xt7tdz02zv2b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tdz02zv2b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1994-02-jan25. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1994-02-jan25. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1994-02-jan25. 1994 1994-02-jan25. 2011 true xt7tdz02zv2b section xt7tdz02zv2b 

      Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky, Tuesday, January 25, 1994.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00
p.m. (Lexington time) on Tuesday, January 25, 1994 in the Board Room on
the 18th floor of Patterson Office Tower.

       A.    Meeting Opened

       Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Chairperson, called the meeting to
order at 1:00 p.m., and the invocation was pronounced by Mr. Henry

       B.   Roll Call

       The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call
of the roll: Governor Edward T. Breathitt, (Chairperson), Mrs. Kay
Shropshire Bell, Mr. Robert Clay, Mr. Lance Dowdy, Mr. James Hardymon,
Mr. Henry Jackson, Professor Loys Mather, Dr. Robert P. Meriwether, Dr.
Elissa Plattner, Dr. Deborah Powell, Mr. C. Frank Shoop, Mrs. Marian
Moore Sims, Professor John Sistarenik, Jr., Mrs. Lois C. Weinberg, Mr.
Martin Welenken, and Judge Henry R. Wilhoit, Jr. Absent from the meeting
were Mr. Paul Chellgren, Mr. William B. Sturgill. Mr. Daniel C. Ulmer,
Jr., and Mr. Billy B. Wilcoxson. The University administration was
represented by President Charles T. Wethington, Jr.; Chancellors Peter P.
Bosomworth, Ben W. Carr, Jr. and Robert E. Hemenway; Vice Presidents
Joseph T. Burch, Edward A. Carter, Donald B. Clapp, Linda J. Magid, and
Eugene R. Williams; and Mr. John C. Darsie, Legal Counsel.

       Members of the general public and the news media were also in
attendance. A quorum being present, Governor Breathitt declared the
meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 1:03 p.m.

       C.   Approval of Minutes

       Governor Breathitt said that the Minutes of the December 14, 1993
meeting had been distributed and asked for additions or corrections. Mr.
Clay moved that the Minutes be approved as distributed. Mr. Shoop
seconded the motion, and it carried.

       Governor Breathitt reported that the Executive Committee met on
Wednesday, January 12, 1994 to approve a bond issue. He said that the
Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting had also been distributed and
asked for a motion of approval. Mr. Hardymon moved that the Minutes be
approved. His motion, seconded by Dr. Meriwether, carried.

       D.    President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

       President Wethington called attention to the following items in
his report:

       1.   Faculty and staff of the University of Kentucky have
             received $59,047,951 in grants and contracts during the
             first half of the fiscal year, a record amount.


                                  - 2 -

             President Wethington noted that this is Dr. Lee Magid's last
             official Board meeting. He expressed appreciation to her
             for her excellent service and contributions to the
             University. He asked her to stand and be recognized,
             following which she received a round of applause.

             President Wethington then introduced Dr. Del Collins who
             will be Acting Vice President for Research and Graduate
             Studies during the interim period. He informed the Board
             that Dr. Collins has been Vice Chancellor for Research and
             Graduate Studies for the Medical Center.

       2.   Former Kentucky Lieutenant Governor Wilson Wyatt, long
             active in national as well as state politics, has donated
             papers from his years in public service to the UK library's
             modern political manuscripts collection.

       3.    UK is included in the book, "The Guide to 101 of the Best
             Values in America's Colleges and Universities" for the third
             consecutive year.

       3.   A Fine Arts Center and an academic/technical building were
             dedicated December 22 at Henderson Community College.

       4.    Jefferson Community College's new Carrolltown Campus
             facility was opened January 23 during ceremonies.

       He asked the members of the Board to review the other items at
their leisure.

       President Wethington commented on Governor Brereton Jones' address
on budget recommendations and the budget implications for the University
and all of higher education. He expressed concern about the ability to
operate and manage the institution in the manner that he and the Board
desire with the proposed lean budget for another two years. He said that
the budget would be coming to the Board within the next few months as the
annual 1994-95 budget.

       E.    Community College System Presentation

       In response to the results of a survey of Board members regarding
their interests in receiving reports about the University, Chancellor Ben
Carr was asked to make a presentation on the Community College System.
Through a series of slides, he reviewed the history and the current
status of the System. He expressed appreciation for the opportunity to
share this information with the members of the Board and entertained
questions from them.

       F.    Personnel Actions (PR 2)

       President Wethington said that PR 2 reflects personnel actions
since the last Board meeting. He recommended that approval be given to
the appointments, actions and/or other staff changes which require Board
action; and that the report relative to appointments and/or changes
already approved by the administration be accepted. On motion made by
Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. Welenken and passed, approval was given to the
personnel actions in PR 2. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)


- 3 -

       G.    Appointment of President. Lexington Community College (PR 4A)

       President Wethington stated that PR 4A is the recommendation for
the appointment of a new president for Lexington Community College. He
asked Chancellor Carr to comment on the appointment.

       Chancellor Carr said that he was pleased to recommend Dr. Janice
Friedel as President of Lexington Community College effective April 1,
1994. He said that the recommendation comes from a search committee made
up of students, faculty, staff and the Advisory Board Chair. He briefly
reviewed her credentials. He said that Dr. Friedel could not be present
at the Board meeting but said that she and her family were making plans
to move to Lexington.

       On motion made by Professor Sistarenik, seconded by Mrs. Bell and
carried, Dr. Janice Friedel was named President of Lexington Community
College effective April 1, 1994. (See PR 4A at the end of the Minutes.)

       President Wethington said that he is delighted to have Dr. Friedel
be a part of the Community College System. He commended Chancellor Carr
and the search committee for their fine work. He noted that Dr. Tony
Newberry had been serving as Acting President of Lexington Community
College and would continue to serve until Dr. Friedel arrives.

       H.    Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of
Kentucky for the Six Months Ended December 31. 1993 (FCR 1)

       Mr. Hardymon, Chairperson of the Finance Committee, reported that
the Finance Committee met at 11 a.m. (Lexington time) and reviewed the
twelve items on the agenda. He said that FCR 1 is the monthly interim
financial report for the six months that ended December 31, 1993. He
reported that the expenditures are running at $447.8 million or 50% which
are the same percentage figures as this time last year. He said that the
university's financial situation appears strong in judging it against
previous budgets. He moved that the interim report be accepted. Mr.
Welenken seconded the motion, and it passed. (See FCR 1 at the end of
the Minutes.)

       I.    Designation of Depository Bank (FCR 2)

       Mr. Hardymon moved that the Board designate The Harrison Deposit
Bank and Trust Company, Cynthiana, Kentucky to serve as a depository bank
for the University of Kentucky Maysville Community College, Cynthiana
campus. He reported that three banks were contacted and The Harrison
Deposit Bank and Trust Company was the only respondent. His motion,
seconded by Mr. Shoop, carried. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       J.    Capital Construction Report (FCR 3)

       Mr. Hardymon said that FCR 3 is the periodic report on capital
construction for the three months that ended December 31, 1993. lie
reviewed the activity in the report regarding contracts and moved that
FCR 3 be approved. Mrs. Bell seconded his motion, and it carried. (See
FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)


- 4 -

       K.    Approval of Lease (FQR 4)

       Mr. Hardymon reported that FCR 4 is a recommendation to the. Board
for approval of a lease exceeding $30,000.00. He moved that the Vice
President for Administration be authorized to negotiate and execute a
lease by and for the University of Kentucky (Institute on Women and
Substance Abuse/Center for Prevention Research) and Red Mile Realty
Partners for property located at 1151 Red Mile Road. The motion, which
was seconded by Mrs. Sims, was voted on and passed. (See FCR 4 at the
end of the Minutes.)

       L.    Purchase of Property (FCR 5)

       Mr. Hardymon moved that the Board approve the purchase of real
property located at 206 East Maxwell Street from Mr. and Mrs. Luther
Corman at a price of $142,000. He called attention to the acquisition
plan that had been approved by the Board, noting that the Board must
approve any procurement of property over $100,000. Mr. Hardymon's motion
was seconded by Mrs. Sims and carried. (See FCR 5 at the end of the

       M.    Athletic Practice Field Repair (FCR 6)

       Mr. Hardymon moved that the Board approve a project for the repair
of the Nutter Practice/Playing Fields at a total project cost of $475,000
with funding from the Athletics Association Blue-White funds. He
explained that the fields are remaining wet with standing water for three
to four days after any substantial rainfall. The standing water is
causing deterioration to the fields, and it is necessary to do some
irrigation work. Mr. Shoop seconded the motion, and it passed. (See
FCR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)

       President Wethington noted that this recommendation had the
approval of the Athletics Association Board of Directors prior to coming
to the Board of Trustees for consideration.

       N.    University Health Service Physicians' Service Plan and
Supplemental Compensation Under the University Health Service Physicians
Service Plan (Approved bv the Board of Trustees) (FCR 7)

       Mr. Hardymon moved that the Board approve the University Health
Service Physicians' Service Plan (AR 11-7.0-8) and the Provisions for
Supplemental Compensation under the University Health Service Physicians'
Service Plan (AR II-7.0-9). He provided background information, noting
that this new plan is for all health service physicians with or without
faculty appointments. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Bell and carried.
(See FOR 7 at the end of the Minutes.)

       0.    H, Lguis Kirkpatrick Charitable Remainder Unitrust (FQR 8)

       Mr. Hardymon moved that the Board accept the H. Louis Kirkpatrick
Charitable Remainder Unitrust. He said that the University has received
securities valued at $148,292.13 to establish a charitable remainder
unitrust from Mr. Kirkpatrick, who is a 1949 graduate of the College of
Engineering. Dr. Meriwether seconded the motion, and it passed. (See
FCR 8 at the end of the Minutes.)


- 5

       P.    Anonymous Gift (FCR 9)

       Mr. Hardymon moved that the Board accept an anonymous gift of
$158,500 to the University of Kentucky Equine Research Foundation. He
said that the Foundation's Board of Directors or Executive Committee will
designate the funds to a specific area of equine research. His motion,
seconded by Mrs. Sims, passed. (See FCR 9 at the end of the Minutes.)

       Q.    Establishment of an Endowed Professorship in Neosurgery in
the Department of Surgery of the College of Medicine (FCR 10)

       Mr. Hardymon stated that FCR 10 is the establishment of an endowed
professorship in Neurosurgery in the Department of Surgery of the College
of Medicine. He said that the clinical faculty of the Division of
Neurosurgery have given $126,000 to this professorship, and the remainder
of the funds will come from private gifts from alumni, friends,
corporations, and foundations. He made a motion for approval of FCR 10.
Mrs. Weinberg seconded the motion, and it carried. (See FCR 10 at the
end of the Minutes.)

       R.    Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky Accepting the Successful Bid for the Purchase of $38.870.000
(Plus or Minus up to $3.885.000) of Universitv of Kentucky Consolidated
Educational Buildings Refunding..Revenue Bonds. Series En J. and L (Second
Series). Dated January 1. 1994 (FOR 11)

       Mr. Hardymon said that this is probably the last in the series of
educational bond refundings. He reported that seven bids were received
and that Goldman, Sachs & Company submitted the lowest bid at 4.7424%.
He noted that the cumulative savings over the life of the bond issue is
$1,750,000, and the annual savings is $97,532. He moved approval of FCR
11. The motion, seconded by Mr. Shoop, passed. (See
FCR 11 at the end of the Minutes.)

       Governor Breathitt praised everyone involved with the bond
refunding program. He said that they had done an excellent job in
generating a lot of savings to the state and expressed thanks for their
good work.

       Mr. Hardymon complimented all who were involved with the paperwork
and administrative details involved in the transactions. He reported
that through January 25, 1994 the annual savings were $792,549.

       S.    A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of University of
Kentuckv Autgihrizing the Issuance of Said Board's Housing and Dining
System Refunding Revenue Bonds. Series N. to be Dated the First Day of
the Month in Which Issued or SoUL Authorizing Proper Proceedings
Relative-to the Public Sale of the Bonds and the Disposition of the
Proceeds Thereof: Authorizing Execution of a Sixth Supplemental Taunt
Indenture Between the Board and Farmers Bank & Capital Trust Company,
Frankfort. Kentucky, as Trustee. in Compliance with the Provisions of the
Trust Indenture Dated June 1. 1965 (FCR 12)

       Mr. Hardymon moved that the Board approve the Resolution
authorizing the issuance of University of Kentucky Housing and Dining


- 6 -

System Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series N, to be dated the first day of
the month in which they are issued or sold. He reported that the
estimated savings for these bonds is smaller in numbers ($22,000 a year)
but is worth the paperwork and effort. He moved approval of FCR 12. His
motion, seconded by Mrs. Weinberg, carried. (See FCR 12 at the end of
the Minutes.)

       T.   Mr. Dowdy's Comments

       Mr. Dowdy commended the efforts of President Wethington, Governor
Breathitt and Dr. Meriwether for their efforts on the Governor's
Commission on Higher Education.

       He then referred to the recent weather conditions and the
decisions made regarding the University's operation. He said that he was
not there to discuss whether it was a good or bad decision to have the
University open during the recent weather conditions. He expressed hope
that there would be student and faculty involvement in making future
decisions about the University during inclement weather.

       Mr. Dowdy said that he was glad that Governor Jones had said
something along the lines of a tuition freeze; however, everyone needs to
worry about funding higher education. He said that the students would be
doing all that they could to aid the University in getting proper funding
so that programs would not have to be cut.

       U.    President Wethington's Comments

       President Wethington said that he and Mr. Dowdy had discussed Mr.
Dowdy's interest in being involved in decisions about the University's
operation during inclement weather. He assured him that the Student
Government President and the Senate Council Chairperson could have input
in the future if they wished. He said that it will continue to be a
decision made by the University administration.

       President Wethington reported that the Hospital Board will meet
immediately following the Board meeting to discuss a children's hospital
within a hospital. He indicated that this topic will probably get a lot
of attention and he wanted the Board to be apprised of the issue to be
discussed at the meeting. He said that if a decision is made by the
Hospital Board to move ahead, the item will come to the Board of Trustees
for consideration.

       V.    Meeting adjourned

       There being no further business to come before the Board, the
meeting adjourned at 2:08 p.m.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Lois C. Weinberg
                                        Board of Trustees

(PR 2 and 4A; FCR 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 which follow
are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting.)



                                                Office of the President
                                                January 25, 1994

Members, Board of Trustees:

                          PERSONNEL ACTIONS

R-cIonmmendation:  that approval be given to the attached appointments,
actions and/or other staff changes which require Board action; and
that the report relative to appointments and/or changes already
approved by the administration be accepted.

BAckzgxound: The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff
changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with
Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate
chancellor through the President and have the President's concurrence.

Under the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain
appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President
or other administrators who are required to report their actions to
the Board. These items of report follow the recommendations requiring
Board approval.

Action taken:  Approved           Disapproved           Other

Date: January 25. 1994




                       CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION



            Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute

            Sendlein, Lyle V.A., Professor (with tenure),
                 Geological Sciences, College of Arts and
                 Sciences, and Director, Institute of Mining
                 and Minerals Research, appointed Director,
                 Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute,
                 1/1/94 through 6/30/97.


             Purchasing Division

             Bradshaw, C. Ray, Purchasing Officer III, Purchasing
                 Division, after 35.5 consecutive years of service
                 under AR II-1.6-1 Section III.A.2, effective 1/19/94.

             Controller and Treasurer

             Jefferson, Evon, Account Clerk V, Accounts Payable,
                 after 18.0 consecutive years of service under
                 AR II-1.6-1 Section III.A.2, effective 3/18/94.

             Selby, Marjorie F., Account Clerk VII, Payroll,
                 after 23 consecutive years of service under
                 AR II-1.6-1 Section III.A.2, effective 1/3/'94.


             Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies


Crowe, M. Ward, University Veterinarian (part-time),
    1/11/94 through 12/31/94.



                           COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM


     A.    Administrative Appointments

                  Owensboro Community Collece

                  Boyd, Michael, appointed Business and Industry Liaison,
                        effective 12/1/93.


                  Henderson Community Collece

                  Chapman, Donald A., Professor in the Community College
                        System (with tenure), (under AR II-1.6-1 Section
                        III.B), following 24.5 consecutive years of service,
                        effective 12/31,93.

                  Maysville Community Colleae

                  Lowe, Ben M., Building and Grounds Supervisor,(under AR II-
                        1.6-1.Section III.B), following 26 consecutive years
                        of service, effective 12/31/93.



                  Hazard Community College

                  Adkins, John, Instructor in the Community College System
                        (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
                  Adkins, Winston E., Instructor in the Community College
                        System (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
                  Asher, Mable, Instructor in the Community College System
                         (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
                  Hubert D. Barger, Instructor in the Community College System
                         (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
                  Begley, Jessica, Instructor in the Community College System
                         (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12,'31/96.
                  Blackburn, Lisa, Instructor in the Community College System
                         (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
                  Bowling, Denise, Instructor in the Community College System
                         (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
                  Bowling, Sue, Instructor in the Community College System
                         (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
                  Brewer, Leslie, Instructor in the Community College System
                         (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
                  Brommer, Robert, Instructor in the Community College System
                         (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
                  Coleman, Rocea, Instruct.or in the Community College System
                         (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.



Collett, Tamara, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
Dalton, Gregory, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
Damron, Don, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
Daniels, Larry, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
Elliott, Melanie, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
Fryatt, Tracy, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
Gentry, Patrick, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
Glover, Marie, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
Greene, Judy, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
Hall, Sharon, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
Hamblin, Ronald, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
Holbrook, Kenny, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 5/31/94.
Hood, Robert, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
Land, Sabrina, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2,/1/94 through 12/31/96.
Manuel, Terry, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 5/31/94.
Moore, Cheri, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
Mullins, Kathy, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
O'Connor, Sharon, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12,'31/96.
Payne, Angie, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
Perdue, Larry, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
Pilkenton, Joseph, Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
Popp, Georgina, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2/1/94 thrcugh 12/31/96.
Potter, Marsha, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
Revis, Laura, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 5/31/94.
Shelton, Sherry, Instructor in the Community College System
       (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
Slone, William, Instructor in the Community College System
       (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
Swecker, Steve, Instructor in the Community College System
       (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.



Wampler, Randy, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
Wells, Patricia, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
Wenger, Erma, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.
Whited, Paula, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 2/1/94 through 12/31/96.

Jefferson Community Collece

Gross, Leonard, Instructor in the Community College System,
      1/1/94 through 5/31/94.

Lexington Community College

Hansen, Beverly, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 12/10/93 through 6/30/96.
Hunt, Wanda J., Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 12/10/93 through 6/30/96.
Hutto, Dale L., Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 12/10/93 through 6/30/96.
Lacny, Kathryn, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 12/10/93 through 6/30/96.

Madisonville Community College

Pitts, Carol D., Instructor in the Community College System,
      12/1/93 through 6/30/94.
Ramsey, Eric W., Instructor in the Community College
      System, 1/1/94 through 6/30/94.

Somerset Communitv Colleae

Feese, Wallace A., Instructor in the Community College
      System (voluntary), 1/15/94 through 1/15/96.
Ford, Tonnie, Instructor in the Community College System
       (voluntary), 12/10/93 through 12/10/95.
Gray, Warren F., Librarian III in the Community College
      System, 1/3/94 through 6/30/94.
Gruss, Carol, Instructor in the Community College
       System (voluntary), 1/15/94 through 1/15/96.
Jones, Tammy, Instructor in the Community College System
       (voluntary), 12/10/93 through 12/10/95.
 Pachter, Cailin M., Instructor in the Community College
       System, 12/1/93 through 6/30/94.
 Smith, Candi, Instructor in the Community College
       System (voluntary), 12/10/93 through 12/10/95.




            Lexington Community College

            Webb, Carol, Professor in the Community College System (with
                  tenure), appointed Acting Dean of Academic Affairs for
                  the period 1/11/94 through 5/31/94.


            Hazard Community College

            Terry, Homer, Assistant Professor in the Community College
                  System, 12/1/93 through 6/30/94.

            Somerset Community College

            Adams, Ann C., Instructor in the Community College System
                  (voluntary), 12/10/93 through 12/10/95.
            Adams, Carol, Instructor in the Community College System
                  (voluntary), 12/10/93 through 12/10195.
            Cecil Brenda, Instructor in the Community College System
                  (voluntary), 12/10/93 through 12/10/95.
            Denny, Clayton, Instructor in the Community College System
                  (voluntary), 12/10/93 through 12/10/95.
            Dorsey, Pam, Instructor in the Community College
                  System (voluntary), 12/10/93 through 12/10/95.
            Grant, Larry, Instructor in the Community College System
                  (voluntary), 12/10/93 through 12/10/95.
            Hazel, Mary Jo, Instructor in the Community College System
                  (voluntary), 12/10/93 through 12/10/95.
            Honeycutt, Jolyn, Instructor in the Community College System
                  (voluntary), 12/10/93 through 12/10/95.
            Johnson, Lisa R., Instructor in the Community College
                  System (voluntary), 1/15/94 through 1/15/96.
            Jones, Betsey, Instructor in the Community College System
                  (voluntary), 12/10/93 through 12/10/95.
            Kimbler, Janet, Instructor in the Community College
                  System (voluntary), 1/15/94 through 1/15/96.
            Lawson, Cindy, Instructor in the Community College
                  System (voluntary), 1/15/94 through 1/15/96.
            McFarland, Kelly G., Instructor in the Community College
                  System (voluntary), 12/10/93 through 12/10/95.
            Minton, Jeanna, Instructor in the Community College
                  System (voluntary), 1/15/94 through 1/15/96.
            Mitchell, Sheila, Instructor in the Community College System
                  (voluntary), 12/10/93 through 12/10/95.
            Pierce, Emma Gay, Instructor in the Community College
                  System (voluntary), 1/15/94 through 1/15/96.
            Ramsey, Paul, Instructor in the Community College System
                  (voluntary), 12/10/93 through 12/10/95.
            Singleton, Debbie, Instructor in the Community College
                  System (voluntary), 1/15/94 through 1/15/96.



Smothers, Jan, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 12/10/93 through 12/10/95.
Vorbeck, Joe, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 12/10/93 through 12/10/95.
Weaver, Jerry, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 12/10/93 through 12/10/95.
Wright, Marianne, Instructor in the Community College System
      (voluntary), 12/10/93 through 12/10/95.



                            LEXINGTON CAMPUS



                 College of Arts and Sciences

                 Kurk, Katherine, Visiting Associate Professor, French,
                     1/1/94 through 6/30/94.


                 College of Arts and Sciences

                 Rower, James C., Adjunct Associate Professor, Geological
                     Sciences, 1/1/94 through 6/30/95.


                 College of Agriculture

                 Coughenour, C. Milton, Professor (with tenure), Rural
                      Sociology, after 38 consecutive years of service,
                      under Section III.B of AR II-1.6-1, effective


                  CQllege of Arts and Sciences

                  Perraut, Bobby E., Engineer Associate II, Physics and
                      Astronomy, after 37.75 consecutive years of
                      service, under Section III.A.2 of AR II-1.6-1,
                      effective 1/3/94.

                  Vice Chancellor for Administration

                  Hutchison, Roberta D., Grill Manager, K-Lair Grill,
                      Auxiliary Services, after 32.5 consecutive years of
                      service, under Section III.A.2 of AR II-1.6-1,
                      effective 1/31/94.
                  Still, Charlsie T., Housing Manager, Undergraduate
                      Housing, Auxiliary Services, after 25.5 consecutive
                      years of service, under Section III.A.2 of AR
                      II-1.6-1, effective 2/28/94.




                 College of Agr