xt7tht2g822g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tht2g822g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1900-02-jun6. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1900-02-jun6. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1900-02-jun6. 1900 1900-02-jun6. 2011 true xt7tht2g822g section xt7tht2g822g 

MINUTES OF THE. BOARD OF TRUSTEES,June 6, 1900 - page 11

      The Board of Trustees met, pursuant to adjournment,
in the President's room, in the college building, at 11
A. M. June 6, 1900.
      Present: His Excellency Governor J. C. Beckham,Chairman,
                                                      Ex-of ficio

                              Messrs.  Hart Boswell,
                                        D. F. Frazee
                                        J. F. Hager
                                        W. H. Holt
                                        J. B. Kennedy,
                                        R. W. Nelson
                                        Jame s K. Patterson,
                                        Thomas Todd,

      On motion the reading of the minutes for June 5th
was omitted.

      The Business Agent submitted his report showing that
the College Treasury was not in condition to pay all outstanding
bills and other obligations on account of complications at the
State Capitol.

      Mr. Nelson offered the following:

      " Whereas, owing to the contests for union State
offices still pending in Frankfort, there is now and may for
some time to come be difficulty in obtaining from the State
the moneys now due from the State accruing from the tax for
the college and the interest on the College bonds, and

      Whereas, the credit of the college as well as the
necessities of its creditors require that the Board of
Trustees make arrangements for discharging its obligations,

      Resolved - That D. F. Frazee, chairman of the
Executive Committee and Major R. S. Bullock, Treasurer of
the College be and they are hereby authorized and directed
to borrow money, in installments as needed, to the extent of
sixteen thousand dollars ($16000) for and on behalf of the
Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky and to
execute notes therefor, obligating the college for
the payment of same.



      On motion the foregoing resolution was approved and

      Prof. Jas. G. White the retiring Business Agent requested
that a cormmittee be appointed to examine his accounts and
make a final settlement with him.

      Ordered on motion of Mr. Nelson.

      That the present Business Agent, Mr. Muncy, D. F.
Frazee, and Major R. S. Bullock be appointed a committee
to settle with Prof. White and give him and his bondsmen such
release as may be necessary to protect them hereafter.

      The committee composed of D. F. Frazee, R. C. Stoll,
and F. P. Anderson submitted a report of their visit of
inspection to Purdue University and Chicago University.

      On motion the report was received, and the Secretary
was directed to refer it to the Building Committee, and
the private Secretary was instructed to mnake copies to be
sent to all members of the Board.

      Prof. Anderson submitted a report of a visit by the
members of his Senior class, to the great manufacturing
plants of Chicago.

      On motion the report was received with instruction
that the Private Secretary be requested to copy it, and
forward copies to al members of the Board.

      Prof. Anderson submitted a request for a Stenographer
for the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

      On motion the request was referred to the Executive
Committee with power to act.



      Mr. Boswell offered the following:

      To the Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and
Mechanical College of Kentucky.

      The undersigned committee appointed to examine and
report upon the records of the Executive Conmnittee of the
College respectfully report: -

      That we have made such examination, find records of
proceedings have been duly kept, entered and authenticated,
and recommend approval of the minutes and Acts of the
Executive Committee therein shown.

                          Respectfully submitted,

                                   H. Boswell, Chairman
                                   John F. Hager

      Mr. Todd pffered the following:

      The Committee on the minutes of the faculty have ex-
amined the same and find them apparently correct and
recommend their approval.

                 (Signed)         Thomas Todd,   Chmn.
                                   D. F. Frazee,

      The committee on Finance was given further time in
which to report.

      Prof. Scovell came before the Board and made a
atatement of the needs of the Experiment Station, and the
proper execution of the Pure Food Law.

      Ordered on motion of Mr. Frazee that the Business
Agent be permitted to give a guarantee bond instead of
a personal bond to insure the proper performance of
his duties.


MIaINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,.June 6, 1900 - page 14

      The Committee on Finance submitted the following:

      To the Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and
Mechanical College:


      The undersigned respectfully report that we have
examined the accounts of the Treasurer and find them correct:

Lexington, Ky.,                    J. B. Kennedy, Ohm.
June 6, 1900                       R. W. Nelson.

      On motion of Judge Hager ordered that the Treasure's
Bond, when signed by S. Bassett and J. N. Appleton be
accepted and approved by the Board of Trustees,

      that it be copied on the records and the original
filed with the Governor of the Commoomvcealth as provided by

      The Bond followers:

                               Lexington, Ky.
                                 June 6, 1900,

      We R. S. Bullock, principal and S. Bassett and J. W.
Appleton his sureties all of Fayotte County Kentucky do
hereby covenant to and with the Commonwealth of Kentucky that
the said R. S. Bullock Treasurer of the Agricultural and
Mechanical College of Kentucky shall faithfully perform all
the dities of said office and he will pay over all moneys
that shall come into his hands to his successor in office
6n to such person or personais as may be lawfully entitled
to receive the same.

      Witness our hands date above written.

                 (Signed)          R. S. Bullock,
                                   S. Bassett,
                                   J. W. Appleton.



      On motion of Mr. Boswell.

      Ordered that the salary of W. H. Scherffius be
$700. for the next year.


          V. E. Mv1uncy,

      Note - On December 11th 1900 Messrs. D. F. Frazee,
R. C. Stoll, Thos. Todd, E. H. Hobson, J. B. Marcum, R. W.
Nelson and President Patterson met in the President's ioom
but there being no quorum present they adjourned to meet
at 9 A. Mki. Dec. 12, 1900.

V. E. I.uncy


Missing report(s)