xt7tdz032642 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tdz032642/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1984-03 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, March 1984 text GSO Newsletter, March 1984 1984 1984-03 2019 true xt7tdz032642 section xt7tdz032642 IE “SLE I I ER lab”
P1F§F2C3F15 1.9?531l
From the President 390 Survey
I want tn thank my predeceggmrq We will he conducting a random
Keith” For all the wart he hag doné telwnhmne eurvey during March in an
for 650 aver the pagt year and a helfu attmmpt to detarminw how 680 can
He hag had a difficult job to dnq and hettmr gmrvm thm Lamingtmn Bay cmmmunm
‘ while emmm of hie actinne were cantrww ity“ We will he eelecting thmee to he
verfiielq he hag dune what he Felt wag called tram the mailing lietn It you
in thm hmet internet 0% the community” receivn a cell tram ue, nleaee take
filthnunh the contrnvmrfiial igeuee may thm time tn let ME hnnw what you think
he the mnm uh remamherl wfi Shmuld filfié i5 impartant and what yDu teal GED
remnmher the quad work which hag ghould ha fining" Thankfiu
benhiitmd ue all. Bond lucky Keith, on
ynur Future endfiavmrfin
l elem want tm thank all at you who Lat’s Dance
tame nut and made thig yaar”5 Valnnw
tine’e Dav Dance the héet em far" DD YOU likfi t0 dancey but ”at t0
Over twifih a5 many peeple attended diecm? D0 ymu find the HDlSE levmlg
thig year a5 did lent year. @150" at mmet cmmmercial dance hare tnm high
thanke tn thuge nnohle whm cauldn"t tar cmmtmrt? NH wmuld like tm have a
make it end mailed in their dmnatione, gmriwfi mi dfiHCEEa bUt WE nfifid hmlp 1”
#4 spam: 1'. 1 4; n 5211'"; L: 9? .1. e: :1 ME the". e (171 1 ow o 1 am i no em”! 0'.” Lil-’3'“~i i 1'3 1 m4 .. I 'F 3:41:44. are
inn pample tar their gupport in making interested in helping D13” flfid organm
thifi veer’e dance fiuch a gucceggg ' ixe a dance (equare deihCingH hallrmom
: dancing, (etc),l plmaen plan tn attend
Keith — for overall planning and organizing. 'l‘.'.hee Br‘il Talkiesinesesaes inset-sting; CH" .4.:.s:-il 1 Jim
Rita - for coordinating the show and the decorations. git ZEGH?"mCfi3f3:3 car" VLRCI lat: ;3cfipnmgggcfiéfin
Xavier - for helping with the show and being the Emcee.
The Bar - for providing the space and the passes used as
dWFPNZH- ' March Potluck
The Performers and those behind the scenes for help in .
making the show a success. F'cu‘t:],L,i(::l:jg; are? jut—2t cane (7.11.3 the: activ~~
itine that BSD mtterg for people tm
Jim get tngethnr and encialize. N0 chat“
(hue. Thfifikfi alga tn Rick Far the idea ing Skilla era needed; potatn thing“
at th@ EHDW) emit drinkfig ate" arm elwaya welcmmm"
$0 evwh it ynu can’t cnmk, ymu can
Happy Birthday, DEA etill came and @njmy the gang timnen
Thlfi mmhthҤ pmtluck NIll he at
we would like tn congratulate the Larry"5 0n 3rd Street. Check the cal“
Uwenahnrm Gay Alliance 0n the EXTE1W under fur mnre inimrmation" Han?
lent job they have dnne in there firgt thahke to Eddie {hr hosting lafit
year ea an mrgahizationn Knew up the manth“$ pmtlucku
good wmrk" and heat wiehee ior the

 Softball ”W11“!
_ .._ _ , , . Looking For something to do on Sun~
fiotfbillmzeamgtegigtigulénliiglzéngor: day afternoons? Come out and join ~us
' h ' . '” at the bouthland Bowling Lanes +or
One or more teame {or this eummeru If open bowling from 4:00 to $300“ Come
XS: hiare intereeted, call PERI at on by or call Jim at 299w0352 For more
eoowmo44 or look for the eign”Up information“ Gemee are $1HEO each and
eheete at future GED functions" shoe rental 15 $ 50.
The Lexington Herald Leader rem
Due to e echeduling problem with ported in February that Jerry Falwell5
the YIVICZIi‘yq the volleyball games preeident of the Moral Mejorit3,"q ie
echeouleo ior every other Friday at launching a voter registration drive
7:00 has been cancelled" Ii you are with the goal of regietering 100,000
intereeted in reetarting volleyball new conservative votere in Kentucky
and know of e place where we can playl end EuS million nationwide“ While we
let ue know" If not, volleyball will can hope that Falwell ie being overly
reeume thie epring in Jacobeen Perk ae optimieticy no one can ergue the zeal
eoon ee the weather and the Parks of the religioue right when it comee
Department will permit. to ueing the political proceee to try
' to force their morale on othereu
Falwell’e regietretion drive mehee it
HEAT even more important For all oi ue to
By Paul Joseph uee our right to vote tu“help meter.
{nine time-fliture cfi- Lhie Ltuuntr," if
.u you are not regieteredH do eo today"
lhe eun on my cheat" And,1 when eleetion day comes, be eure
Lying 1“ the eendu that you uee your vote"
Salty eweat on my tongue. - ‘
In the lightg iloetingg ALUMINUM AND PAPER DRIVE
You ehimmeru
VG“ approach" In order to reiee money tor BSD, we
Standing over me" have eterted collecting aluminum and
Eheding my body" newepepere for recycling. If you
would like to donate“ pleeee bring
I take VDUF hand. your recyclablee to the office” Check
the Calendar tor days and timee when
the office ie open“ We appreciate
— ”3/ our e. u p p or t n
We often receive lettere and phone
celle irom people wanting introduem ~
tione ano regueeting help in finding I 1MWLMUWHLN.
peop l e Wl th ehereo 1 n tereete . Nhi l e JI‘DIE
GEE-D i 55 not a. det i n u eervi ce 5 we do '9 ‘ 252-4933
‘ C. p on ._ o r men 'v eoczi (:11 event 35 .. {Simon g ‘B‘D‘ED'GN A\ 5 365 SOUTHLAND DR
theee are the monthly pufifltmke, the “filulflw‘ 277L6155
many recreational {unctione (bowling, ’ //fif:>qfififififig
eoftbell, volleyball) and our regular _J;f?g:fi§<§€§\ M“WEN“MA
benef- i t e .. Th eee er e a]. 1 ex eel l. ent op~ “"Wfiwr‘ r§‘% “ 2909 R'CHMOND RD-
pcznr tun i l i e5; 1‘ or you t o meet i ntereet it; vz'll”: All Edy—~24 269-6332
imga friendly people" So, check the \