xt7tdz032b5v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tdz032b5v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-11-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1985 1985 1985-11-12 2020 true xt7tdz032b5v section xt7tdz032b5v KP TUC

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Vol. XC, No. 27 Estobhshed 1894 UniverStty ot KentuCky. Lexington Kentucky “Monica. ulna 1971 Tuesday, November 12, I” , '
-__ ...__._ ‘__W 4 ,'
$ 1 a ll 0 . _ ,

.4 m1 ion grant funds UK medical research ,
By KIMBERLY SISK t’ust‘ "mi in' noitloii (illthl‘lt‘. a be an adjacent outpatient area The by the grant at no cost to the pa- ment. patients are treated in such it who Guthrie said The application _ , I, '1 ti
StaffWriter professor of liti'illt'tllt' Guthrie will center will .iyerage three patients tient,hccoiitiiiued center.” Guthrie said Researchers is reviewed by the research center . ,j,I '. f", .

Sony Jr llllts’li-Isi director for the ctel‘y day and should bet-tilt ‘illltlil The center \Hil he "a real addition will do a careful study of patient re as well as the Institutional ReView .i ' ' - I "' .

New treatment techniques for ccr rcsciii‘clitciiti-i‘ ting patients lll .iliout two weeks. ttlltl a wry ‘.‘dluai>l9 resource for Spouses, and the research done can Hoard ii l'K committee that re ' .r " i . ;
tain diseases may result from re Moic than .it t‘tv'iilty members hutlirte said iis tiutlirie said lead to the introduction of a new yiews all research to be done on hu- . '4 ' ‘. .
search done at a newly formed l'h from t l\ iii in .ii‘,i-l\t'ti. \l‘.l(i_\|ll).‘ The award \Hli completely pm. for ‘ New tieatments for many dis treatment for a disease Similar re lln‘ilb ilt‘séll'i . i. i;- .
l'linical Research Center. [hp consc iltsvxt~~~~ till: i- liytwi'tciisioii dia inpatient hospitali/a'tot: \‘tl\l.\ itll' mist-s t'ttliit‘ out of centers such as search centers hayc produced new 'l‘h.- \lH dadrti will be funded g '5": ‘.."l." II
quence of a $14 million grant m the iK‘lt“ pi. t J til syndrome kid about iloo puticnt days poi ‘t‘dl do these ‘iUthl‘lP said There are 72 Information on diseases \Ut'il as ow- A period of three years. L'K ,' it ' it
(‘onpge of Medicine. ne‘ l_iilir . it he disorders and pending on thc lenc’lt oi v-iit li pit such t'mitt'l's thioughout the nation sicklecell anemia and hypertension “it; ittt-oitiigtn “mthefirgtyoar I If ‘I 12"; __","'

l’nder the National Institutes of (ItI‘IlltIIt’IlI‘ I.iI.I.IIIiIvI.Ii:I:,i_. m .i Medical (‘en titI-IiIiIt IsstuIy ,ItlioiII‘louIse \iiIzd . . dlIIlIljsllIlillIlt;ll: IsucEi irs thhe xIlassachti» Guthrie said . \l't'l ’he' three “a“ of the grant I I‘ .I -. IIII’I

. Health grant which was annouhced t I it IgiaIn IwiI IsItipIptIii ciIstrili t;t :1 . its 1 tiIItI o , etI iio ogy. the To use the center clinical inwsti t‘la‘m expired 1 h will ask that fund , , _ , '. lI"
yesterday .clinical investig'itors ll»: IIIIII I ii'i-i N] l . I no flItIJr:(. . it It H iItuiI. tItllt rillIIilIl . kiiwi'v ount: ltIIlIlII .IinItI .loIhIns .HPp. gators will file an appltcation incliid- ini.‘ ht- (‘oritiitued i’itithrie said MH »' 1’?" 53’
may be researching new treatments I IIIIII 'l ~IIt II~IiIIiII r ll lit In I.o dunno m (Itlliltillimttl not ill!‘ I.isI . imisi y . lt ttrtlt't at t h is ing information on what plan to will cxmnne 'hi- center s progress I (-1 'I'II ‘ I‘i
. ? . ~. i v - n . -. . iI-I I it iioitli said \rliiiiiiistrntiyt- twists Lil it‘.\l\ .lietitsi iiitlicstutc study the resourcps (h(1\ w.“ need and its plan tit-lore El deCides t0 , '.= '.'f I ~15 '-.
I new medicines or causes of dis x .l _ it ‘lit ' . pt. .1 llicrc will dist) and other expenses «El 'tt ;).iitl for it someone proposes a new treat- and how many patients it will in- L'Ullllllllt-Hindu“; “puma ’tI' .; I~.‘ -"I,',I-.
». _ . . . .,._..-.__________..-_____ _____.___ . t .' ' , I 5' .‘
0 O I O l- ' ‘. '_ “
12 Committee a . A v Religious holidays
no)... . ‘1 ~43.” . I . ' i.‘ I. '.‘ ' . .‘ .
FIE-*1 v3}? ' - I . , - . .
ost ones . . ,_ , - - . . - . .. .-
P P included in policy » ’
ct». .._ * , r . ~ = - ‘. "
(1 ° ' ,
85 ec1s10n on , ,,. . ~ . .— . .
.« o excuse a sences
student fees - - ‘ t. ; . ,
II. .- I .- . , 1 3.3", I '7» By (‘\'.\Tlll \ .\. l’\l.tllt\|u int: and the t'\i'lU>lUli of religious .I- j .I _
‘ I .I i I "' . . ‘ - ' -: Senior Staff Writer h"h'h‘.“ ' g ’ f ‘ I
By Blt.\l)( (Ntl’Ht ‘ . - 4, . . . ‘,; “ l‘ndcr an amendment proposed by , - I ' - .
Staff Writer ’ If - i ""1; I Is '. " . . Students “1” be able to celebrate the senato- (‘otizit'ii and approved by i. I I‘ C: I-I .
1, ' (I? .. ' I religious holidays next year own I, thc senate students will time to no— 'i'. ‘ . -. _-

A resolution calling .t r a Sin per . ' . .‘“ ‘ f I it means misstngaclass. tily llt§ll‘U-’.'1ltr> .3: writing of antiCi- __ .
semester Increase in student lees . ’4 {31“ 1 1,) The L'niverSity Senate voted WI pitted alist'ttc‘t'> prt-ir to the holiday I.I I‘ . ,‘
“d“: tabled 135‘ night by the ”WM" i Q, ~ . ‘ '” 7/1 , ' ' . ‘1 ‘y terday to include religiom holidays Th“ dhlmld’m‘“: “N” based 0“ a 1 ' l- ' ‘ '- I
(.oyernment Asstx‘lallOH campus H" --_:~ ' . , s ' in the new excused absence policy l’r"P"~‘el ”“hl m“ H" th‘mt.‘ ASSO‘ .' - I ‘ “ . . ‘
I“l")n5("lll"“'tl(‘e u" I ' h ‘ V’g‘“ Q “R that will go into effect beginninil ”mmn”n""‘”’h"mm“ ‘ i - , .

. “NEH“ lhf‘ committee opted “‘ ' . . . With ”19 1986-87 academic year Ken Germain president of the as- 1 .i I‘ . ‘ .
Si” dm‘ntlt)(‘(:lnzilni>l:lmtl”1‘:1~Ix’:\ilsthtgvitnv i . . . t if '7. The new policy excuses not only “’(“m‘n ”m “, Pr“"""°r 0‘ ‘3‘“ I . :~ ’ ‘ :
‘ [fifth pl 1 na 0U ( LOU l L ' i‘ ' ‘ " : _i "‘u religious holidays but also absences ‘a‘d lh" ""11”“; -‘ an ndment was 4 ~ ‘ Ii . -
'"k tonight the committee ‘1'” ' ' ' ,' . t - .1' - '1 , ~ ' . , . - more fleititili- than his assoctation's . ' .
establish the need for the increasc.” j 1. ' . ' ’ . 7”? ' " 2* g.’ ‘. du‘ to ‘11“955 or death ”1 d h”“”.‘ ‘ I II ‘ , . , I . ‘
.. « . ‘ ~ . '~ w, ~ >5 'i‘ . ‘ “ member The current absence rule PWP‘L‘dl‘Mih“ ”llhdppr‘rl‘ed ‘ ' . .
said John tain. SQA president I. . . ,\ ‘ vi .. 4' , O ‘I, Tl I . il hi 'h 1 id the l- . .- =
' "Now they Just want input on how '7" ' fix ' 3 K: ~ - " : does not recognize any of the“, (W M “I. w A inc we rei - ' , . ‘ .:

‘ . .. , . 2 - . ~ "Hills hozidays amendment assed .
the increase will be distributed with , . a» ’ 1. ‘ ‘3." - ' i 1-". - cuses “I ' ' p , i ' ‘ - '
m the StudenH'enter .. '.I' . ' .g. " ‘ L'nder the new rule. it is iniper 4- 31 I a -. . ‘. . .

The commission. composed of i' . ' . - ' l ‘. . ii" ‘ J . all"? that a makeup exam be RIWH .lohn my“ “ professor Of l‘rench. ' ~ _' ‘i
members from various Rovernincn *H"; . ' 2‘5 Ba ‘ i’ ' ' :‘ . . ‘f a student has an excused absence questioned what constituted a major _ _ V
tal positions on campus will gather . i I 1' an '1 _‘ [3' f , . Thus. eyen if an instructor has a religious holiday I ' V ’
student input about the resolution I ' . I m ‘,' I , drop-test policy. students will not he Th“ the ill“ says students give. . '. . ' , , I
and coordinate a hearing addressing . . . ' . g penalized for missing an exam 1” “ ”1”“: ‘1 h-‘l ”l “3‘95 0f the” re- ., ' . =
the allotment of money within the 9"” ‘1 . ' . 1 ._ . hgmu‘ h‘mdhi“ Students de- 1 . ' .' ‘
Student ('entei' if the bill is passed :5: , :j" 7 ~ I" ‘ Athlfitdmghlijlmmng; tile y”: clare what ;s or l>nt m'leT-H Wil‘ ' V "
'l'hc coninnttec will then make u l :1 I, “ 4 . ate “”9 t ‘ l aust ” “”l' scuPUl.l('\.l’>ag€” , II III'
recommendation to the campus icla | 3* .1 I? . . . » ' .I '
tions committee. which will it: llll’lt "a gut“ I .. ' \‘-‘ .. II . . . I , . ' ’ ‘ _ I p ' . ‘
send it tothesenatc l ‘ ' "" i ' . H / ' ‘ ' egls ators InISh Study .V 'V ,

Louts Straiib. business It econoiii t2"- . . ' . . ':
ics senator and primary sponsor wt ‘ . " ' .. , . . . ‘ . ’,
the resolution. said hearings i'itt‘. i {I ’1 I . on state S univerSltleS w I -
ducted by the commission \Hll he | . . n '1 . '
the "easiest and most eftwtm- T: I . 5“. , ' " . i. '
\Hl} ‘lfl gather student lllpul I ;.,:,t. a: . ' ' .1' ' _ B) .‘l \RK R. ("hLHiRI‘\ \ltlllluflll my Spt‘t‘li‘lk' recomnlenda. , i ;

(Inn established a "tenatiyc ldl' ' Asstxuattxl Press wins ioi improvement were made. .. , ' Q ",- .
get date" of Dec, 9 for the senate to ! ‘ ' 1;"- " . . \t'l‘. Henry Lackey. I)-Henderson. . , . ' 7
reach a conclusion about the men .Ys- ' 9‘ FRANKFURT » A limonth study who chaired the committee. said it I ‘ ‘ .' .
sure so that it can be presented at I » , ' - "-“ “ _ ' of higher education by a special leg haslx-enauscful experience . . I ’
the Doc to meeting of the Board of . {39.171 islatiye committee came to an end For one thing. he said. it provided u .v I .
'l‘rth‘tecs - If“? yesterday with no recommendations the members mm a great deal of in— ’. ' ' 'J V " .- -

(‘am said he would like to see the z -: I 7., for Change. and according to one formation about higher education. . » = .~ '.7 7.;
”’Whlhhh PHSM‘d 1“ “9091“le 1“ ._.‘ ’ ~ lawmaker. little prospect for real re- including the need for more money. , " ' i .
stead of waiting until April 1 during _ «9‘ x 3,3; Is .. ’\.. form especialh for undergraduate pro- ' " _ I: .
Stu elections week . ‘. y ' ’ ‘ Q‘ i. "I don‘t sense an urgency among granbdyidatcmnrnunltycolleges -, 3 . ' .. ’- V ',

“i don't want this to become a po " . ' ” legislators to adopt mayor reforms The Committee. by {[5 very eXis- . . . " '. I‘ . .. ' ..
litical football. where we are Wm . ', ». ' V7. in higher education." said Sen rid tence genth prodded the uni'versitv ' . ‘1 - i ’ '
dalcs 4““ ““33”" saying .“V “I“ '; ”' " p‘» O'Daniel. ”Springfield. one “i 13“ presidents to work together. Lackey . - ' -.
ta\I “9 “'0'” tax. (“1” “h" 19;“ ..-. if) g, - i ti“. lawmakers on the special committee said ' ' " i ~ 3 '1' " I“, .

.hmi-mOd} knows that ”‘9" if} t4. 1 1 . that was created by the 1984 General sen Art Schmidt. R-(‘old Spring . . ' x ‘~ Tl:
iliristnias vacation is when cwry - '. III. . .‘ Assembly ’ h' l 1* . 1 . , , ' ' .I . . it" ; .'
one makesthctrmliticalplans" ‘ ' ' ' . , d‘ d H“ ””"p'menmn we“ 0f .- . ‘1

The proposed f“, increase would I iovnmoou metsta‘t The committee began ‘i’> work In the committee s work "I don t think . . . V .,‘ .
serve to extend the hours of the Stu I liI) e IINWement limh 198‘;j with a maanatc II: studyI the entire t‘Vt’l‘t‘lSP was totally . I: 1, I.
dent (‘enter and increase the bud i 81:93; toa't‘aai‘doi‘lediimnzniiiiplicatixtin “"rmle‘" mm“! 7‘ . 3' ‘_ I‘

III .. I 1‘ I “I III, t'i. III. I I) . I _ . .I I» 1- V
hit: lgtfi'isriiA and tht Student Aim IIIItIlIIiI in? waiting) :‘oniieerridof Eluzmoizlfognl) wont o: irgibgsfgm 3 OOOQPeople For 0 of programs among the eight institu- ' 1 am disappointed 1“ the results 3- . 3 ' ‘.

Susan Brothers. senator at large. ~ ~ 0 “we“ >99 Page - lions and recommendations to im» at the committee that we did not ; - . - I‘ I '

said there was a “big problem" with . _.._.-...__s prove overall quality. See s‘Tl D\ . page 7 ' a; i ' l

the way the resolution was handled " '. f . i ' 'l‘ '- " ;

by the executive branch. She asked T . 0 . . . .' "' 7

(‘am why he ke t the resolution a sc- ransc r] t eeS rlse T S k , ' . .

crct from the sgnate and the student ranscrl pts: pea er . ' . . I.

body . ' .- ‘

(‘ain said he had the information 0 0 O 0 - - . 3 ._ 4.
about the resolution for two weeks to malntaln seerce t'me and money to dlscuss . 1 ' .'

and Brothers had just not asked him . ' .

abom It ““Q’s-1;$3513E?‘:‘:E'{':‘-:‘-:‘:-:-=.i, . . .. I I 2 . i ‘ ' ‘ .I

R * ist r'ir sa 5 increase ‘com arable’ M“ l‘ ht t l ' ' r‘ i
"l have no secrets." he said Lg ' ‘ * y p *’ ygzhxw lg O I e .'
"f inmrmam" I have am“! '1 n [0 Pl W35 at benChmark uanCI'SIIICS 5t- @“c’ B\ use(;.-\i.i.ow.-n' ~ ' ' '
wasI not an effort to keep secrets .3? ¢°§-" / staff Writer ' ‘
My \l\lt\ \\\rit£l.l.ltt1"l‘ will be implementing The current “gags?” '-
s‘tuii \‘mtt-i computer system is already "anti gamma; An understanding 0f humanworth .
tiuated." l)alil said. and is slowing he??? pOlartzes prochmce and pro-life ad' ' ' .' .
\ on in o'tl u li'dllst'l'lpl Today You down thetranscript service V< vocates. *‘a‘d Dr LeWis _H‘Ck5~ a . I
p. to lilt‘ lldllst'l'ipi office and make The new student records system “”31 gynecologist ObSWmC‘ah- ~ - -
youi rcqiicst by it a in You go back would "computer-generate ' a new Hicks will talk abOUt life as 1‘ per- ;

SW“ m- h“ latest 5":th “"8 at 1 p in and lh“ transcript is document rather than simply photo mhsx‘sfi‘ch tains ‘0 medical advances m fetal ‘

"‘0‘“ 5‘3““ “die“?- drips Whh H‘dti} lcat mu you time to drop it in copying one as the office does now fi‘xtg‘u operations. espectally information

blood but lack: realism. The story mV ”mi in a (9“ weeks. the ['m‘versn) w,“ \wcwrIiIIIII'III'III-f“? on in \‘ltl’O fertilization. frozen

“‘5 adapted from his unremarkable Ito you think that‘s fast service“ decide which computer system it fiarxfighfifi“. human embryos and fetal organ
I933 novelctte Q"! of ”'0 ”'9’?“ ltni‘dall Dnhl. registrar. does And will use. [)ahl said The system figh§ggwfi§f transplants
"9’1: F“ I W- W DIVER- he d liketokt-epit thatway should be installed iii January or ”Aways“ fig: 1"“5'13? ”’5 lecture m“ be part Of 3 Cam-
SIONS.m22. As ..{ xi“ 1 the fee for mm. February 19% $3w3§h§“\‘ - pus Right to Life meeting at 7:30 to-
scripts has :iici'ea.-.ed from $2 to $3 [)ahl hopes the system \in1 be {“”\\ night in 214htudentCenter, I
T“ women'- «on country “at“ for currently enrolled students and used for spring registration in No 21‘. I Fetal operatiors. according Ito
M 0* 5°“th Conference from so to st for former students vember l986. He said the transition " . members of the organization. raise
WWW? “5‘ weekend. The [)ahl said the uicrease in the fee was to the new system should be com _ - ' “3:: ‘ moral questions. apecmlly W‘
tum W wen-re- “? the District needed to "maintain the level of plete i2 months after the system‘s : "‘3 the use Of aborted {9‘31 "55‘” m
“I ‘WWL F“ details. 5“ seryicctostudcnts “ initiation. I ”I ’ '5' organ transplants. .
SPORTSmueS. ltuhl cited rising costs to operate However. [)ahl said. "“0 will ”I have a W 0‘ reservations .abo‘ft
the tl'dllst'l'lp' ser'i ice as the main maintain whatever system we » i > ~ ' rtransplants'. since the 9mm?" '3
reason for the increased fee, For have" He said it would be costly . . immoralItobeginWith. “Wk-553m-
one thing. he said. the service is and difficult to transfer the informa . I I. . “Who ‘5 to say that the {9” that
“lulior intciisitc “ tion from the current system to the .:I ' '3' l gave “9 the organ ‘5 not as all" I!
I Secondly ltahl said. “an increas- new one Student information in the ' - l_I-»..I "RI baby that "3691va “7 Hid
Today will b‘ punt! my “m ' 20 ingly important cost is postage in current system Will remain there. Amta 5‘3"”? vice president a C'm‘
W chm “ M “d ' mailing transcripts." He said the and transcripts would be produced . me rush! to 1"“ and a psycholqy
5‘ M 7° ‘° 75- M cloudy pOstage increase earlier this year in two parts from each system Junior . . . .
skies ”'1 continued “M W" really affected the registrar's office As for the increase in the tran- The 155‘” recalls the "“m“ “a"
m m M tonight ”a ‘9' in matlmgtranscripts, script fee. Dahl said he didn't think no“ debate 1" 1w3.Ithe W
norm. [an M will b‘ m it was unnecessarily high. He has “mu-u KONIO‘G'oqu CW" legalized Iabortim up '9 tin
”to“. .d a. run m will But the most important reason for looked at “(.5 benchmark universi- ninth month, mm respect u, up
autumn-um. the increase is the new student re- ties and considers the fee “fairly Indiana University and West Vir- scripts; [U charges .5 fa- snidents decisions. Mlve years [flu-I M-
cords system the registrar 5 office comparable." ~ gm“, University charge 33 for tran- SeeFEFS.pngefl Sam."7

 2 - KENTUCKY KENNEL TM” New 12, 1!”
Arts Editor
:ynC-flolo Wed. Rignos Norwogian
“""W "'5 Editor “Tho World's Finost Import"
J " - -. .. ' _. ' - =:.-. . > ME? ~ at 25c Draft 7- 10p.m.
6 ' 9 1h
Rip-of f
_ WFMI Boer Bath $4.00 Draft Bath
- . t . , . - - - - (Mixed Drinks: After tho game Mixed Drinks
. Silver Bullet latest in recent batch of poor film adaptations of King stories c“, ,h. P0,", Mo. on... Cm“)
. ‘ , . u {‘5 “H.315“ MILLER However. the classic werewolf i"F‘irstborn"l is also convincing as Fri ‘ so,
. \ Staff Vt riter REVIEW metamorphoses in "An American Marty. a wheelchair-bound (and ' ’
' ' t, ) t th Werewolf in London“ and "The what a wheelchair!) youngster who LUSh Pyle: Happy HOUI’ 4-8 twootors
' . , . ”1“" “PO“ a ”“t‘ *‘r" “a“ “ Howling“ have conditioned the narrowly escapes the werewolf's at-
_ . . . , _ . _ ' . . . .
. -. . }%mfi authgr hmlm 5““ Pilllfl‘irlli h kabl 98.3 movie audience to expect only the tack and dedicath himself to de- 25‘ Dfflf’ "I ‘0 P m
, - . . W 0 we“ [ 9 ”9”") “0“ “' ‘ ”milled from ‘5 unremar e l ' ultimate in transformation se- stroyingthecreature.
_ the success of his novels novelette (‘vcle of the Werewolf. quences This is where the major Nevertheless, the time is drawing Introducing Miller LI'O
_ j . Mind you. he never received much Vtsilver- Bullet tells the story of weakness ofnsllver Bullet"lies_ close when people are going to de- & OId Mflwgukee Drgff
_ _. . praise from the mainstream critics larker s Mill. a small town that is From the beginning. the audience mand more effort from thg_ Per-
; . - . " , ' bl“ “‘5 “0““ “”9 13mm l“ mm" WWW/“(l h." a “mom werewolf. is treated to sophomoric bloodletting haps the genius that was evident in 7’23". s
' *' who appreciated d" unabashedly mm ”1“ young. crippled boy Who in a movie that depends on viewer his early works will show itself in r, 9 r» r -. .7 I; -.;§\ « d
‘. , . soar) little story. seems tobethetown sonlyhope. . shock for Its success one of his impending movie adapta- ‘ ll Al 4": f . .-\ 9 [‘9‘ v
" .- . _- Stephen King. a name that has be To be honest. this is the best King . . tions. which include Rob Reiner's 4,4 5’ , ) ~ ‘ i (r, w?‘ \e-szl-fi/ J4
, . _‘ . 5 come synony mous with straightfor- thldpldllml since "The Dead Zone." The best part of the film comes in "The Body," Steven Spielberg's $L;:ELI’;" cr ' ‘E—I‘YEL 36' 56,; 7-7? ‘3
. .l “ ‘ .' ward. ”“0le horror-telling. "U“ 1> the 1983 character study of a clair» its characterization Gary Busey "The Talisman" and Tobe Hooper's ”Vi! -' ' V A},
- ~ 1 h - ‘ ‘ becoming associated Wllh lht‘ term \oyant. played by Christopher Walk. i“The Buddy Holly Story") is his "PetSematary." L | I | 1 | WFMIDraft
2" . ' “FIDO”? lOIlOWIYlg the recent slt’“ en The movie never takes itself too usual affableself as L'ncle Red. a Onecan only hopeso. “9W Boar Bath “.00
. .' 0f substandard m0“? addplalmm ”i seriously. although it does manage whiskey-guzzling freewheeler. who . . .
.. V , " ' . his books to build the suspense nicel)’ b)’ the becomes convinced of the were- "Silver Bullet" is playing 0‘ 254-0359
‘ r,‘ . ' . ' , . The latest is “Silver Bullet. iiiial confrontation. wolf‘s EXISIENCO» COWS Haim SOUthPO'h (‘lm’maS' Rated R' PARTY! PARTY!
. _' :j‘ - . o o 0 d UK 0 0t
‘33- . R.E.M. ClleS Wlth audience In SCCOH VlSl h444444444444444444h
' I. ' ' B) t. \l“ HERVE ——‘———- some songs with meandering little crowd. who called R.E.M. back for at *
- l. I, .- '« . i "“15 Him)" tales about. among other things. three encores. which included cover .
. . . . .- . -. \\h h t tt 1 REVIEW how the term “gringo“came about versions of Telflvision‘s "Seep N0 *Tandy Corporaflon/Radio ShaCkk
~ : " . ' en t e concer commi ee 0 _— h kl _. 'led th un .h E . l" and the R0 in Stones' u aint
= » ' r . ‘ the Student Acmities Board ms: ““9“ a .90 er TP‘” .. e. p ,‘ “I -. g ‘k ls Pleased to Announce an Agreement K
~ line of his introduction to Life and It 8 ack
. . brought H E M to [K as the open eager iii-dance audience such a be How to Live It.” Stipe spit out his * Wiih *
' , » 4 , '. mg act for English Beat in 1983. the uildcrmg kickoff anger into the song. showing how The show was opened by 0.000
. ,. , i. , eclectic rock group somehow Just a few songs later. an only much he's learned about audience Maniacs. an interesting electric folk~ * ¥
, " . ~ . seemed more concerned with themr ghhhih snappier "Maps and Leg- relations since his laSlVlSli. rock band from Jamestown. N.Y.. * UK *
.. ~ -, - ‘ * selves than withtheir audience eiii‘ls' had much of the crowd mov» A bass~dominated sound mix which clicked with the audience
' . ' ‘. .1 Neither was the crowd willing tt' int: Familiar tunes like “Can‘t Get washed out manv of Slipe's vocals. about as well as REM dld 1W0 * Extending i0 FOCUliy Staff and Students 0 i
« -‘ _ _’ ’ go the extra mile to get to know the There From Here." ”Driver 8 an: but that didn‘t seem to bother the years ago. * .' *
" - ' . ' . then relatively. obscure group "Pretty Persuasion" soon convince O
, , . Amazing what a couple of lill most of the rest of the 2.600 people * 20 /° D'scount *
: . , , songs can do in the half~arena setup that there KENTUCKY *
. , . . Opening “1th a dangerousl} w as something to‘dance about. . Kerne *
. * ' murky “Feeling Gravity ‘s Pull.“ lead singer Michael Stipe. looking * ¥
- , _ ' from 'their latest LP. Fables m' m. like a little league shortstop who d] hi f H bethC * On Any Tandy Computer and Any *
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KENTUCKY KENNEL, Tm” Novanbor 12, no: - 3
Ami? _ a.
Sports Editm
Assistant bpaiis Ediioi '
- '
W omen’ s cross country team wins SEC prepares for district '
By STEPHANIE WALLNER Weber, in Louisvifie native. ran . f ' ., ' ‘3 ’ _’
Contributing Writer .45.; track and cross country at UK from 33 t i '3 3, . 1 ', , .3
'\~' lmeMJiejoinedUKinIMas j? .. '1 g
UK‘s latest Southeastern Confer- the distance coach and assumed the " 3, " 3 . ‘ 3 ‘ '
ence champions are gearing up for topcoaching positioninMarch i984. . 3 .’ , ~r‘ .
yet another challenge this weekend he, .- But the last victory is over and the ' “f 3". 3
as the women‘s cross country team Air i. award-winning team and coach are 3 33 ,3 , My, ' .y _ 3. 3, .3_
prepares for a tough District 111 - headed for e rigorots field of com- . .. 3 3.3,.3 -3 P33 3'
race, 3 3, petitorsthisweekend. 3. 'i .3 '_ 33, '_
The team, which captured the . ’ . . “There's no reason to believe the 1‘ F ‘, 3.31,, Cu , -, ,- .‘ ‘ ‘ 3 i.-f-' ,. ;
SEC title Friday by downing second - ‘ ‘ women won't be in the top three” 111 3 v , 1 ~. “ ..,-3 ' , ,w T ‘ ‘ . .15.]: ., 13' 3.
place Alabama 43-93 in Oxford, _ thedistrict. Schultz said. “There are - . _ $.13 ' , _ ‘3 _ 3.‘ ’ . l‘ ~
Miss.,will travel to Greenville, SC, four or five teams that are very ' - .3 1 . 3 3 3 3 Y ,i 3 333333 3333333333 33,33, 3
forthedistrictrace. 3 closetous.'3’ 3 3 .33 L i - ‘ ~. . 3 ¢\ fl? 33,3 34 3.3. ‘
Freshmen Patricia Padorno " Schultz Cited North Carolina State, ‘ ‘3 _. , . 3 c k: x ,3". .34". -- .
”6:52) and Sherry Hoover (16:54) Clemson. Alabama and Virginia as . 3433's» I 3 ._. 3 3 , \Iua ~ .H '1! 3 p . ”3.3., .33,3>,.33.'3,33
led the women’s team to its first biscompetitorsinthedistrict meet - .. 3 *= a. 3 ' . i . . c 3/ 3 r 3 3 ,3 33 i3,3-;-.3,’f.3{3:3.
SEC title in UK history with third m r e 7‘ , ' 3w g - .\ 2i; "3 w. - ‘ ’ -»v 6 . 1-3. "a is". - a
and fourth placefinishec overall. , The women did not run against . ‘30 ’ g, ’ ,1 ‘2 ' .“\ “ j 3..- i -‘ g " 33' '3‘er
“At the mile mark we had six T Virginia this season and Alabama “at “ ( ‘9 ‘3 a ‘ ’ '; “v ' .- ' ":53,” f}:
girls within five seconds of one an 3‘ ‘ has finished behind Kentucky in " - " ‘ ‘ Q ' ‘ .. ‘ .' ’ ' 3,. 3 . , .-l'.-. ‘1; 7'2"":
other and all in the top 10," assis- . .. their meetings. However, the Wild- .1": w - 3 3,3 . 3 .1. 33 333333 3 ' .3. 'r 3. 3-3:;
tantcoach Charles Schultz said. cats only narrowly edged Clemsm 5&3 " _ 3 . _ 33 3 1,33 . . ' ‘3 if?" ' "3- . ’ ”All" ' 3
Becky Gallivan. who led the team DON WEBER 55-57 earlier in the season on the f ‘ f ' l ’ , a , -' [’ng .' 12' '.
in three out of four regular season 3 _ Greenville course and NC. State is ,3 . ., ' .1». t... . ”3%- . L ‘.2 " .; . 7. r', '
meets, finished third for Kentucky Evelyn Adiru from Alabama. With a the only team to defeat the women . . t 3 3 _33 33 a 3 3"" __ . “"5 _ . i . 33 r
in sixth place, withatimeof 16:57. time of 16:47. Tennessees Alisa this season. 3 3 3 3 . 3 35 3,33 af 3:3 3 . 13 3 “33‘ 33 . 3.3.3 3.
“All year they've been in an Harvey tooksecondWith 16:49.3 33 " ‘ 3’33 ' ii ‘o~.'"' 3 ’3‘ . - ”’i’ t '_ :3: 33.1.35.
order, but they‘ve always been so In the day’s other race, 3Richard "They (NC. State) are strongerin _: 9' ‘ 1 - ‘ . ' ‘, ' ”fig“ . ,1 ' .- ; ,
close together that any one of them Ede was a star for the men 5 team, the from of their group," Weber ~ 3 ' 3 3 ; , 3' '3 3 ' ‘. ’ 3 . ;3.3-. .5} {.33
could mOVe uP-"SCh"ltz said. W“ a second-place C°nfereflce fin’ said. “If we can place a lot of run- '3 .. 3 ' Mug" ' -. " . j f
. lsh only me Swmds bellied Au‘ hers between their third and fourth ‘ ~~~ , a . 3 A ._ __ ‘ - - agree-,4“ ;‘ re. - ta:
Also in the top 15 for UK were ju- bum‘s Brian Abshire. And while the girl,wewillbeingood shape." ‘ .. . 1;... I w 3 333,3 . ‘ .115? . ~-',' t > 3. W31”, pf; ' » , ' :3 , ,1- ' 3.3- , ‘3 .3 '.
nior Audrey Pierce in ninth place men and women were turning in the ‘ ‘3 .. , _. ~., 3 , 2 . .33 "2,, ' 3;, 52:3: .fl ti." -‘~ «4 .333 .. fue‘ei -3 3. - l ,3 3
(17:16). Lisa Breiding in 12th (17:26i times coach Don Weber was named Weber said the bigger the meet, Mvammmmvmi j“ _‘ .3 .7 _-
and Elisa Frosini in 15th (17:30), SECwomen’scoachoftheyear. the better Kentucky’s chances are of The 1985 women's cross country champions at head and pamoo podorno Not Shoym we AU, I {‘3
Rounding 0u3l 3the SEC team was “In cross country races once the beating NC- State. ltwtlldepend 1‘ UK are as follows: (left to right) Elisa Frosini drey Pierce Lynne Segreti Deanne Horne ord 1
Lynne Segreti in 5th With a time of gun goes off the coaches Jmt stand other teams ggt some runners in b; Becky Gallcwon, Sherry Hoover, USO Breiding pmqe Pawlck Members are 33303333 new 3 333333 33‘. ,3 .33.. 3
18'0'." . back hke spectators. he said. ”1 Wee" e N‘ ' State runners. 8 Kathy Roisbeck, LOUise Schweitzer, Leslie White. Kentucky Imnoiicriol Chcnipior‘iship, Ségp’ 2 ~ I J I ,3 '
Winning the SEC race overall was really was the girls performance. said. . - 3 . 3
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