xt7tdz032982 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tdz032982/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-03-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 16, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 16, 1979 1979 1979-03-16 2020 true xt7tdz032982 section xt7tdz032982 Vol. LXXI. No. m Ker 2' Unlmshy of Kentucky
Friday. March Is. 1979 an independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
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1" .. ,3. .9 .ggtxs’é‘»;c ” ., j . 'i .’ 19' By NANCY GREENSTEIN COlngC OTK Study (( W8) These
. — ” Id“ The national tax-cutting mood is MISAA mandates minimum funding
I leading the Carter Administration to levels it" SEOGS at $700 million. $286 ,
7N plan to submit legislation loweringthe mllheh it” NDSLS and $500 million
. ..:;’- 'v already—mandated funding levels of for CWS. the only program where the ,
_ the newly-passed Middle lncome PleSldeht budgeted more than the
Student Assistance Act. mandated amount. 7
[f a reduction is accomplished. Along withthe funding levels forthe .
‘ supporters ofthe Act sponsored by SEOQ NDSl‘ and CW5 programs. ' -
" Kentucky Rep. Carl Perkins (D-7th the act also states these levels must be .
District) indicatethe grant and loan met for the EEOC program to receive ;
programs affected may be unable to any funding. confirmed Pat RiSSle~ ‘
I By (“mi ”Noah/Km“. St." fully service student financial aid deputy" staff director for POSt' ‘
t A fw d h needs. Secondary Education. -
u le erse en Specifics on the content of the Kristian Stanford. legislative aid for _
. ' . , . the House subcommitt on Post- ,
. “Till we meet again.“ That. roughly, is themeaning of this German word. It's County scene and for all the outward bound l'K students. Spring break floggilggl[gecljoh‘khgs‘zriihljzmgfh Second arv Educat on. saifle. “we“ not , ,
an especially pertinent thought — for both the sun in this rural Fayette officially begins tomorrow and ends March 26. Carter‘s total bu dgget for MISAX happy with the levels provided by the .
programs proposes to spend six FY ‘80 budget because they violatethe ‘-
percent less than this year‘s actual law.“ .
o d a spending. This year. S 4.8 billion was t Cltlhsetllifhttlil the :dminisltration ‘ .
. ‘ . . ‘ eesitwi avetocaneteaw. '
methane explsions in Marchhltflh. but is a complctly uncontrolled. technological tadyanceme‘nt threaten Zigghve‘dr.‘thiehreire:ild(eni"sr(htiildighe1tscall: Hallisy said HEW believges Carter's ‘I .
seperate operation. officials said. . . mankind hith the biggest unimaginable sell- for funding next vear of$ 45 billion proposed funding levels are adequate. ' .
local AScotia spokesmanm KnoxVillesaidtherockslide destruction in history. .. . . Th h . . ' k , Ii And Beth Abramowitz. assistant
occurred as the injured miner operated a continuous And the Polish~born pontiff. the first non-Italian oug h '5_ not . "0“" ”ha 3 . . . . -
mining machine at the mine's working face. where pope in more than 400 years assailed consumerism when the lenglathh Will be submitted. director (“.th hm“: House. Domestic _‘
THE NEWLY‘ELECTED CHAIRMAN of the coal is removed from the scam. I that threatens to make human beings “the slate of one HOUSC official said it Will have to Policy Staff. emphaSIIed the '
Lexington chapter of American Atheists said thmgt" be done within a month. when the President‘s committment to fully fund '-
yesterday he Will work to repeal Sunday closing laws He also pledged to champion the rights of the budget is examined by congressional the BEOG program to provide grants
in Fayette County. ONE MAN WAS KILLED AND TWO MORE hungry and the oppressed. and denounced committees. . of up to SLXOO to all 2.6 million -
“We feel. most people here‘ are ,agatht Sunday WERE lNdURED yesterday in Harlan when shots "concentration camps. \lOlCl’lCC. torture. terrorism "Legislatively. they have to do it eligible students. '
closmg. said Alan Golds‘tein. Ourjob Wm bcto get were fired into a bus carrying about 35 non-union and discrimination." (change the act «considering the Abrahtowitl also said controversy
. that “FPO” out and get me touch Whh merchants. miners home from work at Jericol Mining lnc.‘s The encyclical isasolemn papalletterinl‘ormingthe bud et .. confirmed Mar , Hallis , over student financial aid programs is
Lexmgton '5 losmg business because 0f th'S‘ he strikcbound Glenbrook mine. officials said. church and its members on matters of importance. g. ‘. . . r‘ . i“ , . - ‘
. .. - ' . 7 ' . . . . . ublic information s eCialist with the net d new problem. in fact. she said. -.
said. LOU'SV'he doesn‘t have Sunday closmg and h The three were riding in a former school bus that Issued infrequently. sometimes several years apart. p p . , d d f d' l l f th _
hasn‘t fallen apart.“ has been the focus of controversy in recent weeks they are the main vehicle used by popes to Department Of Health. Education. man ate un ”7g eves or e .
. . . . - . . . . , . . . _ and welfare. program have never been reached.
involvmg picketing by area parents. A state police communicate their teachings. . “The ('1 ures have been written in as . .
‘ cruiser was followmg a quarter-mile behind the bus Yesterday‘s encyclical was entitled Redemptor Illegal funding level? g .
State when the shooting occurred. Hominis. latin for Redeemer of Man. Th - a protection for campus-based ,
, e Office of Management and programs to signal to the .
_ A KENTUCKY COAL MINER wxs Rescuer) Tm “Wt-mg “curred 9'“ day “h" ‘h‘ “"‘l‘a'h Budget reports that Carter‘s fiscal administration that it cannot zero-
. V _ agreed to paintthe bus. which w'asstillyellow.sothere I980 bud et asks for $2. 4 billion . _ . ., .
UNINJLRED yesterday after he was trapped for six- would beless chance ofconfusing tt withschool buses. ._ g . _ fund these programs. Abramownz
and—a-half hours by a rock slide that killed two others And it came two days after another court agreement for 835” Education OOPPOTIUhh.‘ said . S he added that past
In the Scotia Mine Co's Upper Taggert coal'minc at that the bus would use the road at times when no weather Grants (BEOG). $3 40 million for administrations have asked Congress ' _
Ov(e)n Foik ll‘n tehcher county. aut‘l‘tortttfies salts. . h school buses were on it. 0 SupplemeCtlital Edzeglgzhalsno for budget exemptions allowing for
ne 0 t e o ies was remove a out mi m t. ortunitv rants . ‘ . ' , . . .
two hours after the accident. and the other about :30 - ”‘5 A GOOD DAY FOR TRAVEL “hh clear million for National Direct grudent fund‘ifngd ge’vlels lower than those .
a.m. yesterday. The third miner. trapped one-and-a- natlon skies and temperatures expected to reach the 50s. Loans (NDSl ) and 5‘00 million for ”peel 'e 3’ “Continued on p.“ 4
half miles inside the mine. was rescued about 4am. Look for increasing cloudiness tonight with a low in . 7 i '
The mine is in Black Mountain. about two miles POPE JOHN PAUL II. in his first encyclical. said the .tOs. 'l omorrow's high should be in the 60s. Enjoy .
from scona's No. l mine. when 25 men died in yesterday in Vatican City the arms race and the break. Naples to be arra|gned .
lune In tomorrow 0" 3353“" “3'9“  -
_ _ . By PAUL MANN threatened to return with some .
Soap operas are a big part of the daily routine for many students “We . .
Bow later returned to the scene with
Benny Naples. l9. an Arts and . j . L . .
By LAURA HUEER every day _. watching soap operas. Habit. That was the only These people are usually ashamed if Sciences sophomore. will bearraigned hapLesuanld Chrhs Jlacobs. anothetr ltlhK . .
Staff writer The main TV lounge at the Student explanation offered by those students anyone accuses them of actually liking in Fayette Circuit Court at 1:30 this got a; p;)fir.l o ice reports sffhe e .
Center stands asamonumenttothese who said they spent at least part of soaps. afternoon on charges ofsecond-degree t r‘ee oot t4 P 3:85:23"; 1:36;; 1. - .
‘ After glancing at the clock, Susan soap opera _ “soap" for short * each week watching soap operas. Paula Deters falls into the second assault. 1m mealime” (ihvahlubs hndame’tiil i e ' '
. gasps. throws on her mat and heads fanatics. B’ ., category. Although she watches soaps Commonwealth Attorney Larry m e ca y g p p ' I
. , . . irds of a feather. . . . Griffen was knocked down and the .
for the door. barely grabbing her The lounge IS often CTOWdCd Wlth in her spare time. Deters. an LTl Roberts said Naples.amember ofthe thr all ed assailants fled
.-’ books on the way out. She rushes students watching SOSPS during their There are several different freshman. thinks theyarc“morefunny UK football team. was indicted by a ee eg _ ‘ g ' ' _
. across campus_ dodging students as lunch break. according to Kathleen categories of soap opera fans: than anything else“ and would never grand jury this past Monday. A} a hearing 0“ Feb. 7' the charges §
7" she goes. Out of breath, she reaches Latham. clerk-hostess 0f the Student ~-Some watch two or three of the skip class to watch them. The charges stem from an incident 888"?“ Jacobs and Bow were 'f ' ~ '
her destination. Center. programs each day and discuss the She said she started watching them which occurred onthe night ofJan.2l. hism'hhed 0h_ the grounds 0f ,3
;. An important class? Of course not; “Students become reallyinvolved in characters with their friends for at because her family always watched I978 when Steve Griffen. 'hshfhc'eht eVidence. The charge '-. i
3‘ its just time for her favorite soap them (the programs),“ said Lathami least another hour. These arethe ones them at home and her friends watch communications senior. Steve lmmel. 383m“ Naples was amended ‘0
_'. opera. “It‘s like they are having a class." who skip class “because Devon‘s them now. English junior. and David Boyle. l9. second-degree assault and he was held “
'.' Susan will now spend the next hour StUdCHtS can also be found having her baby.“ Many students said they watch were throwing snowballs at cars on over to the grand JUTY- _; '
7. totally involved in the lives of the 3h50fh¢d in soap Operas in the lobbies ~Some only watch certain soap because their friends do. Fontaine Road. According to police. in a seperate incident late last year. “
Ii ‘ fictional characters. of many dorms. operas once or twice weekly to keep up "My friends ask me what happened one of the snowballs hit a car driven by Jacobs received a probated sentence 3 .
_‘ She is just one of a large number of What could possibly be so powerful with what is going on. on the soap operas as soon as i walk in John Bow. on a charge of disorderly conduct after 3 _
students ontheUKcampuswhospcnd about soaps that draws so many rAnd still others watch only when the door.“ said Regina Bentley. Bow, also a UK football player. striking a teaching assistant in the .
part of each week ~ if not part of people to them CVCI’Y day? someone else already has the TV on. Continued on page 4 allegedly got out of his car and Library lounge on Woodland Avenue. ' , t
Dirk M' ' f' Idl k' ' ’1' UK ‘
Innie 1e 00 mg to state champions Ip, career . .
. .' By JOHN CLAY Caverna. “i think we haveagreat team However. Lafayette‘s first-place home.“ explained the leading behind (Kyle) Macy. (Jay)Shidler and j . " . ' .
' . i. Assistant Sports Editor and lthink we owe it to ourselves to ranking and impressive record candidate for the “Mr. Basketball“ (Dwight) Anderson. I thinkitwillhclp- e _ . .' . - .
’5 win it all." guarantee nothing. Minniefield knows award in Kentucky. “I don‘t think me a lot in the future. t. .. _ .. ..
t Eighteen-year-old Dirk Minniefield Minniefield‘s l8.3 scoring average the Generalswill have towork fortheir there‘s no better place to 80. 50 l ”hilt l l00l‘ at it like i haVC a ' ' «is. $- ;
. i has every reason to be on top of the has led the Lafayette Generals toa 33- state crown. decided to stay right here. possibility of beating one of those guys . _- j" " . 3 ‘ -
, 5 world right now. 1 record. including a 77-5l win over “We can‘t look past any team.“ said “We always followed UK. but early out. I think I am just asgood as those _ in d . s
' . His team. Lexington Lafayette. is Grant County in the first round of the Minniefield. “We knowthat physically on l wasn‘t really considering them.“ guys but they have the experience so I Q -‘ l \
ranked first in the state and is the tournament Wednesday night. we should win. but we have to be said Minniefield.“lthought it was best imagine CoachUoc) Hallwillgo With " } =1 or g
. . overwhelming favorite in the Minniefield has been All-Statesinoe mentally ready and do the things that to get away. hi" i talked it over With that and i don't blame him. 3 ' 7: ' .
. . . . Kentucky Boy's High School his sophomore season. but this year are necessary to win.“ my parents andthey wanted meto stay “I‘m really looking forward to " at .
. . 2 ~ . . , Tournament going on at Rupp Arena. has been much more satisfying for if Minniefield talks like a guy who and i wanted them to see me play." playing with Macy. he is so smart. I ' . i .
. _. . And the 6-3 All-America guard him. knows what he wants. it‘s because he Minniefield will probably have to think I will learn a lot from him." at ' . . I ’ .
, , 1 signed a Southeastern Conference “l think the biggest difference does know. adjust to not starting (something he In addition to Minniefield. U K has . i .
, , ' letter-of—intent to attend UK between this year and the last two While many other high school has done since his s0phomorc season received a verbal commitment from ‘ ' ~»- ' ,
. . " ‘ yesterday. years is that we areamuchcloserteam players are still trying to decide which at Lafayette) in his first year on the Shelby County‘s All-Stater Charles i ‘ t i.
" ‘ - . | “There‘s nothing morethrillingthan this year.” said Minniefield. “We are colleges they will attend. Minniefield C0ll¢8¢ level. Bl" that really doesn‘t Hurt and All-American Derrick Hord i . 1‘
. . . ' to go out a winner.“ said Minniefield all seniors and we have been together has already chosen UK. bother him. from Tennessee signed an SEC Ictter- '
_ -, yesterday after a Lafayette practice in three years. lthink we have a lot more "It‘s in my home state and I wanted “0f COUI’SC l WOUld rather play hilt l of—intent yesterday. DIRK MINNIEFIFLD
,. 4 preparation for today‘s game with talent than the first two years.“ to go to a university that was close to think it will be a big advantage playing Continued on put 3 7
. . .- o --. .rnwv...’ --—~ ' "'“wn-o—m-‘w O r ' .. 7 ‘ ‘ ‘N ' ' ' ‘ ' ‘ rev-ma“-‘Wumgmbfifiws ‘ " " " ‘ ' ' . I
. ‘t r . ~ \

 't i ‘ .. . . . .K‘.‘ . t . . _ . -.~- '- . t
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. x i
/ Steve Belling" LII- Dona-rd Tho-u (1." Will" Tunis Junie \nught Tom Morin .
lit/II“! III ('hlt’I Iz'rllmna/ kklimr 1!] Focal 4‘" Lilli!" 51mm I‘ll/m llim In; til l’hu/uitrulilii I
Debbie McDaniel -
_ . Steve Money 3
Richard McDonald Gregg Held: Ruth Mum-Ill! ("vi Willis John ( I» Had- t-mpbell t
, - Managing lit/um Jeanne Wchnu l'- Jenny Tltc Annium 4d}. Iii/II!!! an." Rickerd I'lio/u llunugn i
. . Aiwmlli‘ kklimn (-0!" him'“ "\H\IIIIII Slim/i [III/UH l
. - editorials 8’ comments i
I . I /1‘ t i I l
pnng rea egan ye er 7 i . t. t
l ’1‘ ' l 3 l
t . I
no matter what calendar says ' i ' "" ‘= i
' . t: ‘ ,e‘s‘i' ' “a" i l t
i ' ' ' s¥SJ§ 1‘: ‘ . ’M I , t i
. Spring break began yesterday. the offic‘ial trying to elude police. :5 ””315”, . tr“ ,, a .' t t
. calendar of the University notwithstanding. What’s the purpose ofallthis frivolity'PNothing is '1 "'"%."~ 9? 4‘ - . ~ i i i
.7 ‘ There are noticeably fewer people left on campus. learned. no research is done. no one IS helped. More 4‘ ”I? . I t
and there are noticeably fewer instructors holding sraitlaced authorities must be tempted to crack 1575/ . , ,fi ’ 3 . L. i
classes. Although they‘re supposed to maintain a down on the whole spring break setup once and for ' . e“ :4“ . h i
consistent schedule. most professors are no fools. If all: give midterm exams on the Friday before. take i a“ ‘ . t a i
the students aren‘t going to be there. instructors roll call every day that week. 5 i a») .('- i .
won‘t be there either. But perhaps the annual March merriment isn‘t to _ f t, . , A l’. . a, f i
. q . . ‘ ‘ I , _.
It‘s the same at most other schools. Oklahoma that bad. If it really is a reaction against the rest of , L _ Q . ‘7 . ‘ J i 5/ t
State University in Stillwater. forinstance. madethe the year‘s routine. there must be a [or of work being “/4 ‘ / Q -.~ ‘ t h r t
news again this year with its“S[reaker nghl.“EaCh done at other times. There are 1015 of ways to 04 j" a . l ‘ I, ’,'I g- /? ‘
Thursday evening before that school‘s break. the accomplisha task.and indirectionis one ofthem— i ti I'l . h r _ - .. a .-' _ , 4"“: s 7 .
students crowd en masse into the town‘s night life every one needs a vacation to stay sharp, let‘s not Wt , y . (2i 0‘ “i, l 'u .' : I t; :3 .. !
district. While laboring to get intoxicated on 3.2 begrudge college students their play time. Oh. the [W W \ -~ , -- ~ - . — a
. L _ \ .. . _
beer. some strip off clothes and run down the street last person to leave. turn out . . . “m, . . ‘5 . \\\ M .
Q” »\\\\.‘\\\'\ \\ N 7‘ ‘ ’ .
Abused, abuswe tool of state THE Boss R N6
F uses gran jury or own purposes .
By TOM FITZGERALD innocent would be better protected COINTELPRO program of the FBI. crimes or illegal conduct. The her difference of belief in the right of In I979. we can be more aware of i
from governmental overreaching. The .which sought to disrupt and curtail functioning ofthe grandjury has been the individual to freedom of belief and what is being done. and how to cope i
The media and the revered grand jury was variously described as political activism in the US in the late described asta close descendant of a political association. she was cited for “lll‘l it. 'I here are resources. l
institutions of higher learning place being “the primary security of the 60s and 705. was in part discontinued McCarthy Investigation. or as a contempt of grand jury and spent ix individuals. and groups in this I
' great stock in our constitutional innocent against hasty. malicious.and because of its ability to utilize the “sword“ofthestate.Afarcry fromthe months injails in Bell. Madison and community and elsewhere who are
guarantees. The hallowed halls ofthe oppressive prosecutions." and as grand jury as a device for. coercing buffer between the individual and the Franklin counties. Kentucky. Ms. willing to help. The Grand Jury l
_ _Hfl“—~——~—— information from actiVists and state. Raymomd was released only because Project has resources. background l-
. supporters across the nation. Time forastory. In January of I975. the authority ofthe grand jury cs pired and legal informationand is willingto l
The chief weapon ofthe grandjury, FBI agents Wayne MacDonald and after an I8 month period. lend support. l‘heir publication. l
I the onetwhichendears it tothe FBI and John Gill visited the home of a 22- This atrocious tale would be mere QI'ASH. is an invaluable educational
other investigative agencies (guess year-old woman who had just history. were it not for the resurgence tool. I heir address is: 853
———~\ who?) is the subpoena (and the graduated from UK. The agents were ofthe “search" for one ofthe fugitives. Broadwway. Room lllo. New York,
law schools throughout this land ring serving “the invaluable function of contempt power it portends). The obstensibly seeking information on Kathy Powers. The I‘Bl is again N.Y.l()()03.phone(2l2 674-6005, The
loudlv with praise of our protection of standing between the accuser and the right to compel. production of two fugitives on the Most Wanted List searching in all the old haunts; again Grand Jury l’rojectsuggeststhat when
the rights of the individual against the accused.“ testimony and evtdence from an ofthe FBI. wanted in connection with inquiring of her whereabouts. Again. the FBI comes to call. “SILENCE IS
state. even (gasp!) the criminal Unfortunately. reform inthearea of Inleldllal is one which has been crimes allegedly committed bythem in the feminist community of‘lexington. YOI'R RIGHT THE ONLY
defendant, At the risk of sullying the criminal justice has blithely repeatedly denied to the FBI. It is an Boston during I970. and of other cities. is being made a I’liRHi("ll.Y SAFE THING T0 '
impeccable marble edifice that is the overlooked the grand jury. In more awesome power. one. which carries That day began a nightmare forJill target for this “search." But there is a, SAY, TO AN F'Btl. AGENT IS ‘IF
law. I‘d like to talk about one of the recent years. a metamorphosis has tremendous psychological coerCion as Raymond and a handful of others in difference. In I97S.iihe harassment of itQt HMI: AN’YTHING .TO SA).
most abused. and abusive tools ofthe occurred. No longer is the grandjury well as the threat of perjury Lexington, who felt the full wrath of individuals “in Lexington under the It I II If,\ Vt RI UM]...A‘\D SEND
state. the grand jury. the independent investigatory body it prosecutions and contempt for failure the state for their decision not to gUise of a hunt for the two Most ll l() M\ IAVHFR.
The grand jury historically was once was. It has becomeatool for the to testify. comply with the FBI and the grand Wanted suspects successfully Stay healthy. stay hungry. and have
heralded asa way ofplacingacheck 0n state prosecutor seeking information. This tool has been co-opth by the '\ jury investigation. accomplished one 9‘ the WWW £103" a 110‘“ break.
the power ofthe state. h was {Ch that and. as one commentator styled it.“a agencies. and utilized to harrass and Ms. Raymond had not been intended ”‘3‘ 0‘ Spreadmg '61” and .. .
by puttingagroup ofcitizens between perfectly legal device for converting intimidate activists throughtout the suspected of a crime. was never paranOia'throughout ‘ht‘f‘Ummun'U Tom “llgff'ld '5 I second year IN
the individual and the overwhelming political activists into political nation into giving information on charged with a criminal offense; yet. and cutting “Chm“ 0" from the student. "'5 column IPIW‘N’S "9'!
might of the state. the rights Of the 'prisoners." The much-criticized matters not directly pertinent to any for her decision to remain silent, for community around lhcm' ['"dn' '
. _ _. “..-,._,,,_,.,_M- , ,-,______. _____
““ " ' “IT grommet. libelous
r L etters -
I e e S 0 e I I ('ontribufions should be either
' mailed or personally delivered to the
0/ I C Editorial l-Lditor. m Journalism
m Building. l'K. l.e\ington. Kentucky
"9“ cand'date . , the one thing to look for in the junior woman with an insatiable craving for _ “'5“-
First of all. let me make my offiCial candidates this year is not experience notoriety will 80 to any lengthsjust to (Ijhe Auniutlti [\(I'rrs'l I“L‘lL‘titmL-\ team: I h
' announcement: I am engaging. at or intelligence. but imagination ~ or ' ' be in the limelight. if she is so 3" lent‘t’umgt‘sit‘t‘h “ ”“9““ mm .s'lmu/tlhr,m/im-ior nonm- ar-
present. in a staunch and t active more properly. innovation. This Is the Demented 0 Half dissatisfied with our country why :2: :hlhzsirlznxr‘tjit‘: ixtrtgtltlhlitwltmlmn at Ii'ri [in- line.
campaign to avoid seeking Student one feature that I‘ve noticed as being I am appalled that the University of doesn‘t she move to Russia. [mm Opinmnftmd Cg‘ni‘mmw Opinions"
Ciovternmelnth Olftcte’i In tlhtfih Uplzomtrig conspicuous by its absence. Secondly. Kentucky WOUId aliow. the demented If we really careabout ourcountryit ies must be typed and tiipltuspticcd. “mu/(IN git/”m Witt”, bin-hur-
eec ion. ope o ge e ernels although the analogy of comparison Madalyn MurrayO Hairto peddle her is time to get involved and stop these and must include thc Mm.‘ “gnu. mm [W [W
endorsement m ”-“S matter and WI“ shopping for vegetables m a preposterous propaganda on our fools who are trying to destroy it. But ‘ture. address and phone number I K
probably be naming a non-running supermarket is awfullytempting. it isa campus. True. we have freedom of if we continue on with our carefree stuttchmhhuitt”Ninth.ththtwtmd (.ommmtan-fl.
mate m the near future. Therefore. for rather incompetent strategy. Rather speech in America. but just What has attitude l am afraid that not only will major. and l'nitcrsity cmployccs .VIIIIl/tlfn’WI/IIIt’t1)I'/(‘.\\_’l“(‘hllr-
all Of you“ guys out ‘0 “Stop the than sitting passively and listening to given us this great privilege? It is w lose bur freedom ofspecch but one should list their department and tlilt‘H/N‘I'IHH‘
Greeks" or “add some flair“ to the ’ l ' f d C . - ~ osition. 'll't' H’H'rH‘rl fin arm/m iihtm'
these guys. choose your prime issue . because our country was oun ed on da Wt“ find our soc1ety in bondage. p , .
Senate. sorry. but you'll have to get and confront the candidates with it. Christian principles and trust in God. y . The Kernel rescrycthe i‘ighl‘tocon- qu/iuii. Iln' I’ll/III“ It'd. hut-especial
yourself another boy. forcing a public committment out of we have enough confusion and dense or reject contributions.limitilic tft't/('I1/III/\. (’\/7t’l‘lt’lltl'. [tr/urtnmg. or
Secondly. lid like to make some a” of them. problems to cope with without Marcia Run“, number of (:ubniislijons by fi'cttltit'iit ill/lt/‘l’(/11Il/(I/itflll0lh Iouurtsiu/iar-
recommendations for those who Richard w_ Dizney allowing Mrs. O'Hair to muddle Music junior writers. an to t it for spa int. mum in III/
attend the forums with the 50 Arts& Science Senator minds. __. _...__ _ __. _._.._ _fi______
s A
THeRe, Wham mom I
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, l‘ll ( k\ I\I'R'\H.. lriduy. Much I6. "79-1
‘ Thu d ’ t t i‘ M' ' ' ' ‘
. rs ay .9 s a a aurnament results '"mefield says Hall Is great coach ' at,
i . . "NR—3s
l ' th s, Wll , . . . / \ -
‘ Ashland 54 DOVIIS 51 e net h three seconds to plagued the Hummus (ontinued from page I “I” made 1h.” 7 .7 ”ex. , y -.
' go.M f' ld . Bluebirdsthroughout thegame “I kn” lht‘)’ were coming Winnin ‘ 1d NEH” A 1" ‘, ~ I
. . . . - .. . . is - .' . i
. (AP) Jeff Tipton scored d a? i; trailed 49—45 at the from inside and (mde here. said Minnielield. “It Minni “ i, k wmu ling“)? ? ‘I l m home
i 7 , . . _ 7 - C C ntms ‘ - v
l nine pomts duringa 20-6 surge en“? (‘7 '2'? quarters. Highlands nearly lell \lCIlm “any helped ms‘ make UP my aim”. d I” k H .' \ \‘ i
’ that powered Ashland [03 54_ t' Ch arDinalzgainedaSI-Sl to what had become something mind, I thlnk it In good to be 1 5/4” -' ‘ \\\§
A ' - - . ‘ I I
‘ 5] Victory over Owensboro '9 kwt enf dV'h Youngblood ol alinx inthe opening days of associated “”h 800d PWPI‘? H i a \‘ \
- - san wo ‘ - - . - - b '
9 Thursday ina first round game m 0 T' refit rows :ith 4.58 this tournament. but managed and thatmade mydeusionulot 098 eat U 0f L
— ‘ ofthe boys State High School Cog i blmk e" put I ““59" to become one of only two caster for me. Ithink we are all 7‘“ --—~_.-77~~_ . x-..“ --_
Basketball Tournament, [‘3an “C7 OMOP.5.-5| With teams In seven games so far to going ‘0 lmWOV’e together. mm ”M. lilth-r' k -d l
I The Victory placed Ashland a. - oot Jumper but Clymer bUild a big early lead and then We're all hoping to Wln three Arkansas R A h it an t IT PAYS To ’
l m Friday 5 quarterfinals hit from the key: knotting the hang on for 7, Wm national championshlps'.‘ out . m at. r dL swearted
i against Mayfield. game at 53-53 With 4:06 to go. _ . A th {I _ d 09" “mm“ ‘P"”" I
l Williams sank an Ill-footer COIOHGIS 87 Vlfgle 70 ~ no er actor m Mmme. lead behmd All-America TE PLASMA ‘
I I ‘ \I u - " s . . ,
aYfiefd 61 Brads 59 seconds later and Clymeragain lltl‘d s decision was Hall, SidnL) Moncriel and surtned '
g _ hit fromthe key. tyingthe game ‘ I think ( oach .Ha“ isagieat a blistering second-hall tall) hs CCS'I Pflld $10“ Per DOHI'iOII I
3 (AP) — 03“,“ Clymer sank for the last time at 55—all with (AP) .. ( harles Nance .COHCh‘ says. an'd'eld‘ “I the |3th~ranked louistille H I ' ‘ ' I
y a free throw With 15 seconds 3:28 to go, scored thetirst three baskets of think that is identifiable by his Cardinals lora 73-62 \It‘ltlr} in ‘ e P yourself “"0"“le Wh'lf’
‘y remaining yesterdgy afternoon H hla d the game and Ken Hart addeda record this year with the team the semifinals ol the \(W-‘s‘s .
i as Mayfield upset Harrison '9 n S 68 WHS 62 fourth lhursday and Christian that he had, He had less Midwest Regional basketball helpmg Others med'c°|'Y~
' County 6|-59 m another m5! (ounty never lookeo back in personnel than last year and playoffs ’lhursda) night ,
round game of [m. state (AP, Bob Mums scored munng vlrgle 37-70 imhenna, Payment paid for each plasma donation.
tourney. 3l points and Fort Thomas fir“ round game '35! night. The KOMUCKY Kornol, 210 Jownaiism Bulldlng
. Harrison County missed a Highlands used its overpower- Christian COUN)’. 26-3. Un'VG’S'lY O‘KemUCkyiexlngtonKy 40506ispubiished Come by or cu“
chance to at least tie the game ing inside game to defeat moved "“0 Friday‘s second each class day dqu the 59"”9 and la“ semesters and .
when Rodger Ross failed to hit LOUISVl”e WCSIPOFt 68'” in a round against F0” l'homas weekly during the Summer sessmn PLASMA DER
I the first free throw in a bonus first game of the evening Highlands. Third class postage paid at Lexmgton. Kentucky 40511 IVATIVESI INC.
7 . Situation with seven seconds session. Nance led the Colonels with ‘ Subscription rates are mailed 55’ per year 0' one cent per .
/ l; remaining. Highlands, 27-7. moved into 26 points while Jeff Davie year non—mailed 3‘3 E' Short 5'.
(yr g The Thorobreds Greg todays second round against added 20- Hart PliCht‘d in l6 Jlm Cleveland i
’ Williams scooped up the ball Christian County, and Ray Jordon ll. Stonie Production Mgr 252-5586
F . and attempted to score a tymg Muntis‘ performance helped Newsome had 25 and Greg Anthony Gray L d Wll I
! basket. but he stepped out of offset a 29-point effort by NCWSOmC '8 fl" Virgl9~ Wthh Advert/Sing DIIGClOf Adv so; ctdgnM
. 7 7 . . , u I r
, bounds durin the battle under Westports Steve Ware. who (”“8th the season at 28-3. 9 7:30 ' 4:00 \
_ . —_ x—
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