xt7tdz031403_5 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tdz031403/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tdz031403/data/65m2.dao.xml unknown 0.23 Cubic Feet 1 box archival material 65m2 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact Special Collections.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. J.J. Glenn papers Editorial Comment text Editorial Comment 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tdz031403/data/65m2/Box_1/Folder_5/Multipage41.pdf 1920 May 18 1920 1920 May 18 section false xt7tdz031403_5 xt7tdz031403 » u-~—~

, At. the democrtic state conventidfi
held in Louisville,” the fourth of this
month, there were two women dele-
gates, each of whom were centers of
attractions. They were women of pef':
haps equal intellect, both of fine ad-

dress and each equally popular with
the audience.

Mrs. Faulconer said in one of her
speeches before the convention the!
she was “for the democratic rooster,
no matter which way he flies or where
he lights." This of course met with
applause. Mrs. Sandif-er followed and
while proclaiming her democracy said
she was “for the democratic rooster


only so long as he flies straight and
With all honor." This speech was aiffi

As between the positions taken bv
the two ladies we very much prefer
that of Mrs. Sandifer. It is we believe
the more patriotic. “But our country
right or wrong." as quoted from the
toast given in. honor of Commodore
Stephen Decatur more than a hundred
years ago at Norfolk, Virginia, is not
complete. The perface is “Our coun—
try! In her intercourse with foreign
nations, may she always be in the

Conzlvming a wrong it mateis not by
whom or party has never as yet made
a right. Davy Crochet Viz-4
when he said, ‘be sure you are
right, then go ahead”. There has in
the prist with all political parties been
too much blind partisan blundering.
Condoning crimes in parties simply to
be “regular" is liable to make suchfla
party political criminals.




So far as we are


' the democratic rooster to fly as
straight as an arrow~ and to hit the
center of the target. We have had too
much wabbling in all parties in the
past: The democratic party has not
always lit in the right place. It has
'in times past fallen into mud-holes
zand swamps. So have all political

liparties. That the women are to be-

‘ l con e voters, We believe they are going
it; mand the very best there

‘ "ban government. With them it will
a.) rinciples first and parties alter.


e be a little kinder
'e be a little blinder,
‘ - faults of those about me;

Let fire praise a little more;

Let me be when I am weary

Just a little bit more cheery;

Let me serve a little better.

Those that I am, striving for.




Let me be a little braver

When temptation bids me waver;
Let me strive a little harder

To be all that I should be;

Let me; ___a little meeker

With thélbrother that is weaker;

And a little lesg of me.

Let me be a little sv !?tel‘;

Make my life a bit completer,

By doing what I should \do

Every minute of the day;

Let me toil without complaining,

Not a humble task disd’fiinfiit;

Let me face the summons calmly

When death beckons me away,
~——Detroit Free Press.


Let me think more of my neighbor

' the funeral of brother Smith or sister



been a heavy one. ‘ His visits have be-»
come so numerous and sometimes so
sudden, that unliesrswthe call has been
made from our owfi'fire side, we give
only a passing thought to the great
throng that has gone to join the “sil- .
ent majority."

These thoughts cause us to let our
mind,go back to the times of which
the younger generation call the “long 1
ago." Yes, people sickened‘and died
then as they do now. * But the country
was sparseley settled, neighbors lived
far apart and when a death occurred,
the whole community was shocked”
There were no strangers, all wez‘e‘ac-l
quainted and all were touched. ‘ l

The dead was laid out on a plank};
a reed or stick was cut, then on thisi
was marked by a knife the length of
the body, another notch to shew the
breadth of the breast and one more to
indicate the depth needed for the en—!
coffined departed. This was taken to :
some jack-leg carpmter who was in '
the habit of making coffins for thel
neighborhood. Caskets were unknown l
-—they were simply coffins; . i


.When this rude box was completed,‘
it was taken to the home of the de-‘l
ceased, the body having been dl‘e.\>€(l =
for the occasion was enshrouded in a}
sheet and placed in its receptacle. The
family. agon, than; by
mules \vaagdriVen toting; ate
friends here theafijeless g _ to the
conveyance and then theé- rch‘y wasi

ox “ .

and I

. tered into another ' ri

‘taik an hour or two in‘ ex

made to the grave-yard ii
next the [old log—church. “at

There was no plumed hga‘i'se, drawn l
by prancing steeds, no long train of?
flower girls to lead the procession, no i
lengthy discourse'in whichjhe deeds,
of the dead were euloglhédfibnt withj
a solemnity as if. in the p ' .ce of=
death, the coffin was lo ' ed into the v
oxiemgrave that had begepared for
the rheep'tion of the former friend and ‘
neighbor. The hearterending shrieks ‘
of the immediate family, the weeping
of friends and then to saddened homes

lto await the final funeral services at
Isome future time.

It was a rare thing that any mini-
ster of the gospel was present on these
occasions. He lived too far away and

:furthermore his services were needed
| later. What had taken place was sim-
ply the burial. What was known as
{the funeral was to take place at a
imore convinient season, perhaps
{. months ahead, generally at a‘ time in .
lthe year when all coatd'spllect to pay
illieir last “Sad respects,%.-

l Then, preaching was only once per
'month. May and June were usually
,the months for funeral discourses.
The preacher always made announce-
ment before hand the date at which

Jones would take place. The timely
'notice gave ample opportunity for all
to attend the coming event._ ‘- ,. a.-
These funeral occasions -— airways
brought odt the crowds. Perhaps Sis-
ter Jones had been dead six months or
more. By'this time it may be the be-
reaved husband had dried his tears, \



had donned a new suit of clotlieiand

weeping eyes; bou- ' . .
and wwking for ;’
however but no figure in?!
sometimes happened -

one had become imp en

The preacher felt it to;
to do his bery best. Time
cular object, thereforen'ai

the virtues of the decease
cept the young people obj;
long, discourse. The preacliérs'then .
were like some of the editors now,
when it came to speaking of the dead,
it was necessary to overlook the 'faults g3
maginfy the virtues of the dead and:
land the subject in the middle if thel
city of the New Jerusalem. i
There was one blessing if not-moral
especially for the poor; tiles; funerals
and burial expenses were filmo‘st
nothing. The coffin cost pgrgaps te
dollars ,there was no hearjgjfire, theE
farm wagon served théfiéifirpose, no-
funeral notices nor prifin‘g of any
kind, no new clothes, theliyhole thing
at a cost of a few dollars. Neither
did the editor have to strain his con—
science in writing up the death notices
of departed worth. How things have
ichanged. ‘


‘pened. For more than thirty years
there has not been a circus in Madi—
sonville, until the one here last Wed—
nesday, xx'hiclr‘we did not witness, gen-
erally being about the first under the
tent and the last to get home. But
entire urea: “ramps. corny
ation that opened in an? '_ e N
From some c3135 the? .. __ ‘gement '
that aggrfigatfoix failed Wail and
leave‘ifor our usethe little paste-
board that would secure admission
.We hardly know Whether to fee
slighted ‘or complimented. We ar-
however slowly recovering from the
JAMES P. WATSON, who had a
half dozen aliases, and was said to
have been married to more than a doz-
en different women and to have mur-
dered about one half of these has been
sentenced to the penitentiary for life
by a California jury. If he behaves
himself right well for eight or ten
years, he 'V’avill no doubt be pardoned
and will again be on. the matrimonial
market. And there wil be plenty of
foolish women who will be ready to
take the risk“ mating with the ras-



l ————‘1

'5 all political organizations that seem:

to have fallen into innocuous desue—
itude and that is, “we view with alarm"
iPerhaps the clapper to the alarm bell
ihas been lost or the old bell so crack- .
led that it will not alarm. “Denuncia-
Itionf 'has become the tocsi‘n of war,
particularly in republican gatherings,
especially if Woodrow Wilson’s name
occurs to the writer or speaker.
. 3i1--—-——'-‘
aire of New York declares that it is
a “crime to die rich." Editors and
newspaper men, as well as teachers
and preachers have long since agreed
‘with. Mr. Strauss, as these gentlemen
rarely ever leave enough property to
.be buried decently.
l M