xt7tdz03278z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tdz03278z/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2003 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, January 2003 Vol.74 No.1 text The Kentucky Press, January 2003 Vol.74 No.1 2003 2003 2019 true xt7tdz03278z section xt7tdz03278z I I vii; I
. i ”55:7: '3’ 3“» kw 9% j”. '
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:.. I I h ' “l" .. at. :’ MARGARET I KING LIBRARY 2 _
a, . r a. .3; .. 1;: .. UNIVERSITY OF KY LIBRARIES .
' . 1 V " j LEXINGTON KY 40506 3
1 W" 1 a” ”Tyfl/ » 32%? J
Volume 74: Number 1 - J anuagx 2002 - Biblished by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service ,1
0111' I‘ll BS carriers are enlp OyBBS 3113!?! i
The state's highest court reversed that the newspaper carriersivere in specifies that the carrier is to install ”my“:
the deciSIOn of the Court of Appeals fact employees of the company. The hooks or tubes on designated routes NBWSNt» ;
and ruled that neWSPaPer cafrlers 0f Frankhn Clrcmt Court HPhETd that for dehvery 0f Landmark's neWSIM- -'
Landmark Community Newspapers of decision, but it was reverseébin the pers, that newspapers are never placed ”. 5
Kentucky are employees performing Court of Appeals. I5; in or around the mailbox, that the car- GenexalAggembin ,
services in covered employment for Landmark hires individii’als to rier replace or repair the hooks or b. 3
unemployment insurance purposes. work as carriers in order to deliver its tubes and that the carrier must keep averageegms
The case, which is over six years newspapers to subscribers on various the newspaper dry. The carrier must MSGeneralAssefnblycenw
old, involved whether Landmark’s designated routes. Landmark requires also deliver copies of the weekly venedan‘raesday,}an7m ,
newspaper carriers should be consid- that a carrier sign a ”delivery agent” ”Extra” section of the newspaper to FrazficfertfiieKemuciqPress
ered independent contractors or agreement, which supposedly makes non-subscribers on routes designated ASSDQahQfiNEWfiBweaulsm» 5
employees for purposes of drawing the newly hired individual an inde— by Landmark. In addition, the carrier agampwvxdmgcsvetageefthe
unemployment. pendent contractor, instead of an must have all the newspapers deliv— sesswnfermemberneivspapers
The Kentucky Unemployment employee. . mtamstedinfltesemce
Insurance Commission determined The language of the agreement See RULES on Page 8 Legmiauvestefiescanbemtby
t 2003 K E NTUC KY PR ESS Assoc IATIO N D I'R ECTO RY ‘5;fliestonesand/orphofosandhave
f d to l ‘ , Pieaseymffilifwsfimwfir '
' - I . anaEhlS t -;
“n: 9 “ca 10113 _ ' ., ”magmas.
The 2002 KPA Convention and Trade Show is just ,3 j Z" ‘ f . é" . mfiwwhawyouprefertorecewe "
days away, but it isn't too late for you to get in on the I f. ‘ i," J. = . 53:3; . £ '2‘ “Stones, {
fun. " '74.- ‘ ,5. " g . a. . 5 I‘ {egislafivemundupstanesmfl “
The event, held this year at the Hurstbourne Hotel " :_ - .3: w ' , befiieéweemyaachfindaybyé 5
and Conference Center in Louisville Jan. 23-24, promises ; ‘ a I ' -, 21"" 2‘3 7 _ pmaxxdetherstenesmackages »
to be an excitin and fun—filled event with its list of 5' if I i it ‘ ‘ ‘lx 3- " and/orphotosmfibefiledmaddi~- :
- - g - - ' 1'" 5 5 7 '13. 7‘ "' 1‘- ‘ . ? ;t19rtaak9y,_legis1at1vemeantime; ‘3
interesting and educational seminars and speakers. . 3 :1» . 21 , "imavethroughthe Chambers 3 .5
Room reservations must be made before rrudrught on ‘, r‘ . ‘ 'I Asalways, theNeW Bureaufs ”5,; ;
Thursday, Jan. 9, 2003 in order to reserve a room at the I , ‘ a coverageis oitiaijlfiIStv-‘COme; first;
$79 room rate. After that the KPA block of sleeping ' ‘ . ‘ '3 », ' -‘ ‘ severed baSISKeepm mind; the . _
rooms will be released to the public. The deadline to 1 . if ’ a. ‘ NQWSBw‘eau can fifisuchrequests ‘ 5
register for the convention is Thursday, Jan. 16. .9 ‘ .‘ ascompletestones, aquotefrom ‘1
The fun gets underway on Thursday morning at 11 ' . 3 ' {youriegzsiator toadd are local ,/ _._ ,
am. when the trade show opens. ' j Steryorayhfltogmphof yourgleg‘isé IV _'
' Thursday is sure to provide beneficial information _ ' 3 ., 'Iatormactlort'lfhe Service‘isfree‘of "
for any newspaper during the sessions scheduled for V ' 3333139150. you ‘és a KPA member .7: ,
the afternoon. . V, Theoniy costmvoivedwouid half
,. Newspaper employees will be able to take back some fig J _ ‘ , overrughtfihl’ppmgtfl one-hour ,
valuable advice on keeping their newspaper in compli- _ .. . m ”0?: .. e. . photochargesaremmrred '3
ance during three separate sessions. The Kentucky 3“ . “it a, ‘f '3 — i _ gr}: mafia. a a! To make amunSt' contact 2i
1 Re i of Election Financ th K k Fair H usin ' '"" ‘ “" ' * r " " ' “Indeaflmz‘swnimafi’y
g stry 6/ e enmc y 0 g ' g . ‘2 5 emailat dehtsehidemz . ress com I
Council and the Attorney General’s staff will all be on _ i «it? ~ . YP I'll}. .
hand to discuss compliance laws in their area of exper- Q i ,2 I {Hf *3 i? f "E i C t. ‘ 3" ff.“ : ti
tise. The Attorney General's staff Will discuss complying The 2003 KPA/KPS Directory will be available at the Convention. onven Ion reserva 611$ " .y
with the new telemarketing laws. The photo selected for the cover this year by former Messenger— 811013}de madenow 7
Thursday afternoon will also feature a panel discus- :qugrer P1L°t°ggphgr 312’? Healer}?! Thi]: $35“ ilNas ttakfin 221302 ThEWmter Conventiontsjust
' ' ' ' - e wens OI'O we on unn a rewor IS a a e ‘ .. V . . 3 ' ' ' . ~' V“: ». .»,
51011 WIth top legislative leaders talking about the Kentucky Tourism Industry’s Angnual ConfersencepinyOctober ‘ I, , SeeNEWSGRP‘iieS
See CONVENTION on Page 10 2002_ .2 a , .y . g, .1 .y g

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press,January 2003
Newspaperman retires began working full—time at the paper. and Adolph Rupp. staff there until coming to Owenton in
As a full—time em 10 ee, he worked When The Sun urchased an offset Jul 1997.
after nearly 50 years p y - .
. ' on page makeup, on the newspaper press, one of the first in the state, he
)9:th L1nv1lle, an employee of The press and remained in charge of the worked on page makeup and. Burton joins Kentucky
Wm ester Shh for 49 years, retired carriers for several years. In the late remained 1n that posmon until he New Er d k
OCt- 31- _ . _ 19505 he started taking and developing became the paper’s production manag- a 011 COPY _ ES . I’v
. When he was a Junior at Winchester local photographs for the paper, some er in the late 19803. Gary W. Burton has Jomed the edl— Eulalz
ngh SChOOl/ he started workmg at The for the news section and later as sports In the early 19905 he moved to the tonal staff 0f the Kentucky New Era as from -
Sun after SChOOl and was 1“ charge 0f photographer. Some of his shots news department of the paper where a COPY editor. ‘ . _ recen-
the carriers on Saturday. After gradu- included those of Hank Aaron, he worked as page designer until his Burton, 33’ began his duties In admi]
atmg In 1954 he took a week off and Muhammad Ali, Paul ”Bear” Bryant retirement. November. Before relocating to the I t(
area, Burton spent the last three years recen-
;;:;;:.:3,23,;2;gr:.3:g:5at,an:21-12;.reg-5:; workin as a ‘ournalist in eastern
if;iiii’iifizfléj72:31," Clark promOted to Arkansgs 1 Elle fl]
P - ‘ . . ay P
TheKentUCky fess” publisher at News-Herald He was managlng edltor and staff my l’lt
Patti M. Clark has been named pub- writer for R1 World magazine based could
mKekmekyfiessfigstQmEnm lisher of the News-Herald in Owenton. in Helena, Ark., and a technology col— taken
‘ tar; Mike Abernath , resident of umn writer for two news a ers in the h
pubhshedmonflflybymmwckyfiess y ~ t e St
mannixmwckymfiermeincnfimemeWz Landmark Commumty Newspapers, Arkansas Delta They
fencaisgeispmdatfinmuse made the announcement Oet- 8- Earlier this Year, Burton received virus,
Wenlerspneen Clark has served as editor and gen— two awards from the Managing Eu
sewPesmterSmdchefctizadehefieW eral mana er of the news a er since Editors Association of Arkansas for his da 0
135:5;5:253:11; -=:«:;;=s-;;=.=::;.=:;=I=x;,:sv=:'"">' :22l2.::.:"->"::.:.v:»s:::=I:=::=:;=:;,.: "sextet:"“22-:at‘a‘siat-‘52::“‘2’”It ':‘.».'Z=:52:33:,5253tieafiiévi:#5115iii-3:55:13'51"355iéE‘Ll’fi-‘Zii'rfWe???”’91::53'.3“5355C:"""i’32"55">5iiz'tiie'izifizéiziE.E;'3’:Ziiziiii‘yrifiv>.Jfi‘éi55.1353,.55Elij'azjégg’f’5::;:::'E':.:.A:ZE-'E.a‘;i.:‘£:“:‘i::::~ . p . , , _ . , , y
addmmfiexmmdymtetmonmwm she and her famll moved to Owen mvestl atlve work mvolvm nussm Eu
Cmamfimkfommfism) Coun five ears a 0. She wrll retam funds from an Arkansas school dls- The P
grates-*W$sx;e+23%;7;;:;'.=ggg:_z:z.==g,;.=21:19;:5=-'25'515332,:Lg:;=;r...:;{:1355:53:;g:5';'~2;2;-::_»;;25:29::(2:59.932;.5.i=5:=j»'»:;=:s.=:g:;-g;:=;5,353;tggfifamgfiaam;:Wfifi.:_z::_-j_::=;s*'garagejute-'12: . . y . . . .
Budding“ the edltor htle In addltlon to that Of met 34 Ye
m PubliSher- Burton's duties at the New Era Pri- Nt
P‘J‘Per experience to the POSIhOh- page deSI-gh- becat
tu’Ata Clark earned a Bachelor 0f Arts Prior to his work as a 'ournalist, Eu
“i’aa:’,o°°pv, . . . . . . ]
mimewm de ree m ournahsm thh a mmor 1n Burton was em 10 ed b coun news
W”W¥WIW KentuCk Universi in DEC- 1936 dau hter 0f the late Hank Williams. - THR]
2%" ”Mt” "”1 ' "‘ cove,//‘v>’”§zv,’i""fisi9n, ’H‘t,’“‘j'eat;>'9‘:E:25:5;:.’;»;Ea:2;;;2=:'<5'a_3z;:.=::>:==::'5252?“I:i:./':“=E»=E:':Eazrz.ées'a.22;-Fetz551;ata‘aES-‘a‘a‘fiéisaéi y . - N 1 t]
WNWS‘”’WIBEM Before graduatlon she Spent three 6855
a“m€131151 - . _ - - 0
meefiesrémtw‘iolmmvfilaékegism Years worklng at community newspa erght hlred at Murray .
nun-teaser: pers around the Central Kentucky . mlss ‘
Adegeermgma area LEdger & Tlmes Ht
rmdmmammmmemmwmam After graduanon, she moved to Mt“ Wt‘ehtwasrecenfll’ hm as O 31]
memtvmfiam,nfiem¥efleéaéer ht June 1989/ she relocated to the He hail PTeV‘Oufly wofked as an 3,135]
Ahmae’eee Washington, D.c. area, where she award-wmmngsrortsedltor atthe R at
Wiesen~§eltham d 'ti t th M L Tribune—Courier 1n Benton, where he e1
Providence Journal, a 50,000-circula— Spent 11 Years'
3~,Mmy{gdgermdf sons
“ fion news a er 'ust outside the coun- A 1991 graduate of Murray State ,
WGfipraiGonmeisskmfleKim , . P p l U - - w - ht -11 k M New
ommesieieiewne try 5 capital She also wrote for the . “New” “55 W‘ W“ m Y Nam
mmwmmmamm Courier, sister Papers to the “lung for the dafly newspaper-
thhéyaea‘m‘eMt Providence Journal She remainedin . 'l‘]
hmhmtee that position until March 1991. Umon County Advocate
2: aefireefiWMW% She then reheated t? the Centt 31 edltor takes home
it «tea: re. e Kentucky area that SPtme and she . - EVE
3" frog; fié’ffi $53953 worked as a freelance writer while communlcatlons award when t
it fiofgéjf; fgfigfafid spending time at home With her Umon County Advocate Editor year I‘(
f; igggge {get’geéwg tfgefl’éefiy sflfi‘ffiéj’efiga weieefi daughter. Paul Monsour has been selected as the think 2
§§@;%fiw%wa§e§%§ In January 1992, Clark took a p031- 2002 recrplent of the Kentucky Farm thlngs
ghemv<§§§g$ {gr/gea’ggfigfer reggarhzfiega tlon as the news editor of The Bureau’s communications award to a shoulc
%§§W‘K‘9Wa§h¢ ”giggfffisggggéfififwé’ Iessamme Journal, where she wrlter. He recelved a plaque and a could .
, we’ve,“’we’e‘L-e-t .9 .‘-‘ :-.:«v:v .r-ar7-_=='-i-'- t", ”‘3’““=«r5"-‘e""",t=i-i3' w“ seer-'1-"‘1-==t=.=-'=. - - ' '
. $fi§gg§§e§e§§$ fifaewfiggééggggéffigfiéfifififigy%fig remamed until December 1994. $300 cash award durmg a ceremony 31' mlg
aé tat? ‘,, are “at HM trees: - nei
tshwitrwaseaewerfiaeaeezaafle 1“ early 1.995 She agam Pursue‘l the Dec- 12 at Farm Bureau’s 83rd annual ° .
gekeflwoeegéw”4”w§£ek -_ @wfi, freelance wntmg avenue before her convention were C
“fezréfiir”;am‘” 1'3; snare” fami] relocated to Ea tern K ntuck ' Things
éflflmsgfi :;_wj;gg ,@%§t§%¢ fly W Y S e Y The award has been presented In
~ egefiefleefies:éwhaar§%§fier that SPm‘g and Clark went .t° WW“ f“ annually same 1960 to a Prmt loumal- er 3
i; Wfiaeetseggf the weekly Floyd County Times. ist whose work generates a better pub— Ema
=aweetetWhWer She remamed there ““11 N°Vember 11c understandmg of agnculture- D- t
? yew»;uw}t,fl§3§tixfi%§§§i§§§tzm 1996 when they relocated so she could 1r ec ‘
E rarimemwgmwmmfieh take a posmon at the Winchester Sun, See PEOPLE on Pa e 12 (Imagr
afihrogflf“a,w’eem"e” a dally 1n Wmehester. She remained on g 3.086 t‘
1; «new.» -- v,- :rA-28;:‘v.’afi.-¢$:~:3: .-.~.~;:we3:r.'30:~:~:1:I-.-»'1»:2-:=.=:3S.4‘<'¢‘:-14-15622”:$:3?'?S:-55:v'I’-‘=5.'~:3"kvt-fi’fi{sizrfi/{m'er'ox>:v'v'/:l.l»'-:'.Uz.42239:?»'.=:3:tl'1121‘::::""r'3‘}?5Z“155‘:ZR'Chifiifik-Ssfiiz‘I>5:21:Est-55!.1.4::~:>:m::am:+:’c33-:-:¢4:-:fi'éiu’v'xr‘oMxv»:l:l:~:-:»:-:l lI‘e C ‘

 The Kentucky Press, January 2003 - Page 3 2'
0 0 v * : . ;. _ " . L
Three Sick days in 34 years of NEWS _ _
' . . . "Continued from page 1- :
serVICe is an admirable feat 2
, late to make arrangements to *
I’ve never met ,6. wonder. If any- then. Eulala would stop by to get her --afienc?1fym§ haven t already.
Eulala Myre but On Second 7%“? one deserved bundles of newspapers, go to her 3 .Thls year 5 convention W111 be :-
from what I’ve heard y“ ’ recognition for son’s school to pick him up and while held at the Hurstbourne Hotel and }
recently, I’d have to Thought W that kind of job she waited, she’d roll up as many as COnfeIence Center in Louisville ('
admire her. ”3; performance, she could and attach the rubber Jan. 23-24. ' I:
I took a sick day ”Qwerty Eulala certainly bands. Room reservations mustbe ‘ . 5
recently because of [IggDavidTflompson did. Those first routes had 450 sub— madebemnadmgim , , 2
the flu, the first sick A Executive Director She received scribers. By Christmas of 1989, she Thursday, Jan. 9, 2903 in, enter to I -:
day probably since a crystal trophy had 800 papers to deliver, most all of reserve a ro‘om'atthe $791.00m '_ ‘
my heart attack five years ago. Oh, I and a trip for two to the NAA annual the increase was done single-handed- , ' > , " " , - , j , g I . '3
. . , rate. After thatthe KPA blockof . I ,
coulda come to work ifI could have conference in Orlando. (I wouldn tbe ly. By 1997, she had asked The Sun to II I . » - "Ii'be , 1 ~ d t ~ .
taken a nap every few minutes. But surprised to hear that Eulala thanked split her route so now she’s delivering 353?”..‘99’7‘15 Wl . reiease. ,0 . > '
the staff encouraged me to stay away. NAA for the gratis trip but told them some 350 newspapers seven mornings ' t e public. so even ffyou 1? not ' , :
They didn’t want to carry home any she wouldn’t be attending. She has a week. éfire‘bow many mghtsyou ll be .. ;
Virus. papers to deliver.) As I said earlier, she’s missed three Siamese-ahead and make your , ' ’
Eulala Myre had reason to take a The award is given to a carrier days in 34 years. room reservations to 81151118 thez$791
day off recently, too, only she didn’t. based on performance on route, The reasons? Irate; , f j , I . i I :1
Eulala is a newspaper carrier for longevity on the route, overall service She missed two days of work ‘i' Thedeadline to register for the ' I ;
The Paducah Sun. Has been for some to the customer, things of that nature. because of surgery to remove a lump ..»‘§an9nfiofi 1'3 ThurSQay,‘Jan 15; y ‘
34 years. Bill Johnson, president of the associa- in her breast. Even for eight months, 5:231":"~'::§':}'3:’:.:'. j; E; I ., g, :. , . , i i :
Now in my almost 20 years with tion said, ”She had just done a great in 1995 and 1996 when her husband, Nd]: .I . q h; r I ; 1 ._='§ ;
KPA, I’ve missed maybe 12 days job on a very long tenure on her Virgil, was hospitalized, and she ‘39 eswasa“ In , {55, 1;
because of sickness. route. We thought that was fabulous. made daily visits to see him, she was NoodlesMakesaBoo—bon 5"; f 3
: Eulala, remember, has been a If anyone deserves the awards, she ready every morning to take care of ChaPtEIStfll’Ywasl‘mthhed m I7
newspaper carrier for 34 years. And does. No one else in the country does her route. The third day she missed morethanmefiflflcopieseach
in that span, she’s missed three days. it better.” was April 27, 1996, the day of Virgil’s weekduringthesevenweeksn ,1
a; __ ,_ .. 1 THREE DAYS! Figure that one up — When her house burned, Eulala funeral. That was the last day of work ranmfiélientuckynewspapers ;
, M. "if .. less than one day every 11 years. had a firefighter retrieve her. goat and she’s trussed. . . /¢mmg%€mkéa§mgw% , ‘2 i g
. So why did she have reason to car keys from the smoking ruins. She Perhaps until January 25-27 when lkefiataachpaétgienthawt’sltiffi i
miss a day recently? told Shelley Street, of the Paducah she’ll go to Orlando for the NAA con- miilienlevxewiathesta i _
Her house burned. Sun, that she could have gone to ference to receive her award. {$22.ngng
‘ It‘ happened at 11:45 pm. on someone’s house and stewed, or she She sounds reluctant to go. Even flaws
October 9. A little over two hours could have sat in front of her own though the circulation department Kyprefimflnhneaahmneg 9,
' later, she was picking up her bundles home and cried. She said she had has assured her they'll cover her route figte’vemeES»
' of newspapers for her delivery route, plenty of places to stay or go, but while she’s out, she’s thinking about Asmeywasfaxedtoailpamwz I
which mainly winds through ”I’ve got a paper route to run.” those three days away from her sub- Inahngnewsgiapersbyknss -,
For that and for several other rea- June 1, 1968, because her nine-year- But she might just be issuing a weulébesehelpfiflxfeanhperson .f
sons, Eulala was recently named-the old son wanted an after-school job. warning to those who’ll be covering wentdtakeaceuptemmutestafifl‘ .’
Newspaper Assocration of America 5 He couldn’t drive but he could throw the route for her. . iteutanétaxztbacktelehnsenat f
National Carrier of the Year. Little the Sun Democrat, as it was known ”I hope they learn it really good.” “ g
Every year would do...” ‘ Since I decided to accept the job of Next year is another election year in I’
when the new ' ' r Little did I realize Director of Sales at KPS one ear a o, l Kentuck . I’m not oin to resolve to 1
year rolls around I Advert181ng ’aat that 2002 would have lived in an apartment it): g lose any Sweight in gOOngut I will strive j
think about the Plu S :"Mm’ mean that I would Frankfort, a triplex in Georgetown and to get as many political dollars for
things that I ‘—’—— leave my comfort finally built my family’s current dream Kentucky newspapers as 1possible. To ;
should have done, By Teresa sze” zone in Calhoun home in Georgetown. My mother do that we have a plan. T e plan has .,
could have done KPS DWCW" of Sales where I had worked agreed to move with us so that added already been put in place. We’re get- > .
or might have y‘gé for 25 years and move to the fun of moving many of my ting media packets out to all candi—
done if things my family across the childhood belongings from the home dates showing them how easy it is to - j '
were different. Well not this year. state. Before selling our house in where l was raised and where my put newspaperadvertismg in their . .
- . ’ - Calhoun I lived se arate from m mother lived for almost 39 ears to her im ortant media mix. - ..
Thin WERE different f r me in 2002. . ’ p . y . y p . .
gs O famil for four months. Bein awa brand new home in Geor etown. Wh n the ad‘steerin committee ,. .
In ears ast when I was a news a- y g y g e g ,
y . p ’ p from my husband and two sons for There were many challenges out— meets in January we Will go over the
per publisher and served on the five days a week so that I could go side of the personal issues of moving. political plan and with input from the 4
Kentucky Press ASSOC1§h9n Board Of ahead and take this jOb while the bOYS Because I wanted to make a difference committee, see to it that our goals for
Directors I was very opinionated hhlShEd 01;“ the SChOOl year was the for Kentucky newspapers we set our 2003 are met as well. My wish for all of f ’
(imagine that ‘ me opiruonated!) about hardest thing that 11V? ever had to dO- goals high for 2002. With your help you is a peaceful, worry free, deadline 3
those who had served as the KPS Thatwas a real 1931111115 experience those goals were met but now it is time met life every day in 2003.
Director of Sales. ”If I had that ]0b, I and it won’t ever happen again. to do even better. - ,5

 - Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, January 2003
Ret'red 'o rnalist still h 5 pass' for life
The Anderson News Hurnston and 3-27 ”36%.;
it matters little that Don Towles has Towles went on to . . .. “a fittings
difficulty speaking these days. be classmates at the i駓g
The 75'Year-old H t , University of " “‘“ . r t . Xi’ia
‘ Anderson County I -- Kentucky where p ' ” " " “i“
32:;"1,jEEEEEEEEEEIE£53513 ~22: . . 32:13:22. :5 2- :, .,= . . - -. . - : . t»; ...:s.::=::.:.:‘:t:::. ” newspaper industry Hisiathootho a resist
: when he retired from It lateSterhng e ”eta
7‘ reaped of his Peers and a nationwide Advocate- > ,. .. ".2; ' i ‘ rag?
reputation for his work in Public tela- Messenger in .. t a ӣng
decades therateHarry an ;
a he sharesahome in St. Matthews with public relations is u .,
wife I udy surrounded by walls filled with the Kentucky . ., r " t ' T.
with mementos Fish and Wildlife ewfhfi £1" " it!
Monroe and a Plaque designating hirn hosted a radio " - V‘ i ' i a 3M :. ;‘ 23352.5;
by dozens Of framed awards and hon- TOWIES joined Top: A young Towles looks at his autographed photo- §£, I: N:,”9€?»m‘%
‘ ors. his uncle in state graph of Marilyn Monroe. Right: Towles, as a youngster, goayfgwewigfigw I r' ,7 ma
Asked which of the mementos he govemmentfoi— grew up in Anderson County and attended UK where he theta
treasures most, the father of two lowing graduation malted in humans” ‘3‘“in his career he “”de i.“ gwfiwagfig
»- tional advertisement from The as editor of the ”In a e mm“ ”um ' New“
‘_ Courier-Journal featuring a childhood Kentucky” magazine in the Division newspapers under ownership had a recipe for happiness.
picture of one of the girls. of Publicity. While serving in the mili— of the Bingham family. When he retired from The Courier-
' A focus on family, strong Christian tary from 1952-54, he was a reporter Gill, who came up through the Journal, his list of community, church
. values, integrity, thoughtfulness and a and Okinawa bureau chief for the ranks with Towles, remembers him as and professional involvement, awards
_ sense of humor are among the assets Pacific Stars and Stripes. ”a great people person.” and honors was numerous enough to
most mentioned by friends and co- The late Henry Ward, former com- ”He was a very gracious and sweet fill a book.
» workers in describing Towles. missioner of highways and a candidate guy, great at putting on functions for He continues to lead a full life
1 ‘ Many of his lifelong virtues may for governor, was instrumental in the paper and making sure every today despite a mysterious ailment
. have been instilled by his grandpar- Towles’ early days in journalism, serv- detail was taken care of. that befell him two years ago, causing
5 ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Blackburn. ing as his boss while commissioner of ”Don knew Kentucky along with slurred speech.
>‘ They reared him in Anderson County conservation. people like Joe Creason and John Ed ”People think either I’m drunk or
1 after the death of his mother when he ”Henry Ward told me to forget Pearce,” said G111. I’ve had a stroke,” he said, smiling.
" was nine. everything I had learned at UK and he As efficient as Towles was, Gill says ”I do fairl ell if I e k 10 _
.. Lawrenceburg insurance agent would teach me to be a newspaper— , there is a widely circulated story about can y w . sp a S W
Charles Humston recalls that he and man,” said Towles. him that may or may not be based on ly and I can say everythmg that needs
i Towles made up one half of the male "He (Ward) was the most decent fact. to be said. It’s frustrating, bUt I can’t
. population of the Lawrenceburg High and honorable man I ever met,” said ”When he worked for the state, a complain because there are so many
class of 1945. Towles. man in a white suit approached him other worse things that could hap-
. ”He was a first-class gentleman,” George Gill, retired publisher of saying he was looking for a bright pen,” he said. According to Towles, his
- said Humston. ”Still is, as far as I The Courier-Journal, remembers Ward young man t0101n him in promoting a f . t . fL b
‘ know. as ”a tough bird” who depended on new venture. The man said he ran a avor1 f memories 0 awrence urg
”Didn’t play sports, but was very the more mild-mannered and diplo- restaurant in Corbin and he had a new are 0f the warmth and friendliness 0f
- studious. Always of extremely good matic Towles to ”smooth the way for concept for cooking chicken. Don the people.”
\ character, thoughtful, never got into him." thought it was a dumb idea and dis- ”1 felt SO secure growing up there. It
~ trouble. Towles left state government in missed the man,” said Gill. was a caring community where people
”He was never one to participate in 1956 and began his long tenure with Towles may have missed out on a helped one another. I don’t think that’ 8
any gossip, so it’s a bit surprising he The Courier-Journal, considered one of chance to join Col. Harland Sanders in changed.”
would wind up in the newspaper busi- the nation’s most highly respected becoming a millionaire, but he already Neither has Don Towles.

 The Kentucky Press, January 2003 - Page 5 ..
’ MC h' h h lw k h '
I ve learned we J 1g sc 00 or 8 up
really are the best planned for Feb. 21 at MSU ,
For , a . , Now Murray State University’s Department of media staffs improve their products, include '
‘ years, I ve O h By The Iknow Journalism and Mass Communications will sports writing, editorials and columns, cover- V
. heard KPA ’ ~ Why SO h h h 1 MC H’ h Sch 1 ' '
Executive {32” 5;} many 05“ e 30‘E annua l . 1g 00 mg beats, newspaper deSIgn, ad sales and .
Director Way If people Workshop for regional high schools Feb. 21. design, using the web, featurewriting, car- ,
David T. . “iii; judging After registration and announcements from tooning, computer system maintenance and .
Thompson By David Greer m" I 8'30 to 9:45 a.m-, Students and thell' adv1sers design, 10W_budget video production, copy .
say he KPA Member Services . ; i Will be able *0 PiCk from 25 programs over editing, public relations careers, legal controls ‘
would put Director » ,, " three sessions that end at 12:25 pm. of mass media, issues for journalism, educa- f
Kentucky . _ , At 1230 winners 0f the newspaper and tion teachers and tours of MSU’s TV studios "
newspapergup 8;ngth anly- Ken??? P31335111 thetj’lal‘l‘ advertising competitions will be announced and THE MURRAY STATE NEWS. ‘
one e se’s. ow ow w . ous con es s over e _m_ _ ‘
Like many of you, I’ve y years have bragged on us to bef;;fi:f§fg:gfi:g::;fie§ will be partic- . COSt 0f the one-day event ls $4 per student
judged newspapers from Dav1d Thompson. Thereis a i ating along with M C faculty Dr. John with accompanying adVISer s fee. The cost
other states many times. It’s a tremendous amount of first- 511 ff P H d D R 1ncludes juice and donuts during registration. '
fascinating experience — one class quality being produced 1 on, Ie rater, Joe e ges, r. oger _ . Competition rules / forms and registration ,
that I have always enjoyed, by this state’s print journal— Haney, Dr. Debbie Owens, Dr. Ann Landini, forms have been mailed to regional high
except, Of course, for dirty iStS‘ Dr. Jeanne Scafella, OM18 Herndon, RObm schools If a hi h school has not received the
hands from excessive ink rub- At the risk of sounding too Orvino-Prouix, Gill Welsch and Dr. Allen 11’ ' , h g1 d M G h t 270 .
off. Contest judging has given ”golly—gee-whiz,” the excel- White. ma mg, It 5 ou , contact C aug ey a ( )
me the opportunity to see lence in Kentucky newspa- Harold McGeehee and Wayne Rushing of 762-6874 01' e-mall at Robert.mcgaughey@mur- .
papers large and small from pers transcends all parts 0f Josten’s Publishing will conduct the three ses- raystateedu. . _ _
all over the country and I the state and Circulation class— sions on producing a yearbook. David Greer of Deadhne for registration is Feb. 14, but the :
often picked up ideas for my es. A number of you have the Kentucky Press Association and former fee can be paid at the door. ,
own papers back in my editor improved your layout and editor of Elizabethtown and Bardstown will Last year 11 SChOOlS from Kentucky and
days. design and COIOI reproduc- ' ' Tennessee attended the worksho at the
Sometimes though, I saw tion in recent times. conduct 5955101“; on covering a beat. ' . P
papers that, well, let me just Now I know why David The programs, deSigned to help high SChOOl Curris Center.
’ - Jfi .,__ say, they were mediocre, at and those judges have -
best. I’ll never forget the bragged on Kentucky papers
weekly that jumped a story so much over the past many W] N F R E E l K E S
twice — on the same page. The years. Based on what I see, 2 I < : I
story started at the top of an Kentucky’s newspapers can
inside page, jumped to the compete with anyone, any— ,
middle of the a e and then where, an time. o I)
jumped againIfoéhe bottom KHSIA): convention. The SPONSORED BY.
of the same page. What do Kentucky High School
you suppose they were they Journalism Association will
thinking? hold its annual convention on 5
On another occasion, I April 16 at the Hurstboume 5
judged a contest in which Hotel & Conference Center in '
photo reproduction quality — Louisville. A big unknown at
black and white and color — present is how the state’s
was uniformly poor from budget woes and education .
most of the papers in a certain revenue shortfall might affect
category. Nearly all the black attendance.
and white photos were But those schools that do
extremely grainy. They attend will enjoy a KHSIA 5
reminded me Of $01119?“ng convention first — a real~time
you would hateseenmthe student writing contest. It's MAKE PLANS Now TO ATTEND THE 2003
early 19505 while the color still very preliminary but
5:135:53: 3°2315jt§$2y§£2 detausaebemgworkeaout KPA WINTER CONVENTION 8: TRADE SHOW
_ , on a competition in which
' blt'on the other hand since students will attend a mock FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN 2 FREE AIRLINE
. ’ _ press conference and then sit
Ligaihfcggcgiiiggfieily down and write a story about TICKETS FROM ATA'
a year ago, I’ve had an oppor- if Within a SPeCifiefi fim? ROUND TRIP AIRFARE FOR Two (2) FROM LEXINGTON ON ANY AMERICAN TRANs AIR ,
3 tunity that few journalists limit- Come“ enmes W111_be SCHEDULED SERVICE FLIGHT DESTINATION WITHIN THE CONTINENTAL U.S. _
enjoy — I get to see issues of Judged on the SPOt and wm— '
‘ W] N 2 F R E E Tl C K E T S
in the state. What I have seen It ought to be exciting and
is most impressive. won’t be for the faint of heart.

 Page 6 - The Kentucky Press, January 2003
Kentucky Supreme Court confuses the issue A
‘ By KIM GREENE a) the US. Supreme Court did, based feature of the American judicial sys— filed in the case file. If they were filed
KPA General Counsel ., upon the Kentucky Constitution’s pro— tem. Basic principles have emerged to in connection with motions that WHA
Dinsmore &: Shohl vision that the courts are open. guide judicial discretion respecting require the court to resolve the case on Th‘
What’s the deal With ‘5’“ Following the US. Supreme Court’s public access to judicial proceedings. the merits, public access was deter- found
. public access to court lead, the lower courts were asked to These principles apply as well to the mined based on the common law right. denial
3 records? For a long 4/” decide whether the same presumption determination of whether to permit If they were filed in the court record in recorc
time we’ve all operated «fig: ( of openness applies to proceedings in acc