xt7tht2g9h73 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tht2g9h73/data/mets.xml North Carolina United States. Work Projects Administration 1936 Other contributors: Lowe, Robert C. (Robert Chapin), 1907- . Loose leaf. At the head of title: Works Progress Administration. Harry L. Hopkins, Administrator. Corrington Gill, Assistant Administrator. Howard B. Meyers, Director, Social Research Division. Prepared by Robert C. Lowe and staff under the supervision of Henry B. Arthur. This bulletin is one of a series intended to present in abstract form the public welfare provisions of the laws of each of the states. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number Y 3.W 89/2:35/N 81c. books  English [Washington]: Works Progress Administration This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Digest of Public Welfare Provisions Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina text Digest of Public Welfare Provisions Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina 1936 1936 2015 true xt7tht2g9h73 section xt7tht2g9h73   >/ gi af
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  Hmm L. Hopxnns, Aounmsrnnon I
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  Connmcron GILL S I    " Hovuno B. Mveas, Dunecron, ,
  Assusuur Aomnusrnnon ‘    Socm. Rsssmcw Dnvnsaou
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  I APRIL 15. 1956 I

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i Preface
A This bulletin is one of a series intended to present in abstract
i form the public welfare provisions of the laws of each of the States.
f The purpose of these bulletins is to give a brief review of the
é provisions for public assistance under the laws of the several juris-
t dictions, and of the administrative agencies set up by law with reference
gi yp thereto. A chart showing the organizational relationships of the admini-
E ; strative agencies is included.
.   Q , The possibility of error in attempting with a limited staff and -
% in a limited time to assemble and digest the formidable mass of material
g incident to such a study is frankly recognized. The cooperation of those `
l E ·who have occasion to use these digests in reporting any errors of omission
% ` or cnmnission noted, or in suggesting improvement in fonn or content, is
E I invited and will be greatly appreciated. l
gi Meanwhile it is hoped that those interested in considering the
{ reorganization or strengthening of public welfare services in the several
ip States may find the digests of practical value.
  i r
O   · *


Public Welfare Provisions Page
General Poor Relief ............................. 3lOl
Care of Dependent Children in Their Own Homes ................ ZIOZ I
Care of Dependent and Neglected Children (Institutions and Agencies) ..... 3lO5
Veterans' Relief ..................... . . . ...... . SlO6
Administrative Provisions
State Board of Charities and Public Welfare ................. 5lO9
State Hospitals for the Insane (Morgantown, Raleigh and Goldsboro) ...... Slli
Caswell Training School ................ . . ......... 5llS
State Commission for the Blind ............. . .... . . . . . . 5l2O
Note on Institutions for the Blind and Deaf ................ . ZIES
Stonewall Jackson Manual Training and Industrial School ........... 5124
Eastern Carolina Industrial Training School for Boys. . . .......... ZLEB
, State Training School for Negro Boys ..................... 3lSl
1 State Highway and Public Works Commission ....... . . . . . ...... 5lZS
{ lndugtrll- Farm Colony for Women ....................... Elél
( State Home and Industrial School for Girls and Women ............. Zlée
( State Orthopaedic Hospital. ..... . ........... . ....... Sl4B
Q Confederate Soldiers' Home .......................... 3l49
· P Confederate Women's Home ........................... Slfnl
· Advisory Board of Parolcs .................. . ..... . . 5lSS
State Board of Pensions . . ......................... 3156 l
County Board of Pensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ZISB
T Juvenile Court ...................... . ..... . . . . SISO
) County Board of Charities and Public Welfare ................. SISB _)
I County Superintendent of Public Welfare ........... . ....... 5l59
Q Board of County Commissioners . . . ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . Cl7l
! County House of Correction .............. . ........... 5lVS
i District Hospital Home ......... . .................. 5l75 V
( Chart Showing Public Welfare Agencies V
• : I
1 ?

. ’ J

 f North Carolina ZlOl
i (a) hescription of class
Q indigent persons who become chargeable to the county. l/
I (ci Pipcedure for determining eligibility
4 Lc provision.
6 Tounty Oemmissioners determine eligibility for relief. §/
P {P} Measure of responsibility
i Care in county homes 5/, or district hospital—homes 4/, and
5 funeral expcrses. Qf
{ {1) gualifications imposed
n “"_—"""‘*‘—""*""‘
{ Pecipient must D5 a legal resident of the county furnishing
{ ieli=f. df
[ (e) I;cidence of "inancial responsibility
» Ig · 'J»=unt;r.   `Obligation optional.) F
i (T) Taxes
i County poor tax. 6/ 4
Z ....___.h_.___.___.________..._.____.____________.._________._____..________
2 . . . - r v
E l. Code, Ann. (lQ5o), Sec. l656. —
{ 2. ibid,   ieee, issa, i;<4$(¤). I
L 15, Ibid, Lec. 1336.
{ 4. Ibid, Sec. l54B(b).
y 5. Ibid, Sec. l54$(a).
Q 6. Ibid, Sec. lF42. Legal settlement required in county: (a) One year's v
, residence; (b) Married women have the settlement of their husbands; (c)
i Legitimate children have the settlement of their father; (d) Illegitimate
V children have the settlement of their mother; (e) A person coming into this
State from another State must reside in this State for 5 years in order to
be deemed to have a settlement in this State for the purpose of receiving
general poor relief. Ibid.
7. Code, Anxi (l9E55, Sec. l$55, l345(d). Any property of indigents may
be sold or rented by the county commissioners and the proceeds therefrom
go to the county as reimbursement for maintaining such person in the county
home. Ibid, Sec. TSS?.
8. Code, Ann. (l9?5), Sec. l555. n
` Y

 5102 North Carolina - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions
(5) Administrative agencies
Board of County Commissioners. 2/
County Superintendent of Public Welfare. lO/
(h) Supervisory controls
No provision. ll/
1 9. Code, Ann. (1955), Sec. l535.
l0. Ibid, Sec. 5017.
ll. The plans for District Hospital-Homes must be approved by the State
Board of Charities and Public Welfare. Code, Ann. (l935), Sec. l343(h).

 .: North Carolina - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions YIOE
,, (a) Description of class
Q Widowed, divorced, or deserted mothers with children
‘l under l4 years of are. l/
( (b) Procedure for deterririnv eliairility
j Upon the filin¤ of an aiplicerizn bv the mother, the I
nl County Board of Public Ielfare nay, after intesiioaiion by the County
( Superintendent of Public Ielfare, determine what amount is advisable for
2 the care of the child or chil;ren, and recommend to the Board of County
" Commissioners that an appropriation ke nzie f;r the suoport of such mother
, and child or children under le years of are. if
) All cases, together vith the action of the County Commis-
= sioners thereon, are reported tz the State Ziard of Zharities and Public
) Yelfare, and such Eoard then notifies the Ecard of Zounty Coinissioners
Q of its approval or disapproval of rein?ursemert by the ;tate. ;/
QQ (c) Measure of responsibility
Q Maxinum allowance per month nit to exceed TIE for the
( first child, ZlO per month for the second child, and `5 per month for
) each remaining child: proviiei, that The total allowance for one month
2 per family does not exceed c4C. if
i U ‘
, (d) Qualifications imposed
) (l) Applicant must be the mother of a child or children
, under l4 years of age. Qf n'
E (2) Applicant must be a resident of the State for 5 years,
( and a resident of the county for one year, next preceding date of
, application. §/
i ,
E (5) Applicant must re possessed of sufficient mental, moral,
E and physical fitness to be capable of maintaining a hone. Q/
i (4) Such mother is entitled to relief only if it is found V .
, impossible to require her husband. if living, to support her, or if her
{ husband is found to be mentally or physically incapacitated to support his
_ family, or if such husband is confi ei in jail or an eleemosynary institu-
' tion: provided, that no relative is able and willing to undertake
sufficient aid. Q/
i. cass, Am. (ieee), ssc. enema).
2. Ibid, Sec. 5067(b).
s. ibm, sac. aosvigh ‘
4. Ibid, Sec. 5067(c). In extraoriinary circunstances the maximum may be ,
exceeded, in the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners. Ibid. ·
5. Code, Ann. (l955), Sec. 5CoV(d). Shen such mother is aided by relatives
. or friends the County Commissioners must make only such additional allowance
Q as is necessary. Ibid.
O 9 `
w {

 ZICA Nortr Carolina - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions
(e) Incidence of financial responsibility
County 50%, and State 50%. Qf (Obligation optional.)
(f) Taxes
No specific provisions.
(State and county general funds. Q/)
(g) Administrative agencies
  County Superintendent of Public Welfare, and Board of County
Conmissioners. 2/
(h} Supervisory controls
` State Board of Charities and Public Welfare. Qf
6. Code, Ann. (1955), Sec. 5067(h).
The counties are initially responsible. Ibid, Sec. 5067(b). State
reimburses the county for 50% of such amounts as are spent. Ibid, Sec.
, 7. Code, Ann. (l955), Sec. 5067(b).
8. Ibid, Sec. 5067(f).
’ V   I

 I North Carolin; - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions glgg
i (e) Qescpiption of class
; Any child who is neglected or under such improper guardianship
‘, as to endanger his or her morals, health, or general welfare_l/; any child
Q; who is waoencent ‘oun public support or who is destitute, homeless, or
, at/·:: ndoned. 2/
1 QL) gjpgejure for detenmining eligibilitv
; ]%UlélOL is filed in the juvenile court by any person familiar
1 with the f:c‘:, staiinc *hat the child is dependent or neglected. gf
Q After iiling of such petition the case is investigated by the
$ juvenile cnr i *?r¤v¤h probation officers and by bringing the child to
) court _;I
§ Z’ c=ei+ion of the case is in the discretion of the juvenile
Q court, i'
V ~ Messire o? resnonsibilitv
._ . . . ,., ....-.-.v._ 
g any- gw institutions aeither public or private) for dependent
I r il©~-,u 2tc~r o?*ic;lre1i. 5g
) id) guaQf€ication; .posed
g ll
; lbs ~hild nusi be le years of age or under. éj
) ie) _;;cilence of financial responsibility .,
I ~ M ·~ -— r . . . .
J J4¤lTY fg, ¤@&T€ gy. (Oblieaticn ojtional)
E gf) Epxes _
{ To suecific provisions. »
l ~ » ~ N
_ iotste pf, and county L/, general funds.)
Q (g» eigiuistrative agencies »
*   , l . - . . ..
{ uuvenile court._j’ county ouperintendent of Public helfare. 9/
I lh) iupervisorv controls
State Board of Charities and Public Welfare. l0/
l. Code, Ann iivrr), oec. o0o9(?). 6. Ibid, Sec. 0059.
2, lbid, P; i*·.I`QYt*,Z*~). 7. Ibid, Sec. 5052.
5. Ibid, isc ?*‘* 8. Ibid, Sec. 5059, 5047. ~
4. Ibi}, Fac %C44 ~oJ&o. 9. Ibid, Sec. 50l7(5). ‘
5. lbid_ dsc, SPA7. l0. Ibid, Sec. 5006(5).
s 3

 SIOG North Carolina - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions
(a) Description of class
Confederate soldiers or sailors who are incapacitated for
manual labor by reason of blindness or other physical defects, the wives
of such soldiers or sailors, and the widows of Confederate veterans. lf
(b) Procedure for determining eligibility
Application for pension must be filed with the clerk of the
superior court, verified by oath of applicant, and accompanied by affidavit
` of one or more creditable witnesses. Nhen the Codnty Pension Board is
  satisfied with the justice of the claim, it so certifies to the $tate
Auditor under its hand and the seal of the superior court of its county,
said seal affixed thereto by the clerk. gy Then, upon the State Board of
Pensions being satisfied of the truth and genuineness of the application,
_ the State Auditor issues his warrant on the State Treasurer. Qf
U Institutional care:
The rules of admission to the Confederate Soldiers' Home and
the Confederate Nomen's Home are made and enforced by the Boards of
Directors of the respective Homes. gf
(c) Measure of responsibility, O
V Pensionsi
Pensions range from $lOO to $420 per annum. pj
Care in the Confederate Soldiers' Home and the Confederate
Nomen's Home. pf
i, code, nan. (ieee), sec. eiea(g), eiea(j).
2. Ibid, Sec. 5l6B(n).
5. Ibid, Sec. 5l6B(o).
4. Ibid, Sec. 5128, 5l55.
e. ibid, sec. eiea(1), eiea(j).
‘ Counties may add to the pensions if they so desire. Code, Ann. (l935),
Sec. 5l58(v).
6. Code, Ann. (l955), Sec. 5l27, BIB4.
However, inmates of the Soldiers' Home receive SI2 per annum as a pension.
cane, Ann. (ieee), sec. eiea.

 5 North Caroli i Uigest of Public Welfare Prov_sions *i$7
I lh; VETERANS'_§gg!$_ §Qoht‘d)
if (d) g=.ia1i_fi_g;z.L(,__ioiis imposgit
  `Pe n svj;_§)_da 1
¥ (l) Applicant must be a hone fide resident of the State one
I year inmediately preceding the application. 2/
( (2) Applicant must not be an inmate of the So1diera' Honm. 8/ I
! {5) Applicant must not be confined in an asylum oi county home. §/
( (4) Applicant must not hold a National, State, or county office
( which pays annually as much as taco. §/
( (5) Applicant must not have been a deserter, nor be the widow of
[ such. 8/
3 (5) Applicant must not be receiving aid from the State under any
L act providing for the relief of soldiers who are blind or maimed. §/
Y (7) Applicant must not own in his own right, or in the right of I
{ his wife, property with a tax valuation of $2,000 or m re, and must not have
i conveyed his property in excess of that figure by gift after 1885. Qf
( Institutional:
( e -
S Applicant must be a bona fide resident of the Qtate. 2/
( (e) Incidence of financial responsibi ity
.‘] ` .
( Pensions;
( State, ily (Obligation mandatory)
( County. ji? (Obligaticn optional)
) State. l2/ (Obligation optional) _
( Burial expenses:
A County. l3/ (Obligation mandatory)
v. code, Ann. (ieee), sae. mee (3).
8. Ibid, Sec. 5168 (k).
Any veteran with property valued at $2,000 may be given aid in the discre-
tion of the Board, if such veteran appears unable to earn a living. Ibid,
sec. cies (k) v. =
9. Code, Ann. (1955), Sec. 5127. _
Q 10. Ibid, Sec. 5168 (0).
ll. Ibid, Sec. 5168 (v).
Counties may increase pensions if they desire. Ibid.
12. Public Laws (1935), Ch. 506, Sec. I (IV).
13. Code, Ann. (l935), Sec. 5l68 (y). -
( 5 ..

 3108 North Carolina - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions
(f) Taxes
No specific provisions. 14/
(g) Administrative agencies
State Pension Board, with assistance of County Pension Boards
and clerks of superior courts. 15/
U Institutions:
Boards of Directors of the Institution. 16/
(h) Supervisor! controls
‘ No provision.
I4. The County Commissioners may add to the State Pensions by levying a
special tex for such purpose. Code, Ann. (1955), Sec. 5168 (v).
I5. Code, Ann. (1935), Sec. 5l68 (0).
County Commissioners administer any additions of county to pensions of
stats. ibm, ssc, sise (v). ·
I6. Code, ann. (1935), Sec. 5128, 5155.

 ~` §orth_Carolina glqg
Cl . 1»_ES'l’R_¤-.; ;· ,»·lT.,il_Q§'lT~JeTl'f§ lQZ?* causes, treeinent, and prevention,
I and the prevention of any hurt"l ¤;cial condition. é _,i’
l ae) The Ecard must er;ir and promote the welfare of the depen-
E dent and delinquent child, avi rrziide, either directly or through a
{ bureau of the Board, for the eQa:i;; and supervision of dependent,
g • delinquent, and defective ch=   
1 (5) The Board must its r.? and make reports on private orphanages,
t institutions, maternity hone= ag. persons or organizations receiving
{ and placing children, ani re"` "= etch institutions to submit annual
{ reports to the Board._§/ '
Q {5) The Board must c; o senses for one year to persons Or
g agencies to carry on such wir; »r .2 needed for public good, and revoke
l such licenses when the good of ile *?ildren therein is not being properly T
2 subserved. Orphanages cvnei ‘r ·¤Xi;ious organizations and fraternal
{ orders, havine ;60,000 assete ·r` chartered by the State, need not
{ obtain annual licensee jj
Y . i . . . . , . .
E Q7) The Board must i;.
I4. Ibid, Sec. 5007.
I5. Ibid, Sec. 5008.

 il tn !§)ol;;S_~ Abstract or Aiministretive Provisions Zlll
· il .   `ooo. rslillfllésa {@0*** dl
, (lh} Nhenecer the Eoa;d has reason to believe that any insane
f , iol not &ncir4¤Le_ is deprived of proper remedial treatment, and
y - ~/nr»ned iz any elrrhouse or other place, whether such insane person
{ ¤ , pt»Lf¤ tnarne ir otheiwise, the Board must cause such insane person
Q ,, s. ·lnveyed to tue proper otate hospital for the insane, there to
y -.»1 a the been t .·r- d”»al attention. The Board must further see that
, -· ,rtt¤ ue ;.;s ;es A eefit from the charities of the State. l§/
, {l;j qns s,e 4 may reouire the Superintendent or other officer
4 » =f th; .ha;itet e or penal institutions of the State to report to
2 · »» in i A:,· l mat ol relating to the inmates of such institutions, their
~Uw»ai at instruction and treatment, with structure of their buildings,
i = t, "UFL'l~ au, re lired statistics upon demand. lzf
Z ~ gdoaéy lar 2 l _$p;inpEent of Governing Body
§ Une State Board of Charities and Public Welfare is composed
Q . shave elected by concurrent vote of the General Assembly, upon the
[ .~nuatien of the Governor, for rotating terms of 6 years. The members
t t a th~ =t, a pay. other than necessary expenses. The Governor may, by .
l` ment ~§ll vacancies. At least one member of the Board must be
E · - ., ; tin
® · :‘>_»I‘E A
•   Q The Board must biennially prepare and submit to the General
; .;y,~y a complete and full report of its doings during the past 2 years,
, M, __ the sexual condition of all State institutions under its supervision,
T M ;.e; aoggestions as it may deem necessary and pertinent, and such
{ ~¤, matters as it nsy think for the benefit of the people of the State. ljf _
Q .
g Tas Board employs a trained investigator of social service
{ J -.s tt in known as the Commissioner of Public Welfare. §Q/ P
y V .
{   —~2E§E.
is The b»ard may employ such other inspectors, officers, and
,{ nie as it may dean needful in the discharge of its duties. §Q/ ,
Ll    l.... ._rl -. sr., ,_l- 
Q_ M»is. are KLUh5; Sec. 50lO.
ig · lord, Sec_ bOll. E
’§ lhidf See, 5004r
{ v_ ll·id_ Set~, 5CM>9.
it # {bid, Sec. 5OU6(b1.
O   .
_ E
O 2
» ¢ ,M

 3ll2 North Carolina - Abstract of Administrative Provisions
VI. Financial Provisions .
The Board is financed by appropriations out of the general
revenue fund of the State.  
Amount of Approgiatonz A
For the period July l, l935 to July l, 1937, there is
appropriated $147,390.  
Limitation of Funds:
- Mothers' Aid. . . . ......... $ 70,000
Care of Dependent Children. ... . . . l0,000
AdII1j.IllS`tI‘&tlVB Expenses . ..... . 67,390
Total . . . .5147,390 22{
zi. rubiic Laws (1955), cn. soc, sec. i(ii1), i(vi).
22. The Board pays out of the funds appropriated to it, office expenses,
salaries of employees, and all other expenses incurred in carrying out
its duties. Code, Ann. (1935), Sec. 5006(ll).

 i Hoith Caroli._ — Abstract oi an&¤ii¢*T#ti`: Pretisions Sllz
· il · ;i.QQ_..;f;j. ,T  Y?-TEES CF
li zV.Yi& r.
‘ . . 7. Ibid, Sec. élél.
E ‘ ·
{ .
l I
¥ 3

 Sll4 North Carolina — Abstract of Administrative Provisions
I. General Powers and Duties (Cont'd) C
(a) Board of Trustees: (Cont'd)
(5) Each Board must make all such rules, regulations, and
by—laws for the government of said institutions as may be necessary, among
which regulations there must be such as will make the institutions as nearly
self-supporting as is consistent with the purpose of their creation. §/
(6) Each Board is authorized to make such rules and regulations
as in its discretion may seem best for the transfer of patients from one
State Hospital to another. Each Board is further authorized to transfer
’ from one State Hospital to another any funds appropriated for pemmanent
improvement or maintenance as such Board deems advisable or necessary. 2/
(7) Each Board may enact ordinances for the regulation and
deportment of persons in the buildings and the grounds of the institutions,
and for the suppression of nuisances and disorders, which ordinances, when
4 adopted, must be recorded in the proceedings of the said Board, and printed,
and a copy posted at the entrance to the grounds and not less than 5 copies
posted within the grounds; these ordinances are binding upon all persons
coming within the grounds. Such Boards may prescribe penalties for the
violation of each sec`ion of the ordinances so adopted. lQ/
(S) The Boards of the State Hospital at Raleigh and the
State Hospital »‘ Goldsboro must transfer and deliver to the United States
Veterans Bureav   other appropriate department or bureau of the United ·
States Government, all insane inmates or prisoners, being soldiers or
sailors who have served at any time in any branch of the military or naval
forces of the United States, who are now or may hereafter be committed to
said Hospitals. The Boards must take receipts or acknowledgements from such
United States bureau showing delivery of such inmates to the United States
Government. ll/
(9) The Boards of the State Hospital at Raleigh and the Stats
Hospital at Goldsboro must transfer from the wards set aside for dangerous
inmates, to the general wards, all inmates or prisoners therein who have,
in the judgment of the said Boards, reached such a condition of improvement
in mental condition as to justify such transfer. lgf
(l0) Each Board of Trustees must appoint from its number a
building committee which committee must supervise all buildings to be
built or repaired from appropriations made to said Hospitals by the General
Assembly. lgf
(b) Superintendent:
(l) Each Superintendent exercises exclusive direction and
control over all the subordinate employees and officers engaged in the
service ·id labors of the Hospital; he may discharge such as have been
employed by himself or his predecessors, and must report to his superiors
all misconduct of his subordinates. ljf
S. Code, Ann. (l955), Sec. 6162.  
9. Ibid, Sec. 6l6$. l2. Ibid, Sec. 6l6S(b).
lO. Ibid, Sec. 6164. 15. Ibid, Sec. 6l59(c).
ll. Ibid, Sec. 6l6$(a). 14. Ibid, Sec. 6174.

 ( North Carolina - Abstract of Administrative Provisions *~L5
U "( · I. General Powers and Duties (Cont'd)
Q (b) Superintendent: (Cont'd)
Q (2) Any Superintendent must notify the sheriff within whose
I E county any person sent from his hospital on probation, or escaped therefrom,
R may be found, and thereupon it is the duty of such sheriff forthwith to take
( such person and return him to such hospital at the expense of the county of
, the settlement of the patient. l5/
( (5) Each Superintendent may appoint as special policemen such ‘
! number of discreet employees of his Hospital as he may think proper, and
E within the grounds of such Hospital the said employees, so appointed police-
men, have all the powers of the policemen of an incorporated town. They
E have the right to arrest without a warrant persons committing violations of
C the State law or the ordinances of that Hospital. l6/
i II. Composition and Appointment of Governing Body
3 Each Board of Trustees consists of 9 members appointed by
i the Governor, subject to confirmation by the Senate, for 4-year concurrent
t terms. The Governor may fill all vacancies. No 2 members may be from the
]‘ same county, 5 members constitute a quorum, except when 5 ere by law empowered
5 to act for special purposes. Compensation for members is not provided. l7/
) The State Treasurer is ex officio treasurer of each Board
· i of Trustees. l8/
i O
g Each Board of Trustees must, out of its number, appoint 5 _
, members as an Executive Committee, which members hold office for one year
{ and have such powers and are subject to such duties as the Board of Trustees
,{ may delegate to them. l9/
l ,
( III. Reports
( Each Board must make a report to the Governor annually, or
{ oftener if called for by him, of the condition of said institution, and must
L make biennial reports to the Governor, to be transmitted by him to the
) General Assembly of the State, of all moneys received and disbursed by said .
( institutions. Each Board must file with the Governor, at least once every
L 2 months, a statement showing prices paid by said institutions for all classes
f of articles purchased by said institutions, and from whom purchased. 20/
E 15. Code, Ann. (1935), Sec. 6l75.
E l6. Ibid, Sec. 6l8l.
Q l7. Ibid, Sec. 6159 (a).
,` 18. Ibid, Sec. 7689.
( l9. Ibid, Sec. 6l65.
‘ * 20. Ibid, Sec. 6l59 (b).
{ i
( 2

 gllg North Carolina - Abstract of Administrative Provisions
III. Reports (Cont'd}  
The Board of Charities and Public Welfare may require
the Superintendents of all State charitable and penal institutions to
report to them any matter relating to the inmates of such institutions,
their manner of instruction and treatment, with structure of their build- A
ings, and to furnish them any required statistics upon demand. Elf
IV. Executive
The Board of Trustees of each State Hospital appoints
a Superintendent and prescribes his duties; such Superintendent must be
a skilled physician, educated in his profession, of good moral character,
of prompt business habits, and a kindly disposition. He holds office for
6 years unless sooner removed by said Board of Trustees, who may, for
infidelity to his trust, gross immorality, or incompetency in the discharge
of the duties of his office, fully proved and declared, and the proof
thereof recorded in the book of their proceed