xt7tht2g999z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tht2g999z/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1920 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. III No. 7, February 16, 1920 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. III No. 7, February 16, 1920 1920 1920 2015 true xt7tht2g999z section xt7tht2g999z . A >* · ‘
To Eaéters: Th• •
.....l..¤i.l.B..le¤.. · THE UNIVERSETY OF KENTUCKY Enwrw ·· ·¤¤··»¤
In prepared for the   ._ ,_ V _$,i€Q_,___ }__,;_,,i;.,, ,,,>m_ __,b::_,4 ,H,t_b_$___ - elass matter at the
pres: and is released       M:    I     ` post office at Lex-
for publication on   §f’*‘**‘    ‘     . "'"`*%g.   ``‘` g lngton, Ky.
receipt. 2i   —- °`·    'i·-·
Fcbruary i6, 1920 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. lll. No. 7 ‘
' · 'I;Z.;"Z‘L‘;T.*.ZZZZ.‘.LZ.' Zi.7'.ZZ.`T"..' IZZZL ::;'?;Z;T?'.;';Z‘ZT1‘,;“`.if'. T Z'? 72   ·' '
A former mreznher of the faculty cf The Girls’ Glee Club, oi the Uni- The eight annual Farmers’ Home In accordance with its policy of ex- The University oi Kentucky and
the University of l{entu<:l—:;:, Profetsxr versity ci lientucky, under the direc- (‘cnvi—ution held at the University of tension the University of Kentucky the Lexington Board of Commerce ‘
Robert Grttliugn, has tli.-¤·1:ve:·ecl at tion of Professor Carl Lampert, will Kentucky, January 29-31, has been has decided to send atleast two copies jzzinpll in engpmlgning me mcmbeys ‘
Serum which is ull antidote ior the llrcducc a Chinese operettu, the de<·ltu·e;l by authorities of the Agri- ofthe "KentuckyKernel," the official or the Kentucky Loglglglmye Ou the
germ which cause-l the death oi a "i·`<>ust of the Little Lantern? some- cultural College a marked success. student weekly newspaper- of the Uni- Oggggigu 05 its iugmcljcn Og the ju-
number of persons ·.·,·ho ate ;.eiu¢:~‘l time in )·ilil`i’il. ll is the first ulicring These FEll'lllC1"S Conventions were in- V9l`$itY, to each ofthe aCCI‘editGd}ligi1 stitution, ,
Canned rip;) gives, and uyre poisoned of the girls of the University of this auguruted at the University of Ken- schools Of the Slate- Leaders or both Republican and
by |_hgm_ l>l·s$e;;soi- Gi·sll;un is now l·£n.l. The unique undertaking gives tucky nine years ago and have been This is expected to bring about a Democratic parties vim] with ggch
connected with the medical stall of promise of being very quaint and held yearly since, with the exception 11101‘0 ¤01‘di=1i ¤11¤lh· 700 ““`m€"S ‘j‘“‘*§$"i°¥ uf °°‘?”““°“· outing the mann reaction following ———··
{ Le1rmgtonand¤C,ent1al in   ysla i Kentucky was Chosen RS the meeting Fox the first time in .he history of the wary the high Cost of living and UNIVERSITY T0 DISTRIBUTE
_ registered in the lj/[ere an S .101 place this yea,. because of incréasmg the convention n special meeting was the lack of dormitories at the Univer- EDUCATIONAL FILMS,
¢ Course in PSYCMIGSY of Advertising · ~ . · - planned for women. The success of .
, . _ animal industry interests in the state. _ Slty-_ In Soma Cases, Courses have
A offered to the merchants of LeX1Hg· The purpose Of this Congress, which is these womens meetings has been so been Completed this term by Students T1 ·——·—·—· · I
A ' mu and Kentucky mwns by the DB` a national organization is to pro- gram that HIGH future is assured` who were out of school for but one 18 department of Umvgrslty EX-
  ‘ Dartméut of PSYCUOIOSY under W6 · · 1,051 women were in attendance, 265 . . , t€nS1°“= Umvmslty of K°¤tuCkY» has
p _ _ mote the interests of swine breeders. tern} \vh11€ SB,-Vmg m the al-mv_ b d .
¤·ll$1)iC€E’• of 019 D€D¤1`tm€¤t vt Unk It Wm close with u banquet at the were from 14 counties other than ' ?€u_ Bélglmtgd es a center for the
"¤i U versity EXt€nSi°u‘ Phoenix Hotel on ,Februm·y 1g_ The F€lY€€t€· Thg W0m@n’S meetings were __ —_ ;;St1`1b;1t1<;¤ Efhmotion pictures to _
  This course marks the first effort pmgmm mcludgs tha following Well held apart from those Of the men in WILD GAT BASKET BALL 9 50100 S 0 t 6 State for the pur-
·i V ou the pant or Kentucky to offer a known mem the "‘Little {rhean·e," The lectures TEAM STARTS WELL p_°S° Of €“°°l‘mg*{1`g Visual l¤$¤`“°·
  ` course of practical aclvertisingvelue Dem Thomas P_ Cooper, ..AddmSS were on home economics and general I .---— gt; Hill invvms pictures in the vari-
5 to the citizens of the C0n11Y111H1tY. of Welcomén welfare subjects discussed by national With prospects of the strongest SC °°_S· _ .
4; The hearty YGSDOHSG 011 U18 D2l1`€ of Dean C F Curtiss University of leaders. basketball team in several years the _The Umverslty will YGCGWB mono?
i the business men has been, a€G01‘di¤s Iowa noutmok for the Swim, m_ ——--————- University of Kentucky is again ready D_1°tm`€S from g°V°mm9“t °Yga“i‘“'
  Tto Mr, Patrickghead of the Depart- dustliys, J`EI;§’KIN'S S-ENDS OUT PL-EA to claim the athletic supremacy of ;;)(;1ihz;u;u?;§uBsgaggshI*2.Cmmgcugm
2   ment of University Extensionagratify- James Speed, L0uiSvi11€,,,Liv€st0C1{ FOR GOOD BOOKS the State lvlaryvillg Cgllgggy after P (   N} 0 ~ llcd 1011 and tie
ing. Not only are the aclvertisius men ,.ub,,C,ty .. , defeating Centre eouege eoioneis the Jumdu ° T 3*101131 Pelk Service with
of outstanding business houses at- T _ _ . , ,, _ day before was defeated itself by the lhs S¢h¤¤lS of thg Smt€· These
l\. D. Browning, Jackson, Mo., Pie- lgnkim CH, Om Of the wm, G,. _ ·_t . ._ .
l tending the course but heads of many   _ ,, “ " }* ‘ “ ~ g' Kentucky Wildcats in a fast, though DIL une may be Obtemel bY 2111Y
. - Dimug H"gS for the Show- cities. of the coal region with a pop- schools rovide-l onl th t tl '
‘ °’ the h°“S""S as “’€“· P"‘°““““y rrnressm- w. w. Dimick Lexington . _ ° _ Svmewhat ragged game by zi 24 to 13 Y P ~ Y e le wc-
£_ the entire advertising forces ot one   . . ,, ’ lliailvii of 10,000, has sent to the Uni- SCOPE- The Georgetown Tigers Came tures bg mu upon Standard machines,
* - bwme D1S€aS€S· verslly of Kentucky and through the - th t b · · · '
V of the Lexington papers are attending , ,- ‘* “ ‘ i ‘ to Lexington last Saturday with fur it ‘mO“"*S be YGSPOHSUUB f0i'
J. Louis Letterle, Harrods Creek, State 1 can fm, bocrq Facultv Sub fl _ V . . . .
the course and the heads of many of r . l. , - ` ‘ _ "‘ ·’ on end but returned to Georgetown lms **11119 m thaw POSSQSSIOU im'!
` ’ · hir Sucwssml Swma Management dents and citizens are urged to con- - , - tl t th ·· · ·
the houses as well as newspaper HIGH at the F,m,S_,, _ * _ s with their tails dragging behind them la _ BY Déy t‘—m$1°0latl0¤ Ch3l`g€S
FTW from Suwoumlmg towns of NiCh01aS_ Wyman N. Lovejoy ROSCOC, ml, and tribute any boolrslwhlch lthey may aim,. a 25 to 14 dmbbiug at the hands both- mcommg and outgoing which,
  ville, Georgetown and Richmond are V 1 _ V i U l have and are willing to give for the Of the Wi1dCatS· within the State, will he a small item, ‘
· _ ll. ln Spice., Bushnell. Ill., Berk- mlm., Wwch lt Y rip. citizens Of · . . .
. also attending. Qhiré Qhmvs in 1919 ,, J _} *_‘ O? G D `mg _ The 1}lG1l1b€1'S of the Kentucky teani A hst Of pictures that um University
. The lecture; gpg given every Tues- J Prggmlt Officers- Of the Americqn Jeuklns City Wlsh to €$tR»bhSh· arc: Everett, Captain, lwaysviucg 11215 dt ])1`€SC11i§fO1‘ (`lis[1‘i])uti()n play bg
  day Evening by Doctor J_ J_ Tiggrty ]_;€rkqhh_€ Congress am. R M Reference books, fiction, anything Smith, Lexington; Blakey, Beatty obtained upon application to the De
, head OftheDgpartmgutOfPSyChO10gy. Jenkins Orman; Ind résideéte L' worth while will be accepted. The wing; Burnham, Paducah; and Hay_ partment of University Extension. V
c Lame]-,1 Etudes gpg   to iuustyutg H Lau; B{_1_ml_dgVm€"NpJ Vice I;mS' boeks should lre sent to Miss Margaret dau, P,,,.,S_ The only Kentucky Sub. ———-—— `
¤   .   "    ` I",.tthU‘·‘t fKtl‘ - .
the-best m4_)dg·s ol {},d\·8];,]§]]]g (uid mem; and Fe S' Springer, Springfield, l#}‘“gT P h G r_l;1lT’€}S_‘ry she Gu EC ‘:' stitutes who have got into games so STUDENTS’ LOAN FUND RE-
copies of leading magazines are dis- mu {_Q,_],(,m1,y_u,GaSuI,€I,· tif"; if Y1 °_?‘1h_*€°€1;€ m an a ` far this season are: Lavin, Paris; GEIVES SMALL INCREASE
tributed in order to demonstrate v nm *1* O mu S 1pm€“· Wilhelm, Paducah; Evans, Frankfort; _#____
IHGHIOGS of adV€1‘£iSiHg. "T"““’*""‘ Bartlett, Berea, and Ridgeway, Shep- V _ _’ V Q 7
An outstanding feature ofthe course ULYDE BLAND GIVEN UNIVERSITY ASKS Fog, herdsville. me UHIVSISIW 0* I‘°3m“°l`y Sm`
is me tact that the lllilllilgélllélll'. ot nnsnnvnn Home ...?.. MM I-¤=·¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤i*€e Wim mis
~ . . . . ADDITION-A-L FUNDS were almost exhausted has just re-
the Literary Digest, a magazine carry- ______ ‘ ‘ i
. ‘ ‘”"·“’_ UNIVERSITY FARM WORK ceived $700 00 and is misin more
ing a great var1ety of advertising, has _ I . L . . , it »» . .` ( . ` g `
` Oggfed its paper to Abe mad by Doctor (lydo Bland, Cynthiana, has been Requests of the University of ken- SHOT FOR THE SCREEN This committee, which has helped ·
Tigart in my course at gl reduced elected president of the Senior class Lucky for additional appropriations —-—— many worthy ine;} and yvgnjgn to gm
A price _ ~ ot the University ot Kentucky to take will not come up for discussion in the A large section of the first edition through college, Ends itseli in great
` , ____ · the place of Edward Dabney, Hopkins- legislature for several weeks. The of the new "Lexingto11 Herald Screen need of money. having exhausted the
STUDENTS SENT Y M ville, who received his degree at the budget committee which will have to Review" will be devoted to the Farm alumni [und or $1,050, and the small
g E ‘ ‘ c" A' end of last semester. Bland is one pass upon the requests is new tar be- and Home Convention which was in University fund or $150,
l M MBERSHIPS ot the outstanding men of the Uni- hind in its work. lt is expected that SeSSi01l at the University of Ken- According to a recent survey made
_ ‘ f·—··· versity. He is senior in the College requests from the University of Ken- tucky last week. Everything from by the Loan Committee, of which ~
. · Students of the University oi Ken- of Agriculture, a member ofthe Alpha tueky and the two State Normal modern methods of cattle slaughter Professor W.   Butte is chairman,
tucky will be given thirty days' free Zeta, agricultural honorary fraternity, Schools will be presented to the ($0111- to Lady YValnut Hill, champion egg approximately one-fifth of the 1nen
memberships in the Y. M. C. A. of was class treasurer in his sophomore mittee separately. The appropriation laying 11en with a record of 654 eggs, students are earning enough to pay
the city in which they go to live in year, and is a student of rare ability, asked for hy the University is to pro- was "shot" by the Herald movie man their entire expenses at college. A
“ the future. This privilege has been holding perhaps the highest grades vide means for erecting new dormi- in his visit to the_ University. The few of the women students are also
extended to all colleges in the State for colleaguate work of any student tories and making other improve- rilm will be shown in a number or supporting themselves while taking
by the Kentucky Y. M. C. A. in the University. ments. - _ motion picture houses in the State. regular courses.