let him help you make mother
Making a stunning picture with her I happy and also help you to Win
will do your Society and C°m_ Harvard boquet, she enacted those     Y¤\1r
tender scenes with Kenyon almost    
menccmeut Invitations and pro. realisticly, and it would be hard to G d Sh wm M d b C d t with mm. od umm
- convince anyone they were not seeing °° ° 9 a ° Y ° ° °'
grams better than others. the ··rea1 thing" when those two got W d d ‘_‘_ tl B tt r_ UP-TO·DATE PHOTOS
together- e nes ay morning ie a dl0¤. Special rates to students.
No, 152 West Main Street Paul Francis, as Victor Colton, the Unger fhet Fsmmandréf Ma? PhlSr;_°;1r’ 341 WEST MAIN ST. Faye Phone 1635;
"heavy" of the cast, was superb.  rgrxriz efumua lgspic ‘?n' g _
L°*mgw¤· KL Every move of those eyebrows, every 5 Q a fery gw S Ow ng' an oygn 86 ycnnne
. _ reflected credit on Commandant Kel-
stride, every word ·he uttered, showed re V M _ Ph_ t d th th d EXPERIENCE
,_......................... he wss ccmvlete russter cf his vert ’ ‘ "` `S ee es 8 ° Br °° °t
. officers, as well as themselves. They
and was almost hissed every time he _ _ _
showed the effects of faithful work on
. came out. His singing was very the t r b tr rr t d d f
L¢011¤1‘d Hotel meledieus we sees e.e.‘§“'...fZ. ..Z..J..Z§`.§ $..»Z`.Z.’I..Z“..§.{
Hmm H°‘H·" me Varsity °°°'°h· was the Bhttalions of previous years
· · True: Manne
    rlsveduhr  ti M;"x· drug sumti; Company and Battalion drills were C Dtstousa
_ _ °°"°°p °n ° ‘ 6 m 8 ma 6 ° ec ° given. The companies *ere sho nin °"m°'HT° °'
The only first class shop in Lexington hu., and in the poet-house, before the rrrrdrrddd drddr ddd rrrsddrrdrrdrrv wu d.{lé‘h‘i“.¥.%%'.!{’.l{lr§ 3.?.“?.iIiEl.?.'.l"r‘3§3°€Ji¥L‘.'l{L}"2.l
Yale Pompadoura specialty. race, he had the whole audience keyed · _ tllhlmtrietiggelln?12lhl’hl}°n";•lBh°do€Y»':Ywtlehca
. . twice marched by the Inspect-lng Of sont free Uldesta ency forsecurlng tem;.
B.   Pl'Opl'1€(0f up to the hlghést pitch. ncer. rrr review showing the Second lhiznthéakzdtéhrgtih Munn; Lgfreoelve.
' CC N0 , 0 ,
Miss Hallie Noland. 1>0¤'ll'¤Yl¤8 MTB- time splendid form and unwavering wsm onlin hu n i
_THE__ ¤l'l0¤ld he plllyed. 8·1ld Whell She Dui One of the most interesting features elil`•°i.l'tg1°t¥r°:h;‘=gr:h:lag   
her arm around her son in the last of the inspection was a sham battle, mm !°°"°°"°°°s;1;·s°°°'°‘"°"°°"'°"‘
act, more than one member of the in `yhich me use of blank cartridge,   §¤c0&'s:°®":rN8wr!%·[k
csst and audience wished they were rnade the men seem like resi soldiers  
. the l¤<>kY 0¤9- Miss Noland ¤¤Y°6 did in action and furnished an excitement
4 b the ¤l¤t€l‘n¤l stunt to D€l'f6Ctl0ll. wd that aroused the interest of the large W I r
I her efforts were appreciated hy all- crowd or spectators that had gathered cs cy ‘ '
·; F. T. Miles as John Cartwright, A. to see our boys perform. t '
Mw°'Y' t’h° B°'t 8h°w· is. Haswell as Reynolds, E. H. Smith All ln ull. the boys passed a good t ' .
niwnyn th, gun, pi-int as Old Clothesman, J. C. Mills as inspection. and everyone is pleased Evans r "• r
nwayd moan. Aiwa,. Good. lj'rofessor, W. C. Cross as Mike that it is well over. · ____ _ __
r d can 0 uralkad O Hara and A. B. Phister as Codrlng- All class work was suspended in or- _ _
l u _° ton (manager of the English crew), der that those taking part in the ln·        
NeVe1’ Outdtme. were all good, and would space allow spectlon might not lose anything from Arr work First Cra d G
, , , lt would each get a separate write up. the studies by being absent and that G- SS an usrssteed
I Shows Daily-3.00, 7.30, 9.00. we me Mell-
Tny To Gl? W Every one ogirhem grave their best, an: title gthtiraiimight witness the work of 2‘3 i_2 EAST *Al~ STREET
· were a cre to t e production an e a a on. Near d tdmdd
, l

 4 T H E I D E A . .
· T the chord of human sympathy quite
I-IE   as much as the death of Little Nell,    
rnnnehea eva,-y Thursday by the student body or state University or Kentucky, in Old C¤1‘i0¤itY Slwlli the Z¤l¤'¤ ¤d· t
for the benem of the studentshgtheufogxlty and alumnae of that mirmg eulogy to his comrade gallon   or _
  heroieally in the flght, although com-
THE IDEA ls the offlclnl newspaper of the Unlversity, and is issued we ly in from the inner recesses of · · l
.1 nit bjtlt 1- th ll rx t lc,. g P
?:r:;l$iim:n c?t:5rE·(toyf:Lrglvc;sl$erx$s gf lgtergesto iggrscerlixso oi??;rnetY1Gvt;mt?:su€a.n‘d heathen brg,in_ is as much a tribute to       ,
colleges in the United States and Canada. fidelity and duty as Kiplmgs ucunga  
Entered at Lexington Post Omcens second class mail matter. Another remarkable feature is the “ AN° _ ij
wma H. rowssmm. mw-ru-cuter. -——-—-—-—·······_‘ Now Reg;} Qglgrqlg 7
R, XV, TINSIJEY...................·....•............ .·.··...... ASSlS[8ll{ Edlltlf       »*
F, L_ mnnx .......... . ....... . ......... . .... . ......... . ....... Athletic Editor I { ‘
E. L. m·2cx1<:n ........ . ............... . ..... . ........ Assistant Athletic Edlotr
S. C. EBBERT, Business Manager       ·
I'. L. MARX, Asst. Business Manager. J. B. SAND1£Rb, Asst. Adv. Mgr. PHQNES
THEO. SLADE, Advertising Manager. \V. A. LUR['1·.Y. Asst. Sub. Mgr. ‘
V. L. DOWNING, Subscription Mgr. E. J. KOHN, Asst. Sub. Mgr. New 1312 Old 236  
 --——-——>————— ·—-— ——-1—·
THE EVOLUTION OF LITERATURE thc form in an illogical way. , `
————— The absence of this common error
In this aye of progress and develop- is one of the first things about "The    
ment, one does not deserve the credit Iivolutic-n cf Literature" that im- .
when merely improving upon that pre- presses the reader. In the first chap- M t C C ` . _
viously done by some one else, to ter, entitled "'l`he Problem," the 0     Oo hvcrythlug fol Collage Lian
which he would be entitled had he author lucidly states the questions _ from head to fOOt_
performed some feat entirely original. concerning the birth and earlier de- 136 & 138 S_ Limestone
The man who only adds a new appli- velepment of literature, which have ———-—
ance to the steam engine is not to be puzzled scholars of all time. Thus we   ttTh€ Place the Style Comes fI_Om,,
compared to the dlscoverer of the start out with a definite knowledge of
power of steam or the inventor of the the course to be pursued in the fol-   —-——
engine itself. lowing chapters. Then come the ex-
The same holds true in literature. amples of the literary attempts of U ° ° I H E  
The printing presses of our country, primitive tribes in various countries,  
year by year, are disgorging books in this being followed on through the
endless succession. However, the barbaric and autocratic stages to the   ,1HE COILEGE MAN,s STORE
vast majority of these writers, merely hizhest point—that of Democracy. '
elaborating or rehashing hackneyed After discussing the signitlcance of   o;,,,_ L_St,,¤,_·,8 _ , _ M,,,',,
themes, do not attract the attention the various stages as treated in past
which is being accorded the author of chapters, the book closes with the .t. . H d t
"The Evolution of Literature"-—be- chapter on "Proxisional Laws"——these OHOH frac tut we In ad cpm;
cause he has performed a work which laws enabling the reade to correlate ments €Xc€pt_L9·W to gm uaws °
disdained the beaten paths of the com- all the information which he has re- Kentucky Hlgh Schools who are  
mon herd and forced a new trail eeived. ln short, the author states prepared to enter the Freshman
through the tangled wilderness of lit- the proposition. makes his points clear Class- _ _
erary investigation. by concrete example, then, sums up _ Each C0lmtY In the Stan? l_S_°u'      
Professor Mackenzie’s book is 8 all the argument in the solution orfthe utlecl to send FREE ef tultlen, 0
tlnished production, not only in Sub- question, From the mimetio dance of matrlculatlou, laboratory and 0th·    
ject treatment, but when Viewed from the African Pygmies to the dramas of Gl' {988, 0110 0I' I1'l0l‘6 8.pp0lIlt6€S.
an external standpoint. With rich. Shakespeare; from the unintelligible Ngcgggary oxpoosos mode;-ato_
wlne·colorcd covers: gilt top and un- chorus of the Veddas to the exquisite For full information regarding 5c
cut edges; Well-spaced. ¢le8Y'·Dl'Y¤i6d lyrics of Tennyson; from the demon- appointees courses of Study cost t
lines on excellent paper. together with haunted tale of the Bushman to the Of board km apply to ‘ ’
valuable illustrations and a cornplete stately prose ot a modern genius; ’ °’ ' ~• •
index, it is a volume which will do the student is led step by step-—noth~ H' S' BARg¤·¤¤i¤s of time- May grieve. and that I . d the south end of the city. Open.
. Now, as a rule, this fault lies entirely They may unoougngqy moumy Do Ollly T lll! Klll day and night.
with the author. He either falls to although composed in an obscure `nr
express his thoughts in a clear, com- island of the sea, instead of modern ° S'  
Dl'ehe¤¤lVe mlmlef. 0l‘ he 8·l'!'&¤8e¤ England, tells a story which strikes     C0l'IIl'I' Mill and Bolivar

 p _ THEIDEA 5
variety oi thought and enormous scope honor on any school. HGWGVGF. it i8  
of miscellaneous lnformatlon. Few impossible to publish a paper without  
books, treating ot a particular subject, the necessary funds. All, even the "“" dw l "
are of value and interest. to members Freshmen, have been here long  
_ of more than one profession or class. enough to know how The Idea is main-  
, l, Hut ln this book, we flnd a rare excep- tained. It' it has not come up to your
tion. ln the cosmographlc narrative estimate of what a college paper
of the Akkas, the Babylonian and should be, then jump in and write
_, e I Egyptian hymns, the prayers and something yourself. If The Idea _
`Y \ delstlc conceptions ot primitive tribes, makes any statements that need cor-
. · the theologian will be interested. The recting be kind encusxh to tell us C. ug
members of the Masonic Order will about them. If we need criticlsing,
5 _ be attracted by t.he building and eere· d0n’t criticise us to our back, but
monlal chants of the Seri tribe. The come to us in a. helpful, brotherly way,
l ` medical profession will desire to know tell us our mistakes and we will cor·  
V of the witch-doctor with his native rect them.
_       therapeutics, together with the begin- The last two statements applies to
` ning of surgery. The lawyer will turn those who have paid their subscrip-
t0 the chapters on Africa for instruc- tion. T0 those who have not and to &  
tion in Ethiopian jurisprudence, while those who read their neighb0r’s paper ·
l     the psychologist will read of the pecu- W6 ask them to at l98·St have C0111‘t€SY (guccessqys
lizlritics of the primitive mind and the <‘¤011¤h not to knock. if it dves not to '[‘_ }5_ ]_)cwhm•g1;_)
gradual development of human lntelll- Suit YOU? TBHCY. 0i' if it does not C0m9
  ;:rm0e through the various cultural Gul l>l‘0mDtiy. fake YOU? df>N81‘ around \ HEADQUARTERS
_ stages. ln fact, we can concicvc of to UW S\1bS0l'il>U0¤ m8¤88’€¥‘ ¤¤d €h€¤
no person, it matters not what his 0c- €¥D¥`€S$ YOU? 0Dl¤i0¤· l FOR A-LL
      cupation may be, who will not receive W9 might l‘€¢l11i¥‘€ D3Y'°¤€¤€ i¤ 8·d·
I · valuable information along his partic- VVi¤C€» but the m8¤88€¥‘S Ming SUP ¤   t'
ular hue. A numeral after each topic d€¤'iS th€m$€]V€S, and knowing 8 €  
_ _ refers the reader to the copious notes S*ud€¤t`S ¤€€d¤· consented to Set ¤· •
New Swmg effect at the bottom ofthe pages, where will time limit- Svme have taken 3d'    
_ those novel button be found directions for obtaining the V¤¤t¤g€t Oiihthgiu We gniglgt ggllsé  
· treatise or book, in which he is inter- D9·D€¥‘¤ 0 6 9 ¤ mm