xt7tht2g914m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tht2g914m/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1935 journals kaes_circulars_257_02 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 257 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 257 1935 1935 2014 true xt7tht2g914m section xt7tht2g914m  
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,   University nt Kantucky—GulIagc utlgncullurc
_ Q  THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director ,
‘,   Circular No. 257, Revised. February, 1935
  Published in connection with the agricultural extension work
  carried on by cooperation of the College of Agriculture, University of
Y   Kentucky, with the U. S. Department of Agriculture, and distributed
ll   in furtherance of the work provided for in the Act of Congress of
B  3 May S, 1914.
  By w. A. PRICE
ii  3 The Mexican bean beetle is a pest recently added to our
,6   growing list of injurious insects. It is not a newly discovered
,€   insect as its presence in the South and \Vest, including Arizona,
  Colorado and New Mexico, has been known for fifty years. Bc-
it  it eause of the prevailing climatic conditions of those regions and
3  -, ine cropping system the bean beetle was not a serious pest. How-
SS  A ever, when it was introduced into Alabama about 1919 on baled
 l hay, it found more congenial conditions for development and im
 A ?il)lll1(l2l11C€ of its favorite food. Thence it spread rapidly, €Sp€-
  cially to the north, and reached Kentucky in 1921. Since that
 it time it has spread over the entire state. Also it has extended
  its range north and east to the Great Lakes and the Atlantic
  The insect is conspicuous in appearance in all stages and
  can be distinguished easily from all other bean pests. As with
 S all beetles, there are four stages of development. The adult, or
  Dilreut beetle, is about 1/5-inch long and nearly hemispherical in
 V form. The color varies from light yellow to copper, with six-
  ieell black spots arranged in three rows across the back. The
 , females lay eggs in groups of about 50. These are yellowish in
 ._ eolor and are placed on end on the under side of the leaf. One
 g female may produce 1,500 eggs. These hatch in 5 to 7 days and

' T ty Extension C·ircuZar N0. 257
the grubs begin the process of devouring the under surface of Th
the leaves. They feed ravenously and reach full size in about of the l
iwo weeks. Durinv the first week the effect of their feedinv 1 manY Z
2: C, S
scarcely noticeable but during the second week the crop may be béfms i
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All stages of the Mexican bean beetle—egg, larva, pupa and 3.dlllf"‘ If 1
on the under side of an injured bean leaf. Magnitied about 4 diam-
eters (Howard.) at the
completely destroyed. lVhen fully grown the grubs are about WLHOU
1/4-inch long, of a bright yellow color and are covered by H _ 1`0“'S·
heavy armor of branched, black-tipped spines. VVhen ready to i I
transform to the iu >al or resting stage the insect attaches itself l1V€¤
I 1 D D
iirmly to a leaf and casts its larval skin. After 4 or 5 days the or cal
adult beetle emerges. About 30 days are required for develop- I hme,
ment from egg to adult. Reproduction continues in this climate shouli
` from the blooming time of the early bean crop until the plants one It
have been killed by frost. Usually there are three broods 21 dust;
year in Kentucky. (

 The Mexican Bean Beetle 3
f The beetle passes the winter in the adult stage only. Most
.t ef the beetles continue feeding until frosts kill the foliage. As
_S many as 15 adults have been found on a single leaf of lima
,€ beans at that season. VVith th_e coming of cold weather the
beetles crawl into or under some convenient shelter near where ·
{ they have been feeding. Usually they are found hiding under
  fallen dead leaves and other trash, under the loose bark of trees I
·V or around fences and outbuildings. \Vith the advent of warm
  weather in spring they leave the winter shelter to attack the new r
ll crop of beans.
_ Since the beetle is semi-gregarious in habit and hibernates
, among fallen leaves, grown-over fence rows and waste places,
  the practice of burning thiekets, weed patches and edges of
  woodands is a means of exterminating them. Also the insect
  l population can be reduced materially by cleaning up fence rows
  and destroying remnants of old crops during winter.
  'l`he control of the beetle is not difficult if the recommended
  treatments are thoro and timely. Spraying or dusting should
  be started as soon as beetles or signs of their injury appear in
  the field. Either a poison dust or spray may be used effectively.
  The poison should be placed on the under sides of the leaves
  where the beetles feed. This requires the use of dusters or
lil} sprayers with upturned nozzles.
SQ lf it is possible to spray, magnesium arsenate should be used
at the rate of two pounds to Hfty gallons of water. In smaller
quantities two ounces or ten level tablcspoonfuls is used to three
out gallons of water. One gallon of the spray covers 125 feet of
V ,1 row; 100 gallons covers an acre.
Y to T lf dust is used, either of the following will be found effec-
self UVB: Calcium arsenate, one pound, and hydrated lime, 7 pounds;
the or calcium arsenate, one pound, sulfur, one pound, and hydrated
lop- lime, 4 pounds. The dust must be mixed well before using. It
gate i should be applied at the rate of 20 to 25 pounds to the acre or
ants one pound to 500 feet of row. To avoid injury to the plants,
is 21 dust should be applied only when the plants are dry.
The number of applications of dust or spray necessary to

4 Kentucky Extension Circular N0. 257  Y  
assure protection depends upon the amount of rainfall, thorn.  
ness of application and the growth of plants. As beans grow,  
the new foliage must be covered with the poison; therefore treat-  3
ment should be repeated at weekly or ten-day intervals. Very  
often 3 or 4 sprayings are necessary but usually two thoro appli-  
cations are sufficient. ji 
The insecticides mentioned are poisonous to man and for  
this reason care should be taken in using them. lf string beans  
are fully protected until the first beans are three or four inches  
long, or until the time of full bloom, usually, the crop will  it;.
mature without further spraying or dusting. If spray or dust  
applications are made after the beans have formed, the beans  }.
should be washed thoroly in at least three changes of clear water  
before they are sold, canned or prepared for the table.  i
lf cowpeas, soybeans or other legumes grown for hay are   .
attacked by this pest, they should not be sprayed or dusted with  Vi
poisonous materials. In these instances cut the legumes for hay  Q
as soon as infestation becomes serious and before the crop is  g_
greatly damaged.  
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