xt7tht2g8g8m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tht2g8g8m/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1952-03-14  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 14, 1952 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 14, 1952 1952 1952-03-14 2013 true xt7tht2g8g8m section xt7tht2g8g8m The Kentucky Kernel



Survey Reveals UK Students
Average $1,207 In Expenses

The "old man" may be earning more money today
than he was 10 years ago, but if he is sending his boy
or girl to college he's also spending it a lot faster.
According to a recent survey of 350 UK students, the
average amount spent by 'an out of town student is
$1207 a year.
The poll, which was taken Feb. 25 through Feb. 29,
was conducted by giving out questionnaires in 12 different classes. Individual interviews were also given
to 40 persons. The classes in which the poll was taken
were selected on the basis of the division of males
and females, representation of greeks and independents, the classification by year of the student, and it
was attempted to obtain an equal number of students
from each college according to the percentage of students enrolled in the different colleges.
Evidently some students contemplate going to
school more than eight semesters because the average
total amount a student expects to spend obtaining a
degree is $5,028. Students who are members of a
sorority or fraternity spend more per year than the
independent student. The male greek spends $1,301
and female independent $1,142.
Loral Students Spend Less
Local students spend approximately one half as
much to go to school as out of town students. The local
student's expenditures are $564 per year and $2,596 for
a degree. The food bill per month for a local student
averaged $8, presumably spent on lunch and snacks.
However, the local student eats the majority of his
meals at home and has no room or laundry bill. Expenses of the local student were not averaged with
the out of town students.

Food expenses, which are $52 per month for males
and $44 for females, are the largest incurred by the
student. The next largest expense for the girls is the
$21 per month that they spend on clothes. The males
spend $12 per month for clothes, which is somewhat
less than the girls, but they bring their expenditures
back up by spending $16 per month for dating, while
the girls average only 44c per month.
One male, who failed to fill in his dating expenses.
wrote, "This is leap year and the gals pay." However,
a female seemed to have a different idea because she
stated on her questionnaire, "Sadie Hawkin's Day
only comes once a year." Not enough married students were polled to obtain an accurate analysis of
their expenses, but two of them crossed out dating
expenses and inserted entertainment and put in $10
per month.
Rooms Are Large Expense
Rooms are another large expense for the student,
with the average being $16 per month. The average
each student spends for laundry is $7 per month and
school supplies are $6 per month. Miscellaneous expenses are $20 per month for girls and $15 for boys.
The survey also showed that a student spends progressively more each year while going to school. The
freshman student spends $1,102 per year, the sophomore $1,191, the junior $1537, and a senior $1221.
Comparing the expenses of today with those in 1940
it is found that present day prices have increased 50
per cent. Room and board could be obtained in 1940
for $30 to $35. Now the average is between $50 and
$55. In 1940 a suit with two pairs of pants could be
purchased for $35. Today the same suit would cost at
least $65. White shirts, which now cost $3.95 could
be purchased before the war for $150 and then it only
cost 8c to have them laundried and now it costs 15c.




com-.;mitt- ee

History Frat
To Hold Meet
On UK Campus

Salvador Dali's Art

Graduate Student

Drama Group
To Produce
Five Plays


Research Libraries
Accept University





W kl











THE CADET REGIMENTAL STAFF OF ROTC unit has been announced by Col. C. M. Mount, head of
the Military Science Department. Left to right are Jack Wilhoit, regimental commander; Robert L. Carter,
regimental executive officer; Owen Rudd, regimental adjutant; Charles N. Carnes, regimental
Benjamin Elkin, regimental
and Henry II. Wright, regimental
S-- 2;

S-- 3;

S-- 4.

Pershing Rifles Pledges Navy Band
TaughtGamesByActives To Perform
Here Easier
Night At Clfiton '
Gentler Than Usual

Pershing Rifle pledges learned
games such as
and hit- k
last week during their Ini- nation.
They stood on guard duty during
busy hours in frgnt of the SUB.
They opened doors for everyone to
enter and leave the cafeteria.
They marched back and forth
sincins their own PR version of "Old
King Cole."
They did dozens of similar acti
vities designed to make "officers and
gentlemen" of them.
Camp Is Gentler
But the overnight camp at Clifton
was gentler than in years past. No- body was hurt much, fights didnt
break out. and only one squad got
a am ukk uitaiwiaav
The PR's used to give all pledges
'raw egg" breakfasts. A n active
would stand and drop raw eggs to
pledges. The pledges caught the
eggs in their mouths. This year eggs
were too expensive.
After a week of campus duty, dur
ing which PR pledges were exhibited
to all students in their white gloves

and rope lanyards, PR held its an- nual initiation overnight camp at
Searched For Weapons
Pledges were taken to Versailles
in cars. There they were searched
for weapons. The only weapon
found was one fifth of whiskey. It
was confiscated.
At Versailles, two platoons were
formed and marched to Clifton. On
the way actives attacked the pledges,
trying to carry off pledges and give
them the paddle treatment. Pledges,
however, came out to the good, and
PR Commander Scotty Griffith
walked the last five miles barefooted,
after having his shoes taken by

to a pledge. The pledge screams out
his name and falls flat on his face.
Among the milder stunts of the
evening, pledges were drilled without benefit of rifles. Verbal sounds
resembling those of the rifles were
supposed to be emitted by pledges.
During all this time, the actives
kept things lively with water pistols
and paddles, especially paddles.
Paddles were used for all mistakes
by pledges. And they were used
One Had Appendicitis
One pledge had an attack of acute
appendicitis, and had to be taken
wj uie nuspiiai.
ne gut aiung
and was treated O.K.
Griffith was the toughest of all
the actives. After returning, some
of the pledges said Dan Metcalfe
was a good guy.
The worst part of the initiation
tVtlc voor trrr rl i ro rn
imrtiic vino jvai wn sy n
uii vauiuuiii TJufr
treatment was milder
past yearg maybe
yeaf than
because of Griffith's speech, the
pledges were still sworn in and be- na m A mPtnhpre rf tho "rwcf H rill in it
And ..offlcers n

Kirwan Requests
That Advisor Curb
Part Of Initiation

Pershing Rifles, military profes
sional society, was asked this week
by Dean of Students A. D. Kirwan
to discontinue any part of its
initiation which holds pledges up to
ridicule or embarrassment.
Dean Kirwan said he had asked
Capt. John C. Boleyn, advisor of
Pershing Rifles, to see that the in- itiation is changed before next year,
"I didn't know about the initia- tion until I read the editorial in
last week's Kernel," Dean Kirwan
said, "and I didn't see it in time
to stop the initiation."
The Dean said Capt. Boleyn told
him the PR initiation was not com- force.
Before the group reached Clifton, posed of actions which were ob- hazing
Commander Griffith spoke and ask- - jected to in fraternity
ed that everybody take it easy this periods.
year, because of the bad publicity
When asked for a statement, Capt.
already received. Griffith said he Boleyn refused to comment.
hoped nobody would get hurt.
Regimental Commander Down
The PR regimental commander
was down from Ohio State, however, Tells
and he said he intended to make it
was his last chance
tough, since this
to pour it on the pledges.
"Brighten the Corner," a UK proAfter supper, each pledge was assigned as orderly to an active. The fessor's "humorous, warm-heartpledges served guard duty on an story about boyhood at the turn of
open field, and actives did what they the century," is just off the press.
This second book written by Hol-l- is
could to keep the guard duty interSummers, English professor, is a
Inside, the games went on. In narrative about life in a Baptist
the pledge "assumes the parsonage in a small Kentucky
position," that is, he grabs his ankles town.
Combining a considerable portion
with his hands. A spoon is placed
in his mouth, and he holds the spoon o f autobiographical
inside a glass which is sitting on a "Brighten the Corner" deals with
that uncomplicated era when, to
the introduction," Father
No Tinkles Allowed
The active whacks, and the pledge thought that dancing was sinful and
holds. If the spoon tinkles against Mother's driving was even more a
the glass, the active whacks again. iseuy man loaay.
The first book by Dr. Summers, a
He keeps it up until the spoon
graduate of Georgetown College in
doesn't tinkle.
When they play
the 1937, was "City Limits" that
all stand. An active points peared in 1948.

Summers' New
At Century's Turn



Kentucky Kernel,
Press Association
Will Be Sponsors
The United States Navy Band,
known as "The World's Finest," will
present a special Easter concert at
3 p.m. Sunday, April 13 in Memorial
The concert is being
sponsored by the Kentucky Kernel
and other members of the Kentucky
Press Association.
Proceeds from the concert will go
to the KPA Fund for Crippled
Children. This fund is to be used to
construct buildings for treating the
The program to be presented here
will differ from any other played by
the band this year, according to Lt.
Commander Charles Brendler, conductor of the band. He said the
program would feature specially arranged Easter music and symphonic
arrangements of both serious and
popular favorites.
Instrumental soloists in the band
will include William Cameron, harpist; Arlington Zetty, piccoloist;
Joseph Reines, bassoonist; Carl
Grove, saxophonist; Homer E. Phillips, trombonist; and Harold Brasch,
euphonium player; Oscar B. Short,
cornet and trumpet soloist; Gordon
Finlay and Robert Baird, cornet
soloists; and Frank Scimonelli, on
the English horn.
No reserved seats will be avail
able. Tickets will be sold by mail.
They will cost $1.50 for adults and
50c for children. Orders should be
sent to United States Navy Band,
Room 300, 237 W. Short St, Lexington, Ky. Besides the cost of the
tickets, a 10c mailing fee must be

To Be Given
By Lances
Three scholarships totaling


will be awarded this semester to
junior men by Lances, junior men's
leadership society. Each scholarship
will be worth $300.
The annual awards will be made
on the basis of scholarship, char-

acter, and financial need.
To compete for the scholarships,
the applicants must submit a letter
of application to the Dean of Men,
Administration Building, by March
25. If the selection committee feels
that applicants do not fulfill minimum requirements Lances will decline to give the award.
The scholarships are good for the
only. The winschool year 1952-5- 3
ners will be announced April 10.
Lances members are not eligible
to compete for the scholarships.
Lances is the oldest honorary fraternity at the University. It was
founded in 1900 and was known as
the "Mystic 13." The organization
was disbanded in 1914, but was soon
reorganized as Lances, an honorary
for outstanding junior men.

UK Has Library Of Educational Films


First Quorum
InThree Weeks
Members Vote To Hold
Meetings Twice A Montli
By Dick Cherry

Zcln CZe











Cincinnati radio and television orchestras, will, provide continuous
dance music for the annual Inter- i fraternity Council dance tomorrow
It was previously announced that
Ella Mae Morris, nationally-know- n
vocalist, was to sing with Al
orchestra, but she will be unf
able to appear due to illness.
The dance, a formal affair, will
be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. In the
Bluegrass Ballroom of the SUB.
Two features of this year's dance
will be the announcement of Miss
lj Venus for 1952 and the presentation
oi tne ire outstanding service
Award for this year.
Miss Venus will be chosen from
five candidates selected by a
To furnish music for Interfralernity Council
of the council. She will be
chosen from upper division women
who have received no previous
awards on a basis of beauty and
scholastic ability.
The five candidates will be presented at a tea tomorrow afternoon
Prof. E. W. Rannells will prefrom 3 to 5 p.m. at the Phoenix
sent another discussion on the art Hotel Ballroom. The tea will be
of Salvador Dali, Spanish suropen to all students and faculty of
realist, at 4 p.m. today in room the University and will feature
208 of the Fine Arts Building.
music by Dave Parry and his combo.
Mr. Dali, whose proposed Feb.
The dance itself will also be open
27 appearance was postponed beto all University students. Tickets
To Give
cause of illness, will appear at will be on sale at the dance in the
8:15 p.m. Monday in Memorial downstairs ticket booth. The price
Phi Alpha Theta. national honorary history fraternity, will feature Coliseum.
is $3 stag or drag with flowers
round-tab- le
discussions and speakers
at its regional meeting held on the
The IFC committe in charge of
arrangements is composed of Henry
UK campus today.
Durham, chairman; Will Moore, or
Holman Hamilton, author of the
chestra; Don Richardson, house
iography, "Zachary Taylor," and a
Tommy Pardue, presentation tea
UK graduate student, will speak on
Jesse Gardner, tickets; and Stan
'Prominent Kentuckians of a CenDickson, publicity.
tury Ago." He will compare election
procedures of 1852 with those of this
Tau chapter of UK will be host to
lelegates and faculty advisors at the
The Guignol Players, a group of
.neetings to be held in the SUB. students studying
Prof. Robert Lunde, faculty advisor producing, will present the followThe Margaret I. King Library
to the history honorary, said an ex- ing plays in the Guignol Laboratory has been accepted as a member of
pected 50 members will represent Theater, March 28 and 29.
the Association of Research Libracolleges and universities from the
The first, entitled "The Week- ries, UK authorities were notified
Ohio River Valley area.
end," will be directed by Shelia last week.
Dr. Donald Hoffman, national secret- Strunk with Marshall Amos as stage
The Association of Research Li
of Phi Alpha Theta, manager. Members of the cast in- braries is an organization compris
will be chairman at today's sessions. clude Lynne Marshall, Carol Bell, ing the outstanding research libra
Round-tabl- e
discussions on chapter Dolly Sullivent, Priscilla Gatling, ries in the United States and
programs and problems will com- Jody Terney, Barbara Francis, and Canada. At present, only 45 libra
plete the day's activities.
ries from both nations have met the
Bonnie Compton.
Phi Alpha Theta, founded in 1921,
Association's standards for memSpends Week-en- d
With Fiancee
now has 100 chapters throughout the
is the story of a bership.
"The Week-end- "
United States. Tau Chapter was girl who spends a week-en- d
Dr. Charles W. David, director of
with her
started at UK in 1937 and now has fiancee in an Army camp prior to libraries at the University of Penn18 members including students and
his leaving for overseas. The play sylvania and executive secretary of
faculty. Student requirements are a deals with the reactions of her so the Association, informed the Unijunior standing of 2.1 in 12 hours of rority sisters to this seemingly im versity last Friday of the library's
history, and an over-a- ll
standing moral incident.
election to membership.
of 2.0.
"The Good Men Do" by Shelia
Local officers of Tau chapter are
William Leger, president; David Jos-ly- Strunk will be the second play. This
vice president; Nancy Bradford, involves a young school teacher who
secretary; and James Potts, treas-urer- e. tries with tragic results to teach the
simple people of a rural community
All are history majors.
Phi Alpha Theta publishes a about the evils of government. Mary
By Lealand Sullivan
periodical semiannually. It is called A. Moore will be director, assisted by
the "Historian," and frequently fea- Barbara Francis.
Something of a miniature film
Roles in this play will be portrayed
tures student papers.
by Don Hartford, Dave Bere, MarTfhHnnof
shall Amos, Jim Inman, and Lucy educaUonaSsat
'An Italian Episode'
1PnrrL0f ?Lerif,0o H1nT"fiP,n0,"
Ann Oldham's "An Italian Epi- STacUrs3 forr
Dr. J. B. Shannon of the Political sode" will be directed by Gene Arkle winding film plus necessary office
ienre Department will speak on ager. Norma Glenn as stage man- space, are part of the film setup.
It will star Jim Hplloway,
Ma- litics In 1952; Where Do Our
The Bureau of Audio-Visu.es Stand?" at the Student Betsy Maury, Meg Bailey, Arden terials, the formal name of the film
j.non Coffee Chat at 4 p.m Milam, Jim Read, and Bill Winter-sol- e. service, has offices In Frazee Hall,
Wednesday In the SUB's Music
A part'of the University's Extension
"An Italian Episode" relates the Department, the service loans films
Dr. Shannon's subject is pertinent
for instruction purposes to schools
to the coming presidential elections story of two former soldiers accused in every county in Kentucky, in ad- of killing their commanding of- dition to serving each college of the
in the fall.
ficer in Italy during a battle.
Refreshments will be served.
University. The Northern Kentucky




Al Cassady and Clyde Trask, two



By Dorman Cordell

'Miss Venus, '52'
To Be Announced
During Evening



SGA Acquires

Two Cincinnati Bands To Play
At Annual IFC Formal Tomorrow





Extension Center, the College of
and other extension serv- lces are served bv the films.
Heading the film center is Mrs.,
Ruby Hart' whose PrinciPal task is
the selection of movies to be pur- film mmu- chased
Jected With Care
Great care eoes into the selection
of the films- - Since the subjects in- elude many fields of instruction, film
orders are often based upon sug- gestions from instructors in the re- spective fields.
When a new film Is received, a
previewing is held before it is shown
to students. At the preview the
movie is shown to a number of
authorities in the field, who, with

Mrs. Hart, agree upon its desirabil-Pharmacitv before it is accented.
must be convinced that it wili do
smethin8 for the class." Mrs. Hart




Working with Mrs. Hart in the
-v- ice is an office staff
of six, plus 20 boys who operate pro- jectors and work in the film library.
Departments Use Films
Departments on the campus which
make great use 0, fi,ms are the
Geography Physical Education,
and Athletic ne- partments, and the College of Edu- cation.



Some departments of the University make a nominal use of the film
service and others fail to use it at
all. Some use films only to fill in
when the instructor is away.
Suitable For Vse
Though the supply of films is by
no means inexhaustible, the film
service believes it has films suitable
Ior use in every subject taught in
the University,
The nim service operates as a part
of the University and receives its
budget from the University. Films
used for instruction purposes are
snown in classrooms by the service
free FUms are available t0 UmVer- sity dubs for programs if they pay
the operator's fee.

For the first time in three weeks, a quorum of assembly members attended Monday night's Student Government Association
Last week 13 memlxTS attended, but after waiting 20 minutes
for the two additional members necessary for a quorum, they went
Monday, only 10 assemblymen were present at 7 p.m., the
regular meeting time. President
Bob Smith suggested they wait 15
minutes before leaving. Just before
the deadline, enough members walked in to make up a quorum.
During the waiting period, several
of those present voiced disgruntled
comments upon the absent members'
lack of interest in SGA.
The first item of new business
was a motion by Elaine Moore that
SGA hold meetings twice a month
instead of once a week.
'Get More Work Done'
Carol Hastings, speaking in favor
of the motion, said, "SGA doesn't
have much business anyway and
maybe fewer meetings would get
more people here." He also remarked, "fewer meetings might help
us get more work done when we do
The motion was passed unanimously.
President Smith repeated his
warning of three weeks ago concerning attendance. He stressed that
three unexcused absences, as stated
in the constitution, required an assembly member to resign his seat.
Pass Appropriation
Upon a recommendation by Charles (Red) Hale, the assembly passed
an appropriation of $20 to set up a
central lost and found agency. Hale
said it would still take a week or
two to set up the agency and that
he would make an announcement
when it was open for business.
Bill Wilson, reporting for Jess
Gardner, who was in charge of the
Student Directory, said this year's
Directory cost $788.50. He said SGA
had allowed $1300 in the budget for
the project. Nothing was said about
possible uses for the surplus.
A solution to SGA year-lon- g
vacancy problem was suggested by
Bob Jones. Although there have
been several assembly seats vacant
since last fall, SGA has never
agreed on a method to fill the seats.
Attempts to fill the vacancies by
the method outlined in the constitution have been unsuccessful,
Jones said.
Deans Submit List
to the constitution,
deans of the colleges in which there
are vacancies submit a list of five
names to the assembly. After discussing the names, SGA is supposed
to vote for one of them..
Jones' motion proposed that a
committee of assembly members
from each of the colleges meet and
choose one of the five names suggested by the dean. They would
then submit this choice to the SGA
assembly for its approval or rejection. If the assembly rejected
the name, the committee would meet
again and choose another name.

After some discussion, the motion
was passed. Jones said he thought
the motion would eliminate some of
the confusion over vacancies in the
regular SGA meetings.
Reports On Bookstore
Pete Carter, chairman of the committee to investigate the possibiliused-boo- k
ties of a student-owne- d
exchange, was not at the meeting.
In his place. President Smith gave
report on the coman
mittee's findings.
Smith said Carter had talked to
President Donovan about the project. According to Smith, the President said he would not approve an
exchange, at least not on the campus. ,The President was quoted as
saying he didn't feel the project
would be successful.
(A check of Kernel files this week
revealed that two other student-sponsorbook exchanges had failed
in the past. According to the news
stories in these old issues, the earlier
attempts failed largely because of
lack of student interest and support of the projects.)


Doubts Snccess of Exchange
Smith said that although the idea
wasn't dead yet, unofficially he
didn't feel SGA would be able to
establish the exchange. He said
Carter would give a full report at
the next meeting.
Other business of the meeting
concerned SGA's part in putting
out the
At present, SGA.
the Student Union Board, YMCA,
YWCA, Panhellenic Council, and
House Presidents" Council are sponsoring the booklet. These organizations are trying to set up a system
to elect next year's editor and to
ensure continuing financial support
for it.
Joe Schoepf suggested that SGA.
because it is the largest financial
contributor, choose the editor and
place on the
(made up of representatives from
all the sponsoring organizations) as
many members as all of the other
After some discussion, pro and
con, the suggestion was put in the
form of a motion and passed. The
assembly agreed that the passing
of the motion would serve mainly
as an instruction to the SGA representative on the current
Joe Schoepf, during discussion of
the motion, said he favored such
strong action because the
Committee needs strong leadership.
He said that SGA. being the representative of the student body as a
whole, had an interest in the
and should see to it that the
Committee got strcng leadership.

Men's Glee Club To Give
Varied Show Sunday
Earl Holloway
To Direct Group
The Men's Glee Club will present
a varied program in its concert at
4 p.m. Sunday in the Guignol Theater, This will be another in the
Sunday Afternoon Musicale Series.
The group, composed of 40 singers,
is directed by Earl Holloway. voice
instructor in the Music Department.
In the past the club has made
numerous appearances throughout
the state, and early this May it will
tour Western Kentucky.
The program will include sacred
songs, spirituals, folk and composed
songs, and Broadway show tunes.
Assisting in this program will be
Joyce Davis, contralto, a senior music student, who will appear as soloist with the Glee Club in Brahms'
Featured in the medley of show
tunes will be the Deltone Quartet
composed of Don Grote, Gus Kalos,
James Woodward, and George

Rhapsodie." by Brahms: and the
American folk tunes. 'Lonesome
Dove." "Ohio River Farewell Song."
"Po' OT Lazrus" (spiritual
"Blow. Gabriel, Blow." will make up
the second group.
"It's a Grand Night for Sinsir'g."
"With a Song in My Heart." "Hallelujah," by Youmans - Lawrence:
"Blue Moon," "I Only Have Eyes
for You." and "There Is Nothing
Like a Dame," are in the la.--t group.
The next musicale will be presented by the Women's Glee Club
on March 30.

If No Class At 8

Don't Get Up Late
There's A Pep Rally

Coach Adolph Rupp and his NCAA
defending champion basketball team
will leave Blue Grass Field at 9 a.m.
The team will leave Memorial
Coliseum at approximately 8:30.
Since many students will be unable to follow the team to the airCreedle.
port, a pep rally will be held at the
Benjamin Smith will be the ac- Coliseum. The team will be flying
to Raleigh. N. C, to begin the first
The program will be "To God On lap of the defense of their national
High," by Decius; "Ave, Verum championship.
All students who do not have 8
Corpus," by Mozart; "Bless the Lord.
o'clock classes are encouraged to at-tO My Soul." by Ippolitov-Ivanodthe rally.
and "Hospotli Pomiloi," by Lvosky.


� TV. ere






Friday. March 11. 1!"2



PR Company C--l Happy Again
A ' Glorious Initiation9

The Stewpot

Botanical Gardens
A Lake Instead?



..... .

Better Grades


Are Emphasized
By New Ruling


is-.- -

UrjBan e"i.












'Deadwood9 Could Be Cut

By Enforced Attendance Rule
Writing about the lack of interest in SGA has
been a tradition here at UK for many years now.
Although we would be extremely happy to break
that tradition, such is evidently not to be our lot.
Any way you look at it, there is no interest in
SGA. When an organization requires three weeks
to muster a quorum, that organization is bordering
on becoming completely useless.
As we have said before, SGA is not a dead organization. It has power and by judicial use of
this power it could gain more. Rut conditions such
as have prevailed recently could go a long way
towards actually killing it.
There is something almost pathetic about the
handful of SGA members who actually put in long
hours of work for the organization, only to find that
the remaining members are not even interested
enough to listen to the reports of their efforts. Why
they should be saddled with this "dead timber is
beyond us.
SGA has a rule to eliminate
members, but it doesn't take a great'deal of research


troubles. When the student finds out that he can't
be a "big wheel" and be on probation, too, he may
be more inclined to crack the books than before.
P. K.

to discover that the rule has the teeth of the proverbial chicken. It states that a member with three
unexcused absences be forced to resign his seat.
The catch is that when the Assembly does not have
a quorum, no role is taken and thus no absences are
charged against members not attending.
SGA has decided to meet only once every two
weeks in the future. That is perfectly alright with
us as long as the Assembly members show enough
interest to attend and actively participate in those
meetings. If they don't, we suggest the SGA rule
be ammended to include absences incurred when
there is not a quorum.
If this amended ride was strictly enforced, perhaps we would see more people running for SGA
because they actually want to work for the organization, and less people making the race for the
favorable publicity and prestige they hope to gain.
We realize that student interest in SGA is low.
While this may not be an incentive for many students to seek election with the purpose of actually
working for better student government, it shoidd
serve as a challenge to the more conscientious ones.
Some Assembly members have accepted this challenge. If the remaining members do not, they
should be required to resign.

The Students Speak; Cadet Captain Defends PR Practices
Dear Editors:
I do not usually hold with the idea of answering
editorials that appear in the Kernel or swapping
letters to the editors back and forth. However,
after reading the editorial written by T. W. last
week condemning Pershing Rifles "Hell Week," I
feel that some clarification of this subject is in order
for the students of the University.
My conception of an'iilorial is the editor's opinion concerning a subject, qualified by some attempt at investigation. - It is w ith this point of
investigation that I lnheve this editorial not only
fell down as a piece of journalism, but also dealt an
unfair blow to the members of PR.
Pershing Rifles was compared with Greek organizations and there is no comparison there. Pershing
Rifles is a national professional military fraternity
that strives to give extra military training to select
men of ROTC. Its "Courtesy Week" is designed
from that of West Point except that at the Academy
plebes go through similar activities for several years.
PR Courtesy Week is educational for the pledge
even though some people can only see it as hazing.
It plays a large part in creating the esprit de corps
that makes Pershing Riiics at UK not oidy the largest company in the country but also one of the best.
This same esprit de corps has been largely respon

sible for your PR drill teams, which represent the
University and the State.of Kentucky in competitive
drill meets, having the outstanding record of bringing home 12 out of 16 first place trophies in exhibition and precision drill, a record that cannot be encroached upon by any other PR teams in the nation.
I doubt that this brief explanation of Pershing
Rifles activities is sufficient to deter all of the damage done to the men of Pershing Rifles by this hastily written editorial, but if there is need for further
clarification about anything concerning the men
who wear the blue and white fourrageres on campus
ask a man w ho wears one.
Robert Scott Griffith
Captain, PR

( 1 ) The groups of students studied are not average. If the future teacher studies, observes, and
solves problems concerning these pupils, he will not
be prepared to judge, aid, and teach average and
below average pupils with completely different
backgrounds. The pupils at University High are
not of as varied or as average a background as ar
other pupils throughout the state.
(2) One instructor spent the entire course citing
examples of maladjusted children and why it had
happened. The instructor, however, did not once
advance any ideas as to how to aid or eradicate
these same problems.
(3) In another course, the class was to study
school laws of Kentucky. The fact that these laws
had just lately been revised and some completely
abolished did not deter the professor from teaching
the laws which then had no bearing whatsoever
upon Kentucky schools.
(4) One supposedly very good professor took up
the entire semester either cussing or discussing politics