xt7tht2g850z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tht2g850z/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1983 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 52, no. 4, Spring 1983 text images Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 52, no. 4, Spring 1983 1983 1983 2012 true xt7tht2g850z section xt7tht2g850z V V V" `‘`,v`   "V V2.  v-``’__   .V_k+¢=»va»¤.; VV    ···r VV._—.,-- V 1 i‘_;V:V‘V._ jé ' V W J M ¤*`V* “‘ *'V:Vz¤_. ¢·· · ..;; —.e __; VV .   V _ I
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i Spring 1983 Vol.52 No.4
l Your UK Beat! 2 §
F 55
· · · ii c 9- G
A Dysmorphologrst 111 Pl1ISl11t/6 ; 2 ~:·. a
zi> L z 4
Dr. Bryan Hall has returned to Kentucky to apply his expertise in diagnosing genetic *5 tg *7: Q
disease. His expertise, however, is unusual in the clinical nature of its orientation. 3   g Qi
.   (n
. . . h § 9,..   Z
From Rags to Art1st1c R1c es! 8 g_ a q 9,
John Tuska, who taught many alumni howto turn a pot, has become 5 ?, Q {
. . . . cz 5
a highly respected American artist known for his works of substance and beauty. r? ·
Z e %
• ¤_§*
Plato: NOIIOHS Then for Now? /1 1 8 §·
ln P|ato’s Republic, the philosopher envisioned a place for almost everyone and everyone in his place.
Society today is still grappling with his philosophy about education and the handicapped.
B & E: O11 the Move! 14
With the leadership of Dr. Richard Furst, the College of Business and Economics
is utilizing new technologies and revamping degree programs to increase the value of UK’s graduates.
What a Drfference a Grft Makes! 16
Private gifts to public universities like UK enable the institution to reach for an added margin of excellence.
Here are a few examples of what UK’s continuing fund—raising campaign has mode possible
Pharmacy 111 M1111ature/ 18
Dr. David Cobb hopes the miniature apothecary he constructed recently
will encourage an understanding ofthe history of pharmacy and an appreciation for its present.
~ Two Keys /21
For several generations, the Two Keys has been one of "the" places to go. Alumnus owner
J Henry Harris ’72 gives you a look at today’s establishment.
And, you are invited to tell us about your favorite hang-outs.
Class Notes! 24
The Kentucky Alumnus (ISSN 0732-6297) is published quarterly by the University l983 OFFICERS: President Paul Fenwick '53, Lexington; PRESIDENPELECT William G,
of Kentucky Alumni Association, 400 Rose Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40506, for its Francis '68; TREASURER Mrs. Joe F. Morris 'BB, Lexington; SECRETARYJay Brumfield
dues—paying members. Individual dues are $i5 annually with $2.00 of that amount WB. Lexington. ASSOCIATION STAFF: DIRECTOR Jay Brumfield 'AB; ASSOCIATE Dl»
used in publication of the magazine. Second class postage paid at Lexington, RECTOR B¤bC. Whit¤ll$Y
I me .¤¤d1¤¤¤¤ b¤¤¤d¤¤€S b¢tw¢€¤ editor Liz Dembmm, 257-7164; member-
painting and sculpture. The exhibition y   shi Coordinator Ada Ref-bord 2578700
l was Olgalllzgd .by lll? Colllelllpolllly All   » recgrds julia Brothers 257-8800 Brenda
Cclllel lll Clllclllllllll ~ l  A  _ eg Bain and Carolyn Driffith; accounts
, jan. 16·Feb. 20: "The Illumined ` { .` _ ,,.  __   Marge Catby, 257-7165; house reserva-
Q Word," a selection of late-medieval 2, `A ge:} /’l  ` ` tions and. trips Ruby Hardin, 257-7162;
, manuscripts drawn from the special col- , _ i el Qt 1 -  —‘-‘   ,_ clubs Linda Brumfield, 257-7161,
lections of the University of Kentucky l`  { ` * **5;* ll   merchandise Amelia Gano, 257-7163;
Library. Curator for the collection, which  ( ‘ ‘ _ eq · ‘ `¥-·Y,‘,;,°   custodial services Ennis johnson, 257-
contains French, Italian, English and l i   == _ Y  J 7171, and information/Spindletop Rurh
l Netherlandish illuminations from the 5* l   *;,7 l `* ` Elliott, 257-8905.
15th century, is Dr. Christine Havice of is __ ,— ·$€ __ :   A
the UK art department.     M, ay.,  
4 I
p 5

Litercilly "In Clover" Committee ,
Dr. Norman L. Taylor, UK professor of But red clover's life is only 2-3 years. Five distinguished scientists comprise
agronomy, is literally in clover — as a Taylor mated it with zigzag, which lives the new scientific advisory committee of
collector these 20 years of seed from 225 in northerly climates up to 25 years. the UK Tobacco and Health Research
of the world`s 238 known species of UK maintains one of two main red Institute.
Trifolium (red clover). clover breeding stations in the U.S. The Named to the committee which will l
Taylor also is editor-in-chief of a other is at the University of Wisconsin_ meet annually were D1'. Leo G. Abood, Z
, definitive work-in-progress called The biggest collections, he says, are professor of brain research and biochem- I 
"Clover Science and Technology," author "pretllrsors to research" — UK releases istry at the University of Rochester
of a constant string of publications about on request about 20 different germ (N.Y.) Medical Center. Abood is known
his research, mentor of students who are plasrns which have genetic potential, to for his research in biochemistry and the
plant breeders and geneticists around the plant breeders and other researchers, pharmacolvgy Oi ¤i€0iiVi€ i€C€PiOi$ and i
world, and he is now a winner of UK`s Taylor said. nicotine neurOpl'131'n‘1HCOlOgy. D1`. Fféd
research award for "cornerstone" work in Taylor’s research developed Kenstar, a Bock, senior scientist at the Papani—
genetically manipulating a hybrid clover clover cultivar (a variety ofaplant species colaou Caneer Research Institute in
toward a long-lived fertile p1ant_ which is given a name) released in 1973 Miami, Fla., Bocks’ research is carcino-
The U.S. Hatch Act and state funds by the University of Kentucky and widely genesis with emphasis on cigarette
help support Taylor`s research in agricul- Glltlvated today. smoke components. Dr. Donald Heiymd,
ture. Additionally, a $150,000, three-year He aims at a similar future for the red professor of internal medicine at _the
grant from the U_S_ Department of clover-zigzag hybrid. University of Iowa. He is involved in
Agriculture ("Wide Hybridization and cardiovascular research and research
Gene Transfer") currently underwrites on circulation physiology. Dr. Aaron
work by Taylor and a colleague Dr. Glen janoff professor ofpathology at the State
Collins {jh Eheir egloriitonngalrg prgdrpgctitve Educational Reciprocity Iltllniryirsggy of Neg Yprk gt StppyBroiok's
a cross eween e o s 1 a e r1 o-   ea iences en er. ano as one
lium and the wild zigzag clover. Students from Cabell, Wayne, and Mingo research on the biochemical links
Right now, Taylor’s hybrid is infertile counties in West Virginia may now between cigarette smoking and I
— "likeamule," he says, "and ourjob is to attend Ashland Community College and pulmonary emphysema. Dr. Thurston _
make it fertile." This he hopes to do by pay in-state Kentucky tuition rates. Also, Mann, the assistant director in charge of i
chemically altering the plant's chromo- students from Pike and Martin counties tobacco research at North Carolina State
somal structure. in Kentucky may attend Southern West University’s Agricultural Research `
Red clover is a farmer's dream of a Virginia Community College and pay in- Service in Raleigh, N.C. Mann is a
plant: (1) it's a prime forage for live- state West Virginia tuition rates. tobacco geneticist and has done research -
stock, high in protein and easily digest- on the interspecific hybridization and
ible, and (2) because it’s a nitrogen—fixer, breeding methodology and inheritance of ·
it enriches the soil in which it grows. alkaloids in tobacco. l
Associated grasses and crops also produce N Ursing Gruds The responsibilities of the committee I
mnre when Clover 15 present. _   are to review the progress of research ‘
V ""‘ To become registered nurses, 440 gradu- projeets approved by the Kentucky
_ (   I _i I-V,} ares of the associate degree nursing pro- Tobacco Research Board, the body ‘
_ _   ` ~   `. _   grams in the Community College System responsible for the expenditure of funds
 Aj  o n J ¢.` -l’?3,< F ' , it wrote the State Board Examination in fOr the institute; tO evaluate tl1equ21lityOf
 {._ Q  ,*6 \•   july, 1982. Of this number, 422 wrote the the research performed by researchers
l}•· `·_ .- r· t , xv 3     examination in Kentucky and 18 wrote supported by institute funds, and to
' g'  rnd §§;L{.' · f" ,- ' the examination out-of-state; 401 advise the institute leadership in
gtsb \     graduates passed in Kentucky and all of Pi¤¤¤i¤g ¤€W diieciioiis and iecimiques
an-'  j ‘ t   the graduates writing the examination of research of importance in addressing i
_ s A   ‘· out-of-state passed. The overall percen- the SmOl<1f1g and health issue.
[,4- . _ ,._ .)` tage of graduates passing was 95 percent.
’- • { a N ‘ A 'Three community colleges had a
  passing rate of 100 percent. These were
rr ' Ashland, Maysville, and Somerset.

- The same electromagnetic coils that "This will allow more time for the Mrs. Margaret M. Browne teaches the
l stimulate bone and tissue growth may cornea-transplant surgeon and the UK creative writing course ——one which
heal scarred and damaged corneas, says patient to better plan their surgery after a she taught at the University of Houston
1 University of Kentucky ophthalmology cornea has been donated," he added. from 1946-1977.
professor Bruce Koffler. Dr. Koffler`s research associates are Mrs. Browne asks that students taking
l Under a biomedical research support Dr, Donald Bergsma, chairman of the the creative writing course have the
, grant from the UK Albert B. Chandler UK department of ophthalmology; Drs. equivalent in training or experience of a
Medical Center, Dr. Koffler and four Betty Sisken and Stephen Smith, high school education; that they are
colleagues are conducting research on anatomy, and Kelvin Bailey, a graduate willing to work one or two hours daily on
"The Effect of Pulsed Magnetic Fields on student in anatomy. the assignments; that each written
Canine and Human Corneal Cell Layers." assignment total no more than 10,000
Koffler is working with the cornea, the words; and that the material be submitted
transparent tissue forming the outer coat for evaluation within the suggested time
of the eyeball and covering the iris and Never TOO   limits.
pupil, Specifically, his research concerns   "Combating Aging" focuses on the
the corneal endothelium, the layer of You`re never too old or too far away from ways in which people get old and looks at
living cells at the back of the cornea the University of Kentucky to be a various myths about the aging process.
which, when scarred or damaged, may Donovan Scholar. Topics included in the 10-lesson course
result in impaired vision or blindness. Willa Short — for example- is include nutrition, continuation of work
Magnetic coils are known to stimulate enrolled in a UK correspondence course activities, continuing education, disabili-
cell division in human bone cells as well in creative writing; takes two night ties and more.
35 ln other tissues, Hfld K0ffl€f has classes at Lees junior College, and works "World Problems" is a review of such
established that th€Y also h¤V€‘¤h€3li¤g five days a week as director of the world problems as Palestine, inflation,
effect up0¤ the COft1€8l €¤d0fh€liUff1- Breathitt County Senior Citizens Center and the U.S. defense structure. The
HW/€ h3V€‘¤’t Pt0V€tl that the tOth€Hl —all at the young and admitted age of 82 course requires that students registered
endothelial cells divide, in response to year-s_ in the course find three or four friends to
Out P¤l$€d maghctit? ti€ld$»" the UK Since 1964, the UK Council of Aging join him/her in a discussion group. Each
testatthtt $aY$» uhht We thihk the $Y$t€th has offered free college courses to anyone one reads the material in the text pro-
$h0W$ PtOthl$€ ih t€V€t$ih8 $0thC thtths 65 years of age or older. The Donovan vided, after which the group meets and
of corneal d€8€¤€t¤ti0¤-H Scholars may enroll in classes for credit discusses the topic.
K0ffl€‘fl5 f€S€‘¤f€h — With b0Vi¤€ atid and work toward a degree or they may The six-lesson course involves sociali-
€¤¤i¤€ €0f¤€¤$ —· h8$ S0 fat €$t¤hli5h€‘d elect to audit classes. zation as well as study. Each lesson is to
that ¤'1¤g¤€fi€ fields $€€‘m F0 l<€€‘P th€ New this year is the council's offer of be completed in not less than three or
t0th€a ttl 3 htalthlet $tat€· correspondence courses (for a $2 regis- more than four weeks.
· It is hoped that this Pthttdhtcls aPPh‘ tration fee) to those 57 years of age or "Piano Playing for Beginners" teaches
tatlhh will €¤¤bl€ €Y€ hahks th thaihtalh older who live outside a 25-mile radius of the fundamentals of music and the art of
€0t¤€‘aS t0t ttah$Pla¤t PUtP0$€$ tht Lexington, or are home-bound. playing the piano. The emphasis of the
l0¤g€t P€tlOd$ of time and ih hettet States Phyllis Hanna, coordinator of the UK 10-lesson course is on playing the piano
. Ot health. Dt- K0ttl€t Said- council`s correspondence program, rather than the "reading of music."
'   explained that four courses. are being For further. information concerning
   \ offered, with more coming in the near the UK Counci