xt7tdz032b8m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tdz032b8m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-02-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 10, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 10, 1987 1987 1987-02-10 2020 true xt7tdz032b8m section xt7tdz032b8m  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCl. No. 94

Established 1894


"KW since 1971

Tuesday. February 10. 1987


SGA senators’ amendment rejected by senate

Assistant News Editor

The University Senate yesterday
voted down an amendment to the
Unneisity Senate Rules because
some instructors thought they would
be stripped of their right to require
students to attend class.

"I am sick and tired of everybody
infringing on the prerogative of the
instructor to run his class the way
he sees fit," said senate member
Hans Gesund.

Gesund was referring to the
amendment proposed by Student
Government Association Senators
Cyndi Weaver and John Menkhaus
that sought to stop instructors from
using class attendance as an “unfair
grading factor “

If the amendment had been ap-
proved, it would have been attached
to a policy on excused absences
That policy, which was passed by
the senate yesterday despite several
objections, will allow students to
withdraw from a class if they miss

more than 20 percent of their classes
with excused absences.

The amendment to the policy,
which was changed by Weaver and
Menkhaus during the weekend, said
specifically that instructors could
not enforce an attendance policy
that penalized students for missing

It did say, however, that instruc-
tors could still determine their own
policy regarding students' partici-
pation in class activities, which

Menkhaus said was designed not to
curtail instructors‘ rights.

“This is not a proposal to remove
rights of the faculty," Menkhaus
said, "but it's a proposal on behalf
of the students to increase class-
room participation."

Weaver told the nearly 80 senators
in attendance that the participation
clause would restore learning to
classrooms where instructors lec-
ture from the same text they assign
students to read.

“(Required attendance) works as




Indoor sport


Steve Tomlin, an art studio senior, takes a break from his art
work to shoot basketball inside the Reynolds building last night.

-... l...” ”2:3,...Qu-s'nra‘:
'fiullltiununv- -


Colder temperatures this week forced many would-be out-

doorsmen indoors.

”an-.5 “in”; gs“...

\I \N ”2“"; Kernel Sta"



Ellinger to run for re-election to district seat

('oiitributing Writer

In (‘l’lat‘lt‘S Ellinger. professor of
dentistry at (K. recently filed for
reelection to the l'rban County Gov—
ernment ‘s 10th District seat.

He was elected to his first two-
y'car term in November 1985

Ellinger said he was going to
stress some of the same topics he
did in his first term

According to a press release, El-
linger is going to address the indi»
vidual problems of his constituents
and make sure they are well in
formed of the happenings of the gov-

"The primary thing that I em-

phasize is to serve my fellow constit-
uents in the 10th district," he said.

Ellinger said one of his main rea-
sons for seeking another term is to
help his constituents.

“There's a lot of things you can do
for the individual." he said.

“I place a high priority in that
every indiyidual is taken care of as
best aslcan."

He plans to keep his constituents
notified by newsletters, town meet
ings and strong neighborhood asso-

Ellinger is one of 15 members on
the council, which is made up of 12
district and three at-large members.
The district members serve two

Applications available

for 1987-88 scholarships

that pay in-state tuition

By 11lt).\I.\S.l. SI‘I.I.I\'A.\‘
Staff Writer

l'K is offering to pay a full year‘s
in state tuition for 200 students
through the Academic Excellence

All ['K students with a cumulative
grade point average of 3,3 or better
are eligible for these scholarships,
Silltl Donald Sands, vice chancellor
for academic affairs

A full year's in-state tuition will be
paid to the winning students, wheth-
er they are in or out of state. Sands
silltl The present in-state tuition is
Sosa per semester,

At the present cost of in-state tu-
ition, the scholarships are worth

Applicants hayr- the University
Book Store to thank for these schol-

The l'niversity accumulated the
funds for these scholarships through
a deal made with the l'K bookstore

When the bookstore was sold to
Follett‘s. part of the agreement
(alled for a certain amount of
money to be paid to the University

each year. Sands said This money I

is paid to the l’niverSIty as a consid»

eration for allowing the bookstore to
be located on the campus.

The University can use
funds as they please,

So, for the past three years, UK
has been taking those funds and al-
lotting $300,000 to the Academic Ex-
cellence Scholarships. Sands said.

In order to apply students must
meet certain criteria. Sands said.
The main requirement being a 3.3

But. “we look at a lot of things be
sides GPA." Sands said. Student's
extracurricular activities are a
large part of the consideration proc-


In addition. applicants are re—
quired "to write a 500 word essay
that describes your goals in life and
what is important to you," Sands

This essay allows the University
to see how well the applicants can
write as well as what they are inter-

“Our best students are those that
can write reasonably well," he said.

“These are very competitive."

years and the at~large representa-
tives serve four years.

He also serves on the Service and
Flaming Committees of the council.

Ellinger recently proposed a mo-
tion that all council people serve
four years instead of two. The sec-
ond year of their term is often used
for reelection campaigning, he said.
thus they do not have an adequate
amount of time to serve on the coun-

Ellinger attributed much of his
campaign success to his family.

The Ellingers are behind him
again and he hopes the effect is the

"Everyone worked hard and the
results were good,” he said, com-


Sands said, About 400 students apply
each year.

“We have several categories." he
said. Full'time, part-time, profuse
sional. graduate, and undergraduate
students are all eligible to apply.
Applications may be picked up and
returned to 7 Administration Build

Deadline for application is March
6. Applicants will be notified by the
end of April or the beginning of
May, Sands said. “It usually takes a
few weeks before we get these

All applicants will be notified
whether they are accepted or den-

mending his children for their input.

So far, Ellinger has not received
any opposition in his race for the
10th district seat. The deadline to
file for the November election is
Feb. 25, and Ellinger said he should
have an opponent by then.

“I would be surprised if someone
didn‘t trun against me).” he said.

Council member Don Todd said
Dr. Ellinger has “shown a great
deal of patience" in his first term.

“He has gone beyond the normal
requirements to give all parties due
consideration in matters of decision—
making, ” he said.

Todd also said Ellinger has a good

See IiLIJNGI-IR. Page 4

a crutch for instructors who can‘t
make their lectures worthwhile,"
she said.

“I‘m not asking you to reduce aca-
demic standards, but why do you
want to allow some professor to use
an attendance policy as a crutch'.’ “

It is unfair. some senate members
said, to penalize everyone because
of the few instructors that use re—
quired class attendance as a crutch.

“I don't think we need to strait~
jacket 1,199 faculty members be-
cause of one poor one." said Ge—

sund, a civil

Gesund. who said he does not re
quire class attendance, added that
he was "dead set” against establish
ing more rules that would take
rights away from an instructor

Instructors who repeat their lecr
tures from textbooks should be haii
dled on an individual basis, not with
another rule. said senate member
Allan Butterficld, a professor of

professor of

\c‘f‘l'\‘\ll.l)l _ ‘

Burning of banner
prompts discussions
of values at U of L

Gay rights sign instigates argument
on campus among students, university

LOUISVILLE (AP) _ The burn-
ing of a gay rights banner at the
University of Louisville is forcing
the schools students and faculty to
discuss prejudice and tolerance.

The question is ”what can we do
to uphold values that are basic to
human beings getting along with one
another,“ said Dale Adams, a unlr
versity official who deals with stu-

“The thing I’m concerned about is
that we had a group of people . .
(who) couldn‘t encounter these «gay
students) without violence." he said.

Adams has pulled together a
group of other administrators. as
well counselors and clergy who are
“disturbed at the lack of values in
young pe0ple."

Last fall, the university's Gay and
Lesbian Student Union asked the
school's 20,500 students to wear blue
jeans Nov. 19 to show support for
gay rights.

Some students complained the
symbol of solidarity was deliberate-
ly provocative, intended to snare the
unwitting. But the group said they
chose an article of clothing many
students wear all the time to make
their point about prejudice,

“The point of the day, in a dram-
tic and creative way, was to bring
the issue of homosexuality into the
life of the campus for at least a
day," said Alan Shier, 21, a leader
of the gay union.

“Feeling uncomfortable is what
gays and lesbians feel when they are
identified as gays and lesbians." he
said. They feel “the discomfort and
stigma . . .every day of their lives."

The gay students had stretched a
banner across the second-floor bal-
cony of the humanities building
thanking students for wearing blue
jeans in support of gay rights.

With 20 to 30 onlookers yelling en
couragement. two male students
managed to boost another to withii
reach of the banner, That student ig
nited the spary from an aer0501 can
which lit the banner.

“I just couldn't believe how cruel
they were about it." said Angela
McCormick. student body president.
A few students opposing the gay
rights demonstrations wore arm


"(The question is) what
can we do to uphold
values that are basic to
human beings getting
along with one

”iilc \(liiiiu
l of I. nth-M

bands or patches that said "Kill a
queer "

Campus officials haw identified
only tlllt‘ student who took part iii
the burning was identified As .i ll‘l:
alty. he will have to rcmow the
charred streak on the l)llll(ll!i‘,;’ left
from the flames School officials is. ill
not publicly identify the student in-
causc of federal privacy laws

The student could have been ex—
pelled or suspended. but administrn
tor Pat Terrell said she chose the
lesser penalty because he had not
done the torching, only lifted the stu
dent who (lid

Some gay activists on and off
campus. said the punishiiwiit mould
have been harsher

"It's good that one individual it»
disciplined. but it seems the iiiaii:
concern of the l'nivcrsity of l,t)lll.\
ville was property damage. said
David Lott. a member of the stcci‘
ing committee of the tircatcr Louis
ville Human Rights (‘oalition which
supports gay rights

“I feel like it‘s not just an isolated
mCident I feel like what the uiiiicr
sity has to do is provide some cduca
tion . . . communicate to the studciit
body that what we need is unity and
tolerance on campus so that then-
kinds of incidents don‘t occur in the

If the university thought the prom
dicc was \\idcsprctid. 'l'cri‘cll said.
“we would do that I can tell you we
are seriously concerned that lllt' in
ctdeiit occurred and vu- \Hll not tol
crate a similar incident "

Wilkinson to speak at UK tomorrow

Contributing Writer

The closer it gets to election time
the more the UK campus becomes a
common speaking place for candi-

Democratic gubernatorial candi-

date Dr. Grady Stumbo spoke at UK
last week and one of his party oppo-
nents will be speaking here tomorl

Wallace Wilkinson, a Casey Coun-
ty businessman and gubernatorial

hopeful, will speak at 1 p m, in ztt)
Student Center Addition.

When asked why Wilkinson chose
to speak on campus, Ken Walker.
president of UK's College Demo-
crats, said Wilkinson feels "students
are voters too."

UK's student population rep-
resents a voting block larger than
most of Kentucky‘s rural counties

Wilkinson's program will be divid-
ed into two sections. In the first
part, he will introduce himself and

Candidates for position
narrowed to 3 faculty

Staff reports

The list of candidates for the fac-
ulty representative post on UK‘s
Board of Trustees was narrOwed to
three yesterday with the conclusion
of the first round of balloting.

Mary Sue Coleman, professor of
biochemistry; M. Ward Crowe, pro-
fessor of veterinary science; and
Marcus T. McEllistrem, professor of
physics will all vie fa' Connie Wil-
son‘s seat on the board. Wilson‘s
three-year term expim in June.

Crowe led the list of six candi.
dates on the ballot with 237 votes
He was followed by Coleman with
164 votes and McEllistrem with I42.

Those who were on the ballot but
did not make the elections second
round were Robert N. Bostrom, pro-
fessor of communications; James
Michael Brooks, professor of sociolo
gy', and Robert Spedding, professor
of pediatric dentistry.

Overall, only 782 of the 1.574 (49.7
percent) of the faculty members ell.
gible to participate in the electim

The next ballot is expected to be
sent out by Friday, said Randall
Dahl, UK registrar and secretary
for the University Senate. It should
be returned and tabulated by March

address the issues his caiiipiiiun l\

The second part will be ('t)lltt‘l'll(‘(l
With answering questions about him
self and his campaign

Wilkinson. a 43»yeareold natiu- ot
(‘asey County. said in the .laiiui'ary
issue of ’I‘uriistylcs. a campus
publication. he prefers not to lX'
referred to as a politician

\ci‘WII I\|\l\(l\. I'm ‘

The UK men swim team's
early load was not enough to
boot Purdue Saturday. See
SPORTS,Pogo 2.

M'chacl J. Fox‘s lat." effort
shows potential but falls
short. For a review, see DI-



today with a high In
40:. Folrfonlghtwith

o M”NN.MIy



 2 - KENTUCKY KENNEL, Tuesday, February 10, 1 987

S orts

Katfish lose to Purdue
despite impressive start

Staff Writer

The UK men‘s swim team jumped
out to a quick lead against Purdue
Saturday. only to be outdistanced by
the Boilermakers, 114-101.

But UK coach Wynn Paul was
pleased with the his team‘s perfor-

Despite the loss, which dropped
UK's men to 5-3 on the season. the
Katfish put together one of their
most solid meets so far this year,
setting two dual meet records on the
da .

P‘IWhen you go in and swim like
mad it feels good no matter if you
win or lose," Paul said. “We really
went after this one and it was just
good, clean competition.“

Freshmen Ken Atkinson, Thomas
Kock. Ed Weckwert and sophomore
Chris Budvitis helped Kentucky
grab an early lead over Purdue by
capturing the meet’s first event, the
400-meter medley relay.

The relay time of 3:30.75 set a
dual meet record for the Katfish.

Weckwert then went on to set the
men‘s other record of the day with a



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second-place finish in the mo-meter
individual medley with a time of

The Boilermakers then returned
the favor by dominating the 200- and
50-meter freestyle events. Purdue
placed swimmers in the top two po-
sitions in each race.

“We really got hurt in those two
events," Paul said. “We were about
one person short of winning the

"If we would have had a strong
performance in those events we
would have definitely won it.“

But in this case winning wasn’t ev-
erything, said UK senior N.K. Mar-

“We were more concerned with
our own times and how much we
were improving," he said. “(Pur~
due) is a good team and we knew it
would probably go down to the last

UK's women had a similar experi-
ence with the Boilermakers.

Despite losing the meet, 126-91, the
women's team set records for UK in
two events.

Junior Nancy MacMillan‘s 2:07.75
finish in the ZOO-meter butterfly set

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N.K. Martin, who won the 200-mefer backstroke against Purdue
Saturday, swims against Tennessee Jan. 3i.

a varsity record for UK. Freshman
Bartley Pratt scored a team record
with her 5:08.26 effort in the 500-but-

UK diver Julie Jelf added to the
women's final score by capturing

266-1 1 72

-------- --------------------J






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stress-w ,»

first-place honors in both the one-
and three-meter boards.

Both UK swim teams are gearing
up for a tough weekend at home
when they take on Louisville Friday
and Cincinnati Saturday.

Ede’s win leads track team

Staff reports

Sophomore Richard Ede and se-
nior Elisa I-‘rosini led the Wildcat
men's and women's track teams in
the Indiana Invitational meet this
past weekend in Bloomington, India-

Ede won the men’s 5,000-meter
run with a time of 14:17.16 and Fro-
sini’s 3:32.56 finish gave her a victo-
ry in the women's 1,000-yard run.
Frosini was closely followed in the

1,000 by freshman Laura McSpad-
den, who finished third with a time
of 2:33.25.

Also turning in strong efforts for
UK’s men, were sophomores Jay Bi-
rindelli and Dan Glomb. The two fin-
ished first and second in the mile
run with times of 4:15.86 and 4:15.89

UK’s track teams will next travel
to Gainsville, Fla. to compete in the
Florida Invitational, Feb. 14.

Jacobs named ‘Mr. Football’

Associated Press

Frank Jacobs, Newport Central
Catholic High School’s standOut tight
end and linebacker. is the recipient
of Kentucky’s first “Mr. Football”

Jacobs was selected in a vote by
the state’s sports writers and sports-
casters. He will wear No.1 on his
jersey when the Kentucky All-Stars
play the Tennessee All-Stars this
summer in Knoxville.

Jacobs, who has been named to
several All-America teams, will an-
nounce tomorrow where he will at-
tend college next season. He has
narrowed his choices to Kentucky,


Notre Dame, Penn State and UCLA.

“It’s a shock," Jacobs said when
notified of the award. “I didn’t think
I would get it. It‘s a real privilege
and honor.”

Last season Jacobs caught 37
passes for 580 yank and 11 touch-
d0wns. Defensively he was in on 132
tackles, had two sacks, one blocked
punt, one interception and one fum-
ble recovery in leading Catholic to
the Class AA finals.

Other finalists chosen by a com-
mittee of the Kentucky Associated
Press Sports Editors were Louisville
Male tight end Jeff Ellis, wide re-
ceiver Eddie Thomas of Fort Knox
and linebacker Billy Swanson of Pa-
ducah 'I‘ilghman.

Students who wish to participate in group health insurance for the spring
semester and are enrolling for the FIRST time:

The deadline for purchasing Student Group Health Insurance for the Spring
semester will be February 12, 1987.
This means that the check and enrollment form must be mailed to the company
and be postmarked no later than midnight, February 12, 1987


Enrollment form and check must be brought to Student Health Service Insurance
office by 4:30 pm. February 12, 1987. Student Health Service is located in '.
Medical Plaza behind the wildcat blue doors, Room 169 B. . , ..

If you wish to mail your enrollment and payment, send to:

100 2nd Avenue, North, Suite 220

St. Petersburg, Florida


If you have questions please call 233-6356.

(Insurance Company: Fidelity Security Life Insurance Company)




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Hostage sends letter for help

.-\.sSU('I'dI9\l Press

BrZIRl‘l‘. Lebanon 7* Moslem kid-
nappers said that last night's mid-
night deadline for killing three
.-\iiierican hostages and an Indian
had been extended "until further n0-
tice "

A handwritten statement in Arabic
signed by Islamic Jihad for the Lib-
eration of Palestine described the
decision as a response to pleas from
the hostages. their families Leb-
anese organizations and the Indian

But the statement also said the
group would retaliate for the “in-
suit" by [’8 Secretary of State
tieorge I’ Shultz. who said the peo-
ple oi kidnapping-beset Beirut "have
.i plague ” It did not indicate what
form tne action might take, or
whether it could involve the hos-

The statement was delivered to

the Beirut offieeofa Weeternnews
agency with a picture of Robert Pol-
hill, one of the hostages. Polhill,
frail-appearing and bearded, wear-
ing a T-shirt and spectacles, was
pictured Iookirg into the camera
with a faint smile.

Hostage Alann Steen had said in
an earlier message yesterday that
the hostages would die unless Israel
freed 400 Arab prisoners. He said
the captors would not reconsider the
death verdict or extend the deadline.

“We will be executed at midniyit“
Steen. 47, of Boston, said in the let-
ter to his wife. It was accompanied
by notes to their wives from the two
other kidnapped American college

“Until then if you do love us and
your hearts beat for us, put pressure
on Israel to show good will. Let Is-
rael promise the organization (of the
kidnapperst to show good will."
Steen wrote.

“Let Israel promise the organiza—

tion plainly am officially that 00
Palestinian mujaheds (holy war-
riors) will be free. Otherwise, we
won't be alive after midnight."

The statement at midnight said
the kid appers found “certain posi-
tive points" in remarks by Foreign
Minister Shimon Peres of Israel
about their demand for the release
of Arab prisoners.

“We want the fastest clarifications
on this subject," it said, without

Peres said yesterday in Jerusalem
that Israel had not received a re-
quest from the United States to free
the prisoners. and that “Israel won’t
take any initiative on its own. "

He declared on Sunday, however,
that Israel was willing to discuss
trading Arab prisoners for an Israeli
airman shot down in Lebanon.

The kidnappers’ midnight
statement also said its retaliation
for Shultz' comment about Beirut
would “deter everybody from daring

McFarlane hospitalized due to

It) \tll{.\l \.\ HI..\('K
.\>.\tlt‘lillt'tl Press

WASHING'I‘HN Robert (‘ MC»
I‘Kirlane. President Reagan's former
national security atlviser and a key
player III the secret sale of arms to
Iran was hospitali/ed Monday after
suffering an adverse reaction to
Ilit‘tlit'iilillll. an aide said

McFarlane, 49, was admitted to
Bethesda Naval Hospital around 8
.i in

I.t Hus Sanford. a hospital spokes
iiiaii. continued that McFarlane had
Im-ii admitted and said “his condi~
won I\ now listed as good "

.lohii Ilenshaw an aide to McFarv
Hill“ said “He had apparently an
.idierse reaction to a prescribed
medication he took He‘s in good

condition. He‘s awake. under obser-

Henshaw said McFarlane‘s wife,
Jonny, was with him at the hospital.

McFarlane. 49. was stricken at
home and was taken directly to the
nearby. suburban Maryland hospi~
tal, the aide said. He said he did not
know if Mcr‘arlane was taken by

Henshaw said he was not aware
that McFarlane had any medical
condition and did not know why he
was taking medication.

Sanford refused to discuss what
medical problem prompted McFar-
lane‘s admission. CBS News quoted
two unidentified Pentagon sources
as saying he was hospitalized for an
overdose of Valium.

The White House declined to dis-
cuss McFarlane's hospitalization.


O 0
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I \L‘l‘} I’iicstlay Night!
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noting that he is now a private citi-

McFarlane is a former Marine
lieutenant colonel and thus eligible
to use military medical facilities.

McFarlane resigned in 1985 as
Reagan’s assistant for national secu-
rity affairs. He took a position with
the Georgetown Center for Strategic
and International Studies, became a
private consultant to international
business firms and has appeared
frequently on television interviews.

McFarlane was the principal in—
termediary for the Reagan adminis-
tration in the contmversial sale to
Iran last year of seven planeloads of
US. weapons. He has testified be-
fore congrassional committees and
is due to face more questioning in a
widening probe.

The Senate Intelligence Commit-

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KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday, February 10, 1987 - 3


('ontinucd from Page I


to attribute his own cancerom dis-
eases to the others."

Shultz said in New York Sunday
that the “people of Beirut . . . have
a plague there and they're isolating
themselves from the world and the
world should isolate them."

Steen's three-page letter was de—
livered til-2 hours before the kidnap-
pers' deadline to the Beirut office of
a Western news agency with a pho-
tograph of Steen.

It implied that an Israeli promise
would do and that the 400 prisoners
would not actually have to be re-
leased yesterday.

"I am not one of those people
who dreamed from childhood of
becoming governor," Wilkinison
said in the article. ”In fact, in
my early and middle years I said
I'd never be involved in politics."

But, he said, he has an interest
in politics because of what he
said was an observation that
many important jobs were not
being done and that the common-
wealth needs something new in

two major issues —- economic
and educational reform

In the area of economics, Wil
kinson would like to concentrate
on the small and medium busi-

“My view is that the small and
medium businesses are the back»
bone of the economy,“ he told
'I‘urnstyles. "And they‘ve been
lost in the shuffle We don‘t know
very much about them

“So my View toward building a
strong economy in this state is to
concentrate on the small and me
dium-size busmess person "

As far as education goes. he
added. “a great emphasis must
be placed on reforming oiir edu
cationalsystem '

Wilkinson said in the article
that he believes he can bring
“basic business discipline back to
government . "

In Washington, the Reagan admin-
istration position, as expressed Mon-
day by both White House spokesman
Marlin P‘itzwater and State Depart-
ment spokesman Charles E. Red-
man, was once again to rule out con-
cessions to terrorists. Both men said
Washington has not approached Is-
rael on the kidnappers' demand.


tee, in a report on the Iranian arms
purchases, quoted McFarlane as
saying Reagan was enthusiastic
about the secret “opening“ to Teh-
ran and hoped it would lead to the
release of American hostages held
in Lebanon,

Wilkinson campaign focuses on



Pesst ti ‘i.t‘ yLJI.‘ ”card? he
Kentucky Kernel is the 4th
targest (ti/,l'tiit‘c; daily iri
Kerittick,' Advt‘fllse in the
Kernel we bunt; reSUIts


According to the Hashemi Hafsan-
jani, the speaker of the Iranian par-
liament. McFarlane carried a Bible
signed by Reagan with him to Teh-
ran Iast May. McFarlane has ac-
knowledged leaving a planeload of
weapons behind as well.





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 4 - KENTUCKY KERNEL.Tuesday. February 10,1907

Drug trafficker arrested, held without bond

It) fun not“)
imwm l’rms

.lAt'KSHNVlIJJ-I, l-‘la A man
t‘l'ii>t\'ull)l‘.\ say is among the
solid s leading and most dangerom
i'tk‘dlllt‘ traffickers was ordered held
ttiihnut bond yesterday on drug
barges at a hearing where security
“11> so tight the nails iit people's
slim-S set oft an alarm

lniiocent pleas for 11 drug—smug-
L’ung counts “t’rt‘ entered by I' S
\l.igis'r.ite lliir\ e} S Schlesinger on
what! at tarlus Lehdet‘ Rtias. 37

The drug ring authoritim say he
operates is responsible for so per-
cent of the cocaine imported into
this country, according to prosecu-
tors. Lehder is “among the premier

if not the premier drug trafficker
«7 in the world," US. Attorney Rob
ert Merkle said at the detention

Merkle said he had received re-
ports of the weekend assassination
of a Bogota. Colombia councilman
who belonged to the political party
responsible for approving the treaty

under which bender was extradited
last week.

But Merkle did not tie the incident
to Lender. And Bogota Mayor Julio
Cesar Sanchez said the councilman
was in