xt7tb27ps80h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7tb27ps80h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1936-05-11  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 11, 1936 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 11, 1936 1936 1936-05-11 2020 true xt7tb27ps80h section xt7tb27ps80h  




The University Seante met in the Lecture Room of McVey Hall Monday,
May ll. with Pro cs; dent McVey Presiding.
The minutes of April 6 were approved as read.

The Committee on Duplication of Work presented the following new
courses and changes in courses which were approved;

College of Arts and Sciences
New Courses

Sociology Eggég. a Tutorial Wor}: for fiociology Majors. One credit per
semeSter. '



Art 42 a Painting and Sculpture in tne United States. One semester.

one lecture and weekly problems. One crc dit To be presented in a

series of illustrated lectures. It is planned to schedule this class

for lots afternoon or evening hours and altern te it with Art 41, Archi~
tecture in the United States. also a one credit course; already authorized.


Journalism 909.p b. a Tutorial Seminar (Seniors only) One credit per semester.


Anthrogology and Archaeology 1103, be. - Field Work in Archaeology. Three
credits each This course is des gned for students specializing in archa.e=
ology and wishing to obtain a knowledge oi‘ the laboratory practice conducted
in the field, It would probably be given only in thesummer to a very
limited number of students. It may be that a student would wish to
accompany field parties for more than one summer. For that reason we have
used the subscripts 8” b9 and c.




Romance Languages 20la,b a Literature 23 the French Reanissance. A Course


starting with Francois Villon and including Such writers as:*Marot,
Rabelais, Calvin, Montaigne, Ronsard, DuBellay, Belleau and Regnier. To
be given in French. Three hours a week. Three credits each semestere

Romance Languages 50a,b. - Tutorial Seminar. To prepare seniors for the
Comprehensive examination. Required of all majors in Romance Languages
during the senior year. One hour a week. One credit per semester.


Romance Languages l5a,b. e Intermediate Italian. Prerequisites: Rom. Lang.
4a.b. Three credits each semester.

History 194 a The United States in the Pacific and the Far East Since 1898.
This course studies policies which resulted in annexation of Hawaii and the
Philippines, t:1e announcement of' the so- -called ”one door“ policies and the
integrity of China, with their historical development. It concludes the
Stimson doctrine of non=recognition.Three credits.




















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Minutes of the University Senate - Continued, May 11, 1936

History 135 1 British Social History During the Tudor Period 1485 1693
A study of British life, manners, and customs in town and country. Particu-
lar emphasis will be placed upon the age of 1Llizabetn, with political event
subordinated to social changes. Lectures. discussions, and reports. TWO

hours a week, two credits.


(It is intended to offer these courses for the first time in
the summer session of 1936).

History 142. Advanced History 2£_Kentucky. The development of Kentucky as

a western commonwealth. Emphasis on the economic and political phases from
the 16th century to the present time. Carefully planned reading is expected
with writing of papers based upon some research among documents. Two credits.

History 180. — History of the New South. The evolution of southern life and
society, agrarian politics, relationships with other sections, industrial
growth and new leadership. Three hours per week. Three credits. Prerequi,
site: History 5b or History 10b or equivalents.


History 290 - History 3: Japan. A critical survey of Japanese history from
the earliest times to the present day with emphasis on the modern period.
Prerequisite: History 190a or l90b or 194. Three credits.

History 171 — The Eighteenth Century 13 Europe. A study of the benevolent
despots. their times and circumstances, their significance in modern Europe.
Prerequisite: History 4a or its equivalent. Two hours a week; two credits.

Art 60a.b - Deminar 33 Art. Open to major students only. One credit a semester.

Sociology 123 - Social Treatment 23 Delinquency. An examination of possible
and actual methods of dealing with the delinquent, including instutional care,
juvenile court, probation, parole. etc. Three credits.

Sociology 124 - Methods 3: Social Investigation = A study of the several
methods of investigation and research employed in the fields of sociology and
social work. Three credits.


Sociology 125 - Collective Behavior. A sociological interpretation of group
life and of certain aspects of social life. includign the building up or
shaping of public opinion or social control Three credits.

Sociology 126 a Social Legislation. A study of the essential content of the
law dealing with social welfare matters, together with the general principles
involved in its enactment. Three credits.


Changes 13 Courses


Art BOa-b - Introduction to 53:; (To replace Art 2aab. Art Structure, which
has been reserved for students in Home Economics and conducted as a studio
course supplemented by lectures). A new course will be a lecture course sup-
plemented by notebook and library work, thus enabling us to serve a larger
number of students with the same facilities we have now. Two credits per semes-
ter (Open to freshmen).












Minutes of the University Senate a Continued, May ll, 1936
Changes in Courses e Continued
Physical Education (For Men)

P.E._la,b,c.d. _ Restricted Physical Activity. (To replace P.E. 11a,be Cor—
rective Gymnasium).


P.E. 2 a Tap and C103 Dancing

P.E. 3 a Boxing

P.E. 4 a Handball

P,E. 5 a Basketball and Softball

P.E. 6 e Wrestling

P.E. 7 a Golf

P.E. 8.w Group Games and Contests

P.E. 9 = Advanced Apparatus and Stunts
P.E. lO a Individual Athletics

P.R. ll e Tennis

P.E. 12 2 Touch Football and Volleyball
P.E. 13 a Fencing

P.E. 15 a Apparatus and Tumbling

(All to replace Physical Education laeb and 2a-b a Gymnasium

Physical Education (For Women)

P.E. la,b,c.d a Restricted Physical Activity (To replace P. Ed. lla,b and 123,b
Corrective Gymnasium)


P.E. 17 a Hockey and Volleyball
P.E. l8 - Archery and Badminton
P.E. 19 a Folk Dancing

P.E. 21 a Posture

P.E. 22 = Tumbling and Stunts
P.E 23 e Gymnastics

P.E. 24 a Rhythmical Activities

(To replace P.E. la.b and 2a.b e Gymnasium Practice)

Note: Credit in Physical qucation courses not affected by
above changes.

Military Science 3a,b a First Year Basic Course - Band. 1.3 credits (To
replace 1&1 and 1b1)

Military Science 435b, Second Year Basic Course a Band. 1.5 credits a semester
(To replace 631 and 6b1 )

Physics 114a,b - Radio Communication. Three credits 8 semester (Changed from
two credits 3 semester).



Bacteriology 206 e Bacteriology of Foods. (Changed from 106)




Egcteriology 207 a Bacteriology ‘3 Water and Sewage. (Changed from 107)

Eggiology 122 a History of Social Work. Three credits; 3 change from Theory of
Social Work. Two credits.


sociology 121 a Population Problems. Three credits. A change from two credits.




































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Minutes of the University Senate a Continued , May lla l93b


Recommendations of Committee on Duplication of Work - Continued

History 116a,b - Senior §gming£_i§ Historz. One credit 8 semester.
from History 11b. two credits. One semester


College 2: Agriculture


New Course

Farm Economics 121 - Special Problems in Rural Life. Rural Community
organization, rural migration, and rural institutions. such as the family
and the church are some of the nroblems that might be selected, Three

To be offered the first semester.


College of Education

Changes in Courses


1. That the title of Education 105 be changed from Technique of
Teaching to Fundamentals oi Secondary Education,


2. That the title of qucation l2]g_be changed from Principles
of Curriculum Making to The Elementary Curriculum.



The Senate approved the following recommendation from the College
of Arts and Sciences:

”The Department of Journalism be allowed to require comprehensive
examinations of majors, the examination to be given first at the
end of the second semester 193b-37,"

On recommendation of the College of Agriculture, Art 30a~b was
added to the curriculum of Home Economics, to take the place of the drop-
ped course Art Zach.

The following recommendation from the College or hngineering was

1. That l‘angineering Drawing 3 (Desc. Geometry) be changed from
\\ Lectures and recitation. 5 hrs. a ween, 3 credits to
Lectures and recitations, 4 hrs. a week, 3.0 credits.
2. That the curriculum for the freshman year in Engineering be
changed as follows:

Hrs. Rec. Hrs. Lab.
Drop- Draw. 113 2 6
Draw. llb 2 6

Adda Draw la 5
Draw lb 6
Draw 3 4

A change







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Minutes of the University Senate e ContinuedB May 11, 1936

The following recommendation from the Graduate Faculty Was approved
and further recommended to the Board of Trustees:

”1. The establishment of the professional degree of
Master of Arts in Education, open to students who have rem
ceived the degree of B.A. or Ber in Education and the :ro«
fessicnal degree of Master o? Science in "duostion for stu~
dents Who have received the degree of B. S. BaS. in
Education, The reouirements for these degrees to be the
same as those previously required in the College
tion for the MBA. Degree.


of Educa=

2. The language reouiremcnt for the M.A. and N.S.
degrees shell to satisfied by an examination given by the
foreign 1a ge department offering instruction in the
language conc rned. The passing of this examination shall
satisfy one of the two language requirements for the doctors


Reports of educ‘tional meetings were made by the following members
of the Senate:

American Chemical Society _ Kansas City a Doctor Manson

American Association of Physics Teachers, St. Louis a Professor Webb

American Society of International Law a Washington, D" C. v Doctor

Kentucky Educational Association a Dean Taylor

President McVey announced that the Graduate Faculty had been reduced
in number to 68 and that a list would be Sent to the Deans so that they
could offer any criticism of the list they might think necessary.

The President stated that the action of the State in centering all
graduate work of state institutions at the University was attracting
widespread attention throughout the United States.

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