xt7tdz031403_2 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tdz031403/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tdz031403/data/65m2.dao.xml unknown 0.23 Cubic Feet 1 box archival material 65m2 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact Special Collections.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. J.J. Glenn papers The Best Town on Earth text The Best Town on Earth 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tdz031403/data/65m2/Box_1/Folder_2/Multipage23.pdf undated section false xt7tdz031403_2 xt7tdz031403 WVY,TUi BEST ‘* Q EARTH?

It in new about twenty 5' years ago that the editor of
Yuetler ,vhile .stuf ying as to whet would be a good slogan for 1
town,3lmoet as if by inspiration the phraee,%f ”T? BEST TOWN on
EARTT," «, :~ 1 the city of his adoption,fized itw inmree;
iii 1% so indelibly " his mind that it nae never been eradicated.

When that bantling came before t e pubn n31: ounced,it at

firet met with a very cold reeeption.:t was or ly by carefulZ and

skillful attention,yiven by .r "daddy",tnat it managei to get
through itwlfgfi firet years of eiietence.Tne old grouche ; made all
Kieie of eport,tne the wise ShOOK their heads,vhile the thought-
leee stuck out their tofingue. anfl eeid tie child would never live.
and thrived and i; still growing and getting
more luety every day of its life.There is nov scarcely a man,voman
or child of any race or color in the growing city that has not ta-
Ken up the 310 an. opln from a distance who have neared the elo—


gan,come to x eri Hf its truth and as the Queen of Shebt saie to
Solomon vhen she hadflshovn all the signts of the city,a;e&eimed;
"not the half has been told of (its glory."
H a n. . 1 W) ' ;v V./ Lr/ - z r_

no m m 1.3mm Should CM, ayg/ygfl/m/mfw, flaw/grew,
to our thriving city ant want ”to be shown," it would become neces—
sary to give him euch an answer a9 would satisfy his curiosity.wny
in Uaflieonville The Beet town On Earth? We ehould be able to "give

that i"

a reason for t e faithA in us." Vere are a few of tile reasons,with
perhap5 many others gust ae good and potent.

In the first place the tcvn 13 near the center of the best
County in the/béflfi state and the best state in the Union.

Itq raierad facilities make the town aceessable from Worth,

South,anet and Went as the L.&N R.R.and the Illinous dentral'vitn

their main lines run through the city.


 One of the very best things about the whole thing is that ye
have a citizenry that is the equal of any finer torn of its size in
Kentucky or elsewhere.7he busin as men or the town,whether mer-
chants,Groeery men,drugqists or any other calling or profession

VLLlfl/wd L. (,7 army
are men of a high order of\morelity,the great majority of them.be~
. /
ing consistent members of some one or other of our churches.

It is a very unusual thing to hear one of our citizen swear
or use language that is unbecoming a gentleman.0ur churches are
well sustainee,and have large memberships.?he new Methodist Church

1/ J ,2
which will cost something like $96,030 and will soon be comple-
"Ioul (VT
tei viii be a credit to any city in the state.

we have one of the finest systems of public schools it is pos-
eible to mane at the present time.The schoo s are for both White
and eolored.

The Dumberland telephone eompany has just completed the in—

stallment of a common battery system at a cost of more than

1 , . '34 - w _.-, 1' I y » W )7 'M‘ . 'l K' '
£100,000. [bl/7 Lyn/41471. 7 lnuk ey “/7 Wet 3/ w I h JIM-”av;
)1< .

“f _;5‘ “here are four banking houses in Maeisonville.rt would be a
*1ttieult matter to determine when one of the four is the better.
“hese bangs wave resources of sometnine near £5,0CO,CCC.

Indisonvii7fi\;i; a fi39\§gpartment”ffigt“fias but few eiuals

in the stete.Ho be e e er burns

baiisonviile has a fire department that is the pride of the
(6 city.No home ever burns to the griound i? that gang of fire-fight-
ii\\§g§g,3re notifiee in time.Eitner night or d y,vnen the alarm is

g ven,tue boys are up and ready for the fray.
, «~WW—

., W


~ ”/7 ’

salesman or sealer of any Rifle in the tvon who has ever been ac—
cused of short weifhing or cheating in his dealings with the pub-

lic."?onesty lS‘thG best policy," is the pass word amongst all.


 One ef the very best thinge about the whole teing is that ye
have a citizenry that is the equal of any ther tern of its size in
Kentucky or elsewhene.?he bueineee men on the toyn,whether mer-
chante,Groeery men,drug:iste or any other calling or profeeeion

”fill/(«0:17 MIL
are men of a high order of\morality,the great majority of them be—
. /

ing eo.eietent members of Rome one or other of our churches.

a very unusual thing to near one of our citizen swear
or uee language that is unbecoming a gentleman.0ur churches are
well Ruetained,and have large memberehipe.Tne new Methodist Church
Witch will cost eomething like $96,000 and will soon be comple—

tei viii be a credit to any city in the state.

We have one of the finest systems of public schools it is pee
eihle to make at the present time.The schools are for both white
and colored.

The lumberland telephone company has just completed the in—
etallment of a common battery system at a cost of more than

(‘ v » JHV gyz , 7 a ;, y.' rQKw }an h‘ J 3“
£100,000. Li‘Fl/7 1AM /fl/47L 7 //7»/‘\ “-1”, 4 95"?a't v W l M

\# Aimeet every fraternal organization in ex'stenee in thie,eee-
an=eaisienee .Am~ng tneee organizations

tien of the universe nae
there eriete the greeteet harmony.
Another nest excellent point it our fever is that there are
7\ \gelf
rno senigme or divisions,wueh no cliques and self aeefumedfandxae-

sorted leadere who are a disgrace to any oommunity.Faetione are
not tolerated

So far ae is anown to the Writer,tnere ie not a merchant,a
ealeeman or eealer of any hike in the twon who has ever been ac-

cused of short weifhing or cheating in hie dealings with the pub—

lie."?onesty is the best policy," is the pass word amongst all.


 ”Wile we have a number of eitizens wao are well fixed so far as
money ix oonorened,yet we have none of the idle rich.There are no
retiref bankers or merehante.All work.?ith our mines and other in—
fiuetries every man who wants a job can get it,provided he is seei-
ing employment.

Xaiisonville is one of the most democratic little cities in
the world.It is character and not money that gives position here.
“he banner and the miner,the merchant and the laborer meet on
terms of equality. ion and poor occupy seats together in church
end council.

Kite the improvement and enlargement of the water vorks,we
have an abundant supply for all purposes.”ne lighting of the town
by electricity,whieh is used for many fiurposes is first class.

:ozier & Folemnn nay: two theaters,the Garrick and the cameo,
two nausea of entertainment that are complete in every TBSpwcto*e
have as good shows in theee homee as can be found in any of the
la yer eities of the etate.

There is one newspaper,ThefDaily messenger,suooesnor to The

Hustler,vitn its 3emi-weekly,The Hustlerfithat has a large,satis-
factory an: growing eireulation.”hie prints toe RCIR of the day.
There are two printing job shops,*ell equipped for any and all
work in that line.Eaeh of these is prep red to handle any kind of
job printing that one eould wish have done.

Our City officers,from Mayor J-D.sory down to the street clear

ner,are all men who'loox well to the interes of tne town.The pc—

I '— /-- . i, ".

lice department,with Thief of Police to J.m;Bringhuret,at its

head,is a terror to evil doers.iaeh and every member of the force

is on his job.

Iafisonville is one corggration that is out of debt and has

money in its treasurg_§pr f -eontingenees.The neW'year has
started in with a balance in favor of the city $10,0QC.Théip is
however for}:he school eistriot e school\pond is e the interest
and redompt ‘3 fund is being oaréfi~for.

Wa—mwvv'rw m, “Hun—-

There is not a town and county in the state where there” 3
o otter law enforcement than in Madisonvillo and napkins County.
Vilators of low rarely ever escape punishment at the hands or the
officials."Let no guilty men escape," is the wattag-g; CLAglu
\ ; ‘


 Pavhapfl more are-it is due to the prescnt status anfi forward
growth an: popularity of the town,to The Kiwan% :lub an; The Cham—
ber of Commerce,two organizrtions a; only a few years grovtn,tnun

anyrother Orggnization.Th0 members are tnorougnly unselfish,wide-
awake and lockinfi for tun bset there is for Enoir town.

The forogiong are a few of the many reasona why when spacking

of Mafiisonvillo,the people name it "THE 3;,. HCVN OH “ARTE." An—

otder.fitging filogan would be,"A GOOD PLA.F 7 LIVE IN."