xt7tdz032d5z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tdz032d5z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2003-01-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 23, 2003 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 23, 2003 2003 2003-01-23 2020 true xt7tdz032d5z section xt7tdz032d5z (if?



January 23. 2003


Cats remain
unbeaten In confer-
ence play with
67-51 victory over
formerly unbeaten
Auburn l

Abortion rights advocates host forum

Roe vs. Wade: Community members host discussion
on anniversary of Supreme Court decision on abortion

By Joshua Thomas

Abortion rights advocates
discussed abortion education
and rights at a panel Wednes-
day. the 30th anniversary of
the famous Roe vs. Wade
Supreme Court case.

David Nash. from
Planned Parenthood of the
Bluegrass and a faculty advis-

er to Vox, a student organiza-
tion formed last semester to
raise awareness on women's
don‘t understand the history
of abortions.

said many women

“Roe vs. Wade was decid-

ed in 1973. There is now a
young women who do not un-
derstand the issues that exist-
ed before that decision." Nash

new generation of


Roe vs. Wade was the
landmark case that legalized
abortion. However. many lo-
cal and national legislators
continue to oppose the deci-

The panel was com-
prised of Jody Bosomworth.
a Lexington woman who had
an abortion. Cynthia Cain. a
reverend from the Unitarian
Universalist Church of Lex-
ington. Deborah Mills. an
activist and member of the
American Civil Liberties

Union Reproductive Free
dom Project. Rep. Kathy
Stein. I).-[.ex. and Tom Stick-
ler. also with Planned l’ar-
enthood of the Bluegrass.

“We are working to en-
sure that individuals have a
right to make their own
Choice in matters such as
these." said Penelope Pajel.
Vox president.

Bosomworth. who had an
abortion because she already
had four children and wasn‘t
sure she could support anoth-
er and had dealt with health


Director has
lofty hobby,

lofty ideas

for center

By My Kershaw

John Herbst is serving
biscuits. His hair pokes out
of a tall chef ’s hat, and a
white apron hangs loosely
from his neck. He drops a
biscuit onto a student’s
plate and mugs for a cam-
era, dangling another bis-
cuit in the air with tongs.

This is a John Herbst
kind of night: students

crowding the University of

Kentucky’s Memorial Coli-
seum for
s c h o o l -
f i n a l 3
week par-
ty, music


find pro- .
e s s o r s Horhst

doling out

breakfast food. And, if

that’s not enough. it’s al-

most midnight.

It’s the type of atmos-
phere Herbst says he wants
to see every night across
the street at the Student
Center. He’s been the cen-
ter’s director for five years,
and he has big plans for the
place: concerts and comedy
in the game room, a Kinkos
and travel agency, student
art brightening the walls.
He wants later hours; the
center closes at 11 pm.

A student center
should be a lively. vibrant
place. he says.

“We are here for the
students," he says.

And if Herbst’s life is
any reflection, the Student
Center could be a much
better place with a little
well-spent money. His co-
workers say the center has
already improved under
his leadership; outside of
work, Herbst is a dedicated
father, hot air balloon pilot
and “country boy.“


As a child. Herbst
worked on his family's fruit
and vegetable farm in New

He thought he would
inherit the farm and spend
his life there. harvesting
food and selling it.

“I'm just a little old
farm boy,” he says.

But when he was 18. he
enrolled in State College of
New York at Geneseo. pay-
ing his tuition through a
work-study program.

It was at college. not
on the farm. that he found
what he would spend his
life harvesting: student
centers. His work-study as-
signment was at the stu-
dent union. a small build-



to be aware of the abortion
debate "and be active in sup
pomng the right to choose."

.Ieremiah Davis. a mem-
ber of the audience and a his-
tory senior. said that he con-
siders abortion to be a moral
issue. not a legislative one.

"They showed an inabili-
ty to deal with the root. moral
issues." he said. The panel
used rhetoric to back up their
claims and they skidded
around the issue of when a fe
tus became a person, Davis

problems with her other chil-
dren. said that people ought to
put in a great deal of thought
into that choice.

"The decision should be
mine. Not some attorney's in
Frankfort." she said.

Mills said that she went
to Washington DC to protest
the appointment of John
Ashcroft. who is against alior-
tion. She was one of few peo-
ple there. but she said. “it's
just little things. but it s all
you can do."

Nash said students need

Appeals court judge
plans to teach again

New duties: UK College of Law professor's new job
takes him away from teaching, but not students

by [ate Fitzgerald

A UK College of Law
professor was sworn into
the 6th (‘ircuit Court of Ap-
peals in December. and
though he‘s no longer a full-
time faculty member. he
said his new position won‘t
keep him from teaching UK

“After I get comfort-
able with my duties as
judge. I will get back to
teaching because I really
enjoy it," Judge John
Rogers said.

Rogers. who has been a
law professor at UK since
1978. taught international
and constitutional law
Classes. With his absence.
the College of Law will hire





CenurtoMmIristntloane. IIesaIdhelIiedtheaddltlonsotuieStl‘buclisandmshenstothe

SW Center.

New visions for building
stirring around campus

Ideas: Student Center's director says restaurant,
bowling and upgrades could liven heart of campus

By ‘I'ncy Kershow

As administrators
laud the new Johnson Cen-
ter as a way to attract and
retain students. some on
campus point to another
building that. with an infu-
sion of funding. they say
could do the same.

Today. the Student
Center is a two-building
complex used mostly for
meetings. speeches, lunch
and the occasional concert.

In the future. the facili-
ty could be much more.
with walls of student art-
work. a travel agency. more
concerts and comedy
shows 7 maybe even hotel
rooms. And some have rec-
ommended building a new
student center near the li»



“We can compare our-
selves to a student recre-
ation center." said John
Herbst, who has been the
center‘s director for the
past five years.

“Having social things
to do has an impact on re-
tention. too." he said.

But ambitious visions
remain just that when
there‘s only enough money
to maintain basic services.

“There are certain
things that need to be paid
no matter what ~ like util
ities. staffing costs." he
said. "Last year we saw
part of the roof disinte-
grate virtually before our

After 22 years of wait»
ing for an increase in fees
for Student Center. Herbst

See CENTER on 3

Last year we
saw part
of the roof
our eyes,”

- John Herbst,
Student Center director

two new entry-level teach-
ers for the international
law classes.

Allan Vestal. the dean of
the law
5 c h o o 1
said the
new assis-
tant profes-
s o r 3
should be
hired by
July 1. in
time for
next se.

President Bush nomi-
nated Rogers for the posi-
tion in December 2001. The
Senate unanimously con-
firmed Bush's nomination


See ROGERS on 3


Students’ invention
wins second place

at engineering contest

paoro EDII’OR

Batter up: Contraption, which took four weeks
to build, gets graduate students a cash prize

8v sealant" Fa"!


A team of four l,'K engineering students demonstrated
their baseball-testing machine Wednesday. The machine,
which they designed. built and tested. won second place at a
national competition held in New Orleans in November


“The design problem was to help baseball manufactur-

ers test their balls before packaging (them).

" said Chris De

laney. .1 graduate student who was a part of the team.

The machine was designed for the “Baseball Frenzy"
comiwtition sponsored by the American Society of Mechan-
ical Engineers I'K‘s team won 31.000. and the chapter won


The goal is to get 10 balls into each of three holes in a
box placed seyeral teet away from the contraption. "We got

iii halls in the holes it nationals."

infer Smith.

said graduate student Jen-

(iraduate students Karen Rallman and Dock Carter were

also part of the team




The Low-down

ACLU takes on Ky. school district

ASHLANI) The American Civil Lib-
erties l'mon is asking federal judges iii Keit-
tacky and Texas to force two school districts
to allow students to form Gay Straight Ale
liances on campus. The ACLI’ claims 111 law»
suits filed Wednesday that Boyd County
High School in Cannonsburg and Klein High
School in Klein. Texas. violated students‘
rights under the federal Equal Access Act
and the First .~\111e11dn1ent. ”With these law-
suits we hope to put school officials on no
tice that we will no longer tolerate their
dirty tactics and bureaucratic excuses to
keep students from forming GayStraight A1-
liances." said James Esseks. litigation direc-
tor for the ACLUs Lesbian and Gay Rights
Project. The school board in Boyd County
suspended all clubs in December 111 an ef-
fort. the ACLU contends. to prevent a group
of app10x11nately 30 students 11 om t'oi ming
a Gay Straight Alliance. Seven students are
listed as plaintiffs in the lawsuit filed
against the school board. The measure
would affect four other nonacademic clubs

the Human Rights Club. Pep Club. Bible
Club and Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
School Superintendent Bill Ca pehart said he
thought nonacademic clubs were leading to
“educational disruption." Kim McCann. an
Ashland attorney representing the school
board. said board members felt the decision
to suspend the clubs was correct and that it
would help the high school to concentrate 011
educating students. “I know the school dis—
trict is disappointed that the ACLU and the
Gay—Straight Alliance have taken this av~
enue." McCann said. “Now this lawsuit will
just continue the debate over clubs rather
than education. which is the primary pur—
pose of schools.”

“I know the
district is
ed that the
ACLU and
the Gay-
have taken
this avenue.
Now this
lawsuit will
continue the
debate over
clubs rather
than educa-
tion, which
is the
purpose of

Attorney Kim
rwresentinq the
Boyd County
School Board. .

State wants cleaner air near park

MAMMOTH CAVE State environ
mental officials are hoping to improve the
hazy skies that hang around Mammoth Cave
National Park. The state Department of E11-
vironmental Protection wants improvement
in visibility at the park by 2010. though de-
tails of how to get there are still in the
works. “We‘re currently working on the inr
plementation portion of the plan.” said
Lona Brewer. program planning branch
manager for the department‘s Air Quality
Division. The division's long—term goal is to
improve visibility at the park by 2010. Brew-
er said. A deciview is based on surveys of
how people see distant objects. said Bob Car-
son. Mammoth Cave's air-quality specialist.
The higher the deciview number. the lower
the visibility: Currently. the park is running
at about 30 deciviews during the summer.


Leave it to Russell
Simmons to one-
up the National
Although a host of
rappers an plan-
ning to participate
in the multitude
of festivities sur-
rounding the
NBA's All-Star
game next month
in Atlanta, it's
looking like that
event won't be
the biggest word-
fiesta in the ATL
this year. On
Tuesday (January
2!), Simmons
announced plans
for not only his
second national
Hip-flop Summit,
but for the first
Urban flip-Hop
Music Festival.
with both sched-
uled to take place
in Atlanta. The
festival is slated
to commence on
April 12 at Turner
Field, with a sec-
ond concert to
follow the day
after at the same
venue. Being
called the
'Woodstock of
Simmons promis-
es a two-day
extravaganza fea-
turing a who's
who of rappers.
with a portion of
the proceeds from
the shows to go
to charity. While
no participants
have been named.
Simmons is close
to finalizing all
the details and
securing confir-
mations, accord-
ing to his

and on clean days it goes down to around 15,
Carson said. Mammoth Cave ranked third
on a list of the state‘s most polluted parks in
a study released last fall by three national
environmental activist groups. Hazy skies
were cited iii the report as a primary reason
for the low ranking.

Ridge confirmed as Homeland chief

WASHING'I‘ON The Senate confirmed
Tom Ridge as homeland security chief
Wednesday with a unanimous vote , and a
strong message that it would be watching
carefully as he molds a makeshift operation
into one of government‘s largest agencies.
“With today's historic. vote. the Senate has
demonstrated our shared commitment to do-
ing everything we can to secure our home-
land." President Bush said after the 94-0 vote
to make Ridge. former Pennsylvania goverv
nor and the president‘s top adviser on do-
mestic terrorism. the first secretary of the
new Homeland Security Department. It
eventually will be comprised of 170.000 civil
servants now working at 22 separate agen-
cies with security-related functions. Senate
Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman
Susan Collins. R-Maine. said during debate
on the Ridge nomination Wednesday that
the Cabinet post Ridge will assume “may
well be the most challenging position creat-
ed by Congress during the last 50 years.“
Sen. Robert Byrd. D-W.Va.. who strongly op-
posed the legislation creating the new de~
partment. complained of the “expanding
cloak of secrecy that has fallen over this ad-
ministration" as it pursues the war on ter-
rorism. and said Ridge must consider care-
fully how his actions will affect civil liber-
ties. “How far this department can peer into
the lives of the American public will, in
large part. be influenced by Gov. Ridge." he
said. Committee chairman John McCain. R-
Ariz.. urged him not to betray the trust he
has with Congress by concealing problems.
“There‘s bound to be some mistakes made."
McCain said. “Your charter is too large. your
responsibilities are too great.“

Surge of identity thefts reported

WASHINGTON — The government re-
ceived twice as many complaints about iden-
tity theft last year over 2001. with victims re-
porting hijacked credit cards, drained bank
accounts and tarnished reputations. “This is
a crime that is almost solely on the shoul-
ders of the victim to resolve." said Beth
Givens. director of the Privacy Rights Clear-
inghouse. a San Diego-based consumer
group. The number of identity theft com-
plaints rose from about 86.000 in 2001 to
about 162.000 last year. the Federal Trade
Commission said Wednesday. The figures
come from a government database of 380.000
fraud complaints collected by the FTC. the
FBI and scores of law enforcement and con-
sumer groups. Identity theft accounted for 43
percent of the complaints. topping the gov-
ernment‘s list of consumer frauds for a
third consecutive year. Gripes about fraud in



January 23
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Israeli astronaut
liar Ramon. a
Holocaist survivor
who sent a tiny
Torah scroll into
space with lsrael's
first astronaut
says the flight has
allowed him to ful-
fill a promise he
made 59 years
ago. Ramon held
up the Torah - the
first five books of
the Hebrew
Scriptures -
aboard space
shuttle Columbia
during a televised
conference Tues-
day with Israel's
prime minister,
Ariel Sharon.
Watching with
emotion from a
NASA control cen-
ter in Greenbelt,
Maryland, was the
Torah's owner,
Joachim Joseph, a
physicist at Tel
Aviv University.
The scientist
received the Torah
from a rabbi while
both were impris-
oned at a Nazi
camp in Germany
in 1944. Joseph
had just turned 13,
and the rabbi
secretly arranged
a 4 am bar mitz-
vah ceremony in
the prisoners' bar-
racks. "After the

, he said,
‘You take this.
this scroll that
you just read
from. because I
will not leave here
alive. But you
must promise me
that if you get
out, you'll tell the
Mr". Joseph
recalled. The rabbi
was killed two
months later.

lnternet auctions ranked No. L.’ and account
ed lot“ 11% pel‘cctii oi colllpltllllls. ['p to 700,000
people in the l'nited States may be victim
m-d by identity bandits each year. the .lus~
tice Department says. it costs the average
victim more than $1.000 to cope with the
damage to their accounts and reputations.
the FTC has said l’rnacy advocates advise
consumers to protect themselves from iden
tity theft by checking their credit reports
twice a year. shredding personal documents
before throwing them away and cleansing
wallets of old receipts and printed Social Se
curity numbers

Bioterrorism watch system in place

WASHINGTON Adapting monitors
that now check for air pollution. the govern-
ment is launching an early warning system
for bioterrorism aimed at detecting small
pox. anthrax or other deadly germs released
into the air. The system would retrofit many
of the 11.000 existing environmental monitor
111g stations with new filters to detect biolog-
ical agents. administration and Environ-
mental Protection Agency officials said
\V'ednesday. Results of the early warnings
could be confirmed at a network of laborato-
ries within 21 hours using DNA analysis.
"It‘s part of our precautions to protect the
country." said White House spokesman Ari
Fleischer The new monitoring system is be»
ing pm 111 place immediately. EPA
spokesman .loe M: 1rtyak said. with special
filters installed in EPA's 11i1 monitoring net-
woik to detect huge amounts of potentially
dangerous airborne pathogens.

Compiled from wire reports


ln Wednesday's Kernel. the Scene sec
tion printed that the Student Activities
Board is bringing Ani Difranco and the Indi-
go Girls. The Singletary Center's “Turning
the Corner" series is bringing these artists
to UK.

To report an error call The Kentucky Ker
nel at 257-1915.

promoting the uniqueness of

. African American cultural expression



.m/ Artist

and modern dance heritage




February 7


Public: $17.50
UK/LCC Faculty: $15
UK/LCC Students: S10
Student Center
Ticket Office or
TICKETMASTER (public price)


 Continued from page 1

may finally see the day when
there‘s enough money to
make these ideas reality.

The Board of Trustees
will sooti review a proposed
$8 per student increase in
the fee earmarked for the
Student Center

lf it's passed. UK will join
other universities who are
putting more money into stu-
dent social facilities. C01-
leges began building student
centers in the 1930s: portions
of UK‘s center date back to
1937. The building trend
picked up again in the 19605
and 1970s. and it has come
again. Herbst said

While they await the
board‘s vote. Herbst and oth-
er campus leaders are busy
making plans.

Most important to the
center's future could be a
proposal for a casual dining
restaurant. such as Apple-
bee's or TGI Friday’s.

“I believe very strongly
that upscale. casual dining
restaurant in this building
would make a dramatic dif-


ference." Herbst said. “I do
think there's a high desire
for something like that.
We've seen that with trends
nationally: too."

Brandon Yeiser. who was
eating at Long John Silver
in the Student Center. said
he‘d probably come to the
building more often if
there were better dining op-

“It would be a different
choice." said Yeiser. a busi-
ness management junior.

“And one a little bit nicer
than usual.“

A committee has begun
meeting about the restau-

rant. which is also proposed
to have a bar. despite the dry
campus policy.

Herbst said he‘s not sure
if serving alcohol is neces-
sary to getting more students
into the center. but he isn't
opposed to the idea.

“I do not have a problem
with it." he said. "As long as
we are in compliance with
university and state ordi»

Plans for other commer-
cial businesses are also in
the works. A proposal for a
quick copy center. such as a
Kinko‘s. is being prepared.
Herbst said. and he's looking




Continued from page I

ing with a game room. an arts
and crafts center. a tnusic lis-
tening and recording area. By
the end of his freshman year.
he was night supervisor.

When the college began
planning a new student cen-
ter. Herbst was a given to be
on the board: he had worked
at the union since his first day
on campus. The process
taught him the workings of a

“It was a phenomenal ex—
perience.“ he says.

He left for graduate work
at Boston College. earning
his masters in counseling.
and then returned to Gene
sec for a one year stint as the
student union program di-
rector while the real director
was on sabbatical. It gave
him time to look for a job —-
which he found at UK.

UK wanted Herbst be-
cause of his experience in
student travel planning. In
the 19705. student activities
programming boards often
organized large student trips
to places like Hawaii and
Florida. and UK wanted
someone who could bring
that here. At first. Herbst

was wary of coming to UK;
he feared the size would
make it impersonal and cold.
unlike the congenial small
colleges at Geneseo and

But UK was different.

“The people were just ab-
solutely incredibly nice.“ he

Herbst was program di~
rector at UK until 1980. when
he was named director of
student activities and associ‘
ate director of the Student
Center. Then. five years ago.
he became the center’s direc-
tor. Things have changed
over the years. but he says
his love for the students has
remained constant.

“When former students
come back. it's the thrill of
your life." he says. “They are
so bright and so creative.
That’s the real energizer.“

Outside of the Student
Center. Herbst has another
energizer: piloting hot air bal-
loons. He stumbled onto the
hobby through -— what else?
— a Student Center function.

In 1976, a student walked
into his office with a proposi-
tion: What about hiring a hot
air balloon pilot to give stu-
dents rides during an upcom~
ing event? Herbst knew noth-
ing about hot air balloons; he
told the student he would
have to find out if they were
dangerous and run it by ad-
ministrators. The adminis-
trators agreed. and the hot

air balloon pilot brought
along his friends. too. mak-
ing UK the first university to
have a hot air balloon race as
a fundraiser for student

For Herbst. who had
wanted to be a jet pilot. it was
the beginning of a treasured

“As soon as i took that
first ride I was hooked.” he
says. "I said. ‘This is the way I
want to fly.”

He bought his own bal-
loon a little over a decade af-
ter that first flight. His 13-
year-old son. Marshall. took
his first ride when he was 18
months old. The two have
been flying together since.

“It‘s such a delightful
hobby to have. You go to the
balloon shows. and you're re-
united with a huge family.“
Herbst says.

And with 22 years work—
ing with the Student Center.
Student Activities Board and
Student Government. Herbst
is part of a student family.

“This has been an in-
credible year." he says. "Four
former concert chairs (from
Student Activities Board)
just have just popped in and
say hello."

Jimmy Glenn. an engi-
neering graduate student.
worked with Herbst as mem-
ber of Student Activities
Board and Student Govern-
ment. No matter how tumul<
tuous student politics be-

“ma must. 7| THURSDAY. JANUARY 23. 2003 | 3

Human nutrition
senior Bamtt Webb
sips his cotleo while
surfing the m at
the Starbucks In the
Student Center.
Webb said the cen-
ter is close to his
classes. and he lilies
the convenience of
It. He said that the
center could otter
more daytime activ-
lties, for when stu-
dents are already on


at bringing in a student trav-
el agency. as well.

Miriah Thompson has
worked in the Student Cen-
ter for a year and a half. A
student travel agency makes
sense. she said.

"We need it for making
spring break plans." she

Other plans include
building hotel rooms and a
bowling alley. Herbst said.

“These are just other com-
ponents of accommodation
that are available to make the
place a vibrant. living
organization.” he said.

came. Herbst remained a stu-
dent ally. Glenn says.

“He was really great to
work with." he says. “He‘s re-
ally big on letting the student
make the decision — he'll give
you both sides and let you
make the decision.“

Herbst. who remembers
keeping the Geneseo Student
Union open 24 hours because
it was the state headquarters
for the student anti-war move-
ment. says it still comes down
to working to please students.

Rhonda King. facility co-
ordinator. says Herbst is dedi-
cated to customer service. For
instance. he refuses to use an
answering service in the
building. she says.

“It’s very unheard of on
campus." she says. “He
wants callers to reach a hu-
man every time they call."

King says Herbst is devot-
ed to communication. with
employees and students.

“I can go in and say any-
thing to John. he might not
want to hear it. and he might
not do what I think he should
do, but he makes me feel
comfortable enough to come
in any time." she says.

Herbst says he values re-
lationships most.

“I‘ve got this philosophy.
In the end. it doesn‘t matter
what kind of car you drove
or what kind of clothes you
wore. but you know if you
touch someone’s life. you live
on forever."


Asthma Research

The faculty and stall ul Uuiveisit; o' l‘.t"ilt.l.ly‘.'
College of Medicuie are St‘fiidl‘ltj returner:
to participate Ill an asthma so. ly llle duo.
will evaluate the sensation o? i)lt}.’ill‘h"~.1'liw';
You may be able to participau; ll you
0 are between the ages :t it: and 50 at .t
0 are a nonsmokei Wlill innit asthma an;
are otherwrse in good tieaan
Qualified partimparits will he COIYllBIlEdIBiI
tor their time. For more lllltltlllallflfl on jotting [lust
study, please call (859) 32376608 or 1850‘.» 323» l bib

UKl'VlVlRSl'l'Y Ul‘ KliVl'l '(Zlyi
(Irillcge tit \letlit‘iiic



Restaurant and Bar Worker
Clinical Research Study

The faculty and staff of Universrty of Kentucky
College of Nursing are recruiting volunteers
to participate in a study that measures exposure
to secondhand smoke among restaurant and bar
workers. You may be eligible to participate in the
study it you:

0 are 18 or older;

0 are a smoker or non-smoker;

0 work in a restaurant or a bar for at least

IO hours a week; and
0 have been employed there for at least 30 days

Participants will be required to provide a small hair
sample and complete a five— to lU»minute question-
naire. Eligible participants will be compensated for
their time. For more information, please call
(859) 257-5330 or e—maii ejhahn00@uky.edu.

. College of Nursing







Continued from page I

in November 2002. A unani~
mous decision hasn't often
happened during Bush's
reign. Vestal said.

Rogers was sworn into


the judgeship Dec. 20 at
Memorial Hall.

As a Court of Appeals
judge. Rogers will sit on a
panel with two other judges
and hear appeals mostly
from the federal district
court. he said.

Rogers plans to keep his
office in Lexington. Every six
weeks. he will go to Cincin~
nati. where the 6th Circuit
Court of Appeals is based. for
one week to hear arguments.


While Rogers is in Lexington.
he will be preparing and \y l'll'
ing opinions on the cases he
heard. he said.

He said he will miss the
students in his classes. but
he will continue to be around
fresh. young people. he said.
Each year. Rogers will lt:t\e
four clerks; currently. two
are UK graduate. he said.

His years of teaching
will aid him while he's on
the bench. he said

"i hope to take to the
bench the wisdom of 20
years of classes with l'K law
students from whom I’ve
learned very much." he said.

\‘estal said Rogers" ap-
pmntment to the Court of Ap
peals is a boost for the college.

“Rogers is a highly re-
garded. well-respected col~
league in the college." he
said "We are very pleased
for his appointment. but he‘ll
be missed.”


UK Men’s Basketball
Ticket Lottery

Monday, January 27

Doors close at 9:15pm
Memorial Coliseum


February 4 @ 9 p.m.


You must be in Memorial ('oliscum by 9:]5 PM on the
designated Monday evening of distribution. There is no
advantage as to whether you are first or last in line. If you
choose to sit With a particular personlsi. please enter with that
pcrson(sl. You will he handed a number when you enter the
coliscum. At 9:15 PM. the doors to the coliscum will be closed

Students Will be called down to the floor in numerically ordered
groups that are randomly dctcnnincd to purchase their tickets
You must present your \ altd l'K Student ll‘ card at this time

Your ticket may then be purchased for RS on per game You
cannot present another student‘s lli tor additional tickets

”*"Please note that students pill not hug‘Emittgj to
exchange previously purchased tickets for another student
ticket nut to a gucyt ticket"“‘

lfyou have any questions. please call the
Student Ticket (ltlicc .it I“ "ti-IX lli.ink you





Sniper suspect indicted

under murder cha

Fairfax County
Sheriff's deputies
escort John Lee
Malvo. out of
Juvenille Court
Wednesday, in
Fairfax, Va. Prose-
cutors in the case
against Malvo
revealed new infor-
mation Wednesday
about messages to
police during the
October 2002,
shooting spree. A
judge ruled
Wednesday that
the 17-year-old
sniper suspect can
be tried as an
adult, malting him
eligible for the
death penalty.


Courts: Indictment marks official transfer of case
to adult court, making suspect eligible for death


A grand jury indicted 17»
year-old Lee Boyd Malvo on
two counts of capital murder
in last fall's sniper shootings.
setting the stage for a death
penalty trial.

The indictment. issued
Tuesday and made public
Wednesday. also includes one
count of using a firearm in a
murder. Both capital murder
counts stem from the Oct. 14
slaying of FBI agent Linda

The indictment officially
marks the transfer of Mal
vo's case to adult court. A ju»
venile court judge ruled last

week that Malvo could be
tried as an adult. making
him eligible for the death
penalty if convicted of capi-
tal murder.

His arraignment has not
been scheduled.

Malvo and John Allen
Muhammad. 42. are accused
of killing 13 people and
wounding five in Alabama.
Georgia. Louisiana. Mary-
land. Virginia and Washing—
ton. D.C. They are being
tried first in Virginia be-
cause its laws allow the best
opportunities for the death

The grand jury granted

Fairfax County Common
wealth‘s Attorney Robert F
Horan's request for capital
murder indictments under
two statutes: one prohibiting
the killing of more than one
person in a three~year peri-
od. and an anti-terrorism

Horan said he expects
Malvo‘s lawyers to file pretri-
al motions “by the ton.“ but
he believes the trial could be-
gin this summer.

Defense lawyer Thomas
Walsh said a summer court
date would be too soon. He
said the defense has been
given only a slight notion of
the prosecution‘s evidence
and has not yet been able to
hire its own experts.

"We‘ve been basically


:- a

given no resources here."
Walsh said.

Also Tuesday. a judge
dismissed efforts by Malvo‘s
guardian to obtain police
documents about the deadly
shooting spree.

The guardian. Todd Pe-
tit. argued that a provision
in juvenile law gave him the
right to seek a wide range of
records from police and oth-
er agencies that had docu-
ments about Malvo. Prosecu-
tors contend the information
was being sought premature-
ly before the trial.

Muhammad is scheduled
to go on trial in October in
neighboring Prince William
County for the slaying of