xt7tdz03088g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tdz03088g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1945-11-30  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 30, 1945 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 30, 1945 1945 1945-11-30 2013 true xt7tdz03088g section xt7tdz03088g The Kentucky Kernel

UK Athletic Board
Is Incorporated

Now Education At UK

Needs Boost







30. 1945

Panhellenic Boosts
Scholarship Fund

60 Veterans' Homes
Have Been Erected
UK Has Rental
200 From FHA

High School Clinic
journalistic clinics,
eleven writing contests, and publication of a complete newspaper are
scheduled for the annual conference of the Kentucky High School
Press association to be held on the


Asked To Report

'SO 7HL7

Newton Killed


Jimmy Newton. 22, a former University student, was found shot to
death in his room at Damascus
school, Abingdon, Va, November 20.
He had been dead about six hours
with two bullet wounds in his body.
Coroner John Wolfe stated. No
weapon was found In his room.
Abingdon and Washington county
police are conducting an Investigation, according to a report in the


landlady is out on
bond while police are investigating
the case.
Newton was a teacher and athletic coach at the school.
A student at the University in
1944-4Newton was a cheerleader
for the Wildcat teams.
He had served in the Marine
Corps, and attended Anchorage
school and Louisville Male high
school. He later attended Kentucky
Military institute and the University.
He is survived by his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Newton, Anchorage.

Kernel Clarifies
The Kernel wishes to clarify its
statement of November 16 in regard
to the selection of Dr. Amry Vanden
bosch as arts and sciences' diS'
tinguished professor.
Prof. J. E. Reeves of the committee
which selected Dr. Vandenbosch ex.
plained that the committee's role
was solely that of tabulation of votes
cast by the arts and sciences faculty.
Every faculty member in arts and
sciences was allowed three nomina
After the first balloting, the names
of the three professors who received
most votes were Included on
second ballot which was sent back to
the faculty. From these three names,
that of Dr. Vandenbosch was selected as the distinguished professor of

president Francs
Street presented a check for $500
to the Frances Jewell McVey
scholarship fund last night as the
recephigh point of the
tion In the Union ballroom from 7 to
8:30 p.m. Mrs. Holmes received the
check on behalf of the McVey fund.
Five hundred sorority .members
and pledges contributed a dollar
each to the fund instead of contributing toward the traditional
Pledges of
each of the University's

Twenty-si- x



Pledges Introduced

Journalists Plan


University President
To Address Meeting
Of Veterans Club

Check Presented
At Reception,

Campus Host
To Writers

SuKy, Alum6,
To Fete Teaijis

Six weeks ago Dean T. T. Jones
inounced that the University would
have m number of
houses to house married veterans
SuKy Circle. ' University pep-- orby the first of the year. At the ganization, and the University of
same time reservations were taken
Kentucky Alumni Association ' will
for these houses for the winter
be joint hosts at a dinner dance
quarter beginning this January.
Two hundred of the desired four honoring the 1945 football team and
hundred houses were bought from coaching staff Friday night, Dethe Federal Housing Administration, cember 14. at 6 p.m. in the Blue-graand are in the process of being
room of the Student Union.
moved here.
Members of the coaching Staff,
Sixty Erected
Sixty of these bouses have al their wives, and members of 'the
ready been erected on the Univer- football team and their dates W ill
sity farm not far off Rose street, and be special guests for the occasion,
as will members of the press and
others are being put up every day.
The amount of preliminary work their wives, members of the athletic
needed to erect these houses Is i council and their wives. President
Donovan, Mr. and
tremendous: sewage pipes must be and Mrs. H. L.
laid, ground must be cleared, roads Mrs. Frank D. Peterson, Dean and
Leo M. Chamberlain, and Mr.
must be made, and electricity must Mrs. Mrs.
Frank PrindL
be made available.
Reservations have been limited to
Kentucky's state plumbing board
condemned the plumbing of the 300 and a limited number will be
houses as It was when they arrived. available to representatives of stuThis necessitated redoing all plumb- dent organizations and their dates.
ing in the structures and has added The tickets are $150 per person.
to the "amount of work and time and will be sold to couples only.
Reservations, for those purchasneeded to get them in readiness.
ing tickets, should he made through
Twt Handred Rented
It was announced Tuesday by T. members of SuKy circle, not later
T. Jones, dean of men. that all two than Thursday, December 13. There
will be no tickets sold at the door.
houshundred of the
es have been rented, and that an
order for another hundred has been
placed with the FHA for Immediate
delivery. Dean Jones said. "We
could rent 500 by March," but he
added thai these houses are in
great demand and that it would be
Dr. Herman L. Donovan, president
impossible to get that number. He
Uniyersity, will address the
went on to say that he planned to of the
Veterans Club at Its next regular
have as many as possible of the
meeting Monday night, Joe Covinghouses opened and occupied by
January 2, but that it would be ton, commander of the club, ,has
impossible to have all two hundred announced.
At last week's meeting, a report on
ready by that time, due to the
the November 17 dance, made by
plumbing difficulties.
Joe Ward, club treasurer, revealed
Situation Relieved
Dean Jones added that the men's that all expenses of the dance had
housing situation would be some- been met. and that there was a small
what relieved the first of the year surplus. The club voted to acknowlwhen the army win release Brecken-ridg- e edge contribution toward the dance
hall lor civilian use. The Army made by Man o' War Post of. --the
is now leasing both Kinkead and American Legion.
Joe Covington, club commander,
Breckenridge, but will move its remaining trainees into Kinkead dur- announced that the club is now presenting a weekly radio program on
ing the latter part of December.
station WLAP, which may be heard
from 3:45 to 4 o'clock each ThursWould-B- e
day. He also appointed membership
and social committees.
Prior to the business session, the
All girls interested in airline
following musical program, intro
hostess training. Including those
oy Hvcrett falrchlld, was
who have already called, are asked duced
to come to the Dean of Women's presented:
Marjorie Shote, vocalist. "Whisperoffice.
ing," Betty Bain Adair at the piano,
"I'D Buy That Dream," Miss Shote,
Kentucky", Miss Adair "I Don't
Want to Love You," Miss Shote, and
"Tea for Two," Miss Adair. .

Curtis Roder, A AS. sophomore:
If we only had $25,000! It would
be better to spend it on football for
it's humiliating the way we are now.
Bet tie Tuttle, AAS, sophomore:
A big - namer - footballer - coacher.
humml I said to myself I Yerp!
(Southern for "yes.")
Rusty Granits, Agriculture, freshman: That's a good question!
ScoUy MrCulloch, A&S, junior:
I think we're doing alright with
profs and we need a coach.
Jim Miller, Commerce, senior: On
five professors rather than on a
coach. I think a university exists
for education not for athletics.
Athletics are all right in their place,
choice, education must
but in
be first.
Kathleen Poor, Agriculture, sophomore: It would be nice to have a
good coach, but after all football
Isn't everything let's have the
Pat Clarke, A AS, junior: Football
coach, nacherly!!
Tommy Gish, AAS. junior: I
think it is more important to have
profs. Don't think purpose of a
university is to have a professional
football team.
Edna Crawford, A&S, sophomore:
I suppose on a football coach 'cause
Kentucky ranks so low in education
that it wouldn't make much difference anyway!
George Catlett, A AS, kophomore:
Let's get the profs.
Bill HarriMm, Engineering, fresh
man: Football coach like to see
that Alabama score reversed next


Photo Comrtesm



University of Kentucky Athletic Association at their first official meeting last Saturday. StandMembers of the
ing: Dean Leo M. Chamberlain, Dr. Fordyce Ely, Clay Salyer, Dr. Louis A. Par due, Thomas A. Ballantlne and Robert A. Hobson. Sealed:
Guy A. Huguelet, Dr. Donovan, IL D. Palmore, Dr. M. E. Ligon, and Dr. W. D. Funkhouser.



New Athletic Board Formed
4- By O. C. Halyard, Jr.
Mcmbers.of.a board of directors ' versity in later years, as successful
of the newly-formathletic as- athletic departments at other South
sociation at. the University of Ken eastern schools are to their univer;
tucky were announced by President sities."
In connection with the selection
H. L.' Donovan last Saturday after
board has
14-- 0
victory of a coach, the
Tennessee's hard-wo- n
over the Wildcats. The first major had at least 50 names of prospective
consideration of the new group will coaches suggested and has received
be the hiring of a "name" football applications from more than a down.
coach, "the best we can find in However, it will probably be several
America within our means," Df: weeks before any decision is reachDonovan said at a press conference ed. Dr. Donovan, who is also chairman of the board declared. "We
Saturday morning.
Plans for a campaign to raise plan to take our time, and to comb
funds' to support the expanded ath- the field carefully. We want to be
letic program destined for the Uni- sure we have the right man before
versity were also announced.
"We we sign him."
Members Listed
will need a considerable
sum of'
In addition to Dr. Donovan, memmoney to get started," President
Donovan stated. The City Salesmen's bers of the board are: Thomas A.
Club of Lexington has offered to take Ballantine, Louisville attorney and
the lead In obtaining the funds." vice president of the Louisville
Taxicab company, and an alumnus
Program Academic Boost
Dr. Leo M.
We expect the athletic program of the University;
to carry Itself shortly, and to help Chamberlain, dean of the University:
the other departments of the Uni-- ! Dr. Fordyce Ely, professor of animal




Student Union Board
Passes Nine Itulcs
To Be Enforced
Nine rules to be eitforced were
passed at a Student Union Board
dinner meeting last Tuesday in the
Union, It was revealed today by
Emily Jones, president.
They are as follows:
1. Gambling, drinking of intoxi
cants, entering the building in an
intoxicated condition, and bringing
intoxicating liquors into the building are all prohibited. Anyone infringing on this rule in any respect
shall be subject to Immediate ejection from the building, and, on a
majority vote of the Board of Directors, may be suspended or expelled from membership
in the
2. No games of any type shall be
engaged In at any place In the
building except in the specified room
unless permission is granted by the
3. No smoking is Bllowed in the
ballroom or Carnegie Music room.
4. The Union will not be respon
sible for any article lost in the
5. No profane or other objection
able language shall be used in the
6. Proper conduct must be main
tained in the building at all times.
7. No animals will be allowed in
tli Union building.
8. Anyone incurring damage to
the building, its properties and possessions will be held responsible to
the extent of such damage.
9. The Student Union building
shall be open from 7:30 a.m. until
9 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
Sunday it will be open from 11 a.m.
to 7:30 p.m.



An intramural badminton tournament, sponsored by the Women's
Athletic Association, will be held
from 4 to 5 p.m. December 6 in
the gym annex. Anyone interested
in participating in the tournament
should sign in the gym annex before December 3. The entry fee will
be 25 cents; prizes will be presented
to winners of the singles and doubles sets.
WAA bowling Is held each Tuesday at the Colonial Bowling lanes.
All WAA members are urged to attend; five points are obtained for
every, two games bowled.
The University "Glamor Cats"
Women's Athletic Association hockey team which was undefeated last
year, will attend a state hockey
Dlav-da- v
December 1 at Centre
n.;lllo fiamCS Will
start at 9 a.m. and will continue
throughout the afternoon. At the
WAA offisame time a state-wid- e
cers business meeting will be held,

husbandry; Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, Chamberlain as
dean of the University graduate Funkhouser as secretary, and Frank
D. Peterson, University comptroller,
school and secretary of the Southeastern Conference; R. P. Hobson, as treasurer.
Louisville attorney, representing the
The University president said he
Board of Trustees; Guy A. Huguelet, had no statement to make,
at presLexington, president of the South- ent, concerning
the status of Bernie
eastern Greyhound lines, represent- Shively, present football coach and
ing the public; Dr. M. E. Ligon, pro- director of
athletics, and of other
fessor of secondary education, and members of the
athletic department.
the first president of the Kentucky "We want to announce the entire
High School athletic association; new setup
at the same time." he exH. D. Palmore, Frankfort, representplained.
ing the alumni; Dr. L. A. Pardue,
Shively took over the job as head
professor of physics, and Clay Salyer, Salyersville, president of the coach after A. B. Klrwan resigned
association, last year. He accepted the job with
Student Government
the understanding at the time that
representing the student body.
it was only a temporary measure,
A Corporation
and that he would return to his
Saturday's announcement followed duties of athletic director when a
Coach was hired.
the filing of articles of incorpora- new full-tiWhen he is employed the new
tion of the University of Kentucky
Athletic Association early in the coach will become the 251 h in
week. Officers of the corporation inof football at the Uni.

half-centu- ry

clude: Dr. Donovan as president. Dr. versity.


Qay Blithe Spirit'
By Hugh Collett
Guignol theater opened its 1945-4- 6
season with a bang Monday night.
There is no doubt that the present
offering, Noel Coward's "Blythe
Spirit," Is one of the most finished
productions aver presented by the

little theater.
Wallace N. Briggs, director of the
production. Is to be congratulated
for his selection of the play and the
fine cast he has assembled for its
Mills' Portrayal Superb
Ed Mills' portrayal of Charles
Condomine is undoubtedly one of
the best performances of his career
not even barring his characterization of Rough, the detective In
"Angel Street" and one of the best
pieces of acting at the Guignol

The part of Madame Arcati was
expertly handled by Mary Lyons, a
Guignol veteran, who also tops her
many other triumphs. Miss Lyons
handled her seances and her lighter
with equal capability,
never once stepping out of the
character she so elegently created.
Susan H inkle was equally convincing in her part of Elvira, the spirit
of Charles' first wife, although at
times her "Ouspenskaya" was showing.
A Disappointment
Minna Bloomfield, frankly, was a
disappointment. Innumerable times.
in her part of Ruth, Mrs. Bloomfield
At times, her emotion ran away with her. It must
have been opening-nigjitters, for
during rehearsals she was superb,
and her former Guignol record a
row of successes speaks favorably



UK Rifle Team

Besumes Work
The University's rifle team has
started to work with 1st Lieut. Joe
M. Gafford coaching and Sgt. Elmer
O. Kinker assisting. The team will
exchange targets with twenty colleges including Michigan State, Ohio
State, Culver, University of West
Virginia, University of Pittsburgh,
Tennessee. Western Teachers College in Akron, Louisiana State, Niagara University, Indiana, and Georgia Tech. The team will also compete for the service command match
and for the Hearst trophy.

Kyian Organization
Form Sheets Due
Monday will positively be the

last day on which organization

form sheets will be accepted for
Mary Lillian
Davis, editor,

the Kentuckian,

for her. When she returned as a
spirit in the latter part of the play,
she seemed to have gained control of
herself, and from that time, all
went well.
Campbell, Pax ton Adequate
Dr. Bradman, as played by William
Campbell, was fairly convincing, although at times his overabundance
of gestures were distracting, but
otherwise. Mr. Campbell did extremely well.
Jean Paxton. who portrayed Mrs.
Bradman, handled her parts well,
and as her part calls for, raveled off
an endless string of words as well as
any tobacco auctioneer.
Margaret McCorkle
Edith, the cockney maid, with great
accuracy. Once again. Miss McCorkle points out her worth as a
character actress and her mastery
of accents (I refer to her success as
Rose, the colored maid, in "Out of
the Blue." the summer musical).
Uncanny Effects
Henry Foushee, technical director
for the production, is to be praised
for the numerous uncanny effects
that he has created and put to use in
the play. Their seeming impossibility adds greatly to the spiritual
air attached to the story. The electrical effects created by Robert
Hume, chief electrician for the production, are also worthy of merit.
"Blythe Spirit" will long be remembered by the Guignol-goin- g
public is an outstanding offering In
comedy, and the play is capable of
a two weeks' run. ,
If you care to lift your spirits and
see some good entertainment, don't
miss this delightful bit of comedy.

Afternoon, Night
Courses Slated
A series of late afternoon and
evening courses will be offered by
the University under the direction
of the extension department during
the winter quarter, it was announced Saturday.

The courses will be offered for the
convenience of citizens otherwise engaged during the regular class hours.
Courses to be offered include accounting, agriculture, art, botany,
chemistry, education, English,
French, geography, geology, German,
history, hygiene, journalism, library
literature, mathematics,
music philosophy, public finance,
physical education, political science,
psychology, salesmanship, shorthand,
social work, Spanish and typewriting.
Anyone desiring to enroll is requested to call or write the department of University Extension, telephone 6800, extension 44, at the

Selby Hurst Awarded
Sig Scholarship ,
Chi foundation scholarship
for t. 1945-4- 6 school year has been
awarded to Frank Selby Hurst,
law student or Lexington.
The scholarship, offered by L. O.
Balfour, nationally known jeweler
and member of Sigma Chi fraternity through the Sigma Chi foundation, was. presented on the basis
charof leadership, scholarship,
acter and activities.
It was announced by Dean Leo
M. Chamberlain, chairman of the
scholarship committee, that for his
three years' work in pre-lahad a scholastic standing of 2.7. He
is a member of Phi Delta Phi. a
member of the Kentucky Law Journal staff, was secretary for the
YMCA cabinet in 1943, and secretary of the Pitkin club in 1944.



Sponsored by the Department of
Journalism, the two-da- y
will include talks by focal newspapermen, journalism student, and
members of the University faculty.
It will stress problems of publishing
high school newspapers but will include discussions of related fields.
Other activities of the conference
will include campus tours, a "social
hour" in the Union building, and
attendance at a University "sweater
The clinics or round-tablinclude talks and discussions on
news, advertising,
headlines and
make-ucolumns, features, editorials, sports, photography, printing, radio, and press associations.
Individual sessions will be held for
the advisers of school papers. Separate clinics will be provided for
the staffs of yearbooks and mimeographed newspapers.
High school newspapers submitted
for criticism will be evaluated during the conference by the faculty
of the Department of Journalism.
for the conference
will be held from 8:30 to 10 a.m.
December 7, and the first group of
clinics will begin at 10 am. The
meeting will close at 12 noon, December 8.
Two hundred and eleven delegates
high schools
representing thirty-tw- o
attended the wartime clinic of the
press association held at the University last year.

Dr. and

H. L. Donovan.
Dr. Frank McVey. Dean and Mrs. Funkhouser.
Dean and Mrs. Evans, Dean and
Mrs. Taylor, Denn and Mrs. Boyd,
Dean and Mrs. White, Dean and
Mrs. Cooper, Dean and Mrs.
Dean and Mrs. Terrlll, Dwn
and Mrs. Wlest, Dean and Mrs,
Chamberlain. Dean and Mrs. Jone3,
Dean Holmes and Dean Haselden.
Mr. and Mrs. Peterson. Mrs. Henry,
Mrs. Caldwell. Miss Pool
Harvard. Mrs. Williamson. Mrs.
Spauldlng. Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. Hagan,
Mrs. Zemp, Mrs. Lund. Miss O'Con-ne- ll.
Miss Storey Mrs. Potts, and
Mrs. Tolliver.
Carolyn Gilson was chairman of
arrangements for the reception.
Committee heads include:
Liz Allen Thomas, entertainment
and music; Nelda Napier, arrangement of chairs; Julia Land rum and
Juliette Jones,
Greenwald. seating arrangements;
Gerry Dugan. lighting and microphone; Janet Collins and Joan Burnett, invitations,
and Jeanetts
Reynolds, ushers.




Hor-lach- er.


tea-tab- le

Independent Party
Names Candidates

Candidates for the coming SGA
election were nominated by the Independent party at a meeting in
the Union building recently.
Helen Dorr and Floye Mulltnaux
were nominated to fill the vacancies
of lowerc lass women in the College
of Arts and Sciences, and Jane
Errlckson and Margaret Davis were
nominated to the vacancies of
in the same college.
Bill Paden was nominated man-Bi- ll
Paden was nominated
and Frances Wtlhoyte was
nominated upperc lass woman in the
College of Agriculture.
Everett Fairchild received the
In the
nomination of
College of Commerce.
Helen Burke was nominated for
the position of upperclass woman in
University station WBKY will the College of Education.
Upperclassman nomination from
broadcast the basketball games this
season. Dick Lowe will be In charge the College of Enginnering went to
of announcing and will be assisted Howard Stewart.
by Vance Johns, O. C. Halyard and
Hugh Dunbar.
The broadcasts will start with the
Fort Knox game December 1 and
all of this season's games will be
Dr. Arthur Bevan. Virginia State
WBKY is also planning two geologist, was heard last night at
Christmas programs which will be Miller hall, when he gave a lecture
broadcast over WHAS. On Sunday. entitled. "Trailing Ancient Glaciers
December 23 the Choristers will sing in the Rockies," to s large group of
and on December 30. WBKY will geologists and University students.
The lecture was illustrated by
present the Legend of the Flowers
Kodachrome slides taken by the
of St. Stephen.
lecturer in the course of extensive
field work in the Rocky Mountain
region. Dr. Beven's lecture was of
The National Poetry Association of a popular nature and dealt with
Los Angeles announces that a poem, many scenic effects. He also spoke
"The Bluegrass," written by Russell op the recognition of the presence of
des Cognets, Jr.. University student, former glaciers, and some of the
has been accepted for publication scientific aspects of glaciation. Dr.
in the Annual Anthology of College Beven spoke with authority on the
Rocky Mountain region since he has
The Anthology is a compilation of spent many years in that area doing
the finest poems written by the col- research work.
lege men and women of America,
Dr. Beven. accompanied by his
representing every state in the wife, was entertained before the
union, and selections are made from lecture with a dinner given by the
thousands of poems submitted, the University Geology department. He
association states.
will attend a meeting of the AIMME
Des Cognets is a student in the tonight.
College of Agriculture. His home is
Professor W. R. Brown, new proin Lexington.
fessor of geology at the University of
Kentucky, worked several years with
Dr. Beven before coming to the University.

Greek women's groups were introduced at the reception.


Dutch Lunch club . . . will meet at
noon today In the Y lounge. Miss
Helen Harrison, former YWCA cabinet member and graduate of the
University, will be the guest speaker.
will meet at
Freahmaa club
6:30 p.m Tuesday m the Union
building. Dr. Robert W. Miles win
tell the story of the Bible.
I'pperelasa Y . . . will meet at 7
p.m. Tuesday to the Y loung.
Rabbi Julian Fleg will lead a discussion and answer questions on
Alpha Delta Fl . . . dance from 3
to 12 tonight at the chapter house
in honor of pledges.
club . . . will meet Monday at
7 p.m. in the Student room of the
Ag building.
Secretarial club . . . will meet at
4 p m. Monday In room 102, White
Hillel . . . will meet at 7 p.m. Sunday at Adath Israel temple.
Hillel Study group . . . will meet at
7:30 p.m. Thursday In the Union
will meet at
Dance committee
4 p.m. Tuesday in room 204 of the
Union building.
Bacteriology society . . . will meet
Monday at 7:30 pjn.
Wesley foundation . . . will meet at
6:45 pjn. Thursday in the Union
building. Subject: "Ftnding God on
the Campus."
RS.U. . . . will met at 6.16 pjn.
Thurwly In the Y lounge.
will meet at
House committee
5 p.m. Tuesday in room 204 of the
Union building.
Phi I'psilon Omirron . . . initiation
at 7 a.m. Sunday in Home Economics building. Banquet Sunday night
in Gold room of Lafayette hotel.
Veterans' club . . . will meet Monday at 7:00 p.m. in the Card room
of the Union building. Dr. Herman
L. Donovan, president of the University, will be the speaker.
Phalanx fraternity . . . will meet
at noon Tuesday at the Colonial
Bowling Lanes.
of the Association of
Independent Students Wednesday.
December 5 at 6:30 p.m. in the Card
room of the Union building.
P. Boyd, dean of the Arts . . . Mrs. Henry Taylor of the KenPaul
and Sciences college, spoke yester- tucky League of Women Voters will
day at a meeting of Pi Mu Epsilon, talk at 4 p.m. Tuesday in room 205 of
mathematics honorary, In McVey the Union building with University
halL His subject was "The Trisec-tlo- n women who are Interest in forming s
UK league of voters.
of an Angle."


mat-at-Iar- ge

man-at-lar- ge

To Broadcast

Basketball Games


Geologists, Students
Hear Dr. Bevan

UK Poet Honored

Tau Sigma Pledges
Nine Women

Tau Sigma, honorary modern
dance fraternity at the University,
announces the pledging of nine
women. Formal pledge services will
be held at 6:30 p.m. Monday In the
Union for Beverly Brown, Vivian
Herford, Nancibelle King, Doris
McWllliams, Frances Morgan, Dot
Richardson, Jo Trapp, TUlie Gumm
and Juanita Robertson.

Dean Boyd Speaks
To Pi Mu Epsilon





� oesi uopy Available

The Kernel Editorial Page







th Port Offlc. t Lexlniton, Kentucky,
tror.il cl.t. matter nndrr the Act of M.rch 1. 17.

Casey Goman

Kentucky Intercollegiate Prew Association
Lexington Board of Commerce
Kentacay Preaa Association
National Editorial Association





.M One Quarter


Jim WoOD


The Free Lance

Business Manager
Circulation Manager


Fortunately there is no limitation on the
amount of money appropriated for the University's budget improving its buildings, for
and library equipment, and for research.
Here is a cause for which the alumni ran really
woik. A cause more important than athletics,
for the future of a state dejencls a great deal
iiK)ii the tyje leadership developed in the colleges and slate universities.
More important
than athletics, because to take one example, the
research done by the Kentucky Experiment StaBurley totion in developing
bacco will increase the income of Kentucky

farmers this year by $20,800,000. More important than athletics, because what's an educational institution for anyway?
The Commonwealth of Kentucky has lagged
as far behind other stales in its appropriations
for its slate university as its football team did
in the Southeastern Conference. Missouri set
aside S2, 104,574 for its university for 1915-4fthe University of Illinois was given $9,003,250,
Ohio Slate University had Sf),WM),723.50 with
vhih to work. And what did UK have?
the University
S1.47.".7."0. For the year 194fi-4is asking for $2,874,280, and for 1947-48- ,



These days after the war's end.
the news about the United Nations,


So the University is going lo liave the athletic vi up ami coach needed to build a football
tram second to none. Fine! Just such fast, down
to e.iuli action as has Ix'en taken in the past
few weeks is what it takes lo accomplish big
things. When the alumni got solidly
i lie move lo do something aloul the perennially
uninspiring football record, steps were taken
villi little lime wasted.
To an institution such as the University,
winning football and basketball teams are an
invaluable asset. And so are educational facilities.
To place too much emphasis upon athletics in
a university would le to lose sight of its true
puixv. It would be raiher ridiculous to have
a Sli").(KK) a year coach and a S.'i.OtMt jer year
piesident. All out of projxmion. But apparently nothing can le done alxint this while the
siaie (onstiiuiion limits the .salaries of its

any change In our policy toward our Russians persist in their policy of
allies, particularly Russia, who is one hiding their nation from the eye
of the most important among friend- - and the eara of the rest of the
ly nations and one of the most diffi- - world, by barring the press from
cult for the average American to certain para oi iiKmij.i-.wi,- i
know and understand. We cannot, factories, ana more man a lew cities.
and will not, succeed In our plans for the world wtu persist
Nations If we cannot that the USSR has some tricks that
the United
seen. The
fust the nations we fought beside are not supposed to be can be plac- interpretation that
" tne war.
ed on behavior such as this is, mat
Distention Over Atomie Bomb
Dne or ttYe cmei rones oi con- - tne Russjans WOnt trust us The
set-u- p
tention in the United Nations
circe is endless and viciotis.
at the present, is the atomic theory,
The trouble lies not only on one
which is keeDine the minds of the
side and the trouble is not as basic
world in quite a stew
the two items just mentioned but
We know that half the nations of
siaengnw on u. ...a ...
the world, including our enemies, ""7
possible solutions,
were hard at work on the atom be- - themselves offer
the secret of atomic energy to
ended, and we know
fore the war
world, and especially to Russia.
that had it not been for the brave the complete freedom of the press
Norwegians and their sabotage of
German plants and experimental throughout the countries
'mttm " a when national safety is threatened
of the world in
fate similar to that of Nagasaki and and let the countries
Hiroshima, it is a lact. mat even- tually the world wiU know all it
needs to know about the atom bomb.

By Sootty MrCnlloch

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