xt7tht2g8232 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tht2g8232/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 2008-09-04nc. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2008-09-04nc. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2008-09-04nc. 2008 2008-09-04nc. 2011 true xt7tht2g8232 section xt7tht2g8232 
MINUTES Meeting of the Nominating Committee Board of Trustees University of Kentucky September 4,2008,10:00 a.m. Board Room, 18th Floor Patterson Office Tower
Mr. Frank Shoop, chair of the Nominating Committee, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Attending the meeting were Frank Shoop (Chair), Dermontti Dawson, Ann Haney, and Ernest Yanarella. Erwin Roberts was absent from the meeting. Mr. Shoop stated that a quorum was present.
Trustee Russ Williams was in attendance as well as members of the media.
Mr. Shoop said that the minutes of the October 16, 2007 meeting had been distributed to the committee. He asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes. Mr. Dawson moved approval the minutes. His motion was seconded by Ms. Haney and carried without dissent.
Mr. Shoop said the next item on the agenda was the discussion and/or nomination of officers. He noted that he had talked with the majority of the Board members, and based on his conversations with those members, he presented the following slate of officers for consideration:
Mira Ball, Chair
Steve Branscum, Vice Chair
Pam May, Secretary
There were no nominations from the floor.
Mr. Shoop entertained a motion for Mira Ball as chair. Ms. Haney moved approval. Mr. Dawson seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent.
Mr. Shoop entertained a motion for Steve Branscum as vice chair. Dr. Yanarella moved approval. His motion, seconded by Mr. Dawson, carried without dissent.
Mr. Shoop entertained a motion for Pam May as secretary. Mr. Dawson moved approval. Ms. Haney seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent.
Dr. Yanarella said that is was an excellent slate of officers that worked very well with the Board. They had invaluable experience and were accessible to the members of the Board. It is a sterling team to carry through another year.


Mr. Shoop said that the next item on the agenda was discussion and/or nomination of members of the Executive Committee. He submitted the following names for consideration to serve on the Executive Committee:
Mira Ball, Chair Steve Branscum James Hardymon Sandy Patterson Phillip Patton
Dr. Yanarella moved approval of the nominations. Mr. Dawson seconded the motion, and it passed without dissent. In Ms. May's role of secretary to the Board, she will serve as secretary and ex officio member of the Executive Committee.
With the approval of the committee, Mr. Shoop said that Barbara Jones' name would be submitted for assistant secretary since she is the General Counsel for the University and is on campus. Ms. Haney moved approval. Mr. Dawson seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent.
Mr. Shoop stated that he would present the nominations for Officers and Executive Committee members to the full Board.
Mr. Shoop said that the terms of two Board members have expired on the University of Kentucky Gluck Equine Research Foundation Board of Directors and The University of Kentucky Research Foundation Board of Directors. It is the responsibility of the Nominating Committee to make recommendations to the Board of Trustees for appointments to these boards. Chair Mira Ball polled the Board for their preference in serving on affiliated boards and corporations of the University. As a result of that poll, Mr. Shoop submitted nominations for these boards.
NCR 1 is the recommendation of the appointment of Everett McCorvey to the University of Kentucky Gluck Equine Research Foundation Board of Directors for a four-year term ending December 31, 2012. Ms. Haney moved approval. Mr. Dawson seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent.
NCR 2 is the recommendation of the appointment of Ms. Penny Brown to The University of Kentucky Research Foundation Board of Directors for a three-year term ending December 31, 2011. Mr. Dawson moved approval. Ms. Haney seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent.
Again, Dr. Yanarella spoke with pleasure about the caliber of people and wealth of experience the officers and executive committee bring to bear. He is also strongly supportive of the recommendations to the foundation boards and believes the appointments are well qualified to participate in each foundation and will provide a strong voice and ear. He believes the Board is in good hands.


As there was no other business, Mr. Dawson moved that the meeting adjourn. Ms. Haney seconded the motion, and the meeting adjourned at 10:20 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Frank Shoop Chair