xt7tdz02zx9j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tdz02zx9j/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1990 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, 1990, no. 4 text images Kentucky Alumnus, 1990, no. 4 1990 1990 2012 true xt7tdz02zx9j section xt7tdz02zx9j  
A Native Kentuckian
at the Helm
1990 A Year
ot Change
` Kentu¢ky's Women
and Poverty
i Now l·Iear This!
Quantitying Your
Listening Skills

 Ill2lk€ th€ g1'2ld€. .
Every time you use no annual fee during Ifyou don’t have a UK  
your special UK Visa the first year. The fee Visa or MasterCard, `,
or MasterCard you’re for either card is only apply for one today I
supporting UK and $16 a year after that. either through your ·
the Alumni And, the annual Alumni office or First  
Association. percentage rate is a National Bank of {
low 16.9%. louisville. lf you do
A portion of the have one, make sure  
IHOIICY €2lI`I1€Cl gO€S • • • • YOU USC it Whenever
directly to the you can and give
Alumni Association to • • • • the UK Alumni
fund undergraduate . I Association the
scholarships at UK • • I • • » credit it deserves.
and the 14 other I
. • • A I p t_ A cox
COIT1I“I1l1I11Iy colleges » *   V tg.   .       The
around the state.   _ » ..». A   ._-. `   —»».   Ii  
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helping   > tt ···»- ~“ _ I    _;   UK credit Card ` dnt
`< --—-·· l· "     First National Bank umn
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yOurS€1f   K   s t.   '· ‘ ·>  y  1 a·‘' " I} PO. Box 56210 l vw
Opening the t\ A y_ nv " ,·;_ · ` A . ll   I. Louisville, Kentucky 40253 li im
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and travel   V·*·’ " I ‘   ?‘ ` ' its Alumni Association. Please send "°“
_,..~ · ‘‘‘`   V A A ` me everything I need to apply for the qw
Opportunities. g` i e E \\._y\ A _Q UK Visa or MasterCard.  
. 2 . F.   \_` J ar ··‘ I Name   ._i  
PlLlS, there 1S E p t. “ U   l   Apul M Al_g_,__  ph Address ZM
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if   3 Richard Bean ’69 , , _ ‘
5   Ilouisville Nuhve Kenlucluon ol the Helm Clrarles T. Wet1nngton_]r. 6 ·
PRESIDENT-ELECT of Casey Coun ty sets out his vision for the University. =
Myra Tobin `62  
New York, NY _ _ ;
~ y TREASURER 1990 A Yell! of Chlllge This annual report focuses on Io I
Preston Art `63 new leadership and includes a staff directory.
COVER Walton
The official hoto- SECRE'l`ARY _ _ _
graph Of UKPS loth BObbyC·\,\rhilak€I.   Ken*u¢ky's women und Pcveny OITC ll] ll\'C l\ClTlLlCl{y   L
* President, Charles Frankfort women lives in poverty- this report tells why that is so. i
I T. Wethington 
i ,SNO73;,_6297 Now Hear This! Quonhfynng Your Lnslemng Slulls '|6
j The Kentucky Altnn- DIRECTOR A test for accurately measuring listening skills developed by
bus 'S Pubbsbed Bobby (‘·wb““k°" D8 Professor Robert Bostrom gains national acceptance.
quarterly by the l·1l)lTOR _
University of Ken- Liz Howard `68
tucky Alumni Asso- ASST. EDITOR
ciation, 400 Rose Kay johnson `86
Z Street, Lexington, OUTREACH/’
Z Kentucky 40506- CLUBS
» 0119, for its dues- Stan Key `72  
paying members. NIARK1-]'I`lNC,/  r., .l. 4.. .. .7.-   r t ..r?7r.....
Opinions expressed M1·1MB1iRSHIP . .
in the Kentucky Susan BI.0lhL_l.S ·87 IIK Bea} A compendium of campus news. 2
Alumnus are not STAFF
“°°"SS*{"'lY Utes Ol B"S""l*‘ B"'“ Sporlswufch Fieldhouse fundraising; Pitinos on the road. 4
y the University of _]ulra Brothers `
l Kentucky or of the Linda Brumfield
UK Alumni Fxssneia- Margie Cin-by CI¤s$ Noles A class by class update of fellow alumni. 20
tion. Postmaster: Ruby Hardin
Forwarding and (Zharles Livingston ,
I Hd(h.€SS Comccliml William O\,(_mm_Cl F¤xI|ne Focus A reader sur tey for your rt sponst. 32
, requested. Send to (Zarolyn Rhorer
The Kentucky Alum- Tom White
l uus, UK /.»\lumni .-\R'I` l)IREtZ'I`l()N
1 Association, Lexing- Williams McBride Unfygyglfy /i\|‘cl'ilV€S
ton, Kentucky Design, Inc. ,,, , _ yy;
I ·1(i5<)ti7. PAg;·gg;·g}   imiiy L.IiDT5|"/ ·· l *0Yth
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Teamchollenge [ EET _ • y group through a different web section tor
*""`"'I’°“*‘ I°‘"" Truslllng In '|'e¤mw¤rk without any part of the body touching con
to work together .» -?-~ -- -V-— 2
when may umuk l any part of the web. I cal
the 'I5 ¢|¤¤||¤¤9¤S UK is offering an obstacle course — a i Some people snake their way kno
I . . . . .
rh¤tT:n:;:h';|:I;’.:;; l sernes of phySncal challenges that can be I through a web Opening, whnle others l cre;
,b,,“|, ,,,,,.,, M ` solved only through teamwork — to must be lifted by group members on 5 sen
Spindletop F¤rm- counselors, educators, business people one side and passed through to group edu
:L‘:v°;°I:; :::2: annd others who want to build coopera- members on the other side. to k
me hsk; d,,;g,,,d l tion annd comnnunication at work. “The physical challenges are ve- knc
to ¤M¤¤r¤9•= , TeamChallenge, as tlne program is hicles for building trust, communica- use
·°°"“"°'k° l called, utilizes ro es, trees, lo s, cables tion and coo erative interaction, and man
and platforms, and takes place in a they tne nn directly to the workplace,” stuc
pastoral setting on UK’s Spindletop says Philip Greasley, executive director _ mo:
Research Farm off Ironworks Road in of University Extension and a guide, or 1 inn;
Fayette County. facilitator, at the course. , crit
n Group members are faced with Peoplewlnonormallyaren’tleaders ‘ Ant
l such challenges as arranging them- y at work often become leaders on the toa
selves in a straight line, from shortest to , course, Stoch adds, "and most people, . exis
. . . l .
tallest, whnle hlnndiolded, annd then   when theygetbacktowork,usuallyfind tnon
graduate to nnore connnplex tasks sucln as K it a lot easier to work together.”
"Tlne Spider`s Web." y Groups interested in the one-day inn t
ln that exercise, a prefabricated   progrann can conntact UK's Office of fan
rope web is strungbetnveenn two posts 12   Business, Industry and Government, i stun
feet apart, with l4 open web sectionns. (5()6-257-1524, or University Extension, cati
The idea is to nass eacln nnember of tlne at 606-257-2622. ofs
2 lxenntnnrkx ·\llllllIlll\ ¥\'innter l£l9() \,\'jn

TTTT K T  if l problem based learning curriculum
j A www APIf!‘°¤¢h rrrrrrr l during the junior sttrgical clerkship in
  ni if K V y the clinical years without having a prob-
  A call for reform of medical education 1 lem based curriculum during the pre-
‘ by leading medical educators, students, clinical study years, allowing students to
j and expert observers has prompted the problem solve through interaction.
' Robert \/Vood johnson Foundation to   rirr W i   W Vrrrirr W,   W
‘ award the UK College of Medicine , j _
nasty $§l5(),()OO. The UK cottage of 1 ggn       gg 1 st if “
Medicine was chosen as one of 12 ( .
· medical schools to participate in the The UK College of Dentistiy is now `  , , 
Foundation`s initiative, “Preparing providing a new mobile dental facility ‘ *·
l Physicians for the Future: a Program in j to setye Appalachian residents in need -` Q `  if
j Medical Education.” In addition to   ofdental care. Its primary purpose is to f  
1 Kentucky, grants were awarded to Yale, provide dental services to indigent chil- w ‘ 
I johns Hopkins, Case 1/Vestern Resetye, dren. In conjunction with the UK ‘ — V j,
; Brown,and Columbia Universities, and Medical Center’s regional pediatric         E
A the Universities ofChicago, Rochester, heart clinics, the facility will also be j ~ ,  
. Nebraska, New Mexico, Oregon and used to treat children and educate _ i- l ei i
Hawaii. Approximately$$1.8 million was parents about dental caries that can — I   _ A  {3/ · Q     U
. awarded nationwide for the first phase complicate heart conditions. Other        Q    ’ ’`' ’    
` ofthe project. uses will include geriatric dental treat-   fj 7. _° A n    
Each ofthe 12 schools will use the ment, continuing education programs  X yi", f  ·* » . .    
E next 18 months as a planning period to and health fairs.   ir'. A _ ,   "
  develop a new curriculum. A second The facility was paid for with pri-            
I phase is planned for 1992 in which up to , vate funds and grants. Major contribu- V \_ \ {3* ..__     
L eight of the 12 schools may receive fur- tors include the Appalachian Regional `.*i>·*,j<. ih if  
  ther funding for their plans. Commission, Steele-Reese Founda- if  iz   i i i
i Dr. Phyllis Nash, UK associate pro- tion, The Honorable Order of Ken-   U ‘ ·
l fessor of behavioral science and direc- tucky Colonels, Chatlos Foundation, The times they ore neering moior, is
j tor of 1]K`s project, says, "With the andthe ChristianAppalachian Project. °'°h°“9i"' ' °“d “'° '“°“'°' °* °
i . . more evidence of seven-ye¤r-old
R continuous development of new medi- Win i win wwf   j i 7 ,.,¤, .s uK.s ,,9,, s°,,_ she says, .,,
1 cal technology and an expansion in , , Homecoming felt like I needed
knowledge, there has been a vast in- siuylng In T°“‘h °°°?"’ sh° is *° ' ' ’ sh°w °“‘°'
_ ‘- _     W-?-· · · -··- - ~- Morro Moore, ¤ women they can
crease in the amount of material pre- ._ex.,,g,°,, c°,,,,,,u_ do ,,,,y,.,.,,g_..
sented to students during their medical Engineers at the UK Center for Robot- nity ¢¤||¤9¢ N\¤¤l’¤ is ¤¤¢ ¤*
education. It is important for students ics and Manufacturing Systems, along :?Ph°m°r°' nw ""my K°"*°°ky
. _ ____ _ · _ _ _ arst queen ever women returning
L to be able to manage tlns explosion of with business and industiyhaisonsfrom s,,.,,.,,,. .,.,,,, ..,,, ., “.,,°. ..,,,,,9.,
  knowledge. For example, being able to . the community colleges and some of ¢¤m¤w¤l*Y UK'$ €¤¤¤M¤¤"Y
  use data bases will help physicians 1 the regional universitiesin the state, are ;°:;L°?’:;;_::°:: c°"°9° sy“°m’
  manage information. Fifty years ago putting together an industrial exten- ,..,e,. way, .,
1 students couldretain in their memories sion program modeled after the suc- M¤¤r¢, 27. ¤¤
I most all there was to learn. Now that`s cessful agricultural Extension Seiyice. °I°°m°°I °"9i`
impossible. So, we must decide what the The idea is to offer help and consul-
. critical information is to memorize. ‘ tation in solving problems facing Ken-
‘ And then, we must teach students ways tucky`s small and medium industries.
to access the wealth ofinformation that Much like the agricultural extension
. exists, and ways to obtain the informa- agent, industrial extension representa-
tion that is being discovered daily." tives will visit and stay in touch with
UK is the first medical school industries in their areas and work with
  in the countiy to have an accelerated them to solve problems. Engineers at
1 family practice program allowing- UK in Lexington will be called upon to
students to complete their medical edu- supply technical expertise. There is al-
_ cation and training in six years, instead ready an industrial extension office in
  of seven. lt was the first school have a Owensboro working with that area.
yy.,,,,.,. .9.;.) Kentucky Alunnnus 3

 5 P O R T S W A T C H   _
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Field House Floor Plan Joh,
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Farmer Wlldeal area. The parklng ‘ T i "`WTVT — ii VT T Dai]
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leelball coach places wlll be re- ·   Ncfes F°uI¤ New cuis b B
Jerry Clalborne placed ell Alumni l is ,,a,,, j ..).. .-).-YA ..).-.e _.;.?,.4__._;_Y _ Y
reporls lundralslng Drive where llne 5  
I :“°"" l°"';"‘ l:K:°“1l;"" ;':°d When the football season came to an E Dale Brown, Chris Harrison, Andre u bI0<
'“.I;y:l.:,;':.:::I':; wl.: W;] bsniugr; end with a record of 4-7, one of the   Riddick and Aminu Timberlakehave Y Pitir
along toward an lhree llmes larger , first things on coach Bill Curry’s mind   signed national letters-of-intent to · HS 211
d"';""l’“°°‘l ::‘"* """'£l‘°'N°"°;   was his seniors. “This bunch of seniors i play basketball for the University of n POM
-,:,T,n,:°;‘:,.;:; ,,,,,,;,, :.;,5:,;:,   is special, every one of them. I want to Kentucky, UK coach Rick Pitino has And
l99l. The laelllly orllllclal lurl lool- u thank all 17 of them for the way they announced. Here is a look at each of , ANU
wm I; '°“'::d I1“::l°;‘2°°   1 cooperated with the new staff. A com- l Kentucky`s early signees: ` p0u
c°m‘:n°:::¤“; ,,.:.9 hold JN", plete change like this is always hardest i DALE BROWN — A 6-3, 200- Sch·
sladlum ln lhe areas, gyrnnasllcs n on the seniors. It was very, very, im- pound guard from Mississippi Gulf €YH§
‘°=’:I‘:"’:I‘°';'I:" :°‘;“'·d°"d'°°';':";   portant to me how our players re- Coast junior College, Brown will be a fOl11
w;°:;';:":;d¤; N "wI::hZ|;"   ported to practice Monday (after the   juniorgi eligibility npxt season at lien- ;0¤
yellow parklng baseball balllng loss to Florida.) For the first time all , tucky. 1 out-si e siooting specia ist,   TOY
dr:::‘:‘:'nd:9$:   of our most important dreams and   Brown averaged 18 points, six re- · visit
assgned ?“:°'._ goals (for this season) were gone. The   bounds and four assists per game last Milf
room, slorage and   seniors only had a week of practice   season. He shot 51 percent from the mir
°m°° ’l’°‘°‘ and another game where we were so-   field and 43.8 percent from three- _· T0}
called ‘unclerdogs.’ But I didn’t need 1 point range. nl ROI
to worry. I wish I could do more and ` "Dale Brown is one of the best n Tor
A say more. They are a really unusual   long-range shooters in the country/’ n
bunch." It”s likely this bunch will be l Pitino says. "He has NBA three-point i0T
around in spirit for awhile to come.   potential and should fit like a glove to   9, I
They have helped lay the critical foun- 1 our style of play.” bac
dation upon which Curay will build. CHRIS HARRISON — A 6-3, 165- m0`
·l l{a·aal1a•‘k\ .‘\lIIlll|lIlS \/yimey ]Q)9() ` Wim

   S P O R 'I' S W A 'I’ C I·I
ouncl uard from Tollesboro Hi h • • l
School Tn Tollesboro, Ky. Harrisogn,        
; who verbally committed to Kentucky i  
i last year, averaged 32.7 points, nine l Calling the Lancaster Aquatics Center  
' rebounds and seven assists per game. i the finest in the country, if not the l
l He was a first-team All-State and Aca-   world; swim coach Wynn Paul an-  
` demic All-State selection last year. He   nounced UK would host the World  
‘ has a perfect 4.0 GPA and is ranked   Championship Team Trials, a pre-   ’_&`·
Hrst in his class. He is coached by i liminary qualifying meet to select the l  
Randy Harrison. . U.S. entry in the \/Vorld Champion- 1   7**
‘ “Ch1‘is Harrison iS 0116 of I}16 top   ship Team Trials scheduled in Febru- V ‘ ·;    
players in the state of Kentucky,” Pit-   ary in Australia, Thirty-nine of Amer-   r... .    
{ ino says. "As he develops through our iea’s top divers competed in the event   . 1,;; ·
  weight program, he should be a key l which was broadcast by WTBS-TV.   . $4
  factor in our rebuilding process.”  __ __ _4, __ ` Mi i 1 ‘ ° . LJ;
1 e w.   1  
ANDRE RIDDICKF A 69; lm Advisory Commiliee 1 e' ” ; ,;}’[T ¤  '_
, pound center from Bishop Loughlin I gw r___)_i W wi) § ` ` qi; . P e
i High School in Brooklyn, N.Y. Rid- i   A12 zi   T   __;_;
t dick averaged 14 points, l2 rebounds   Studenpathletes at UK have joined ° ~'     _‘. V
1 and eight blocked shots per game last together to form a 15-member Stu- g —~"£ Q ji    
season. He has been a teammate of dent-Athlete Advisory Committee ; * 5. if i q__. gk  
“ UK freshman jamal Mashburn on the   consisting of one student—athlete from l V jj ; 1; 1,    
Gauchos, a summer league team. He   each of the varsity sports, with the ex-     i,..     » ·_.i  
is IlO[€Cl fOI` his Sl]O[-l')lOCl y 9  
{ but his style of making that vision a re-  
A °'°'"""g "°°"° 1 harles T Wethin · i · l' V ill
.. . gton 11. seems a ity may be.   -
only crowd et 1 ( _ ` “ _ _ __ _ “_ 5;
media, hwny and y to have been destined to be My vision, says Wethmgton, is one   y
students listened y president of the University of that I believe is shared by most of the  
l"°;":IY°‘;’“::“L';; 1 Kentucky. I·Ie knows the institution y people who are supportive of this Uni- I  
Board M ·n.us,°°s from nearly every perspective. He has r versity. We want to see a Ll1]1V€l`S1{y[1'l3I1S ~
Foster ¤¢I¢erm¤n been a student and an instructor. He nationall ireco nized for its excellence
, I S
"“;:;’°"':;‘;’ ::1   directed the establishment of one of — for the quality of its teaching, its re- I
s n n I , . . . .
Search ummm UK s early community colleges. As search, its service and its graduates. I cer-
tee’s recemnten- 1 chancellor of that portion of the UK tainly believe that this is a vision which
dv‘;::I;;I:h:;.$I;:"I‘:; , System, he`s been a major player in the is appropriate for this institution and .
n_m°d1'.°sN;n,_ 1 cabinet for the whole system. In a pres- one which I truly believe is obtainable." A _  
Dr. wethlngten f idential search concluded in 1987, he As X/Vethington continues his com- `    
Judy °::;?°“;2:· K finished number two. However, newly ments, the highway markings along his ,  `
grdlulaucns hom y appointed president David Roselle en- ` different road become evident. §‘
Ockernmn. Assocl- I larged \N€lllll1g[()IIiS responsibilities by “As a part of that vision, as we move ~ -
I . . ~ . . . . ,
"'° "I°° '"°‘I' 1 adding the duties of vice president for f toward becommg a nationally recog- j L
dent ter planning ~ , , ‘ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,*- _ _ 1 —
and budge, hun L}lll\'€l`S1[}' relations to his title. Then, W mzed university, he adds with convic- 5
NlcC¤uIey, vlce two years later, Wethington found him- tion in his voice, "1 want us to be a uni- g
°:;:;'I‘::r'::•::': I self working confidently as interim 1 versity that is recognized in our own
Ed Cane,. consul, y president. Finally. in September 1990, \ state as well for the quality of what we
President I after another nine-month long, nation- R do — for our teaching, research and ,
w°"'l"9'°" °" al yresidential search, Wethin ton was ` articularlv our service. I think this in-
the Unlverslty , ,_ , g 1 p_ _ { _ _ _ _
budge, and y named LK s l()th president. 1 stitution is unique with its statewide
strategic plan.   Many would call his credentials atyp-   mission in being able to provide service
li 1{eutuekx .\Iuuuius vyimcl. 1990 Wil]

. .3 I 5 Q Il II       I   ~¤ _. _   I  I   to the Commonwealth of Kentuck i and
. I
1   I · Q; 2 * . is  —    +%< . E    . .»  I »- ~ .t .t. .,
  V; _ · * ~;   ii Q — .. +   :4. . .;·‘- ` ~·E¤. . _,  _V__ _ A _, _ ____- q 1 s Cl izens.
; ; ~ = , _ — - · & .     _::__,, ; ,     M Perha s this has been the missin di-
  , ti . —.   » . ·   __  .—;·= .- _ p_ _ g
    V     ..; i , Y s .   fg _   ._!__ _    ’ »_ rection. D1dn’t North Carolina and Cal-
. Q q __ .       ii `J I` g   ‘‘*`   * · ` '’:»``°’’       ~      5  { ifornia build their reputations for ex-
. i   -·•·‘ ~ .·. ._ , * .   ‘ ’‘’-   ’ .     _ _ _ _
l   ‘ °’ ___   · ;_       " I I!   , cellence in higher education on solid,
, Q;. ,   `  f*"¤ _ · yr   . .. .\ .
.   \ x *      _ { f ,   i\     grassroots support throughout their re-
` . t -. "*·*-·· ~— A . ¤ `  _ 1  " ” * (   . . , . .
f _     _` u   T  __;.. .._.. _ (_ ' _ V; J;. _ ‘ spective states? Didn tWeth1ngton h11n-
I ‘ ° .     »;‘` _ _     ” Tg ‘— · _ . I /’ ` self utilize the grassroots associations of
i     F Ii       I I 4 lp     X the community colleges to beat back
 _  ,   A I--1 . ·~ ,· _ _ _
·   ·-     "*   Il / * ,   repeated legislative raids toward one
. I E  _ ·‘‘‘—   , _!         _ _ . piece or another of the system as each
•. .     s _   ° ‘ ··=· · ‘ . . .
  A · L I · legislative session came and went
~ —··e —   * `  ·* };_ I ‘ 'I throughout the past 25 years? Isn’t the
t     ·»—i   L —· __ criticism ofbein an “‘arro ant" institu-
{ y _ .__. ` I`   · tion, out of touch with the homefolks
I   »_'__g       while chasing after an elitist reputation
I     °°     outside the boundaries of the Com-
i . . . _   .,, , , . .,  , . _, _, . . . H _, , , .   , __  ,  ._ . _ Q _ monwealth one of thejibes with which
I  Q ¤a i F  3;     ‘     ‘ » 2:  w M   i ii ·    , ’ S
L  §       ;     ‘    {  —;       { et it g   = __=.. _ IIC}     »; UKhas had to deal?
· t s      `‘  ‘ =.s  2   »—     i   . ‘—`’’‘‘ ` i$*  I t · -
p ;         g gggg g    Q      Q   . » E   I g   ·  L , And,yethaven tsome of this Univer-
. g   ;    I Z  I   i       ‘ ‘     ; sr      _ A  I g _` _ sity`s greatest successes come from the
i I  2 §       _,;__,             _.  d     E    I  It  q I: é I home programs? Think about UK bas-
‘   i   I   ‘   q   5   if ;·’  *¥ i 1, ‘ ‘ i . ~ ` s      ;·  4 e ketball, about the a riculture extension
! = Q i as   ; [ .   ·2 J   `   I ` §   '   .»-.   ‘s ~, I  ` g
2 —       _        I.  I   ‘»_.  .5.  I ;     I  Ii  I  _ service, about the 600 medical and
.   I   . "'I I I   g—       I? ___... — I _   I `   '``_» g —- _._»..         dental clinics throu hout the state that
i  E I ° I ` 1   r `  =.L  ?     -   ’ E'     * ` ‘  I F I g
.   s   f.     __  ~   . yi     5; r   . treat Over 140,000 eo le a ear, about
5 ·   I I   III  III  n.- ·· • •`         ‘ ’ I I h S d , B . P   . II ( '
1   '•,_ z  r, ,b_.•••_ O. ,.\    . t e an ets- 1own ientei on Hglllg
! , it •°' • • •° ‘ . , • —'.' ' 5 and other programs, rooted in Ken-
I i   ··• • . '. • • t · “ • °• = _ _
t    gp, _ ••·: I', : ep:. ` · sn., _` tucky but noticed by the nation.
i   . • • • a • * ·f••• !— I . . , . .
V • , . , • • ° , , °•¤#~» ` It is also art of Wethin ton s vision
I ei. ·. ·.  P. . g.
e gi ‘ y , ’, A " , • •,', •  si that all of the diversity found in a large
a g . Q . —  __;\   • , · , . . . { A . _ ‘
I g   _   .• • . • university be ocused. It is here where
I      $ N i i his background and experience come
I   IIQIII is I   ·»  I V I to the forefront I·Ie will not lose two or
·   ¤§·  § ·    .°‘··. i »  . ‘ `
                  three years gathering a knowledge of
I I ' '° ‘  ‘ '·’   I  ‘* all the people with whom he will work,
I _ ..     . . . gg i f     I A . §_ ii? y E 7 all of the players in the state.
I   ·‘*‘ · . __5_ _   QB       _ i i  »   Q, “I feel I have a good knowledge of
I       "         ;   ji; university people. I think I have a good
  —.».   ;i  ~    sc- Q   sw   . .
; " "       i ____.   _. .   ._.··   2, .     ;;§ i  3 ég ‘ 5;% knowledge of the decision-makers out-
‘ .a.........»f.`..»»»»,   ___> I     _·;   ’ . 1 Z        ~   i  .; _ g     O _ * _ _ .
  ~  “   (         . »;; ; _ s Q. I gg side oi the University, those who are 1m-
·  ‘ I "  I Z   wes Ii @2 fs - .
I { .  __ ·   ,  ig. g ly; portant to our financial status and our
· EI         ,       well-being. I thinkl know the legislative
i I   ° I    { S —I <· ___   i branch officials, the executive branch
      ‘_         __ officials, the alumni, the supporters
.     `i'`i           ° I .   ,_Ii_!.?@°m over the state. So I really think that,
 f .. — ` ~      L;. . _- » . . , . .
.   =—- · ·-»»   »   ,°’`   .. I      · _—‘      from an insider s point of view, I have a
‘°--   »      .·   »— . .
  I       eg;     E.; real advantage in knowing what the
,   I I       Ii  II   Commonwealth of Kentuckv is all
Q   .     _ V I gx  about and what the Umversuy oi Ken-
,   ‘`I_ »   *;IY_ 1.    II _   I tucky is all about and hope to be able to
  < ` 4 I I      *T¥?·1III.I" II use that knowledge to the advantage of
l     I " I V "     this University.
`   I .   ,   ·....  ig  "()verall, l want to reallv emphasize
Winter 1990 Keuuufkv Alumnus 7

   l j
the ‘one university’ concept. I have said   4   " E I___   i
before and I will continue to say that we Y I ~i   Q I    i   =., _   i
must utilize our resources wisely. The i if I lnvii     t   t   —
University must pull together — the  ig       y ;Y-,/  X? » Q —»_`   .___ ·    9 _ — g
Lexington campus, the Medical Cen- ._ *   i     Y I I I  ·· °’ _
ter, the Collage of Agriculture, the y= _   ; sl   °` A   ____~_ __, __   _     i
Community College System, the alum-     i       I ;;—   w  ' I ` _ ; L   ·       ·—=~ .
ni and athletics — pull together all of ` y   l i      XZ  · »  y ‘   ` . `h        .  
the diverse elements of this great Uni- I `K A       if ~=`, Y .,.. -~  Q .   ‘  Q  
versityand have them work together to- _ V     ``I      -_ .,&  M   A    ·
ward the ‘one un1vers1ty’ concept be- ~ /     \_Kg   gx           A   7
cause that to me — pulling together  k g    {    __      <*‘     *2  is g ‘`·_     -3  
the diversity and channeling it into a .  .}’ if “i· * ¥J_   »   ;—°i           y
common direction — is the absolute,       { _,   g_`. I        __.°       `.
best way we can move the University ,   [yl;   `~ »» A A     _ ° is·i Z i     A
forward. So at the top of my list will be y'i’°{;i   . `   if I     '     K
a push within all segments of the Uni- .   if H   iil      
versity for this one University concept. c   i=`%  ifsifi.,       
"I have a physical facility goal. I   :f·_     H :g_ _   g   _;__V_   _   __ _ g
would like to see us build a new library   `‘`i`   _     °   A ·__i ;_   `I y I I —
lor the University. Obviously, it is fairly   ‘ I " ·_   g
easy to see that we have an excellent li- A     n   Q
brary collection, but the physical facili-   `;¤     
ties are not up to date. I don’t believe   y   i   »   Mg
a good option so my goal is to have this    i t  _        
entire University community, through   _       s·-,». y "   I
private l`unding, through state funding, 2*     ii   ,     i`’i ig   ·; `
get financed and built an excellent, _   A  , ~ ·    °V¤';f;»l   `   » » _
beautiful central library which will be    Q     i`ii —     = __»___ {   " ¥   _»_· .
an example to everyone of what we Q, ..g,   .       _._,-  
think about our commitment to aca-   _ _,   ii      ·     `  
demic excellence and to the academic         _ _`’, _   »°i'iii` 1   _,s_   K
*i*`<· <>*` the U··i~t’<·¤‘¤·>’· A li*>¤¤¤‘r Should Es;  r “""“"_;     ».;`i,."i‘ . v··‘   »*»»   ~
be, in my opinion, the center, the        EK ·   `
the University and I believe we have an    »   if l Y          ii$ii;?i:'li=iii  
opportunity to demonstrate that. nological capability in terms of com- through the UK National Alumni Asso- fun
"l see there are several thrusts, ifyou puting to serve faculty, staffand admin- ciation must be coordinated. I think COI]
will, several goals of mine that do fit in istration. I want to see us take a lead having an umbrella organization is ab-
with the objective of making this a na- role in th